Пример #1
void PointHelpObject::Snap(TimeValue t, INode* inode, SnapInfo *snap, IPoint2 *p, ViewExp *vpt)
	if ( ! vpt || ! vpt->IsAlive() )
		// why are we here
		DbgAssert(!_T("Invalid viewport!"));


	Matrix3 tm = inode->GetObjectTM(t);	
	GraphicsWindow *gw = vpt->getGW();	

	Matrix3 invPlane = Inverse(snap->plane);

	// Make sure the vertex priority is active and at least as important as the best snap so far
	if(snap->vertPriority > 0 && snap->vertPriority <= snap->priority) {
		Point2 fp = Point2((float)p->x, (float)p->y);
		Point2 screen2;
		IPoint3 pt3;

		Point3 thePoint(0,0,0);
		// If constrained to the plane, make sure this point is in it!
		if(snap->snapType == SNAP_2D || snap->flags & SNAP_IN_PLANE) {
			Point3 test = thePoint * tm * invPlane;
			if(fabs(test.z) > 0.0001)	// Is it in the plane (within reason)?
		screen2.x = (float)pt3.x;
		screen2.y = (float)pt3.y;

		// Are we within the snap radius?
		int len = (int)Length(screen2 - fp);
		if(len <= snap->strength) {
			// Is this priority better than the best so far?
			if(snap->vertPriority < snap->priority) {
				snap->priority = snap->vertPriority;
				snap->bestWorld = thePoint * tm;
				snap->bestScreen = screen2;
				snap->bestDist = len;
			if(len < snap->bestDist) {
				snap->priority = snap->vertPriority;
				snap->bestWorld = thePoint * tm;
				snap->bestScreen = screen2;
				snap->bestDist = len;
Пример #2
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Bool xpathforall(PATHFORALL *thepath)
  OBJECT *theo ;
  LINELIST *currline , *theline , *templine ;
  PATHLIST *currpath ;

  currpath = thePathOf(*thepath) ;
  currline = theSubPath(*currpath) ;

  for (;;) {
    if ( ! currline ) {
      if ( ! currpath->next) {
        path_free_list( currpath, mm_pool_temp ) ;
        free_forallpath( thepath ) ;
        npop( 5 , & executionstack ) ;
        return TRUE ;
      else {
        thePathOf(*thepath) = currpath->next ;
        currpath->next = NULL ;
        path_free_list( currpath, mm_pool_temp ) ;
        currpath = thePathOf(*thepath) ;
        currline = theSubPath(*currpath) ;
    switch ( theLineType(*currline) ) {
    case MYMOVETO :
      currline = currline->next ;
      continue ;
    case MYCLOSE :
      thePathOf(*thepath) = currpath->next ;
      currpath->next = NULL ;
      path_free_list( currpath, mm_pool_temp ) ;
      currpath = thePathOf(*thepath) ;
      if ( ! currpath ) {
        free_forallpath( thepath ) ;
        npop( 5 , & executionstack ) ;
        return TRUE ;
      currline = theSubPath(*currpath) ;
      continue ;
    break ;

  theo = NULL ;

  switch ( theLineType(*currline) ) {

  case CURVETO :
    theo = stackindex( 3 , & executionstack ) ;
    MATRIX_TRANSFORM_XY( theX(thePoint(*currline)),
                         x, y, &thePathCTM(*thepath)) ;
    if ( ! stack_push_real( x, &operandstack ))
      return FALSE ;
    if ( ! stack_push_real( y, &operandstack ))
      return FALSE ;
    currline = currline->next ;
    MATRIX_TRANSFORM_XY( theX(thePoint(*currline)),
                         x, y, &thePathCTM(*thepath)) ;
    if ( ! stack_push_real( x, &operandstack ))
      return FALSE ;
    if ( ! stack_push_real( y, &operandstack ))
      return FALSE ;
    currline = currline->next ;

  case MOVETO :
    if ( ! theo )
      theo = stackindex( 1 , & executionstack ) ;

  case LINETO :
    if ( ! theo )
      theo = stackindex( 2 , & executionstack ) ;
    MATRIX_TRANSFORM_XY( theX(thePoint(*currline)),
                         x, y, &thePathCTM(*thepath)) ;
    if ( ! stack_push_real( x, &operandstack ))
      return FALSE ;
    if ( ! stack_push_real( y, &operandstack ))
      return FALSE ;

  case CLOSEPATH :
    if ( ! theo )
      theo = stackindex( 4 , & executionstack ) ;
    currline = currline->next ;
    break ;

/* Free any structs going ... */
  theline = theSubPath(*currpath) ;
  while ( theline != currline ) {
    templine = theline ;
    theline = theline->next ;
    free_line( templine, mm_pool_temp ) ;
  theSubPath(*currpath) = theline ;

  return setup_pending_exec( theo, FALSE ) ;