Пример #1
void Cdraw3d_cone (const char *ident, double x, double y, double z, double a, double b, double c, double ra, double rb)
    int g = 4 * GridDensity / 3;
    TD_Point *p = Cmalloc ((g + 1) * 3 * sizeof (TD_Point));
    Vec r1;
    Vec r2;
    Vec A, X;
    double f = rb / ra;
    A.x = a;
    A.y = b;
    A.z = c;
    X.x = x;
    X.y = y;
    X.z = z;

    orth_vectors (X, &r1, &r2, ra);

    third_cyl (0, p, A, X, r1, r2, g, f);
    Cinit_surf_points (ident, 3, g + 1, p);
    third_cyl (2 * PI / 3, p, A, X, r1, r2, g, f);
    Cinit_surf_points (ident, 3, g + 1, p);
    third_cyl (4 * PI / 3, p, A, X, r1, r2, g, f);
    Cinit_surf_points (ident, 3, g + 1, p);

    free (p);
Пример #2
void class_area()
  // Example of each type of constructor in use
  FCylinder first_cyl;             // default constructor
  FCylinder second_cyl(7.5, 4.0);  // overloaded constructor
  FCylinder third_cyl(first_cyl);  // copy constructor

  // Print out each cylinder (before operations)

  // I added fancy prints to make it easier to read in console
  cout << "First (Before):" << endl;
  cout << "------\n";

  cout << "Second (Before):" << endl;
  cout << "-------\n";

  cout << "Third (Before):" << endl;
  cout << "------\n";

  cout << endl;

  // Assign first_cyl's radius and height equal to second_cyl's (you can use '=' or getters)
  /* Two ways to do this:
     1) Use second_cyl's getRadius and getHeight as an argument for first_cyl's setRadius 
        and setHeight
     2) Use the assignment operator (if not implemented, this will copy all member variables 
        from the right object to the left object).

  first_cyl.setHeight(second_cyl.getHeight()); //1)
  first_cyl.setRadius(second_cyl.getRadius()); //1)

  first_cyl = second_cyl;                      //2)

  // Set the radius of third_cyl equal to 14 and height to 13

  // Print out each cylinder's surface area and volume (NOTE: Each method returns doubles)
  cout << "first_cyl's SA and VOL:" << endl;
  cout << "-----------------------\n";
  cout << "Surface area: " << first_cyl.computeSurfaceArea() << endl;
  cout << "Volume: " << first_cyl.computeVolume() << endl;

  cout << "second_cyl's SA and VOL:" << endl;
  cout << "------------------------\n";
  cout << "Surface area: " << second_cyl.computeSurfaceArea() << endl;
  cout << "Volume: " << second_cyl.computeVolume() << endl;

  cout << "third_cyl's SA and VOL:" << endl;
  cout << "-----------------------\n";
  cout << "Surface area: " << third_cyl.computeSurfaceArea() << endl;
  cout << "Volume: " << third_cyl.computeVolume() << endl;

  cout << endl;

  //Print out each cylinder again (after operations)

  //I added fancy prints to make it easier to read in console
  cout << "First (After):" << endl;
  cout << "------\n";

  cout << "Second (After):" << endl;
  cout << "-------\n";

  cout << "Third (After):" << endl;
  cout << "------\n";

  cout << endl;

  cout << "Leaving scope of class_area (destroying all variables local to this function)" << endl;