Пример #1
nsBox::GetDebugBoxAt( const nsPoint& aPoint,
                      nsIBox**     aBox)
  nsRect thisRect(nsPoint(0,0), GetSize());
  if (!thisRect.Contains(aPoint))
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  nsIBox* child = GetChildBox();
  nsIBox* hit = nsnull;

  *aBox = nsnull;
  while (nsnull != child) {
    nsresult rv = child->GetDebugBoxAt(aPoint - child->GetOffsetTo(this), &hit);

    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && hit) {
      *aBox = hit;
    child = child->GetNextBox();

  // found a child
  if (*aBox) {
    return NS_OK;

Пример #2
uint32_t TileEngine::registerNewSprite(std::string spriteName, std::string textureName, int x,int y, int w, int h){

	sf::Texture thisTexture=TextureMap[textureName];
	sf::IntRect thisRect(x,y,w,h);
	sf::Sprite *thisSprite=new sf::Sprite(thisTexture, thisRect);

	return SpriteArray.size()-1;
Пример #3
void OSD::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
    QPainter painter (this);
    painter.setPen( QColor (Qt::black) );

    // draw the background and the frame
    QRect thisRect(0, 0, width() - 1 , height() - 1);
    painter.fillRect(thisRect, QColor::fromRgb(58, 117, 177) );

    if (! osd_interr)
        // progress graph
        painter.setPen(QColor ("#3AD5FF"));

        int square_width_each = ( width() - 2 ) / sizeof(osd_data);
        int max_square_height = height() * 0.6;

        int x = 0.5 * ( width() - sizeof(osd_data) * square_width_each ) , y = 0;
        for (size_t i = osd_idx ; i < sizeof(osd_data) + osd_idx; ++ i)
            if ( osd_data [i % sizeof(osd_data)] > osd_maxSpeed )
                QRect rect (x, height() - 1 - max_square_height,
                            square_width_each , max_square_height);
                painter.fillRect(rect, QBrush (QColor ("#3AD5FF")) );
                y = max_square_height *
                        (double)osd_data [i % sizeof(osd_data)]
                        / osd_maxSpeed;

                QRect rect (x, height() - 1 - y , square_width_each , y );
                painter.fillRect( rect , QBrush (QColor ("#3AD5FF")) );

            x += square_width_each;

        // progress text

        QFontMetrics fm (font ());
        QRect fontRect ( (width() - fm.width(m_text)) / 2,
                         2, fm.width(m_text), fm.height());
        painter.drawText(fontRect, Qt::AlignCenter, m_text);

    // frame
    painter.setPen( QColor (Qt::black) );
    painter.drawRect( thisRect );
Пример #4
void LapsusOSD::renderOSD()
	// ----------------------------------------
	// |                                      |
	// |  Icon   Message                      |
	// |                                      |
	// ----------------------------------------

	// calculate needed size
	//if( K3bTheme* theme = k3bappcore->themeManager()->currentTheme() ) {
	if( true )
		QPixmap icon = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "laptop", KIcon::NoGroup, 32 );
		int margin = 10;
		int textWidth = fontMetrics().width( _text );

		// do not change the size every time the text changes, just in case we are too small
		//QSize newSize( QMAX( QMAX( 2*margin + icon.width() + margin + textWidth, 100 ), width() ),
		//		QMAX( 2*margin + icon.height(), 2*margin + fontMetrics().height()*2 ) );

		// change every time
		QSize newSize( QMAX( 2*margin + icon.width() + margin + textWidth, 100 ),
				QMAX( 2*margin + icon.height(), 2*margin + fontMetrics().height()*2 ) );

		_osdBuffer.resize( newSize );
		QPainter p( &_osdBuffer );

		//p.setPen( theme->foregroundColor() );
		p.setPen( KGlobalSettings::activeTextColor() );

		// draw the background and the frame
		QRect thisRect( 0, 0, newSize.width(), newSize.height() );
		//p.fillRect( thisRect, theme->backgroundColor() );
		p.fillRect( thisRect, KGlobalSettings::activeTitleColor() );
		p.drawRect( thisRect );

		// draw the icon
		p.drawPixmap( margin, (newSize.height()-icon.height())/2, icon );

		// draw the text
		QSize textSize = fontMetrics().size( 0, _text );
		int textX = 2*margin + icon.width();
		int textY = (newSize.height() + (fontMetrics().ascent()*5)/6)/2;

		p.drawText( textX, textY, _text );

		// draw the progress
		textY += fontMetrics().descent() + 4;
		QRect progressRect( textX, textY, newSize.width()-textX-margin, newSize.height()-textY-margin );
		p.drawRect( progressRect );
		progressRect.setWidth( _progress > 0 ? _progress*progressRect.width()/100 : 0 );
		//p.fillRect( progressRect, theme->foregroundColor() );
		p.fillRect( progressRect, KGlobalSettings::activeTextColor() );

		// reposition the osd
		reposition( newSize );

		_dirty = false;
