int main() { cond = CondCreate("cond"); tid1 = threadCreate("test1", test1); tid2 = threadCreate("test2", test2); return 0; }
void OSystem_3DS::initEvents() { eventMutex = new Common::Mutex(); s32 prio = 0; svcGetThreadPriority(&prio, CUR_THREAD_HANDLE); _timerThread = threadCreate(&timerThreadFunc, this, 32 * 1024, prio - 1, -2, false); _eventThread = threadCreate(&eventThreadFunc, &_eventQueue, 32 * 1024, prio - 1, -2, false); aptHook(&cookie, aptHookFunc, this); }
Result task_capture_cam(capture_cam_data* data) { if(data == NULL || data->buffer == NULL || data->width <= 0 || data->width > 640 || data->height <= 0 || data->height > 480) { return R_APP_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } data->mutex = 0; data->finished = false; data->result = 0; data->cancelEvent = 0; Result res = 0; if(R_SUCCEEDED(res = svcCreateEvent(&data->cancelEvent, RESET_STICKY)) && R_SUCCEEDED(res = svcCreateMutex(&data->mutex, false))) { if(threadCreate(task_capture_cam_thread, data, 0x10000, 0x1A, 0, true) == NULL) { res = R_APP_THREAD_CREATE_FAILED; } } if(R_FAILED(res)) { data->finished = true; if(data->cancelEvent != 0) { svcCloseHandle(data->cancelEvent); data->cancelEvent = 0; } if(data->mutex != 0) { svcCloseHandle(data->mutex); data->mutex = 0; } } return res; }
static void databaseSearch(DbAlignment*** dbAlignments, int* dbAlignmentsLen, int type, Chain** queries, int queriesLen, ChainDatabase* chainDatabase, Scorer* scorer, int maxAlignments, ValueFunction valueFunction, void* valueFunctionParam, double valueThreshold, int* indexes, int indexesLen, int* cards, int cardsLen, Thread* thread) { Context* param = (Context*) malloc(sizeof(Context)); param->dbAlignments = dbAlignments; param->dbAlignmentsLen = dbAlignmentsLen; param->type = type; param->queries = queries; param->queriesLen = queriesLen; param->chainDatabase = chainDatabase; param->scorer = scorer; param->maxAlignments = maxAlignments; param->valueFunction = valueFunction; param->valueFunctionParam = valueFunctionParam; param->valueThreshold = valueThreshold; param->indexes = indexes; param->indexesLen = indexesLen; param->cards = cards; param->cardsLen = cardsLen; if (thread == NULL) { databaseSearchThread(param); } else { threadCreate(thread, databaseSearchThread, (void*) param); } }
THREAD_ROUTINE_RETURN SocketServer::HandleConnections(void* data) { SocketServer* server = (SocketServer*) data; std::vector<SocketServer::Connection*> clients; struct sockaddr_storage client_addr; socklen_t addr_size = sizeof(client_addr); MutexHandle lock; mutexCreate(&lock); int client_socket; while (!server->shutdown_) { if ((client_socket = accept(server->socket_, (struct sockaddr*)&client_addr, &addr_size)) > 0) { clients.push_back(new jsonrpc::SocketServer::Connection()); clients.back()->socket = client_socket; clients.back()->pserver = server; clients.back()->plock_server = &lock; CloseFinishedConnections(clients); if (clients.size() > server->poolSize_) { CloseOldestConnection(clients); } threadCreate(&clients.back()->thread, (ThreadStartRoutine)ConnectionHandler, clients.back()); } } CloseAllConnections(clients); mutexDestroy(&lock); return 0; }
Result task_data_op(data_op_data* data) { if(data == NULL) { return R_APP_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } data->processed = 0; data->currProcessed = 0; data->currTotal = 0; data->finished = false; data->result = 0; data->cancelEvent = 0; Result res = 0; if(R_SUCCEEDED(res = svcCreateEvent(&data->cancelEvent, RESET_STICKY))) { if(threadCreate(task_data_op_thread, data, 0x10000, 0x18, 1, true) == NULL) { res = R_APP_THREAD_CREATE_FAILED; } } if(R_FAILED(res)) { data->finished = true; if(data->cancelEvent != 0) { svcCloseHandle(data->cancelEvent); data->cancelEvent = 0; } } aptSetSleepAllowed(false); return res; }
Result task_populate_files(populate_files_data* data) { if(data == NULL || data->items == NULL) { return R_FBI_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } task_clear_files(data->items); data->finished = false; data->result = 0; data->cancelEvent = 0; Result res = 0; if(R_SUCCEEDED(res = svcCreateEvent(&data->cancelEvent, RESET_STICKY))) { if(threadCreate(task_populate_files_thread, data, 0x10000, 0x19, 1, true) == NULL) { res = R_FBI_THREAD_CREATE_FAILED; } } if(R_FAILED(res)) { data->finished = true; if(data->cancelEvent != 0) { svcCloseHandle(data->cancelEvent); data->cancelEvent = 0; } } return res; }
Handle task_populate_pending_titles(list_item* items, u32* count, u32 max) { if(items == NULL || count == NULL || max == 0) { return 0; } task_clear_pending_titles(items, count); populate_pending_titles_data* data = (populate_pending_titles_data*) calloc(1, sizeof(populate_pending_titles_data)); data->items = items; data->count = count; data->max = max; Result eventRes = svcCreateEvent(&data->cancelEvent, 1); if(R_FAILED(eventRes)) { error_display_res(NULL, NULL, eventRes, "Failed to create pending title list cancel event."); free(data); return 0; } if(threadCreate(task_populate_pending_titles_thread, data, 0x4000, 0x18, 1, true) == NULL) { error_display(NULL, NULL, "Failed to create pending title list thread."); svcCloseHandle(data->cancelEvent); free(data); return 0; } return data->cancelEvent; }
void ThreadTest() { int tid; tid = threadCreate("smr", SimpleThread); /* Creating a thread */ n_printf("Entering SimpleTest"); SimpleThread(2); /* Calling the function with argument to distinguish between the threads */ }
Result ndspInit(void) { Result rc = 0; if (AtomicPostIncrement(&ndspRefCount)) return 0; if (!componentBin && !ndspFindAndLoadComponent()) { rc = MAKERESULT(RL_PERMANENT, RS_NOTFOUND, 41, RD_NOT_FOUND); goto _fail0; } LightLock_Init(&ndspMutex); ndspInitMaster(); ndspiInitChn(); rc = cfguInit(); if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc)) { u8 outMode; rc = CFGU_GetConfigInfoBlk2(sizeof(outMode), 0x70001, &outMode); if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc)) ndspMaster.outputMode = outMode; cfguExit(); } rc = dspInit(); if (R_FAILED(rc)) return rc; rc = ndspInitialize(false); if (R_FAILED(rc)) goto _fail1; rc = svcCreateEvent(&sleepEvent, 0); if (R_FAILED(rc)) goto _fail2; ndspThread = threadCreate(ndspThreadMain, 0x0, NDSP_THREAD_STACK_SIZE, 0x18, -2, true); if (!ndspThread) goto _fail3; aptHook(&aptCookie, ndspAptHook, NULL); return 0; _fail3: svcCloseHandle(sleepEvent); _fail2: ndspFinalize(false); _fail1: dspExit(); if (componentFree) { free((void*)componentBin); componentBin = NULL; } _fail0: AtomicDecrement(&ndspRefCount); return rc; }
void OSystem_3DS::initAudio() { _mixer = new Audio::MixerImpl(this, 22050); hasAudio = R_SUCCEEDED(ndspInit()); _mixer->setReady(false); if (hasAudio) { s32 prio = 0; svcGetThreadPriority(&prio, CUR_THREAD_HANDLE); audioThread = threadCreate(&audioThreadFunc, _mixer, 32 * 1048, prio - 1, -2, false); } }
DWORD WINAPI mailThread(LPVOID arg) { char buffer[1024]; planet_type *planet = (planet_type*)malloc(sizeof(planet_type)); DWORD bytesRead; static int posY = 0; char mailSlotString[18] = "\\\\.\\mailslot\\", inputString[1024]; HANDLE serverMailslot; /* create a mailslot that clients can use to pass requests through */ /* (the clients use the name below to get contact with the mailslot) */ /* NOTE: The name of a mailslot must start with "\\\\.\\mailslot\\" */ serverMailslot = mailslotCreate("\\\\.\\mailslot\\serverMailslot"); if (serverMailslot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { MessageBox(0, "Could not create mailslot, exiting.", "Error", 1); Sleep(3000); exit(1); } /* (ordinary file manipulating functions are used to read from mailslots) */ /* in this example the server receives strings from the client side and */ /* displays them in the presentation window */ /* NOTE: binary data can also be sent and received, e.g. planet structures*/ while (1) { bytesRead = mailslotRead(serverMailslot, (void *)planet, sizeof(planet_type)); if (bytesRead != 0) { // If planet name doesnt exist, add it to linked list if (!planetExists(planet)) { EnterCriticalSection(&dbAccess); InsertAtHead(*planet); LeaveCriticalSection(&dbAccess); threadCreate(calculatePosition, &(head->data)); } else { sendErrorToCreator(planet, 2); } } else { /* failed reading from mailslot */ /* (in this example we ignore this, and happily continue...) */ } } free(planet); return 0; }
t_ilm_bool SystemdHealthMonitor::start() { LOG_INFO("SystemdHealthMonitor", "starting"); t_ilm_bool result = ILM_TRUE; if (watchdogEnabled()) { result &= threadCreate(); result &= threadInit(); result &= threadStart(); } reportStartupComplete(); return result; }
Result gspInitEventHandler(Handle _gspEvent, vu8* _gspSharedMem, u8 gspThreadId) { // Initialize events int i; for (i = 0; i < GSPGPU_EVENT_MAX; i ++) LightEvent_Init(&gspEvents[i], RESET_STICKY); // Start event thread gspEvent = _gspEvent; gspEventData = _gspSharedMem + gspThreadId*0x40; gspRunEvents = true; gspEventThread = threadCreate(gspEventThreadMain, 0x0, GSP_EVENT_STACK_SIZE, 0x31, -2, true); return 0; }
int workerPoolInit(int threadNum) { struct workerPool *pool = (struct workerPool*)zcalloc(sizeof(*pool)); pool->threadNum = threadNum; pool->sleepThreadNum = 0; pool->threads = (struct thread**)zcalloc(sizeof(struct thread*)*threadNum); pool->running = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < pool->threadNum; i++) { pool->threads[i] = threadCreate(handle, ""); } pool->queue = contextQueueCreate(1024); pthread_mutex_init(&pool->lock, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&pool->cond, NULL); M = pool; return 0; }
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { HWND hWnd; DWORD threadID; MSG msg; if (!InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&dbAccess, 0x00000400)) return 0; /* Create the window, 3 last parameters important */ /* The tile of the window, the callback function */ /* and the backgrond color */ hWnd = windowCreate (hPrevInstance, hInstance, nCmdShow, "Universe", MainWndProc, COLOR_WINDOW+1); /* start the timer for the periodic update of the window */ /* (this is a one-shot timer, which means that it has to be */ /* re-set after each time-out) */ /* NOTE: When this timer expires a message will be sent to */ /* our callback function (MainWndProc). */ windowRefreshTimer (hWnd, UPDATE_FREQ); /* create a thread that can handle incoming client requests */ /* (the thread starts executing in the function mailThread) */ /* NOTE: See online help for details, you need to know how */ /* this function does and what its parameters mean. */ /* We have no parameters to pass, hence NULL */ threadID = threadCreate (mailThread, NULL); /* (the message processing loop that all windows applications must have) */ /* NOTE: just leave it as it is. */ while( GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 ) ) { TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); } DeleteCriticalSection(&dbAccess); return msg.wParam; }
// startMusic: Plays a song with network streaming feature void startMusic(Socket* sock, Music* src) { closeStream = false; src->streamLoop = false; // TODO: Add looping feature songPointer = 0; netSize = 0; u32 ch = 0x08; u32 ch2 = 0x09; bool non_native_encode = false; ThreadFunc streamFunction = streamWAV; u8 tmp_encode; /*if (src->encoding == CSND_ENCODING_VORBIS){ streamFunction = streamOGG; tmp_encode = src->encoding; src->encoding = CSND_ENCODING_PCM16; non_native_encode = true; }*/ int raw_format; if (src->audiotype == 1) raw_format = NDSP_FORMAT_MONO_PCM16; else raw_format = NDSP_FORMAT_STEREO_PCM16; ndspChnReset(ch); ndspChnWaveBufClear(ch); ndspChnSetInterp(ch, NDSP_INTERP_LINEAR); ndspChnSetRate(ch, float(src->samplerate)); ndspChnSetFormat(ch, raw_format); ndspWaveBuf* waveBuf = (ndspWaveBuf*)calloc(1, sizeof(ndspWaveBuf)); createDspBlock(waveBuf, src->bytepersample, src->mem_size, 0, (u32*)src->audiobuf); src->blocks = NULL; populatePurgeTable(src, waveBuf); ndspChnWaveBufAdd(ch, waveBuf); src->tick = osGetTime(); src->wavebuf = waveBuf; src->ch = ch; src->isPlaying = true; src->lastCheck = ndspChnGetSamplePos(ch); src->streamLoop = false; svcCreateEvent(&updateStream,0); cachePackage* pkg = (cachePackage*)malloc(sizeof(cachePackage)); pkg->client = sock; pkg->song = src; svcSignalEvent(updateStream); threadCreate(streamFunction, pkg, 8192, 0x18, 0, true); src->isPlaying = true; }
/** * Test that we can write a file with libhdfs and then read it back */ int main(void) { int i, tlhNumThreads; const char *tlhNumThreadsStr; struct tlhThreadInfo ti[TLH_MAX_THREADS]; struct NativeMiniDfsConf conf = { 1, /* doFormat */ }; tlhNumThreadsStr = getenv("TLH_NUM_THREADS"); if (!tlhNumThreadsStr) { tlhNumThreadsStr = "3"; } tlhNumThreads = atoi(tlhNumThreadsStr); if ((tlhNumThreads <= 0) || (tlhNumThreads > TLH_MAX_THREADS)) { fprintf(stderr, "testLibHdfs: must have a number of threads " "between 1 and %d inclusive, not %d\n", TLH_MAX_THREADS, tlhNumThreads); return EXIT_FAILURE; } memset(&ti[0], 0, sizeof(ti)); for (i = 0; i < tlhNumThreads; i++) { ti[i].threadIdx = i; } tlhCluster = nmdCreate(&conf); EXPECT_NONNULL(tlhCluster); EXPECT_ZERO(nmdWaitClusterUp(tlhCluster)); for (i = 0; i < tlhNumThreads; i++) { ti[i].theThread.start = testHdfsOperations; ti[i].theThread.arg = &ti[i]; EXPECT_ZERO(threadCreate(&ti[i].theThread)); } for (i = 0; i < tlhNumThreads; i++) { EXPECT_ZERO(threadJoin(&ti[i].theThread)); } EXPECT_ZERO(nmdShutdown(tlhCluster)); nmdFree(tlhCluster); return checkFailures(ti, tlhNumThreads); }
int main(void) { srand(time(NULL)); int *results[num_threads]; int p[num_threads]; int ids[num_threads]; int i; //initialize the threading library. DON'T call this more than once!!! threadInit(); set_timer(); for(i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) { //p[i] = rand()%50; p[i] = 0; ids[i] = threadCreate(t1, (void*)&(p[i])); // printf("Created thread %d.\n", ids[i]); } for(i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) { threadJoin(ids[i], (void*)&(results[i])); // printf("joined #%d --> %d.\n",ids[i], *(results[i])); } }
extern int threadPoolInitialize(int n) { if (threadPool != NULL) { return 0; } if (n < 1) { return -1; } Thread* threads = (Thread*) malloc(n * sizeof(Thread)); int maxLength = QUEUE_MAX_SIZE; size_t queueSize = maxLength * sizeof(ThreadPoolTask); ThreadPoolTask** queue = (ThreadPoolTask**) malloc(queueSize); threadPool = (ThreadPool*) malloc(sizeof(ThreadPool)); threadPool->terminated = 0; threadPool->threads = threads; threadPool->threadsLen = n; threadPool-> = queue; threadPool->queue.length = 0; threadPool->queue.maxLength = maxLength; threadPool->queue.current = 0; threadPool->queue.last = 0; threadPool->queue.full = 0; semaphoreCreate(&(threadPool->queue.mutex), 1); semaphoreCreate(&(threadPool->queue.wait), 0); semaphoreCreate(&(threadPool->queue.submit), 0); int i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { threadCreate(&(threads[i]), worker, NULL); } return 0; }
DWORD WINAPI mailThread(LPVOID arg) { char buffer[1024]; DWORD bytesRead; static int posY = 0; int flag = 0; HANDLE mailbox; /* create a mailslot that clients can use to pass requests through */ /* (the clients use the name below to get contact with the mailslot) */ /* NOTE: The name of a mailslot must start with "\\\\.\\mailslot\\" */ mailbox = mailslotCreate ("\\\\.\\mailslot\\mailbox"); InitializeCriticalSection(&criticalSection); for(;;) { /* (ordinary file manipulating functions are used to read from mailslots) */ /* in this example the server receives strings from the client side and */ /* displays them in the presentation window */ /* NOTE: binary data can also be sent and received, e.g. planet structures*/ bytesRead = mailslotRead (mailbox, &buffer, strlen(buffer)); //TESTING PLANETS //if(flag==0) //{ // planet_type p1 = { "p1", 300, 300, 0, 0, 1000000000, NULL, 1000, NULL }; // planet_type p2 = { "p2", 200, 300, 0, 0.008, 1000, NULL, 1000, NULL}; // planet_type p3 = { "p3", 210, 300, 0.008, 0.008, 5000000, NULL, 1000, NULL }; // planet_type *p11 = malloc(sizeof(planet_type)); // memcpy(p11, &p1, sizeof(planet_type)); // p11->next = NULL; // planet_type *p22 = malloc(sizeof(planet_type)); // memcpy(p22, &p2, sizeof(planet_type)); // p22->next = NULL; // planet_type *p33 = malloc(sizeof(planet_type)); // memcpy(p33, &p3, sizeof(planet_type)); // p33->next = NULL; // addPlanet(p11); // addPlanet(p22); // addPlanet(p33); // threadCreate((LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)planetThread, p11); // threadCreate((LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)planetThread, p22); // threadCreate((LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)planetThread, p33); // flag = 1; //} //Create planet if (bytesRead != 0) { planet_type *p = malloc(sizeof(planet_type)); memcpy(p, buffer, sizeof(planet_type)); p->next = NULL; addPlanet(p); threadCreate((LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)planetThread, p); /* NOTE: It is appropriate to replace this code with something */ /* that match your needs here. */ posY++; /* (hDC is used reference the previously created window) */ TextOut(hDC, 10, 50+posY%200, p->name, sizeof(strlen(p->name))); } else { /* failed reading from mailslot */ /* (in this example we ignore this, and happily continue...) */ } } DeleteCriticalSection(&criticalSection); return 0; }
bool SocketServer::StartListening() { CreateSocket(); shutdown_ = false; return threadCreate(&server_thread_, (ThreadStartRoutine)HandleConnections, this) == 0; }
int eventloopInit(int setsize) { M = (struct eventloop *)zmalloc(sizeof(*M)); M->eventloop = aeCreateEventLoop(setsize); M->thread = threadCreate(run, "eventloop"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //Initialize variables to be used later simulatorStructure simulator; taskInfoBlock test; processControlBlock *process = NULL, *currentProcess = NULL, *tempPCB = NULL; interrupted = 0; int maxTimeProcessing = 0; List log; char logBuffer [100]; FILE *output; ListNode *tempNode = NULL; // initializes log to print info to // log will print to file or terminal -at the end of the program- depending on the config file init(&log); // Check if configuration file isn't provided if(argc != 2) { // Display error puts("Error: Invalid parameters"); // End program with error return 1; } // Read into simulator configuration struct // Check if getting simulator configuration failed if(!getSimulatorConfiguration(&simulator, argv[1])) { // Display error puts("Error: Invalid configuration file"); // End program with error return 1; } // assign maximum allowed processing time from the simulator configuration maxTimeProcessing = (simulator.quantum * simulator.processorCycleTime * 1000); // Create process queue // Check if creating process queue failed if(!createProcessQueue(&process, simulator.processFilePath)) { // Display error puts("Error: Failed to create job queue"); // End program with error return 1; } // Set current process currentProcess = &process[0]; // begin writing to log insert(&log, "System Start 0 (microsec)\n"); // Begin Simulation Loop and go until no processes remain while(currentProcess != NULL) { // Set process's arrival time if not already set if(currentProcess->arrivalTime == 0) { currentProcess->arrivalTime = time(NULL); } // if a thread throws an interrupt if(interrupted == 1) { tempPCB = currentProcess; //search for the process whose I/O just finished while(tempPCB->ioInterrupted == false) { tempPCB = tempPCB->nextPCB; } //reset Finished and Interrupted so that the process can continue being processed tempPCB->ioFinished = true; tempPCB->ioInterrupted = false; //reset interrupt flag interrupted = 0; } //Process current task by busy waiting // if not blocked for I/O wait, continue to process next job if( currentProcess->ioFinished && currentProcess->currentJob < currentProcess->numberOfJobs) { // if a process has a CPU operation if(currentProcess->jobs[currentProcess->currentJob].operation == 'P') { // Sleep //if the quantum time is less than the remaining job time, take the entire quantum if(simulator.quantum < currentProcess->jobs[currentProcess->currentJob].cyclesRemaining) { //write to log sprintf(logBuffer, "PID %d: CPU Process %d (microsec)", currentProcess->pid, maxTimeProcessing); insert(&log, logBuffer); //sleep for maximum time usleep(maxTimeProcessing); // Subtract quantum time from process currentProcess->timeRemaining -= simulator.quantum; currentProcess->jobs[currentProcess->currentJob].cyclesRemaining -= simulator.quantum; } //if the quantum is greater than required time, finish the job else { // write to log sprintf(logBuffer, "PID %d: CPU Process %d (microsec)", currentProcess->pid, currentProcess->jobs[currentProcess->currentJob].cyclesRemaining * simulator.processorCycleTime * 1000); insert(&log, logBuffer); // sleep for remaining job time usleep(currentProcess->jobs[currentProcess->currentJob].cyclesRemaining * simulator.processorCycleTime * 1000); // Subtract time run from process currentProcess->timeRemaining -= currentProcess->jobs[currentProcess->currentJob].cyclesRemaining; currentProcess->jobs[currentProcess->currentJob].cyclesRemaining -= currentProcess->jobs[currentProcess->currentJob].cyclesRemaining; } } // if a process has an I/O operation else { // output to log sprintf(logBuffer, "PID %d: Began %s I/O Process", currentProcess->pid, currentProcess->jobs[currentProcess->currentJob].name); insert(&log, logBuffer); // set ioFinished to false so this process will be skipped in the queue currentProcess->ioFinished = false; // write reassurance the program is working to the terminal printf("Working...\n"); currentProcess->threadBeingCreated = true; // create thread threadCreate(¤tProcess, simulator, &log); // wait for thread to finish creating itself // weird errors happen to process if not made to wait for thread creation while(currentProcess->threadBeingCreated); } } //If the currentProcess's job is finished, delete it if( currentProcess->jobs[currentProcess->currentJob].cyclesRemaining <= 0 ) { if(currentProcess->currentJob < currentProcess->numberOfJobs) { currentProcess->currentJob++; } } //Delete the process if it is done if( currentProcess->timeRemaining <= 0 && currentProcess->ioInterrupted == false && currentProcess->ioFinished == true) { sprintf(logBuffer, "PID %d: finished", currentProcess->pid); insert(&log, logBuffer); currentProcess = deleteProcess( currentProcess ); } //Get the next process, context switch //context switches do not get printed because they happen so many times in larger processes that it takes up the entire log file else { setCurrentProcess(¤tProcess, simulator); } } //last log output insert(&log, "\nSystem End 0 (microsec)"); //Print output to monitor if specified by the configuration file if(strcmp(simulator.logType, "Log to Monitor") == 0 || strcmp(simulator.logType, "Log to Both") == 0) { print(&log); } //Print output to log file if specified by the configuration file if(strcmp(simulator.logType, "Log to File") == 0 || strcmp(simulator.logType, "Log to Both") == 0) { //Open the output log file output = fopen("Log.txt", "w"); //Check to see that the linked list is not empty if(!empty(&log)) { //Print the first node tempNode = log.head; fprintf(output, "%s\n", tempNode->dataItem); //Iterate through the linked list while(tempNode->next != 0) { //Go to the next node tempNode = tempNode->next; //Print the next node fprintf(output, "%s\n", tempNode->dataItem); } } //Close the output file fclose(output); } // Free memory free(simulator.version); free(simulator.processorScheduling); free(simulator.processFilePath); free(simulator.memoryType); free(simulator.logType); //End the program return 0; }
static void databaseSearchStep(DbAlignment*** dbAlignments, int* dbAlignmentsLen, int type, Chain** queries, int queriesStart, int queriesLen, ChainDatabase* chainDatabase, Scorer* scorer, int maxAlignments, ValueFunction valueFunction, void* valueFunctionParam, double valueThreshold, int* indexes, int indexesLen, int* cards, int cardsLen) { Chain** database = chainDatabase->database; int databaseStart = chainDatabase->databaseStart; int databaseLen = chainDatabase->databaseLen; long databaseElems = chainDatabase->databaseElems; ChainDatabaseGpu* chainDatabaseGpu = chainDatabase->chainDatabaseGpu; int i, j, k; //************************************************************************** // CALCULATE CELL NUMBER long queriesElems = 0; for (i = 0; i < queriesLen; ++i) { queriesElems += chainGetLength(queries[i]); } if (indexes != NULL) { databaseElems = 0; for (i = 0; i < indexesLen; ++i) { databaseElems += chainGetLength(database[indexes[i]]); } } long long cells = (long long) queriesElems * databaseElems; //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** // CALCULATE SCORES int* scores; if (cells < GPU_DB_MIN_CELLS || cardsLen == 0) { scoreCpu(&scores, type, queries, queriesLen, database, databaseLen, scorer, indexes, indexesLen); } else { scoreDatabasesGpu(&scores, type, queries, queriesLen, chainDatabaseGpu, scorer, indexes, indexesLen, cards, cardsLen, NULL); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** // EXTRACT BEST CHAINS AND SAVE THEIR DATA MULTITHREADED TIMER_START("Extract best"); DbAlignmentData** dbAlignmentsData = (DbAlignmentData**) malloc(queriesLen * sizeof(DbAlignmentData*)); ExtractContext* eContexts = (ExtractContext*) malloc(queriesLen * sizeof(ExtractContext)); for (i = 0; i < queriesLen; ++i) { eContexts[i].dbAlignmentData = &(dbAlignmentsData[i]); eContexts[i].dbAlignmentLen = &(dbAlignmentsLen[i]); eContexts[i].query = queries[i]; eContexts[i].database = database; eContexts[i].databaseLen = databaseLen; eContexts[i].scores = scores + i * databaseLen; eContexts[i].maxAlignments = maxAlignments; eContexts[i].valueFunction = valueFunction; eContexts[i].valueFunctionParam = valueFunctionParam; eContexts[i].valueThreshold = valueThreshold; eContexts[i].cards = cards; eContexts[i].cardsLen = cardsLen; } if (cardsLen == 0) { size_t tasksSize = queriesLen * sizeof(ThreadPoolTask*); ThreadPoolTask** tasks = (ThreadPoolTask**) malloc(tasksSize); for (i = 0; i < queriesLen; ++i) { tasks[i] = threadPoolSubmit(extractThread, (void*) &(eContexts[i])); } for (i = 0; i < queriesLen; ++i) { threadPoolTaskWait(tasks[i]); threadPoolTaskDelete(tasks[i]); } free(tasks); } else { int chunks = MIN(queriesLen, cardsLen); int cardsChunk = cardsLen / chunks; int cardsAdd = cardsLen % chunks; int cardsOff = 0; int contextsChunk = queriesLen / chunks; int contextsAdd = queriesLen % chunks; int contextsOff = 0; size_t contextsSize = chunks * sizeof(ExtractContexts); ExtractContexts* contexts = (ExtractContexts*) malloc(contextsSize); size_t tasksSize = chunks * sizeof(Thread); Thread* tasks = (Thread*) malloc(tasksSize); for (i = 0; i < chunks; ++i) { int* cards_ = cards + cardsOff; int cardsLen_ = cardsChunk + (i < cardsAdd); cardsOff += cardsLen_; ExtractContext* contexts_ = eContexts + contextsOff; int contextsLen_ = contextsChunk + (i < contextsAdd); contextsOff += contextsLen_; for (j = 0; j < contextsLen_; ++j) { contexts_[j].cards = cards_; contexts_[j].cardsLen = cardsLen_; } contexts[i].contexts = contexts_; contexts[i].contextsLen = contextsLen_; threadCreate(&(tasks[i]), extractsThread, &(contexts[i])); } for (i = 0; i < chunks; ++i) { threadJoin(tasks[i]); } free(tasks); free(contexts); } free(eContexts); free(scores); // this is big, release immediately TIMER_STOP; //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** // ALIGN BEST TARGETS MULTITHREADED TIMER_START("Database aligning"); // create structure for (i = 0; i < queriesLen; ++i) { size_t dbAlignmentsSize = dbAlignmentsLen[i] * sizeof(DbAlignment*); dbAlignments[i] = (DbAlignment**) malloc(dbAlignmentsSize); } // count tasks int aTasksLen = 0; for (i = 0; i < queriesLen; ++i) { aTasksLen += dbAlignmentsLen[i]; } size_t aTasksSize = aTasksLen * sizeof(ThreadPoolTask*); ThreadPoolTask** aTasks = (ThreadPoolTask**) malloc(aTasksSize); size_t aContextsSize = aTasksLen * sizeof(AlignContext); AlignContext* aContextsCpu = (AlignContext*) malloc(aContextsSize); AlignContext* aContextsGpu = (AlignContext*) malloc(aContextsSize); int aContextsCpuLen = 0; int aContextsGpuLen = 0; for (i = 0, k = 0; i < queriesLen; ++i, ++k) { Chain* query = queries[i]; int rows = chainGetLength(query); for (j = 0; j < dbAlignmentsLen[i]; ++j, ++k) { DbAlignmentData data = dbAlignmentsData[i][j]; Chain* target = database[data.idx]; int cols = chainGetLength(target); long long cells = (long long) rows * cols; AlignContext* context; if (cols < GPU_MIN_LEN || cells < GPU_MIN_CELLS || cardsLen == 0) { context = &(aContextsCpu[aContextsCpuLen++]); context->cards = NULL; context->cardsLen = 0; } else { context = &(aContextsGpu[aContextsGpuLen++]); } context->dbAlignment = &(dbAlignments[i][j]); context->type = type; context->query = query; context->queryIdx = i; context->target = target; context->targetIdx = data.idx + databaseStart; context->value = data.value; context->score = data.score; context->scorer = scorer; context->cells = cells; } } LOG("Aligning %d cpu, %d gpu", aContextsCpuLen, aContextsGpuLen); // run cpu tasks int aCpuTasksLen; AlignContextsPacked* aContextsCpuPacked; if (aContextsCpuLen < 10000) { aCpuTasksLen = aContextsCpuLen; aContextsCpuPacked = NULL; for (i = 0; i < aCpuTasksLen; ++i) { aTasks[i] = threadPoolSubmit(alignThread, &(aContextsCpu[i])); } } else { aCpuTasksLen = aContextsCpuLen / CPU_PACKED_CHUNK; aCpuTasksLen += (aContextsCpuLen % CPU_PACKED_CHUNK) != 0; size_t contextsSize = aCpuTasksLen * sizeof(AlignContextsPacked); AlignContextsPacked* contexts = (AlignContextsPacked*) malloc(contextsSize); for (i = 0; i < aCpuTasksLen; ++i) { int length = MIN(CPU_PACKED_CHUNK, aContextsCpuLen - i * CPU_PACKED_CHUNK); contexts[i].contexts = aContextsCpu + i * CPU_PACKED_CHUNK; contexts[i].contextsLen = length; } for (i = 0; i < aCpuTasksLen; ++i) { aTasks[i] = threadPoolSubmit(alignsPackedThread, &(contexts[i])); } aContextsCpuPacked = contexts; } if (aContextsGpuLen) { int chunks = MIN(aContextsGpuLen, cardsLen); size_t contextsSize = chunks * sizeof(AlignContexts); AlignContexts* contexts = (AlignContexts*) malloc(contextsSize); size_t balancedSize = chunks * aContextsGpuLen * sizeof(AlignContext*); AlignContext** balanced = (AlignContext**) malloc(balancedSize); // set phony contexts, init data for (i = 0; i < chunks; ++i) { contexts[i].contexts = balanced + i * aContextsGpuLen; contexts[i].contextsLen = 0; contexts[i].cells = 0; } // balance tasks by round roobin, chunks are pretty small (CUDA cards) for (i = 0; i < aContextsGpuLen; ++i) { int minIdx = 0; long long min = contexts[0].cells; for (j = 1; j < chunks; ++j) { if (contexts[j].cells < min) { min = contexts[j].cells; minIdx = j; } } AlignContext* context = &(aContextsGpu[i]); contexts[minIdx].contexts[contexts[minIdx].contextsLen++] = context; contexts[minIdx].cells += context->cells; } // set context cards int cardsChunk = cardsLen / chunks; int cardsAdd = cardsLen % chunks; int cardsOff = 0; for (i = 0; i < chunks; ++i) { int cCardsLen = cardsChunk + (i < cardsAdd); int* cCards = cards + cardsOff; cardsOff += cCardsLen; for (j = 0; j < contexts[i].contextsLen; ++j) { contexts[i].contexts[j]->cards = cCards; contexts[i].contexts[j]->cardsLen = cCardsLen; } } size_t tasksSize = chunks * sizeof(Thread); Thread* tasks = (Thread*) malloc(tasksSize); // run gpu tasks first for (i = 0; i < chunks; ++i) { threadCreate(&(tasks[i]), alignsThread, &(contexts[i])); } // wait for gpu tasks to finish for (i = 0; i < chunks; ++i) { threadJoin(tasks[i]); } free(balanced); free(contexts); } // wait for cpu tasks for (i = 0; i < aCpuTasksLen; ++i) { threadPoolTaskWait(aTasks[i]); threadPoolTaskDelete(aTasks[i]); } free(aContextsCpuPacked); free(aContextsCpu); free(aContextsGpu); free(aTasks); TIMER_STOP; //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** // CLEAN MEMORY for (i = 0; i < queriesLen; ++i) { free(dbAlignmentsData[i]); } free(dbAlignmentsData); //************************************************************************** }
Result aptInit(void) { Result ret=0; if (AtomicPostIncrement(&aptRefCount)) return 0; // Initialize APT stuff, escape load screen. ret = __apt_initservicehandle(); if(R_FAILED(ret)) goto _fail; if(R_FAILED(ret=APT_GetLockHandle(0x0, &aptLockHandle))) goto _fail; svcCloseHandle(aptuHandle); currentAppId = envGetAptAppId(); svcCreateEvent(&aptStatusEvent, 0); svcCreateEvent(&aptSleepSync, 0); LightLock_Init(&aptStatusMutex); aptStatus=0; if(!aptIsCrippled()) { aptOpenSession(); if(R_FAILED(ret=APT_Initialize(currentAppId, &aptEvents[0], &aptEvents[1])))return ret; aptCloseSession(); aptOpenSession(); if(R_FAILED(ret=APT_Enable(0x0))) goto _fail; aptCloseSession(); // create APT close event svcCreateEvent(&aptEvents[2], 0); // After a cycle of APT_Finalize+APT_Initialize APT thinks the // application is suspended, so we need to tell it to unsuspend us. if (aptIsReinit()) { aptOpenSession(); APT_PrepareToJumpToApplication(0x0); aptCloseSession(); aptOpenSession(); APT_JumpToApplication(0x0, 0x0, 0x0); aptCloseSession(); } aptOpenSession(); if(R_FAILED(ret=APT_NotifyToWait(currentAppId)))goto _fail; aptCloseSession(); // create APT event handler thread aptEventHandlerThread = threadCreate(aptEventHandler, 0x0, APT_HANDLER_STACKSIZE, 0x31, -2, true); // Wait for the state to become APT_RUNNING aptWaitStatusEvent(); } else aptAppStarted(); return 0; _fail: AtomicDecrement(&aptRefCount); return ret; }
bool stream_file(const std::string& filename) { if (filename.empty()) { print("No file selected\n"); return true; } VGMSTREAM* vgmstream = init_vgmstream(filename.c_str()); if (!vgmstream) { print("Bad file %s\n", filename.c_str()); return true; } const int channels = vgmstream->channels; u32 buffer_size = max_samples * vgmstream->channels * sizeof(sample); rawSampleBuffer = static_cast<sample*>(linearAlloc(buffer_size)); sample* buffer = static_cast<sample*>(linearAlloc(buffer_size)); sample* buffer2 = static_cast<sample*>(linearAlloc(buffer_size)); playBuffer1.samples = max_samples; playBuffer2.samples = max_samples; for (int i = 0; i < channels; i++) { playBuffer1.channels.push_back(buffer + i * max_samples); playBuffer2.channels.push_back(buffer2 + i * max_samples); } stream_filename strm_file; strm_file.filename = filename; = vgmstream; runThreads = true; s32 prio = 0; Thread musicThread; Thread produceThread; svcGetThreadPriority(&prio, CUR_THREAD_HANDLE); musicThread = threadCreate(streamMusic, &strm_file, 4 * 1024, prio-1, -2, false); produceThread = threadCreate(decodeThread, &strm_file, 4 * 1024, prio-1, -2, false); bool ret = false; while (aptMainLoop()) { hidScanInput(); u32 kDown = hidKeysDown(); if (kDown & KEY_START || kDown & KEY_B) { ret = kDown & KEY_START; break; } gfxFlushBuffers(); gfxSwapBuffers(); gspWaitForVBlank(); } runThreads = false; svcSignalEvent(bufferReadyProduceRequest); svcSignalEvent(bufferReadyConsumeRequest); threadJoin(musicThread, U64_MAX); threadJoin(produceThread, U64_MAX); threadFree(musicThread); threadFree(produceThread); svcClearEvent(bufferReadyConsumeRequest); svcClearEvent(bufferReadyProduceRequest); linearFree(rawSampleBuffer); linearFree(buffer); linearFree(buffer2); playBuffer1.channels.clear(); playBuffer2.channels.clear(); close_vgmstream(vgmstream); return ret; }