static int mmap_events(synth_cb synth) { struct machines machines; struct machine *machine; int err, i; /* * The threads_create will not return before all threads * are spawned and all created memory map. * * They will loop until threads_destroy is called, so we * can safely run synthesizing function. */ TEST_ASSERT_VAL("failed to create threads", !threads_create()); machines__init(&machines); machine = &; dump_trace = verbose > 1 ? 1 : 0; err = synth(machine); dump_trace = 0; TEST_ASSERT_VAL("failed to destroy threads", !threads_destroy()); TEST_ASSERT_VAL("failed to synthesize maps", !err); /* * All data is synthesized, try to find map for each * thread object. */ for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { struct thread_data *td = &threads[i]; struct addr_location al; struct thread *thread; thread = machine__findnew_thread(machine, getpid(), td->tid); pr_debug("looking for map %p\n", td->map); thread__find_addr_map(thread, PERF_RECORD_MISC_USER, MAP__FUNCTION, (unsigned long) (td->map + 1), &al); thread__put(thread); if (! { pr_debug("failed, couldn't find map\n"); err = -1; break; } pr_debug("map %p, addr %" PRIx64 "\n",,>start); } machine__delete_threads(machine); machines__exit(&machines); return err; }
/*------------------------------------------------------ Proceso principal -----------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { global_config config; pthread_t* threads; if (get_params(argv + 1, argc - 1, &config) != SUCCESS) { printf("Error en los argumentos recibidos.\nEjemplo de uso:"); printf("%s cantidadDeThreds fileSizeInKbytes directory filePrefix\n", argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } print_a_global_header(config); threads = threads_create(config); threads_get_and_print_results(threads, config.threads_amount, config.location, config.files_prefix); threads_destroy(threads, 0); destroy_params(config); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void platform_init() { char buffer[512] = {0}; /* this environment variable is set by Microsoft Visual Studio when building. It causes cl.exe to redirect it's output to the specified pipe id. this causes loads of problems with output. */ SetEnvironmentVariable("VS_UNICODE_OUTPUT", NULL); /* check if we are being spawned by bam in msvc mode so we should be singleton */ if(GetEnvironmentVariable("BAM_SINGLETON", buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1)) { DWORD ret; SetEnvironmentVariable("BAM_SINGLETON", NULL); singleton_mutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, "Global\\bam_singleton_mutex"); if(!singleton_mutex) { printf("bam is already running, wait for it to finish and then try again 1\n"); exit(1); } while(1) { ret = WaitForSingleObject( singleton_mutex, 100 ); if(ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0) break; else { /* printf("bam is already running, wait for it to finish and then try again 2 (%d)\n", ret); */ printf("bam is already running, waiting for it to finish\n"); fflush(stdout); Sleep(1000); } } } /* this environment variable can be setup so that bam can observe if a specific process dies and abort the building if it does. This is used in conjunction with Microsoft Visual Studio to make sure that it doesn't kill processes wildly. */ if(GetEnvironmentVariable("BAM_OBSERVE_PID", buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1)) { observe_pid = atoi(buffer); threads_create(observer_thread, NULL); /* protect process from being killed */ protect_process(); } else { if( session.win_msvcmode ) { DWORD errcode; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; STARTUPINFO si; /* setup ourself to be watched */ sprintf(buffer, "%d", GetCurrentProcessId()); SetEnvironmentVariable("BAM_OBSERVE_PID", buffer); /* signal that we want to be singleton */ SetEnvironmentVariable("BAM_SINGLETON", "1"); /* init structs and create process */ ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(si) ); si.cb = sizeof(si); ZeroMemory( &pi, sizeof(pi) ); if( CreateProcess( NULL, /* No module name (use command line) */ GetCommandLine(), /* Command line */ NULL, /* Process handle not inheritable */ NULL, /* Thread handle not inheritable */ TRUE, /* Set handle inheritance to FALSE */ 0, /* No creation flags */ NULL, /* Use parent's environment block */ NULL, /* Use parent's starting directory */ &si, /* Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure */ &pi /* Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure */ ) ) { /* wait for the child to complete */ WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE); GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &errcode); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); exit(errcode); } else { printf("failed to spawn new bam process in msvc mode\n"); printf("%s\n", GetCommandLine()); exit(1); } } } InitializeCriticalSection(&criticalsection); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { gc_attach(main_gc); /* Catch all exit signals for gc */ gc_catch(); log_shell_enable(); log_file_disable(); log_level_set(LOG_NOTICE); struct options_t *options = NULL; char *args = NULL; char *hwfile = NULL; pid_t pid = 0; if(!(settingsfile = malloc(strlen(SETTINGS_FILE)+1))) { logprintf(LOG_ERR, "out of memory"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy(settingsfile, SETTINGS_FILE); if(!(progname = malloc(12))) { logprintf(LOG_ERR, "out of memory"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy(progname, "pilight-raw"); options_add(&options, 'H', "help", OPTION_NO_VALUE, 0, JSON_NULL, NULL, NULL); options_add(&options, 'V', "version", OPTION_NO_VALUE, 0, JSON_NULL, NULL, NULL); options_add(&options, 'S', "settings", OPTION_HAS_VALUE, 0, JSON_NULL, NULL, NULL); while (1) { int c; c = options_parse(&options, argc, argv, 1, &args); if(c == -1) break; if(c == -2) c = 'H'; switch (c) { case 'H': printf("Usage: %s [options]\n", progname); printf("\t -H --help\t\tdisplay usage summary\n"); printf("\t -V --version\t\tdisplay version\n"); printf("\t -S --settings\t\tsettings file\n"); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'V': printf("%s %s\n", progname, VERSION); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'S': if(access(args, F_OK) != -1) { settingsfile = realloc(settingsfile, strlen(args)+1); if(!settingsfile) { logprintf(LOG_ERR, "out of memory"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy(settingsfile, args); settings_set_file(args); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: the settings file %s does not exists\n", progname, args); return EXIT_FAILURE; } break; default: printf("Usage: %s [options]\n", progname); return (EXIT_FAILURE); break; } } options_delete(options); char pilight_daemon[] = "pilight-daemon"; char pilight_learn[] = "pilight-learn"; char pilight_debug[] = "pilight-debug"; if((pid = findproc(pilight_daemon, NULL)) > 0) { logprintf(LOG_ERR, "pilight-daemon instance found (%d)", (int)pid); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } if((pid = findproc(pilight_learn, NULL)) > 0) { logprintf(LOG_ERR, "pilight-learn instance found (%d)", (int)pid); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } if((pid = findproc(pilight_debug, NULL)) > 0) { logprintf(LOG_ERR, "pilight-debug instance found (%d)", (int)pid); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } if(access(settingsfile, F_OK) != -1) { if(settings_read() != 0) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } } hardware_init(); if(settings_find_string("hardware-file", &hwfile) == 0) { hardware_set_file(hwfile); if(hardware_read() == EXIT_FAILURE) { goto clear; } } /* Start threads library that keeps track of all threads used */ threads_create(&pth, NULL, &threads_start, (void *)NULL); struct conf_hardware_t *tmp_confhw = conf_hardware; while(tmp_confhw) { if(tmp_confhw->hardware->init() == EXIT_FAILURE) { logprintf(LOG_ERR, "could not initialize %s hardware mode", tmp_confhw->hardware->id); goto clear; } threads_register(tmp_confhw->hardware->id, &receive_code, (void *)tmp_confhw->hardware, 0); tmp_confhw = tmp_confhw->next; } while(main_loop) { sleep(1); } clear: main_gc(); return (EXIT_FAILURE); }
/// Main function, primary avionics functions, thread 0, highest priority. int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Data Structures struct imu imuData; struct xray xrayData; struct gps gpsData; struct nav navData; struct control controlData; uint16_t cpuLoad; // Timing variables double etime_daq, etime_datalog, etime_telemetry; // Include datalog definition #include DATALOG_CONFIG // Populate dataLog members with initial values // dataLog.saveAsDoubleNames = &saveAsDoubleNames[0]; dataLog.saveAsDoublePointers = &saveAsDoublePointers[0]; dataLog.saveAsFloatNames = &saveAsFloatNames[0]; dataLog.saveAsFloatPointers = &saveAsFloatPointers[0]; dataLog.saveAsXrayNames = &saveAsXrayNames[0]; dataLog.saveAsXrayPointers = &saveAsXrayPointers[0]; dataLog.saveAsIntNames = &saveAsIntNames[0]; dataLog.saveAsIntPointers = &saveAsIntPointers[0]; dataLog.saveAsShortNames = &saveAsShortNames[0]; dataLog.saveAsShortPointers = &saveAsShortPointers[0]; dataLog.logArraySize = LOG_ARRAY_SIZE; dataLog.numDoubleVars = NUM_DOUBLE_VARS; dataLog.numFloatVars = NUM_FLOAT_VARS; dataLog.numXrayVars = NUM_XRAY_VARS; dataLog.numIntVars = NUM_INT_VARS; dataLog.numShortVars = NUM_SHORT_VARS; double tic,time,t0=0; static int t0_latched = FALSE; int loop_counter = 0; pthread_mutex_t mutex; uint32_t cpuCalibrationData;//, last100ms, last1s, last10s; cyg_cpuload_t cpuload; cyg_handle_t loadhandle; // Populate sensorData structure with pointers to data structures // sensorData.imuData_ptr = &imuData; sensorData.gpsData_ptr = &gpsData; sensorData.xrayData_ptr = &xrayData; // Set main thread to highest priority // struct sched_param param; param.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO); pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), SCHED_FIFO, ¶m); // Setup CPU load measurements // cyg_cpuload_calibrate(&cpuCalibrationData); cyg_cpuload_create(&cpuload, cpuCalibrationData, &loadhandle); // Initialize set_actuators (PWM or serial) at zero // // init_actuators(); // set_actuators(&controlData); // Initialize mutex variable. Needed for pthread_cond_wait function // pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); // Initialize functions // init_daq(&sensorData, &navData, &controlData); init_telemetry(); while(1){ //Init Interrupts printf("intr init"); cyg_uint32 uChannel = MPC5XXX_GPW_GPIO_WKUP_7; BOOL enable = true; BOOL bInput = 1; // uChannel initialisation GPIO_GPW_EnableGPIO(uChannel, enable); GPIO_GPW_SetDirection(uChannel, bInput); GPIO_GPW_EnableInterrupt(uChannel, enable, MPC5XXX_GPIO_INTTYPE_RISING); GPIO_GPW_ClearInterrupt(uChannel); HAL_WRITE_UINT32(MPC5XXX_GPW+MPC5XXX_GPW_ME, 0x01000000); cyg_uint32 temp; HAL_READ_UINT32(MPC5XXX_ICTL_MIMR, temp); HAL_WRITE_UINT32(MPC5XXX_ICTL_MIMR, temp&0xFFFFFEFF); // wake-up interrupt service routine initialisation cyg_vector_t int1_vector = CYGNUM_HAL_INTERRUPT_GPIO_WAKEUP; cyg_priority_t int1_priority = 0; cyg_bool_t edge = 0; cyg_bool_t rise = 1; cyg_drv_interrupt_create(int1_vector, int1_priority,0,interrupt_1_isr, interrupt_1_dsr,&int1_handle,&int1); cyg_drv_interrupt_attach(int1_handle); cyg_drv_interrupt_configure(int1_vector,edge,rise); cyg_drv_interrupt_unmask(int1_vector); hasp_mpc5xxx_i2c_init(); // Append: Initialise I2C bus and I2C interrupt routine; device defined in i2c_mpc5xxx.h and .c cyg_interrupt_enable(); HAL_ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(); controlData.mode = 1; // initialize to manual mode controlData.run_num = 0; // reset run counter reset_Time(); // initialize real time clock at zero init_scheduler(); // Initialize scheduling threads_create(); // start additional threads init_datalogger(); // Initialize data logging //+++++++++++// // Main Loop // //+++++++++++// while (controlData.mode != 0) { loop_counter++; //.increment loop counter //**** DATA ACQUISITION ************************************************** pthread_cond_wait (&trigger_daq, &mutex); tic = get_Time(); get_daq(&sensorData, &navData, &controlData); etime_daq = get_Time() - tic - DAQ_OFFSET; // compute execution time //************************************************************************ //**** NAVIGATION ******************************************************** // pthread_cond_wait (&trigger_nav, &mutex); // if(navData.err_type == got_invalid){ // check if get_nav filter has been initialized // if(gpsData.navValid == 0) // check if GPS is locked // init_nav(&sensorData, &navData, &controlData);// Initialize get_nav filter // } // else // get_nav(&sensorData, &navData, &controlData);// Call NAV filter //************************************************************************ if (controlData.mode == 2) { // autopilot mode if (t0_latched == FALSE) { t0 = get_Time(); t0_latched = TRUE; } time = get_Time()-t0; // Time since in auto mode } else{ if (t0_latched == TRUE) { t0_latched = FALSE; } //reset_control(&controlData); // reset controller states and set get_control surfaces to zero } // end if (controlData.mode == 2) // Add trim biases to get_control surface commands //add_trim_bias(&controlData); //**** DATA LOGGING ****************************************************** pthread_cond_wait (&trigger_datalogger, &mutex); datalogger(&sensorData, &navData, &controlData, cpuLoad); cyg_drv_interrupt_mask(int1_vector); xray_dump = dataprinter(sensorData, xray_dump); cyg_drv_interrupt_unmask(int1_vector); etime_datalog = get_Time() - tic - DATALOG_OFFSET; // compute execution time //************************************************************************ //**** TELEMETRY ********************************************************* if(loop_counter >= BASE_HZ/TELEMETRY_HZ){ loop_counter = 0; pthread_cond_wait (&trigger_telemetry, &mutex); // // get current cpu load // cyg_cpuload_get (loadhandle, &last100ms, &last1s, &last10s); // cpuLoad = (uint16_t)last100ms; // send_telemetry(&sensorData, &navData, &controlData, cpuLoad); // // etime_telemetry = get_Time() - tic - TELEMETRY_OFFSET; // compute execution time } //************************************************************************ } //end while (controlData.mode != 0) close_scheduler(); close_datalogger(); // dump data } // end while(1) /********************************************************************** * close **********************************************************************/ pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); // close_actuators(); //close_nav(); return 0; } // end main
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int iter = 100; uint32_t i; uint32_t j; int globalNumberOfThreads = 0; int optPrintDomains = 0; int c; ThreadUserData myData; bstring testcase = bfromcstr("none"); uint32_t numberOfWorkgroups = 0; int tmp = 0; double time; const TestCase* test = NULL; Workgroup* currentWorkgroup = NULL; Workgroup* groups = NULL; cpuid_init(); numa_init(); affinity_init(); /* Handling of command line options */ if (argc == 1) { HELP_MSG; } while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "g:w:t:i:l:aphv")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h': HELP_MSG; exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'v': VERSION_MSG; exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'a': printf(TESTS"\n"); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'w': tmp--; if (tmp == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "More workgroups configured than allocated!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!test) { fprintf (stderr, "You need to specify a test case first!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } testcase = bfromcstr(optarg); currentWorkgroup = groups+tmp; /*FIXME*/ bstr_to_workgroup(currentWorkgroup, testcase, test->type, test->streams); bdestroy(testcase); for (i=0; i< test->streams; i++) { if (currentWorkgroup->streams[i].offset%test->stride) { fprintf (stderr, "Stream %d: offset is not a multiple of stride!\n",i); return EXIT_FAILURE; } allocator_allocateVector(&(currentWorkgroup->streams[i].ptr), PAGE_ALIGNMENT, currentWorkgroup->size, currentWorkgroup->streams[i].offset, test->type, currentWorkgroup->streams[i].domain); } break; case 'i': iter = atoi(optarg); break; case 'l': testcase = bfromcstr(optarg); for (i=0; i<NUMKERNELS; i++) { if (biseqcstr(testcase, kernels[i].name)) { test = kernels+i; break; } } if (biseqcstr(testcase,"none")) { fprintf (stderr, "Unknown test case %s\n",optarg); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { printf("Name: %s\n",test->name); printf("Number of streams: %d\n",test->streams); printf("Loop stride: %d\n",test->stride); printf("Flops: %d\n",test->flops); printf("Bytes: %d\n",test->bytes); switch (test->type) { case SINGLE: printf("Data Type: Single precision float\n"); break; case DOUBLE: printf("Data Type: Double precision float\n"); break; } } bdestroy(testcase); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'p': optPrintDomains = 1; break; case 'g': numberOfWorkgroups = atoi(optarg); allocator_init(numberOfWorkgroups * MAX_STREAMS); tmp = numberOfWorkgroups; groups = (Workgroup*) malloc(numberOfWorkgroups*sizeof(Workgroup)); break; case 't': testcase = bfromcstr(optarg); for (i=0; i<NUMKERNELS; i++) { if (biseqcstr(testcase, kernels[i].name)) { test = kernels+i; break; } } if (biseqcstr(testcase,"none")) { fprintf (stderr, "Unknown test case %s\n",optarg); return EXIT_FAILURE; } bdestroy(testcase); break; case '?': if (isprint (optopt)) fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt); else fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n", optopt); return EXIT_FAILURE; default: HELP_MSG; } } if (optPrintDomains) { affinity_printDomains(); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } timer_init(); /* :WARNING:05/04/2010 08:58:05 AM:jt: At the moment the thread * module only allows equally sized thread groups*/ for (i=0; i<numberOfWorkgroups; i++) { globalNumberOfThreads += groups[i].numberOfThreads; } threads_init(globalNumberOfThreads); threads_createGroups(numberOfWorkgroups); /* we configure global barriers only */ barrier_init(1); barrier_registerGroup(globalNumberOfThreads); #ifdef PERFMON printf("Using likwid\n"); likwid_markerInit(); #endif /* initialize data structures for threads */ for (i=0; i<numberOfWorkgroups; i++) { myData.iter = iter; myData.size = groups[i].size; myData.test = test; myData.numberOfThreads = groups[i].numberOfThreads; myData.processors = (int*) malloc(myData.numberOfThreads * sizeof(int)); myData.streams = (void**) malloc(test->streams * sizeof(void*)); for (j=0; j<groups[i].numberOfThreads; j++) { myData.processors[j] = groups[i].processorIds[j]; } for (j=0; j< test->streams; j++) { myData.streams[j] = groups[i].streams[j].ptr; } threads_registerDataGroup(i, &myData, copyThreadData); free(myData.processors); free(myData.streams); } printf(HLINE); printf("LIKWID MICRO BENCHMARK\n"); printf("Test: %s\n",test->name); printf(HLINE); printf("Using %d work groups\n",numberOfWorkgroups); printf("Using %d threads\n",globalNumberOfThreads); printf(HLINE); threads_create(runTest); threads_destroy(); allocator_finalize(); time = (double) threads_data[0].cycles / (double) timer_getCpuClock(); printf("Cycles: %llu \n", LLU_CAST threads_data[0].cycles); printf("Iterations: %llu \n", LLU_CAST iter); printf("Size: %d \n", currentWorkgroup->size ); printf("Vectorlength: %d \n", threads_data[0].data.size); printf("Time: %e sec\n", time); printf("MFlops/s:\t%.2f\n", 1.0E-06 * ((double) numberOfWorkgroups * iter * currentWorkgroup->size * test->flops/ time)); printf("MByte/s:\t%.2f\n", 1.0E-06 * ( (double) numberOfWorkgroups * iter * currentWorkgroup->size * test->bytes/ time)); printf("Cycles per update:\t%f\n", ((double) threads_data[0].cycles / (double) (iter * threads_data[0].data.size))); switch ( test->type ) { case SINGLE: printf("Cycles per cacheline:\t%f\n", (16.0 * (double) threads_data[0].cycles / (double) (iter * threads_data[0].data.size))); break; case DOUBLE: printf("Cycles per cacheline:\t%f\n", (8.0 * (double) threads_data[0].cycles / (double) (iter * threads_data[0].data.size))); break; } printf(HLINE); #ifdef PERFMON likwid_markerClose(); #endif return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int programCreateCode(JsonNode *code) { char *name = NULL; double itmp = -1; int state = -1; int pid = 0; if(json_find_string(code, "name", &name) == 0) { if(strstr(progname, "daemon") != NULL) { struct programs_t *tmp = programs; while(tmp) { if(strcmp(tmp->name, name) == 0) { if(tmp->wait == 0 && tmp->pth == 0) { if(tmp->name != NULL && tmp->stop != NULL && tmp->start != NULL) { if(json_find_number(code, "running", &itmp) == 0) state = 1; else if(json_find_number(code, "stopped", &itmp) == 0) state = 0; if((pid = (int)findproc(tmp->program, tmp->arguments)) > 0 && state == 1) { logprintf(LOG_ERR, "program \"%s\" already running", tmp->name); } else if(pid == -1 && state == 0) { logprintf(LOG_ERR, "program \"%s\" already stopped", tmp->name); break; } else { if(state > -1) { program->message = json_mkobject(); JsonNode *code1 = json_mkobject(); json_append_member(code1, "name", json_mkstring(name)); if(state == 1) { json_append_member(code1, "state", json_mkstring("running")); } else { json_append_member(code1, "state", json_mkstring("stopped")); } json_append_member(program->message, "message", code1); json_append_member(program->message, "origin", json_mkstring("receiver")); json_append_member(program->message, "protocol", json_mkstring(program->id)); pilight.broadcast(program->id, program->message); json_delete(program->message); program->message = NULL; } tmp->wait = 1; threads_create(&tmp->pth, NULL, programThread, (void *)tmp); pthread_detach(tmp->pth); program->message = json_mkobject(); json_append_member(program->message, "name", json_mkstring(name)); json_append_member(program->message, "state", json_mkstring("pending")); } } else { logprintf(LOG_ERR, "program \"%s\" cannot be controlled", tmp->name); } } else { logprintf(LOG_ERR, "please wait for program \"%s\" to finish it's state change", tmp->name); } break; } tmp = tmp->next; } } else { program->message = json_mkobject(); if(json_find_number(code, "running", &itmp) == 0) json_append_member(program->message, "state", json_mkstring("running")); else if(json_find_number(code, "stopped", &itmp) == 0) json_append_member(program->message, "state", json_mkstring("stopped")); json_append_member(program->message, "name", json_mkstring(name)); json_append_member(program->message, "state", json_mkstring("pending")); } } else { return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static int createCode(JsonNode *code) { double itmp = 0; int state = -1; double id = 0; int free_response = 0; char *response = NULL; if(json_find_number(code, "id", &id) == 0) { struct settings_t *tmp = settings; while(tmp) { if(tmp->id == id) { if(tmp->wait == 0) { if(tmp->method != NULL && tmp->on_uri != NULL && tmp->off_uri != NULL && tmp->on_success != NULL && tmp->off_success != NULL && tmp->response != NULL ) { if(json_find_number(code, "running", &itmp) == 0) state = 1; else if(json_find_number(code, "stopped", &itmp) == 0) state = 0; if(state > -1) { webswitch->message = json_mkobject(); JsonNode *code1 = json_mkobject(); json_append_member(code1, "id", json_mknumber(id, 0)); if(state == 1) { json_append_member(code1, "state", json_mkstring("running")); } else { json_append_member(code1, "state", json_mkstring("stopped")); } json_append_member(webswitch->message, "message", code1); json_append_member(webswitch->message, "origin", json_mkstring("receiver")); json_append_member(webswitch->message, "protocol", json_mkstring(webswitch->id)); if(pilight.broadcast != NULL) { pilight.broadcast(webswitch->id, webswitch->message, PROTOCOL); } json_delete(webswitch->message); webswitch->message = NULL; } tmp->wait = 1; threads_create(&tmp->pth, NULL, execute, (void *)tmp); tmp->hasthread = 1; pthread_detach(tmp->pth); webswitch->message = json_mkobject(); json_append_member(webswitch->message, "id", json_mknumber(id, 0)); json_append_member(webswitch->message, "state", json_mkstring("pending")); } else { logprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "webswitch \"%i\" cannot operate due to missing parameters", tmp->id); } } else { logprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "please wait for webswitch \"%i\" to finish it's state change", tmp->id); } break; } tmp = tmp->next; } } else { return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(free_response) { FREE(response); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { uint64_t iter = 100; uint32_t i; uint32_t j; int globalNumberOfThreads = 0; int optPrintDomains = 0; int c; ThreadUserData myData; bstring testcase = bfromcstr("none"); uint64_t numberOfWorkgroups = 0; int tmp = 0; double time; double cycPerUp = 0.0; const TestCase* test = NULL; uint64_t realSize = 0; uint64_t realIter = 0; uint64_t maxCycles = 0; uint64_t minCycles = UINT64_MAX; uint64_t cyclesClock = 0; uint64_t demandIter = 0; TimerData itertime; Workgroup* currentWorkgroup = NULL; Workgroup* groups = NULL; uint32_t min_runtime = 1; /* 1s */ bstring HLINE = bfromcstr(""); binsertch(HLINE, 0, 80, '-'); binsertch(HLINE, 80, 1, '\n'); int (*ownprintf)(const char *format, ...); ownprintf = &printf; /* Handling of command line options */ if (argc == 1) { HELP_MSG; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "w:t:s:l:aphvi:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h': HELP_MSG; exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'v': VERSION_MSG; exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'a': ownprintf(TESTS"\n"); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'w': numberOfWorkgroups++; break; case 's': min_runtime = atoi(optarg); break; case 'i': demandIter = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10); if (demandIter <= 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Error: Iterations must be greater than 0\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } break; case 'l': bdestroy(testcase); testcase = bfromcstr(optarg); for (i=0; i<NUMKERNELS; i++) { if (biseqcstr(testcase, kernels[i].name)) { test = kernels+i; break; } } if (test == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Error: Unknown test case %s\n",optarg); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { ownprintf("Name: %s\n",test->name); ownprintf("Number of streams: %d\n",test->streams); ownprintf("Loop stride: %d\n",test->stride); ownprintf("Flops: %d\n",test->flops); ownprintf("Bytes: %d\n",test->bytes); switch (test->type) { case INT: ownprintf("Data Type: Integer\n"); break; case SINGLE: ownprintf("Data Type: Single precision float\n"); break; case DOUBLE: ownprintf("Data Type: Double precision float\n"); break; } if (test->loads >= 0) { ownprintf("Load Ops: %d\n",test->loads); } if (test->stores >= 0) { ownprintf("Store Ops: %d\n",test->stores); } if (test->branches >= 0) { ownprintf("Branches: %d\n",test->branches); } if (test->instr_const >= 0) { ownprintf("Constant instructions: %d\n",test->instr_const); } if (test->instr_loop >= 0) { ownprintf("Loop instructions: %d\n",test->instr_loop); } } bdestroy(testcase); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'p': optPrintDomains = 1; break; case 'g': numberOfWorkgroups = LLU_CAST atol(optarg); tmp = numberOfWorkgroups; break; case 't': bdestroy(testcase); testcase = bfromcstr(optarg); for (i=0; i<NUMKERNELS; i++) { if (biseqcstr(testcase, kernels[i].name)) { test = kernels+i; break; } } if (test == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Error: Unknown test case %s\n",optarg); return EXIT_FAILURE; } bdestroy(testcase); break; case '?': if (isprint (optopt)) fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt); else fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n", optopt); return EXIT_FAILURE; default: HELP_MSG; } } if ((numberOfWorkgroups == 0) && (!optPrintDomains)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: At least one workgroup (-w) must be set on commandline\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (topology_init() != EXIT_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unsupported processor!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ((test == NULL) && (!optPrintDomains)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown test case. Please check likwid-bench -a for available tests\n"); fprintf(stderr, "and select one using the -t commandline option\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } numa_init(); affinity_init(); timer_init(); if (optPrintDomains) { bdestroy(testcase); AffinityDomains_t affinity = get_affinityDomains(); ownprintf("Number of Domains %d\n",affinity->numberOfAffinityDomains); for (i=0; i < affinity->numberOfAffinityDomains; i++ ) { ownprintf("Domain %d:\n",i); ownprintf("\tTag %s:",bdata(affinity->domains[i].tag)); for ( uint32_t j=0; j < affinity->domains[i].numberOfProcessors; j++ ) { ownprintf(" %d",affinity->domains[i].processorList[j]); } ownprintf("\n"); } exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } allocator_init(numberOfWorkgroups * MAX_STREAMS); groups = (Workgroup*) malloc(numberOfWorkgroups*sizeof(Workgroup)); tmp = 0; optind = 0; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "w:t:s:l:i:aphv")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'w': currentWorkgroup = groups+tmp; bstring groupstr = bfromcstr(optarg); i = bstr_to_workgroup(currentWorkgroup, groupstr, test->type, test->streams); bdestroy(groupstr); if (i == 0) { for (i=0; i< test->streams; i++) { if (currentWorkgroup->streams[i].offset%test->stride) { fprintf (stderr, "Error: Stream %d: offset is not a multiple of stride!\n",i); return EXIT_FAILURE; } allocator_allocateVector(&(currentWorkgroup->streams[i].ptr), PAGE_ALIGNMENT, currentWorkgroup->size, currentWorkgroup->streams[i].offset, test->type, currentWorkgroup->streams[i].domain); } tmp++; } else { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; default: continue; break; } } /* :WARNING:05/04/2010 08:58:05 AM:jt: At the moment the thread * module only allows equally sized thread groups*/ for (i=0; i<numberOfWorkgroups; i++) { globalNumberOfThreads += groups[i].numberOfThreads; } ownprintf(bdata(HLINE)); ownprintf("LIKWID MICRO BENCHMARK\n"); ownprintf("Test: %s\n",test->name); ownprintf(bdata(HLINE)); ownprintf("Using %" PRIu64 " work groups\n",numberOfWorkgroups); ownprintf("Using %d threads\n",globalNumberOfThreads); ownprintf(bdata(HLINE)); threads_init(globalNumberOfThreads); threads_createGroups(numberOfWorkgroups); /* we configure global barriers only */ barrier_init(1); barrier_registerGroup(globalNumberOfThreads); cyclesClock = timer_getCycleClock(); #ifdef LIKWID_PERFMON if (getenv("LIKWID_FILEPATH") != NULL) { ownprintf("Using Likwid Marker API\n"); } LIKWID_MARKER_INIT; ownprintf(bdata(HLINE)); #endif /* initialize data structures for threads */ for (i=0; i<numberOfWorkgroups; i++) { myData.iter = iter; if (demandIter > 0) { myData.iter = demandIter; } myData.min_runtime = min_runtime; myData.size = groups[i].size; myData.test = test; myData.cycles = 0; myData.numberOfThreads = groups[i].numberOfThreads; myData.processors = (int*) malloc(myData.numberOfThreads * sizeof(int)); myData.streams = (void**) malloc(test->streams * sizeof(void*)); for (j=0; j<groups[i].numberOfThreads; j++) { myData.processors[j] = groups[i].processorIds[j]; } for (j=0; j< test->streams; j++) { myData.streams[j] = groups[i].streams[j].ptr; } threads_registerDataGroup(i, &myData, copyThreadData); free(myData.processors); free(myData.streams); } if (demandIter == 0) { getIterSingle((void*) &threads_data[0]); for (i=0; i<numberOfWorkgroups; i++) { iter = threads_updateIterations(i, demandIter); } } #ifdef DEBUG_LIKWID else { ownprintf("Using manually selected iterations per thread\n"); } #endif threads_create(runTest); threads_join(); for (int i=0; i<globalNumberOfThreads; i++) { realSize += threads_data[i].data.size; realIter += threads_data[i].data.iter; if (threads_data[i].cycles > maxCycles) { maxCycles = threads_data[i].cycles; } if (threads_data[i].cycles < minCycles) { minCycles = threads_data[i].cycles; } } time = (double) maxCycles / (double) cyclesClock; ownprintf(bdata(HLINE)); ownprintf("Cycles:\t\t\t%" PRIu64 "\n", maxCycles); ownprintf("CPU Clock:\t\t%" PRIu64 "\n", timer_getCpuClock()); ownprintf("Cycle Clock:\t\t%" PRIu64 "\n", cyclesClock); ownprintf("Time:\t\t\t%e sec\n", time); ownprintf("Iterations:\t\t%" PRIu64 "\n", realIter); ownprintf("Iterations per thread:\t%" PRIu64 "\n",threads_data[0].data.iter); ownprintf("Inner loop executions:\t%.0f\n", ((double)realSize)/((double)test->stride)); ownprintf("Size:\t\t\t%" PRIu64 "\n", realSize*test->bytes ); ownprintf("Size per thread:\t%" PRIu64 "\n", threads_data[0].data.size*test->bytes); ownprintf("Number of Flops:\t%" PRIu64 "\n", (threads_data[0].data.iter * realSize * test->flops)); ownprintf("MFlops/s:\t\t%.2f\n", 1.0E-06 * ((double) threads_data[0].data.iter * realSize * test->flops/ time)); ownprintf("Data volume (Byte):\t%llu\n", LLU_CAST (threads_data[0].data.iter * realSize * test->bytes)); ownprintf("MByte/s:\t\t%.2f\n", 1.0E-06 * ( (double) threads_data[0].data.iter * realSize * test->bytes/ time)); cycPerUp = ((double) maxCycles / (double) (threads_data[0].data.iter * realSize)); ownprintf("Cycles per update:\t%f\n", cycPerUp); switch ( test->type ) { case INT: case SINGLE: ownprintf("Cycles per cacheline:\t%f\n", (16.0 * cycPerUp)); break; case DOUBLE: ownprintf("Cycles per cacheline:\t%f\n", (8.0 * cycPerUp)); break; } ownprintf("Loads per update:\t%ld\n", test->loads ); ownprintf("Stores per update:\t%ld\n", test->stores ); if ((test->loads > 0) && (test->stores > 0)) { ownprintf("Load/store ratio:\t%.2f\n", ((double)test->loads)/((double)test->stores) ); } if ((test->instr_loop > 0) && (test->instr_const > 0)) { ownprintf("Instructions:\t\t%" PRIu64 "\n", LLU_CAST ((double)realSize/test->stride)*test->instr_loop*threads_data[0].data.iter + test->instr_const ); } if (test->uops > 0) { ownprintf("UOPs:\t\t\t%" PRIu64 "\n", LLU_CAST ((double)realSize/test->stride)*test->uops*threads_data[0].data.iter); } ownprintf(bdata(HLINE)); threads_destroy(numberOfWorkgroups, test->streams); allocator_finalize(); workgroups_destroy(&groups, numberOfWorkgroups, test->streams); #ifdef LIKWID_PERFMON if (getenv("LIKWID_FILEPATH") != NULL) { ownprintf("Writing Likwid Marker API results to file %s\n", getenv("LIKWID_FILEPATH")); } LIKWID_MARKER_CLOSE; #endif bdestroy(HLINE); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }