Пример #1
//send back the tangent 
const XC::Matrix  &XC::PlateFiberMaterial::getTangent(void) const
  static XC::Matrix dd11(5,5);
  static XC::Matrix dd12(5,1);
  static XC::Matrix dd21(1,5);
  static XC::Matrix dd22(1,1);
  static XC::Matrix dd22invdd21(1,5);

  static XC::Matrix threeDtangentCopy(6,6);
  const XC::Matrix &threeDtangent = theMaterial->getTangent();

  //swap matrix indices to sort out-of-plane components 
  int i,j, ii, jj;
  for(i=0; i<6; i++) {

    ii = this->indexMap(i);

    for(j=0; j<6; j++) {

      jj = this->indexMap(j);

      threeDtangentCopy(ii,jj) = threeDtangent(i,j);

    }//end for j

  }//end for i
  dd22(0,0) = threeDtangentCopy(5,5);

  for(i=0; i<5; i++) {

    dd12(i,0) = threeDtangentCopy(i,5);
    dd21(0,i) = threeDtangentCopy(5,i);
    for(int j=0; j<5; j++) 
      dd11(i,j) = threeDtangentCopy(i,j);
  }//end for i
  //int Solve(const XC::Vector &V, XC::Vector &res) const;
  //int Solve(const XC::Matrix &M, XC::Matrix &res) const;
  dd22.Solve(dd21, dd22invdd21);
  this->tangent   = dd11; 
  this->tangent  -= (dd12*dd22invdd21);

  return this->tangent;
Пример #2
const Matrix&  
  const Matrix &threeDtangent = theMaterial->getInitialTangent();

  static Matrix dd11(3,3);
  dd11(0,0) = threeDtangent(0,0);
  dd11(1,0) = threeDtangent(3,0);
  dd11(2,0) = threeDtangent(5,0);

  dd11(0,1) = threeDtangent(0,3);
  dd11(1,1) = threeDtangent(3,3);
  dd11(2,1) = threeDtangent(5,3);

  dd11(0,2) = threeDtangent(0,5);
  dd11(1,2) = threeDtangent(3,5);
  dd11(2,2) = threeDtangent(5,5);

  static Matrix dd12(3,3);
  dd12(0,0) = threeDtangent(0,1);
  dd12(1,0) = threeDtangent(3,1);
  dd12(2,0) = threeDtangent(5,1);

  dd12(0,1) = threeDtangent(0,2);
  dd12(1,1) = threeDtangent(3,2);
  dd12(2,1) = threeDtangent(5,2);

  dd12(0,2) = threeDtangent(0,4);
  dd12(1,2) = threeDtangent(3,4);
  dd12(2,2) = threeDtangent(5,4);

  static Matrix dd21(3,3);
  dd21(0,0) = threeDtangent(1,0);
  dd21(1,0) = threeDtangent(2,0);
  dd21(2,0) = threeDtangent(4,0);

  dd21(0,1) = threeDtangent(1,3);
  dd21(1,1) = threeDtangent(2,3);
  dd21(2,1) = threeDtangent(4,3);

  dd21(0,2) = threeDtangent(1,5);
  dd21(1,2) = threeDtangent(2,5);
  dd21(2,2) = threeDtangent(4,5);

  static Matrix dd22(3,3);
  dd22(0,0) = threeDtangent(1,1);
  dd22(1,0) = threeDtangent(2,1);
  dd22(2,0) = threeDtangent(4,1);

  dd22(0,1) = threeDtangent(1,2);
  dd22(1,1) = threeDtangent(2,2);
  dd22(2,1) = threeDtangent(4,2);

  dd22(0,2) = threeDtangent(1,4);
  dd22(1,2) = threeDtangent(2,4);
  dd22(2,2) = threeDtangent(4,4);

  //int Solve(const Vector &V, Vector &res) const;
  //int Solve(const Matrix &M, Matrix &res) const;
  static Matrix dd22invdd21(3,3);
  dd22.Solve(dd21, dd22invdd21);

  //this->tangent   = dd11; 
  //this->tangent  -= (dd12*dd22invdd21);
  dd11.addMatrixProduct(1.0, dd12, dd22invdd21, -1.0);
  tangent = dd11; 

  return tangent;
Пример #3
const Vector& 
BeamFiberMaterial::getStressSensitivity(int gradIndex,
					bool conditional)
  const Vector &threeDstress = theMaterial->getStressSensitivity(gradIndex, conditional);

  stress(0) = threeDstress(0);
  stress(1) = threeDstress(3);
  stress(2) = threeDstress(5);

  const Matrix &threeDtangent = theMaterial->getTangent();

  static Matrix dd12(3,3);
  dd12(0,0) = threeDtangent(0,1);
  dd12(1,0) = threeDtangent(3,1);
  dd12(2,0) = threeDtangent(5,1);

  dd12(0,1) = threeDtangent(0,2);
  dd12(1,1) = threeDtangent(3,2);
  dd12(2,1) = threeDtangent(5,2);

  dd12(0,2) = threeDtangent(0,4);
  dd12(1,2) = threeDtangent(3,4);
  dd12(2,2) = threeDtangent(5,4);

  static Matrix dd22(3,3);
  dd22(0,0) = threeDtangent(1,1);
  dd22(1,0) = threeDtangent(2,1);
  dd22(2,0) = threeDtangent(4,1);
  dd22(0,1) = threeDtangent(1,2);
  dd22(1,1) = threeDtangent(2,2);
  dd22(2,1) = threeDtangent(4,2);
  dd22(0,2) = threeDtangent(1,4);
  dd22(1,2) = threeDtangent(2,4);
  dd22(2,2) = threeDtangent(4,4);

  static Vector sigma2(3);
  sigma2(0) = threeDstress(1);
  sigma2(1) = threeDstress(2);
  sigma2(2) = threeDstress(4);

  static Vector dd22sigma2(3);

  stress.addMatrixVector(1.0, dd12, dd22sigma2, -1.0);

  return stress;
Пример #4
//receive the strain
BeamFiberMaterial::setTrialStrain(const Vector &strainFromElement)
  static const double tolerance = 1.0e-08;

  strain(0) = strainFromElement(0);
  strain(1) = strainFromElement(1);
  strain(2) = strainFromElement(2);

  //newton loop to solve for out-of-plane strains

  double norm;
  static Vector condensedStress(3);
  static Vector strainIncrement(3);
  static Vector threeDstrain(6);
  static Matrix dd22(3,3);

  int count = 0;
  const int maxCount = 20;
  double norm0;

  do {

    //set three dimensional strain
    threeDstrain(0) = this->strain(0);
    threeDstrain(1) = this->Tstrain22;
    threeDstrain(2) = this->Tstrain33;
    threeDstrain(3) = this->strain(1); 
    threeDstrain(4) = this->Tgamma23;
    threeDstrain(5) = this->strain(2);

    if (theMaterial->setTrialStrain(threeDstrain) < 0) {
      opserr << "BeamFiberMaterial::setTrialStrain - setStrain failed in material with strain " << threeDstrain;
      return -1;   

    //three dimensional stress
    const Vector &threeDstress = theMaterial->getStress();

    //three dimensional tangent 
    const Matrix &threeDtangent = theMaterial->getTangent();

    //NDmaterial strain order        = 11, 22, 33, 12, 23, 31  
    //BeamFiberMaterial strain order = 11, 12, 31, 22, 33, 23

    condensedStress(0) = threeDstress(1);
    condensedStress(1) = threeDstress(2);
    condensedStress(2) = threeDstress(4);

    dd22(0,0) = threeDtangent(1,1);
    dd22(1,0) = threeDtangent(2,1);
    dd22(2,0) = threeDtangent(4,1);

    dd22(0,1) = threeDtangent(1,2);
    dd22(1,1) = threeDtangent(2,2);
    dd22(2,1) = threeDtangent(4,2);

    dd22(0,2) = threeDtangent(1,4);
    dd22(1,2) = threeDtangent(2,4);
    dd22(2,2) = threeDtangent(4,4);

    //set norm
    norm = condensedStress.Norm();
    if (count == 0)
      norm0 = norm;

    dd22.Solve(condensedStress, strainIncrement);

    //update out of plane strains
    this->Tstrain22 -= strainIncrement(0);
    this->Tstrain33 -= strainIncrement(1);
    this->Tgamma23  -= strainIncrement(2);

  } while (count++ < maxCount && norm > tolerance);

  return 0;
Пример #5
const Matrix&  
  static Matrix dd11(2,2);
  static Matrix dd12(2,4);
  static Matrix dd21(4,2);
  static Matrix dd22(4,4);
  static Matrix dd22invdd21(4,4);
  static Matrix threeDtangentCopy(6,6);

  const Matrix &threeDtangent = theMaterial->getInitialTangent();

  //swap matrix indices to sort out-of-plane components 
  int i, j , ii, jj;
  for (i=0; i<6; i++) {

    ii = this->indexMap(i);

    for (j=0; j<6; j++) {
      jj = this->indexMap(j);
      threeDtangentCopy(ii,jj) = threeDtangent(i,j);
    }//end for j
  }//end for i

  for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
    for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
      //dd11(i,j) = threeDtangentCopy(i,  j );
      //dd12(i,j) = threeDtangentCopy(i,  j+3);
      //dd21(i,j) = threeDtangentCopy(i+3,j );
      //dd22(i,j) = threeDtangentCopy(i+3,j+3);

  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
      dd11(i,j) = threeDtangentCopy(i,j);

  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
      dd12(i,j) = threeDtangentCopy(i,j+2);

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
      dd21(i,j) = threeDtangentCopy(i+2,j);

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
      dd22(i,j) = threeDtangentCopy(i+2,j+2);

  //int Solve(const Vector &V, Vector &res) const;
  //int Solve(const Matrix &M, Matrix &res) const;
  dd22.Solve(dd21, dd22invdd21);
  this->tangent   = dd11; 
  this->tangent  -= (dd12*dd22invdd21);

  return this->tangent;