Пример #1
 expr mk_resolvent(environment const & env, extension_context & ctx, expr const & m,
                   expr const & l, expr const & not_l, expr const C1, expr const & C2) const {
     buffer<expr> R; // resolvent
     if (!collect(C1, l, R, ctx))
         throw_kernel_exception(env, "invalid resolve macro, positive literal was not found", m);
     if (!collect(C2, not_l, R, ctx))
         throw_kernel_exception(env, "invalid resolve macro, negative literal was not found", m);
     return mk_bin_rop(*g_or, *g_false, R.size(), R.data());
Пример #2
environment environment::replace(certified_declaration const & t) const {
    if (!m_id.is_descendant(t.get_id()))
    name const & n = t.get_declaration().get_name();
    auto ax = find(n);
    if (!ax)
        throw_kernel_exception(*this, "invalid replacement of axiom with theorem, the environment does not have an axiom with the given name");
    if (!ax->is_axiom())
        throw_kernel_exception(*this, "invalid replacement of axiom with theorem, the current declaration in the environment is not an axiom");
    if (!t.get_declaration().is_theorem())
        throw_kernel_exception(*this, "invalid replacement of axiom with theorem, the new declaration is not a theorem");
    if (ax->get_type() != t.get_declaration().get_type())
        throw_kernel_exception(*this, "invalid replacement of axiom with theorem, the 'replace' operation can only be used when the axiom and theorem have the same type");
    return environment(m_header, m_id, insert(m_declarations, n, t.get_declaration()), m_global_levels, m_extensions);
Пример #3
environment environment::add(declaration const & d) const {
    if (trust_lvl() == 0)
        throw_kernel_exception(*this, "environment trust level does not allow users to add declarations that were not type checked");
    name const & n = d.get_name();
    if (find(n))
        throw_already_declared(*this, n);
    return environment(m_header, m_id, insert(m_declarations, n, d), m_global_levels, m_extensions);
Пример #4
    virtual expr check_type(expr const & m, abstract_type_context & ctx, bool infer_only) const {
        environment const & env = ctx.env();
        expr s   = macro_arg(m, 0);
        expr s_t = ctx.whnf(ctx.check(s, infer_only));
        buffer<expr> I_args;
        expr const & I = get_app_args(s_t, I_args);
        if (!is_constant(I)) {
            // remark: this is not an issue since this macro should not be used during elaboration.
            throw_kernel_exception(env, sstream() << "projection macros do not support arbitrary terms "
                                   << "containing metavariables yet (solution: use trust-level 0)", m);

        if (length(const_levels(I)) != length(m_ps))
            throw_kernel_exception(env, sstream() << "invalid projection application '" << m_proj_name
                                   << "', incorrect number of universe parameters", m);
        expr t = instantiate_univ_params(m_type, m_ps, const_levels(I));
        return instantiate_rev(t, I_args.size(), I_args.data());
Пример #5
 virtual expr check_type(expr const & m, abstract_type_context & ctx, bool infer_only) const {
     expr given_type = macro_arg(m, 0);
     if (!infer_only) {
         ctx.check(given_type, infer_only);
         expr inferred_type = ctx.check(macro_arg(m, 1), infer_only);
         if (!ctx.is_def_eq(inferred_type, given_type)) {
             throw_kernel_exception(ctx.env(), m, [=](formatter const & fmt) {
                 return format("type mismatch at term") + pp_type_mismatch(fmt, macro_arg(m, 1), inferred_type, given_type);
     return given_type;
Пример #6
 /** \brief Given l : H, and R == (or ... l ...), create a proof term for R using or_intro_left and or_intro_right */
 expr mk_or_intro(expr const & l, expr const & H, expr const & R, extension_context & ctx) const {
     check_system("resolve macro");
     if (is_or_app(R)) {
         expr lhs = app_arg(app_fn(R));
         expr rhs = app_arg(R);
         // or_intro_left {a : Prop} (H : a) (b : Prop) : a ∨ b
         // or_intro_right {b : Prop} (a : Prop) (H : b) : a ∨ b
         if (is_def_eq(l, lhs, ctx)) {
             return mk_app(*g_or_intro_left, l, H, rhs);
         } else if (is_def_eq(l, rhs, ctx)) {
             return mk_app(*g_or_intro_right, l, lhs, H);
         } else {
             return mk_app(*g_or_intro_right, rhs, lhs, mk_or_intro(l, H, rhs, ctx));
     } else if (is_def_eq(l, R, ctx)) {
         return H;
     } else {
         throw_kernel_exception(ctx.env(), "bug in resolve macro");
Пример #7
 virtual pair<expr, constraint_seq> check_type(expr const & m, extension_context & ctx, bool infer_only) const {
     constraint_seq cseq;
     expr given_type = macro_arg(m, 0);
     if (!infer_only) {
         cseq += ctx.check_type(given_type, infer_only).second;
         auto p = ctx.check_type(macro_arg(m, 1), infer_only);
         expr inferred_type = p.first;
         cseq              += p.second;
         justification jst = mk_type_mismatch_jst(macro_arg(m, 1), inferred_type, given_type, m);
         as_delayed_justification djst(jst);
         if (!ctx.is_def_eq(inferred_type, given_type, djst, cseq)) {
             throw_kernel_exception(ctx.env(), m,
                                    [=](formatter const & fmt) {
                                        return pp_type_mismatch(fmt, macro_arg(m, 1), inferred_type, given_type);
     return mk_pair(given_type, cseq);
Пример #8
 expr infer_type(expr const & e, extension_context & ctx, bool infer_only) const {
     auto r = ctx.check_type(e, infer_only);
     if (r.second)
         throw_kernel_exception(ctx.env(), "invalid resolve macro, constraints were generated while inferring type", e);
     return r.first;
Пример #9
 expr whnf(expr const & e, extension_context & ctx) const {
     auto r = ctx.whnf(e);
     if (r.second)
         throw_kernel_exception(ctx.env(), "invalid resolve macro, constraints were generated while computing whnf", e);
     return r.first;
Пример #10
 static void check_num_args(environment const & env, expr const & m) {
     if (macro_num_args(m) != 3)
         throw_kernel_exception(env, "invalid number of arguments for resolve macro", m);
Пример #11
[[ noreturn ]] void throw_incompatible_environment(environment const & env) {
    throw_kernel_exception(env, "invalid declaration, it was checked/certified in an incompatible environment");
Пример #12
[[ noreturn ]] void throw_invalid_extension(environment const & env) {
    throw_kernel_exception(env, "invalid environment extension identifier");
Пример #13
environment environment::remove_universe(name const & n) const {
    if (!m_global_levels.contains(n))
        throw_kernel_exception(*this, "no universe of the given name");
    return environment(m_header, m_id, m_declarations, erase(m_global_levels, n), m_extensions);
Пример #14
environment environment::add_universe(name const & n) const {
    if (m_global_levels.contains(n))
                               "invalid global universe level declaration, environment already contains a universe level with the given name");
    return environment(m_header, m_id, m_declarations, insert(m_global_levels, n), m_extensions);