// inputsource methods inputsource::inputsource(void *srcdata, getbytefunc gbfunc, ungetbytefunc ugbfunc, eoffunc endfunc) throw(const exception &) { if (!tidyInitSource(&data, srcdata, gbfunc, ugbfunc, endfunc)) throw exception("inputsource: failed to initialize input source."); }
bool nuiHTML::Load(nglIStream& rStream, nglTextEncoding OverrideContentsEncoding, const nglString& rSourceURL) { if (!rSourceURL.IsEmpty()) SetSourceURL(rSourceURL); int res = -1; nglTextEncoding encoding = eUTF8; TidyDoc tdoc = NULL; { HTMLStream strm(rStream); tdoc = tidyCreate(); tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyShowMarkup, no); tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyShowWarnings, no); tidyOptSetInt(tdoc, TidyShowErrors, 0); tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyQuiet, yes); tidySetCharEncoding(tdoc, "utf8"); TidyInputSource source; tidyInitSource( &source, &strm, &HTMLStream::TidyGetByte, &HTMLStream::TidyUngetByte, &HTMLStream::TidyEOF); res = tidyParseSource(tdoc, &source); if ( res >= 0 ) res = tidyCleanAndRepair(tdoc); // Tidy it up! if ( res >= 0 ) res = tidyRunDiagnostics(tdoc); // Kvetch if (OverrideContentsEncoding == eEncodingUnknown) { nglString encoding_string(GetEncodingString(tidyGetRoot(tdoc))); //ascii, latin1, raw, utf8, iso2022, mac, win1252, utf16le, utf16be, utf16, big5 shiftjis encoding = nuiGetTextEncodingFromString(encoding_string); } else { encoding = OverrideContentsEncoding; } } char* pStr = NULL; if (encoding != eUTF8) { // Release the doc to create a new one tidyRelease(tdoc); nglOMemory omem; rStream.SetPos(0, eStreamFromStart); rStream.PipeTo(omem); nglString decoded; decoded.Import(omem.GetBufferData(), omem.GetSize(), encoding); pStr = decoded.Export(eUTF8); nglIMemory imem(pStr, strlen(pStr)); HTMLStream strm(imem); tdoc = tidyCreate(); tidySetCharEncoding(tdoc, "utf8"); TidyInputSource source; tidyInitSource( &source, &strm, &HTMLStream::TidyGetByte, &HTMLStream::TidyUngetByte, &HTMLStream::TidyEOF); res = tidyParseSource(tdoc, &source); if ( res >= 0 ) res = tidyCleanAndRepair(tdoc); // Tidy it up! if ( res >= 0 ) res = tidyRunDiagnostics(tdoc); // Kvetch } BuildTree(tdoc, tidyGetRoot(tdoc), eUTF8, mComputeStyle); tidyRelease(tdoc); if (pStr) free(pStr); return res < 2; }