Пример #1
long long tiles(long long n){

        return dp[n];

        return dp[n]=1;

        return dp[n]=2;

    return dp[n]=tiles(n-1)+tiles(n-4);

Пример #2
void colour_vegetation (Planet_colours& c, const Planet& p, const Season& s) {
	static const Colour snow = Colour(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	static const Colour water_deep = Colour(0.05, 0.05, 0.20);
	static const Colour water_shallow = Colour(0.04, 0.22, 0.42);
	static const Colour land_low = Colour(0.95, 0.81, 0.53);
	static const Colour land_high = Colour(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
	static const Colour vegetation = Colour(0.176, 0.32, 0.05);

	for (const Tile& t : tiles(p)) {
		if (is_water(nth_tile(terrain(p) ,id(t)))) {
			double d = std::min(1.0f, water_depth(nth_tile(terrain(p), id(t)))/400);
			c.tiles[id(t)] = interpolate(water_shallow, water_deep, d);
		else {
			auto& climate = nth_tile(s, id(t));
			if (temperature(climate) <= freezing_point())
				c.tiles[id(t)] = snow;
			else {
				double d = std::min(1.0, (elevation(nth_tile(terrain(p), id(t))) - sea_level(p))/2500);
				Colour ground = interpolate(land_low, land_high, d);
				double v = std::min(1.0f, aridity(climate)/1.5f);
				c.tiles[id(t)] = interpolate(vegetation, ground, v);
Пример #3
void colour_temperature (Planet_colours& c, const Planet& p, const Season& s) {
	static const Colour col[8] = {
		Colour(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
		Colour(0.7, 0, 0.5),
		Colour(0, 0, 0.5),
		Colour(0, 0, 1.0),
		Colour(0, 1.0, 1.0),
		Colour(1.0, 1.0, 0),
		Colour(1.0, 0.1, 0),
		Colour(0.45, 0, 0)};
	static float limits[8] = {-50, -35, -20, -10, 0, 10, 20, 30};

	for (const Tile& t : tiles(p)) {
		float temp = temperature(nth_tile(s, id(t))) - freezing_point();
		if (temp <= limits[0])
			c.tiles[id(t)] = col[0];
		else if (temp >= limits[7])
			c.tiles[id(t)] = col[7];
		else {
			for (int i=0; i<7; i++) {
				if (temp >= limits[i] && temp < limits[i+1]) {
					double d = (temp - limits[i]) / (limits[i+1] - limits[i]);
					c.tiles[id(t)] = interpolate(col[i], col[i+1], d);
Пример #4
void MainForm::populateScene() {
  stop = false;
  std::pair<int, int> min_norm, max_norm;
  calculateMinMaxPoint(min_norm, max_norm, *bf_);
  size_t range = static_cast<size_t>(max_norm.second - min_norm.second + 1);
  boost::progress_display show_progress(range);
  std::list<std::vector<int> > tiles(range);
  size_t tiles_nr = fillTiles(tiles, *bf_, min_norm, max_norm, show_progress);
  tbb::atomic<size_t> progress_index, mem_index;
  progress_index = 0;
  mem_index = 0;
  std::list<std::vector<int> >::iterator it = tiles.begin();
  tbb::task_scheduler_init init;
  for (int i = min_norm.second; i <= max_norm.second; ++i) {
                                                       (it->begin(), it->end()),
                      ApplyFooQT(this, i, &progress_index));
    if (stop) break;
    show_progress += progress_index;
    progress_index = 0;
Пример #5
void colour_aridity (Planet_colours& c, const Planet& p, const Season& s) {
	static const Colour water = Colour(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

	static const Colour col[4] = {
		Colour(1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
		Colour(1.0, 1.0, 0.0),
		Colour(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
		Colour(0.0, 0.5, 0.0)};
	float limits[4] = {2.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f};

	for (const Tile& t : tiles(p)) {
		if (is_water(nth_tile(terrain(p) ,id(t))))
			c.tiles[id(t)] = water;
		else {
			float ar = aridity(nth_tile(s, id(t)));
			c.tiles[id(t)] = col[3];
			for (int i=1; i<4; i++) {
				if (ar > limits[i]) {
					double d = std::min(1.0f, (ar - limits[i]) / (limits[i-1] - limits[i]));
					c.tiles[id(t)] = interpolate(col[i], col[i-1], d);
Пример #6
	//Init of tiles vector. Must be called.
	void Map::CreateTiles(int newmapwidth, int newmapheight)
		height_ = newmapheight;
		width_ = newmapwidth;
		std::vector<std::vector<Tile>> tiles(newmapwidth,std::vector<Tile>(newmapheight));
		tiles_ = tiles;
static std::vector<FrameTile> tilesFromFrameImage(const Image& image,
                                                  const std::vector<Snes::SnesColor>& palettes, unsigned colorsPerPalette,
                                                  InvalidImageError& err)
    const static unsigned TS = 8;

    const usize iSize = image.size();

    unsigned tw = iSize.width / TS;
    unsigned th = iSize.height / TS;
    std::vector<FrameTile> tiles(tw * th);
    auto tileIt = tiles.begin();

    for (unsigned y = 0; y < iSize.height; y += TS) {
        for (unsigned x = 0; x < iSize.width; x += TS) {
            bool s = extractFrameTile(*tileIt, image, x, y, palettes, colorsPerPalette);
            if (!s) {
                err.addInvalidTile(TS, x, y, InvalidImageError::NO_PALETTE_FOUND);
    assert(tileIt == tiles.end());

    return tiles;
Пример #8
void HexagonalBoard::buildEdges()
  std::vector<TileInterface*> boardTiles = tiles();
  std::vector<AxialHexCoordinate> neighbors = AxialHexCoordinate::localNeighborsCw();
  for(TileInterface* tile: boardTiles){
    DefaultHexTile* resourceTile = static_cast<DefaultHexTile*>(tile);
    for(AxialHexCoordinate neighborCoord: neighbors){
      AxialHexCoordinate neighborGlobal = mapToGcs(neighborCoord, tile);
      auto neighborItr = vBoard.find(neighborGlobal);
      if(neighborItr != vBoard.cend()){
        DefaultHexTile* neighborTile = static_cast<DefaultHexTile*>(neighborItr->second);
        if(resourceTile->edge(neighborCoord) == nullptr){
          std::shared_ptr<EdgeInterface> commonEdge( new RoadEdge );
          commonEdge->setTiles({tile, neighborTile});
          resourceTile->setEdge(neighborCoord, commonEdge);
          neighborTile->setEdge(neighborCoord.reverse(), commonEdge);
      } else {
        std::shared_ptr<EdgeInterface> uniqueEdge( new RoadEdge );
        resourceTile->setEdge(neighborCoord, uniqueEdge);

Пример #9
void GameBoard::initializeGL( QGLWidget & target ) {
  QImage wall( "textures/wall.jpg" );
  this->wallTexture = target.bindTexture( wall );
  QImage grass( "textures/grass.jpg" );
  this->grassTexture = target.bindTexture( grass );
  QImage roof( "textures/roof.jpg" );
  this->roofTexture = target.bindTexture( roof );
  QImage tiles( "textures/tiles.jpg" );
  this->ghostsStartTexture = target.bindTexture( tiles );
  QImage dot( "textures/dot.png" );
  this->dotTexture = target.bindTexture( dot );

  this->staticList = glGenLists( 1 );
  glNewList( this->staticList, GL_COMPILE );
    for ( int y = 0; y < this->height; ++y ) {
      for ( int x = 0; x < this->width; ++x ) {
        if ( GameBoard::Wall == this->blocks[ y ][ x ] ) {
          this->addWallBlock( x, y );
        else if ( GameBoard::Path == this->blocks[ y ][ x ] ) {
          this->addGrassBlock( x, y );
        else if ( GameBoard::Dot == this->blocks[ y ][ x ] ) {
          this->addGrassBlock( x, y );
        else if ( GameBoard::Powerup == this->blocks[ y ][ x ] ) {
          this->addGrassBlock( x, y );
        else if ( GameBoard::Teleport1 == this->blocks[ y ][ x ] ) {
          this->addGrassBlock( x, y );
        else if ( GameBoard::PlayerStart == this->blocks[ y ][ x ] ) {
          this->addGrassBlock( x, y );
        else if ( GameBoard::PlayerWall == this->blocks[ y ][ x ] ) {
          this->addFloorBlock( x, y, this->roofTexture, this->defaultMaterial );
        else if ( GameBoard::GhostsStart == this->blocks[ y ][ x ] ) {
            x, y, this->ghostsStartTexture, this->defaultMaterial

  this->dotList = glGenLists( 1 );
  this->dotQuadric = gluNewQuadric();
  gluQuadricTexture( this->dotQuadric, true );
  glNewList( this->dotList, GL_COMPILE );
    glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, this->dotTexture );
    gluSphere( this->dotQuadric, 0.1f, 360 / 30, 180 / 30 );
Пример #10
void MapType_Hocus::write(MapPtr map, stream::expanding_output_sptr output,
	ExpandingSuppData& suppData) const
	Map2DPtr map2d = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Map2D>(map);
	if (!map2d) throw stream::error("Cannot write this type of map as this format.");
	if (map2d->getLayerCount() != 2)
		throw stream::error("Incorrect layer count for this format.");

	unsigned int mapWidth, mapHeight;
	map2d->getMapSize(&mapWidth, &mapHeight);

	Map2D::LayerPtr layer;

	// Write the background layer
	boost::scoped_array<uint8_t> tiles(new uint8_t[HP_MAP_SIZE]);

	// Set the default background tile
	memset(tiles.get(), HP_DEFAULT_TILE_BG, HP_MAP_SIZE);

	layer = map2d->getLayer(0);
	const Map2D::Layer::ItemPtrVectorPtr itemsBG = layer->getAllItems();
	for (Map2D::Layer::ItemPtrVector::const_iterator i = itemsBG->begin();
		i != itemsBG->end();
	) {
		assert(((*i)->x < mapWidth) && ((*i)->y < mapHeight));
		tiles[(*i)->y * mapWidth + (*i)->x] = (*i)->code;

	output->write((char *)tiles.get(), HP_MAP_SIZE);
	assert(output->tellp() == 14400);

	// Write the foreground layer
	stream::output_sptr layerFile = suppData[SuppItem::Layer1];

	// Set the default background tile
	memset(tiles.get(), HP_DEFAULT_TILE_FG, HP_MAP_SIZE);

	layer = map2d->getLayer(1);
	const Map2D::Layer::ItemPtrVectorPtr itemsFG = layer->getAllItems();
	for (Map2D::Layer::ItemPtrVector::const_iterator i = itemsFG->begin();
		i != itemsFG->end();
	) {
		assert(((*i)->x < mapWidth) && ((*i)->y < mapHeight));
		tiles[(*i)->y * mapWidth + (*i)->x] = (*i)->code;

	layerFile->seekp(0, stream::start);
	layerFile->write((char *)tiles.get(), HP_MAP_SIZE);
	assert(layerFile->tellp() == 14400);

Пример #11
Tile * Tile::get(const std::string & filename)
    if (tiles().find(filename) != tiles().end()) {
        return tiles()[filename];
    // std::cout << "Loading new tile " << filename << std::endl << std::flush;
    Tile * t = new Tile();

    if (!t->loaded()) {
        std::cerr << "Failed to load texture " << filename
                  << std::endl << std::flush;
        return NULL;

    tiles()[filename] = t;
    return t;
Пример #12
void _set_humidity (const Planet& planet, const Climate_parameters& par, Climate_generation_season& season) {
	for (auto& t : tiles(planet)) {
		float humidity = 0.0;		
		if (is_water(nth_tile(terrain(planet), id(t)))) {
			humidity = saturation_humidity(season.tiles[id(t)].temperature);
		season.tiles[id(t)].humidity = humidity;
	_iterate_humidity(planet, par, season);
Пример #13
void get_tiles(float s[DECAY_COUNT], int a, int tile_array[], unsigned int num_tilings, unsigned int memory_size) {
    float vals[2];
    vals[0] = s[0]*10;
    vals[1] = s[1]*10;
          vals, 2,
          &a, 1);
Пример #14
	PTileListModel groupedTilesModel(const TileGroup &tile_group, bool only_uniform) {
		vector<const Tile*> tiles(tile_group.groupCount());
		for(int n = 0; n < tile_group.entryCount(); n++) {
			int group_id = tile_group.entryGroup(n);
			if(!tiles[group_id] && (!only_uniform || tile_group.isGroupSurfaceUniform(group_id)))
				tiles[group_id] = tile_group.entryTile(n);
		tiles.resize(remove(tiles.begin(), tiles.end(), nullptr) - tiles.begin());
		return make_shared<VectorBasedModel>(tiles);
Пример #15
unsigned TileGrid::blankPixelCount() const
    PlatformLayerList tiles(m_tiles.size());

    for (TileMap::const_iterator it = m_tiles.begin(), end = m_tiles.end(); it != end; ++it) {
        if (PlatformLayer *layer = it->value.layer->platformLayer())

    return TileController::blankPixelCountForTiles(tiles, m_controller.visibleRect(), IntPoint(0, 0));
Пример #16
		void flush(stream::inout& content, const Point& mapSize)
			std::vector<uint8_t> tiles(mapSize.x * mapSize.y, WR_DEFAULT_BGTILE);
			for (auto& t : this->v_allItems) {
				if ((t.pos.x > mapSize.x) || (t.pos.y > mapSize.y)) {
					throw stream::error(createString("Layer has tiles outside map "
							"boundary at (" << t.pos.x << "," << t.pos.y << ")"));
				tiles[t.pos.y * mapSize.x + t.pos.x] = t.code;
			rleWrite(content, tiles);
Пример #17
    int opt;

    for(int i=0;i<opt;i++){
        long long n;
        memset(dp, -1, sizeof dp);


Пример #18
	// Jumble Tile Positions
void Puzzle::jumbleTilePositions()
	std::vector<int> tiles(mTiles.size());
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < tiles.size(); i++)
		tiles[i] = i;
	std::random_shuffle(tiles.begin(), tiles.end());

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < mTiles.size(); i++)
		mTiles[i].second = tiles[i];
Пример #19
 void createSomeModel(int numTiles) {
     std::vector<MoTile> tiles(numTiles,
         MoTile(QImage(20, 30, QImage::Format_RGBA8888)));
     model.constructInitialState(targetImage, tiles);
     std::vector<float> x(numTiles);
     model.setXCoords(&x[0], &x[0] + numTiles);
     std::vector<float> y(numTiles);
     model.setXCoords(&y[0], &y[0] + numTiles);
     std::vector<float> rotations(numTiles, 0.0f);
     model.setRotations(&rotations[0], &rotations[0] + numTiles);
     std::vector<float> scales(numTiles, 0.0f);
     model.setRotations(&scales[0], &scales[0] + numTiles);
Пример #20
void _set_wind (const Planet& planet, const Climate_parameters&, Climate_generation_season& season) {
	for (auto& t : tiles(planet)) {
		season.tiles[id(t)].wind = _default_wind(planet, id(t), season.tropical_equator);
		season.tiles[id(t)].wind.direction += north(planet, &t);
	for (auto& t : tiles(planet)) {
		//tile shape in 2d, rotated according to wind direction
		std::vector<Vector2> corners =
			rotation_matrix(north(planet, &t) - season.tiles[id(t)].wind.direction) * polygon(&t, rotation_to_default(planet));

		int e = edge_count(t);
		for (int k=0; k<e; k++) {
			int direction = sign(nth_edge(t, k), &t);
			if (corners[k].x + corners[(k+1)%e].x < 0) direction *= -1;
			season.edges[id(nth_edge(t, k))].wind_velocity -=
				0.5 * direction
				* season.tiles[id(t)].wind.speed
				* std::abs(corners[k].y - corners[(k+1)%e].y)
				/ length(corners[k] - corners[(k+1)%e]);
Пример #21
void HexagonalBoard::buildVertices()
  std::vector<TileInterface*> boardTiles = tiles();
  std::vector<AxialHexCoordinate> vertices = AxialHexCoordinate::localVerticesCw();
  std::vector<AxialHexCoordinate> edges = AxialHexCoordinate::localNeighborsCw();
  for(TileInterface* tile: boardTiles){
    DefaultHexTile* currentTile = static_cast<DefaultHexTile*>(tile);

    for(std::vector<AxialHexCoordinate>::size_type i = 0; i < vertices.size(); ++i){
      VertexInterface* vertex = currentTile->vertex(vertices[i]);
      if(vertex == nullptr){
        std::shared_ptr<VertexInterface> sharedVertex(new DefaultVertex);
        currentTile->setVertex(vertices[i], sharedVertex);

        std::set<TileInterface*> vertexTiles;
        std::set<EdgeInterface*> vertexEdges;

        EdgeInterface* cwEdge = currentTile->edge(edges[i]);
        auto cwTiles = cwEdge->tiles();
        for(TileInterface* edgeTile: cwTiles){
          if(edgeTile == tile) {
            // Do nothing
          } else if(edgeTile){
            vertexEdges.insert(static_cast<DefaultHexTile*>(edgeTile)->edge(edges[(i + 4) % 6]));
            static_cast<DefaultHexTile*>(edgeTile)->setVertex(vertices[(i + 4) % 6], sharedVertex);

        EdgeInterface* ccwEdge =  currentTile->edge(edges[(i + 5) % 6]);
        auto ccwTiles = ccwEdge->tiles();
        for(TileInterface* edgeTile: ccwTiles){
          if(edgeTile == tile) {
            // Do nothing
          } else if(edgeTile){
            vertexEdges.insert(static_cast<DefaultHexTile*>(edgeTile)->edge(edges[(i + 1) % 6]));
            static_cast<DefaultHexTile*>(edgeTile)->setVertex(vertices[(i + 2) % 6], sharedVertex);

        sharedVertex->setTiles(std::vector<TileInterface*>(vertexTiles.begin(), vertexTiles.end()));
        sharedVertex->setEdges(std::vector<EdgeInterface*>(vertexEdges.begin(), vertexEdges.end()));
Пример #22
void runit (int num=10, int ct=2048, int numt=1)
    int i,j;
    float vars[2];
    int* the_tiles = (int*) malloc(numt*sizeof(int));
    for (i=0; i<num; i++)
        for (j=0; j<num; j++)
            vars[0] = i*0.5;
            vars[1] = j*0.5;
            tiles(the_tiles, numt, ct, vars, 2, NULL, 0);
Пример #23
void runitl (int num=10, int ct=2048, int numt=1)
    int i,j;
    float vars[2];
    int* tlist = (int*)malloc((num*num*numt)*sizeof(int));
    for (i=0; i < num; i++)
        for (j=0; j < num; j++)
            vars[0] = i*0.5;
            vars[1] = j*0.5;
            tiles(tlist+(i*num*num+j), numt, ct, vars, 2,NULL,0);
Пример #24
void runitn_ct (int num=10, collision_table* ct=NULL, int numt=4)
    int i,j;
    float vars[2];
    int* the_tiles = (int*)malloc(numt*sizeof(int));
    for (i=0; i < num; i++)
        for (j=0; j < num; j++)
            vars[0] = i*0.5;
            vars[1] = j*0.5;
            tiles(the_tiles,numt, ct, vars, 2, NULL, 0);
Пример #25
Surface ShpFile::getSurfaceArray(uint8_t tilesX, uint8_t tilesY, ...) {
    std::vector<uint32_t> tiles(tilesX*tilesY);

    va_list arg_ptr;
    va_start(arg_ptr, tilesY);

    for(uint32_t i = 0; i < tilesX*tilesY; i++) {
	tiles[i] = va_arg( arg_ptr, uint32_t );
	if(getIndex(tiles[i]) >= _size)
	    throw(Exception(LOG_ERROR, "ShpFile", "getSurfaceArray(): There exist only %d files in this *.shp.",_size));

    return getSurfaceArray(tilesX, tilesY, &tiles.front());
Пример #26
void _set_temperature (const Planet& planet, const Climate_parameters&, Climate_generation_season& season) {
	auto temperature_at_latitude = [](float latitude) {
		return freezing_point() - 25 + 50*cos(latitude);
	for (auto& t : tiles(planet)) {
		float temperature = temperature_at_latitude(season.tropical_equator - latitude(planet, vector(t)));
		if (is_land(nth_tile(terrain(planet), id(t)))) {
			if (elevation(nth_tile(terrain(planet), id(t))) > sea_level(planet))
				temperature -= temperature_lapse(elevation(nth_tile(terrain(planet), id(t))) - sea_level(planet));
		else {
			temperature = 0.3*temperature + 0.7*temperature_at_latitude(latitude(planet, vector(t)));
		season.tiles[id(t)].temperature = temperature;
Пример #27
void runit2 (int num=10, int ct=2048, int numt=1)
    int i,j;
    float vars[4];
    int ints[2];
    int* the_tiles = (int*)malloc(numt*sizeof(int));
    for (i=0; i < num; i++)
        for (j=0; j < num; j++)
            vars[0] = i*0.5;
            vars[1] = j*0.5;
            vars[2] = float(i+j)/2;
            vars[3] = float(i-j)/2;
            ints[0] = i;
            ints[1] = j;
            tiles(the_tiles, numt, ct, vars, 4, ints, 2);
Пример #28
void colour_topography (Planet_colours& c, const Planet& p) {
	static const Colour water_deep = Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.25);
	static const Colour water = Colour(0.0, 0.12, 0.5);
	static const Colour water_shallow = Colour(0.0, 0.4, 0.6);

	static const Colour land[6] = {
		Colour(0.0, 0.4, 0.0),
		Colour(0.0, 0.7, 0.0),
		Colour(1.0, 1.0, 0.0),
		Colour(1.0, 0.5, 0.0),
		Colour(0.7, 0.0, 0.0),
		Colour(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)};
	double land_limits[7] = {-500, 0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500};
	for (const Tile& t : tiles(p)) {
		const Terrain_tile& ter = nth_tile(terrain(p), id(t));
		double elev = elevation(ter) - sea_level(p);
		if (is_water(ter)) {
			if (elev < -1000) {
				c.tiles[id(t)] = water_deep;
			else if (elev < -500) {
				double d = (elev+500)/(-500);
				c.tiles[id(t)] = interpolate(water, water_deep, d);
			else {
				double d = elev/(-500);
				c.tiles[id(t)] = interpolate(water_shallow, water, d);
		else {
			c.tiles[id(t)] = land[5];
			for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
				if (elev <= land_limits[i+1]) {
					double d = std::max(0.0, std::min(1.0, (elev - land_limits[i]) / (land_limits[i+1] - land_limits[i])));
					c.tiles[id(t)] = interpolate(land[i], land[i+1], d);
Пример #29
void colour_humidity (Planet_colours& c, const Planet& p, const Season& s) {
	static const Colour water = Colour(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	static const Colour land_dry = Colour(1.0, 1.0, 0.5);
	static const Colour land_mid = Colour(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
	static const Colour land_humid = Colour(0.0, 0.7, 0.0);
	for (const Tile& t : tiles(p)) {
		double h = humidity(nth_tile(s, id(t))) / saturation_humidity(temperature(nth_tile(s, id(t))));
		if (is_water(nth_tile(terrain(p), id(t)))) {
			c.tiles[id(t)] = water;
		else {
			if (h <= 0.5) {
				double d = h / 0.5;
				c.tiles[id(t)] = interpolate(land_dry, land_mid, d);
			else {
				double d = (h-0.5)/0.5;
				c.tiles[id(t)] = interpolate(land_mid, land_humid, d);
Пример #30
void contour_phi( const Vec3d& domain_low, double domain_dx, Array3d& phi, std::vector<Vec3st>& tris, std::vector<Vec3d>& verts )
    MarchingTilesHiRes tiles( domain_low, domain_dx, phi );
    std::cout << "Contouring..." << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Improving..." << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Copying..." << std::endl;
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < tiles.tri.size(); ++i )
        tris.push_back( Vec3st( tiles.tri[i] ) );
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < tiles.x.size(); ++i )
        verts.push_back( tiles.x[i] );
    std::cout << "done" << std::endl;   