Пример #1
uint8_t time_get_days_in_month(months_t month, uint16_t year)
	switch (month)
		case January: return 31;
		case Februrary:
		if (time_is_leap_year(year))
		return 29;
		return 28;
		case March: return 31;
		case April: return 30;
		case May: return 31;
		case Juni: return 30;
		case Juli: return 31;
		case August: return 31;
		case September: return 30;
		case October: return 31;
		case November: return 30;
		case December: return 31;
			return 0;
	return 0;
 * time_day_of_year:
 * @day: The day.
 * @month: The month.
 * @year: The year.
 * Returns the 1-based day number within the year of the specified date.
 * Year is the normal year, e.g. 2001. Month is 0 to 11.
 * Return value: the day of the year.
time_day_of_year (int day, int month, int year)
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < month; i++) {
		day += days_in_month[i];

		if (i == 1 && time_is_leap_year (year))

	return day;
 * time_days_in_month:
 * @year: The year.
 * @month: The month.
 * Returns the number of days in the month. Year is the normal year, e.g. 2001.
 * Month is 0 (Jan) to 11 (Dec).
 * Return value: number of days in the given month/year.
time_days_in_month (int year, int month)
	int days;

	g_return_val_if_fail (year >= 1900, 0);
	g_return_val_if_fail ((month >= 0) && (month < 12), 0);

	days = days_in_month[month];
	if (month == 1 && time_is_leap_year (year))

	return days;
Пример #4
// Static Method to return ISO WeekNumber (1-53) for a given year
int16_t time_get_weeknumber(uint8_t day, uint8_t month, uint16_t year) 
	int16_t yyyy = year;
	int16_t mm= month;
	int16_t dd = day;

	// Declare other required variables
	int16_t day_of_year_number;
	int16_t jan_1_weekday;
	int16_t week_number = 0, weekday;
	int16_t i,j,k,l,m,n;
	int16_t mnth[12] = {0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334};

	int16_t year_number;
	// Set DayofYear Number for yyyy mm dd
	day_of_year_number = dd + mnth[mm-1];

	// Increase of Dayof Year Number by 1, if year is leapyear and month is february
	if ((time_is_leap_year(yyyy) == true) && (mm == 2))
	day_of_year_number += 1;

	// Find the Jan1WeekDay for year
	i = (yyyy - 1) % 100;
	j = (yyyy - 1) - i;
	k = i + i/4;
	jan_1_weekday = 1 + (((((j / 100) % 4) * 5) + k) % 7);

	// Calcuate the WeekDay for the given date
	l = day_of_year_number + (jan_1_weekday - 1);
	weekday = 1 + ((l - 1) % 7);

	// Find if the date falls in YearNumber set WeekNumber to 52 or 53
	if ((day_of_year_number <= (8 - jan_1_weekday)) && (jan_1_weekday > 4))
		year_number = yyyy - 1;
		if ((jan_1_weekday == 5) || ((jan_1_weekday == 6) && (jan_1_weekday > 4)))
		week_number = 53;
		week_number = 52;
	year_number = yyyy;
	// Set WeekNumber to 1 to 53 if date falls in YearNumber
	if (year_number == yyyy)
		if (time_is_leap_year(yyyy)==true)
		m = 366;
		m = 365;
		if ((m - day_of_year_number) < (4-weekday))
			year_number = yyyy + 1;
			week_number = 1;
	if (year_number==yyyy) {
		n = day_of_year_number + (7 - weekday) + (jan_1_weekday -1);
		week_number = n / 7;
		if (jan_1_weekday > 4)
		week_number -= 1;

	return (week_number);