Пример #1
void DoEndLevelScoreGlitzPoll( int nitems, newmenu_item * menus, int * key, int citem )

	if ( timer_get_approx_seconds() > time_out_value ) 	{
		*key = -2;
Пример #2
void autodemo_menu_check(int nitems, newmenu_item * items, int *last_key, int citem )
	int curtime;

	nitems = nitems;
	citem = citem;

	//draw copyright message
	if ( Menu_draw_copyright )		{
		Menu_draw_copyright = 0;
	// Don't allow them to hit ESC in the main menu.
	if (*last_key==KEY_ESC) *last_key = 0;

	if ( do_auto_demo )	{
		curtime = timer_get_approx_seconds();
		//if ( ((keyd_time_when_last_pressed+i2f(20)) < curtime) && ((last_joy_time+i2f(20)) < curtime) && (!speedtest_on)  ) {
		if ( ((keyd_time_when_last_pressed+i2f(45)) < curtime) && (!speedtest_on)  ) {
			keyd_time_when_last_pressed = curtime;			// Reset timer so that disk won't thrash if no demos.
			newdemo_start_playback(NULL);		// Randomly pick a file
			if (Newdemo_state == ND_STATE_PLAYBACK)	{
				Function_mode = FMODE_GAME;
				*last_key = -2;							  	
Пример #3
void main (void)
	fix t1, t2, t3, delta, mdelta, mt3;

	printf( "Press any key to start...\n" );

	timer_set_rate( 9943 );

	t1 = t2 = timer_get_fixed_seconds();

	mdelta = 0;
	mt3 = 0;
	while(!kbhit())	{
		t3 = t2;
		t1 = timer_get_approx_seconds();
		t2 = timer_get_fixed_seconds();
		delta = t2 - t1;
		if ( abs(delta) > mdelta )
			mdelta = abs(delta);

		if ( abs(t2-t3) > mt3 )
			mt3 = abs(t2-t3);
		printf( "%.8f\t%.8f\t%.8f\t%d\t%.8f\t%.8f\n", f2fl(t2), f2fl(t2-t1), f2fl(mdelta), TICKER/19, f2fl(t2-t3), f2fl(mt3) );
//		if ( t2 < t1 )	{
//			printf( "Bad time of %.8f\n", f2fl(t1-t2) );
//		}
Пример #4
void DoGameOver()
	time_out_value = timer_get_approx_seconds() + i2f(60*5);
	nm_messagebox1( TXT_GAME_OVER, DoEndLevelScoreGlitzPoll, 1, TXT_OK, "" );

	if (Current_mission_num == 0)

	Function_mode = FMODE_MENU;
	Game_mode = GM_GAME_OVER;
	longjmp( LeaveGame, 0 );		// Exit out of game loop

Пример #5
void DoGameOver()
	time_out_value = timer_get_approx_seconds() + i2f(60*5);
// 	nm_messagebox1( TXT_GAME_OVER, DoEndLevelScoreGlitzPoll, 1, TXT_OK, "" );


	Function_mode = FMODE_MENU;
	Game_mode = GM_GAME_OVER;
	longjmp( LeaveGame, 1 );		// Exit out of game loop

Пример #6
//	-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Does the bonus scoring.
//	Call with dead_flag = 1 if player died, but deserves some portion of bonus (only skill points), anyway.
void DoEndLevelScoreGlitz(int network)
	int level_points, skill_points, energy_points, shield_points, hostage_points;
	int	all_hostage_points;
	int	endgame_points;
	char	all_hostage_text[64];
	char	endgame_text[64];
	#define N_GLITZITEMS 9
	char				m_str[N_GLITZITEMS][30];
	newmenu_item	m[9];
	int				i,c;
	char				title[128];
	int				is_last_level;

	gr_palette_load( gr_palette );


	level_points = Players[Player_num].score-Players[Player_num].last_score;

	if (!Cheats_enabled) {
		if (Difficulty_level > 1) {
			skill_points = level_points*(Difficulty_level-1)/2;
			skill_points -= skill_points % 100;
		} else
			skill_points = 0;

		shield_points = f2i(Players[Player_num].shields) * 10 * (Difficulty_level+1);
		energy_points = f2i(Players[Player_num].energy) * 5 * (Difficulty_level+1);
		hostage_points = Players[Player_num].hostages_on_board * 500 * (Difficulty_level+1);
	} else {
		skill_points = 0;
		shield_points = 0;
		energy_points = 0;
		hostage_points = 0;

	all_hostage_text[0] = 0;
	endgame_text[0] = 0;

	if (!Cheats_enabled && (Players[Player_num].hostages_on_board == Players[Player_num].hostages_level)) {
		all_hostage_points = Players[Player_num].hostages_on_board * 1000 * (Difficulty_level+1);
		sprintf(all_hostage_text, "%s%i\n", TXT_FULL_RESCUE_BONUS, all_hostage_points);
	} else
		all_hostage_points = 0;

	if (!Cheats_enabled && !(Game_mode & GM_MULTI) && (Players[Player_num].lives) && (Current_level_num == Last_level)) {		//player has finished the game!
		endgame_points = Players[Player_num].lives * 10000;
		sprintf(endgame_text, "%s%i\n", TXT_SHIP_BONUS, endgame_points);
	} else
		endgame_points = is_last_level = 0;

	add_bonus_points_to_score(skill_points + energy_points + shield_points + hostage_points + all_hostage_points + endgame_points);

	c = 0;
	sprintf(m_str[c++], "%s%i", TXT_SHIELD_BONUS, shield_points);		// Return at start to lower menu...
	sprintf(m_str[c++], "%s%i", TXT_ENERGY_BONUS, energy_points);
	sprintf(m_str[c++], "%s%i", TXT_HOSTAGE_BONUS, hostage_points);
	sprintf(m_str[c++], "%s%i", TXT_SKILL_BONUS, skill_points);

	sprintf(m_str[c++], "%s", all_hostage_text);
	if (!(Game_mode & GM_MULTI) && (Players[Player_num].lives) && (Current_level_num == Last_level))
		sprintf(m_str[c++], "%s", endgame_text);

	sprintf(m_str[c++], "%s%i\n", TXT_TOTAL_BONUS, shield_points+energy_points+hostage_points+skill_points+all_hostage_points+endgame_points);
	sprintf(m_str[c++], "%s%i", TXT_TOTAL_SCORE, Players[Player_num].score);

	for (i=0; i<c; i++) {
		m[i].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT;
		m[i].text = m_str[i];

	// m[c].type = NM_TYPE_MENU;	m[c++].text = "Ok";

	if (Current_level_num < 0)
		sprintf(title,"%s%s %d %s\n %s %s",is_last_level?"\n\n\n":"\n",TXT_SECRET_LEVEL, -Current_level_num, TXT_COMPLETE, Current_level_name, TXT_DESTROYED);
		sprintf(title,"%s%s %d %s\n%s %s",is_last_level?"\n\n\n":"\n",TXT_LEVEL, Current_level_num, TXT_COMPLETE, Current_level_name, TXT_DESTROYED);

	Assert(c <= N_GLITZITEMS);

	time_out_value = timer_get_approx_seconds() + i2f(60*5);

#ifdef NETWORK
	if ( network && (Game_mode & GM_NETWORK) )
		newmenu_do2(NULL, title, c, m, network_endlevel_poll2, 0, Menu_pcx_name);
#endif	// Note link!
		newmenu_do2(NULL, title, c, m, DoEndLevelScoreGlitzPoll, 0, Menu_pcx_name);
Пример #7
Файл: titles.c Проект: btb/d1x
//	-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Return true if message got aborted by user (pressed ESC), else return false.
int show_briefing_message(int screen_num, char *message)
	int	prev_ch=-1;
	int	ch, done=0;
	briefing_screen	*bsp = &Briefing_screens[screen_num];
	int	delay_count = KEY_DELAY_DEFAULT;
	int	key_check;
	int	robot_num=-1;
	int	rval=0;
	int	tab_stop=0;
	int	flashing_cursor=0;
	int	new_page=0;
	int text_ulx = rescale_x(bsp->text_ulx);
	int text_uly = rescale_y(bsp->text_uly);

	Bitmap_name[0] = 0;

	Current_color = 0;

	// mprintf((0, "Going to print message [%s] at x=%i, y=%i\n", message, x, y));
	gr_set_curfont( GAME_FONT );    

	init_char_pos(text_ulx, text_uly);

	while (!done) {
		ch = *message++;
		if (ch == '$') {
			ch = *message++;
			if (ch == 'C') {
				Current_color = get_message_num(&message)-1;
				Assert((Current_color >= 0) && (Current_color < MAX_BRIEFING_COLORS));
				prev_ch = 10;
			} else if (ch == 'F') {		//	toggle flashing cursor
				flashing_cursor = !flashing_cursor;
				prev_ch = 10;
				while (*message++ != 10)
			} else if (ch == 'T') {
				tab_stop = get_message_num(&message);
				prev_ch = 10;							//	read to eoln
			} else if (ch == 'R') {
				if (Robot_canv != NULL)
					{free(Robot_canv); Robot_canv=NULL;}

				robot_num = get_message_num(&message);
				prev_ch = 10;							//	read to eoln
			} else if (ch == 'N') {
				//--grs_bitmap	*bitmap_ptr;
				if (Robot_canv != NULL)
					{free(Robot_canv); Robot_canv=NULL;}

				get_message_name(&message, Bitmap_name);
				strcat(Bitmap_name, "#0");
				Animating_bitmap_type = 0;
				prev_ch = 10;
			} else if (ch == 'O') {
				if (Robot_canv != NULL)
					{free(Robot_canv); Robot_canv=NULL;}

				get_message_name(&message, Bitmap_name);
				strcat(Bitmap_name, "#0");
				Animating_bitmap_type = 1;
				prev_ch = 10;
			} else if (ch == 'B') {
				char			bitmap_name[32];
				grs_bitmap	guy_bitmap;
				ubyte			temp_palette[768];
				int			iff_error;

				if (Robot_canv != NULL)
					{free(Robot_canv); Robot_canv=NULL;}

				get_message_name(&message, bitmap_name);
				strcat(bitmap_name, ".bbm");
				gr_init_bitmap_data (&guy_bitmap);
				iff_error = iff_read_bitmap(bitmap_name, &guy_bitmap, BM_LINEAR, temp_palette);
				Assert(iff_error == IFF_NO_ERROR);

				gr_free_bitmap_data (&guy_bitmap);
				prev_ch = 10;
//			} else if (ch == 'B') {
//				if (Robot_canv != NULL)
//					{free(Robot_canv); Robot_canv=NULL;}
//				bitmap_num = get_message_num(&message);
//				if (bitmap_num != -1)
//					show_briefing_bitmap(Textures[bitmap_num]);
//				prev_ch = 10;							//	read to eoln
			} else if (ch == 'S') {
				int	keypress;
				fix	start_time;
				fix 	time_out_value;

				start_time = timer_get_fixed_seconds();
				start_time = timer_get_approx_seconds();
				time_out_value = start_time + i2f(60*5);		// Wait 1 minute...

                                //added on 9/13/98 by adb to make arch's requiring updates work
                                //end changes by adb
				while ( (keypress = local_key_inkey()) == 0 ) {		//	Wait for a key
					if ( timer_get_approx_seconds() > time_out_value ) {
						keypress = 0;
						break;					// Time out after 1 minute..
					while (timer_get_fixed_seconds() < start_time + KEY_DELAY_DEFAULT/2)

                                        //added on 9/13/98 by adb to make arch's requiring updates work
                                        //end changes by adb

					start_time += KEY_DELAY_DEFAULT/2;

#ifndef NDEBUG
				if (keypress == KEY_BACKSP)
				if (keypress == KEY_ESC)
					rval = 1;

				flashing_cursor = 0;
				done = 1;
			} else if (ch == 'P') {		//	New page.
				new_page = 1;
				while (*message != 10) {
					message++;	//	drop carriage return after special escape sequence
				prev_ch = 10;
//Begin D1X addition
			} else if (ch == '$' || ch == ';') {         // Print a $/;
                                prev_ch = ch;
                                Briefing_text_x += show_char_delay((char) ch, delay_count, robot_num, flashing_cursor);

//End D1X addition
		} else if (ch == '\t') {		//	Tab
			if (Briefing_text_x - text_ulx < tab_stop)
				Briefing_text_x = text_ulx + tab_stop;
		} else if ((ch == ';') && (prev_ch == 10)) {
			while (*message++ != 10)
			prev_ch = 10;
		} else if (ch == '\\') {
			prev_ch = ch;
		} else if (ch == 10) {
			if (prev_ch != '\\') {
				prev_ch = ch;
				Briefing_text_y += GAME_FONT->ft_h+GAME_FONT->ft_h*3/5;
				Briefing_text_x = text_ulx;
				if (Briefing_text_y > text_uly + rescale_y(bsp->text_height)) {
					Briefing_text_x = text_ulx;
					Briefing_text_y = text_uly;
			} else {
				if (ch == 13)
				prev_ch = ch;
		} else {
			prev_ch = ch;
			Briefing_text_x += show_char_delay((char) ch, delay_count, robot_num, flashing_cursor);

                //added/changed on 9/13/98 by adb to speed up briefings after pressing a key with SDL
		//	Check for Esc -> abort.
                //end change - adb
		if ( key_check == KEY_ESC ) {
			rval = 1;
			done = 1;

		if ( key_check == KEY_ALTED+KEY_F2 )	

		if ((key_check == KEY_SPACEBAR) || (key_check == KEY_ENTER))
			delay_count = 0;

		if (Briefing_text_x > text_ulx + rescale_x(bsp->text_width)) {
			Briefing_text_x = text_ulx;
			Briefing_text_y += GAME_FONT->ft_h+GAME_FONT->ft_h*3/5;

		if ((new_page) || (Briefing_text_y > text_uly + rescale_y(bsp->text_height))) {
			fix	start_time = 0;
			fix	time_out_value = 0;
			int	keypress;

			new_page = 0;
			start_time = timer_get_approx_seconds();
			time_out_value = start_time + i2f(60*5);		// Wait 1 minute...

                        //added on 9/13/98 by adb to make arch's requiring updates work
                        //end changes by adb
			while ( (keypress = local_key_inkey()) == 0 ) {		//	Wait for a key
				if ( timer_get_approx_seconds() > time_out_value ) {
					keypress = 0;
					break;					// Time out after 1 minute..
				while (timer_get_approx_seconds() < start_time + KEY_DELAY_DEFAULT/2)

                                //added on 9/13/98 by adb to make arch's requiring updates work
                                //end changes by adb

				start_time += KEY_DELAY_DEFAULT/2;

			robot_num = -1;

#ifndef NDEBUG
			if (keypress == KEY_BACKSP)
			if (keypress == KEY_ESC) {
				rval = 1;
				done = 1;

			Briefing_text_x = text_ulx;
			Briefing_text_y = text_uly;
			delay_count = KEY_DELAY_DEFAULT;

	if (Robot_canv != NULL)
		{free(Robot_canv); Robot_canv=NULL;}

	return rval;