Пример #1
void ResizeMap(FileMappingInfo* mapping_info, size_t minimum_size)
	munmap(mapping_info->m_memory, mapping_info->m_memory_size);

	struct stat file_statbuf;

	fstat(mapping_info->m_file_handle, &file_statbuf);
	int file_size = file_statbuf.st_size;

	// I'm not sure this will ever happen. If years go by and this assert is
	// never hit then the fstat and the next tmax below can be removed.
	TAssert(file_size <= minimum_size);

	minimum_size = tmax(minimum_size, file_size);

	int page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
	int remainder = stb_mod_eucl(minimum_size, page_size);
	int aligned_size;
	if (remainder)
		aligned_size = minimum_size - stb_mod_eucl(minimum_size, page_size) + page_size;
		aligned_size = tmax(minimum_size, page_size);

	int truncated = ftruncate(mapping_info->m_file_handle, aligned_size);
	TAssert(truncated == 0);

	mapping_info->m_memory_size = aligned_size;
	mapping_info->m_memory = mmap(nullptr, aligned_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_FILE|MAP_SHARED, mapping_info->m_file_handle, 0);
Пример #2
			double weightedScaling(const Eigen::VectorXf& virtualInput,
					Matrix* scaled, Vector* taui)
				Eigen::VectorXf tauIdeal = BinvIdeal*virtualInput;
				Eigen::VectorXf tmax(tauIdeal.size());

				for (int i=0; i<tmax.size(); ++i)
					tmax(i) = ((tauIdeal(i)>=0)?posDir[i]:fabs(negDir[i]));


				Eigen::MatrixXf W = tmax.asDiagonal();
				Eigen::MatrixXf Winv = W.inverse();
				Eigen::MatrixXf Binv = Winv*B.transpose()*(B*Winv*B.transpose()).inverse();
				Eigen::VectorXf tdes = Binv*virtualInput;

				double scale_max = 1;
				for (size_t i=0; i<tdes.rows();++i)
					double scale = fabs((tdes(i)>0)?tdes(i)/posDirC[i]:tdes(i)/negDirC[i]);
					if (scale>scale_max) scale_max=scale;
				tdes = tdes/scale_max;
				(*taui) = tdes;
				(*scaled) = B*tdes;


				return scale_max;
Пример #3
TRectD SandorFxRenderData::getBBoxEnlargement(const TRectD &bbox)
	switch (m_type) {
	case BlendTz: {
		//Nothing happen, unless we have color 0 among the blended ones. In such case,
		//we have to enlarge the bbox proportionally to the amount param.
		std::vector<std::string> items;
		std::string indexes = std::string(m_argv[0]);
		parseIndexes(indexes, items);
		PaletteFilterFxRenderData paletteFilterData;
		insertIndexes(items, &paletteFilterData);

		if (paletteFilterData.m_colors.size() > 0 && *paletteFilterData.m_colors.begin() == 0)
			return bbox.enlarge(m_blendParams.m_amount);

		return bbox;

	case Calligraphic:
	case OutBorder:
		return bbox.enlarge(m_callParams.m_thickness);

	case ArtAtContour:
		return bbox.enlarge(
			tmax(tceil(m_controllerBBox.getLx()), tceil(m_controllerBBox.getLy())) * m_contourParams.m_maxSize);

		return bbox;
Пример #4
inline static int getMotifLeftOffset (int motifLen, int seedLen)
   const int leftPaddingLength = 
      tmax ((motifLen - seedLen) / 2, 0);

   return leftPaddingLength;
Пример #5
inline bool checkCircles(std::vector<double> &heights)
	unsigned int i, j;
	double cos, sin, frac;
	TPointD vi, vj;

	//Execute test on angle-consecutive EnteringSequences couples
	for (j = 0, i = currEnterings->size() - 1; j < currEnterings->size(); i = j, ++j) {
		vi = (*currEnterings)[i].m_direction;
		vj = (*currEnterings)[j].m_direction;

		sin = cross(vi, vj);

		if (heights[i] == heights[j])
			goto test_against_max_height;

		frac = heights[i] / heights[j];
		if (sin < 0)
			return 0;
		cos = vi * vj;

		if (cos < 0 && (frac < -cos || frac > (-1 / cos)))
			return 0;

		//Reusing cos
		cos = (sin < 0.1) ? tmax(heights[i], heights[j]) : norm((vi * (heights[j] / sin)) + (vj * (heights[i] / sin)));
		if (cos < hMax)
			return 0;

	return 1;
Пример #6
	int getMemoryRequirement(const TRectD &rect, double frame, const TRenderSettings &info)
		//return -1;   //Deactivated. This fx is currently very inefficient if subdivided!

		int shrink = (info.m_shrinkX + info.m_shrinkY) / 2;
		double scale = sqrt(fabs(info.m_affine.det()));
		double gridStep = 1.5 * m_gridStep->getValue(frame);

		WarpParams params;
		params.m_intensity = m_intensity->getValue(frame) / gridStep;
		params.m_warperScale = scale * gridStep;
		params.m_sharpen = m_sharpen->getValue();
		params.m_shrink = shrink;

		double warperScaleFactor = 1.0 / params.m_warperScale;

		TRectD warpedBox, warpedComputeRect, tileComputeRect;
		m_warped->getBBox(frame, warpedBox, info);

		getWarpComputeRects(tileComputeRect, warpedComputeRect, warpedBox, rect, params);

		TRectD warperComputeRect(TScale(warperScaleFactor) * tileComputeRect);
		double warperEnlargement = getWarperEnlargement(params);
		warperComputeRect = warperComputeRect.enlarge(warperEnlargement);

		return tmax(
			TRasterFx::memorySize(warpedComputeRect, info.m_bpp),
			TRasterFx::memorySize(warperComputeRect, info.m_bpp));
Пример #7
void TColorValue::getHls(double &h, double &l, double &s) const
	double max, min;
	double delta;

	max = tmax(m_r, m_g, m_b);
	min = tmin(m_r, m_g, m_b);

	l = (max + min) / 2;

	if (max == min) {
		s = 0;
		h = 0;
	} else {
		if (l <= 0.5)
			s = (max - min) / (max + min);
			s = (max - min) / (2 - max - min);

		delta = max - min;
		if (m_r == max)
			h = (m_g - m_b) / delta;
		else if (m_g == max)
			h = 2 + (m_b - m_r) / delta;
		else if (m_b == max)
			h = 4 + (m_r - m_g) / delta;

		h = h * 60;
		if (h < 0)
			h += 360;
Пример #8
void RowArea::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
	if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
		bool playRangeModifierisClicked = false;

		TApp *app = TApp::instance();
		TXsheet *xsh = app->getCurrentScene()->getScene()->getXsheet();
		TPoint pos(event->pos().x(), event->pos().y());

		int row = m_viewer->yToRow(pos.y);

		QRect visibleRect = visibleRegion().boundingRect();
		int playR0, playR1, step;
		XsheetGUI::getPlayRange(playR0, playR1, step);

		bool playRangeEnabled = playR0 <= playR1;
		if (!playRangeEnabled) {
			TXsheet *xsh = m_viewer->getXsheet();
			playR1 = xsh->getFrameCount() - 1;
			playR0 = 0;

		if (playR1 == -1) { //getFrameCount = 0 i.e. xsheet is empty
		} else if (m_xa <= pos.x && pos.x <= m_xa + 10 && (row == playR0 || row == playR1)) {
			if (!playRangeEnabled)
				XsheetGUI::setPlayRange(playR0, playR1, step);
			playRangeModifierisClicked = true;
		} else

		//when shift+click the row area, select a single row region in the cell area
		if (!playRangeModifierisClicked && 0 != (event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)) {
			int filledCol;
			for (filledCol = xsh->getColumnCount() - 1; filledCol >= 0; filledCol--) {
				TXshColumn *currentColumn = xsh->getColumn(filledCol);
				if (!currentColumn)
				if (!currentColumn->isEmpty())

			m_viewer->getCellSelection()->selectCells(row, 0, row, tmax(0, filledCol));

	} // left-click
	// pan by middle-drag
	else if (event->button() == Qt::MidButton) {
		m_pos = event->pos();
		m_isPanning = true;
inline unsigned char PixelEvaluator<TPixel32>::getBlackOrWhite(int x, int y)
	//return ras->pixels(y)[x].r + 2 * ras->pixels(y)[x].g + ras->pixels(y)[x].b <
	//   threshold * (ras->pixels(y)[x].m / 255.0);
	//NOTE: Green is considered twice brighter than red or blue channel.

	//Using Value of HSV color model
	return tmax(m_ras->pixels(y)[x].r, tmax(m_ras->pixels(y)[x].g, m_ras->pixels(y)[x].b)) <
		   m_threshold * (m_ras->pixels(y)[x].m / 255.0);

	//Using Lightness of HSV color model
	//return (max(ras->pixels(y)[x].r, max(ras->pixels(y)[x].g, ras->pixels(y)[x].b)) +
	//       min(ras->pixels(y)[x].r, min(ras->pixels(y)[x].g, ras->pixels(y)[x].b))) / 2.0 <
	//  threshold * (ras->pixels(y)[x].m / 255.0);

	//Using (relative) Luminance
	//return 0.2126 * ras->pixels(y)[x].r + 0.7152 * ras->pixels(y)[x].g + 0.0722 * ras->pixels(y)[x].b <
	//  threshold * (ras->pixels(y)[x].m / 255.0);
Пример #10
	TRectD getBBox() const
		if (!m_isValidBBox) {
			m_bBox = TRectD();

			for (UINT i = 0; i < m_edge.size(); i++)
				m_bBox += m_edge[i]->m_s->getBBox(tmin(m_edge[i]->m_w0, m_edge[i]->m_w1),
												  tmax(m_edge[i]->m_w0, m_edge[i]->m_w1));

			m_isValidBBox = true;
		return m_bBox;
Пример #11
inline bool JunctionArea::sequencesPullBack()
	std::vector<EnteringSequence>::iterator a;
	double alongLinePosition, distanceFromLine;
	unsigned int i, iLink, tail;
	TPointD P;

	for (a = m_enteringSequences.begin(); a != m_enteringSequences.end(); ++a) {
		i = a->m_head;
		iLink = a->m_headLink;
		//NOTE: updated tails are stored this way, *DONT* look in a->m_tail
		//because these typically store old infos
		tail = currJSGraph->getNode(a->m_initialJoint).getLink(a->m_outerLink)->m_tail;
		P = planeProjection(*a->m_graphHolder->getNode(a->m_head));

		while (i != tail) {
			alongLinePosition = a->m_direction * (m_newJointPosition - P);
			distanceFromLine = tdistance(m_newJointPosition, a->m_direction, P);

			if (alongLinePosition >= 0 && (distanceFromLine / alongLinePosition) <= 0.5)
				goto found_pull_back;

			//We then take the next arc and check it

			if (!a->m_graphHolder->getNode(i).getLink(iLink)->hasAttribute(SkeletonArc::ROAD))
				return 0; //Pull back failed

			a->next(i, iLink);

			P = planeProjection(*a->m_graphHolder->getNode(i));
			if (tdistance(P, a->m_direction, m_newJointPosition) >
				tmax(pullBackMul * a->m_height, 1.0))
				return 0; //Pull back failed

		//Now checking opposite sequence extremity
		if (alongLinePosition < 0 || (distanceFromLine / alongLinePosition) > 0.5)
			return 0;


		a->m_head = i;
		a->m_headLink = iLink;

	return 1;
Пример #12
bool DateChooserWidget::GetDate(wxDateTime &date)
	int ret = wxID_OK;

	current_minute = date.GetMinute();
	current_second = date.GetSecond();
	while( (ret = ShowModal()) == wxID_OK){ 

		date = date_control->GetDate();
		// ustawiamy godzine
		if (second_control)

		wxDateTime tmin(time_t(0));
		wxDateTime tmax(MAX_TIME_T_FOR_WX_DATE_TIME);
		if (date <= tmin || date >= tmax) {
			wxMessageBox(_("Invalid (too large/small) date"), _("Error!"), wxOK);
			return false;

		if (min_date == -1 && max_date == -1)
			return true;

		if(date.GetTicks() >= min_date && date.GetTicks() <= max_date)
			return true;
		else {
      			wxString buf;
			buf = _("Please choose the date from between: ");
			buf += wxDateTime(min_date).Format(_T("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M "));
			buf += _("and");
			buf += wxDateTime(max_date).Format(_T(" %Y-%m-%d %H:%M\n"));
			wxMessageDialog *mesg = new wxMessageDialog(this, buf, _("Incorrect date range"), wxOK);
			delete mesg;
	return false;
Пример #13
void TColorValue::getHsv(int &ih, int &is, int &iv) const
	double max, min;
	double delta;
	double r, g, b;
	double v, s, h;
	r = m_r;
	g = m_g;
	b = m_b;
	assert(0 <= r && r <= 1);
	assert(0 <= g && g <= 1);
	assert(0 <= b && b <= 1);

	max = tmax(r, g, b);
	min = tmin(r, g, b);

	v = max;

	if (max != 0)
		s = (max - min) / max;
		s = 0;

	if (s == 0)
		h = 0;
	else {
		delta = max - min;

		if (r == max)
			h = (g - b) / delta;
		else if (g == max)
			h = 2 + (b - r) / delta;
		else if (b == max)
			h = 4 + (r - g) / delta;
		h = h * 60;
		if (h < 0)
			h += 360;
	assert(0 <= h && h <= 360);
	assert(0 <= s && s <= 1);
	assert(0 <= v && v <= 1);
	ih = (int)h;
	is = (int)(s * 100);
	iv = (int)(v * 100);
Пример #14
void octave_print(std::ostream &ostr, const std::string &varname, const piecewise_curve_type &pc)
  index_type i;
  data_type tmin(pc.get_parameter_min()), tmax(pc.get_parameter_max());

  // initialize the t parameters
  std::vector<data_type> t(101);
  for (i=0; i<static_cast<index_type>(t.size()); ++i)

  std::vector<point_type, Eigen::aligned_allocator<point_type> > pts(t.size());
  for (i=0; i<static_cast<index_type>(pts.size()); ++i)

  octave_print(ostr, varname, pts);
Пример #15
void Iwa_TiledParticlesFx::doDryCompute(TRectD &rect, double frame, const TRenderSettings &info)
	Iwa_ParticlesManager *pc = Iwa_ParticlesManager::instance();
	unsigned long fxId = getIdentifier();
	int inputPortCount = getInputPortCount();

	int i,
		curr_frame = frame,					   /*- 現在のフレーム -*/
		startframe = startpos_val->getValue(); /*- Particesの開始フレーム -*/

	TRenderSettings infoOnInput(info);
	infoOnInput.m_affine = TAffine(); // Using the standard reference - indep. from cameras.
	infoOnInput.m_bpp = 64;			  // Control ports rendered at 32 bit - since not visible.

	for (i = startframe - 1; i <= curr_frame; ++i) {
		double frame = tmax(0, i);

		for (j = 0; j < inputPortCount; ++j) {
			TFxPort *port = getInputPort(j);
			std::string tmpName = getInputPortName(j);
			if (port->isConnected()) {
				TRasterFxP fx = port->getFx();

				// Now, consider that source ports work different than control ones
				QString portName = QString::fromStdString(tmpName);
				if (portName.startsWith("C")) {
					// Control ports are calculated from start to current frame, since
					// particle mechanics at current frame is influenced by previous ones
					// (and therefore by all previous control images).

					TRectD bbox;
					fx->getBBox(frame, bbox, infoOnInput);
					if (bbox == TConsts::infiniteRectD)
						bbox = info.m_affine.inv() * rect;
					fx->dryCompute(bbox, frame, infoOnInput);
				} else if (portName.startsWith("T")) {
					// Particles handle source ports caching procedures on its own.
Пример #16
bool Grid::initInfiniteRay (const Vec3r &orig,
		    const Vec3r& dir,
		    unsigned timestamp) {
  _ray_dir = dir;
  _t_end = FLT_MAX;
  _t = 0;
  _timestamp = timestamp;

  // check whether the origin is in or out the box:
  Vec3r boxMin(_orig);
  Vec3r boxMax(_orig+_size);
  BBox<Vec3r> box(boxMin, boxMax);
      for(unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
          _current_cell[i] = (unsigned)floor((orig[i] - _orig[i]) / _cell_size[i]);
          unsigned u = _current_cell[i];
          _pt[i] = orig[i] - _orig[i] - _current_cell[i] * _cell_size[i];
      // is the ray intersecting the box?
      real tmin(-1.0), tmax(-1.0);
      if(GeomUtils::intersectRayBBox(orig, _ray_dir, boxMin, boxMax, 0, _t_end, tmin, tmax)){
        assert(tmin != -1.0);
        Vec3r newOrig = orig + tmin*_ray_dir;
        for(unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            _current_cell[i] = (unsigned)floor((newOrig[i] - _orig[i]) / _cell_size[i]);
            if(_current_cell[i] == _cells_nb[i])
                _current_cell[i] = _cells_nb[i] - 1;
            unsigned u = _current_cell[i];
            _pt[i] = newOrig[i] - _orig[i] - _current_cell[i] * _cell_size[i];

          return false;

  return true;

Пример #17
inline void tryConfiguration(const std::vector<unsigned int> &bounds)
	std::vector<double> currHeights(currEnterings->size());
	double mean, currMeanError = 0;
	unsigned int i, j, first, end;

	for (i = 0, first = 0; i <= bounds.size(); first = end, ++i) {

		end = i < bounds.size() ? end = bounds[i] + 1 : currEnterings->size();

		//Calculate mean from first (included) to end (not included)
		for (j = first, mean = 0; j < end; ++j)
			mean += (*currEnterings)[(*heightIndicesPtr)[j]].m_height;

		mean /= end - first;

		//Check if the distance from extremities to mean is tolerable
		if (tmax((*currEnterings)[(*heightIndicesPtr)[end - 1]].m_height - mean,
				 mean - (*currEnterings)[(*heightIndicesPtr)[first]].m_height) > hDiffMul * mean)

		//Calculate squared error to mean
		for (j = first; j < end; ++j)
			currMeanError +=
				sq((*currEnterings)[(*heightIndicesPtr)[j]].m_height - mean);

		//Set calculated currHeights
		for (j = first; j < end; ++j)
			currHeights[(*heightIndicesPtr)[j]] = mean;

	//Update current maximum height
	hMax = mean; //Global

	//If this configuration could be better than current, launch circle test
	if (optHeights->empty() || currMeanError < optMeanError) {
		if (checkCircles(currHeights)) {
			(*optHeights) = currHeights;
			optMeanError = currMeanError;
Пример #18
	int Client::calcCurrentObjLag() const
		// get modifiying values
		double objLagModifier = configHandler.getDoubleValue("object_lag_modifier", OBJECT_LAG_MODIFIER_DEFAULT);
		int objLagAddTime = configHandler.getIntValue("object_lag_time", OBJECT_LAG_ADD_TIME_DEFAULT);
		int objLagAddTick = configHandler.getIntValue("object_lag_tick", OBJECT_LAG_ADD_TICK_DEFAULT);
		// get base objLag (can in some cases be negative if the result of syncronise of clocks wasn't perfect)
		double baseObjLagTime = static_cast<double>(link.getCurrentLag() - getTimeHandler()->getTick0Time());

		// multiply depending on positive or negative
		if (baseObjLagTime > 0.0) baseObjLagTime *= objLagModifier;
		else baseObjLagTime /= objLagModifier;

		// add extra modifiers and change to "ticks"
		int currentObjLag = static_cast<int>(baseObjLagTime + objLagAddTime) /
								TimeHandler::TICK_DELTA_TIME + objLagAddTick;
		// do not allow negative objLag
		return tmax(currentObjLag, 0);
void FullColorBrushTool::loadPreset()
	const std::set<BrushData> &presets = m_presetsManager.presets();
	std::set<BrushData>::const_iterator it;

	it = presets.find(BrushData(m_preset.getValue()));
	if (it == presets.end())

	const BrushData &preset = *it;

	try //Don't bother with RangeErrors
		m_thickness.setValue(TIntPairProperty::Value(tmax((int)preset.m_min, 1), preset.m_max));
		m_brushPad = ToolUtils::getBrushPad(preset.m_max, preset.m_hardness * 0.01);
		m_hardness.setValue(preset.m_hardness, true);
		m_opacity.setValue(TDoublePairProperty::Value(preset.m_opacityMin, preset.m_opacityMax));
	} catch (...) {
Пример #20
	HalfCord(int radius)
		assert(radius >= 0);
		m_radius = radius;
		m_array = new int[m_radius + 1];
		memset(m_array, 0, (m_radius + 1) * sizeof(int));

		float dCircle = 1.25f - m_radius; //  inizializza decision variable
		int y = m_radius;				  //  inizializzazione indice scanline
		int x = 0;						  //  inizializzazione indice colonna
		do {
			m_array[y] = tmax(x, m_array[y]);
			m_array[x] = y;
			if (dCircle <= 0) {
				dCircle = dCircle + 2 * x + 3;
			} else {
				dCircle = dCircle + 2 * (x - y) + 5;

		} while (y >= x);
void AdjustLevelsPopup::autoAdjust()
	if (!m_inputRas)

	Histograms *histograms = m_histogram->getHistograms();
	int channelIdx = histograms->currentIndex();
	int inputBarIdx = (channelIdx << 1);

	EditableMarksBar *editableMarksBar = m_marksBar[inputBarIdx];

	int min, max;

	//Clamp histogram
	const QVector<int> &values = histograms->getHistogramView(channelIdx)->values();
	if (channelIdx == 0) {
		int minR, maxR, minG, maxG, minB, maxB;

		::getRange(histograms->getHistogramView(1)->values(), m_threshold, minR, maxR);
		::getRange(histograms->getHistogramView(2)->values(), m_threshold, minG, maxG);
		::getRange(histograms->getHistogramView(3)->values(), m_threshold, minB, maxB);

		min = tmin(minR, minG, minB);
		max = tmax(maxR, maxG, maxB);
	} else
		::getRange(values, m_threshold, min, max);

	QVector<int> &marks = editableMarksBar->marksBar()->values();
	if (min < max)
		marks[0] = min, marks[1] = max + 1;
		marks[0] = 0, marks[1] = 256;

Пример #22
BOOL  CBigTerrain::Create(const BYTE* hmap, const V3& start, const V3& size, 
                          int xt, int yt)

	p_dummyBrush  = new Brush();
    p_dummyBrush->_brushflags    = BRSH_BIGTERRAIN|TERR_GOR|TERR_UTT0;
    p_dummyBrush->_pUsrData = this;

    n_xtiles     = xt;
    n_ztiles     = yt;
    b_box._min   = start;
    b_box._max   = start + size;
    BYTE* pwhmap = (BYTE*)hmap;
    int k=0;

    BYTE  bmin=255;  
    BYTE  bmax=0;  

    for(int x=0 ; x <= n_xtiles; x++)
        for(int z=0 ; z <= n_ztiles; z++)
            bmin = tmin(*pwhmap,bmin);
            bmax = tmax(*pwhmap,bmax);
            v_vxes[k++] = *pwhmap++;
    return 1;
Пример #23
// the 1st argument (in/out) provides the offset from this position
// the 2nd argument (in/out) provides the length from the offset
// this method makes changes the offset (if necessary) so 
// that it is legal, decreasing the length in accordance.
// also if the length is too large, it is decreased.
void SeqPosition::getModifiedOffsets (int& offset, int& length) const
   // do not go past the beginning of the string
   int startIndex = _position + offset;
   if (startIndex < 0) {
      // the string is truncated in the left, so return less bytes
      length += startIndex;   // shorten length
      offset -= startIndex;   // make offset less negative
      startIndex = 0;

   // do not go beyond the end of the string
   int endIndex = startIndex + length;
   if (endIndex > _sequence->length ()) {
      endIndex = _sequence->length ();

   // calculate length
   length = tmax (endIndex - startIndex, 0);
Пример #24
// place a triangle into intesected cells
void TXGrid3D::PlaceTriangle(TXTriangle *t)
	// bounding box
	CVector3f tmin(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX), tmax(-FLT_MAX, -DBL_MAX, -FLT_MAX);
	for (int v=0; v<3; v++)


	// starting and ending cells of the bounding box
	CVector3 start(
		MAX((int)floor((tmin.GetX() - m_min.GetX())/m_xstep), 0),
		MAX((int)floor((tmin.GetY() - m_min.GetY())/m_ystep), 0),
		MAX((int)floor((tmin.GetZ() - m_min.GetZ())/m_zstep), 0)

	CVector3 end(
		MIN((int)floor((tmax.GetX() - m_min.GetX())/m_xstep), m_size-1),
		MIN((int)floor((tmax.GetY() - m_min.GetY())/m_ystep), m_size-1),
		MIN((int)floor((tmax.GetZ() - m_min.GetZ())/m_zstep), m_size-1)

	TXGridTriangle* gt = new TXGridTriangle(t);

	bool sa = (gt->m_n.GetX() >= 0), sb = (gt->m_n.GetY() >= 0), sc = (gt->m_n.GetZ() >= 0);
	CVector3f p1, p2;
	bool sd1, sd2;

	// put triangle in the cells in its bounding box
	// still excessive, treat triangle as a plane to detect intersection
	for (int i=(int)start.GetX(); i<=(int)end.GetX(); i++) 
		p1.Set(m_min.GetX() + i*m_xstep,p1.GetY(),p2.GetZ());
		p2.Set(p1.GetX() + m_xstep,p2.GetY(),p2.GetZ());

		for (int j=(int)start.GetY(); j<=(int)end.GetY(); j++) 
			if (sb == sa) 
				p1.Set(p1.GetX(),m_min.GetY() + j*m_ystep,p1.GetZ());
				p2.Set(p2.GetX(),p1.GetY()+ m_ystep,p2.GetZ()); 
				p2.Set(p2.GetX(), m_min.GetY() + j*m_ystep,p2.GetZ());
				p1.Set(p1.GetX(),p2.GetY() + m_ystep,p1.GetZ());
			for (int k=start.GetZ(); k<=end.GetZ(); k++) 
				if (sc == sa)
					p1.Set(p1.GetX(),p1.GetY(),m_min.GetZ() + k*m_zstep);
					p2.Set(p2.GetX(),p2.GetY(),p1.GetZ() + m_zstep);
					p2.Set(p2.GetX(),p2.GetY(),m_min.GetZ() + k*m_zstep);
					p1.Set(p1.GetX(),p1.GetY(),p2.GetZ() + m_zstep);
				CVector3f p1gt, p2gt;
				sd1 = gt->m_n.Dot(p1gt) >= 0;
				sd2 = gt->m_n.Dot(p2gt) >= 0;
				if (sd1 != sd2) 
Пример #25
	void bessjy(double x, double xnu, double *rj, double *ry, double *rjp, double *ryp)
		int i, isign, l, nl;
		double a, b, br, bi, c, cr, ci, d, del, del1, den, di, dlr, dli, dr, e, f, fact, fact2,
			fact3, ff, gam, gam1, gam2, gammi, gampl, h, p, pimu, pimu2, q, r, rjl,
			rjl1, rjmu, rjp1, rjpl, rjtemp, ry1, rymu, rymup, rytemp, sum, sum1,
			temp, w, x2, xi, xi2, xmu, xmu2;

		if (x <= 0.0 || xnu < 0.0)
		nl = (x < XMIN ? (int)(xnu + 0.5) : tmax(0, (int)(xnu - x + 1.5)));
		xmu = xnu - nl;
		xmu2 = xmu * xmu;
		xi = 1.0 / x;
		xi2 = 2.0 * xi;
		w = xi2 / PI;
		isign = 1;
		h = xnu * xi;
		if (h < FPMIN)
			h = FPMIN;
		b = xi2 * xnu;
		d = 0.0;
		c = h;
		for (i = 1; i <= MAXIT; i++)
			b += xi2;
			d = b - d;
			if (fabs(d) < FPMIN)
				d = FPMIN;
			c = b - 1.0 / c;
			if (fabs(c) < FPMIN)
				c = FPMIN;
			d = 1.0 / d;
			del = c * d;
			h = del * h;
			if (d < 0.0)
				isign = -isign;
			if (fabs(del - 1.0) < EPS)
		if (i > MAXIT)
		rjl = isign * FPMIN;
		rjpl = h * rjl;
		rjl1 = rjl;
		rjp1 = rjpl;
		fact = xnu * xi;
		for (l = nl; l >= 1; l--)
			rjtemp = fact * rjl + rjpl;
			fact -= xi;
			rjpl = fact * rjtemp - rjl;
			rjl = rjtemp;
		if (rjl == 0.0)
			rjl = EPS;
		f = rjpl / rjl;
		if (x < XMIN)
			x2 = 0.5 * x;
			pimu = PI * xmu;
			fact = (fabs(pimu) < EPS ? 1.0 : pimu / sin(pimu));
			d = -log(x2);
			e = xmu * d;
			fact2 = (fabs(e) < EPS ? 1.0 : sinh(e) / e);
			beschb(xmu, &gam1, &gam2, &gampl, &gammi);
			ff = 2.0 / PI * fact * (gam1 * cosh(e) + gam2 * fact2 * d);
			e = exp(e);
			p = e / (gampl * PI);
			q = 1.0 / (e * PI * gammi);
			pimu2 = 0.5 * pimu;
			fact3 = (fabs(pimu2) < EPS ? 1.0 : sin(pimu2) / pimu2);
			r = PI * pimu2 * fact3 * fact3;
			c = 1.0;
			d = -x2 * x2;
			sum = ff + r * q;
			sum1 = p;
			for (i = 1; i <= MAXIT; i++)
				ff = (i * ff + p + q) / (i * i - xmu2);
				c *= (d / i);
				p /= (i - xmu);
				q /= (i + xmu);
				del = c * (ff + r * q);
				sum += del;
				del1 = c * p - i * del;
				sum1 += del1;
				if (fabs(del) < (1.0 + fabs(sum))*EPS)
			if (i > MAXIT)
			rymu = -sum;
			ry1 = -sum1 * xi2;
			rymup = xmu * xi * rymu - ry1;
			rjmu = w / (rymup - f * rymu);
			a = 0.25 - xmu2;
			p = -0.5 * xi;
			q = 1.0;
			br = 2.0 * x;
			bi = 2.0;
			fact = a * xi / (p * p + q * q);
			cr = br + q * fact;
			ci = bi + p * fact;
			den = br * br + bi * bi;
			dr = br / den;
			di = -bi / den;
			dlr = cr * dr - ci * di;
			dli = cr * di + ci * dr;
			temp = p * dlr - q * dli;
			q = p * dli + q * dlr;
			p = temp;
			for (i = 2; i <= MAXIT; i++)
				a += 2 * (i - 1);
				bi += 2.0;
				dr = a * dr + br;
				di = a * di + bi;
				if (fabs(dr) + fabs(di) < FPMIN)
					dr = FPMIN;
				fact = a / (cr * cr + ci * ci);
				cr = br + cr * fact;
				ci = bi - ci * fact;
				if (fabs(cr) + fabs(ci) < FPMIN)
					cr = FPMIN;
				den = dr * dr + di * di;
				dr /= den;
				di /= -den;
				dlr = cr * dr - ci * di;
				dli = cr * di + ci * dr;
				temp = p * dlr - q * dli;
				q = p * dli + q * dlr;
				p = temp;
				if (fabs(dlr - 1.0) + fabs(dli) < EPS)
			if (i > MAXIT)
			gam = (p - f) / q;
			rjmu = sqrt(w / ((p - f) * gam + q));
			rjmu = NRSIGN(rjmu, rjl);
			rymu = rjmu * gam;
			rymup = rymu * (p + q / gam);
			ry1 = xmu * xi * rymu - rymup;
		fact = rjmu / rjl;
		*rj = rjl1 * fact;
		*rjp = rjp1 * fact;
		for (i = 1; i <= nl; i++)
			rytemp = (xmu + i) * xi2 * ry1 - rymu;
			rymu = ry1;
			ry1 = rytemp;
		*ry = rymu;
		*ryp = xnu * xi * rymu - ry1;
Пример #26
void TRop::brush(
	TRaster32P ras,
	const TPoint &aa,
	const TPoint &bb,
	int radius,
	const TPixel32 &col)

	TPoint a = aa;
	TPoint b = bb;
	if (a.y > b.y)
		tswap(a, b); //  a e' piu' in basso di b

	int lx = ras->getLx();
	int ly = ras->getLy();

	// ----- radius = 0
	if (radius == 0) {
		//  k = +1/-1 se il rettangolo e' inclinato positivamente (0<=m)/negativamente (m<0)
		//  (se k<0 viene fatta una riflessione sulle ascisse prima di tornare alle
		//  coordinate "di schermo")
		int k = 1;
		int dy = b.y - a.y;
		int dx = b.x - a.x;
		if (dx < 0) {
			dx = -dx;
			k = -1;

		assert(dx >= 0);
		assert(dy >= 0);

		double m; //  m sara' definita solo per dx!=0)
		if (dx > 0) {
			m = dy / (double)dx;
		//double length = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
		const int alpha = dy, beta = -dx;
		const int incE = alpha;
		const int incNE = alpha + beta;
		const int incN = beta;

		//  N.B. le coordinate sono relative ad un sist. di rif. con l'origine in a
		//  l'eq. della retta e' alpha * x + beta * y = 0

		int yMin = tmax(a.y, 0) - a.y;		//  clipping y + cambio  riferimento
		int yMax = tmin(b.y, ly - 1) - a.y; //  (trasporto dell'origine in a)
		if (dx > 0 && m <= 1) {
			//  midpoint algorithm
			TPoint segm;
			if (dy == 0) //  segmento orizzontale: inizializza segm
				segm.x = 0;
				segm.y = yMin;
			} else //  0<m<=1 :  inizializza segm
				segm.x = tceil((yMin - 0.5) / m);
				segm.y = yMin;

			int dSegm = tfloor(alpha * (segm.x + 1) + beta * (segm.y + 0.5));
			while (segm.y <= yMax) {
				int count = 0;					  //  i trati orizzontali di segm vengono disegnati in "blocco"
				while (dSegm < 0 && segm.x <= dx) //  Est:  segm.x<=dx evita il ciclo
				{								  //  infinito quando m=0 (incE=0)
					dSegm = dSegm + incE;
				//  NordEst
				int xMin, xMax;
				if (k > 0) {
					xMin = tmax(a.x + segm.x - count, a.x, 0); //  clipping x + ritorno alle
					xMax = tmin(a.x + segm.x, b.x, lx - 1);	//  coordinate "di schermo"

				} else {
					xMin = tmax(a.x - segm.x, a.x - dx, 0);			//  clipping x + riflessione + ritorno
					xMax = tmin(a.x - segm.x + count, a.x, lx - 1); //  alle  coordinate "di schermo"

				TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(segm.y + a.y) + xMin;
				TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);

				while (p <= q)
					*p++ = col;

				dSegm = dSegm + incNE;
		} else //  m>1 oppure segmento verticale
			//  midpoint algorithm
			TPoint segm;
			if (dx == 0) //  segmento verticale: inizializza segm
				segm.x = 0;
				segm.y = yMin;
			} else //  m>1 :  inizializza segm
				segm.x = tround(yMin / m);
				segm.y = yMin;

			int dSegm = tfloor(alpha * (segm.x + 0.5) + beta * (segm.y + 1));
			while (segm.y <= yMax) {
				int xMin, xMax;
				if (k > 0) {
					xMin = tmax(a.x + segm.x, 0);	  //  clipping x + ritorno alle
					xMax = tmin(a.x + segm.x, lx - 1); //  coordinate "di schermo"

				} else {
					xMin = tmax(a.x - segm.x, 0);	  //  clipping x + riflessione + ritorno
					xMax = tmin(a.x - segm.x, lx - 1); //  alle  coordinate "di schermo"

				TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(segm.y + a.y) + xMin;
				TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);

				while (p <= q)
					*p++ = col;

				if (dSegm <= 0) //  NordEst
					dSegm = dSegm + incNE;
				} else //  Nord
					dSegm = dSegm + incN;

	HalfCord halfCord(radius);

	int x, y;

	// ----- punti iniziali coincidenti: disegna un cerchio
	if (a == b) {
		int yMin = tmax(a.y - radius, 0);	  //  clipping y
		int yMax = tmin(a.y + radius, ly - 1); //  clipping y
		for (y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) {
			int deltay = abs(y - a.y);
			int xMin = tmax(a.x - halfCord.getCord(deltay), 0);		 //  clipping x
			int xMax = tmin(a.x + halfCord.getCord(deltay), lx - 1); //  clipping x
			TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(y) + xMin;
			TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);
			while (p <= q)
				*p++ = col;

	// -----  rettangolo orizzontale (a.y = b.y, a.x != b.x)
	if (a.y == b.y) {
		int yMin = tmax((a.y - radius), 0);		 //  clipping y
		int yMax = tmin((a.y + radius), ly - 1); //  clipping y
		int xLeft = tmin(a.x, b.x);
		int xRight = tmax(a.x, b.x);
		for (y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) {
			int deltay = abs(y - a.y);
			int xMin = tmax(xLeft - halfCord.getCord(deltay), 0);		//  clipping x
			int xMax = tmin(xRight + halfCord.getCord(deltay), lx - 1); //  clipping x
			TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(y) + xMin;
			TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);
			while (p <= q)
				*p++ = col;

	// -----  rettangolo verticale (a.x = b.x, a.y != b.y)
	if (a.x == b.x) {

		int xMin = tmax(a.x - radius, 0);	  //  clipping x
		int xMax = tmin(a.x + radius, lx - 1); //  clipping x
		for (x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++) {
			int deltax = abs(x - a.x);
			int yMin = tmax(a.y - halfCord.getCord(deltax), 0);		 //  clipping y
			int yMax = tmin(b.y + halfCord.getCord(deltax), ly - 1); //  clipping y
			if (yMin <= yMax) {
				TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(yMin) + x;
				TPixel32 *q = ras->pixels(yMax) + x;
				int wrap = ras->getWrap();
				while (p <= q) {
					*p = col;
					p += wrap;

	// -----  rettangolo inclinato
	//	k = +1/-1 se il rettangolo e' inclinato positivamente/negativamente
	int k = 1;
	int dx = b.x - a.x;
	if (dx < 0) {
		dx = -dx;
		k = -1;
	int dy = b.y - a.y;

	assert(dx > 0);
	assert(dy > 0);

	double length = sqrt((double)(dx * dx + dy * dy));
	const double m = dy / (double)dx;

	//punto di tangenza superiore nel sistema di riferimento del cerchio
	TPointD up(-radius * dy / length, radius * dx / length);

	//semi-ampiezza orizzontale delle "calotte" circolari
	int halfAmplCap = tfloor(-up.x);

	//  A meno di intersezioni relative tra le diverse zone:

	//  le scanline della "calotta" circolare superiore sono (b.y+cutExt,b.y+radius]
	//  le scanline del trapezoide circolare superiore sono [b.y-cutIn,b.y+cutExt]
	//  le scanline del parallelogramma sono (a.y+cutIn,b.y-cutIn)
	//  le scanline del trapezoide circolare inferiore sono [a.y-cutExt,a.y+cutIn]
	//  le scanline della "calotta" circolare inferiore sono [a.y-radius,a.y-cutExt)
	int cutExt, cutIn;

	// vertici del parallelogramma
	TPointD rightUp;
	TPointD rightDown;
	TPointD leftUp;
	TPointD leftDown;
	double mParall; //coeff. angolare parallelogramma

	//  NOTA BENE:  halfAmplCap=0 <=> (radius=0 (caso a parte) , 1)
	if (radius > 1) {
		for (cutExt = radius; cutExt >= 0 && halfCord.getCord(cutExt) <= halfAmplCap; cutExt--)
		cutIn = cutExt; //  vedi else successivo
		rightUp.x = dx + halfCord.getCord(cutIn);
		rightUp.y = dy - cutIn;
		rightDown.x = halfCord.getCord(cutIn);
		rightDown.y = -cutIn;
		leftUp.x = dx - halfCord.getCord(cutIn);
		leftUp.y = dy + cutIn;
		leftDown.x = -halfCord.getCord(cutIn);
		leftDown.y = cutIn;
		mParall = dy / (double)dx;
	} else //  N.B. cutExt != cutIn solo quando radius=1
		cutExt = radius; //  radius=1 => halfAmplCap=0 (non ci sono mai le "calotte" circolari)
		cutIn = 0;		 //  anche per radius=1 il limite "interno" dei trapezoidi circolari e' < radius
		rightUp.x = dx - up.x;
		rightUp.y = dy - up.y;
		rightDown.x = -up.x;
		rightDown.y = -up.y;
		leftUp.x = dx + up.x;
		leftUp.y = dy + up.y;
		leftDown.x = up.x;
		leftDown.y = up.y;
		mParall = m;
	// -----  riempie "calotte" circolari

	// -----  riempie "calotta" circolare inferiore
	int yMin = tmax(a.y - radius, 0);		   //  clipping y
	int yMax = tmin(a.y - cutExt - 1, ly - 1); //  clipping y
	for (y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) {
		int r = halfCord.getCord(a.y - y);
		int xMin = tmax(a.x - r, 0);	  //  clipping x
		int xMax = tmin(a.x + r, lx - 1); //  clipping x
		TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(y) + xMin;
		TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);
		while (p <= q)
			*p++ = col;
	// -----  riempie "calotta" circolare superiore
	yMin = tmax(b.y + cutExt + 1, 0);  //  clipping y
	yMax = tmin(b.y + radius, ly - 1); //  clipping y
	for (y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) {
		int r = halfCord.getCord(y - b.y);
		int xMin = tmax(b.x - r, 0);	  //  clipping x
		int xMax = tmin(b.x + r, lx - 1); //  clipping x
		TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(y) + xMin;
		TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);
		while (p <= q)
			*p++ = col;
	// -----  riempie trapezoidi

	// (se k<0 viene fatta una riflessione sulle ascisse prima di tornare alle
	// coordinate "di schermo")

	//  limite destro assoluto delle scanline trapezoide:
	int xSegmMax = tround(dx - up.x); //  coordinata x del punto di tangenza inferiore sul cerchio superiore

	//  limite sinistro assoluto delle scanline:
	int xSegmMin = tround(up.x); //  coordinata x del punto di tangenza superiore sul cerchio inferiore

	// -----  riempie trapezoide inferiore

	// N.B. le coordinate sono relative ad un sist. di rif. con l'origine sul centro
	// del cerchio inferiore

	yMin = tmax(a.y - cutExt, 0) - a.y;						 //  clipping y
	yMax = tmin(a.y + cutIn, b.y - cutIn - 1, ly - 1) - a.y; //  clipping y

	// l'eq. della retta e' alpha * x + beta * y + gammaRight = 0
	const int alpha = dy, beta = -dx;
	const double gammaRight = rightDown.y * dx - rightDown.x * dy;
	const int incE = alpha;
	const int incNE = alpha + beta;
	const int incN = beta;

	if (m <= 1) {
		//  midpoint algorithm; le scanline vengono disegnate solo
		//  sul NordEst. L'ultima scanline non viene disegnata
		TPoint segmRight(tceil((yMin + 0.5 - rightDown.y) / mParall + rightDown.x) - 1, yMin);
		int dSegmRight = tfloor(alpha * (segmRight.x + 1) + beta * (segmRight.y + 0.5) + gammaRight);
		while (segmRight.y <= yMax) {
			if (dSegmRight < 0) //  Est
				dSegmRight = dSegmRight + incE;
			} else //  NordEst
				int xMin, xMax;
				if (k > 0) {
					xMin = tmax(a.x - halfCord.getCord(abs(segmRight.y)), 0); //  clipping x
					xMax = tmin(a.x + tmin(segmRight.x, xSegmMax), lx - 1);   //  clipping x
				} else {
					xMin = tmax(a.x - tmin(segmRight.x, xSegmMax), 0);			   //  clipping x + ritorno alle
					xMax = tmin(a.x + halfCord.getCord(abs(segmRight.y)), lx - 1); //   coordinate "di schermo"
				TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(segmRight.y + a.y) + xMin;
				TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);
				while (p <= q)
					*p++ = col;

				dSegmRight = dSegmRight + incNE;
	} else //  m>1
		//  midpoint algorithm; le scanline vengono disegnate sempre
		TPoint segmRight(tround((yMin - rightDown.y) / mParall + rightDown.x), yMin);
		int dSegmRight = tfloor(alpha * (segmRight.x + 0.5) + beta * (segmRight.y + 1) + gammaRight);
		while (segmRight.y <= yMax) {
			int xMin, xMax;
			if (k > 0) {
				xMin = tmax(a.x - halfCord.getCord(abs(segmRight.y)), 0); //  clipping x
				xMax = tmin(a.x + segmRight.x, lx - 1);					  //  clipping x
			} else {
				xMin = tmax(a.x - segmRight.x, 0);							   //  clipping x + ritorno alle coordinate
				xMax = tmin(a.x + halfCord.getCord(abs(segmRight.y)), lx - 1); //  "di schermo"
			TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(segmRight.y + a.y) + xMin;
			TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);
			while (p <= q)
				*p++ = col;

			if (dSegmRight <= 0) //  NordEst
				dSegmRight = dSegmRight + incNE;
			} else //  Nord
				dSegmRight = dSegmRight + incN;

	// -----  riempie trapezoide superiore

	//  N.B. le coordinate sono relative ad un sist. di rif. con l'origine sul centro
	//  del cerchio superiore
	yMin = tmax(b.y - cutIn, a.y + cutIn + 1, 0) - b.y; //  clipping y
	yMax = tmin(b.y + cutExt, ly - 1) - b.y;			//  clipping y

	//   l'eq. della retta e' alpha * x + beta * y + gammaLeft = 0
	const double gammaLeft = leftDown.y * dx - leftDown.x * dy;

	if (m <= 1) {
		//  midpoint algorithm; le scanline vengono disegnate solo
		//  sul NordEst. L'ultima scanline non viene disegnata
		TPoint segmLeft(tceil((yMin - 0.5 - leftDown.y) / mParall + leftDown.x), yMin);
		int dSegmLeft = tfloor(alpha * (segmLeft.x + 1) + beta * (segmLeft.y + 0.5) + gammaLeft);
		while (segmLeft.y <= yMax) {
			int xMin, xMax;
			if (k > 0) {
				xMin = tmax(b.x + tmax(segmLeft.x, xSegmMin - dx), 0);		  //  clipping x
				xMax = tmin(b.x + halfCord.getCord(abs(segmLeft.y)), lx - 1); //  clipping x
			} else {
				xMin = tmax(b.x - halfCord.getCord(abs(segmLeft.y)), 0);	//  clipping x + ritorno alle
				xMax = tmin(b.x - tmax(segmLeft.x, xSegmMin - dx), lx - 1); //   coordinate "di schermo"
			TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(segmLeft.y + b.y) + xMin;
			TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);

			while (p <= q)
				*p++ = col;
			while (dSegmLeft < 0) {
				dSegmLeft = dSegmLeft + incE;
			dSegmLeft = dSegmLeft + incNE;
	} else //  m>1
		//  midpoint algorithm; le scanline vengono disegnate sempre
		TPoint segmLeft(tround((yMin - leftDown.y) / mParall + leftDown.x), yMin);
		int dSegmLeft = tfloor(alpha * (segmLeft.x + 0.5) + beta * (segmLeft.y + 1) + gammaLeft);
		while (segmLeft.y <= yMax) {
			int xMin, xMax;
			if (k > 0) {
				xMin = tmax(b.x + segmLeft.x, 0);							  //  clipping x
				xMax = tmin(b.x + halfCord.getCord(abs(segmLeft.y)), lx - 1); //  clipping x
			} else {
				xMin = tmax(b.x - halfCord.getCord(abs(segmLeft.y)), 0); //  clipping x + ritorno alle
				xMax = tmin(b.x - segmLeft.x, lx - 1);					 //   coordinate "di schermo"
			TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(segmLeft.y + b.y) + xMin;
			TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);

			while (p <= q)
				*p++ = col;

			if (dSegmLeft <= 0) //  NordEst
				dSegmLeft = dSegmLeft + incNE;
			} else //  Nord
				dSegmLeft = dSegmLeft + incN;

	// -----  parallelogramma (in alternativa a "parallelogrammoide circolare")

	// N.B. le coordinate sono relative ad un sist. di rif. con l'origine sul centro
	// del cerchio inferiore

	//  retta destra di equaz.   alpha * x + beta * y + gammaRight = 0
	//  retta sinistra di equaz. alpha * x + beta * y + gammaLeft = 0

	yMin = tmax(a.y + cutIn + 1, 0) - a.y;		//clipping y
	yMax = tmin(b.y - cutIn - 1, ly - 1) - a.y; //clipping y
	if (m <= 1) {
		//  midpoint algorithm; le scanline vengono disegnate solo
		//  sul NordEst. L'ultima scanline non viene disegnata
		TPoint segmRight(tceil((yMin + 0.5 - rightDown.y) / mParall + rightDown.x) - 1, yMin);
		TPoint segmLeft = TPoint(tceil((yMin - 0.5 - leftDown.y) / mParall + leftDown.x), yMin);
		int dSegmRight = tfloor(alpha * (segmRight.x + 1) + beta * (segmRight.y + 0.5) + gammaRight);
		int dSegmLeft = tfloor(alpha * (segmLeft.x + 1) + beta * (segmLeft.y + 0.5) + gammaLeft);
		while (segmRight.y <= yMax) {
			if (dSegmRight < 0) //  segmRight a Est
				dSegmRight = dSegmRight + incE;
			} else //  segmRight a NordEst
				int xMin, xMax;
				if (k > 0) {
					xMin = tmax(a.x + tmax(segmLeft.x, xSegmMin), 0);		//  clipping x
					xMax = tmin(a.x + tmin(segmRight.x, xSegmMax), lx - 1); //  clipping x
				} else {
					xMin = tmax(a.x - tmin(segmRight.x, xSegmMax), 0);	 //  clipping x + ritorno alle
					xMax = tmin(a.x - tmax(segmLeft.x, xSegmMin), lx - 1); //   coordinate "di schermo"

				TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(segmRight.y + a.y) + xMin;
				TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);

				while (p <= q)
					*p++ = col;

				dSegmRight = dSegmRight + incNE;

				while (dSegmLeft < 0) //  segmLeft a Est
					dSegmLeft = dSegmLeft + incE;
				//  segmLeft a NordEst
				dSegmLeft = dSegmLeft + incNE;
	} else //  m>1
		//  midpoint algorithm; le scanline vengono disegnate sempre
		TPoint segmRight(tround((yMin - rightDown.y) / mParall + rightDown.x), yMin);
		TPoint segmLeft(tround((yMin - leftDown.y) / mParall + leftDown.x), yMin);
		int dSegmRight = tfloor(alpha * (segmRight.x + 0.5) + beta * (segmRight.y + 1) + gammaRight);
		int dSegmLeft = tfloor(alpha * (segmLeft.x + 0.5) + beta * (segmLeft.y + 1) + gammaLeft);
		while (segmRight.y <= yMax) {
			int xMin, xMax;
			if (k > 0) {
				xMin = tmax(a.x + segmLeft.x, 0);		//  clipping x
				xMax = tmin(a.x + segmRight.x, lx - 1); //  clipping x
			} else {
				xMin = tmax(a.x - segmRight.x, 0);	 //  clipping x + ritorno alle
				xMax = tmin(a.x - segmLeft.x, lx - 1); //   coordinate "di schermo"

			TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(segmRight.y + a.y) + xMin;
			TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);

			while (p <= q)
				*p++ = col;

			if (dSegmRight <= 0) //  segmRight a NordEst
				dSegmRight = dSegmRight + incNE;
			} else //  segmRight a Nord
				dSegmRight = dSegmRight + incN;

			if (dSegmLeft <= 0) //  segmLeft a NordEst
				dSegmLeft = dSegmLeft + incNE;
			} else //  segmLeft a Nord
				dSegmLeft = dSegmLeft + incN;

	// ----  parallelogrammoide circolare (in alternativa a parallelogramma)

	// N.B. coordinate di schermo (riflessione per k<0 )

	yMin = tmax(b.y - cutIn, 0);
	yMax = tmin(a.y + cutIn, ly - 1);
	for (y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) {
		int xMin, xMax;
		if (k > 0) {
			xMin = tmax(a.x - halfCord.getCord(abs(y - a.y)), 0);	  //  clipping x
			xMax = tmin(b.x + halfCord.getCord(abs(b.y - y)), lx - 1); //  clipping x
		} else {
			xMin = tmax(b.x - halfCord.getCord(abs(b.y - y)), 0);	  //  clipping x + ritorno alle
			xMax = tmin(a.x + halfCord.getCord(abs(y - a.y)), lx - 1); //   coordinate "di schermo"
		TPixel32 *p = ras->pixels(y) + xMin;
		TPixel32 *q = p + (xMax - xMin);
		while (p <= q)
			*p++ = col;
Пример #27
bool Convert2Tlv::init(std::string &errorMessage)
	m_lastIndex = m_maxPaletteIndex = 0;

	try {
		m_lr1 = TLevelReaderP(m_levelIn1);
		if (m_lr1)
			m_level1 = m_lr1->loadInfo();
	} catch (...) {
		errorMessage = "Error: can't read level " + toString(m_levelIn1.getWideString());
		return false;

	if (m_level1->getFrameCount() == 0) {
		errorMessage = "Error: can't find level " + toString(m_levelIn1.getWideString());
		return false;

	TLevelP level2;

	if (m_levelIn2 != TFilePath()) {
		try {
			m_lr2 = TLevelReaderP(m_levelIn2);
			if (m_lr2)
				level2 = m_lr2->loadInfo();
		} catch (...) {
			errorMessage = "Error: can't read level " + toString(m_levelIn2.getWideString());
			return false;

		if (level2->getFrameCount() == 0) {
			errorMessage = "Error: can't find level " + toString(m_levelIn2.getWideString());
			return false;

		if (m_level1->getFrameCount() != level2->getFrameCount()) {
			errorMessage = "Error: the two input levels must have same frame number";
			return false;

	m_size = TDimension();

	m_lw = TLevelWriterP(m_levelOut);
	m_it = m_level1->begin();

	TLevel::Iterator it2;

	if (level2->getFrameCount() > 0)
		it2 = level2->begin();

	for (; m_it != m_level1->end(); ++m_it) {
		TImageReaderP ir1 = m_lr1->getFrameReader(m_it->first);
		const TImageInfo *info1 = ir1->getImageInfo();
		if (!info1) {
			errorMessage = "Error: can't read frame " + toString(m_it->first.getNumber()) + " of level  " + toString(m_levelIn1.getWideString());
			return false;

		if (info1->m_bitsPerSample != 8) {
			errorMessage = "Error: all frames must have 8 bits per channel!\n";
			return false;
		m_size.lx = tmax(m_size.lx, info1->m_lx);
		m_size.ly = tmax(m_size.ly, info1->m_ly);

		if (m_lr2 != TLevelReaderP()) {
			TImageReaderP ir2 = m_lr2->getFrameReader(it2->first);

			if (ir2) {
				const TImageInfo *info2 = ir2->getImageInfo();
				if (!info1) {
					errorMessage = "Error: can't read frame " + toString(it2->first.getNumber()) + " of level  " + toString(m_levelIn2.getWideString());
					return false;

				if (info1->m_lx != info2->m_lx || info1->m_ly != info2->m_ly) {
					errorMessage = "Error: painted frames must have same resolution of matching unpainted frames!\n";
					return false;
				if (info2->m_bitsPerSample != 8) {
					errorMessage = "Error: all frames must have 8 bits per channel!\n";
					return false;

	m_palette = new TPalette();

	if (m_palettePath != TFilePath()) {
		TIStream is(m_palettePath);
		is >> m_palette;
		if (m_palette->getStyleInPagesCount() == 0) {
			errorMessage = "Error: invalid palette!\n";

			return false;
		for (int i = 0; i < m_palette->getStyleCount(); i++)
			if (m_palette->getStylePage(i)) {
				m_colorMap[m_palette->getStyle(i)->getMainColor()] = i;
				if (i > m_lastIndex)
					m_lastIndex = i;
		assert(m_colorMap.size() == m_palette->getStyleInPagesCount());
Пример #28
void build_lw_lut(float ref_lw[256], float lw[256], UCHAR lut[256])
	/* crea una lut tale che l'immagine con il profilo di linewidths lw
   venga mappata in un'immagine con il profilo di riferimento ref_lw.
   Le lw sono non decrescenti e delimitate da 0.0 li' dove non sono valide

	int i, j;
	float bot_ref_lw, top_ref_lw, bot_lw, top_lw;
	int bot_ref_gr, top_ref_gr, bot_gr, top_gr;
	float min_lw, max_lw;
	int min_ref_gr, max_ref_gr, min_gr, max_gr;
	float fac;

	for (i = 0; !ref_lw[i]; i++) {
	bot_ref_lw = ref_lw[i];
	bot_ref_gr = i;
	for (i = 255; !ref_lw[i]; i--) {
	top_ref_lw = ref_lw[i];
	top_ref_gr = i;
	for (i = 0; !lw[i]; i++) {
	bot_lw = lw[i];
	bot_gr = i;
	for (i = 255; !lw[i]; i--) {
	top_lw = lw[i];
	top_gr = i;

	min_lw = tmax(bot_ref_lw, bot_lw);
	max_lw = tmin(top_ref_lw, top_lw);

	if (min_lw >= max_lw) {
		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
			lut[i] = i;

	for (i = bot_ref_gr; ref_lw[i] < min_lw; i++) {
	min_ref_gr = i;
	for (i = top_ref_gr; ref_lw[i] > max_lw; i--) {
	max_ref_gr = i;
	for (i = bot_gr; lw[i] < min_lw; i++) {
	min_gr = i;
	for (i = top_gr; lw[i] > max_lw; i--) {
	max_gr = i;

	j = min_ref_gr;
	for (i = min_gr; i <= max_gr; i++) {
		while (ref_lw[j] < lw[i] && j < max_ref_gr)
		lut[i] = j;
	fac = (float)min_ref_gr / (float)min_gr;
	for (i = 0; i < min_gr; i++)
		lut[i] = troundp(i * fac);
	fac = (float)(255 - max_ref_gr) / (float)(255 - max_gr);
	for (i = 255; i > max_gr; i--)
		lut[i] = 255 - troundp((255 - i) * fac);

printf ("-----\n\lut:\n\n");
for (i = 255; i >= 0; i--)
  printf ("%4d :%4u\n", i, lut[i]);
printf ("\n");
Пример #29
 * @brief Test observations optimizer.
 * @param[in] mode Testing mode.
 * This method supports two testing modes: 0 = unbinned and 1 = binned.
void TestOpenMP::test_observations_optimizer(const int& mode)
    // Create Test Model
    GTestModelData model;

    // Create Models conteners
    GModels models;

    // Time iterval
    GTime tmin(0.0);
    GTime tmax(1800.0);

    // Rate : events/sec
    double rate = RATE;

    // Create observations
    GObservations obs;

    // Add some observation
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {

        // Random Generator
        GRan ran;

        // Allocate events pointer
        GEvents *events;

        // Create either a event list or an event cube
        if (mode == UN_BINNED) {
            events = model.generateList(rate,tmin,tmax,ran);
        else {
            events = model.generateCube(rate,tmin,tmax,ran);

        // Create an observation
        GTestObservation ob;

        // Add events to the observation

        // Delete events pointer
        delete events;

    // Add the model to the observation

    // Create a GLog for show the interations of optimizer.
    GLog log;

    // Create an optimizer.
    GOptimizerLM opt(log);


    // Optimize

    // Get the result
    GModelPar result = (*(obs.models()[0]))[0];

    // Check if converged
    test_assert(opt.status()==0, "Check if converged", 
                                 "Optimizer did not converge"); 

    // Check if value is correct

    // Return
Пример #30
TImageP TImageReader::load0()
	if (!m_reader && !m_vectorReader)

	if (m_reader) {
		TImageInfo info = m_reader->getImageInfo();
		if (info.m_lx <= 0 || info.m_ly <= 0)
			return TImageP();

		// Initialize raster info
		assert(m_shrink > 0);

		// Build loading rect
		int x0 = 0;
		int x1 = info.m_lx - 1;
		int y0 = 0;
		int y1 = info.m_ly - 1;

		if (!m_region.isEmpty()) {
			// Intersect with the externally specified loading region

			x0 = tmax(x0, m_region.x0);
			y0 = tmax(y0, m_region.y0);
			x1 = tmin(x1, m_region.x1);
			y1 = tmin(y1, m_region.y1);

			if (x0 >= x1 || y0 >= y1)
				return TImageP();

		if (m_shrink > 1) {
			// Crop to shrink multiples
			x1 -= (x1 - x0) % m_shrink;
			y1 -= (y1 - y0) % m_shrink;

		assert(x0 <= x1 && y0 <= y1);

		TDimension imageDimension = TDimension((x1 - x0) / m_shrink + 1, (y1 - y0) / m_shrink + 1);

		if (m_path.getType() == "tzp" || m_path.getType() == "tzu") {
			// Colormap case

			TRasterCM32P ras(imageDimension);
			readRaster(ras, m_reader, x0, y0, x1, y1, info.m_lx, info.m_ly, m_shrink);

			// Build the savebox
			TRect saveBox(info.m_x0, info.m_y0, info.m_x1, info.m_y1);
			if (!m_region.isEmpty()) {
				// Intersect with the loading rect
				if (m_region.overlaps(saveBox)) {
					saveBox *= m_region;

					int sbx0 = saveBox.x0 - m_region.x0;
					int sby0 = saveBox.y0 - m_region.y0;
					int sbx1 = sbx0 + saveBox.getLx() - 1;
					int sby1 = sby0 + saveBox.getLy() - 1;
					assert(sbx0 >= 0);
					assert(sby0 >= 0);
					assert(sbx1 >= 0);
					assert(sby1 >= 0);

					saveBox = TRect(sbx0, sby0, sbx1, sby1);
				} else
					saveBox = TRect(0, 0, 1, 1);

			if (m_shrink > 1) {
				saveBox.x0 = saveBox.x0 / m_shrink;
				saveBox.y0 = saveBox.y0 / m_shrink;
				saveBox.x1 = saveBox.x1 / m_shrink;
				saveBox.y1 = saveBox.y1 / m_shrink;

			TToonzImageP ti(ras, ras->getBounds() * saveBox);
			ti->setDpi(info.m_dpix, info.m_dpiy);

			return ti;
		} else if (info.m_bitsPerSample >= 8) {
			// Common byte-based rasters (see below, we have black-and-white bit-based images too)

			if (info.m_samplePerPixel == 1 && m_readGreytones) {
				//  Greymap case
				// NOTE: Uses a full 32-bit raster first, and then copies down to the GR8

				// Observe that GR16 file images get immediately down-cast to GR8...
				// Should we implement that too?

				TRasterGR8P ras(imageDimension);
				readRaster_copyLines(ras, m_reader, x0, y0, x1, y1, info.m_lx, info.m_ly, m_shrink);

				TRasterImageP ri(ras);
				ri->setDpi(info.m_dpix, info.m_dpiy);

				return ri;

			// assert(info.m_samplePerPixel == 3 || info.m_samplePerPixel == 4);

			TRasterP _ras;
			if (info.m_bitsPerSample == 16) {
				if (m_is64BitEnabled || m_path.getType() != "tif") {
					//  Standard 64-bit case.

					// Also covers down-casting to 32-bit from a 64-bit image file whenever
					// not a tif file (see below).

					TRaster64P ras(imageDimension);
					readRaster(ras, m_reader, x0, y0, x1, y1, info.m_lx, info.m_ly, m_shrink);

					_ras = ras;
				} else {
					// The Tif reader has got an automatically down-casting readLine(char*, ...)
					// in case the input file is 64-bit. The advantage is that no intermediate
					// 64-bit raster is required in this case.

					TRaster32P ras(imageDimension);
					readRaster(ras, m_reader, x0, y0, x1, y1, info.m_lx, info.m_ly, m_shrink);

					_ras = ras;
			} else if (info.m_bitsPerSample == 8) {
				//  Standard 32-bit case
				TRaster32P ras(imageDimension);
				readRaster(ras, m_reader, x0, y0, x1, y1, info.m_lx, info.m_ly, m_shrink);

				_ras = ras;
			} else
				throw TImageException(m_path, "Image format not supported");

			// 64-bit to 32-bit conversions if necessary  (64 bit images not allowed)
			if (!m_is64BitEnabled && (TRaster64P)_ras) {
				TRaster32P raux(_ras->getLx(), _ras->getLy());
				TRop::convert(raux, _ras);
				_ras = raux;

			// Return the image
			TRasterImageP ri(_ras);
			ri->setDpi(info.m_dpix, info.m_dpiy);

			return ri;
		} else if (info.m_samplePerPixel == 1 && info.m_valid == true) {
			//  Previously dubbed as 'Palette cases'. No clue about what is this... :|

			TRaster32P ras(imageDimension);
			readRaster(ras, m_reader, x0, y0, x1, y1, info.m_lx, info.m_ly, m_shrink);

			TRasterImageP ri(ras);
			ri->setDpi(info.m_dpix, info.m_dpiy);

			return ri;
		} else if (info.m_samplePerPixel == 1 && m_readGreytones) {
			//  Black-and-White case, I guess. Standard greymaps were considered above...

			TRasterGR8P ras(imageDimension);
			readRaster_copyLines(ras, m_reader, x0, y0, x1, y1, info.m_lx, info.m_ly, m_shrink);

			TRasterImageP ri(ras);
			ri->setDpi(info.m_dpix, info.m_dpiy);

			if (info.m_bitsPerSample == 1) // I suspect this always evaluates true...

			return ri;
		} else
			return TImageP();
	} else if (m_vectorReader) {
		TVectorImage *vi = m_vectorReader->read();
		return TVectorImageP(vi);
	} else
		return TImageP();