Error setbyte_blob_(Stack *S, Stack *scope_arr) { require(3); V blob = popS(); V index = popS(); V value = popS(); Error e = Nothing; if (getType(blob) != T_BLOB || getType(index) != T_NUM || getType(value) != T_NUM) { e = TypeError; goto cleanup; } int num = toNumber(value); if (num < 0 || num > 255) { set_error_msg("Value not in range [0,255]"); e = ValueError; goto cleanup; } int byte = setbyte_blob(blob, toNumber(index), num); if (byte < 0) { set_error_msg("Index out of range"); e = ValueError; goto cleanup; } cleanup: clear_ref(blob); clear_ref(index); clear_ref(value); return e; }
void tst_QSet::stlIterator() { QSet<QString> set1; for (int i = 0; i < 25000; ++i) set1.insert(QString::number(i)); { int sum = 0; QSet<QString>::const_iterator i = set1.begin(); while (i != set1.end()) { sum += toNumber(*i); ++i; } QVERIFY(sum == 24999 * 25000 / 2); } { int sum = 0; QSet<QString>::const_iterator i = set1.end(); while (i != set1.begin()) { --i; sum += toNumber(*i); } QVERIFY(sum == 24999 * 25000 / 2); } }
void tst_QSet::stlMutableIterator() { QSet<QString> set1; for (int i = 0; i < 25000; ++i) set1.insert(QString::number(i)); { int sum = 0; QSet<QString>::iterator i = set1.begin(); while (i != set1.end()) { sum += toNumber(*i); ++i; } QVERIFY(sum == 24999 * 25000 / 2); } { int sum = 0; QSet<QString>::iterator i = set1.end(); while (i != set1.begin()) { --i; sum += toNumber(*i); } QVERIFY(sum == 24999 * 25000 / 2); } { QSet<QString> set2 = set1; QSet<QString> set3 = set2; QSet<QString>::iterator i = set2.begin(); QSet<QString>::iterator j = set3.begin(); while (i != set2.end()) { i = set2.erase(i); } QVERIFY(set2.isEmpty()); QVERIFY(!set3.isEmpty()); j = set3.end(); while (j != set3.begin()) { j--; if (j + 1 != set3.end()) set3.erase(j + 1); } if (set3.begin() != set3.end()) set3.erase(set3.begin()); QVERIFY(set2.isEmpty()); QVERIFY(set3.isEmpty()); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 i = set2.insert("foo"); #else QSet<QString>::const_iterator k = set2.insert("foo"); i = reinterpret_cast<QSet<QString>::iterator &>(k); #endif QVERIFY(*i == "foo"); } }
Result<Tileset> operator()(const V& value) const { Tileset result; auto tiles = objectMember(value, "tiles"); if (!tiles) { return Error { "source must have tiles" }; } if (!isArray(*tiles)) { return Error { "source tiles must be an array" }; } for (std::size_t i = 0; i < arrayLength(*tiles); i++) { optional<std::string> urlTemplate = toString(arrayMember(*tiles, i)); if (!urlTemplate) { return Error { "source tiles member must be a string" }; } result.tiles.push_back(std::move(*urlTemplate)); } auto schemeValue = objectMember(value, "scheme"); if (schemeValue) { optional<std::string> scheme = toString(*schemeValue); if (scheme && *scheme == "tms") { result.scheme = Tileset::Scheme::TMS; } } auto minzoomValue = objectMember(value, "minzoom"); if (minzoomValue) { optional<float> minzoom = toNumber(*minzoomValue); if (!minzoom || *minzoom < 0 || *minzoom > std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max()) { return Error { "invalid minzoom" }; } result.zoomRange.min = *minzoom; } auto maxzoomValue = objectMember(value, "maxzoom"); if (maxzoomValue) { optional<float> maxzoom = toNumber(*maxzoomValue); if (!maxzoom || *maxzoom < 0 || *maxzoom > std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max()) { return Error { "invalid maxzoom" }; } result.zoomRange.max = *maxzoom; } auto attributionValue = objectMember(value, "attribution"); if (attributionValue) { optional<std::string> attribution = toString(*attributionValue); if (!attribution) { return Error { "source attribution must be a string" }; } result.attribution = std::move(*attribution); } return result; }
void TestTools::set_stlMutableIterator() { Set<QString> set1; for (int i = 0; i < 25000; ++i) set1.insert(QString::number(i)); { int sum = 0; Set<QString>::iterator i = set1.begin(); while (i != set1.end()) { sum += toNumber(*i); ++i; } QVERIFY(sum == 24999 * 25000 / 2); } { int sum = 0; Set<QString>::iterator i = set1.end(); while (i != set1.begin()) { --i; sum += toNumber(*i); } QVERIFY(sum == 24999 * 25000 / 2); } { Set<QString> set2 = set1; Set<QString> set3 = set2; Set<QString>::iterator i = set2.begin(); Set<QString>::iterator j = set3.begin(); while (i != set2.end()) { i = set2.erase(i); } QVERIFY(set2.isEmpty()); QVERIFY(!set3.isEmpty()); j = set3.end(); while (j != set3.begin()) { j--; if (j + 1 != set3.end()) set3.erase(j + 1); } if (set3.begin() != set3.end()) set3.erase(set3.begin()); QVERIFY(set2.isEmpty()); QVERIFY(set3.isEmpty()); i = set2.insert("foo").first; QCOMPARE(*i, QLatin1String("foo")); } }
Result<Function<T>> operator()(const V& value) const { if (!isObject(value)) { return Error { "function must be an object" }; } auto stopsValue = objectMember(value, "stops"); if (!stopsValue) { return Error { "function value must specify stops" }; } if (!isArray(*stopsValue)) { return Error { "function stops must be an array" }; } if (arrayLength(*stopsValue) == 0) { return Error { "function must have at least one stop" }; } std::vector<std::pair<float, T>> stops; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < arrayLength(*stopsValue); ++i) { const auto& stopValue = arrayMember(*stopsValue, i); if (!isArray(stopValue)) { return Error { "function stop must be an array" }; } if (arrayLength(stopValue) != 2) { return Error { "function stop must have two elements" }; } optional<float> z = toNumber(arrayMember(stopValue, 0)); if (!z) { return Error { "function stop zoom level must be a number" }; } Result<T> v = convert<T>(arrayMember(stopValue, 1)); if (!v) { return v.error(); } stops.emplace_back(*z, *v); } auto baseValue = objectMember(value, "base"); if (!baseValue) { return Function<T>(stops, 1.0f); } optional<float> base = toNumber(*baseValue); if (!base) { return Error { "function base must be a number"}; } return Function<T>(stops, *base); }
int stringcmp(char *str1, char *str2, int i, int j)/*comparing the dates of both transactions*/ { int n1, n2; n1 = toNumber(str1, i, j); n2 = toNumber(str2, i, j); if (n2 == n1) return 1; else return 0; }
void FlowValue::dump(bool x) const { fflush(stderr); switch (type_) { case FlowValue::VOID: printf("void"); break; case FlowValue::BOOLEAN: printf(toBool() ? "true" : "false"); break; case FlowValue::NUMBER: printf("%lld", toNumber()); break; case FlowValue::REGEXP: printf("/%s/", toRegExp().c_str()); break; case FlowValue::IP: printf("ip(%s)", toIPAddress().str().c_str()); break; case FlowValue::FUNCTION: printf("fnref(0x%p)", reinterpret_cast<void*>(toFunction())); break; case FlowValue::STRING: printf("'%s'", toString()); break; case FlowValue::BUFFER: { long long length = toNumber(); const char *p = toString(); std::string data(p, p + length); printf("'%s'", data.c_str()); break; } case FlowValue::ARRAY: { const FlowArray& p = toArray(); printf("["); for (size_t k = 0, ke = p.size(); k != ke; ++k) { if (k) printf(", "); p[k].dump(false); } printf("]"); break; } default: break; } if (x) printf("\n"); }
phy::vector_t const minimizexx(phy::vector_t x, boost::function< double (phy::vector_t const &) > const & objFct, std::string const & statusFileName, unsigned maxFEval, unsigned maxIter) { glbObjFct = & objFct; glbInitParams = & x; FDNLF1 nlp(x.size(), fctWrapper, initWrapper); OptQNewton objfcn(&nlp); //OptFDNewton objfcn(&nlp); //OptCG objfcn(&nlp); objfcn.setSearchStrategy(LineSearch); //alt: TrustRegion // set stopping criteria: see objfcn.setMaxFeval(maxFEval); objfcn.setMaxIter(maxIter); // The "0" in the second argument says to create a new file. A "1" // would signify appending to an existing file. if (statusFileName != "") if (!objfcn.setOutputFile(statusFileName.c_str(), 1) ) cerr << "main: output file open failed" << endl; objfcn.optimize(); char status[] = "Solution from quasi-newton"; // hack to avoid compiler warnings objfcn.printStatus(status); objfcn.cleanup(); return toNumber( objfcn.getXPrev() ); }
int String::compare(const Value& v) { if (v.isString()) { return; } else { return toNumber() - v.toNumber(); } }
LVal filter_sbcl_uri(LVal v) { char* str=subseq(firsts(v),-3,0); if(strcmp(str,"bz2")==0 || strcmp(str,"msi")==0) { char* u=uname(); char* m=uname_m(); char *third,*fourth; char *m2; int i; char* tmp=file_namestring(q(firsts(v))); LVal ret= split_string(tmp,"-"); s(tmp); third=firsts(nthcdr(2,ret)); fourth=firsts(nthcdr(3,ret)); if(strcmp(third,"x86")==0 && strcmp(fourth,"64")==0) { m2=q("x86-64"); i=4; }else { m2=q(third); i=3; } i=(strcmp(m2,m)==0 && strcmp(firsts(nthcdr(i,ret)),u)==0); s(m2),s(str),s(m),s(u),sL(ret); return i?toNumber(1):0; } s(str); return 0; }
double JSValue::toIntegerPreserveNaN(ExecState *exec) const { int32_t i; if (getTruncatedInt32(i)) return i; return trunc(toNumber(exec)); }
double LuaInterface::popNumber() { assert(hasIndex(-1)); double v = toNumber(-1); pop(); return v; }
// ECMA 9.4 double JSValue::toInteger(ExecState* exec) const { if (isInt32()) return asInt32(); double d = toNumber(exec); return std::isnan(d) ? 0.0 : trunc(d); }
uint32_t get_hash(V v) { int t = getType(v); if (t == T_STR) { return need_hash(v); } else if (t == T_NUM) { return (uint32_t)toNumber(v); } else if (t == T_PAIR) { return get_hash(toFirst(v)) + get_hash(toSecond(v)); } else if (t == T_FRAC) { return toNumerator(v) ^ toDenominator(v); } else { return (unsigned long)v >> 4; /* This discards 4 bits. * The reason is that allocated addresses are usually * aligned to some extent. * It might get rid of some entropy, though the original * amount was probably low enough already. * If you have a better solution, please share. */ } }
// ECMA 9.4 double JSValue::toInteger(ExecState *exec) const { int32_t i; if (getTruncatedInt32(i)) return i; double d = toNumber(exec); return isNaN(d) ? 0.0 : trunc(d); }
void append( BSONObjBuilder& b , string name , jsval val , BSONType oldType = EOO , int depth=0 ) { //cout << "name: " << name << "\t" << typeString( val ) << " oldType: " << oldType << endl; switch ( JS_TypeOfValue( _context , val ) ) { case JSTYPE_VOID: b.appendUndefined( name.c_str() ); break; case JSTYPE_NULL: b.appendNull( name.c_str() ); break; case JSTYPE_NUMBER: { double d = toNumber( val ); if ( oldType == NumberInt && ((int)d) == d ) b.append( name.c_str() , (int)d ); else b.append( name.c_str() , d ); break; } case JSTYPE_STRING: b.append( name.c_str() , toString( val ) ); break; case JSTYPE_BOOLEAN: b.appendBool( name.c_str() , toBoolean( val ) ); break; case JSTYPE_OBJECT: { JSObject * o = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT( val ); if ( ! o || o == JSVAL_NULL ) { b.appendNull( name.c_str() ); } else if ( ! appendSpecialDBObject( this , b , name , val , o ) ) { BSONObj sub = toObject( o , depth ); if ( JS_IsArrayObject( _context , o ) ) { b.appendArray( name.c_str() , sub ); } else { b.append( name.c_str() , sub ); } } break; } case JSTYPE_FUNCTION: { string s = toString(val); if ( s[0] == '/' ) { appendRegex( b , name , s ); } else { b.appendCode( name.c_str() , getFunctionCode( val ).c_str() ); } break; } default: uassert( 10217 , (string)"can't append field. name:" + name + " type: " + typeString( val ) , 0 ); } }
Config readConfig(const char* path) { std::ifstream handle(path); Config cfg = defaultConfig(); if(handle.is_open()) { std::string line; while(getline(handle, line)) { if(line[0] == '#') continue; size_t eqPos = line.find("="); if(eqPos == std::string::npos) continue; std::string tag = strip(line.substr(0, eqPos)); std::string val = strip(line.substr(eqPos+1)); // Bwearkh. if(tag == "url") cfg.challengeUrl = val; else if(tag == "http_header") cfg.httpHeader = val; else if(tag == "post_header") cfg.postHeader = val; else if(tag == "post_footer") cfg.postFooter = val; else if(tag == "on_success") cfg.onSuccessProgram = val; else if(tag == "challenge_length") cfg.challengeLength = toNumber(val); else if(tag == "cooldown_time") cfg.authCooldownTime = toNumber(val); else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid configuration tag: %s.\n", tag.c_str()); exit(1); } } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open configuration file. Aborting.\n"); exit(1); } return cfg; }
uint64_t Component::toSequenceNumber() const { if (canDecodeMarkerConvention() && type() == tlv::GenericNameComponent) { return toNumberWithMarker(SEQUENCE_NUMBER_MARKER); } if (canDecodeTypedConvention() && type() == tlv::SequenceNumNameComponent) { return toNumber(); } NDN_THROW(Error("Not a SequenceNumber component")); }
uint64_t Component::toByteOffset() const { if (canDecodeMarkerConvention() && type() == tlv::GenericNameComponent) { return toNumberWithMarker(SEGMENT_OFFSET_MARKER); } if (canDecodeTypedConvention() && type() == tlv::ByteOffsetNameComponent) { return toNumber(); } NDN_THROW(Error("Not a ByteOffset component")); }
uint64_t Component::toVersion() const { if (canDecodeMarkerConvention() && type() == tlv::GenericNameComponent) { return toNumberWithMarker(VERSION_MARKER); } if (canDecodeTypedConvention() && type() == tlv::VersionNameComponent) { return toNumber(); } NDN_THROW(Error("Not a Version component")); }
Point JSON::toPoint(const JSONValue& value) { MMLT_precondition_msg( isArray(value), mmlt_msg("Expected point, got %1!") .arg(QString::fromStdString(toString(value))) ); const JSONArray& coordinates = toArray(value); MMLT_precondition_msg( (coordinates.size() == 2), mmlt_msg("Point has invalid dimension (%1)!") .arg(coordinates.size()) ); return Point( toNumber(coordinates[0]), toNumber(coordinates[1]) ); }
Error make_blob(Stack *S, Stack *scope_arr) { require(1); V v = popS(); if (getType(v) != T_NUM) { clear_ref(v); return TypeError; } pushS(new_blob(toNumber(v))); clear_ref(v); return Nothing; }
Error chr(Stack* S, Stack* scope_arr) { require(1); V v = popS(); if (getType(v) != T_NUM) { clear_ref(v); return TypeError; } pushS(unichar_to_value(toNumber(v))); clear_ref(v); return Nothing; }
bool RPNParser::handle_token(std::string token, double at_value) { if(OneOps.find(token) != OneOps.end()) // valami függvény { double arg =; double newval = (OneOps[token])(arg); m_stack.pop(); m_stack.push(newval); } else if(TwoOps.find(token) != TwoOps.end()) // kétoperandusú kifejezés { if(m_stack.size() < 2) { throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid expression, want to eval a two-operand expression with one or less value on stack"); } double arg1 =; m_stack.pop(); double arg2 =; m_stack.pop(); double newval = (TwoOps[token])(arg1, arg2); m_stack.push(newval); } else if(token == "x") { m_stack.push(at_value); } else if( !std::isnan(toNumber(token)) ) // Szám { m_stack.push(toNumber(token)); } else { return false; } return true; }
time::system_clock::TimePoint Component::toTimestamp() const { uint64_t value = 0; if (canDecodeMarkerConvention() && type() == tlv::GenericNameComponent) { value = toNumberWithMarker(TIMESTAMP_MARKER); } else if (canDecodeTypedConvention() && type() == tlv::TimestampNameComponent) { value = toNumber(); } else { NDN_THROW(Error("Not a Timestamp component")); } return time::getUnixEpoch() + time::microseconds(value); }
int evalRPN(vector<string> &tokens) { stack<int> s; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++ i) { string key = tokens[i]; if (is_operator(key)) { int b =; s.pop(); int a =; s.pop(); s.push(eval(a, b, key[0])); } else { s.push(toNumber(key)); } } return; }
as_value number_ctor(const fn_call& fn) { double val = 0; if (fn.nargs > 0) { val = toNumber(fn.arg(0), getVM(fn)); } if (!fn.isInstantiation()) { return as_value(val); } fn.this_ptr->setRelay(new Number_as(val)); return as_value(); }
void ValueWriter::writeThis(BSONObjBuilder* b, StringData sd, ObjectWrapper::WriteFieldRecursionFrames* frames) { uassert(17279, str::stream() << "Exceeded depth limit of " << ObjectWrapper::kMaxWriteFieldDepth << " when converting js object to BSON. Do you have a cycle?", frames->size() < ObjectWrapper::kMaxWriteFieldDepth); // Null char should be at the end, not in the string uassert(16985, str::stream() << "JavaScript property (name) contains a null char " << "which is not allowed in BSON. " << (_originalParent ? _originalParent->jsonString() : ""), (std::string::npos == sd.find('\0'))); if (_value.isString()) { JSStringWrapper jsstr; b->append(sd, toStringData(&jsstr)); } else if (_value.isNumber()) { double val = toNumber(); // if previous type was integer, keep it int intval = static_cast<int>(val); if (val == intval && _originalParent) { // This makes copying an object of numbers O(n**2) :( BSONElement elmt = _originalParent->getField(sd); if (elmt.type() == mongo::NumberInt) { b->append(sd, intval); return; } } b->append(sd, val); } else if (_value.isObject()) { _writeObject(b, sd, frames); } else if (_value.isBoolean()) { b->appendBool(sd, _value.toBoolean()); } else if (_value.isUndefined()) { b->appendUndefined(sd); } else if (_value.isNull()) { b->appendNull(sd); } else { uasserted(16662, str::stream() << "unable to convert JavaScript property to mongo element " << sd); } }
int main() { int i,j,N,seq[11]; char s[10]; for(i=0;i<128;i++) for(j=0;j<10;j++) if((i&rep[j])==rep[j]) {A[i][j]=1;def[i][j]=i^rep[j];} while(1) { scanf("%d",&N);if(!N) break; for(i=0;i<N;i++) { scanf("%s",s);seq[i]=toNumber(s); /*printf("%d : ",seq[i]); for(j=0;j<10;j++) if(A[seq[i]][j]) printf("%d ",j);printf("\n");*/ } for(i=0;i<10;i++) {if(A[seq[0]][i]&&isMatch(seq,1,i,N-1,def[seq[0]][i])) {printf("MATCH\n");break;}} if(i==10) printf("MISMATCH\n"); } return 0; }