Пример #1
	wstring Compiler::CodeGenerator::visitActionSound(const Block* block)
		static const int noteTable[5] = { 262, 311, 370, 440, 524 };
		static const int durationTable[3] = {-1, 8, 15};
		useSound = true;
		wstring text;
		const wstring indString(indentText());
		text += indString;
		text += L"call math.copy(notes, [";
		for (unsigned i = 0; i<block->valuesCount(); ++i)
			const unsigned note(block->getValue(i) & 0xff);
			text += toWstring(noteTable[note]);
			if (i+1 != block->valuesCount())
				text += L", ";
		text += L"])\n";
		text += indString;
		// durations
		text += L"call math.copy(durations, [";
		for (unsigned i = 0; i<block->valuesCount(); ++i)
			const unsigned duration((block->getValue(i)>>8) & 0xff);
			text += toWstring(durationTable[duration]);
			if (i+1 != block->valuesCount())
				text += L", ";
		text += L"])\n";
		text += indString;
		text += L"call sound.freq(notes[0], durations[0])\n";
		text += indString;
		text += L"note_index = 1\n";
		return text;
Пример #2
	wstring Compiler::CodeGenerator::visitActionTopColor(const Block* block)
		wstring text;
		const wstring indString(indentText());
		text += indString;
		text += L"call leds.top(";
		text += toWstring(block->getValue(0));
		text += L",";
		text += toWstring(block->getValue(1));
		text += L",";
		text += toWstring(block->getValue(2));
		text += L")\n";
		return text;
Пример #3
	wstring Compiler::CodeGenerator::visitActionMove(const Block* block)
		wstring text;
		const wstring indString(indentText());
		text += indString;
		text += L"motor.left.target = ";
		text += toWstring(block->getValue(0));
		text += L"\n";
		text += indString;
		text += L"motor.right.target = ";
		text += toWstring(block->getValue(1));
		text += L"\n";
		return text;
Пример #4
	wstring Compiler::CodeGenerator::visitActionSetState(const Block* block)
		wstring text;
		const wstring indString(indentText());
		for(unsigned i=0; i<block->valuesCount(); ++i)
			switch (block->getValue(i))
				case 1: text += indString + L"new_state[" + toWstring(i) + L"] = 1\n"; break;
				case 2: text += indString + L"new_state[" + toWstring(i) + L"] = 0\n"; break;
				default: break; // do nothing
		return text;
Пример #5
std::string SystemLocaleToUtf8(const Utf8String& str)
	std::locale const oloc = std::locale ("");
   std::wstring out;
   std::wstring wideStr;
	toWstring (str, oloc, wideStr);
	return WstringToUtf8(wideStr);
Пример #6
	wstring Compiler::CodeGenerator::visitActionTimer(const Block* block)
		wstring text;
		const wstring indString(indentText());
		text += indString;
		text += L"timer.period[0] = "+ toWstring(block->getValue(0)) + L"\n";
		return text;
Пример #7
	//! Test, use computed angle
	wstring Compiler::CodeGenerator::visitEventAcc(const Block* block)
		int testValue(0);
		if (block->getValue(0) == AccEventBlock::MODE_PITCH)
			testValue = block->getValue(1);
		else if (block->getValue(0) == AccEventBlock::MODE_ROLL)
			testValue = -block->getValue(1);
		const int middleValue(testValue * 16384 / AccEventBlock::resolution);
		const int lowBound(middleValue - 8192 / AccEventBlock::resolution);
		const int highBound(middleValue + 8192 / AccEventBlock::resolution);
		wstring text;
		if (testValue != -AccEventBlock::resolution)
			text += L"angle > " + toWstring(lowBound);
		if (!text.empty() && (testValue != AccEventBlock::resolution))
			text += L" and ";
		if (testValue != AccEventBlock::resolution)
			text += L"angle < " + toWstring(highBound);
		return text;
Пример #8
	wstring Compiler::CodeGenerator::visitEventProxGround(const Block* block)
		wstring text;
		bool first(true);
		const unsigned slidersIndex(block->valuesCount()-2);
		for(unsigned i=0; i<slidersIndex; ++i)
			if (block->getValue(i) == 1)
				text += (first ? L"": L" and ");
				text += L"prox.ground.delta[";
				text += toWstring(i);
				text += L"] > " + toWstring(block->getValue(slidersIndex+1));
				first = false;
			else if (block->getValue(i) == 2)
				text += (first ? L"": L" and ");
				text += L"prox.ground.delta[";
				text += toWstring(i);
				text += L"] < " + toWstring(block->getValue(slidersIndex));
				first = false;
			else if (block->getValue(i) == 3)
				text += (first ? L"": L" and ");
				text += L"prox.ground.delta[";
				text += toWstring(i);
				text += L"] > " + toWstring(block->getValue(slidersIndex));
				text += L" and prox.ground.delta[";
				text += toWstring(i);
				text += L"] < " + toWstring(block->getValue(slidersIndex+1));
				first = false;
		return text;
Пример #9
/*static */PkyStringW
StringConvert::FromEUC(char const* psztxt, size_t count){
	return toWstring(CP_EUC, psztxt, count);
Пример #10
/*static */PkyStringW
StringConvert::toWstring(char const* psztxt, size_t count)
	return toWstring(CP_ACP, psztxt, count);
Пример #11
 std::wstring getVisualLine(const std::string&instring)  { return toWstring(instring.c_str()); }
Пример #12
	void Compiler::CodeGenerator::visitEventAndStateFilter(const Block* block, const Block* stateFilterBlock, unsigned currentBlock)
		// generate event code
		wstring text;
		// if block generates a test
		if (block->isAnyValueSet())
			// pre-test code
			if (block->getName() == "acc")
				text += visitEventAccPre(block);
			// test code
			text += L"\twhen ";
			if (block->getName() == "button")
				text += visitEventArrowButtons(block);
			else if (block->getName() == "prox")
				text += visitEventProx(block);
			else if (block->getName() == "proxground")
				text += visitEventProxGround(block);
			else if (block->getName() == "acc")
				text += visitEventAcc(block);
				// internal compiler error
			text += L" do\n";
			inWhenBlock = true;
		// if state filter does generate a test
		if (stateFilterBlock && stateFilterBlock->isAnyValueSet())
			if (inWhenBlock)
				text += L"\t";
			text += L"\tif ";
			bool first(true);
			for (unsigned i=0; i<stateFilterBlock->valuesCount(); ++i)
				switch (stateFilterBlock->getValue(i))
					case 1:
						if (!first)
							text += L" and ";
						text += L"state[" + toWstring(i) + L"] == 1";
						first = false;
					case 2:
						if (!first)
							text += L" and ";
						text += L"state[" + toWstring(i) + L"] == 0";
						first = false;
			text += L" then\n";
			inIfBlock = true;
		generatedCode[currentBlock] = text;
Пример #13
	wstring Compiler::CodeGenerator::visitActionSound(const Block* block)
		static const int noteTable[6] = { 262, 311, 370, 440, 524, 0 };
		static const int durationTable[3] = {-1, 7, 14};
		// find last non-silent note
		unsigned noteCount(block->valuesCount());
		assert(noteCount > 0);
		while ((noteCount > 0) && ((block->getValue(noteCount-1) & 0xff) == 5))
		// if there is no note, return
		if (noteCount == 0)
			return indentText() + L"# zero notes in sound block\n";
		// generate code for notes
		wstring notesCopyText;
		wstring durationsCopyText;
		unsigned accumulatedDuration(0);
		unsigned activeNoteCount(0);
		for (unsigned i = 0; i<noteCount; ++i)
			const unsigned note(block->getValue(i) & 0xff);
			const unsigned duration((block->getValue(i)>>8) & 0xff);
			if (note == 5 && i+1 < noteCount && (block->getValue(i+1) & 0xff) == 5)
				// next note is silence, skip
				accumulatedDuration += durationTable[duration];
				notesCopyText += toWstring(noteTable[note]);
				if (i+1 != noteCount)
					notesCopyText += L", ";
				durationsCopyText += toWstring(durationTable[duration]+accumulatedDuration);
				if (i+1 != noteCount)
					durationsCopyText += L", ";
				accumulatedDuration = 0;
		// enable sound
		useSound = true;
		// prepare target string
		wstring text;
		const wstring indString(indentText());
		// notes
		text += indString;
		text += L"call math.copy(notes[0:";
		text += toWstring(activeNoteCount-1);
		text += L"], [";
		text += notesCopyText;
		text += L"])\n";
		// durations
		text += indString;
		text += L"call math.copy(durations[0:";
		text += toWstring(activeNoteCount-1);
		text += L"], [";
		text += durationsCopyText;
		text += L"])\n";
		// write variables
		text += indString;
		text += L"note_index = 1\n";
		text += indString;
		text += L"note_count = " + toWstring(activeNoteCount) + L"\n";
		// start playing
		text += indString;
		text += L"call sound.freq(notes[0], durations[0])\n";
		return text;