Пример #1
template <class Z> MY_INLINE RStarTree<Z>::~RStarTree()
  if ( myRoot != NULL )
      //Go through and get all the children in a list.
    DLIList <RStarTreeNode<Z>*> to_delete;
    to_list(to_delete, myRoot);
    int ii;
    for(ii = to_delete.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
      delete to_delete.pop();
    delete myRoot;
Пример #2
/// Extract indexes from an argument of the form `var_name[index1 index2...]`.
/// Inputs:
///   indexes: the list to insert the new indexes into
///   src: The source string to parse. This must be a var spec of the form "var[...]"
/// Returns:
///   The total number of indexes parsed, or -1 on error. If any indexes were found the `src` string
///   is modified to omit the index expression leaving just the var name.
static int parse_index(std::vector<long> &indexes, wchar_t *src, int scope, io_streams_t &streams,
                       const environment_t &vars) {
    wchar_t *p = std::wcschr(src, L'[');
    if (!p) return 0;  // no slices so nothing for us to do
    *p = L'\0';        // split the var name from the indexes/slices

    auto var_str = vars.get(src, scope);
    wcstring_list_t var;
    if (var_str) var_str->to_list(var);

    int count = 0;

    while (*p != L']') {
        const wchar_t *end;
        long l_ind = fish_wcstol(p, &end);
        if (errno > 0) {  // ignore errno == -1 meaning the int did not end with a '\0'
            streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: Invalid index starting at '%ls'\n"), L"set", src);
            return -1;
        p = (wchar_t *)end;

        // Convert negative index to a positive index.
        if (l_ind < 0) l_ind = var.size() + l_ind + 1;

        if (*p == L'.' && *(p + 1) == L'.') {
            p += 2;
            long l_ind2 = fish_wcstol(p, &end);
            if (errno > 0) {  // ignore errno == -1 meaning the int did not end with a '\0'
                return -1;
            p = (wchar_t *)end;

            // Convert negative index to a positive index.
            if (l_ind2 < 0) l_ind2 = var.size() + l_ind2 + 1;

            int direction = l_ind2 < l_ind ? -1 : 1;
            for (long jjj = l_ind; jjj * direction <= l_ind2 * direction; jjj += direction) {
        } else {

    return count;
Пример #3
list<unsigned> fun_info_manager::collect_deps(expr const & type, buffer<expr> const & locals) {
    buffer<unsigned> deps;
    for_each(type, [&](expr const & e, unsigned) {
            if (m_ctx.is_tmp_local(e)) {
                unsigned idx;
                for (idx = 0; idx < locals.size(); idx++)
                    if (locals[idx] == e)
                if (idx < locals.size() && std::find(deps.begin(), deps.end(), idx) == deps.end())
            return has_local(e); // continue the search only if e has locals
    std::sort(deps.begin(), deps.end());
    return to_list(deps);
Пример #4
 optional<constraints> try_instance(name const & inst) {
     environment const & env = m_C->env();
     if (auto decl = env.find(inst)) {
         name_generator & ngen = m_C->m_ngen;
         buffer<level> ls_buffer;
         unsigned num_univ_ps = decl->get_num_univ_params();
         for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_univ_ps; i++)
         levels ls = to_list(ls_buffer.begin(), ls_buffer.end());
         expr inst_cnst = copy_tag(m_meta, mk_constant(inst, ls));
         expr inst_type = instantiate_type_univ_params(*decl, ls);
         return try_instance(inst_cnst, inst_type);
     } else {
         return optional<constraints>();
Пример #5
template <class Z> MY_INLINE void RStarTree<Z>::to_list(DLIList <RStarTreeNode<Z>*> &member_list,
                                          RStarTreeNode<Z> *top)
    //Get the children of the top into the list.
  int ii;
  RStarTreeNode <Z> *curr_node;
  for ( ii = 0; ii < top->num_children(); ii++ )
    curr_node = top->get_child(ii);
      //don't go below the bottom level...
    if ( curr_node->get_leaf_level() == 0 )
    to_list(member_list, curr_node);
Пример #6
/// Erase a variable.
static int builtin_set_erase(const wchar_t *cmd, set_cmd_opts_t &opts, int argc, wchar_t **argv,
                             parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams) {
    if (argc != 1) {
        streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_ARG_COUNT2, cmd, L"--erase", 1, argc);
        builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd);
        return STATUS_CMD_ERROR;

    int scope = compute_scope(opts);  // calculate the variable scope based on the provided options
    wchar_t *dest = argv[0];

    std::vector<long> indexes;
    int idx_count = parse_index(indexes, dest, scope, streams, parser.vars());
    if (idx_count == -1) {
        builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd);
        return STATUS_CMD_ERROR;

    int retval;
    if (!valid_var_name(dest)) {
        streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_VARNAME, cmd, dest);
        builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd);
        return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS;

    if (idx_count == 0) {  // unset the var
        retval = parser.vars().remove(dest, scope);
        // When a non-existent-variable is unset, return ENV_NOT_FOUND as $status
        // but do not emit any errors at the console as a compromise between user
        // friendliness and correctness.
        if (retval != ENV_NOT_FOUND) {
            handle_env_return(retval, cmd, dest, streams);
    } else {  // remove just the specified indexes of the var
        const auto dest_var = parser.vars().get(dest, scope);
        if (!dest_var) return STATUS_CMD_ERROR;
        wcstring_list_t result;
        erase_values(result, indexes);
        retval = env_set_reporting_errors(cmd, dest, scope, result, streams, parser.vars());

    if (retval != STATUS_CMD_OK) return retval;
    return check_global_scope_exists(cmd, opts, dest, streams, parser.vars());
Пример #7
 expr extract(expr const & e) {
     expr const & d = visit(get_nested_declaration_arg(e));
     name new_name      = mk_name_for(e);
     name new_real_name = get_namespace(m_env) + new_name;
     collected_locals locals;
     collect_locals(d, locals);
     buffer<name> uparams;
     expr new_value           = Fun(locals.get_collected(), d);
     expr new_type            = m_tc.infer(new_value).first;
     level_param_names new_ps = to_list(uparams);
     levels ls                = param_names_to_levels(new_ps);
     m_env = module::add(m_env, check(m_env, mk_definition(m_env, new_real_name, new_ps,
                                                           new_type, new_value)));
     if (new_name != new_real_name)
         m_env = add_expr_alias_rec(m_env, new_name, new_real_name);
     decl_attributes const & attrs = get_nested_declaration_attributes(e);
     m_env = attrs.apply(m_env, m_ios, new_real_name, get_namespace(m_env));
     return mk_app(mk_constant(new_real_name, ls), locals.get_collected());
Пример #8
simp_rule_sets add_core(type_checker & tc, simp_rule_sets const & s,
                        name const & id, levels const & univ_metas, expr const & e, expr const & h) {
    list<expr_pair> ceqvs   = to_ceqvs(tc, e, h);
    environment const & env = tc.env();
    simp_rule_sets new_s = s;
    for (expr_pair const & p : ceqvs) {
        expr new_e = p.first;
        expr new_h = p.second;
        bool is_perm       = is_permutation_ceqv(env, new_e);
        buffer<expr> metas;
        unsigned idx = 0;
        while (is_pi(new_e)) {
            expr mvar = mk_metavar(name(*g_prefix, idx), binding_domain(new_e));
            new_e = instantiate(binding_body(new_e), mvar);
        expr rel, lhs, rhs;
        if (is_simp_relation(env, new_e, rel, lhs, rhs) && is_constant(rel)) {
            new_s.insert(const_name(rel), simp_rule(id, univ_metas, to_list(metas), lhs, rhs, new_h, is_perm));
    return new_s;
Пример #9
vm_obj to_obj(buffer<level> const & ls) { return to_obj(to_list(ls)); }
Пример #10
 constraints mk_constraints(constraint const & c, buffer<constraint> const & cs) {
     return cons(c, to_list(cs.begin(), cs.end()));
/** \brief Given a term <tt>a : a_type</tt>, and a metavariable \c m, creates a constraint
    that considers coercions from a_type to the type assigned to \c m. */
constraint mk_coercion_cnstr(type_checker & from_tc, type_checker & to_tc, coercion_info_manager & infom,
                             expr const & m, expr const & a, expr const & a_type,
                             justification const & j, unsigned delay_factor, bool lift_coe) {
    auto choice_fn = [=, &from_tc, &to_tc, &infom](expr const & meta, expr const & d_type, substitution const & s) {
        expr          new_a_type;
        justification new_a_type_jst;
        if (is_meta(a_type)) {
            auto p = substitution(s).instantiate_metavars(a_type);
            new_a_type     = p.first;
            new_a_type_jst = p.second;
        } else {
            new_a_type     = a_type;
        if (is_meta(new_a_type)) {
            if (delay_factor < to_delay_factor(cnstr_group::DelayedChoice)) {
                // postpone...
                return lazy_list<constraints>(constraints(mk_coercion_cnstr(from_tc, to_tc, infom, m, a, a_type, justification(),
                                                                            delay_factor+1, lift_coe)));
            } else {
                // giveup...
                return lazy_list<constraints>(constraints(mk_eq_cnstr(meta, a, justification())));
        constraint_seq cs;
        new_a_type = from_tc.whnf(new_a_type, cs);
        if ((lift_coe && is_pi_meta(d_type)) || (!lift_coe && is_meta(d_type))) {
            // case-split
            buffer<expr> locals;
            expr it_from = new_a_type;
            expr it_to   = d_type;
            while (is_pi(it_from) && is_pi(it_to)) {
                expr dom_from = binding_domain(it_from);
                expr dom_to   = binding_domain(it_to);
                if (!from_tc.is_def_eq(dom_from, dom_to, justification(), cs))
                    return lazy_list<constraints>();
                expr local = mk_local(mk_fresh_name(), binding_name(it_from), dom_from, binder_info());
                it_from  = instantiate(binding_body(it_from), local);
                it_to    = instantiate(binding_body(it_to), local);
            buffer<expr> alts;
            get_coercions_from(from_tc.env(), it_from, alts);
            expr fn_a;
            if (!locals.empty())
                fn_a = mk_local(mk_fresh_name(), "f", new_a_type, binder_info());
            buffer<constraints> choices;
            buffer<expr> coes;
            // first alternative: no coercion
            constraint_seq cs1 = cs + mk_eq_cnstr(meta, a, justification());
            unsigned i = alts.size();
            while (i > 0) {
                expr coe = alts[i];
                if (!locals.empty())
                    coe = Fun(fn_a, Fun(locals, mk_app(coe, mk_app(fn_a, locals))));
                expr new_a = copy_tag(a, mk_app(coe, a));
                constraint_seq csi = cs + mk_eq_cnstr(meta, new_a, new_a_type_jst);
            return choose(std::make_shared<coercion_elaborator>(infom, meta,
                                                                to_list(choices.begin(), choices.end()),
                                                                to_list(coes.begin(), coes.end())));
        } else {
            list<expr> coes    = get_coercions_from_to(from_tc, to_tc, new_a_type, d_type, cs, lift_coe);
            if (is_nil(coes)) {
                expr new_a = a;
                cs += mk_eq_cnstr(meta, new_a, new_a_type_jst);
                return lazy_list<constraints>(cs.to_list());
            } else if (is_nil(tail(coes))) {
                expr new_a = copy_tag(a, mk_app(head(coes), a));
                infom.save_coercion_info(a, new_a);
                cs += mk_eq_cnstr(meta, new_a, new_a_type_jst);
                return lazy_list<constraints>(cs.to_list());
            } else {
                list<constraints> choices = map2<constraints>(coes, [&](expr const & coe) {
                        expr new_a   = copy_tag(a, mk_app(coe, a));
                        constraint c = mk_eq_cnstr(meta, new_a, new_a_type_jst);
                        return (cs + c).to_list();
                return choose(std::make_shared<coercion_elaborator>(infom, meta, choices, coes, false));
    return mk_choice_cnstr(m, choice_fn, delay_factor, true, j);
Пример #12
environment mk_projections(environment const & env, name const & n, buffer<name> const & proj_names,
                           implicit_infer_kind infer_k, bool inst_implicit) {
    // Given an inductive datatype C A (where A represent parameters)
    //   intro : Pi A (x_1 : B_1[A]) (x_2 : B_2[A, x_1]) ..., C A
    // we generate projections of the form
    //   proj_i A (c : C A) : B_i[A, (proj_1 A n), ..., (proj_{i-1} A n)]
    //     C.rec A (fun (x : C A), B_i[A, ...]) (fun (x_1 ... x_n), x_i) c
    auto p = get_nparam_intro_rule(env, n);
    name_generator ngen;
    unsigned nparams             = p.first;
    inductive::intro_rule intro  = p.second;
    expr intro_type              = inductive::intro_rule_type(intro);
    name rec_name                = inductive::get_elim_name(n);
    declaration ind_decl         = env.get(n);
    if (env.impredicative() && is_prop(ind_decl.get_type()))
        throw exception(sstream() << "projection generation, '" << n << "' is a proposition");
    declaration rec_decl         = env.get(rec_name);
    level_param_names lvl_params = ind_decl.get_univ_params();
    levels lvls                  = param_names_to_levels(lvl_params);
    buffer<expr> params; // datatype parameters
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nparams; i++) {
        if (!is_pi(intro_type))
        expr param = mk_local(ngen.next(), binding_name(intro_type), binding_domain(intro_type), binder_info());
        intro_type = instantiate(binding_body(intro_type), param);
    expr C_A                     = mk_app(mk_constant(n, lvls), params);
    binder_info c_bi             = inst_implicit ? mk_inst_implicit_binder_info() : binder_info();
    expr c                       = mk_local(ngen.next(), name("c"), C_A, c_bi);
    buffer<expr> intro_type_args; // arguments that are not parameters
    expr it = intro_type;
    while (is_pi(it)) {
        expr local = mk_local(ngen.next(), binding_name(it), binding_domain(it), binding_info(it));
        it = instantiate(binding_body(it), local);
    buffer<expr> projs; // projections generated so far
    unsigned i = 0;
    environment new_env = env;
    for (name const & proj_name : proj_names) {
        if (!is_pi(intro_type))
            throw exception(sstream() << "generating projection '" << proj_name << "', '"
                            << n << "' does not have sufficient data");
        expr result_type   = binding_domain(intro_type);
        buffer<expr> proj_args;
        expr type_former   = Fun(c, result_type);
        expr minor_premise = Fun(intro_type_args, mk_var(intro_type_args.size() - i - 1));
        expr major_premise = c;
        type_checker tc(new_env);
        level l            = sort_level(tc.ensure_sort(tc.infer(result_type).first).first);
        levels rec_lvls    = append(to_list(l), lvls);
        expr rec           = mk_constant(rec_name, rec_lvls);
        buffer<expr> rec_args;
        expr rec_app      = mk_app(rec, rec_args);
        expr proj_type    = Pi(proj_args, result_type);
        proj_type         = infer_implicit_params(proj_type, nparams, infer_k);
        expr proj_val     = Fun(proj_args, rec_app);
        bool opaque       = false;
        bool use_conv_opt = false;
        declaration new_d = mk_definition(env, proj_name, lvl_params, proj_type, proj_val,
                                          opaque, rec_decl.get_module_idx(), use_conv_opt);
        new_env = module::add(new_env, check(new_env, new_d));
        new_env = set_reducible(new_env, proj_name, reducible_status::Reducible);
        new_env = add_unfold_c_hint(new_env, proj_name, nparams);
        new_env = save_projection_info(new_env, proj_name, inductive::intro_rule_name(intro), nparams, i, inst_implicit);
        expr proj         = mk_app(mk_app(mk_constant(proj_name, lvls), params), c);
        intro_type        = instantiate(binding_body(intro_type), proj);
    return new_env;
Пример #13
expr mk_structure_instance(expr const & src, buffer<name> const & fns, buffer<expr> const & fvs) {
    buffer<expr> aux;
    return mk_structure_instance_core(name(), to_list(fns), aux.size(), aux.data());
Пример #14
expr mk_structure_instance(name const & s, buffer<name> const & fns, buffer<expr> const & fvs) {
    lean_assert(fns.size() == fvs.size());
    return mk_structure_instance_core(s, to_list(fns), fvs.size(), fvs.data());
Пример #15
optional<environment> mk_no_confusion_type(environment const & env, name const & n) {
    optional<inductive::inductive_decls> decls = inductive::is_inductive_decl(env, n);
    if (!decls)
        throw exception(sstream() << "error in 'no_confusion' generation, '" << n << "' is not an inductive datatype");
    if (is_inductive_predicate(env, n))
        return optional<environment>(); // type is a proposition
    name_generator ngen;
    unsigned nparams       = std::get<1>(*decls);
    declaration ind_decl   = env.get(n);
    declaration cases_decl = env.get(name(n, "cases_on"));
    level_param_names lps  = cases_decl.get_univ_params();
    level  rlvl            = mk_param_univ(head(lps));
    levels ilvls           = param_names_to_levels(tail(lps));
    if (length(ilvls) != length(ind_decl.get_univ_params()))
        return optional<environment>(); // type does not have only a restricted eliminator
    expr ind_type          = instantiate_type_univ_params(ind_decl, ilvls);
    name eq_name("eq");
    name heq_name("heq");
    // All inductive datatype parameters and indices are arguments
    buffer<expr> args;
    ind_type = to_telescope(ngen, ind_type, args, some(mk_implicit_binder_info()));
    if (!is_sort(ind_type) || args.size() < nparams)
    lean_assert(!(env.impredicative() && is_zero(sort_level(ind_type))));
    unsigned nindices      = args.size() - nparams;
    // Create inductive datatype
    expr I = mk_app(mk_constant(n, ilvls), args);
    // Add (P : Type)
    expr P = mk_local(ngen.next(), "P", mk_sort(rlvl), binder_info());
    // add v1 and v2 elements of the inductive type
    expr v1 = mk_local(ngen.next(), "v1", I, binder_info());
    expr v2 = mk_local(ngen.next(), "v2", I, binder_info());
    expr R  = mk_sort(rlvl);
    name no_confusion_type_name{n, "no_confusion_type"};
    expr no_confusion_type_type = Pi(args, R);
    // Create type former
    buffer<expr> type_former_args;
    for (unsigned i = nparams; i < nparams + nindices; i++)
    expr type_former = Fun(type_former_args, R);
    // Create cases_on
    levels clvls   = levels(mk_succ(rlvl), ilvls);
    expr cases_on  = mk_app(mk_app(mk_constant(cases_decl.get_name(), clvls), nparams, args.data()), type_former);
    cases_on       = mk_app(cases_on, nindices, args.data() + nparams);
    expr cases_on1 = mk_app(cases_on, v1);
    expr cases_on2 = mk_app(cases_on, v2);
    type_checker tc(env);
    expr t1        = tc.infer(cases_on1).first;
    expr t2        = tc.infer(cases_on2).first;
    buffer<expr> outer_cases_on_args;
    unsigned idx1 = 0;
    while (is_pi(t1)) {
        buffer<expr> minor1_args;
        expr minor1 = to_telescope(tc, binding_domain(t1), minor1_args);
        expr curr_t2  = t2;
        buffer<expr> inner_cases_on_args;
        unsigned idx2 = 0;
        while (is_pi(curr_t2)) {
            buffer<expr> minor2_args;
            expr minor2 = to_telescope(tc, binding_domain(curr_t2), minor2_args);
            if (idx1 != idx2) {
                // infeasible case, constructors do not match
                inner_cases_on_args.push_back(Fun(minor2_args, P));
            } else {
                if (minor1_args.size() != minor2_args.size())
                buffer<expr> rtype_hyp;
                // add equalities
                for (unsigned i = 0; i < minor1_args.size(); i++) {
                    expr lhs      = minor1_args[i];
                    expr rhs      = minor2_args[i];
                    expr lhs_type = mlocal_type(lhs);
                    expr rhs_type = mlocal_type(rhs);
                    level l       = sort_level(tc.ensure_type(lhs_type).first);
                    expr h_type;
                    if (tc.is_def_eq(lhs_type, rhs_type).first) {
                        h_type = mk_app(mk_constant(eq_name, to_list(l)), lhs_type, lhs, rhs);
                    } else {
                        h_type = mk_app(mk_constant(heq_name, to_list(l)), lhs_type, lhs, rhs_type, rhs);
                    rtype_hyp.push_back(mk_local(ngen.next(), local_pp_name(lhs).append_after("_eq"), h_type, binder_info()));
                inner_cases_on_args.push_back(Fun(minor2_args, mk_arrow(Pi(rtype_hyp, P), P)));
            curr_t2 = binding_body(curr_t2);
        outer_cases_on_args.push_back(Fun(minor1_args, mk_app(cases_on2, inner_cases_on_args)));
        t1 = binding_body(t1);
    expr no_confusion_type_value = Fun(args, mk_app(cases_on1, outer_cases_on_args));

    bool opaque       = false;
    bool use_conv_opt = true;
    declaration new_d = mk_definition(env, no_confusion_type_name, lps, no_confusion_type_type, no_confusion_type_value,
                                      opaque, ind_decl.get_module_idx(), use_conv_opt);
    environment new_env = module::add(env, check(env, new_d));
    return some(add_protected(new_env, no_confusion_type_name));
Пример #16
environment mk_no_confusion(environment const & env, name const & n) {
    optional<environment> env1 = mk_no_confusion_type(env, n);
    if (!env1)
        return env;
    environment new_env = *env1;
    type_checker tc(new_env);
    inductive::inductive_decls decls   = *inductive::is_inductive_decl(new_env, n);
    unsigned nparams                   = std::get<1>(decls);
    name_generator ngen;
    declaration no_confusion_type_decl = new_env.get(name{n, "no_confusion_type"});
    declaration cases_decl             = new_env.get(name(n, "cases_on"));
    level_param_names lps              = no_confusion_type_decl.get_univ_params();
    levels ls                          = param_names_to_levels(lps);
    expr no_confusion_type_type        = instantiate_type_univ_params(no_confusion_type_decl, ls);
    name eq_name("eq");
    name heq_name("heq");
    name eq_refl_name{"eq", "refl"};
    name heq_refl_name{"heq", "refl"};
    buffer<expr> args;
    expr type = no_confusion_type_type;
    type = to_telescope(ngen, type, args, some(mk_implicit_binder_info()));
    lean_assert(args.size() >= nparams + 3);
    unsigned nindices = args.size() - nparams - 3; // 3 is for P v1 v2
    expr range        = mk_app(mk_constant(no_confusion_type_decl.get_name(), ls), args);
    expr P            = args[args.size()-3];
    expr v1           = args[args.size()-2];
    expr v2           = args[args.size()-1];
    expr v_type       = mlocal_type(v1);
    level v_lvl       = sort_level(tc.ensure_type(v_type).first);
    expr eq_v         = mk_app(mk_constant(eq_name, to_list(v_lvl)), v_type);
    expr H12          = mk_local(ngen.next(), "H12", mk_app(eq_v, v1, v2), binder_info());
    name no_confusion_name{n, "no_confusion"};
    expr no_confusion_ty = Pi(args, range);
    // The gen proof is of the form
    //   (fun H11 : v1 = v1, cases_on Params (fun Indices v1, no_confusion_type Params Indices P v1 v1) Indices v1
    //        <for-each case>
    //        (fun H : (equations -> P), H (refl) ... (refl))
    //        ...
    //   )

    // H11 is for creating the generalization
    expr H11          = mk_local(ngen.next(), "H11", mk_app(eq_v, v1, v1), binder_info());
    // Create the type former (fun Indices v1, no_confusion_type Params Indices P v1 v1)
    buffer<expr> type_former_args;
    for (unsigned i = nparams; i < nparams + nindices; i++)
    buffer<expr> no_confusion_type_args;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nparams + nindices; i++)
    expr no_confusion_type_app = mk_app(mk_constant(no_confusion_type_decl.get_name(), ls), no_confusion_type_args);
    expr type_former = Fun(type_former_args, no_confusion_type_app);
    // create cases_on
    levels clvls   = ls;
    expr cases_on  = mk_app(mk_app(mk_constant(cases_decl.get_name(), clvls), nparams, args.data()), type_former);
    cases_on       = mk_app(mk_app(cases_on, nindices, args.data() + nparams), v1);
    expr cot       = tc.infer(cases_on).first;

    while (is_pi(cot)) {
        buffer<expr> minor_args;
        expr minor = to_telescope(tc, binding_domain(cot), minor_args);
        expr H  = minor_args.back();
        expr Ht = mlocal_type(H);
        buffer<expr> refl_args;
        while (is_pi(Ht)) {
            buffer<expr> eq_args;
            expr eq_fn = get_app_args(binding_domain(Ht), eq_args);
            if (const_name(eq_fn) == eq_name) {
                refl_args.push_back(mk_app(mk_constant(eq_refl_name, const_levels(eq_fn)), eq_args[0], eq_args[1]));
            } else {
                refl_args.push_back(mk_app(mk_constant(heq_refl_name, const_levels(eq_fn)), eq_args[0], eq_args[1]));
            Ht = binding_body(Ht);
        expr pr  = mk_app(H, refl_args);
        cases_on = mk_app(cases_on, Fun(minor_args, pr));
        cot = binding_body(cot);
    expr gen = Fun(H11, cases_on);
    // Now, we use gen to build the final proof using eq.rec
    //  eq.rec InductiveType v1 (fun (a : InductiveType), v1 = a -> no_confusion_type Params Indices v1 a) gen v2 H12 H12
    name eq_rec_name{"eq", "rec"};
    expr eq_rec = mk_app(mk_constant(eq_rec_name, {head(ls), v_lvl}), v_type, v1);
    // create eq_rec type_former
    //    (fun (a : InductiveType), v1 = a -> no_confusion_type Params Indices v1 a)
    expr a   = mk_local(ngen.next(), "a",   v_type, binder_info());
    expr H1a = mk_local(ngen.next(), "H1a", mk_app(eq_v, v1, a), binder_info());
    // reusing no_confusion_type_args... we just replace the last argument with a
    expr no_confusion_type_app_1a = mk_app(mk_constant(no_confusion_type_decl.get_name(), ls), no_confusion_type_args);
    expr rec_type_former = Fun(a, Pi(H1a, no_confusion_type_app_1a));
    // finalize eq_rec
    eq_rec = mk_app(mk_app(eq_rec, rec_type_former, gen, v2, H12), H12);
    expr no_confusion_val = Fun(args, eq_rec);

    bool opaque       = false;
    bool use_conv_opt = true;
    declaration new_d = mk_definition(new_env, no_confusion_name, lps, no_confusion_ty, no_confusion_val,
                                      opaque, no_confusion_type_decl.get_module_idx(), use_conv_opt);
    new_env = module::add(new_env, check(new_env, new_d));
    return add_protected(new_env, no_confusion_name);
Пример #17
static proof_state_seq apply_tactic_core(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, proof_state const & s,
                                         expr const & _e, buffer<constraint> & cs,
                                         add_meta_kind add_meta, subgoals_action_kind subgoals_action,
                                         optional<unifier_kind> const & uk = optional<unifier_kind>()) {
    goals const & gs = s.get_goals();
    if (empty(gs)) {
        return proof_state_seq();
    bool class_inst   = get_apply_class_instance(ios.get_options());
    name_generator ngen = s.get_ngen();
    std::shared_ptr<type_checker> tc(mk_type_checker(env, ngen.mk_child()));
    goal  g           = head(gs);
    goals tail_gs     = tail(gs);
    expr  t           = g.get_type();
    expr  e           = _e;
    auto e_t_cs       = tc->infer(e);
    expr  e_t         = e_t_cs.first;
    buffer<expr> metas;
    local_context ctx;
    bool initialized_ctx = false;
    unifier_config cfg(ios.get_options());
    if (uk)
        cfg.m_kind = *uk;
    if (add_meta != DoNotAdd) {
        unsigned num_e_t = get_expect_num_args(*tc, e_t);
        if (add_meta == AddDiff) {
            unsigned num_t   = get_expect_num_args(*tc, t);
            if (num_t <= num_e_t)
                num_e_t -= num_t;
                num_e_t = 0;
        } else {
            lean_assert(add_meta == AddAll);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_e_t; i++) {
            auto e_t_cs = tc->whnf(e_t);
            e_t        = e_t_cs.first;
            expr meta;
            if (class_inst && binding_info(e_t).is_inst_implicit()) {
                if (!initialized_ctx) {
                    ctx = g.to_local_context();
                    initialized_ctx = true;
                bool use_local_insts = true;
                bool is_strict       = false;
                auto mc = mk_class_instance_elaborator(
                    env, ios, ctx, ngen.next(), optional<name>(),
                    use_local_insts, is_strict,
                    some_expr(head_beta_reduce(binding_domain(e_t))), e.get_tag(), cfg, nullptr);
                meta    = mc.first;
            } else {
                meta  = g.mk_meta(ngen.next(), head_beta_reduce(binding_domain(e_t)));
            e          = mk_app(e, meta);
            e_t        = instantiate(binding_body(e_t), meta);
    metavar_closure cls(t);
    cls.mk_constraints(s.get_subst(), justification());
    pair<bool, constraint_seq> dcs = tc->is_def_eq(t, e_t);
    if (!dcs.first) {
        throw_tactic_exception_if_enabled(s, [=](formatter const & fmt) {
                format r = format("invalid 'apply' tactic, failed to unify");
                r       += pp_indent_expr(fmt, t);
                r       += compose(line(), format("with"));
                r       += pp_indent_expr(fmt, e_t);
                return r;
        return proof_state_seq();
    unify_result_seq rseq = unify(env, cs.size(), cs.data(), ngen.mk_child(), s.get_subst(), cfg);
    list<expr> meta_lst   = to_list(metas.begin(), metas.end());
    return map2<proof_state>(rseq, [=](pair<substitution, constraints> const & p) -> proof_state {
            substitution const & subst    = p.first;
            constraints const & postponed = p.second;
            name_generator new_ngen(ngen);
            substitution new_subst = subst;
            expr new_e = new_subst.instantiate_all(e);
            assign(new_subst, g, new_e);
            goals new_gs = tail_gs;
            if (subgoals_action != IgnoreSubgoals) {
                buffer<expr> metas;
                for (auto m : meta_lst) {
                    if (!new_subst.is_assigned(get_app_fn(m)))
                if (subgoals_action == AddRevSubgoals) {
                    for (unsigned i = 0; i < metas.size(); i++)
                        new_gs = cons(goal(metas[i], new_subst.instantiate_all(tc->infer(metas[i]).first)), new_gs);
                } else {
                    lean_assert(subgoals_action == AddSubgoals || subgoals_action == AddAllSubgoals);
                    if (subgoals_action == AddSubgoals)
                    unsigned i = metas.size();
                    while (i > 0) {
                        new_gs = cons(goal(metas[i], new_subst.instantiate_all(tc->infer(metas[i]).first)), new_gs);
            return proof_state(s, new_gs, new_subst, new_ngen, postponed);
Пример #18
old_local_context goal::to_local_context() const {
    buffer<expr> hyps;
    std::reverse(hyps.begin(), hyps.end());
    return old_local_context(to_list(hyps));
Пример #19
vm_obj to_obj(buffer<name> const & ls) { return to_obj(to_list(ls)); }
Пример #20
void add_congr_core(environment const & env, simp_rule_sets & s, name const & n) {
    declaration const & d = env.get(n);
    type_checker tc(env);
    buffer<level> us;
    unsigned num_univs = d.get_num_univ_params();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_univs; i++) {
        us.push_back(mk_meta_univ(name(*g_prefix, i)));
    levels ls = to_list(us);
    expr pr   = mk_constant(n, ls);
    expr e    = instantiate_type_univ_params(d, ls);
    buffer<bool> explicit_args;
    buffer<expr> metas;
    unsigned idx = 0;
    while (is_pi(e)) {
        expr mvar = mk_metavar(name(*g_prefix, idx), binding_domain(e));
        e   = instantiate(binding_body(e), mvar);
        pr  = mk_app(pr, mvar);
    expr rel, lhs, rhs;
    if (!is_simp_relation(env, e, rel, lhs, rhs) || !is_constant(rel)) {
        throw exception(sstream() << "invalid congruence rule, '" << n
                        << "' resulting type is not of the form t ~ s, where '~' is a transitive and reflexive relation");
    name_set found_mvars;
    buffer<expr> lhs_args, rhs_args;
    expr const & lhs_fn = get_app_args(lhs, lhs_args);
    expr const & rhs_fn = get_app_args(rhs, rhs_args);
    if (is_constant(lhs_fn)) {
        if (!is_constant(rhs_fn) || const_name(lhs_fn) != const_name(rhs_fn) || lhs_args.size() != rhs_args.size()) {
            throw exception(sstream() << "invalid congruence rule, '" << n
                            << "' resulting type is not of the form (" << const_name(lhs_fn) << "  ...) "
                            << "~ (" << const_name(lhs_fn) << " ...), where ~ is '" << const_name(rel) << "'");
        for (expr const & lhs_arg : lhs_args) {
            if (is_sort(lhs_arg))
            if (!is_metavar(lhs_arg) || found_mvars.contains(mlocal_name(lhs_arg))) {
                throw exception(sstream() << "invalid congruence rule, '" << n
                                << "' the left-hand-side of the congruence resulting type must be of the form ("
                                << const_name(lhs_fn) << " x_1 ... x_n), where each x_i is a distinct variable or a sort");
    } else if (is_binding(lhs)) {
        if (lhs.kind() != rhs.kind()) {
            throw exception(sstream() << "invalid congruence rule, '" << n
                            << "' kinds of the left-hand-side and right-hand-side of "
                            << "the congruence resulting type do not match");
        if (!is_valid_congr_rule_binding_lhs(lhs, found_mvars)) {
            throw exception(sstream() << "invalid congruence rule, '" << n
                            << "' left-hand-side of the congruence resulting type must "
                            << "be of the form (fun/Pi (x : A), B x)");
    } else {
        throw exception(sstream() << "invalid congruence rule, '" << n
                        << "' left-hand-side is not an application nor a binding");

    buffer<expr> congr_hyps;
    lean_assert(metas.size() == explicit_args.size());
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < metas.size(); i++) {
        expr const & mvar = metas[i];
        if (explicit_args[i] && !found_mvars.contains(mlocal_name(mvar))) {
            buffer<expr> locals;
            expr type = mlocal_type(mvar);
            while (is_pi(type)) {
                expr local = mk_local(tc.mk_fresh_name(), binding_domain(type));
                type = instantiate(binding_body(type), local);
            expr h_rel, h_lhs, h_rhs;
            if (!is_simp_relation(env, type, h_rel, h_lhs, h_rhs) || !is_constant(h_rel))
            unsigned j = 0;
            for (expr const & local : locals) {
                if (!only_found_mvars(mlocal_type(local), found_mvars)) {
                    throw exception(sstream() << "invalid congruence rule, '" << n
                                    << "' argument #" << j << " of parameter #" << (i+1) << " contains "
                                    << "unresolved parameters");
            if (!only_found_mvars(h_lhs, found_mvars)) {
                throw exception(sstream() << "invalid congruence rule, '" << n
                                << "' argument #" << (i+1) << " is not a valid hypothesis, the left-hand-side contains "
                                << "unresolved parameters");
            if (!is_valid_congr_hyp_rhs(h_rhs, found_mvars)) {
                throw exception(sstream() << "invalid congruence rule, '" << n
                                << "' argument #" << (i+1) << " is not a valid hypothesis, the right-hand-side must be "
                                << "of the form (m l_1 ... l_n) where m is parameter that was not "
                                << "'assigned/resolved' yet and l_i's are locals");
    congr_rule rule(n, ls, to_list(metas), lhs, rhs, pr, to_list(congr_hyps));
    s.insert(const_name(rel), rule);
Пример #21
void decl_attributes::parse(parser & p) {
    buffer<char const *> attr_tokens;
    while (true) {
        auto pos   = p.pos();
        if (auto it = parse_priority(p)) {
            m_prio = *it;
            bool has_prio_attr = false;
            for (auto const & entry : m_entries) {
                if (get_attribute_kind(entry.m_attr.c_str()) == attribute_kind::Prioritized) {
                    has_prio_attr = true;
            if (!has_prio_attr) {
                throw parser_error("invalid '[priority]' attribute, declaration has not been marked with a prioritized attribute", pos);
        } else if (p.curr_is_token(get_parsing_only_tk())) {
            if (!m_is_abbrev)
                throw parser_error("invalid '[parsing_only]' attribute, only abbreviations can be "
                                   "marked as '[parsing_only]'", pos);
            m_parsing_only = true;
        } else {
            bool found = false;
            for (char const * tk : attr_tokens) {
                if (p.curr_is_token(tk)) {
                    char const * attr = get_attribute_from_token(tk);
                    for (auto const & entry : m_entries) {
                        if (are_incompatible(entry.m_attr.c_str(), attr)) {
                            throw parser_error(sstream() << "invalid attribute [" << attr
                                               << "], declaration was already marked with [" << entry.m_attr << "]", pos);
                    switch (get_attribute_kind(attr)) {
                    case attribute_kind::Default:
                    case attribute_kind::Prioritized:
                        m_entries = cons(entry(attr), m_entries);
                    case attribute_kind::Parametric: {
                        unsigned v = p.parse_small_nat();
                        if (v == 0)
                            throw parser_error("invalid attribute parameter, value must be positive", pos);
                        p.check_token_next(get_rbracket_tk(), "invalid attribute, ']' expected");
                        m_entries = cons(entry(attr, v-1), m_entries);
                    case attribute_kind::OptParametric:
                        if (!p.curr_is_token(get_rbracket_tk())) {
                            unsigned v = p.parse_small_nat();
                            if (v == 0)
                                throw parser_error("invalid attribute parameter, value must be positive", pos);
                            p.check_token_next(get_rbracket_tk(), "invalid attribute, ']' expected");
                            m_entries = cons(entry(attr, v-1), m_entries);
                        } else {
                            p.check_token_next(get_rbracket_tk(), "invalid attribute, ']' expected");
                            m_entries = cons(entry(attr), m_entries);
                    case attribute_kind::MultiParametric: {
                        buffer<unsigned> vs;
                        while (true) {
                            unsigned v = p.parse_small_nat();
                            if (v == 0)
                                throw parser_error("invalid attribute parameter, value must be positive", pos);
                            if (p.curr_is_token(get_rbracket_tk()))
                        m_entries = cons(entry(attr, to_list(vs)), m_entries);
                    found = true;
            if (!found)
Пример #22
list<expr> goal::to_context() const {
    buffer<expr> locals;
    get_app_rev_args(m_meta, locals);
    return to_list(locals.begin(), locals.end());
Пример #23
vm_obj to_obj(buffer<expr> const & ls) { return to_obj(to_list(ls)); }