Пример #1
 * print_site_array
 * Prints the specified array of sites to the specified file handle.
extern void print_site_array(
  P_PROB sites,      ///< An array of sites to be printed
  int nsites,        ///< Length of the array
  FILE *outfile,     ///< The stream for output
  int w,             ///< The size of each of the sites
  DATASET *dataset   ///< Contains the sequences which contain the sites
  // Print out the sites predicted by the seed:
  fprintf(outfile, "###########################\n");
  int site_idx;
  for (site_idx = 0; site_idx < nsites; site_idx++) {
    int seq_num = sites[site_idx].x;
    int site_loc = sites[site_idx].y;
    char *e_site = (dataset->samples[seq_num]->res)+site_loc;
    char *curr_site = to_str_seed(e_site, w);
    SAMPLE *seq = dataset->samples[seq_num];
    char *seq_name = seq->sample_name;
    fprintf(stdout, "%7s %4i %s\n", seq_name, site_loc, curr_site);
  fprintf(stdout, "---------------------------\n");
} // print_site_array
Пример #2
extern void subseq7(
  MODEL *model,			// the model
  DATASET *dataset,		/* the dataset */
  int w,			// w to use
  int n_nsites0,		/* number of nsites0 values to try */
  S_POINT s_points[],           /* array of starting points: 1 per nsites0 */
  HASH_TABLE evaluated_seed_ht 	/* A hash table used for remembering which seeds
                                   have been evaluated previously */
  MOTYPE mtype = model->mtype;		/* type of model */
  BOOLEAN ic = model->invcomp;		/* use reverse complement strand of DNA, too */
  THETA map = dataset->map;		/* freq x letter map */
  LOG_THETA_TYPE(ltheta);		/* integer encoded log theta */
  int iseq, ioff;
  int alength = dataset->alength;	/* length of alphabet */
  int n_samples = dataset->n_samples;	/* number of samples in dataset */
  SAMPLE **samples = dataset->samples;	/* samples in dataset */
  int n_starts = 0;			/* number of sampled start subseq */
  int n_maxima = ps(dataset, w);	/* upper bound on # maxima */
  /* the local maxima positions */
  P_PROB maxima = (P_PROB) mymalloc(n_maxima * sizeof(p_prob));
  int lmap[MAXALPH][MAXALPH];	/* consensus letter vs. log frequency matrix */
  double col_scores[MAXSITE];		/* not used */
  int start_seq, start_off=0, end_seq, end_off=0;
  char *str_seed;                       // A string representation of a seed.


  // 1. If the sequence model is oops, then n_nsites0 is exactly 1:
  if (mtype == Oops) {
    assert(n_nsites0 == 1);

  convert_to_lmap(map, lmap, alength);

  if (TRACE) { printf("w= %d\n", w); }

  /* get the probability that a site starting at position x_ij would
     NOT overlap a previously found motif.
  get_not_o(dataset, w);

  // Set up log_not_o: log_not_o[site] is:
  // log ( Pr(site not overlapped) * scaled_to_one_Pr(site) )
  if (model->mtype != Tcm) {
    add_psp_to_log_not_o(dataset, w, model->invcomp, model->mtype);

  /* score all the sampled positions saving the best position for
     each value of NSITES0 */
  /* Retrieve the previously-calculated starting and ending points. */
  get_start_n_end(&start_seq, &start_off, &end_seq, &end_off);
  /* Divide the various samples among processors. */
  for (iseq = start_seq; iseq <= end_seq; iseq++) { /* sequence */
#else /* not PARALLEL */
  for (iseq = 0; iseq < n_samples; iseq++) {	/* sequence */
#endif /* PARALLEL */

    SAMPLE *s = samples[iseq];
    int lseq = s->length;
    char *res = s->res;				/* left to right */
    char *name = s->sample_name;
    double *not_o = s->not_o;
    int max_off, init_off;

    if (lseq < w) continue;			/* shorter than motif */

    if (mpMyID() == 0)
    if ((!NO_STATUS) && ((iseq % 5) == 0)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "starts: w=%d, seq=%d, l=%d          \r", w, iseq, lseq); 
    /* Set the appropriate starting and ending points. */
    if (iseq == start_seq)
      init_off = start_off;
      init_off = 0;

    if (iseq == end_seq)
      max_off = MIN(end_off, lseq - w);
      max_off = lseq - w;

      Loop over all subsequences in the current sequence testing them
      each as "starting points" (inital values) for theta
    for (ioff = init_off; ioff <= max_off; ioff++) {/* subsequence */ 
      /* warning: always do the next step; don't ever
         "continue" or the value of pY will not be correct since
         it is computed based the previous value 

      /* convert subsequence in dataset to starting point for EM */
      init_theta_1(w, res+ioff, &ltheta[1][0], lmap);

      if (ioff == init_off) { 			/* new sequence */

        /* Compute p(Y_ij | theta_1^0) */
        if (!ic) {
          get_pY(dataset, &ltheta[1][0], w, 0);
        } else {
          get_pY(dataset, &ltheta[1][0], w, 1);
          get_pY(dataset, &ltheta[1][0], w, 2);

      } else {					/* same sequence */
        /* get theta[0][0]^{k-1} */
        init_theta_1(1, res+ioff-1, &ltheta[0][0], lmap);

        /* compute p(Y_ij | theta_1^k) */
        if (!ic) {
          next_pY(dataset, &ltheta[1][0], w, &ltheta[0][0][0], 0);
        } else {
          next_pY(dataset, &ltheta[1][0], w, &ltheta[0][0][0], 1);
          next_pY(dataset, &ltheta[1][0], w, &ltheta[0][0][0], 2);
      } /* same sequence */

      /* skip if there is a high probability that this subsequence
         is part of a site which has already been found 
      if (not_o[ioff] < MIN_NOT_O) continue;

      /*fprintf(stderr, "subseq: %d %d\r", iseq+1, ioff+1);*/

      // Put highest pY into first scratch array if using both DNA strands:
      if (ic) {
        combine_strands(samples, n_samples, w);

      /* get a sorted list of the maxima of pY */
      n_maxima = get_max(mtype, dataset, w, maxima, ic, TRUE);

      /* "fake out" align_top_subsequences by setting each of the scores in
         the s_points objects to LITTLE, thereby forcing
         align_top_subsequences to record the attributes for the current seed
         in the s_points, rather than the seed with the highest respective
         scores: */
      int sp_idx;
      for (sp_idx = 0; sp_idx < n_nsites0; sp_idx++) {
        s_points[sp_idx].score = LITTLE;

      /* align the top nsites0 subsequences for each value
         of nsites0 and save the alignments with the highest likelihood 
      n_starts += align_top_subsequences(

      /* A string version of the current seed is required for updating the
         S_POINT heaps: */
      str_seed = to_str_seed(res+ioff, w);

      /* For each of the S_POINT objects, add the current seed to that
         S_POINT'S heap.
         Also, branching search will require a hash_table of all seeds that
         have been evaluated prior to when branching search is called. Hence
         also record the current seed (string, nsites0) combination in the
         hash_table, for all nsites0, unless that seed was already in the
      hash_insert_str(str_seed, evaluated_seed_ht);
      update_s_point_heaps(s_points, str_seed, n_nsites0);

    } /* subsequence */
  } /* sequence */

  reduce_across_heaps(s_points, n_nsites0);
#endif // PARALLEL 

  // Print the sites predicted using the seed after subsequence search, for
  // each of the starting points, if requested:
  if (dataset->print_pred) {
    int sp_idx;
    for (sp_idx = 0; sp_idx < n_nsites0; sp_idx++) {
      // Retrieve the best seed, from the heap:
      HEAP *heap = s_points[sp_idx].seed_heap;
      // Only print sites for the s_point if its heap was non-empty:
      if (get_num_nodes(heap) > 0) {
        SEED *best_seed = (SEED *)get_node(heap, get_best_node(heap));
        char *seed = get_str_seed(best_seed);

        /* Print the sites predicted using the motif corresponding to that seed,
           according to the sequence model being used:
        int nsites0 = s_points[sp_idx].nsites0;
                "NSITES = %i MOTIF = %i\n", w, nsites0, dataset->imotif);
        int n_maxima = ps(dataset, w); // upper bound on number of maxima
        P_PROB psites = (P_PROB) mymalloc(n_maxima * sizeof(p_prob));
        n_maxima = get_pred_sites(psites, mtype, w, seed, ltheta[1], lmap,
                                  dataset, ic);
        print_site_array(psites, nsites0, stdout, w, dataset);
      } // get_num_nodes > 0
    } //sp_idx
  } // print_pred

  if (TRACE){
    printf("Tested %d possible starts...\n", n_starts);

} // subseq7


	Compute the value of p(Y_ij | theta_1^{k+1})
	from p(Y_ij | theta_1^{k} and the probability
	of first letter of Y_ij given theta_1^k,
	p(Y_ij^0 | theta_1^k).
static void next_pY(
  DATASET *dataset,			/* the dataset */
  LOG_THETAG_TYPE(theta_1),		/* integer log theta_1 */
  int w,				/* width of motif */
  int *theta_0,				/* first column of previous theta_1 */
  int pYindex				/* which pY array to use */
) {
  int i, k;
  int *theta_last = theta_1[w-1];	/* last column of theta_1 */
  int n_samples = dataset->n_samples;
  SAMPLE **samples = dataset->samples;
  for (i=0; i < n_samples; i++) { 	/* sequence */
    SAMPLE *s = samples[i];		/* sequence */
    int lseq = s->length;		/* length of sequence */
    char *res = pYindex<2 ? s->res : s->resic;	/* integer sequence */
    int *pY = s->pY[pYindex];		/* log p(Y_j | theta_1) */
    char *r = res+lseq-1;		/* last position in sequence */
    char *r0 = res+lseq-w-1;	        /* prior to start of last subsequence */
    int j, p;

    if (lseq < w) continue;		/* skip if sequence too short */

    /* calculate p(Y_ij | theta_1) */
    int *pY_shifted_1 = pY - 1;
    for (j=lseq-w; j>0; j--) {
      pY[j] = pY_shifted_1[j] + theta_last[(int)(*r--)] - theta_0[(int)(*r0--)];

    /* calculate log p(Y_i0 | theta_1) */
    p = 0;
    r = res;
    for (k=0; k<w; k++) {     		/* position in site */
      p += theta_1[k][(int)(*r++)];
    pY[0] = p;