Пример #1
    QAction *latchOn = new QAction( tr( "&Listen Along" ), this );
    latchOn->setIcon( QIcon( RESPATH "images/headphones-sidebar.png" ) );
    m_actionCollection[ "latchOn" ] = latchOn;
    QAction *latchOff = new QAction( tr( "&Stop Listening Along" ), this );
    latchOff->setIcon( QIcon( RESPATH "images/headphones-off.png" ) );
    m_actionCollection[ "latchOff" ] = latchOff;

    bool isPublic = TomahawkSettings::instance()->privateListeningMode() == TomahawkSettings::PublicListening;
    QAction *privacyToggle = new QAction( ( isPublic ? tr( "&Listen Privately" ) : tr( "&Listen Publicly" ) ), this );
    privacyToggle->setIcon( QIcon( RESPATH "images/private-listening.png" ) );
    privacyToggle->setIconVisibleInMenu( isPublic );
    m_actionCollection[ "togglePrivacy" ] = privacyToggle;
    connect( m_actionCollection[ "togglePrivacy" ], SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( togglePrivateListeningMode() ), Qt::UniqueConnection );

    m_actionCollection[ "loadPlaylist"] = new QAction( tr( "&Load Playlist" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "renamePlaylist"] = new QAction( tr( "&Rename Playlist" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "copyPlaylist"] = new QAction( tr( "&Copy Playlist Link" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "playPause"] = new QAction( tr( "&Play" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "stop"] = new QAction( tr( "&Stop" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "previousTrack"] = new QAction( tr( "&Previous Track" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "nextTrack"] = new QAction( tr( "&Next Track" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "quit"] = new QAction( tr( "&Quit" ), this );

    // connect actions to AudioEngine
    AudioEngine *ae = AudioEngine::instance();
    connect( m_actionCollection[ "playPause" ],     SIGNAL( triggered() ), ae,   SLOT( playPause() ),                  Qt::UniqueConnection );
    connect( m_actionCollection[ "stop" ],          SIGNAL( triggered() ), ae,   SLOT( stop() ),                       Qt::UniqueConnection );
    connect( m_actionCollection[ "previousTrack" ], SIGNAL( triggered() ), ae,   SLOT( previous() ),                   Qt::UniqueConnection );
    connect( m_actionCollection[ "nextTrack" ],     SIGNAL( triggered() ), ae,   SLOT( next() ),                       Qt::UniqueConnection );
Пример #2
    QAction *latchOn = new QAction( tr( "&Listen Along" ), this );
    latchOn->setIcon( ImageRegistry::instance()->icon( RESPATH "images/headphones.svg" ) );
    m_actionCollection[ "latchOn" ] = latchOn;
    QAction *latchOff = new QAction( tr( "Stop &Listening Along" ), this );
    latchOff->setIcon( ImageRegistry::instance()->icon( RESPATH "images/headphones-off.svg" ) );
    m_actionCollection[ "latchOff" ] = latchOff;

    QAction *realtimeFollowingAlong = new QAction( tr( "&Follow in real-time" ), this );
    realtimeFollowingAlong->setCheckable( true );
    m_actionCollection[ "realtimeFollowingAlong" ] = realtimeFollowingAlong;

    bool isPublic = TomahawkSettings::instance()->privateListeningMode() == TomahawkSettings::PublicListening;
    QAction *privacyToggle = new QAction( ( isPublic ? tr( "&Listen Privately" ) : tr( "&Listen Publicly" ) ), this );
    privacyToggle->setIcon( ImageRegistry::instance()->icon( RESPATH "images/private-listening.svg" ) );
    privacyToggle->setIconVisibleInMenu( isPublic );
    m_actionCollection[ "togglePrivacy" ] = privacyToggle;
    connect( m_actionCollection[ "togglePrivacy" ], SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( togglePrivateListeningMode() ), Qt::UniqueConnection );

    m_actionCollection[ "loadPlaylist" ] =   new QAction( tr( "&Load Playlist" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "loadStation" ] =    new QAction( tr( "&Load Station" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "renamePlaylist" ] = new QAction( tr( "&Rename Playlist" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "renameStation" ] = new QAction( tr( "&Rename Station" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "copyPlaylist" ] =   new QAction( tr( "&Copy Playlist Link" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "playPause" ] =      new QAction( tr( "&Play" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "playPause" ]->setIcon( ImageRegistry::instance()->icon( RESPATH "images/play-rest.svg" ) );
    m_actionCollection[ "playPause" ]->setShortcut( Qt::Key_Space );
    m_actionCollection[ "playPause" ]->setShortcutContext( Qt::ApplicationShortcut );
    m_actionCollection[ "stop" ] =           new QAction( tr( "&Stop" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "previousTrack" ] =  new QAction( tr( "&Previous Track" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "previousTrack" ]->setIcon( ImageRegistry::instance()->icon( RESPATH "images/back-rest.svg" ) );
    m_actionCollection[ "nextTrack" ] =      new QAction( tr( "&Next Track" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "nextTrack" ]->setIcon( ImageRegistry::instance()->icon( RESPATH "images/skip-rest.svg" ) );
    m_actionCollection[ "quit" ] =           new QAction( tr( "&Quit" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "quit" ]->setShortcut( QKeySequence::Quit );
    m_actionCollection[ "quit" ]->setShortcutContext( Qt::ApplicationShortcut );
    m_actionCollection[ "quit" ]->setMenuRole( QAction::QuitRole );

    // connect actions to AudioEngine
    AudioEngine *ae = AudioEngine::instance();
    connect( m_actionCollection[ "playPause" ],     SIGNAL( triggered() ), ae,   SLOT( playPause() ), Qt::UniqueConnection );
    connect( m_actionCollection[ "stop" ],          SIGNAL( triggered() ), ae,   SLOT( stop() ),      Qt::UniqueConnection );
    connect( m_actionCollection[ "previousTrack" ], SIGNAL( triggered() ), ae,   SLOT( previous() ),  Qt::UniqueConnection );
    connect( m_actionCollection[ "nextTrack" ],     SIGNAL( triggered() ), ae,   SLOT( next() ),      Qt::UniqueConnection );

    // main menu actions
    m_actionCollection[ "loadXSPF" ] = new QAction( tr( "Load &XSPF..." ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "updateCollection" ] = new QAction( tr( "U&pdate Collection" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "rescanCollection" ] = new QAction( tr( "Fully &Rescan Collection" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "showOfflineSources" ] = new QAction( tr( "Show Offline Sources" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "showOfflineSources" ]->setCheckable( true );
    m_actionCollection[ "preferences" ] = new QAction( tr( "&Configure Tomahawk..." ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "preferences" ]->setIcon( ImageRegistry::instance()->icon( RESPATH "images/configure.svg" ) );
    m_actionCollection[ "preferences" ]->setMenuRole( QAction::PreferencesRole );
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
    m_actionCollection[ "minimize" ] = new QAction( tr( "Minimize" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "minimize" ]->setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+M" ) );
    m_actionCollection[ "zoom" ] = new QAction( tr( "Zoom" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "zoom" ]->setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Meta+Ctrl+Z" ) );
    m_actionCollection[ "fullscreen" ] = new QAction( tr( "Enter Full Screen" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "fullscreen" ]->setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Meta+Ctrl+F" ) );
    m_actionCollection[ "toggleMenuBar" ] = new QAction( tr( "Hide Menu Bar" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "toggleMenuBar" ]->setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+M" ) );
    m_actionCollection[ "toggleMenuBar" ]->setShortcutContext( Qt::ApplicationShortcut );
    m_actionCollection[ "diagnostics" ] = new QAction( tr( "Diagnostics..." ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "diagnostics" ]->setMenuRole( QAction::ApplicationSpecificRole );
    m_actionCollection[ "aboutTomahawk" ] = new QAction( tr( "About &Tomahawk..." ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "aboutTomahawk" ]->setIcon( ImageRegistry::instance()->icon( RESPATH "images/info.svg" ) );
    m_actionCollection[ "aboutTomahawk" ]->setMenuRole( QAction::AboutRole );
    m_actionCollection[ "legalInfo" ] = new QAction( tr( "&Legal Information..." ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "legalInfo" ]->setMenuRole( QAction::ApplicationSpecificRole );
    m_actionCollection[ "openLogfile" ] = new QAction( tr( "&View Logfile" ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "openLogfile" ]->setMenuRole( QAction::ApplicationSpecificRole );
    #if defined( Q_OS_MAC ) && defined( HAVE_SPARKLE ) || defined( Q_WS_WIN )
    m_actionCollection[ "checkForUpdates" ] = new QAction( tr( "Check For Updates..." ), this );
    m_actionCollection[ "checkForUpdates" ]->setMenuRole( QAction::ApplicationSpecificRole );
    m_actionCollection[ "crashNow" ] = new QAction( "Crash now...", this );