void BindingIndicator::setItems(const QList<FormEditorItem *> &itemList) { clear(); if (itemList.count() == 1) { m_formEditorItem = itemList.first(); QmlItemNode qmlItemNode = m_formEditorItem->qmlItemNode(); if (qmlItemNode.hasBindingProperty("x")) { m_indicatorTopShape = new BindingIndicatorGraphicsItem(m_layerItem.data()); m_indicatorTopShape->updateBindingIndicator(leftLine(qmlItemNode)); } if (qmlItemNode.hasBindingProperty("y")) { m_indicatorLeftShape = new BindingIndicatorGraphicsItem(m_layerItem.data()); m_indicatorLeftShape->updateBindingIndicator(topLine(qmlItemNode)); } if (qmlItemNode.hasBindingProperty("width")) { m_indicatorRightShape = new BindingIndicatorGraphicsItem(m_layerItem.data()); m_indicatorRightShape->updateBindingIndicator(rightLine(qmlItemNode)); } if (qmlItemNode.hasBindingProperty("height")) { m_indicatorBottomShape = new BindingIndicatorGraphicsItem(m_layerItem.data()); m_indicatorBottomShape->updateBindingIndicator(bottomLine(qmlItemNode)); } } }
qreal UBGraphicsCompass::angleInDegrees() const { QRectF itemRect = boundingRect(); QTransform itemTransform = sceneTransform(); QPointF topLeft = itemTransform.map(itemRect.topLeft()); QPointF topRight = itemTransform.map(itemRect.topRight()); QLineF topLine(topLeft, topRight); return topLine.angle(); }
void Snake::drawBorders() { QPen myPen = QPen(Qt::black); QLineF topLine(0, 0, cellSize*nbCells, 0); QLineF leftLine(0, 0, 0, cellSize*nbCells); QLineF rightLine(cellSize*nbCells, 0, cellSize*nbCells, cellSize*nbCells); QLineF bottomLine(0, cellSize*nbCells, cellSize*nbCells, cellSize*nbCells); scene->addLine(topLine, myPen); scene->addLine(leftLine, myPen); scene->addLine(rightLine, myPen); scene-> addLine(bottomLine, myPen); }
void UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::initializeTransform() { QTransform itemTransform = delegated()->sceneTransform(); QRectF itemRect = delegated()->boundingRect(); QPointF topLeft = itemTransform.map(itemRect.topLeft()); QPointF topRight = itemTransform.map(itemRect.topRight()); QPointF bottomLeft = itemTransform.map(itemRect.bottomLeft()); qreal horizontalFlip = (topLeft.x() > topRight.x()) ? -1 : 1; mMirrorX = horizontalFlip < 0 ; if(horizontalFlip < 0) { // why this is because of the way of calculating the translations that checks which side is the most is the // nearest instead of checking which one is the left side. QPointF tmp = topLeft; topLeft = topRight; topRight = tmp; // because of the calculation of the height is done by lenght and not deltaY bottomLeft = itemTransform.map(itemRect.bottomRight()); } qreal verticalFlip = (bottomLeft.y() < topLeft.y()) ? -1 : 1; // not sure that is usefull mMirrorY = verticalFlip < 0; if(verticalFlip < 0 && !mMirrorX) { topLeft = itemTransform.map(itemRect.bottomLeft()); topRight = itemTransform.map(itemRect.bottomRight()); bottomLeft = itemTransform.map(itemRect.topLeft()); } QLineF topLine(topLeft, topRight); QLineF leftLine(topLeft, bottomLeft); qreal width = topLine.length(); qreal height = leftLine.length(); mAngle = topLine.angle(); // the fact the the length is used we loose the horizontalFlip information // a better way to do this is using DeltaX that preserve the direction information. mTotalScaleX = (width / itemRect.width()) * horizontalFlip; mTotalScaleY = height / itemRect.height() * verticalFlip; QTransform tr; QPointF center = delegated()->boundingRect().center(); tr.translate(center.x() * mTotalScaleX, center.y() * mTotalScaleY); tr.rotate(-mAngle); tr.translate(-center.x() * mTotalScaleX, -center.y() * mTotalScaleY); tr.scale(mTotalScaleX, mTotalScaleY); mTotalTranslateX = delegated()->transform().dx() - tr.dx(); mTotalTranslateY = delegated()->transform().dy() - tr.dy(); }
void UBGraphicsRuler::updateResizeCursor() { QPixmap pix(":/images/cursors/resize.png"); QTransform itemTransform = sceneTransform(); QRectF itemRect = boundingRect(); QPointF topLeft = itemTransform.map(itemRect.topLeft()); QPointF topRight = itemTransform.map(itemRect.topRight()); QLineF topLine(topLeft, topRight); qreal angle = topLine.angle(); QTransform tr; tr.rotate(- angle); QCursor resizeCursor = QCursor(pix.transformed(tr, Qt::SmoothTransformation), pix.width() / 2, pix.height() / 2); mResizeCursor = resizeCursor; }
foreach (FormEditorItem *formEditorItem, itemList) { if (formEditorItem == m_formEditorItem) { QmlItemNode qmlItemNode = m_formEditorItem->qmlItemNode(); if (qmlItemNode.hasBindingProperty("x")) { if (m_indicatorTopShape.isNull()) m_indicatorTopShape = new BindingIndicatorGraphicsItem(m_layerItem.data()); m_indicatorTopShape->updateBindingIndicator(leftLine(qmlItemNode)); } else { delete m_indicatorTopShape; } if (qmlItemNode.hasBindingProperty("y")) { if (m_indicatorLeftShape.isNull()) m_indicatorLeftShape = new BindingIndicatorGraphicsItem(m_layerItem.data()); m_indicatorLeftShape->updateBindingIndicator(topLine(qmlItemNode)); } else { delete m_indicatorLeftShape; } if (qmlItemNode.hasBindingProperty("width")) { if (m_indicatorRightShape.isNull()) m_indicatorRightShape = new BindingIndicatorGraphicsItem(m_layerItem.data()); m_indicatorRightShape->updateBindingIndicator(rightLine(qmlItemNode)); } else { delete m_indicatorRightShape; } if (qmlItemNode.hasBindingProperty("height")) { if (m_indicatorBottomShape.isNull()) m_indicatorBottomShape = new BindingIndicatorGraphicsItem(m_layerItem.data()); m_indicatorBottomShape->updateBindingIndicator(bottomLine(qmlItemNode)); } else { delete m_indicatorBottomShape; } return; } }
void UBGraphicsTriangle::updateResizeCursor() { QPixmap pix(":/images/cursors/resize.png"); QTransform itemTransform = sceneTransform(); QRectF itemRect = boundingRect(); QPointF topLeft = itemTransform.map(itemRect.topLeft()); QPointF topRight = itemTransform.map(itemRect.topRight()); QPointF bottomLeft = itemTransform.map(itemRect.bottomLeft()); QLineF topLine(topLeft, topRight); QLineF leftLine(topLeft, bottomLeft); qreal angle = topLine.angle(); QTransform tr1; tr1.rotate(- angle); mResizeCursor1 = QCursor(pix.transformed(tr1, Qt::SmoothTransformation), pix.width() / 2, pix.height() / 2); angle = leftLine.angle(); QTransform tr2; tr2.rotate(- angle); mResizeCursor2 = QCursor(pix.transformed(tr2, Qt::SmoothTransformation), pix.width() / 2, pix.height() / 2); }
vector<bool> CharacterAnalysis::filterBetweenLines(Mat img, vector<vector<Point> > contours, vector<Vec4i> hierarchy, vector<Point> outerPolygon, vector<bool> goodIndices) { static float MIN_AREA_PERCENT_WITHIN_LINES = 0.88; vector<bool> includedIndices(contours.size()); for (int j = 0; j < contours.size(); j++) includedIndices[j] = false; if (outerPolygon.size() == 0) return includedIndices; vector<Point> validPoints; // Figure out the line height LineSegment topLine(outerPolygon[0].x, outerPolygon[0].y, outerPolygon[1].x, outerPolygon[1].y); LineSegment bottomLine(outerPolygon[3].x, outerPolygon[3].y, outerPolygon[2].x, outerPolygon[2].y); float x = ((float) img.cols) / 2; Point midpoint = Point(x, bottomLine.getPointAt(x)); Point acrossFromMidpoint = topLine.closestPointOnSegmentTo(midpoint); float lineHeight = distanceBetweenPoints(midpoint, acrossFromMidpoint); // Create a white mask for the area inside the polygon Mat outerMask = Mat::zeros(img.size(), CV_8U); Mat innerArea = Mat::zeros(img.size(), CV_8U); fillConvexPoly(outerMask, outerPolygon.data(), outerPolygon.size(), Scalar(255,255,255)); for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) { if (goodIndices[i] == false) continue; // get rid of the outline by drawing a 1 pixel width black line drawContours(innerArea, contours, i, // draw this contour cv::Scalar(255,255,255), // in CV_FILLED, 8, hierarchy, 0 ); bitwise_and(innerArea, outerMask, innerArea); vector<vector<Point> > tempContours; findContours(innerArea, tempContours, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, // retrieve the external contours CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ); // all pixels of each contours ); double totalArea = contourArea(contours[i]); double areaBetweenLines = 0; for (int tempContourIdx = 0; tempContourIdx < tempContours.size(); tempContourIdx++) { areaBetweenLines += contourArea(tempContours[tempContourIdx]); } if (areaBetweenLines / totalArea >= MIN_AREA_PERCENT_WITHIN_LINES) { includedIndices[i] = true; } innerArea.setTo(Scalar(0,0,0)); } return includedIndices; }