Пример #1
/*! \fn     guiGetPinFromUser(volatile uint16_t* pin_code, uint8_t stringID)
*   \brief  Ask the user to enter a PIN
*   \param  pin_code    Pointer to where to store the pin code
*   \param  stringID    String ID
*   \return If the user approved the request
RET_TYPE guiGetPinFromUser(volatile uint16_t* pin_code, uint8_t stringID)
    // If we don't need a pin code, send default one
        *pin_code = SMARTCARD_DEFAULT_PIN;
        return RETURN_OK;
    RET_TYPE ret_val = RETURN_NOK;
    uint8_t selected_digit = 0;
    uint8_t finished = FALSE;
    uint8_t current_pin[4];
    RET_TYPE temp_rettype;
    int8_t temp_int8;
    // Set current pin to 0000
    memset((void*)current_pin, 0, 4);
    // Draw pin entering bitmap
    oledBitmapDrawFlash(0, 0, BITMAP_YES_NO, 0);
    oledBitmapDrawFlash(83, 51, BITMAP_PIN_LINES, 0);
    oledBitmapDrawFlash(238, 23, BITMAP_RIGHT_ARROW, 0);
    oledPutstrXY(0, 0, OLED_CENTRE, readStoredStringToBuffer(stringID));
    // Display current pin on screen
    guiDisplayPinOnPinEnteringScreen(current_pin, selected_digit);
    // While the user hasn't entered his pin
        // Still process the USB commands
        // Detect key touches
        temp_rettype = touchDetectionRoutine(0);
        // Send it to the touch wheel interface logic
        temp_int8 = touchWheelIntefaceLogic(temp_rettype);
        // Position increment / decrement
        if (temp_int8 != 0)
            if ((current_pin[selected_digit] == 0x0F) && (temp_int8 == 1))
                current_pin[selected_digit] = 0xFF;
            else if ((current_pin[selected_digit] == 0) && (temp_int8 == -1))
                current_pin[selected_digit] = 0x10;
            current_pin[selected_digit] += temp_int8;
            guiDisplayPinOnPinEnteringScreen(current_pin, selected_digit);
        if ((isSmartCardAbsent() == RETURN_OK) || (hasTimerExpired(TIMER_USERINT, TRUE) == TIMER_EXPIRED))
            // Smartcard removed, no reason to continue
            ret_val = RETURN_NOK;
            finished = TRUE;
        if (temp_rettype & RETURN_LEFT_PRESSED)
            if (selected_digit == 1)
                oledFillXY(0, 23, 18, 18, 0x00);
                oledBitmapDrawFlash(0, 24, BITMAP_CROSS, 0);
            if (selected_digit > 0)
                // When going back set pin digit to 0
                current_pin[selected_digit] = 0;
                current_pin[--selected_digit] = 0;
                ret_val = RETURN_NOK;
                finished = TRUE;
            guiDisplayPinOnPinEnteringScreen(current_pin, selected_digit);
            oledBitmapDrawFlash(238, 23, BITMAP_RIGHT_ARROW, 0);
        else if (temp_rettype & RETURN_RIGHT_PRESSED)
            if (selected_digit == 2)
                oledFillXY(238, 23, 18, 18, 0x00);
                oledBitmapDrawFlash(240, 24, BITMAP_TICK, 0);
            if (selected_digit < 3)
                ret_val = RETURN_OK;
                finished = TRUE;
            guiDisplayPinOnPinEnteringScreen(current_pin, selected_digit);
            oledBitmapDrawFlash(0, 23, BITMAP_LEFT_ARROW, 0);
    // Reset default font
    // Store the pin
    *pin_code = (uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(current_pin[0]) << 12) | (((uint16_t)current_pin[1]) << 8) | (current_pin[2] << 4) | current_pin[3]);
    // Set current pin to 0000
    memset((void*)current_pin, 0, 4);
    // Prevent touches until the user lifts his finger
    // Return success status
    return ret_val;
/*! \fn     loginSelectionScreen(void)
*   \brief  Screen displayed to let the user choose/find a login
*   \return Valid child node address or 0 otherwise
uint16_t loginSelectionScreen(void)
    char currentText[SEARCHTEXT_MAX_LENGTH+1];
    uint8_t displayRefreshNeeded = TRUE;
    uint16_t ret_val = NODE_ADDR_NULL;
    uint8_t wasWheelReleased = TRUE;
    uint16_t tempParentAddresses[5];
    uint8_t currentStringIndex = 0;
    uint8_t nbMatchedParents= 0;
    uint8_t finished = FALSE;
    RET_TYPE temp_rettype;
    uint8_t led_mask = 0;
    int8_t temp_int8;
    // Set current text to a
    last_matching_parent_addr = NODE_ADDR_NULL;
    last_matching_parent_number = 0;
    memcpy(currentText, "a\x00\x00\x00\x00", sizeof(currentText));
    // Draw bitmap, display it and write active buffer
    oledBitmapDrawFlash(0, 0, BITMAP_LOGIN_FIND, 0);
    // While the user hasn't chosen a credential
        if (displayRefreshNeeded == TRUE)
            nbMatchedParents = displayCurrentSearchLoginTexts(currentText, tempParentAddresses, currentStringIndex);
            displayRefreshNeeded = FALSE;
            // Light only the available choices and right arrow
            led_mask = 0;
            for (temp_int8 = nbMatchedParents; temp_int8 < 5; temp_int8++)
                led_mask |= (1 << temp_int8);
        // Detect key touches
        temp_rettype = touchDetectionRoutine(led_mask);
        // Algo to differentiate a tap from a scroll
        if ((temp_rettype & RETURN_WHEEL_PRESSED) && (wasWheelReleased == TRUE))
            // We use the timer dedicated to touch inhibit for min
            activateTimer(TIMER_TOUCH_INHIBIT, TAP_MIN_DEL);
            // We use the timer dedicated to caps detect for max
            activateTimer(TIMER_CAPS, TAP_MAX_DEL);
            // This works because we use the same clearing flags 
            wasWheelReleased = FALSE;
        else if (temp_rettype & RETURN_WHEEL_RELEASED)
            // Check if it's a tap and that the selected domain is valid
            if ((hasTimerExpired(TIMER_CAPS, FALSE) == TIMER_RUNNING) && (hasTimerExpired(TIMER_TOUCH_INHIBIT, FALSE) == TIMER_EXPIRED) && (getWheelTouchDetectionQuarter() < nbMatchedParents))
                ret_val = tempParentAddresses[getWheelTouchDetectionQuarter()];
                finished = TRUE;
            wasWheelReleased = TRUE;
        // Send it to the touch wheel interface logic
        temp_int8 = touchWheelIntefaceLogic(temp_rettype);

        // Position increment / decrement
        if (temp_int8 != 0)
            if ((currentText[currentStringIndex] == 0x7A) && (temp_int8 == 1))
                // z->0 wrap
                currentText[currentStringIndex] = 0x2F;
            if ((currentText[currentStringIndex] == 0x39) && (temp_int8 == 1))
                // 9->a wrap
                currentText[currentStringIndex] = 0x60;
            else if ((currentText[currentStringIndex] == 0x30) && (temp_int8 == -1))
                // 0->z wrap
                currentText[currentStringIndex] = 0x7B;
            else if ((currentText[currentStringIndex] == 0x61) && (temp_int8 == -1))
                // a->9 wrap
                currentText[currentStringIndex] = 0x3A;
            currentText[currentStringIndex] += temp_int8;
            displayRefreshNeeded = TRUE;
        if ((isSmartCardAbsent() == RETURN_OK) || (hasTimerExpired(TIMER_USERINT, TRUE) == TIMER_EXPIRED))
            // Smartcard removed or no interaction for a while
            finished = TRUE;
        else if (temp_rettype & RETURN_LEFT_PRESSED)
            // Change search index
            if (currentStringIndex > 0)
                currentText[currentStringIndex--] = 0;
                displayRefreshNeeded = TRUE;
                finished = TRUE;
        else if ((temp_rettype & RETURN_RIGHT_PRESSED) && (nbMatchedParents > 4))
            // Change search index only if we need to...
            currentText[++currentStringIndex] = 'a';
            displayRefreshNeeded = TRUE;
    // Set inactive buffer write by default
    return ret_val;