Пример #1
double cmdfile(void)
  // reads command file
  /* drives the schedule with stop time yyyy:ddd:hh:mm:ss
     or LST:hh:mm:ss  or just : for immediate scheduling
     or :n for scheduling for n secs - will wait for source to be within limits
     followed by keywords:
     sourcename (any name in catalog)
     clearint      // clears intergation 
     record (turns on data file if not already on) [filename] [recmode]
     roff (turns off data file)
     freq fcenter_MHz [bandwidth_MHz]
     mode n for 25 point b for beamswitch
    double secs, secnow, lst, freq, bw;
    int i, j, n, line, yr, day, hr, min, se, ss;
    int da, mn, sc;
    int ix, iy;
    char str[256], txt[256];
    char *p, *k;
    FILE *file1;
    GdkColor color;

    if ((file1 = fopen(d1.cmdfnam, "r")) == NULL) {
        printf(" Unable to open %s\n", d1.cmdfnam);
        return 0.0;
    secs = secnow = d1.secs;
    i = 1;
    line = 0;
    ss = 0;
    k = 0;
    str[255] = 0;
    while ((k = fgets(str, 80, file1)) != 0 && i == 1) {
// printf("line %d %s",line,str);
        if (str[0] != '*' && str[0] != ' ' && str[0] != '#' && strlen(str) > 2 && line > d1.cmdfline) {
            if (str[0] != 'L' && str[0] != ':') { // yyyy:ddd:hh:mm:ss
                sscanf(str, "%d:%d:%d:%d:%d", &yr, &day, &hr, &min, &se);
                secs = tosecs(yr, day, hr, min, se);
//            d.dtext(440.0, ylim + 40.0, gg, Color.red, "cmd err " + str);
            if (str[0] == 'L' && strstr(str, "LST")) { //    "LST:%2d:%2d:%2d",&hr,&min,&sec
                hr = min = se = 0;
                sscanf(str, "LST:%d:%d:%d", &hr, &min, &se);
                lst = gst(secnow) - d1.lon;
                secs = hr * 3600.0 + min * 60.0 + se - lst * 86400.0 / (PI * 2.0);
                if (secs < 0)
                    secs += 86400.0;
                if (secs > 86400.0)
                    secs -= 86400.0;
                if (secs < 0)
                    secs += 86400.0;
                if (secs > 86400.0)
                    secs -= 86400.0;
                secs += secnow;
//            d.dtext(440.0, ylim + 40.0, gg, Color.red, "cmd err " + str);
            if (str[0] == ':' && str[1] != ' ') {
                ss = 0;
                sscanf(str, ":%d", &ss);
                secs += ss;
//            d.dtext(440.0, ylim + 40.0, gg, Color.red, "cmd err " + str);
            for (n = 0; n < (int) strlen(str); n++)
                if (str[n] == '\n')
                    str[n] = ' ';
            if (secs >= secnow) {
// System.out.println("secs "+secs+" secnow "+secnow);
                for (j = 0; j < d1.nsou; j++) {
                    if ((p = strstr(str, sounam[j]))) {
                        strncpy(soutrack, sounam[j], sizeof(soutrack) - 1);
                        if (ss < 2)
                            secs += 2; // add time
                        d1.track = 1;
                        d1.bsw = 0;
                        d1.azoff = 0;
                        d1.eloff = 0;
                        // check for mode
                        if (p && *p) { // note p before *p
                            p = strchr(p, ' ');
                            if (p && *p) {
                                if (strchr(p, 'n')) {
                                    d1.scan = 1;
                                if (strchr(p, 'b')) {
                                    d1.bsw = 1;

                if (strstr(str, "azel")) {
                    j = sscanf(str, "%*s %*s %lf %lf", &d1.azcmd, &d1.elcmd);
                    if (j == 2) {
                        if (d1.printout) {
                            toyrday(d1.secs, &yr, &da, &hr, &mn, &sc);
                            printf("%4d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%02d %3s ", yr, da, hr, mn, sc, d1.timsource);
                            printf("cmdf %s", str);
                        if (ss < 2)
                            secs += 2; // add time
                        d1.track = 0;
                        soutrack[0] = 0;
                if (strstr(str, "offset")) {
                    sscanf(str, "%*s %*s %lf %lf", &d1.azoff, &d1.eloff);
                if (strstr(str, "stow")) {
                    d1.azcmd = d1.azlim1;
                    d1.elcmd = d1.ellim1;
                    soutrack[0] = 0;
                    d1.stow = 1;
                if (strstr(str, "calibrate"))
                    d1.docal = 1;
                if (strstr(str, "record")) {
                    d1.record = 1;
                    if (sscanf(str, "%*s %*s %255s", d1.filname) == 1)
                        d1.foutstatus = 1;
                if (strstr(str, "quit") && d1.stow == -1) {
                    d1.run = 0;
                if (strstr(str, "roff"))
                    d1.record = 0;
                if (strstr(str, "clearint"))
                    d1.clearint = 1;
                if (strstr(str, "freq")) {
                    bw = 4.0;
                    sscanf(str, "%*s %*s %lf %lf", &freq, &bw);
                    if (bw > 0 && bw <= 10.0)
                        d1.fbw = bw / d1.bw;
                    if (freq > 1200.0 && freq < 1800.0) {
                        d1.freq = freq;
                        d1.iffreq = d1.freq - d1.lofreq;
                        d1.f1 = d1.iffreq / d1.bw - d1.fbw * 0.5;
                        d1.f2 = d1.iffreq / d1.bw + d1.fbw * 0.5;
                        d1.fc = (d1.f1 + d1.f2) * 0.5;
                        if (d1.printout) {
                            toyrday(d1.secs, &yr, &da, &hr, &mn, &sc);
                            printf("%4d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%02d %3s ", yr, da, hr, mn, sc, d1.timsource);
                            printf("new freq %f %f\n", d1.freq, d1.iffreq);
                        d1.freqchng = 1;
            i = 0;
            ix = midx * 1.05;
            iy = midy * 0.99;
            if (d1.displ && str[0]) {
                color.red = 0;
                color.green = 0xffff;
                color.blue = 0;
                gdk_color_parse("green", &color);

                gtk_widget_modify_fg(drawing_area, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
                gdk_draw_rectangle(pixmap, drawing_area->style->white_gc, TRUE, ix,
                                   iy - midy * 0.04, midx * 0.4, midy * 0.05);
                sprintf(txt, "line %2d %s", line, str);
                gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font, drawing_area->style->fg_gc[GTK_STATE_NORMAL], ix,
                              iy, txt, strlen(txt) - 1);
            if (d1.printout) {
                toyrday(d1.secs, &yr, &da, &hr, &mn, &sc);
                printf("%4d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%02d %3s ", yr, da, hr, mn, sc, d1.timsource);
                printf("line %2d %s\n", line, str);
    d1.cmdfline = line;
    if (k == 0) {
        if (d1.displ) {
            ix = midx * 1.05;
            iy = midy * 0.99;
            color.red = 0;
            color.green = 0xffff;
            color.blue = 0;
            gdk_color_parse("green", &color);
            gtk_widget_modify_fg(drawing_area, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
            gdk_draw_rectangle(pixmap, drawing_area->style->white_gc, TRUE, ix,
                               iy - midy * 0.04, midx * 0.4, midy * 0.05);
            sprintf(txt, "line %2d : end_of_file", line);
            gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font, drawing_area->style->fg_gc[GTK_STATE_NORMAL], ix,
                          iy, txt, strlen(txt) - 1);
        d1.cmdfl = 0;
        d1.cmdfline = 0;
    return secs;
Пример #2
void azel(double az, double el)
  // command antenna movement
    int kk, n, mm, ax, axis, count, ccount, rcount, flip;
    int ix, iy, midxr, ixe;
    int yr, da, hr, mn, sc;
    int region1, region2, region3;
    unsigned int base;
    double azscale, elscale, azz, ell, ra, dec, x, y;
    double elnow, lenzero, elcount;
    GdkColor color;
    int azatstow = 0;
    int elatstow = 0;
    char m[80], recv[80], str[80], str2[80], txt[80];

    mm = count = 0;
    d1.slew = 0;
    lenzero = 0;

    ix = midx * 1.55;
    ixe = midx * 0.25;
    midxr = midx * 2 - ix;
    if (d1.lat >= 0.0)
        sprintf(txt, "%s %4.1fN %5.1fW", d1.statnam, d1.lat * 180.0 / PI, d1.lon * 180.0 / PI);
        sprintf(txt, "%s %4.1fS %5.1fW", d1.statnam, -d1.lat * 180.0 / PI, d1.lon * 180.0 / PI);
    iy = midy * 0.05;
    if (d1.displ) {
        gdk_draw_rectangle(pixmap, drawing_area->style->white_gc, TRUE, ix,
                           iy - midy * 0.04, midxr, midy * 0.05);
        gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font, drawing_area->style->black_gc, ix, iy, txt, strlen(txt));
    sprintf(txt, "cmd  %5.1f %4.1f deg", d1.azcmd, d1.elcmd);
    iy = midy * 0.15;
    if (d1.displ)
        gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font, drawing_area->style->black_gc, ix, iy, txt, strlen(txt));
    else if (d1.debug) {
        toyrday(d1.secs, &yr, &da, &hr, &mn, &sc);
        printf("%4d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%02d %3s ", yr, da, hr, mn, sc, d1.timsource);
        printf("%s\n", txt);
    sprintf(txt, "offsets %5.1f %4.1f deg", d1.azoff, d1.eloff);
    iy = midy * 0.25;
    if (d1.displ)
        gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font, drawing_area->style->black_gc, ix, iy, txt, strlen(txt));

    base = d1.azelport;

    if (d1.azelsim == 0) {
        outb(128 + 3, base + 3);
        outb(0x30, base);
        outb(0, base + 1);      // 2400 8 data 1 stop noparity
        outb(3, base + 3);
        outb(7, base + 1);
        outb(1, base + 2);
        outb(3, base + 4);
        sprintf(str, "antenna drive status:");
        if (d1.comerr > 0) {
            sprintf(txt, " comerr= %d", d1.comerr);
            iy = midy * 0.1;
            if (d1.displ) {
                gdk_draw_rectangle(pixmap, drawing_area->style->white_gc, TRUE, ixe,
                                   iy - midy * 0.04, midxr, midy * 0.05);
                gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font, drawing_area->style->black_gc, ixe, iy, txt, strlen(txt));
    } else {
        sprintf(txt, "antenna simulated");
        iy = midy * 0.1;
        if (d1.displ) {
            gdk_draw_rectangle(pixmap, drawing_area->style->white_gc, TRUE, ix,
                               iy - midy * 0.04, midxr, midy * 0.05);
            gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font, drawing_area->style->black_gc, ix, iy, txt, strlen(txt));
    if (az > 360.0)
        az -= 360.0;            /* Fold into reasonable range */
    if (d1.south == 0) {
        az = az + 360.0;        /* put az in range 180 to 540 */
        if (az > 540.0)
            az -= 360.0;
        if (az < 180.0)
            az += 360.0;
    region1 = region2 = region3 = 0;
    if (az >= d1.azlim1 && az < d1.azlim2 && el >= d1.ellim1 && el <= d1.ellim2)
        region1 = 1;
    if (az > d1.azlim1 + 180.0 && el > (180.0 - d1.ellim2))
        region2 = 1;
    if (az < d1.azlim2 - 180.0 && el > (180.0 - d1.ellim2))
        region3 = 1;
    if (!region1 && !region2 && !region3) {
        sprintf(txt, "cmd out of limits");
        iy = midy * 0.10;
        if (d1.displ) {
            color.red = 0xffff;
            color.green = color.blue = 0;
            gdk_color_parse("red", &color);
            gtk_widget_modify_fg(drawing_area, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);

            gdk_draw_rectangle(pixmap, drawing_area->style->white_gc, TRUE, ix,
                               iy - midy * 0.04, midxr, midy * 0.05);
            gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font, drawing_area->style->fg_gc[GTK_STATE_NORMAL], ix,
                          iy, txt, strlen(txt));
        d1.track = 0;
        if (d1.printout) {
            toyrday(d1.secs, &yr, &da, &hr, &mn, &sc);
            printf("%4d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%02d %3s ", yr, da, hr, mn, sc, d1.timsource);
            printf("cmd out of limits az %f el %f\n", az, el);
        if (d1.stow != -1) {
            d1.stow = 1;
            d1.elcmd = d1.ellim1;
            d1.azcmd = d1.azlim1;
    flip = 0;
    if (az > d1.azlim2) {
        az -= 180.0;
        el = 180.0 - el;
        flip = 1;
    if (az < d1.azlim1 && flip == 0) {
        az += 180.0;
        el = 180.0 - el;
        flip = 1;
    azz = az - d1.azlim1;
    ell = el - d1.ellim1;
//    scale = 52.0 * 27.0 / 120.0;
    azscale = d1.azcounts_per_deg;
    elscale = d1.elcounts_per_deg;
    if (!d1.rod)
        elcount = ell * elscale;
    else {
        lenzero = d1.rod1 * d1.rod1 + d1.rod2 * d1.rod2
            - 2.0 * d1.rod1 * d1.rod2 * cos((d1.rod4 - d1.ellim1) * PI / 180.0) - d1.rod3 * d1.rod3;
        if (lenzero >= 0.0)
            lenzero = sqrt(lenzero);
            lenzero = 0;
        elcount =
            d1.rod1 * d1.rod1 + d1.rod2 * d1.rod2 - 2.0 * d1.rod1 * d1.rod2 * cos((d1.rod4 - el) * PI / 180.0)
            - d1.rod3 * d1.rod3;
        if (elcount >= 0.0)
            elcount = (-sqrt(elcount) + lenzero) * d1.rod5;
            elcount = 0;
// increase in length drives to horizon
/* mm=1=clockwize incr.az mm=0=ccw mm=2= down when pointed south */
    if ((int) elcount > d1.elcount)
        axis = 1;               // move in elevation first

        axis = 0;
    for (ax = 0; ax < 2; ax++) {
        if (axis == 0) {
            if (azz * azscale > d1.azcount - 0.5) {
                mm = 1;
                count = (int) (azz * azscale - d1.azcount + 0.5);
            if (azz * azscale <= d1.azcount + 0.5) {
                mm = 0;
                count = (int) (d1.azcount - azz * azscale + 0.5);
        } else {
            if (elcount > d1.elcount - 0.5) {
                mm = 3;
                count = (int) (elcount - d1.elcount + 0.5);
            if (elcount <= d1.elcount + 0.5) {
                mm = 2;
                count = (int) (d1.elcount - elcount + 0.5);
        ccount = count;
        if (d1.stow == 1 && d1.azcmd == d1.azlim1 && d1.elcmd == d1.ellim1) // drive to stow

            count = 5000;
            if (axis == 0) {
                mm = 0;
                if (azatstow == 1)
                    count = 0;
            if (axis == 1) {
                mm = 2;
// complete azimuth motion to stow before completely drop in elevation
                if (elatstow == 1 || (ccount <= 2.0 * d1.countperstep && azatstow == 0))
                    count = 0;
            flip = 0;
        if (count > d1.countperstep && ccount > d1.countperstep)
            count = d1.countperstep;
        if (count >= d1.ptoler && d1.track != -1) {
            if (count > d1.ptoler && d1.stow != -1) {
                d1.slew = 1;
                sprintf(txt, "ant slewing");
                if (d1.printout) {
                    toyrday(d1.secs, &yr, &da, &hr, &mn, &sc);
                    printf("%4d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%02d %3s ", yr, da, hr, mn, sc, d1.timsource);
                    if (soutrack[0]) {
                        if (axis)
                            printf("ant slewing in el to %s\n", soutrack);
                            printf("ant slewing in az to %s\n", soutrack);
                    if (d1.stow == 1) {
                        if (axis)
                            printf("ant slewing in el to stow\n");
                            printf("ant slewing in az to stow\n");
                iy = midy * 0.1;
                if (d1.displ) {
                    gdk_draw_rectangle(pixmap, drawing_area->style->white_gc,
                                       TRUE, ix, iy - midy * 0.04, midxr, midy * 0.05);
                    gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font,
                                  drawing_area->style->black_gc, ix, iy, txt, strlen(txt));

            if (d1.displ) {
                x = d1.azcmd * midx / 180.0;
                if (d1.south == 0)
                    x -= midx;
                if (x < 0)
                    x += midx * 2;
                if (x > midx * 2)
                    x -= midx * 2;
                y = midy * 2 - d1.elcmd * midy * 2.0 / 180.0;
                color.red = 0;
                color.green = 0;
                color.blue = 0xffff;
                gdk_color_parse("blue", &color);
                gtk_widget_modify_fg(drawing_area, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
                gdk_draw_line(pixmap, drawing_area->style->fg_gc[GTK_STATE_NORMAL], x - 4, y, x + 4, y);
                gdk_draw_line(pixmap, drawing_area->style->fg_gc[GTK_STATE_NORMAL], x, y - 4, x, y + 4);
            sprintf(str, " move %d %d \n", mm, count); /* need space at start and end */
            n = 0;
            if (d1.azelsim != 0) {
                if (count < 5000)
                    sprintf(str2, "M %d \n", count);
                    sprintf(str2, "T %d \n", count);
                strcpy(recv, str2);
//          n = str2.length();
//        d.dtext(16.0, 64.0, gg, Color.black,
//                "trans " + str.substring(0, str.length() - 1) + "     ");
            kk = 0;
                if (d1.azelsim == 0) {
                    while ((inb(base + 2) & 1) == 0 && kk < KKTIMEOUT) {
                    strcpy(m, str);
//  printf("sending\n");
                    for (n = 0; (unsigned) n < strlen(m); n++) {
                        outb(m[n], base);
                        while ((inb(base + 5) & 32) != 32);
                    if (d1.debug)
                        printf("sent %s", m);
                    for (n = 0; n < 80; n++)
                        recv[n] = 0;
                    kk = 0;
                    n = 0;
                    rcount = 0;
                while (kk < KKTIMEOUT && kk >= 0) {
                    if (d1.azelsim == 0) {
                        while ((inb(base + 5) & 1) != 0) {
                            recv[n] = inb(base);
//       printf("n=%d recv=%1c val=%d\n",n,recv[n],recv[n]);
                            if (d1.displ == 0)
                                printf("waiting %d\n", kk);
                            if (recv[n] == 13) {
                                kk = -99;
//        if (d1.displ == 0)
//   printf ("n=%d ch=%1c\n", n, recv[n]);
                    } else if (kk > 1)
                        kk = -99;
                    if (kk > 0) {
                        if (axis == 0)
                            sprintf(txt, "waiting on azimuth  %d  ", kk);
                            sprintf(txt, "waiting on elevation %d ", kk);
                        iy = midy * 0.1;
                        d1.slew = 1;
                        if (d1.displ) {
                            ix = midx * 1.55;
                            midxr = midx * 2 - ix;
//                            cleararea();
                            x = d1.azcmd * midx / 180.0;
                            if (d1.south == 0)
                                x -= midx;
                            if (x < 0)
                                x += midx * 2;
                            if (x > midx * 2)
                                x -= midx * 2;
                            y = midy * 2 - d1.elcmd * midy * 2.0 / 180.0;
                            color.red = 0;
                            color.green = 0;
                            color.blue = 0xffff;
                            gdk_color_parse("blue", &color);

                            gtk_widget_modify_fg(drawing_area, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
                            gdk_draw_line(pixmap, drawing_area->style->fg_gc[GTK_STATE_NORMAL], x - 4,
                                          y, x + 4, y);
                            gdk_draw_line(pixmap, drawing_area->style->fg_gc[GTK_STATE_NORMAL], x,
                                          y - 4, x, y + 4);

                            gdk_draw_rectangle(pixmap, drawing_area->style->white_gc, TRUE, ix,
                                               iy - midy * 0.04, midxr, midy * 0.05);
                            gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font,
                                          drawing_area->style->black_gc, ix, iy, txt, strlen(txt));
                            sprintf(txt, "cmd  %5.1f %4.1f deg", d1.azcmd, d1.elcmd);
                            iy = midy * 0.15;
                            gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font,
                                          drawing_area->style->black_gc, ix, iy, txt, strlen(txt));
                            sprintf(txt, "azel %5.1f %4.1f deg", d1.aznow, d1.elnow);
                            iy = midy * 0.20;
                            gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font, drawing_area->style->black_gc, ix, iy,
                                          txt, strlen(txt));
                            sprintf(txt, "offsets %5.1f %4.1f deg", d1.azoff, d1.eloff);
                            iy = midy * 0.25;
                            gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font, drawing_area->style->black_gc, ix, iy,
                                          txt, strlen(txt));
                            azel_to_radec(d1.secs, d1.aznow, d1.elnow, &ra, &dec);
                            sprintf(txt, "ra %5.1f hr %4.1f deg", ra * 12.0 / PI, dec * 180.0 / PI);
                            iy = midy * 0.30;
                            gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font, drawing_area->style->black_gc, ix, iy,
                                          txt, strlen(txt));
                            color.green = color.red = color.blue = 0xffff;
                            gtk_widget_modify_bg(button_stow, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
                            if (!d1.plot) {
//                            cleararea();
                            while (gtk_events_pending() || d1.stopproc) {
//                                 d1.plot = 0;

                        } else if (d1.debug)
                            printf("%s\n", txt);
                if (d1.debug)
                    printf("recv %s\n", recv);
//      printf(" axis %d\n",axis);
            if (recv[0] != 'M' && recv[0] != 'T') {
                sprintf(txt, "comerr kk=%d n=%d mm%d", kk, n, count);
                iy = midy * 0.1;
                if (d1.displ) {
                    gdk_draw_rectangle(pixmap, drawing_area->style->white_gc, TRUE, ixe,
                                       iy - midy * 0.04, midxr, midy * 0.05);
                    gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font,
                                  drawing_area->style->black_gc, ixe, iy, txt, strlen(txt));
//          if (d1.fstatus == 1)
//            o.stroutfile(g, "* ERROR comerr");
                if (d1.mainten == 0)
                    d1.stow = 1;
//        if (d1.azelsim != 0 && d1.azelsim < 10) sleep(1);
            sprintf(txt, "recv %s", str);
            iy = midy * 0.05;
            if (d1.displ) {
                gdk_draw_rectangle(pixmap, drawing_area->style->white_gc, TRUE,
                                   ix, iy - midy * 0.04, midxr, midy * 0.05);
                gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font, drawing_area->style->black_gc,
                              ix, iy, txt, strlen(txt) - 1);
            rcount = 0;
            sscanf(recv, "%*s %d", &rcount);
            if (rcount != count && ((axis == 0 && d1.azcmd != d1.azlim1)
                                    || (axis == 1 && d1.elcmd != d1.ellim1))) {
//      printf("lost count\n");

                sprintf(txt, "lost count goto Stow");
                d1.limiterr = 1;
                soutrack[0] = 0;
                iy = midy * 0.1;
                if (d1.displ) {
                    gdk_draw_rectangle(pixmap, drawing_area->style->white_gc, TRUE, ixe,
                                       iy - midy * 0.04, midxr, midy * 0.05);
                    gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font,
                                  drawing_area->style->black_gc, ixe, iy, txt, strlen(txt));
                    sprintf(txt, "ERROR:  received %d counts out of %d counts expected", rcount, count);
                    iy = midy * 0.15;
                    gdk_draw_rectangle(pixmap, drawing_area->style->white_gc, TRUE, ixe,
                                       iy - midy * 0.04, midxr, midy * 0.05);
                    gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font,
                                  drawing_area->style->black_gc, ixe, iy, txt, strlen(txt));
                    if (mm == 1)
                        sprintf(txt, "while going clockwise in azimuth");
                    if (mm == 0)
                        sprintf(txt, "while going counter-clockwise in azimuth");
                    if (mm == 3)
                        sprintf(txt, "while going clockwise in elevation");
                    if (mm == 2)
                        sprintf(txt, "while going counter-clockwise in elevation");
                    iy = midy * 0.20;
                    gdk_draw_rectangle(pixmap, drawing_area->style->white_gc, TRUE, ixe,
                                       iy - midy * 0.04, midxr, midy * 0.05);
                    gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font,
                                  drawing_area->style->black_gc, ixe, iy, txt, strlen(txt));
                    sprintf(txt, "motor stalled or limit prematurely reached");
                    iy = midy * 0.25;
                    gdk_draw_rectangle(pixmap, drawing_area->style->white_gc, TRUE, ixe,
                                       iy - midy * 0.04, midxr, midy * 0.05);
                    gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font,
                                  drawing_area->style->black_gc, ixe, iy, txt, strlen(txt));
//          if (d1.fstatus == 1)
//            stroutfile("* ERROR lost count");
                if (d1.mainten == 0) {
                    if (mm == 2 && recv[0] == 'T') // could hit limit at source set
                        d1.elcount = 0;
                        d1.elnow = d1.ellim1;
                    elatstow = azatstow = 0;
                    d1.stow = 1;
                    d1.azcmd = d1.azlim1;
                    d1.elcmd = d1.ellim1;
            if (mm == 2 && recv[0] == 'T') {
                elatstow = 1;
                d1.elcount = 0;
                d1.elnow = d1.ellim1;
            if (mm == 0 && recv[0] == 'T') {
                azatstow = 1;
                d1.azcount = 0;
                d1.aznow = d1.azlim1;
            if (recv[0] == 'T' && d1.stow == 0) {
//          printf("timeout from antenna\n");
                sprintf(txt, "timeout from antenna");
                iy = midy * 0.1;
                if (d1.displ) {
                    gdk_draw_rectangle(pixmap, drawing_area->style->white_gc, TRUE, ix,
                                       iy - midy * 0.04, midxr, midy * 0.05);
                    gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font,
                                  drawing_area->style->black_gc, ix, iy, txt, strlen(txt));
            if (recv[0] == 'M') {
                if (axis == 0) {
                    azatstow = 0;
                    if (mm == 1)
                        d1.azcount = d1.azcount + count;
                        d1.azcount = d1.azcount - count;
                if (axis == 1) {
                    elatstow = 0;
                    if (mm == 3)
                        d1.elcount = d1.elcount + count;
                        d1.elcount = d1.elcount - count;
            if (d1.azelsim == 0 && d1.slew)
        if (axis > 1)
            axis = 0;
    if (d1.track != -1) {
        if (d1.slew == 1)
            d1.track = 0;
            d1.track = 1;
    d1.aznow = d1.azlim1 + d1.azcount / azscale;
    if (d1.aznow > 360.0)
        d1.aznow = d1.aznow - 360.0;
    if (!d1.rod)
        elnow = d1.elcount / elscale;
    else {
        elnow = -d1.elcount / d1.rod5 + lenzero;
        elnow = d1.rod1 * d1.rod1 + d1.rod2 * d1.rod2 - d1.rod3 * d1.rod3 - elnow * elnow;
        elnow = elnow / (2.0 * d1.rod1 * d1.rod2);
        elnow = -acos(elnow) * 180.0 / PI + d1.rod4 - d1.ellim1;
    d1.elnow = d1.ellim1 + elnow;
    if (d1.elnow > 90.0) {
        if (d1.aznow >= 180.0)
            d1.aznow = d1.aznow - 180.0;
            d1.aznow = d1.aznow + 180.0;
        d1.elnow = 180.0 - d1.elnow;
//    d.dtext(670.0, 40.0, gg, Color.black,
//    "azel  " + d.dc(d1.aznow(), 5, 1) + " " + d.dc(d1.elnow(), 5, 1) +
//            " deg");
    x = (int) (d1.aznow * 640.0 / 360.0);
    if (d1.south == 0) {
        x -= 320;
        if (x < 0)
            x += 640;
    if (fabs(d1.aznow - d1.azlim1) < 1e-6 && fabs(d1.elnow - d1.ellim1) < 1e-6) {
        if (d1.displ) {
            color.green = 0xffff;
            color.red = color.blue = 0;
            gdk_color_parse("green", &color);
            gtk_widget_modify_bg(button_stow, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
            gtk_tooltips_set_tip(tooltips, button_stow, "antenna at stow", NULL);
            gtk_tooltips_set_tip(tooltips, button_exit, "click to exit program", NULL);
//  printf("in green\n");  
        d1.stow = -1;           // at stow

    } else {
        if (d1.displ) {
            color.green = color.red = color.blue = 0xffff;
            gtk_widget_modify_bg(button_stow, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
            gtk_tooltips_set_tip(tooltips, button_stow, "click to stow antenna", NULL);
            if (d1.track != -1)
                gtk_tooltips_set_tip(tooltips, button_exit, "go to stow first", NULL);
        if (d1.stow == -1)
            d1.stow = 0;
    if (d1.stow != 0) {
        d1.track = 0;
    if (d1.displ) {
        sprintf(txt, "azel %5.1f %4.1f deg", d1.aznow, d1.elnow);
        iy = midy * 0.20;
        gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font, drawing_area->style->black_gc, ix, iy, txt, strlen(txt));
        azel_to_radec(d1.secs, d1.aznow, d1.elnow, &ra, &dec);
        sprintf(txt, "ra %5.1f hr %4.1f deg", ra * 12.0 / PI, dec * 180.0 / PI);
        iy = midy * 0.30;
        gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font, drawing_area->style->black_gc, ix, iy, txt, strlen(txt));
        sprintf(txt, "cmd  %5.1f %4.1f deg", d1.azcmd, d1.elcmd);
        iy = midy * 0.15;
        gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font, drawing_area->style->black_gc, ix, iy, txt, strlen(txt));
        sprintf(txt, "offsets %5.1f %4.1f deg", d1.azoff, d1.eloff);
        iy = midy * 0.25;
        gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font, drawing_area->style->black_gc, ix, iy, txt, strlen(txt));
    } else if (d1.debug) {
        toyrday(d1.secs, &yr, &da, &hr, &mn, &sc);
        printf("%4d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%02d %3s ", yr, da, hr, mn, sc, d1.timsource);
        printf("now %s tant %5.1f Source: %s\n", txt, d1.tant, soutrack);
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    GtkWidget *window;
    GtkWidget *button_clear, *button_azel, *button_freq, *button_offset;
    GtkWidget *button_help;
    GdkColor color;
    int i, ii;
    int yr, da, hr, mn, sc;
    double secstart;
    char buf[64];
    GdkGeometry geometry;
    GdkWindowHints geo_mask;
//    GdkRectangle update_rect;
    sprintf(d1.catnam, "srt.cat");
    sprintf(d1.hlpnam, "srt.hlp");
    for (i = 0; i < argc - 1; i++) {
        sscanf(argv[i], "%63s", buf);
        if (strstr(buf, "-c") && strlen(buf) == 2)
            sscanf(argv[i + 1], "%63s", d1.catnam);
        if (strstr(buf, "-h") && strlen(buf) == 2)
            sscanf(argv[i + 1], "%63s", d1.hlpnam);
//    d1.azelport = 0x3f8;        // com1 default for old SRT 
    d1.ver = 4;  // SRT software version
    d1.secs = readclock();
    d1.run = 1;
    d1.record = 0;
    d1.entry1 = d1.entry2 = d1.entry3 = d1.entry5 = d1.entry6 = d1.entry8 = d1.helpwindow = d1.vwindow = 0;
    d1.plot = 0;
    d1.start_time = 0.0;
    d1.start_sec = 0.0;
    d1.speed_up = 0;
    d1.ppos = 0;
    d1.printout = 1;
    d1.debug = 0;
    d1.freq = 1420.4;           // default
    d1.bw = 0;                  // set to 2.4 for TV dongle 10 MHz for ADC card in init
    d1.fbw = 0;                 // set in init or srt.cat
    d1.nblk = 5;                // number of blocks in vspectra
    d1.record_int_sec = 0;
    d1.freqcorr = 0;            // frequency correction for L.O. may be needed for TV dongle
    d1.freqchng = 0;
    d1.clearint = 0;
    d1.record_clearint = 0;
    d1.noclearint = 0;
    d1.nfreq = NSPEC;
    d1.plotsec = 1;
    d1.displ = 1;
    d1.noisecal = 0;
//    used for old SRT mount and controller
//    d1.ptoler = 1;
//    d1.countperstep = 10000;    // default large number for no stepping 
//    d1.elcounts_per_deg = (52.0 * 27.0 / 120.0); // default for H-180
//    d1.azcounts_per_deg = 8.0 * 32.0 * 60.0 / (360.0 * 9.0); // default for CASSIMOUNT
//    d1.rod = 1;                 // default to rod as on CASSIMOUNT
//    d1.rod1 = 14.25;            // rigid arm length
//    d1.rod2 = 16.5;             // distance from pushrod upper joint to el axis
//    d1.rod3 = 2.0;              // pushrod collar offset
//    d1.rod4 = 110.0;            // angle at horizon
//    d1.rod5 = 30.0;             // pushrod counts per inch
    d1.azelsim = d1.radiosim = d1.fftsim = 0;
    d1.mainten = 0;
    d1.stowatlim = 1;
    d1.rms = -1;                // display max not rms 
    d1.calcons = 1.0;
    d1.caldone = 0;
    d1.nrfi = 0;
    d1.rfisigma = 6;            // level for RFI reporting to screen
    d1.tload = 300.0;
    d1.tspill = 20.0;
    d1.beamw = 5.0;
    d1.comerr = 0;
    d1.limiterr = 0;
    d1.restfreq = 1420.406;     /* H-line restfreq */
    d1.delay = 0;
    d1.azoff = 0.0;
    d1.eloff = 0.0;
    d1.drift = 0;
    d1.tstart = 0;
    d1.tsys = 100.0;            // expected on cold sky
    d1.pwroff = 0.0;
    d1.tant = 100.0;
    d1.calpwr = 0;
    d1.yfac = 0;
    d1.calon = 0;
    d1.calmode = 0;
    d1.docal = 0;
    d1.tcal = 290;              // absorber or bushes
    d1.sourn = 0;
    d1.track = 0;
    d1.scan = 0;
    d1.bsw = 0;
    d1.nbsw = 1;
    d1.obsn = 0;
    d1.stopproc = 0;
    d1.fstatus = 0;
    d1.cmdfl = 0;
    d1.south = 1;
    d1.hgt = 0;
    d1.dongle = 0;              // set to zero initially - set to 1 in Init_Device if dongle
    d1.npoly = 25;              // number of terms in polynomial fit of bandpass
    pwrst = pwrprev = 0.0;
    soutrack[0] = 0;
    sprintf(d1.cmdfnam, "cmd.txt");
    sprintf(d1.datadir, "./");  // default to local directory

    if (!catfile())
        return 0;
    d1.foutstatus = 0;
// to get permission su root chown root srtn then chmod u+s srtn then exit 
    if (!d1.azelsim) {
        if (d1.printout)
            printf("initializing antenna controller\n");
        i = rot2(&d1.aznow, &d1.elnow, -1, buf); // initialize
        i = rot2(&d1.aznow, &d1.elnow, 1, buf); // read
        if (i < 0) {
            printf("Couldn't talk to antenna controller\n");
            return 0;
    } else {
        if (d1.stowatlim) {
            d1.azprev = d1.azlim1;
            d1.elprev = d1.ellim1;
        } else {
            d1.azprev = d1.stowaz;
            d1.elprev = d1.stowel;
    if (d1.mainten == 0) {
        if (d1.stowatlim) {
            d1.azcmd = d1.azlim1;
            d1.elcmd = d1.ellim1;
        } else {
            d1.azcmd = d1.stowaz;
            d1.elcmd = d1.stowel;
        d1.azcount = 0;
        d1.elcount = 0;
        d1.stow = 1;
    if (d1.azlim1 > d1.azlim2) {
        d1.south = 0;           // dish pointing North for southern hemisphere
        if (d1.azlim2 < 360.0)
            d1.azlim2 += 360.0;

    if (!d1.radiosim)

    if (d1.displ) {
        gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
        window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
        geometry.min_width = 500;
        geometry.min_height = 300;
        geo_mask = GDK_HINT_MIN_SIZE;
        gtk_window_set_geometry_hints(GTK_WINDOW(window), window, &geometry, geo_mask);
        //Table size determines number of buttons across the top
        table = gtk_table_new(30, NUMBUTTONS, TRUE);

        drawing_area = gtk_drawing_area_new();
        gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(window), 800, 600);
        color.red = 0xffff;
        color.blue = 0xffff;
        color.green = 0xffff;
        gtk_table_attach_defaults(GTK_TABLE(table), drawing_area, 0, NUMBUTTONS, 3, 30);

        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(window), "destroy", G_CALLBACK(quit), NULL);

        gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), table);

        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(drawing_area), "expose_event", (GtkSignalFunc) expose_event, NULL);
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(drawing_area), "configure_event", (GtkSignalFunc) configure_event, NULL);

        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(drawing_area), "button_press_event",
                         (GtkSignalFunc) button_press_event, NULL);

        gtk_widget_set_events(drawing_area, GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK
                              | GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK
                              | GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK
                              | GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK | GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK);

        button_clear = gtk_button_new_with_label("clear");
        button_stow = gtk_button_new_with_label("stow");
        button_azel = gtk_button_new_with_label("azel");
        button_npoint = gtk_button_new_with_label("npoint");
        button_bsw = gtk_button_new_with_label("beamsw");
        button_freq = gtk_button_new_with_label("freq");
        button_offset = gtk_button_new_with_label("offset");
        button_record = gtk_button_new_with_label("record");
        button_cmdfl = gtk_button_new_with_label("cmdfl");
        button_cal = gtk_button_new_with_label("cal");
        button_help = gtk_button_new_with_label("help");
        button_exit = gtk_button_new_with_label("exit");

        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(button_clear), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(button_clear_clicked), NULL);
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(button_stow), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(button_stow_clicked), NULL);
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(button_azel), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(button_azel_clicked), NULL);
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(button_npoint), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(button_npoint_clicked), NULL);
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(button_bsw), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(button_bsw_clicked), NULL);
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(button_freq), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(button_freq_clicked), NULL);
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(button_offset), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(button_offset_clicked), NULL);
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(button_record), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(button_record_clicked), NULL);
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(button_cmdfl), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(button_cmdfl_clicked), NULL);
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(button_cal), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(button_cal_clicked), NULL);
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(button_help), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(button_help_clicked), NULL);
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(button_exit), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(button_exit_clicked), NULL);

        // test setting up tooltips instead of the "enter"/"leave" used below
        tooltips = gtk_tooltips_new();
        gtk_tooltips_set_tip(tooltips, button_clear,
                             "click to clear integration and reset time plot to 1/4-scale", NULL);
        gtk_tooltips_set_tip(tooltips, button_stow, "click to stow antenna", NULL);
        gtk_tooltips_set_tip(tooltips, button_azel, "click to enter az el coordinates", NULL);
        gtk_tooltips_set_tip(tooltips, button_npoint, "click to start npoint scan", NULL);
        gtk_tooltips_set_tip(tooltips, button_bsw, "click to start beam switch", NULL);
        gtk_tooltips_set_tip(tooltips, button_freq, "click to enter new frequency in MHz [bandwidth] [nfreq]",
        gtk_tooltips_set_tip(tooltips, button_offset, "click to enter offsets", NULL);
        if (!d1.cmdfl)
            gtk_tooltips_set_tip(tooltips, button_cmdfl, "click to start cmd file", NULL);
            gtk_tooltips_set_tip(tooltips, button_cmdfl, "click to stop cmd file", NULL);

        gtk_tooltips_set_tip(tooltips, button_cal, "click to start calibration", NULL);
        gtk_tooltips_set_tip(tooltips, button_help, "click to open help window", NULL);

        gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), button_clear, 0, 1, 0, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);
        gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), button_stow, 1, 2, 0, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);
        gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), button_azel, 2, 3, 0, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);
        gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), button_npoint, 3, 4, 0, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);
        gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), button_bsw, 4, 5, 0, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);
        gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), button_freq, 5, 6, 0, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);
        gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), button_offset, 6, 7, 0, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);
        gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), button_record, 7, 8, 0, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);
        gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), button_cmdfl, 8, 9, 0, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);
        gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), button_cal, 9, 10, 0, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);
        gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), button_help, 10, 11, 0, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);
        gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), button_exit, 11, 12, 0, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);


    ii = 0;
    if (d1.printout) {
        toyrday(d1.secs, &yr, &da, &hr, &mn, &sc);
        printf("%4d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%02d %3s ", yr, da, hr, mn, sc, d1.timsource);
    for (i = 0; i < d1.nfreq; i++)
        bspec[i] = 1;
    secstart = d1.nsecstart = -1;
    d1.secs = readclock();
    while (d1.run) {
        if (d1.clearint) {
            if (d1.displ)
            d1.clearint = 0;
        if (d1.freqchng) {
            if (d1.dongle)
            if (d1.printout) {
                toyrday(d1.secs, &yr, &da, &hr, &mn, &sc);
                printf("%4d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%02d %3s ", yr, da, hr, mn, sc, d1.timsource);
            if (!d1.radiosim) {
            d1.freqchng = 0;
        if (d1.docal) {
            if (d1.docal == 1) {
                sprintf(d1.recnote, "* calibration started\n");
            if (d1.bsw) {
                d1.bsw = 0;
                d1.azoff = 0.0;
            if (d1.scan) {
                d1.scan = 0;
                d1.eloff = d1.azoff = 0.0;
            if (d1.slew)
                d1.slew = 0;
            if (d1.docal == 1)
            d1.docal = 2;
            if (d1.integ >= NCAL) {
                d1.docal = 0;

        if (d1.displ)
        azel(d1.azcmd, d1.elcmd); // allow time after cal 
        if (d1.comerr == -1)
            return 0;
        if (!d1.slew) {
            pwr = 0.0;
        if (!d1.slew)
        d1.secs = readclock();
        if (d1.record_int_sec && d1.integ2 >= d1.record_int_sec) {
            outfile(" ");
            if (d1.record_clearint && d1.track && !d1.bsw && !d1.scan)
                d1.clearint = 1;
            d1.integ2 = 0;
        if (d1.displ) {
            if (!d1.plot)
            while (gtk_events_pending() || d1.stopproc == 1) {
                d1.plot = 0;
        if (!d1.displ && d1.domap)
    return 0;
Пример #4
void outfile(void)
    int yr, da, hr, mn, sc, i, istart, istop;
    float freqsep, sigma;
    GdkColor color;
    static FILE *file1 = NULL;
    //static int n;
    if (!d1.record)
    if (d1.foutstatus == 0)     // set filename
        //n = 0;
        toyrday(d1.secs, &yr, &da, &hr, &mn, &sc);
        d1.rday = da;
        if (d1.filname[0] == 0)
            sprintf(d1.filname, "%s%4d_%03d_%02d.rad", d1.datadir, yr, da, hr);
        if (d1.displ) {
            color.green = 0xffff;
            color.red = 0;
            color.blue = 0;
            gdk_color_parse("green", &color);
            gtk_widget_modify_bg(button_record, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
    if ((file1 = fopen(d1.filname, "a")) == NULL) {
        if ((file1 = fopen(d1.filname, "w")) == NULL) {
            d1.foutstatus = -99;
            printf("cannot write %s\n", d1.filname);
        d1.obsn = 0;            // file was new so reset obsn
        d1.foutstatus = 1;
    } else
        d1.foutstatus = 1;
    toyrday(d1.secs, &yr, &da, &hr, &mn, &sc);
    if (d1.foutstatus == 1) {
        if (d1.newday && da != d1.rday) {
            d1.foutstatus = 0;
            toyrday(d1.secs, &yr, &da, &hr, &mn, &sc);
            sprintf(d1.filname, "%s%4d_%03d_%02d.rad", d1.datadir, yr, da, hr);
            if ((file1 = fopen(d1.filname, "w")) == NULL) {
                d1.foutstatus = -99;
            d1.foutstatus = 1;
        if (d1.printout) {
            toyrday(d1.secs, &yr, &da, &hr, &mn, &sc);
            printf("%4d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%02d %3s file: %s pwr %f\n", yr, da, hr, mn, sc, d1.timsource,
                   d1.filname, pwr);
    freqsep = d1.bw / d1.nfreq;
    if (soutrack[0] > 0)
                "DATE %4d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%02d obsn %3d az %3.0f el %2.0f freq_MHz %10.4f Tsys %6.3f Tant %6.3f vlsr %7.2f glat %6.3f glon %6.3f source %s\n",
                yr, da, hr, mn, sc, d1.obsn, d1.aznow, d1.elnow, d1.freq, d1.tsys, d1.tant, d1.vlsr, d1.glat,
                d1.glon, soutrack);
                "DATE %4d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%02d obsn %3d az %3.0f el %2.0f freq_MHz %10.4f Tsys %6.3f Tant %6.3f vlsr %7.2f glat %6.3f glon %6.3f source at_stow\n",
                yr, da, hr, mn, sc, d1.obsn, d1.aznow, d1.elnow, d1.freq, d1.tsys, d1.tant, d1.vlsr, d1.glat,
    if (d1.record_spec) {
        istart = d1.f1 * d1.nfreq + 0.5;
        istop = d1.f2 * d1.nfreq + 0.5;
        sigma = d1.tsys / sqrt((d1.nsam * d1.integ / (2.0e6 * d1.bw)) * freqsep * 1e6);
        if (d1.bsw)
            sigma = 2.0 * sigma;
                "Fstart %8.3f fstop %8.3f spacing %8.6f bw %8.3f fbw %8.3f MHz nfreq %d nsam %d npoint %d integ %5.0f sigma %8.3f bsw %d\n",
                istart * d1.bw / d1.nfreq + d1.efflofreq, istop * d1.bw / d1.nfreq + d1.efflofreq, freqsep,
                d1.bw, d1.fbw, d1.nfreq, d1.nsam, istop - istart, d1.integ * d1.nsam / (2.0e6 * d1.bw), sigma,
        fprintf(file1, "Spectrum \n");
        for (i = istart; i < istop; i++)
            fprintf(file1, "%8.3f ", aavspec[i]);
        fprintf(file1, "\n");
    if (d1.foutstatus == 1)
    d1.rday = da;
Пример #5
void zerospectra(int mode)
    int i, j, yr, da, hr, mn, sc;
    double az, el, secs, ra, dec;
    secs = d1.secs;

    if (!mode) {
        for (i = 0; i < d1.nfreq; i++)
            avspec[i] = avspecoff[i] = avspecon[i] = 0;
        d1.pwron = d1.pwroff = 0;
        d1.numon = d1.numoff = d1.integ = 0;

    if (d1.cmdfl && secs > d1.secstop && !d1.slew && !d1.scan && !d1.docal && mode)
        d1.secstop = cmdfile();

    d1.vlsr = 0.0;
    az = -1;
    for (i = 0; d1.track >= 0 && i < d1.nsou; i++) {
        if (strstr(sounam[i], soutrack) && soutrack[0]) {
            toyrday(secs, &yr, &da, &hr, &mn, &sc);
            d1.year = yr;
            if (strstr(sounam[i], "Sun") || strstr(sounam[i], "Moon")) {
                if (strstr(sounam[i], "Sun"))
                    sunradec(secs, &ra, &dec);
                    moonradec(secs, &ra, &dec);
                radec_azel(gst(secs) - ra - d1.lon, dec, d1.lat, &az, &el);
            } else if (soutype[i]) {
                az = ras[i] * PI / 180.0;
                el = decs[i] * PI / 180.0;
                azel_to_radec(secs, ras[i], decs[i], &ra, &dec);
            } else {
                precess(ras[i], decs[i], &ra, &dec, epoc[i], d1.year);
                radec_azel(gst(secs) - ra - d1.lon, dec, d1.lat, &az, &el);
            d1.vlsr = vlsr(secs, ra, dec);
            sprintf(souinfo, "%s %4d", to_radecp(ra, dec), yr);
    if (d1.track && az >= 0.0) {
        if (d1.scan > 0) {
            i = (d1.scan - 1) / 5;
            j = (d1.scan - 1) % 5;
            d1.eloff = (i - 2) * d1.beamw * 0.5;
            d1.azoff = (j - 2) * d1.beamw * 0.5 / cos(el + d1.eloff * PI / 180.0);
            if (d1.scan > 26) {
                d1.scan = 0;
                if (d1.displ)
                    gtk_tooltips_set_tip(tooltips, button_npoint, "click to start npoint scan", NULL);
                d1.azoff = d1.eloff = 0;
                d1.domap = 1;
        if (d1.bsw == 1)
            d1.bswint = 0;
        if (d1.bsw > 0 && d1.bswint == 0) {
            if (d1.bsw == 1)
                d1.clearint = 1;
            i = (d1.bsw - 1) % 4;
            j = 0;
            if (i == 1)
                j = -1;
            if (i == 3)
                j = 1;
            d1.azoff = j * d1.beamw / cos(el);
    if (az >= 0 && d1.stow != 1) {
        d1.azcmd = az * 180.0 / PI + d1.azoff;
        d1.elcmd = el * 180.0 / PI + d1.eloff;
//     printf("inzero azcmd %f ellim2 %f\n",d1.azcmd,d1.ellim2);
    } else {
        azel_to_radec(secs, d1.azcmd, d1.elcmd, &ra, &dec);
        d1.vlsr = vlsr(secs, ra, dec);
    if (mode == 0) {
        d1.integ = 0.0;
        pwr = 0.0;