Пример #1
static void
libeventThreadFunc( void * veh )
    tr_event_handle * eh = veh;

    tr_dbg( "Starting libevent thread" );

#ifndef WIN32
    /* Don't exit when writing on a broken socket */
    signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN );

    eh->h->events = eh;

    /* listen to the pipe's read fd */
    event_set( &eh->pipeEvent, eh->fds[0], EV_READ | EV_PERSIST,
               veh );
    event_add( &eh->pipeEvent, NULL );
    event_set_log_callback( logFunc );
    event_dispatch( );

    tr_lockFree( eh->lock );
    event_base_free( eh->base );
    eh->h->events = NULL;
    tr_free( eh );
    tr_dbg( "Closing libevent thread" );
Пример #2
tr_sessionClose( tr_session * session )
    int            i;
    const int      maxwait_msec = SHUTDOWN_MAX_SECONDS * 1000;
    const uint64_t deadline = tr_date( ) + maxwait_msec;

    assert( tr_isSession( session ) );

    dbgmsg( "shutting down transmission session %p", session );

    /* close the session */
    tr_runInEventThread( session, tr_closeAllConnections, session );
    while( !session->isClosed && !deadlineReached( deadline ) )
            "waiting for the shutdown commands to run in the main thread" );
        tr_wait( 100 );

    /* "shared" and "tracker" have live sockets,
     * so we need to keep the transmission thread alive
     * for a bit while they tell the router & tracker
     * that we're closing now */
    while( ( session->shared
           || session->tracker ) && !deadlineReached( deadline ) )
        dbgmsg( "waiting on port unmap (%p) or tracker (%p)",
                session->shared, session->tracker );
        tr_wait( 100 );

    tr_fdClose( );

    /* close the libtransmission thread */
    tr_eventClose( session );
    while( session->events && !deadlineReached( deadline ) )
        dbgmsg( "waiting for the libevent thread to shutdown cleanly" );
        tr_wait( 100 );

    /* free the session memory */
    tr_bandwidthFree( session->bandwidth );
    tr_lockFree( session->lock );
    for( i = 0; i < session->metainfoLookupCount; ++i )
        tr_free( session->metainfoLookup[i].filename );
    tr_free( session->metainfoLookup );
    tr_free( session->tag );
    tr_free( session->configDir );
    tr_free( session->resumeDir );
    tr_free( session->torrentDir );
    tr_free( session->downloadDir );
    tr_free( session->proxy );
    tr_free( session->proxyUsername );
    tr_free( session->proxyPassword );
    tr_free( session );
Пример #3
tr_fdClose( void )
    int i = 0;

    for( i = 0; i < TR_MAX_OPEN_FILES; ++i )
        if( fileIsOpen( &gFd->open[i] ) )
            TrCloseFile( i );

    tr_lockFree( gFd->lock );

    tr_free( gFd );
    gFd = NULL;
Пример #4
static void
libeventThreadFunc (void * veh)
    struct event_base * base;
    tr_event_handle * eh = veh;

#ifndef WIN32
    /* Don't exit when writing on a broken socket */
    signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

    /* create the libevent bases */
    base = event_base_new ();

    /* set the struct's fields */
    eh->base = base;
    eh->session->event_base = base;
    eh->session->evdns_base = evdns_base_new (base, true);
    eh->session->events = eh;

    /* listen to the pipe's read fd */
    eh->pipeEvent = event_new (base, eh->fds[0], EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, readFromPipe, veh);
    event_add (eh->pipeEvent, NULL);
    event_set_log_callback (logFunc);

    /* loop until all the events are done */
    while (!eh->die)
        event_base_dispatch (base);

    /* shut down the thread */
    tr_lockFree (eh->lock);
    event_base_free (base);
    eh->session->events = NULL;
    tr_free (eh);
    tr_logAddDebug ("Closing libevent thread");
Пример #5
static void
tr_webThreadFunc( void * vsession )
    int unused;
    CURLM * multi;
    struct tr_web * web;
    int taskCount = 0;
    tr_session * session = vsession;

    /* try to enable ssl for https support; but if that fails,
     * try a plain vanilla init */
    if( curl_global_init( CURL_GLOBAL_SSL ) )
        curl_global_init( 0 );

    web = tr_new0( struct tr_web, 1 );
    web->close_mode = ~0;
    web->taskLock = tr_lockNew( );
    web->tasks = NULL;
    multi = curl_multi_init( );
    session->web = web;

    for( ;; )
        long msec;
        CURLMsg * msg;
        CURLMcode mcode;
        struct tr_web_task * task;

        if( web->close_mode == TR_WEB_CLOSE_NOW )
        if( ( web->close_mode == TR_WEB_CLOSE_WHEN_IDLE ) && !taskCount )

        /* add tasks from the queue */
        tr_lockLock( web->taskLock );
        while(( task = tr_list_pop_front( &web->tasks )))
            dbgmsg( "adding task to curl: [%s]", task->url );
            curl_multi_add_handle( multi, createEasy( session, task ));
            /*fprintf( stderr, "adding a task.. taskCount is now %d\n", taskCount );*/
        tr_lockUnlock( web->taskLock );

        /* maybe wait a little while before calling curl_multi_perform() */
        msec = 0;
        curl_multi_timeout( multi, &msec );
        if( msec < 0 )
            msec = THREADFUNC_MAX_SLEEP_MSEC;
        if( msec > 0 )
            int usec;
            int max_fd;
            struct timeval t;
            fd_set r_fd_set, w_fd_set, c_fd_set;

            max_fd = 0;
            FD_ZERO( &r_fd_set );
            FD_ZERO( &w_fd_set );
            FD_ZERO( &c_fd_set );
            curl_multi_fdset( multi, &r_fd_set, &w_fd_set, &c_fd_set, &max_fd );

            if( msec > THREADFUNC_MAX_SLEEP_MSEC )
                msec = THREADFUNC_MAX_SLEEP_MSEC;

            usec = msec * 1000;
            t.tv_sec =  usec / 1000000;
            t.tv_usec = usec % 1000000;

            tr_select( max_fd+1, &r_fd_set, &w_fd_set, &c_fd_set, &t );

        /* call curl_multi_perform() */
        do {
            mcode = curl_multi_perform( multi, &unused );
        } while( mcode == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM );

        /* pump completed tasks from the multi */
        while(( msg = curl_multi_info_read( multi, &unused )))
            if(( msg->msg == CURLMSG_DONE ) && ( msg->easy_handle != NULL ))
                struct tr_web_task * task;
                CURL * e = msg->easy_handle;
                curl_easy_getinfo( e, CURLINFO_PRIVATE, (void*)&task );
                curl_easy_getinfo( e, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &task->code );
                curl_multi_remove_handle( multi, e );
                curl_easy_cleanup( e );
/*fprintf( stderr, "removing a completed task.. taskCount is now %d (response code: %d, response len: %d)\n", taskCount, (int)task->code, (int)evbuffer_get_length(task->response) );*/
                tr_runInEventThread( task->session, task_finish_func, task );

    /* cleanup */
    curl_multi_cleanup( multi );
    tr_lockFree( web->taskLock );
    tr_free( web );
    session->web = NULL;
Пример #6
static void
tr_webThreadFunc( void * vsession )
    CURLM * multi;
    struct tr_web * web;
    int taskCount = 0;
    struct tr_web_task * task;
    tr_session * session = vsession;

    /* try to enable ssl for https support; but if that fails,
     * try a plain vanilla init */
    if( curl_global_init( CURL_GLOBAL_SSL ) )
        curl_global_init( 0 );

    web = tr_new0( struct tr_web, 1 );
    web->close_mode = ~0;
    web->taskLock = tr_lockNew( );
    web->tasks = NULL;
    web->curl_verbose = getenv( "TR_CURL_VERBOSE" ) != NULL;
    web->cookie_filename = tr_buildPath( session->configDir, "cookies.txt", NULL );

    multi = curl_multi_init( );
    session->web = web;

    for( ;; )
        long msec;
        int unused;
        CURLMsg * msg;
        CURLMcode mcode;

        if( web->close_mode == TR_WEB_CLOSE_NOW )
        if( ( web->close_mode == TR_WEB_CLOSE_WHEN_IDLE ) && ( web->tasks == NULL ) )

        /* add tasks from the queue */
        tr_lockLock( web->taskLock );
        while( web->tasks != NULL )
            /* pop the task */
            task = web->tasks;
            web->tasks = task->next;
            task->next = NULL;

            dbgmsg( "adding task to curl: [%s]", task->url );
            curl_multi_add_handle( multi, createEasy( session, web, task ));
            /*fprintf( stderr, "adding a task.. taskCount is now %d\n", taskCount );*/
        tr_lockUnlock( web->taskLock );

        /* maybe wait a little while before calling curl_multi_perform() */
        msec = 0;
        curl_multi_timeout( multi, &msec );
        if( msec < 0 )
            msec = THREADFUNC_MAX_SLEEP_MSEC;
        if( session->isClosed )
            msec = 100; /* on shutdown, call perform() more frequently */
        if( msec > 0 )
            int usec;
            int max_fd;
            struct timeval t;
            fd_set r_fd_set, w_fd_set, c_fd_set;

            max_fd = 0;
            FD_ZERO( &r_fd_set );
            FD_ZERO( &w_fd_set );
            FD_ZERO( &c_fd_set );
            curl_multi_fdset( multi, &r_fd_set, &w_fd_set, &c_fd_set, &max_fd );

            if( msec > THREADFUNC_MAX_SLEEP_MSEC )
                msec = THREADFUNC_MAX_SLEEP_MSEC;

            usec = msec * 1000;
            t.tv_sec =  usec / 1000000;
            t.tv_usec = usec % 1000000;
            tr_select( max_fd+1, &r_fd_set, &w_fd_set, &c_fd_set, &t );

        /* call curl_multi_perform() */
        do {
            mcode = curl_multi_perform( multi, &unused );
        } while( mcode == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM );

        /* pump completed tasks from the multi */
        while(( msg = curl_multi_info_read( multi, &unused )))
            if(( msg->msg == CURLMSG_DONE ) && ( msg->easy_handle != NULL ))
                double total_time;
                struct tr_web_task * task;
                long req_bytes_sent;
                CURL * e = msg->easy_handle;
                curl_easy_getinfo( e, CURLINFO_PRIVATE, (void*)&task );
                curl_easy_getinfo( e, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &task->code );
                curl_easy_getinfo( e, CURLINFO_REQUEST_SIZE, &req_bytes_sent );
                curl_easy_getinfo( e, CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME, &total_time );
                task->did_connect = task->code>0 || req_bytes_sent>0;
                task->did_timeout = !task->code && ( total_time >= task->timeout_secs );
                curl_multi_remove_handle( multi, e );
                curl_easy_cleanup( e );
/*fprintf( stderr, "removing a completed task.. taskCount is now %d (response code: %d, response len: %d)\n", taskCount, (int)task->code, (int)evbuffer_get_length(task->response) );*/
                tr_runInEventThread( task->session, task_finish_func, task );

    /* Discard any remaining tasks.
     * This is rare, but can happen on shutdown with unresponsive trackers. */
    while( web->tasks != NULL ) {
        task = web->tasks;
        web->tasks = task->next;
        dbgmsg( "Discarding task \"%s\"", task->url );
        task_free( task );

    /* cleanup */
    curl_multi_cleanup( multi );
    tr_lockFree( web->taskLock );
    tr_free( web->cookie_filename );
    tr_free( web );
    session->web = NULL;
Пример #7
void tr_msg_done()
	msglock = NULL;
Пример #8
static void
tr_webThreadFunc (void * vsession)
  char * str;
  CURLM * multi;
  struct tr_web * web;
  int taskCount = 0;
  struct tr_web_task * task;
  tr_session * session = vsession;

  /* try to enable ssl for https support; but if that fails,
   * try a plain vanilla init */
  if (curl_global_init (CURL_GLOBAL_SSL))
    curl_global_init (0);

  web = tr_new0 (struct tr_web, 1);
  web->close_mode = ~0;
  web->taskLock = tr_lockNew ();
  web->tasks = NULL;
  web->curl_verbose = getenv ("TR_CURL_VERBOSE") != NULL;
  web->curl_ssl_verify = getenv ("TR_CURL_SSL_VERIFY") != NULL;
  web->curl_ca_bundle = getenv ("CURL_CA_BUNDLE");
  if (web->curl_ssl_verify)
      tr_logAddNamedInfo ("web", "will verify tracker certs using envvar CURL_CA_BUNDLE: %s",
               web->curl_ca_bundle == NULL ? "none" : web->curl_ca_bundle);
      tr_logAddNamedInfo ("web", "NB: this only works if you built against libcurl with openssl or gnutls, NOT nss");
      tr_logAddNamedInfo ("web", "NB: invalid certs will show up as 'Could not connect to tracker' like many other errors");

  str = tr_buildPath (session->configDir, "cookies.txt", NULL);
  if (tr_fileExists (str, NULL))
    web->cookie_filename = tr_strdup (str);
  tr_free (str);

  multi = curl_multi_init ();
  session->web = web;

  for (;;)
      long msec;
      int unused;
      CURLMsg * msg;
      CURLMcode mcode;

      if (web->close_mode == TR_WEB_CLOSE_NOW)
      if ((web->close_mode == TR_WEB_CLOSE_WHEN_IDLE) && (web->tasks == NULL))

      /* add tasks from the queue */
      tr_lockLock (web->taskLock);
      while (web->tasks != NULL)
          /* pop the task */
          task = web->tasks;
          web->tasks = task->next;
          task->next = NULL;

          dbgmsg ("adding task to curl: [%s]", task->url);
          curl_multi_add_handle (multi, createEasy (session, web, task));
          /*fprintf (stderr, "adding a task.. taskCount is now %d\n", taskCount);*/
      tr_lockUnlock (web->taskLock);

      /* unpause any paused curl handles */
      if (paused_easy_handles != NULL)
          CURL * handle;
          tr_list * tmp;

          /* swap paused_easy_handles to prevent oscillation
             between writeFunc this while loop */
          tmp = paused_easy_handles;
          paused_easy_handles = NULL;

          while ((handle = tr_list_pop_front (&tmp)))
            curl_easy_pause (handle, CURLPAUSE_CONT);

      /* maybe wait a little while before calling curl_multi_perform () */
      msec = 0;
      curl_multi_timeout (multi, &msec);
      if (msec < 0)
      if (session->isClosed)
        msec = 100; /* on shutdown, call perform () more frequently */
      if (msec > 0)
          int usec;
          int max_fd;
          struct timeval t;
          fd_set r_fd_set, w_fd_set, c_fd_set;

          max_fd = 0;
          FD_ZERO (&r_fd_set);
          FD_ZERO (&w_fd_set);
          FD_ZERO (&c_fd_set);
          curl_multi_fdset (multi, &r_fd_set, &w_fd_set, &c_fd_set, &max_fd);

          if (msec > THREADFUNC_MAX_SLEEP_MSEC)
            msec = THREADFUNC_MAX_SLEEP_MSEC;

          usec = msec * 1000;
          t.tv_sec =  usec / 1000000;
          t.tv_usec = usec % 1000000;
          tr_select (max_fd+1, &r_fd_set, &w_fd_set, &c_fd_set, &t);

      /* call curl_multi_perform () */
        mcode = curl_multi_perform (multi, &unused);
      while (mcode == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM);

      /* pump completed tasks from the multi */
      while ((msg = curl_multi_info_read (multi, &unused)))
          if ((msg->msg == CURLMSG_DONE) && (msg->easy_handle != NULL))
              double total_time;
              struct tr_web_task * task;
              long req_bytes_sent;
              CURL * e = msg->easy_handle;
              curl_easy_getinfo (e, CURLINFO_PRIVATE, (void*)&task);
              assert (e == task->curl_easy);
              curl_easy_getinfo (e, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &task->code);
              curl_easy_getinfo (e, CURLINFO_REQUEST_SIZE, &req_bytes_sent);
              curl_easy_getinfo (e, CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME, &total_time);
              task->did_connect = task->code>0 || req_bytes_sent>0;
              task->did_timeout = !task->code && (total_time >= task->timeout_secs);
              curl_multi_remove_handle (multi, e);
              tr_list_remove_data (&paused_easy_handles, e);
              curl_easy_cleanup (e);
              tr_runInEventThread (task->session, task_finish_func, task);

  /* Discard any remaining tasks.
   * This is rare, but can happen on shutdown with unresponsive trackers. */
  while (web->tasks != NULL)
      task = web->tasks;
      web->tasks = task->next;
      dbgmsg ("Discarding task \"%s\"", task->url);
      task_free (task);

  /* cleanup */
  tr_list_free (&paused_easy_handles, NULL);
  curl_multi_cleanup (multi);
  tr_lockFree (web->taskLock);
  tr_free (web->cookie_filename);
  tr_free (web);
  session->web = NULL;