int inter_cone_shadow(t_object *obj, t_spobject *lum) { t_inter i; protate(lum, obj); translate1(obj, lum); obj->xrot *= -1; obj->yrot *= -1; obj->zrot *= -1; rotate(lum, obj); i.d = 0; if (cos(obj->angle) != 0) i.d = sin(obj->angle) / cos(obj->angle); i.a = pow(lum->vx, 2) + pow(lum->vy, 2) - pow(lum->vz, 2) * pow(i.d, 2); i.b = 2 * (lum->x * lum->vx + lum->y * lum->vy - (lum->z * (lum->vz) * pow(i.d, 2))); i.c = pow(lum->x, 2) + pow(lum->y, 2) - pow(lum->z, 2) * pow(i.d, 2); = i.b * i.b - 4 * i.a * i.c; i.k = (i.b - sqrt( / (2 * i.a); i.k2 = (i.b + sqrt( / (2 * i.a); translate2(obj, lum); punrotate(lum); unrotate(lum); obj->xrot *= -1; obj->yrot *= -1; obj->zrot *= -1; return (inter_cone_shadow_delta(&i)); }
void inter_plan(t_all *all, t_object *plan) { double k; translate1(plan, &all->eye); rotate(all, plan); if (all->eye.vz != 0) k = -all->eye.z / all->eye.vz; else k = -1; if (k > 0.00001) { plan->k = k; my_cos(all, k, 2, plan); translate2(plan, &all->eye); unrotate(all); calc_lum_vector(all, plan); } else { printf("inside plan\n"); plan->k = -1; unrotate(all); translate2(plan, &all->eye); } }
int inter_cone_shadow(t_all *all, t_object *cone) { t_inter i; translate1(cone, &all->lum); rotatel(all, cone); if (cos(cone->angle) != 0) i.d = sin(cone->angle) / cos(cone->angle); else i.d = 0; i.a = pow(all->lum.vx, 2) + pow(all->lum.vy, 2) - pow(all->lum.vz, 2) * pow(i.d, 2); i.b = 2 * (all->lum.x * all->lum.vx + all->lum.y * all->lum.vy - (all->lum.z * (all->lum.vz) * pow(i.d, 2))); i.c = pow(all->lum.x, 2) + pow(all->lum.y, 2) - pow(all->lum.z, 2) * pow(i.d, 2); = i.b * i.b - 4 * i.a * i.c; i.k = -(-i.b - sqrt( / (2 * i.a); i.k2 = -(-i.b + sqrt( / (2 * i.a); translate2(cone, &all->lum); unrotatel(all); if ( >= 0) if ((i.k2 < 1 && i.k2 > 0.00001) || (i.k < 1 && i.k > 0.00001)) return (-1); return (0); }
int inter_cyl_shadow(t_object *obj, t_spobject *lum) { t_inter i; protate(lum, obj); obj->xrot *= -1; obj->yrot *= -1; obj->zrot *= -1; translate1(obj, lum); rotate(lum, obj); i.a = pow(lum->vx, 2) + pow(lum->vy, 2); i.b = 2 * (lum->x * lum->vx + lum->y * lum->vy); i.c = pow(lum->x, 2) + pow(lum->y, 2) - pow(obj->ray, 2); = i.b * i.b - 4 * i.a * i.c; i.k = (i.b - sqrt( / (2 * i.a); i.k2 = (i.b + sqrt( / (2 * i.a); translate2(obj, lum); punrotate(lum); unrotate(lum); obj->xrot *= -1; obj->yrot *= -1; obj->zrot *= -1; if ( >= 0) if ((i.k2 < 0.9999 && i.k2 > 0.00001) || (i.k < 0.9999 && i.k > 0.00001)) return (-1); return (0); }
void my_cos(t_all *all, double k, int obj, t_object *object) { translate1(object, &all->lum); rotatel(all, object); all->n.px = all->eye.x + (k * all->eye.vx); all-> = all->eye.y + (k * all->eye.vy); all->n.pz = all->eye.z + (k * all->eye.vz); my_normal(all, obj); object->normx = all->n.nx; object->normy = all->n.nx; object->normz = all->n.nx; all->n.cos = (all->n.nx * (all->lum.x - all->n.px)) + (all->n.ny * (all->lum.y - all-> + (all-> * (all->lum.z - all->n.pz)); /* all->n.cos = all->n.nx * all->lum.x2 + all->n.ny * all->lum.y2 */ /* + all-> * all->lum.z2; */ all->n.a2 = /* sqrt( */(all->lum.x - all->n.px) * (all->lum.x - all->n.px) + (all->lum.y - all-> * (all->lum.y - all-> + (all->lum.z - all->n.pz) * (all->lum.z - all->n.pz);//); // object->z2 = sqrt(all->n.a2); if (all->n.cos < 0) all->n.cos = 0; else { all->n.a1 = /* sqrt( */all->n.nx * all->n.nx + all->n.ny * all->n.ny + all-> * all->;//); all->n.cos = all->n.cos / sqrt(all->n.a1 * all->n.a2); } if (object->bright == 0) { object->color_tmp[0] = all->n.cos * object->color[0]; object->color_tmp[1] = all->n.cos * object->color[1]; object->color_tmp[2] = all->n.cos * object->color[2]; } else if (object->bright > 0) { object->color_tmp[0] = all->n.cos * (object->color[0] * (1 - object->bright) + all->lum.color[0] * object->bright); object->color_tmp[1] = all->n.cos * (object->color[1] * (1 - object->bright) + all->lum.color[1] * object->bright); object->color_tmp[2] = all->n.cos * (object->color[2] * (1 - object->bright) + all->lum.color[2] * object->bright); } /* if (object->color[0] > 255) */ /* object->color_tmp[0] = 255; */ /* if (object->color_tmp[1] > 255) */ /* object->color_tmp[1] = 255; */ /* if (object->color_tmp[2] > 255) */ /* object->color_tmp[2] = 255; */ unrotatel(all); translate2(object, &all->lum); }
void inter_sphere(t_all *all, t_object *sphere) { t_inter i; /* printf("************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************\n"); */ /* printf("x %G\n", sphere->x); */ /* printf("y %G\n", sphere->y); */ /* printf("z %G\n", sphere->z); */ /* printf("eyex %G\n", all->eye.x); */ /* printf("eyey %G\n", all->eye.y); */ /* printf("eyez %G\n", all->eye.z); */ /* printf("eyevx %G\n", all->eye.vx); */ /* printf("eyevy %G\n", all->eye.vy); */ /* printf("eyevz %G\n", all->eye.vz); */ /* printf("ray %G\n", sphere->ray); */ /* printf("xrot %G\n", sphere->xrot); */ /* printf("yrot %G\n", sphere->yrot); */ /* printf("zrot %G\n", sphere->zrot); */ /* printf("type %d\n", sphere->type); */ /* printf("bright %G\n", sphere->bright); */ /* printf("color R %d\n", sphere->color[0]); */ /* printf("color G %d\n", sphere->color[1]); */ /* printf("color B %d\n", sphere->color[2]); */ translate1(sphere, &all->eye); i.a = pow(all->eye.vx, 2) + pow(all->eye.vy, 2) + pow(all->eye.vz, 2); i.b = 2 * (all->eye.x * all->eye.vx + all->eye.y * all->eye.vy + all->eye.z * all->eye.vz); i.c = all->eye.x * all->eye.x + all->eye.y * all->eye.y + all->eye.z * all->eye.z - sphere->ray * sphere->ray; = i.b * i.b - 4 * i.a * i.c; i.k = (-i.b - sqrt( / (2 * i.a); i.k2 = (-i.b + sqrt( / (2 * i.a); if (i.k < i.k2 && i.k > 0.00001) { sphere->k = i.k; my_cos(all, i.k, 1, sphere); translate2(sphere, &all->eye); calc_lum_vector(all, sphere); } else if (i.k2 < i.k && i.k2 > 0.00001) { sphere->k = i.k2; my_cos(all, i.k2, 1, sphere); translate2(sphere, &all->eye); calc_lum_vector(all, sphere); } else translate2(sphere, &all->eye); if ( <= 0) { printf("inside sphere\n"); sphere->k = -1; } }
int inter_plan_shadow(t_all *all, t_object *plan) { double k; translate1(plan, &all->lum); rotatel(all, plan); k = all->lum.z / all->lum.vz; translate2(plan, &all->lum); unrotatel(all); if (k < 1 && k > 0.00001) return (-1); return (0); }
void inter_cone(t_all *all, t_object *cone) { t_inter i; translate1(cone, &all->eye); rotate(all, cone); if (cos(cone->angle) != 0) i.d = sin(cone->angle) / cos(cone->angle); else i.d = 0; i.a = pow(all->eye.vx, 2) + pow(all->eye.vy, 2) - pow(all->eye.vz, 2) * pow(i.d, 2); i.b = 2 * (all->eye.x * all->eye.vx + all->eye.y * all->eye.vy - (all->eye.z * (all->eye.vz) * pow(i.d, 2))); i.c = pow(all->eye.x, 2) + pow(all->eye.y, 2) - pow(all->eye.z, 2) * pow(i.d, 2); = i.b * i.b - 4 * i.a * i.c; i.k = (-i.b - sqrt( / (2 * i.a); i.k2 = (-i.b + sqrt( / (2 * i.a); inter_cone2(all, cone, &i); }
int inter_cyl_shadow(t_all *all, t_object *cyl) { t_inter i; translate1(cyl, &all->lum); rotatel(all, cyl); i.a = pow(all->lum.vx, 2) + pow(all->lum.vy, 2); i.b = 2 * (all->lum.x * all->lum.vx + all->lum.y * all->lum.vy); i.c = pow(all->lum.x, 2) + pow(all->lum.y, 2) - pow(cyl->ray, 2); = i.b * i.b - 4 * i.a * i.c; i.k = -(-i.b - sqrt( / (2 * i.a); i.k2 = -(-i.b + sqrt( / (2 * i.a); unrotatel(all); translate2(cyl, &all->lum); if ( >= 0) { if ((i.k2 < 1 && i.k2 > 0.00001) || (i.k < 1 && i.k > 0.00001)) return (-1); } return (0); }
int inter_sphere_shadow(t_all *all, t_object *sphere) { t_inter i; translate1(sphere, &all->lum); i.a = pow(all->lum.vx, 2) + pow(all->lum.vy, 2) + pow(all->lum.vz, 2); i.b = 2 * (all->lum.x * all->lum.vx + all->lum.y * all->lum.vy + all->lum.z * all->lum.vz); i.c = all->lum.x * all->lum.x + all->lum.y * all->lum.y + all->lum.z * all->lum.z - sphere->ray * sphere->ray; = i.b * i.b - 4 * i.a * i.c; translate2(sphere, &all->lum); if ( >= 0) { i.k = -(-i.b - sqrt( / (2 * i.a); i.k2 = -(-i.b + sqrt( / (2 * i.a); if ((i.k2 < 1 && i.k2 > 0.00001) || (i.k < 1 && i.k > 0.00001)) return (-1); } return (0); }
//Scale triangle, used for improve do_intersect results: scale the triangle on its plane, centred in its barycenter inline Triangle triangleScale(Triangle t) { Plane p = t.supporting_plane(); KPoint2 a = p.to_2d(t.vertex(0)); KPoint2 b = p.to_2d(t.vertex(1)); KPoint2 c = p.to_2d(t.vertex(2)); KPoint2 baryc((a.x() + b.x() +c.x())/3.0, (a.y() + b.y() +c.y())/3.0); //TODO: usare margine invece di scale CGAL::Aff_transformation_2<Kernel> translate1(CGAL::TRANSLATION, CGAL::Vector_2<Kernel>(-baryc.x(), -baryc.y())); CGAL::Aff_transformation_2<Kernel> translate2(CGAL::TRANSLATION, CGAL::Vector_2<Kernel>(baryc.x(), baryc.y())); CGAL::Aff_transformation_2<Kernel> scale(CGAL::SCALING, DISJOINTMESH_TRIANGLE_SCALE_VALUE); CGAL::Aff_transformation_2<Kernel> transform = translate2 * (scale * translate1); KPoint2 an = transform(a); KPoint2 bn = transform(b); KPoint2 cn = transform(c); Point an3 = p.to_3d(an); Point bn3 = p.to_3d(bn); Point cn3 = p.to_3d(cn); Triangle tn(an3, bn3, cn3); return tn; }
int inter_plan_shadow(t_object *obj, t_spobject *lum) { double k; protate(lum, obj); translate1(obj, lum); obj->xrot *= -1; obj->yrot *= -1; obj->zrot *= -1; rotate(lum, obj); obj->xrot *= -1; obj->yrot *= -1; obj->zrot *= -1; k = lum->z / lum->vz; translate2(obj, lum); punrotate(lum); unrotate(lum); if (k < 0.9999 && k > 0.00001) return (-1); return (0); }
void inter_cyl(t_all *all, t_object *cyl) { t_inter i; translate1(cyl, &all->eye); rotate(all, cyl); i.a = pow(all->eye.vx, 2) + pow(all->eye.vy, 2); i.b = 2 * (all->eye.x * all->eye.vx + all->eye.y * all->eye.vy); i.c = pow(all->eye.x, 2) + pow(all->eye.y, 2) - pow(cyl->ray, 2); = i.b * i.b - 4 * i.a * i.c; i.k = (-i.b - sqrt( / (2 * i.a); i.k2 = (-i.b + sqrt( / (2 * i.a); if (i.k < i.k2 && i.k > 0.00001) { cyl->k = i.k; my_cos(all, i.k, 3, cyl); unrotate(all); translate2(cyl, &all->eye); calc_lum_vector(all, cyl); } else if (i.k2 < i.k && i.k2 > 0.00001) { cyl->k = i.k2; my_cos(all, i.k2, 3, cyl); unrotate(all); translate2(cyl, &all->eye); calc_lum_vector(all, cyl); } else { unrotate(all); translate2(cyl, &all->eye); } if ( <= 0) cyl->k = -1; }
void GLImageDrawable::updateShadow() { if(!m_shadowDrawable) return; QImage sourceImg = m_imageWithBorder.isNull() ? m_image : m_imageWithBorder; QSizeF originalSizeWithBorder = sourceImg.size(); QPointF scale = m_glw ? QPointF(m_glw->transform().m11(), m_glw->transform().m22()) : QPointF(1.,1.); if(scale.x() < 1.25 && scale.y() < 1.25) scale = QPointF(1,1); double radius = m_shadowBlurRadius; // create temporary pixmap to hold a copy of the text double radiusSpacing = radius;// / 1.75;// * 1.5; double radius2 = radius * 2; // double offx = 0; //fabs(m_shadowOffset.x()); // double offy = 0; //fabs(m_shadowOffset.y()); double newWidth = originalSizeWithBorder.width() + radius2 * scale.x();// blur on both sides //+ offx * scale.x(); double newHeight = originalSizeWithBorder.height() + radius2 * scale.y();// blur on both sides //+ offy * scale.y(); QSizeF blurSize(newWidth,newHeight); // blurSize.rwidth() *= scale.x(); // blurSize.rheight() *= scale.y(); //qDebug() << "GLImageDrawable::applyBorderAndShadow(): Blur size:"<<blurSize<<", originalSizeWithBorder:"<<originalSizeWithBorder<<", radius:"<<radius<<", radius2:"<<radius2<<", m_shadowOffset:"<<m_shadowOffset<<", offx:"<<offx<<", offy:"<<offy<<", scale:"<<scale; QImage tmpImage(blurSize.toSize(),QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); memset(tmpImage.scanLine(0),0,tmpImage.byteCount()); // render the source image into a temporary buffer for bluring QPainter tmpPainter(&tmpImage); //tmpPainter.scale(scale.x(),scale.y());; QPointF translate1(radiusSpacing, radiusSpacing); translate1.rx() *= scale.x(); translate1.ry() *= scale.y(); //qDebug() << "stage1: radiusSpacing:"<<radiusSpacing<<", m_shadowOffset:"<<m_shadowOffset<<", translate1:"<<translate1; //qDebug() << "GLImageDrawable::updateShadow(): translate1:"<<translate1<<", scale:"<<scale; tmpPainter.translate(translate1); tmpPainter.drawImage(0,0,sourceImg); tmpPainter.restore(); // color the orignal image by applying a color to the copy using a QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn operation. // This produces a homogeneously-colored pixmap. QRect imgRect = tmpImage.rect(); tmpPainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceIn); QColor color = m_shadowColor; // clamp m_shadowOpacity to 1.0 because we handle values >1.0 by repainting the blurred image over itself (m_shadowOpacity-1) times. color.setAlpha((int)(255.0 * (m_shadowOpacity > 1.0 ? 1.0 : m_shadowOpacity))); tmpPainter.fillRect(imgRect, color); tmpPainter.end(); // blur the colored text ImageFilters::blurImage(tmpImage, (int)(radius * scale.x())); if(m_shadowOpacity > 1.0) { QPainter painter2(&tmpImage); int times = (int)(m_shadowOpacity - 1.0); // Cap at 10 - an arbitrary cap just to prevent the user from taxing the CPU too much. if(times > 10) times = 10; double finalOpacity = m_shadowOpacity - ((int)m_shadowOpacity); if(finalOpacity < 0.001) finalOpacity = 1.0; QImage copy = tmpImage.copy(); for(int i=0; i<times-1; i++) painter2.drawImage(0,0,copy); //qDebug() << "Overpaint feature: times:"<<times<<", finalOpacity:"<<finalOpacity; painter2.setOpacity(finalOpacity); painter2.drawImage(0,0,copy); painter2.setOpacity(1.0); } // { // QPainter painter2(&tmpImage); // painter2.setPen(Qt::yellow); // // QPointF translate1(radiusSpacing, // radiusSpacing); // translate1.rx() *= scale.x(); // translate1.ry() *= scale.y(); // //qDebug() << "stage1: radiusSpacing:"<<radiusSpacing<<", m_shadowOffset:"<<m_shadowOffset<<", translate1:"<<translate1; // //qDebug() << "GLImageDrawable::updateShadow(): translate1:"<<translate1<<", scale:"<<scale; // // painter2.translate(translate1); // painter2.drawImage(0,0,sourceImg); // painter2.drawRect(sourceImg.rect()); // // } // Notice: Older versions of this shadow code drew the sourceImg back on top of the shadow - // Since we are drawaing the drop shadow as a separate texture below the real image in the // m_shadowDrawable, we are not going to draw the sourceImg on top now. //qDebug() << "GLImageDrawable::updateShadow(): shadow location:"<<point<<", size:"<<tmpImage.size()<<", rect().topLeft():"<<rect().topLeft()<<", m_shadowOffset:"<<m_shadowOffset<<", radiusSpacing:"<<radiusSpacing; bool scaleFlag = dynamic_cast<GLTextDrawable*>(this) == NULL; // double scale_w = scaleFlag ? fabs((double)(rect().width() - sourceImg.width())) / sourceImg.width() : 1.0; // double scale_h = scaleFlag ? fabs((double)(rect().height() - sourceImg.height())) / sourceImg.height() : 1.0; double scale_w = scaleFlag ? m_targetRect.width() / m_sourceRect.width() : 1.0; double scale_h = scaleFlag ? m_targetRect.height() / m_sourceRect.height() : 1.0; // scale_w *= 2; // scale_h *= 2; QSizeF size(((double)tmpImage.width()) * scale_w, ((double)tmpImage.height()) * scale_h); QPointF point = rect().topLeft() + QPointF(m_shadowOffset.x() * scale_w, m_shadowOffset.y() * scale_h) - QPointF(m_shadowBlurRadius * scale_w,m_shadowBlurRadius * scale_h); //qDebug() << "GLImageDrawable::updateShadow: "<<(QObject*)this<<" m_targetRect:"<<m_targetRect.size()<<", m_sourceRect:"<<m_sourceRect.size()<<", scale:"<<scale_w<<"x"<<scale_h<<", tmpImage:"<<tmpImage.size()<<", new size:"<<size<<", point:"<<point; m_shadowDrawable->setRect(QRectF(point, size)); m_shadowDrawable->setImage(tmpImage); //updateGL(); }