static void CG_RenderPolyPool(void)
	if (numParticlesInFrame)
		trap_R_AddPolysToScene(atmPolyShader, 3, atmPolyPool, numParticlesInFrame);
Пример #2
static void CG_DoRailDiscs( qhandle_t hShader, byte color[4], int numSegs, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t dir, const vec3_t right, const vec3_t up )
	int i, j;
	vec3_t	pos[4];
	vec3_t	v;
	int		spanWidth = cg_railWidth.integer;
	float c, s;
	float		scale;
	polyVert_t	verts[4];

	if ( numSegs > 1 )
	if ( !numSegs )

	scale = 0.25;

	for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
		c = cos( DEG2RAD( 45 + i * 90 ) );
		s = sin( DEG2RAD( 45 + i * 90 ) );
		v[0] = ( right[0] * c + up[0] * s ) * scale * spanWidth;
		v[1] = ( right[1] * c + up[1] * s ) * scale * spanWidth;
		v[2] = ( right[2] * c + up[2] * s ) * scale * spanWidth;
		VectorAdd( start, v, pos[i] );

		if ( numSegs > 1 )
			// offset by 1 segment if we're doing a long distance shot
			VectorAdd( pos[i], dir, pos[i] );

	for ( i = 0; i < numSegs; i++ )
		for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
			VectorCopy( pos[j], verts[j].xyz );
			verts[j].st[0] = ( j && j != 3 );
			verts[j].st[1] = ( j < 2 );
			verts[j].modulate[0] = color[0];
			verts[j].modulate[1] = color[1];
			verts[j].modulate[2] = color[2];
			verts[j].modulate[3] = 0xff;

			VectorAdd( pos[j], dir, pos[j] );

		trap_R_AddPolysToScene( hShader, 4, verts, 1, 0, 0 );
Пример #3
void CG_AddTrailToScene(trailJunc_t *trail, int iteration, int numJuncs)
#define MAX_TRAIL_VERTS     2048
	polyVert_t verts[MAX_TRAIL_VERTS];
	polyVert_t outVerts[MAX_TRAIL_VERTS * 3];
	int k, i, n, l, numOutVerts;
	polyVert_t mid;
	float mod[4];
	float sInc = 0.0f, s = 0.0f;   // TTimo: init
	trailJunc_t *j, *jNext;
	vec3_t fwd, up, p, v;
	(void)fwd; // Ignore compiler warning -- Justasic
	// clipping vars
#define TRAIL_FADE_CLOSE_DIST   64.0
#define TRAIL_FADE_FAR_SCALE    4.0
	vec3_t viewProj;
	float viewDist, fadeAlpha;

	// add spark shader at head position
	if(trail->flags & TJFL_SPARKHEADFLARE)
		j = trail;
		VectorCopy(j->pos, p);
		VectorMA(p, -j->width * 2, vup, p);
		VectorMA(p, -j->width * 2, vright, p);
		VectorCopy(p, verts[0].xyz);
		verts[0].st[0] = 0;
		verts[0].st[1] = 0;
		verts[0].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[3] = (unsigned char)(j->alpha * 255.0);

		VectorCopy(j->pos, p);
		VectorMA(p, -j->width * 2, vup, p);
		VectorMA(p, j->width * 2, vright, p);
		VectorCopy(p, verts[1].xyz);
		verts[1].st[0] = 0;
		verts[1].st[1] = 1;
		verts[1].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[3] = (unsigned char)(j->alpha * 255.0);

		VectorCopy(j->pos, p);
		VectorMA(p, j->width * 2, vup, p);
		VectorMA(p, j->width * 2, vright, p);
		VectorCopy(p, verts[2].xyz);
		verts[2].st[0] = 1;
		verts[2].st[1] = 1;
		verts[2].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[3] = (unsigned char)(j->alpha * 255.0);

		VectorCopy(j->pos, p);
		VectorMA(p,  j->width * 2, vup, p);
		VectorMA(p, -j->width * 2, vright, p);
		VectorCopy(p, verts[3].xyz);
		verts[3].st[0] = 1;
		verts[3].st[1] = 0;
		verts[3].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[3] = (unsigned char)(j->alpha * 255.0);

		trap_R_AddPolyToScene(, 4, verts);

//	if (trail->flags & TJFL_CROSSOVER && iteration < 1) {
//		iteration = 1;
//	}

		// first count the number of juncs in the trail
		j = trail;
		numJuncs = 0;
		sInc = 0;


			// check for a dead next junc
			if(!j->inuse && j->nextJunc && !j->nextJunc->inuse)
			else if(j->nextJunc && j->nextJunc->freed)
				// not sure how this can happen, but it does, and causes infinite loops
				j->nextJunc = NULL;

				sInc += VectorDistance(j->nextJunc->pos, j->pos);

			j = j->nextJunc;

	if(numJuncs < 2)

	if(trail->sType == STYPE_STRETCH)
		//sInc = ((1.0 - 0.1) / (float)(numJuncs)); // hack, the end of funnel shows a bit of the start (looping)
		s = 0.05;
		//s = 0.05;
	else if(trail->sType == STYPE_REPEAT)
		s = trail->sTex;

	// now traverse the list
	j = trail;
	jNext = j->nextJunc;
	i = 0;


		// first get the directional vectors to the next junc
		VectorSubtract(jNext->pos, j->pos, fwd);
		GetPerpendicularViewVector(cg.refdef.vieworg, j->pos, jNext->pos, up);

		// if it's a crossover, draw it twice
		if(j->flags & TJFL_CROSSOVER)
			if(iteration > 0)
				ProjectPointOntoVector(cg.refdef.vieworg, j->pos, jNext->pos, viewProj);
				VectorSubtract(cg.refdef.vieworg, viewProj, v);

				if(iteration == 1)
					VectorMA(up, 0.3, v, up);
					VectorMA(up, -0.3, v, up);

		// do fading when moving towards the projection point onto the trail segment vector
		else if(!(j->flags & TJFL_NOCULL) && (j->widthEnd > 4 || jNext->widthEnd > 4))
			ProjectPointOntoVector(cg.refdef.vieworg, j->pos, jNext->pos, viewProj);
			viewDist = Distance(viewProj, cg.refdef.vieworg);

				if(viewDist < TRAIL_FADE_CLOSE_DIST)
					fadeAlpha = 0.0;

				if(fadeAlpha < j->alpha)
					j->alpha = fadeAlpha;

				if(fadeAlpha < jNext->alpha)
					jNext->alpha = fadeAlpha;

		// now output the QUAD for this segment

		// 1 ----
		VectorMA(j->pos, 0.5 * j->width, up, p);
		VectorCopy(p, verts[i].xyz);
		verts[i].st[0] = s;
		verts[i].st[1] = 1.0;

		for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
			verts[i].modulate[k] = (unsigned char)(j->color[k] * 255.0);

		verts[i].modulate[3] = (unsigned char)(j->alpha * 255.0);

		// blend this with the previous junc
		if(j != trail)
			VectorAdd(verts[i].xyz, verts[i - 1].xyz, verts[i].xyz);
			VectorScale(verts[i].xyz, 0.5, verts[i].xyz);
			VectorCopy(verts[i].xyz, verts[i - 1].xyz);
		else if(j->flags & TJFL_FADEIN)
			verts[i].modulate[3] = 0;   // fade in


		// 2 ----
		VectorMA(p, -1 * j->width, up, p);
		VectorCopy(p, verts[i].xyz);
		verts[i].st[0] = s;
		verts[i].st[1] = 0.0;

		for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
			verts[i].modulate[k] = (unsigned char)(j->color[k] * 255.0);

		verts[i].modulate[3] = (unsigned char)(j->alpha * 255.0);

		// blend this with the previous junc
		if(j != trail)
			VectorAdd(verts[i].xyz, verts[i - 3].xyz, verts[i].xyz);
			VectorScale(verts[i].xyz, 0.5, verts[i].xyz);
			VectorCopy(verts[i].xyz, verts[i - 3].xyz);
		else if(j->flags & TJFL_FADEIN)
			verts[i].modulate[3] = 0;   // fade in


		if(trail->sType == STYPE_REPEAT)
			s = jNext->sTex;
			//s += sInc;
			s += VectorDistance(j->pos, jNext->pos) / sInc;

			if(s > 1.0)
				s = 1.0;

		// 3 ----
		VectorMA(jNext->pos, -0.5 * jNext->width, up, p);
		VectorCopy(p, verts[i].xyz);
		verts[i].st[0] = s;
		verts[i].st[1] = 0.0;

		for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
			verts[i].modulate[k] = (unsigned char)(jNext->color[k] * 255.0);

		verts[i].modulate[3] = (unsigned char)(jNext->alpha * 255.0);

		// 4 ----
		VectorMA(p, jNext->width, up, p);
		VectorCopy(p, verts[i].xyz);
		verts[i].st[0] = s;
		verts[i].st[1] = 1.0;

		for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
			verts[i].modulate[k] = (unsigned char)(jNext->color[k] * 255.0);

		verts[i].modulate[3] = (unsigned char)(jNext->alpha * 255.0);

		if(i + 4 > MAX_TRAIL_VERTS)

		j = jNext;
		jNext = j->nextJunc;

	if(trail->flags & TJFL_FIXDISTORT)
		// build the list of outVerts, by dividing up the QUAD's into 4 Tri's each, so as to allow
		//  any shaped (convex) Quad without bilinear distortion
		for(k = 0, numOutVerts = 0; k < i; k += 4)
			VectorCopy(verts[k].xyz,;[0] = verts[k].st[0];[1] = verts[k].st[1];

			for(l = 0; l < 4; l++)
				mod[l] = (float)verts[k].modulate[l];

			for(n = 1; n < 4; n++)
				VectorAdd(verts[k + n].xyz,,;[0] += verts[k + n].st[0];[1] += verts[k + n].st[1];

				for(l = 0; l < 4; l++)
					mod[l] += (float)verts[k + n].modulate[l];

			VectorScale(, 0.25,;[0] *= 0.25;[1] *= 0.25;

			for(l = 0; l < 4; l++)
				mid.modulate[l] = (unsigned char)(mod[l] / 4.0);

			// now output the tri's
			for(n = 0; n < 4; n++)
				outVerts[numOutVerts++] = verts[k + n];
				outVerts[numOutVerts++] = mid;

				if(n < 3)
					outVerts[numOutVerts++] = verts[k + n + 1];
					outVerts[numOutVerts++] = verts[k];


		if(!(trail->flags & TJFL_NOPOLYMERGE))
			trap_R_AddPolysToScene(trail->shader, 3, &outVerts[0], numOutVerts / 3);
			int k;

			for(k = 0; k < numOutVerts / 3; k++)
				trap_R_AddPolyToScene(trail->shader, 3, &outVerts[k * 3]);
		// send the polygons
		// FIXME: is it possible to send a GL_STRIP here? We are actually sending 2x the verts we really need to
		if(!(trail->flags & TJFL_NOPOLYMERGE))
			trap_R_AddPolysToScene(trail->shader, 4, &verts[0], i / 4);
			int k;

			for(k = 0; k < i / 4; k++)
				trap_R_AddPolyToScene(trail->shader, 4, &verts[k * 4]);

	// do we need to make another pass?
	if(trail->flags & TJFL_CROSSOVER)
		if(iteration < 2)
			CG_AddTrailToScene(trail, iteration + 1, numJuncs);

Пример #4
void CG_SurfaceBeam( const refEntity_t *originEnt )
#define NUM_BEAM_SEGS 6
	refEntity_t re;
	int	i, j;
	vec3_t perpvec;
	vec3_t direction, normalized_direction;
	vec3_t	start_points[NUM_BEAM_SEGS], end_points[NUM_BEAM_SEGS];
	vec3_t oldorigin, origin;
	polyVert_t	verts[NUM_BEAM_SEGS*4];
	int			numVerts;

	re = *originEnt;

	oldorigin[0] = re.oldorigin[0];
	oldorigin[1] = re.oldorigin[1];
	oldorigin[2] = re.oldorigin[2];

	origin[0] = re.origin[0];
	origin[1] = re.origin[1];
	origin[2] = re.origin[2];

	normalized_direction[0] = direction[0] = oldorigin[0] - origin[0];
	normalized_direction[1] = direction[1] = oldorigin[1] - origin[1];
	normalized_direction[2] = direction[2] = oldorigin[2] - origin[2];

	if ( VectorNormalize( normalized_direction ) == 0 )

	PerpendicularVector( perpvec, normalized_direction );

	VectorScale( perpvec, 4, perpvec );

	for ( i = 0; i < NUM_BEAM_SEGS ; i++ )
		RotatePointAroundVector( start_points[i], normalized_direction, perpvec, (360.0/NUM_BEAM_SEGS)*i );
		VectorAdd( start_points[i], origin, start_points[i] ); // Note: Q3A incorrectly had this disabled, causing all beams to start at map origin
		VectorAdd( start_points[i], direction, end_points[i] );

	re.customShader =;

	numVerts = 0;
	for ( i = 0; i < NUM_BEAM_SEGS; i++ ) {
		for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
			if ( j && j != 3 )
				VectorCopy( end_points[ (i+(j>1)) % NUM_BEAM_SEGS], verts[numVerts].xyz );
				VectorCopy( start_points[ (i+(j>1)) % NUM_BEAM_SEGS], verts[numVerts].xyz );
			verts[numVerts].st[0] = ( j < 2 );
			verts[numVerts].st[1] = ( j && j != 3 );
			verts[numVerts].modulate[0] = 0xff;
			verts[numVerts].modulate[1] = 0;
			verts[numVerts].modulate[2] = 0;
			verts[numVerts].modulate[3] = 0xff;

	// for acting like Q3A create a custom shader with
	// cull none and blendfunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
	trap_R_AddPolysToScene( re.customShader, 4, verts, NUM_BEAM_SEGS, 0, 0 );
Пример #5
void CG_Spotlight( centity_t *cent, float *color, vec3_t realstart, vec3_t lightDir, int segs, float range, int startWidth, float coneAngle, int flags ) {
	int i, j;
	vec3_t start, traceEnd, proj;
	vec3_t right, up;
	vec3_t v1, v2;
	vec3_t startvec, endvec;        // the vectors to rotate around lightDir to create the circles
	vec3_t conevec;
	vec3_t start_points[MAX_SPOT_SEGS], end_points[MAX_SPOT_SEGS];
	vec3_t coreright;
	polyVert_t verts[MAX_SPOT_SEGS * 4]; // x4 for 4 verts per poly
	polyVert_t plugVerts[MAX_SPOT_SEGS];
	vec3_t endCenter;
	polyVert_t coreverts[4];
	trace_t tr;
	float alpha;
	float radius = 0.0; // TTimo might be used uninitialized
	float coreEndRadius;
	qboolean capStart = qtrue;
	float hitDist;          // the actual distance of the trace impact	(0 is no hit)
	float beamLen;          // actual distance of the drawn beam
	float endAlpha    = 0.0;
	vec4_t colorNorm;       // normalized color vector
	refEntity_t ent;
	vec3_t angles;

	VectorCopy( realstart, start );

	// normalize color
	colorNorm[3] = 0;   // store normalize multiplier in alpha index
	for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
		if ( color[i] > colorNorm[3] ) {
			colorNorm[3] = color[i];    // find largest color value in RGB

	if ( colorNorm[3] != 1 ) {     // it needs to be boosted
		VectorMA( color, 1.0 / colorNorm[3], color, colorNorm );    // FIXME: div by 0
	} else {
		VectorCopy( color, colorNorm );
	colorNorm[3] = color[3];

	if ( flags & SL_NOSTARTCAP ) {
		capStart = qfalse;

	if ( startWidth == 0 ) {   // cone, not cylinder
		capStart = qfalse;

	if ( flags & SL_LOCKTRACETORANGE ) {
		VectorMA( start, range, lightDir, traceEnd );           // trace out to 'range'
	} else {
		VectorMA( start, MAX_SPOT_RANGE, lightDir, traceEnd );  // trace all the way out to max dist

	// first trace to see if anything is hit
	if ( flags & SL_NOTRACE ) {
		tr.fraction = 1.0;  // force no hit
	} else {
		if ( flags & SL_TRACEWORLDONLY ) {
			CG_Trace( &tr, start, NULL, NULL, traceEnd, -1, CONTENTS_SOLID );
		} else {
			CG_Trace( &tr, start, NULL, NULL, traceEnd, -1, MASK_SHOT );

	if ( tr.fraction < 1.0 ) {
		hitDist = beamLen = MAX_SPOT_RANGE * tr.fraction;
		if ( beamLen > range ) {
			beamLen = range;
	} else {
		hitDist = 0;
		beamLen = range;

	if ( flags & SL_LOCKUV ) {
		if ( beamLen < range ) {
			endAlpha = 255.0f * ( color[3] - ( color[3] * beamLen / range ) );

	if ( segs >= MAX_SPOT_SEGS ) {
		segs = MAX_SPOT_SEGS - 1;

	// TODO: adjust segs based on r_lodbias
	// TODO: move much of this to renderer

// model at base
	if ( cent->currentState.modelindex ) {
		memset( &ent, 0, sizeof( ent ) );
		ent.frame = 0;
		ent.oldframe = 0;
		ent.backlerp = 0;
		VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, ent.origin );
		VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, ent.oldorigin );
		ent.hModel = cgs.gameModels[cent->currentState.modelindex];
		//	AnglesToAxis( cent->lerpAngles, ent.axis );
		vectoangles( lightDir, angles );
		AnglesToAxis( angles, ent.axis );
		trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &ent );
		memcpy( &cent->refEnt, &ent, sizeof( refEntity_t ) );

		// push start out a bit so the beam fits to the front of the base model
		VectorMA( start, 14, lightDir, start );

//// BEAM

	PerpendicularVector( up, lightDir );
	CrossProduct( lightDir, up, right );

	// find first vert of the start
	VectorScale( right, startWidth, startvec );
	// find the first vert of the end
	RotatePointAroundVector( conevec, up, lightDir, -coneAngle );
	VectorMA( startvec, beamLen, conevec, endvec );   // this applies the offset of the start diameter before finding the end points

	VectorScale( lightDir, beamLen, endCenter );
	VectorSubtract( endCenter, endvec, coreverts[3].xyz );    // get a vector of the radius out at the end for the core to use
	coreEndRadius = VectorLength( coreverts[3].xyz );
#define CORESCALE 0.6f

//	generate the flat beam 'core'
	if ( !( flags & SL_NOCORE ) ) {
		VectorSubtract( start, cg.refdef.vieworg, v1 );
		VectorNormalize( v1 );
		VectorSubtract( traceEnd, cg.refdef.vieworg, v2 );
		VectorNormalize( v2 );
		CrossProduct( v1, v2, coreright );
		VectorNormalize( coreright );

		memset( &coreverts[0], 0, 4 * sizeof( polyVert_t ) );
		VectorMA( start, startWidth * 0.5f, coreright, coreverts[0].xyz );
		VectorMA( start, -startWidth * 0.5f, coreright, coreverts[1].xyz );
		VectorMA( endCenter, -coreEndRadius * CORESCALE, coreright, coreverts[2].xyz );
		VectorAdd( start, coreverts[2].xyz, coreverts[2].xyz );
		VectorMA( endCenter, coreEndRadius * CORESCALE, coreright, coreverts[3].xyz );
		VectorAdd( start, coreverts[3].xyz, coreverts[3].xyz );

		for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
			coreverts[i].modulate[0] = color[0] * 200.0f;
			coreverts[i].modulate[1] = color[1] * 200.0f;
			coreverts[i].modulate[2] = color[2] * 200.0f;
			coreverts[i].modulate[3] = color[3] * 200.0f;
			if ( i > 1 ) {
				coreverts[i].modulate[3] = 0;

		trap_R_AddPolyToScene(, 4, &coreverts[0] );

// generate the beam cylinder

	for ( i = 0; i <= segs; i++ ) {
		RotatePointAroundVector( start_points[i], lightDir, startvec, ( 360.0f / (float)segs ) * i );
		VectorAdd( start_points[i], start, start_points[i] );

		RotatePointAroundVector( end_points[i], lightDir, endvec, ( 360.0f / (float)segs ) * i );
		VectorAdd( end_points[i], start, end_points[i] );

	for ( i = 0; i < segs; i++ ) {

		j = ( i * 4 );

		VectorCopy( start_points[i], verts[( i * 4 )].xyz );
		verts[j].st[0]  = 0;
		verts[j].st[1]  = 1;
		verts[j].modulate[0] = color[0] * 255.0f;
		verts[j].modulate[1] = color[1] * 255.0f;
		verts[j].modulate[2] = color[2] * 255.0f;
		verts[j].modulate[3] = color[3] * 255.0f;

		VectorCopy( end_points[i], verts[j].xyz );
		verts[j].st[0]  = 0;
		verts[j].st[1]  = 0;
		verts[j].modulate[0] = color[0] * 255.0f;
		verts[j].modulate[1] = color[1] * 255.0f;
		verts[j].modulate[2] = color[2] * 255.0f;
		verts[j].modulate[3] = endAlpha;

		VectorCopy( end_points[i + 1], verts[j].xyz );
		verts[j].st[0]  = 1;
		verts[j].st[1]  = 0;
		verts[j].modulate[0] = color[0] * 255.0f;
		verts[j].modulate[1] = color[1] * 255.0f;
		verts[j].modulate[2] = color[2] * 255.0f;
		verts[j].modulate[3] = endAlpha;

		VectorCopy( start_points[i + 1], verts[j].xyz );
		verts[j].st[0]  = 1;
		verts[j].st[1]  = 1;
		verts[j].modulate[0] = color[0] * 255.0f;
		verts[j].modulate[1] = color[1] * 255.0f;
		verts[j].modulate[2] = color[2] * 255.0f;
		verts[j].modulate[3] = color[3] * 255.0f;

		if ( capStart ) {
			VectorCopy( start_points[i], plugVerts[i].xyz );
			plugVerts[i].st[0]  = 0;
			plugVerts[i].st[1]  = 0;
			plugVerts[i].modulate[0] = color[0] * 255.0f;
			plugVerts[i].modulate[1] = color[1] * 255.0f;
			plugVerts[i].modulate[2] = color[2] * 255.0f;
			plugVerts[i].modulate[3] = color[3] * 255.0f;

	trap_R_AddPolysToScene(, 4, &verts[0], segs );

	// plug up the start circle
	if ( capStart ) {
		trap_R_AddPolyToScene(, segs, &plugVerts[0] );

	// show the endpoint

	if ( !( flags & SL_NOIMPACT ) ) {
		if ( hitDist ) {
			VectorMA( startvec, hitDist, conevec, endvec );

			alpha = 0.3f;
			radius = coreEndRadius * ( hitDist / beamLen );

			VectorNegate( lightDir, proj );
			CG_ImpactMark(, tr.endpos, proj, 0, colorNorm[0], colorNorm[1], colorNorm[2], alpha, qfalse, radius, qtrue, -1 );

	// add d light at end
	if ( !( flags & SL_NODLIGHT ) ) {
		vec3_t dlightLoc;
//		VectorMA(tr.endpos, -60, lightDir, dlightLoc);	// back away from the hit
//		trap_R_AddLightToScene(dlightLoc, 200, colorNorm[0], colorNorm[1], colorNorm[2], 0);	// ,REF_JUNIOR_DLIGHT);
		VectorMA( tr.endpos, 0, lightDir, dlightLoc );    // back away from the hit
//		trap_R_AddLightToScene(dlightLoc, radius*2, colorNorm[0], colorNorm[1], colorNorm[2], 0);	// ,REF_JUNIOR_DLIGHT);
		trap_R_AddLightToScene( dlightLoc, radius * 2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0 );  // ,REF_JUNIOR_DLIGHT);

	// draw flare at source
	if ( !( flags & SL_NOFLARE ) ) {
		qboolean lightInEyes = qfalse;
		vec3_t camloc, dirtolight;
		float dot, deg, dist;
		float flarescale = 0.0;       // TTimo: might be used uninitialized

		// get camera position and direction to lightsource
		VectorCopy( cg.snap->ps.origin, camloc );
		camloc[2] += cg.snap->ps.viewheight;
		VectorSubtract( start, camloc, dirtolight );
		dist = VectorNormalize( dirtolight );

		// first use dot to determine if it's facing the camera
		dot = DotProduct( lightDir, dirtolight );

		// it's facing the camera, find out how closely and trace to see if the source can be seen

		deg = RAD2DEG( M_PI - acos( dot ) );
		if ( deg <= 35 ) { // start flare a bit before the camera gets inside the cylinder
			lightInEyes = qtrue;
			flarescale = 1 - ( deg / 35 );

		if ( lightInEyes ) {   // the dot check succeeded, now do a trace
			if ( tr.fraction != 1 ) {
				lightInEyes = qfalse;


		if ( lightInEyes ) {
			float coronasize = flarescale;
			if ( dist < 512 ) { // make even bigger if you're close enough
				coronasize *= ( 512.0f / dist );

			trap_R_AddCoronaToScene( start, colorNorm[0], colorNorm[1], colorNorm[2], coronasize, cent->currentState.number, qtrue );
		} else {
			// even though it's off, still need to add it, but turned off so it can fade in/out properly
			trap_R_AddCoronaToScene( start, colorNorm[0], colorNorm[1], colorNorm[2], 0, cent->currentState.number, qfalse );

Пример #6

Renders a beam
static void CG_RenderBeam( trailBeam_t *tb )
	trailBeamNode_t   *i = nullptr;
	trailBeamNode_t   *prev = nullptr;
	trailBeamNode_t   *next = nullptr;
	vec3_t            up;
	polyVert_t        verts[( MAX_TRAIL_BEAM_NODES - 1 ) * 4 ];
	int               numVerts = 0;
	baseTrailBeam_t   *btb;
	trailSystem_t     *ts;
	baseTrailSystem_t *bts;

	if ( !tb || !tb->nodes )

	btb = tb->class_;
	ts = tb->parent;
	bts = ts->class_;

	if ( bts->thirdPersonOnly &&
	     ( CG_AttachmentCentNum( &ts->frontAttachment ) == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ||
	       CG_AttachmentCentNum( &ts->backAttachment ) == cg.snap->ps.clientNum ) &&
	     !cg.renderingThirdPerson )

	CG_CalculateBeamNodeProperties( tb );

	i = tb->nodes;

		prev = i->prev;
		next = i->next;

		if ( prev && next )
			//this node has two neighbours
			GetPerpendicularViewVector( cg.refdef.vieworg, next->position, prev->position, up );
		else if ( !prev && next )
			//this is the front
			GetPerpendicularViewVector( cg.refdef.vieworg, next->position, i->position, up );
		else if ( prev && !next )
			//this is the back
			GetPerpendicularViewVector( cg.refdef.vieworg, i->position, prev->position, up );

		if ( prev )
			VectorMA( i->position, i->halfWidth, up, verts[ numVerts ].xyz );
			verts[ numVerts ].st[ 0 ] = i->textureCoord;
			verts[ numVerts ].st[ 1 ] = 1.0f;

			if ( btb->realLight )
				CG_LightVertex( verts[ numVerts ].xyz, i->alpha, verts[ numVerts ].modulate );
				VectorCopy( i->color, verts[ numVerts ].modulate );
				verts[ numVerts ].modulate[ 3 ] = i->alpha;


			VectorMA( i->position, -i->halfWidth, up, verts[ numVerts ].xyz );
			verts[ numVerts ].st[ 0 ] = i->textureCoord;
			verts[ numVerts ].st[ 1 ] = 0.0f;

			if ( btb->realLight )
				CG_LightVertex( verts[ numVerts ].xyz, i->alpha, verts[ numVerts ].modulate );
				VectorCopy( i->color, verts[ numVerts ].modulate );
				verts[ numVerts ].modulate[ 3 ] = i->alpha;


		if ( next )
			VectorMA( i->position, -i->halfWidth, up, verts[ numVerts ].xyz );
			verts[ numVerts ].st[ 0 ] = i->textureCoord;
			verts[ numVerts ].st[ 1 ] = 0.0f;

			if ( btb->realLight )
				CG_LightVertex( verts[ numVerts ].xyz, i->alpha, verts[ numVerts ].modulate );
				VectorCopy( i->color, verts[ numVerts ].modulate );
				verts[ numVerts ].modulate[ 3 ] = i->alpha;


			VectorMA( i->position, i->halfWidth, up, verts[ numVerts ].xyz );
			verts[ numVerts ].st[ 0 ] = i->textureCoord;
			verts[ numVerts ].st[ 1 ] = 1.0f;

			if ( btb->realLight )
				CG_LightVertex( verts[ numVerts ].xyz, i->alpha, verts[ numVerts ].modulate );
				VectorCopy( i->color, verts[ numVerts ].modulate );
				verts[ numVerts ].modulate[ 3 ] = i->alpha;


		if( btb->dynamicLight ) {
			trap_R_AddLightToScene( i->position,
						( float ) btb->dLightColor[ 0 ] / ( float ) 0xFF,
						( float ) btb->dLightColor[ 1 ] / ( float ) 0xFF,
						( float ) btb->dLightColor[ 2 ] / ( float ) 0xFF, 0, 0 );

		i = i->next;
	while ( i );

	trap_R_AddPolysToScene( tb->class_->shader, 4, &verts[ 0 ], numVerts / 4 );