Пример #1
void CG_StartCamera( const char *name, qboolean startBlack ) {
	char lname[MAX_QPATH];

	//if ( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 )	// don't allow camera to start if you're dead
	//	return;

	COM_StripExtension(name, lname);	//----(SA)	added
	strcat( lname, ".camera" );

	if (trap_loadCamera(CAM_PRIMARY, va("cameras/%s", lname))) {
		cg.cameraMode = qtrue;					// camera on in cgame
			CG_Fade(0, 0, 0, 255, cg.time, 0);	// go black
		trap_Cvar_Set( "cg_letterbox", "1" );	// go letterbox
		//trap_SendClientCommand("startCamera");	// camera on in game
		trap_startCamera(CAM_PRIMARY, cg.time);	// camera on in client
	} else {
//----(SA)	removed check for cams in main dir
		cg.cameraMode = qfalse;					// camera off in cgame
		trap_SendClientCommand("stopCamera");	// camera off in game
		trap_stopCamera(CAM_PRIMARY);			// camera off in client
		CG_Fade(0, 0, 0, 0, cg.time, 0);		// ensure fadeup
		trap_Cvar_Set( "cg_letterbox", "0" );
		CG_Printf ("Unable to load camera %s\n",lname);
Пример #2
void CG_StartCamera(const char *name, qboolean startBlack)
	char lname[MAX_QPATH];

	COM_StripExtension(name, lname, sizeof(lname));
	strcat(lname, ".camera");

	if (trap_loadCamera(CAM_PRIMARY, va("cameras/%s", lname)))
		cg.cameraMode = qtrue;                    // camera on in cgame
		if (startBlack)
			CG_Fade(0, 0, 0, 255, cg.time, 0);    // go black
		trap_Cvar_Set("cg_letterbox", "1");       // go letterbox
		//trap_SendClientCommand("startCamera");  // camera on in game
		trap_startCamera(CAM_PRIMARY, cg.time);   // camera on in client
		// removed check for cams in main dir
		cg.cameraMode = qfalse;                 // camera off in cgame
		trap_SendClientCommand("stopCamera");   // camera off in game
		trap_stopCamera(CAM_PRIMARY);           // camera off in client
		CG_Fade(0, 0, 0, 0, cg.time, 0);        // ensure fadeup
		trap_Cvar_Set("cg_letterbox", "0");
		CG_Printf("Unable to load camera %s\n", lname);
Пример #3
void CG_StopCamera( void ) {
	cg.cameraMode = qfalse;					// camera off in cgame
	trap_SendClientCommand("stopCamera");	// camera off in game
	trap_stopCamera(CAM_PRIMARY);			// camera off in client
	trap_Cvar_Set( "cg_letterbox", "0" );

	// fade back into world
	CG_Fade(0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0);
	CG_Fade(0, 0, 0, 0, cg.time + 500, 2000);

Пример #4

Sets cg.refdef view values
static int CG_CalcViewValues( void ) {
	playerState_t   *ps;

	memset( &cg.refdef, 0, sizeof( cg.refdef ) );

	// calculate size of 3D view

	ps = &cg.predictedPlayerState;

	if ( cg.cameraMode ) {
		vec3_t origin, angles;
		float fov = 90;
		float x;

		if ( trap_getCameraInfo( CAM_PRIMARY, cg.time, &origin, &angles, &fov ) ) {
			VectorCopy( origin, cg.refdef.vieworg );
			angles[ROLL] = 0;
			angles[PITCH] = -angles[PITCH];     // (SA) compensate for reversed pitch (this makes the game match the editor, however I'm guessing the real fix is to be done there)
			VectorCopy( angles, cg.refdefViewAngles );
			AnglesToAxis( cg.refdefViewAngles, cg.refdef.viewaxis );

			x = cg.refdef.width / tan( fov / 360 * M_PI );
			cg.refdef.fov_y = atan2( cg.refdef.height, x );
			cg.refdef.fov_y = cg.refdef.fov_y * 360 / M_PI;
			cg.refdef.fov_x = fov;

			trap_SendClientCommand( va( "setCameraOrigin %f %f %f", origin[0], origin[1], origin[2] ) );
			return 0;

		} else {
			cg.cameraMode = qfalse;                 // camera off in cgame
			trap_Cvar_Set( "cg_letterbox", "0" );
			trap_SendClientCommand( "stopCamera" );    // camera off in game
			trap_stopCamera( CAM_PRIMARY );           // camera off in client

			CG_Fade( 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0 );                // go black
			CG_Fade( 0, 0, 0, 0, cg.time + 200, 1500 );   // then fadeup

	// intermission view
	if ( ps->pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION ) {
		VectorCopy( ps->origin, cg.refdef.vieworg );
		VectorCopy( ps->viewangles, cg.refdefViewAngles );
		AnglesToAxis( cg.refdefViewAngles, cg.refdef.viewaxis );
		return CG_CalcFov();

	cg.bobcycle = ( ps->bobCycle & 128 ) >> 7;
	cg.bobfracsin = fabs( sin( ( ps->bobCycle & 127 ) / 127.0 * M_PI ) );
	cg.xyspeed = sqrt( ps->velocity[0] * ps->velocity[0] +
					   ps->velocity[1] * ps->velocity[1] );

	VectorCopy( ps->origin, cg.refdef.vieworg );
	VectorCopy( ps->viewangles, cg.refdefViewAngles );

	// add error decay
	if ( cg_errorDecay.value > 0 ) {
		int t;
		float f;

		t = cg.time - cg.predictedErrorTime;
		f = ( cg_errorDecay.value - t ) / cg_errorDecay.value;
		if ( f > 0 && f < 1 ) {
			VectorMA( cg.refdef.vieworg, f, cg.predictedError, cg.refdef.vieworg );
		} else {
			cg.predictedErrorTime = 0;

	// Ridah, lock the viewangles if the game has told us to
	if ( ps->viewlocked ) {

		if (ps->viewlocked == 4)
			centity_t *tent;
			tent = &cg_entities[ps->viewlocked_entNum];
			VectorCopy (tent->currentState.apos.trBase, cg.refdefViewAngles);
		BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &cg_entities[ps->viewlocked_entNum].currentState.apos, cg.time, cg.refdefViewAngles );

		if ( ps->viewlocked == 2 ) {
			cg.refdefViewAngles[0] += crandom();
			cg.refdefViewAngles[1] += crandom();
	// done.

	if ( cg.renderingThirdPerson ) {
		// back away from character
	} else {
		// offset for local bobbing and kicks

		// Ridah, lock the viewangles if the game has told us to
		if ( ps->viewlocked == 4 ) {
			vec3_t fwd;
			AngleVectors( cg.refdefViewAngles, fwd, NULL, NULL );
			VectorMA( cg_entities[ps->viewlocked_entNum].currentState.pos.trBase, 16, fwd, cg.refdef.vieworg );
		} else if ( ps->viewlocked )     {
			vec3_t fwd;
			float oldZ;
			// set our position to be behind it
			oldZ = cg.refdef.vieworg[2];
			AngleVectors( cg.refdefViewAngles, fwd, NULL, NULL );
			VectorMA( cg_entities[ps->viewlocked_entNum].currentState.pos.trBase, -34, fwd, cg.refdef.vieworg );
			cg.refdef.vieworg[2] = oldZ;
		// done.

	// position eye relative to origin
	AnglesToAxis( cg.refdefViewAngles, cg.refdef.viewaxis );

	if ( cg.hyperspace ) {
		cg.refdef.rdflags |= RDF_NOWORLDMODEL | RDF_HYPERSPACE;

	// field of view
	return CG_CalcFov();