node* treeList(node *n) { node *temp; if(n -> right == NULL && n -> left == NULL) { n -> left = n; n -> right = n; return(n); } else if(n -> right == NULL && n -> left != NULL) { n = appendL(n, treeList(n -> left)); return(n); } else if(n -> left == NULL && n -> right != NULL) { n = appendR(n, treeList(n -> right)); return(n); } else { temp = n -> right; n = appendL(n, treeList(n -> left)); n = appendR(n, treeList(temp)); return(n); } }
int main() { node *root = NULL, *rootb = NULL, *rooth = NULL, *temp; int sum = 25, *a, l = 0; a = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)); root = insert(root, 10); root = insert(root, 7); root = insert(root, 6); root = insert(root, 8); root = insert(root, 13); root = insert(root, 15); root = insert(root, 11); printf("Part2: Size: \t%d\n", size(root, 0)); printf("Part3: Depth: \t%d\n", maxDepth(root)); printf("Part4: Min: \t%d\n", minValue(root)); printf("Part5: Post: \t");printPostorder(root);printf("\n"); printf("Part6: Path Sum: %d %s\n", sum, hasPathSum(root, sum)?"True":"False"); printf("Part7: Leaf Paths");printPaths(root, a, l); printf("\n"); inorder(root);printf("\n"); printf("Part8: Mirror: ");mirror(root);inorder(root);printf("\n"); rootb = insert(rootb, 10); rootb = insert(rootb, 7); rootb = insert(rootb, 6); rootb = insert(rootb, 8); rootb = insert(rootb, 13); rootb = insert(rootb, 15); rootb = insert(rootb, 11); printf("Part9: doubleTree: ");doubleTree(rootb);inorder(rootb);printf("\n"); printf("Part10: sameTree: %s\n", sameTree(root, root)?"True":"False"); mirror(root); printf("Part11: isBST: %s\n", isBST(root)?"True":"False"); printf("Part12: Tree list: "); rooth = treeList(root); temp = rooth -> left; printf("%d ", rooth -> data); while(temp != rooth) { printf("%d ", temp -> data); temp = temp -> left; } printf("\n"); return(0); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ const int Nparam=3; // NUMBER OF PARAMETERS if(argc!=Nparam+1){ std::cout << "main() : arcg = " << argc << " is different from " << Nparam+1 <<". Exiting." << std::endl; std::cout << "Usage : ./main inputList.txt treeList.txt outputFile" << std::endl; exit (1); }; std::string inputList(argv[1]); std::string treeList (argv[2]); std::string outFile (argv[3]); analysisClassL1 analysis (inputList, treeList, outFile);; }
void makePairs(int nEntries=-1, int iHalf=0, int nHalf=1, TString dirOut="/home/llr/cms/ndaci/SKWork/macro/skEfficiency/tagAndProbe/EfficiencyStudy/Study2012/forgot/", TString dirIn="/data_CMS/cms/ndaci/ndaci_2012/SingleElectron/Update/forgot/Elepairs/", TString data="yep", TString nameChain="produceNtuple/eIDSimpleTree", int iJson=-1, TString RunPhase="2011A", bool debug=false) { // Output Log ofstream outlog(dirOut+"log.txt",ios::out); outlog << " <--------------------------------- START --------------------------------->" << endl; // Process the tree if(debug) cout << "process the tree" << endl; vector<TString> treeList(1); treeList[0]="/afs/"; if(data=="Run2012A_13Jul") { treeList = list_Run2012A_13Jul(); } else if(data=="Run2012A_06Aug") { treeList = list_Run2012A_06Aug(); } else if(data=="Run2012B_13Jul") { treeList = list_Run2012B_13Jul(); } else if(data=="Run2012C_24Aug") { treeList = list_Run2012C_24Aug(); } else if(data=="Run2012C_PRV2") { treeList = list_Run2012C_PRV2(); } else if(data=="Run2012D_PRV1") { treeList = list_2012D_PRV1(); } else if(data=="Run2012D_PRV1_up") { treeList = list_2012D_PRV1_up(); } else if(data=="SingEle_ReReco08Nov") { treeList = list_SingEle_ReReco08Nov(); } else if(data=="SingEle_ReReco19Nov") { treeList = list_SingEle_ReReco19Nov(); } else if(data=="DYee_Fall11") { treeList = list_DYee_Fall11(); } /**else { }**/ int n,n1,n2; n = treeList.size() / nHalf ; n1 = iHalf * n ; if( iHalf < (nHalf-1) ) n2 = (iHalf+1) * n ; else if( iHalf == nHalf-1 ) n2 = treeList.size(); for(int i = n1 ; i < n2 ; i++) { if(debug) cout << "process file #" << i << " (n1=" << n1 << " ; n2=" << n2 << ")" << endl; cout<<"process "<<i<<endl; process(nameChain,treeList[i],i,nEntries,dirOut,dirIn,outlog,iJson,RunPhase,debug); if(debug) cout << "processed" << endl; } outlog << " <--------------------------------- DONE --------------------------------->" << endl; if(debug) cout << "DONE" << endl; }