Пример #1
Node *treeMakeMinus(Node **node)
	Node *tmpNode = NULL;

	tmpNode = treeNodeCreate();
	tmpNode->_left = treeNodeCreate();
	tmpNode->_right = treeCopy(node);
	tmpNode->_varOp = '-';


	*node = NULL;

	return tmpNode;
Пример #2
Node *treeCopy(Node **node)
	Node *tmpNode = NULL;

	if (*node == NULL)
		return NULL;

	tmpNode = treeNodeCreate();
	tmpNode->_varOp = (*node)->_varOp;
	tmpNode->_num = (*node)->_num;
	tmpNode->_left = treeCopy(&(*node)->_left);
	tmpNode->_right = treeCopy(&(*node)->_right);

	return tmpNode;
Пример #3
treeObj *msCreateTree(shapefileObj *shapefile, int maxdepth)
  int i;
  treeObj *tree;
  rectObj bounds;

  if(!shapefile) return NULL;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Allocate the tree object                                        */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  tree = (treeObj *) msSmallMalloc(sizeof(treeObj));

  tree->numshapes = shapefile->numshapes;
  tree->maxdepth = maxdepth;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      If no max depth was defined, try to select a reasonable one     */
  /*      that implies approximately 8 shapes per node.                   */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if( tree->maxdepth == 0 ) {
    int numnodes = 1;

    while(numnodes*4 < shapefile->numshapes) {
      tree->maxdepth += 1;
      numnodes = numnodes * 2;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Allocate the root node.                                         */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  tree->root = treeNodeCreate(shapefile->bounds);

  for(i=0; i<shapefile->numshapes; i++) {
    if(msSHPReadBounds(shapefile->hSHP, i, &bounds) == MS_SUCCESS)
      treeAddShapeId(tree, i, bounds);

  return tree;
Пример #4
void treeBuild(Node **node, Stack *st)
	Token token;

	if (stackEmpty(st))

	token = stackTop(st);


	(*node) = treeNodeCreate();
	(*node)->_varOp = token._varOp;
	(*node)->_num = token._num;

	if (isOp((*node)->_varOp))
		treeBuild(&(*node)->_right, st);
		treeBuild(&(*node)->_left, st);
Пример #5
static int treeNodeAddShapeId( treeNodeObj *node, int id, rectObj rect, int maxdepth)
  int i;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      If there are subnodes, then consider whether this object        */
  /*      will fit in them.                                               */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if( maxdepth > 1 && node->numsubnodes > 0 ) {
    for(i=0; i<node->numsubnodes; i++ ) {
      if( msRectContained(&rect, &node->subnode[i]->rect)) {
        return treeNodeAddShapeId( node->subnode[i], id, rect, maxdepth-1);

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Otherwise, consider creating four subnodes if could fit into    */
  /*      them, and adding to the appropriate subnode.                    */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  else if( maxdepth > 1 && node->numsubnodes == 0 ) {
    rectObj half1, half2, quad1, quad2, quad3, quad4;

    treeSplitBounds(&node->rect, &half1, &half2);
    treeSplitBounds(&half1, &quad1, &quad2);
    treeSplitBounds(&half2, &quad3, &quad4);

    if(msRectContained(&rect, &quad1) || msRectContained(&rect, &quad2) ||  msRectContained(&rect, &quad3) || msRectContained(&rect, &quad4)) {
      node->numsubnodes = 4;
      node->subnode[0] = treeNodeCreate(quad1);
      node->subnode[1] = treeNodeCreate(quad2);
      node->subnode[2] = treeNodeCreate(quad3);
      node->subnode[3] = treeNodeCreate(quad4);

      /* recurse back on this node now that it has subnodes */
      return(treeNodeAddShapeId(node, id, rect, maxdepth));

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Otherwise, consider creating two subnodes if could fit into     */
  /*      them, and adding to the appropriate subnode.                    */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#if MAX_SUBNODE == 2
  else if( maxdepth > 1 && node->numsubnodes == 0 ) {
    rectObj half1, half2;

    treeSplitBounds(&node->rect, &half1, &half2);

    if( msRectContained(&rect, &half1)) {
      node->numsubnodes = 2;
      node->subnode[0] = treeNodeCreate(half1);
      node->subnode[1] = treeNodeCreate(half2);

      return(treeNodeAddShapeId(node->subnode[0], id, rect, maxdepth-1));
    } else if(msRectContained(&rect, &half2)) {
      node->numsubnodes = 2;
      node->subnode[0] = treeNodeCreate(&half1);
      node->subnode[1] = treeNodeCreate(&half2);

      return(treeNodeAddShapeId(node->subnode[1], id, rect, maxdepth-1));
#endif /* MAX_SUBNODE == 2 */

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      If none of that worked, just add it to this nodes list.         */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  node->ids = SfRealloc( node->ids, sizeof(ms_int32) * node->numshapes );
  node->ids[node->numshapes-1] = id;

  return MS_TRUE;