Пример #1
Bool two_flags(PosState *myPos, int inside_guess, int flag1_index, int flag2_index) 
  static double x1,x2,y1,y2,x3,y3,dis1,dis2,dis3;
  static Pos p, q;
  static int i;
  static int id1,id2,id3;
  static int maxPoints;

  if (  (flag1_index >= seen_points.num_objects)
      ||(flag2_index >= seen_points.num_objects))
    return FALSE;


  triDistance(x1,y1,dis1,x2,y2,dis2,&(p.x),&(p.y), &(q.x), &(q.y));

  i = common_sense_disambig(p, q, inside_guess, myPos);

  if (  (KNOWN_INSIDE  == i)
      ||(KNOWN_OUTSIDE == i))
    return TRUE;

  return FALSE;
Пример #2
FCL_REAL TriangleDistance::triDistance(const Vec3f& S1, const Vec3f& S2, const Vec3f& S3,
                                       const Vec3f& T1, const Vec3f& T2, const Vec3f& T3,
                                       const Matrix3f& R, const Vec3f& Tl,
                                       Vec3f& P, Vec3f& Q)
  Vec3f T1_transformed = R * T1 + Tl;
  Vec3f T2_transformed = R * T2 + Tl;
  Vec3f T3_transformed = R * T3 + Tl;
  return triDistance(S1, S2, S3, T1_transformed, T2_transformed, T3_transformed, P, Q);
Пример #3
 BVH_REAL TriangleDistance::triDistance(const Vec3f& S1, const Vec3f& S2, const Vec3f& S3,
                                        const Vec3f& T1, const Vec3f& T2, const Vec3f& T3,
                                        const Vec3f R[3], const Vec3f& Tl,
                                        Vec3f& P, Vec3f& Q)
   Vec3f T1_transformed = MxV(R, T1) + Tl;
   Vec3f T2_transformed = MxV(R, T2) + Tl;
   Vec3f T3_transformed = MxV(R, T3) + Tl;
   return triDistance(S1, S2, S3, T1_transformed, T2_transformed, T3_transformed, P, Q);
Пример #4
FCL_REAL TriangleDistance::triDistance(const Vec3f S[3], const Vec3f T[3],
                                       const Matrix3f& R, const Vec3f& Tl,
                                       Vec3f& P, Vec3f& Q)
  Vec3f T_transformed[3];
  T_transformed[0] = R * T[0] + Tl;
  T_transformed[1] = R * T[1] + Tl;
  T_transformed[2] = R * T[2] + Tl;

  return triDistance(S, T_transformed, P, Q);
Пример #5
FCL_REAL TriangleDistance::triDistance(const Vec3f& S1, const Vec3f& S2, const Vec3f& S3,
                                       const Vec3f& T1, const Vec3f& T2, const Vec3f& T3,
                                       Vec3f& P, Vec3f& Q)
  Vec3f S[3];
  Vec3f T[3];
  S[0] = S1; S[1] = S2; S[2] = S3;
  T[0] = T1; T[1] = T2; T[2] = T3;

  return triDistance(S, T, P, Q);
Пример #6
    BVH_REAL TriangleDistance::triDistance(const Vec3f S[3], const Vec3f T[3],
                                           const Vec3f R[3], const Vec3f& Tl,
                                           Vec3f& P, Vec3f& Q)
      Vec3f T_transformed[3];
      T_transformed[0] = MxV(R, T[0]) + Tl;
      T_transformed[1] = MxV(R, T[1]) + Tl;
      T_transformed[2] = MxV(R, T[2]) + Tl;

      return triDistance(S, T_transformed, P, Q);
Пример #7
Bool two_flags_and_line(PosState *pstate, int guess_at_inside)
  /* (f1_x,f1_y) & (f2_x,f2_y) are the xy-coordinates of the flag that I see
     d1,d2 are the distances to the flags angle1,angle2 are the two angles to 
     the flags  */
  Pos p,p1,p2,four_points[4] ;
  int f1=0,f2=0,i=0;
  int num_lines = seen_lines.num_objects;
  static double dist1, dist2;
  static int l1, l2;
  static double d1,d2,d ; /* distance variables */
  static double d_vert,d_horiz ; /* Vertical and horizontal distances */
  static double l_horiz,l_vert ; /* vertical and horizontal line equations */
  static double l;
  double x, y;
  double f1_x, f1_y, f_d1, angle1, f2_x, f2_y, f_d2, angle2;

  /* we know there are at least two flags.  Use nearest ones */



  /* from two flags you can find two possible points: 
     First calculate P1:(x1,y1 & P2:(x2,y2) then use 
     any lines that you can see to dismbigute */
  /* Calculate P1 & P2 here  ...... */

  /* l1 used as temp here */
  l1 = common_sense_disambig(p1, p2, guess_at_inside, pstate);

  if (  (KNOWN_INSIDE == l1)
      ||(KNOWN_OUTSIDE == l1))
      return TRUE;

  /* Now I have P1&P2 but I want to disambiguate */
  if (num_lines == 2) /* I can see two lines l1 & l2 */
      /* set distance to l1 is dist1, and to l2 is dist2 
	 and the angle to l1 is angle1, and to l2 is angle2 */

      dist1  = (seen_lines.objects[0]).distance;
      dist2  = (seen_lines.objects[1]).distance;
      angle1 = (seen_lines.objects[0]).angle;
      angle2 = (seen_lines.objects[1]).angle;
      l1 = (seen_lines.objects[0]).id;
      l2 = (seen_lines.objects[1]).id;
      d1,d2,d ; /* distance variables */
      d_vert,d_horiz ; /* Vertical and horizontal distances */
      l_horiz,l_vert ; /* vertical and horizontal line equations */

      /* now calculate the perpendicular distance to l1 and l2 */  
      d1 = perpend_dist_from_line(dist1,angle1);
      d2 = perpend_dist_from_line(dist2,angle2);

      if (is_perpend(l1,l2)) /* the two lines are perpendicular to each other.
				the info from these two lines give four possi-
				ble points, hopefully only one will intersect
				with the other two that were calculated */

	  for (i = 0 ; i < 4  ; i++) {
	    if (semi_equal(four_points[i].x,p1.x,EPSILON)&&
	    if (semi_equal(four_points[i].x,p2.x,EPSILON)&&
	  if (f1) /* there is an intersection between the four_points and P1 */
	    if (f2) /* check if there is intersection with P2 also */
	      return(FALSE); /* if both P1&P2 intersects - then I can't disambiguate */
	    else { /* only P1 intersects */
	      x = p1.x;
	      y = p1.y;
	  else if (f2) { /* only P2 intersects */
	    x = p2.x;
	    y = p2.y;
	  else return(FALSE); /* none intersects */
      else /* l1 & l2 are parallel */
	  if (!line_equation_of(l1,d1,l2,d2,&l))
	    return FALSE;

	  if (is_vertical(l1)) /* both lines are vertical lines */
	      if (semi_equal(p1.x,l,EPSILON)) /* P1 is on line l */
		if (semi_equal(p2.x,l,EPSILON)) /* but also P2 is on line l */
		  /* then both P1 & P2 are possible - what can I do? 
		     For now just return FALSE */ 
		else { /* p1 is on l, but p2 is not, then pick p1 */
		  x = p1.x ;
		  y = p1.y ;
	      else /* P1 is not on line l */
		if (semi_equal(p2.x,l,EPSILON)) /* but P2 is on line l */
		  { /* p1 is not on l but p2 is, then pick P2 */
		    x = p2.x ;
		    y = p2.y ;
		else /* both p1&p2 are not on l */
	  else /* both lines are vertical */ 
	      if (semi_equal(p1.y,l,EPSILON)) /* P1 is on line l */
		if (semi_equal(p2.y,l,EPSILON)) /* but also P2 is on line l */
		  /* then both P1 & P2 are possible - what can I do? 
		     For now just return FALSE */ 
		else { /* p1 is on l, but p2 is not, then pick p1 */
		  x = p1.x ;
		  y = p1.y ;
	      else /* P1 is not on line l */
		if (semi_equal(p2.y,l,EPSILON)) /* but P2 is on line l */
		  { /* p1 is not on l but p2 is, then pick P2 */
		    x = p2.x ;
		    y = p2.y ;
		else /* both p1&p2 are not on l */
	    } /* end of both lines are vertical */	  
	} /* end of that lines are parallel */
    } /* end of num_lines == 2 */
  else if (num_lines == 1) /* I can see only one line */
      d1  = (seen_lines.objects[0]).distance;
      angle1 = (seen_lines.objects[0]).angle;
      l1 = (seen_lines.objects[0]).id;
      if (is_vertical(l1)) /* is l1 a vertical line */
	  if (collide(p1.x,line_eq(l1),d1)) /* P1  lies on line of distance d1 from l1 */
	    if (collide(p2.x,line_eq(l1),d1)) /* also P2 lies there */
	      /* both P1 & P2 are possible - For now return FALSE */
	    else  /* only P1 is possible */
		x = p1.x ;
		y = p1.y ;
	  else /* P1 is no possible */
	    if (collide(p2.x,line_eq(l1),d1)) /*  P2 lies there */
		x = p2.x ;
		y = p2.y ;
	    else /* both P1 & P2 do not lie on l1 - then both are not possible*/
	} /* end of l1 vertical */
      else /* l1 is horizontal */
	  if (collide(p1.y,line_eq(l1),d1)) /* P1  lies on line of distance d1 from l1 */
	    if (collide(p2.y,line_eq(l1),d1)) /* also P2 lies there */
	      /* both P1 & P2 are possible - For now return FALSE */
	    else  /* only P1 is possible */
		x = p1.x ;
		y = p1.y ;
	  else /* P1 is no possible */
	    if (collide(p2.y,line_eq(l1),d1)) /*  P2 lies there */
		x = p2.x ;
		y = p2.y ;
	    else /* both P1 & P2 do not lie on l1 - then both are not possible*/
	} /* end of l1 horizontal */
    } /* end of num_lines == 1 */
  else { /* num_lines seen == 0 */

  (pstate->pos).x = x;
  (pstate->pos).y = y;

  return TRUE;