Пример #1
void LayerNet::check_grad ( TrainingSet *tptr , float *grad )
   int i, j, n ;
   float f0, f1, deriv, dot, len1, len2 ;

   dot = len1 = len2 = 0.0 ;
   f0 = trial_error ( tptr ) ;

   for (i=0 ; i<nhid1 ; i++) {
      for (j=0 ; j<=nin ; j++) {
         hid1_coefs[i*(nin+1)+j] += .001 ;
         f1 = trial_error ( tptr ) ;
         hid1_coefs[i*(nin+1)+j] -= .001 ;
         deriv = 10000.0 * (f0 - f1) ;
         len1 += *grad * *grad ;
         len2 += deriv * deriv ;
         dot += *grad++ * deriv ;

   for (i=0 ; i<nhid2 ; i++) {
      for (j=0 ; j<=nhid1 ; j++) {
         hid2_coefs[i*(nhid1+1)+j] += .001 ;
         f1 = trial_error ( tptr ) ;
         hid2_coefs[i*(nhid1+1)+j] -= .001 ;
         deriv = 10000.0 * (f0 - f1) ;
         len1 += *grad * *grad ;
         len2 += deriv * deriv ;
         dot += *grad++ * deriv ;

   if (nhid1 == 0)        // No hidden layer
      n = nin ;
   else if (nhid2 == 0)   // One hidden layer
      n = nhid1 ;
   else                   // Two hidden layers
      n = nhid2 ;
   for (i=0 ; i<nout ; i++) {
      for (j=0 ; j<=n ; j++) {
         out_coefs[i*(n+1)+j] += .001 ;
         f1 = trial_error ( tptr ) ;
         out_coefs[i*(n+1)+j] -= .001 ;
         deriv = 10000.0 * (f0 - f1) ;
         len1 += *grad * *grad ;
         len2 += deriv * deriv ;
         dot += *grad++ * deriv ;
Пример #2
void LayerNet::anneal (
   TrainingSet *tptr ,        // Training set to use
   struct LearnParams *lptr , // User's general learning parameters
   LayerNet *bestnet ,        // Work area used to keep best network
   int init                   // Use zero suffix (initialization) anneal parms?
   int ntemps, niters, setback, reg, nvars, key, user_quit ;
   int i, iter, improved, ever_improved, itemp ;
   long seed, bestseed ;
   char msg[80] ;
   double tempmult, temp, fval, bestfval, starttemp, stoptemp, fquit ;
   SingularValueDecomp *sptr ;
   struct AnnealParams *aptr ; // User's annealing parameters
   aptr = lptr->ap ;

   The parameter 'init' is nonzero if we are initializing
   weights for learning.  If zero we are attempting to break
   out of a local minimum.  The main effect  of this parameter
   is whether or not we use the zero suffix variables in the
   anneal parameters.
   A second effect is that regression is used only for
   initialization, not for escape.

   if (init) {
      ntemps = aptr->temps0 ;
      niters = aptr->iters0 ;
      setback = aptr->setback0 ;
      starttemp = aptr->start0 ;
      stoptemp = aptr->stop0 ;
   else {
      ntemps = aptr->temps ;
      niters = aptr->iters ;
      setback = aptr->setback ;
      starttemp = aptr->start ;
      stoptemp = aptr->stop ;

   Initialize other local parameters.  Note that there is no sense using
   regression if there are no hidden layers.  Also, regression is almost
   always counterproductive for local minimum escape.

   fquit = lptr->quit_err ;
   reg = init  &&  nhid1  &&  (lptr->init != 1) ;

   Allocate the singular value decomposition object for REGRESS.
   Also allocate a work area for REGRESS to preserve matrix.

   if (reg) {
      if (nhid1 == 0)         // No hidden layer
         nvars = nin + 1 ;
      else if (nhid2 == 0)    // One hidden layer
         nvars = nhid1 + 1 ;
      else                    // Two hidden layers
         nvars = nhid2 + 1 ;

      MEMTEXT ( "ANNEAL: new SingularValueDecomp" ) ;
      sptr = new SingularValueDecomp ( tptr->ntrain , nvars , 1 ) ;

      if ((sptr == NULL)  || ! sptr->ok) {
         memory_message (
            "for annealing with regression. Try ANNEAL NOREGRESS.");
         if (sptr != NULL)
            delete sptr ;
         neterr = 1.0 ; // Flag failure to LayerNet::learn which called us
         return ;

   For every temperature, the center around which we will perturb is the
   best point so far.  This is kept in 'bestnet', so initialize it to the
   user's starting estimate.   Also, initialize 'bestfval', the best
   function value so far, to be the function value at that starting point.

   copy_weights ( bestnet , this ) ; // Current weights are best so far
   if (init)
      bestfval = 1.e30 ;  // Force it to accept SOMETHING
      bestfval = trial_error ( tptr ) ;

   This is the temperature reduction loop and the iteration within
   temperature loop.  We use a slick trick to keep track of the
   best point at a given temperature.  We certainly don't want to
   replace the best every time an improvement is had, as then we
   would be moving our center about, compromising the global nature
   of the algorithm.  We could, of course, have a second work area
   in which we save the 'best so far for this temperature' point.
   But if there are a lot of variables, the usual case, this wastes
   memory.  What we do is to save the seed of the random number
   generator which created the improvement.  Then later, when we
   need to retrieve the best, simply set the random seed and
   regenerate it.  This technique also saves a lot of copying time
   if many improvements are made for a single temperature.

   temp = starttemp ;
   tempmult = exp( log( stoptemp / starttemp ) / (ntemps-1)) ;
   ever_improved = 0 ;                       // Flags if improved at all
   user_quit = 0 ;                           // Flags user pressed ESCape

   for (itemp=0 ; itemp<ntemps ; itemp++) {  // Temp reduction loop

      improved = 0 ;                         // Flags if this temp improved

      if (init) {
         sprintf ( msg , "\nANNEAL temp=%.2lf ", temp ) ;
         progress_message ( msg ) ;

      for (iter=0 ; iter<niters ; iter++) {  // Iters per temp loop

         seed = longrand () ;                // Get a random seed
         slongrand ( seed ) ;                // Brute force set it
         perturb (bestnet, this, temp, reg) ;// Randomly perturb about best

         if (reg)                            // If using regression, estimate
            fval = regress ( tptr , sptr ) ; // out weights now
         else                                // Otherwise just evaluate
            fval = trial_error ( tptr ) ;

         if (fval < bestfval) {              // If this iteration improved
            bestfval = fval ;                // then update the best so far
            bestseed = seed ;                // and save seed to recreate it
            ever_improved = improved = 1 ;   // Flag that we improved

            if (bestfval <= fquit)           // If we reached the user's
               break ;                       // limit, we can quit

            iter -= setback ;                // It often pays to keep going
            if (iter < 0)                    // at this temperature if we
               iter = 0 ;                    // are still improving
         }                                   // Loop: for all iters at a temp

      if (improved) {                        // If this temp saw improvement
         slongrand ( bestseed ) ;            // set seed to what caused it
         perturb (bestnet, this, temp, reg) ;// and recreate that point
         copy_weights ( bestnet , this ) ;   // which will become next center
         slongrand ( bestseed / 2 + 999 ) ;  // Jog seed away from best

         if (init) {
            sprintf ( msg , " err=%.3lf%% ", 100.0 * bestfval ) ;
            progress_message ( msg ) ;

      if (bestfval <= fquit)  // If we reached the user's
         break ;              // limit, we can quit

      if (kbhit()) {          // Was a key pressed?
         key = getch () ;     // Read it if so
         while (kbhit())      // Flush key buffer in case function key
            getch () ;        // or key was held down
         if (key == 27) {     // ESCape
            user_quit = 1 ;   // Flags user that ESCape was pressed
            break ;

      if (user_quit)
         break ;

      temp *= tempmult ;      // Reduce temp for next pass
      }                       // through this temperature loop

   The trials left this weight set and neterr in random condition.
   Make them equal to the best, which will be the original
   if we never improved.

   Also, if we improved and are using regression, recall that bestnet
   only contains the best hidden weights, as we did not bother to run
   regress when we updated bestnet.  Do that now before returning.

   copy_weights ( this , bestnet ) ; // Return best weights in this net
   neterr = bestfval ;               // Trials destroyed weights, err

   if (ever_improved  &&  reg)
      neterr = regress ( tptr , sptr ) ; // regressed output weights

   if (reg) {
      MEMTEXT ( "ANNEAL: delete SingularValueDecomp" ) ;
      delete sptr ;
Пример #3
int LayerNet::ssg_core (
   TrainingSet *tptr ,        // Training set to use
   struct LearnParams *lptr , // User's general learning parameters
   LayerNet *avgnet ,         // Work area used to keep average weights
   LayerNet *bestnet ,        // And the best so far
   double *work1 ,            // Gradient work vector
   double *work2 ,            // Ditto
   double *grad ,             // Ditto
   double *avg_grad ,         // Ditto
   int n_grad                 // Length of above vectors
   int ntemps, niters, setback, reg, nvars, user_quit ;
   int i, iter, itemp, n_good, n_bad, use_grad ;
   char msg[80] ;
   double tempmult, temp, fval, bestfval, starttemp, stoptemp, fquit ;
   double avg_func, new_fac, gradlen, grad_weight, weight_used ;
   enum RandomDensity density ;
   SingularValueDecomp *sptr ;
   struct AnnealParams *aptr ; // User's annealing parameters

   aptr = lptr->ap ;

   ntemps = aptr->temps0 ;
   niters = aptr->iters0 ;
   setback = aptr->setback0 ;
   starttemp = aptr->start0 ;
   stoptemp = aptr->stop0 ;
   if (aptr->random0 == ANNEAL_GAUSSIAN)
      density = NormalDensity ;
   else if (aptr->random0 == ANNEAL_CAUCHY)
      density = CauchyDensity ;

   if (! (ntemps * niters))
      return 0 ;

   Initialize other local parameters.  Note that there is no sense using
   regression if there are no hidden layers.

   use_grad = (grad != NULL) ;
   fquit = lptr->quit_err ;
   reg = nhid1 ;

   Allocate the singular value decomposition object for REGRESS.
   Also allocate a work area for REGRESS to preserve matrix.

   if (reg) {                 // False if no hidden layers
      if (nhid2 == 0)         // One hidden layer
         nvars = nhid1_n ;
      else                    // Two hidden layers
         nvars = nhid2_n ;

      i = (model == NETMOD_COMPLEX)  ?  2 * tptr->ntrain : tptr->ntrain ;

      if (i < nvars) {
         warning_message ( "Too few training sets for regression." ) ;
         reg = 0 ;
      else {
         MEMTEXT ( "SSG: new SingularValueDecomp" ) ;
         sptr = new SingularValueDecomp ( i , nvars , 1 ) ;

         if ((sptr == NULL)  || ! sptr->ok) {
            memory_message (
               "for SS(G) with regression.  Using total randomization.");
            if (sptr != NULL)
               delete sptr ;
            reg = 0 ;

   For the basic algorithm, we will keep the current 'average' network
   weight set in avgnet.  This will be the moving center about which the
   perturbation is done.
   Although not directly related to the algorithm itself, we keep track
   of the best network ever found in bestnet.  That is what the user
   will get at the end.

   copy_weights ( bestnet , this ) ; // Current weights are best so far
   copy_weights ( avgnet , this ) ;  // Center of perturbation
   bestfval = trial_error ( tptr ) ;

   If this is being used to initialize the weights, make sure that they are
   not identically zero.  Do this by setting bestfval huge so that
   SOMETHING is accepted later.

   if (nhid1) {
      i = nhid1 * nin_n ;
      while (i--) {
         if (fabs(hid1_coefs[i]) > 1.e-10)
            break ;
      if (i < 0)
         bestfval = 1.e30 ;

   Initialize by cumulating a bunch of points

   normal_message ( "Initializing..." ) ;
   avg_func = 0.0 ;                       // Mean function around center
   if (use_grad) {
      for (i=0 ; i<n_grad ; i++)          // Zero the mean gradient
         avg_grad[i] = 0.0 ;

   for (iter=0 ; iter<niters ; iter++) {  // Initializing iterations

      perturb ( avgnet , this , starttemp , reg , density ) ; // Move point

      if (reg)                            // If using regression, estimate
         fval = regress ( tptr , sptr ) ; // out weights now, ignore fval
      if (use_grad)                       // Also need gradient?
         fval = gradient ( tptr , work1 , work2 , grad ) ; // fval redundant
      else if (! reg)                     // If reg we got fval from regress
         fval = trial_error ( tptr ) ;

      avg_func += fval ;                  // Cumulate mean function

      if (use_grad) {                     // Also need gradient?
         for (i=0 ; i<n_grad ; i++)       // Cumulate mean gradient
            avg_grad[i] += grad[i] ;

      if (fval < bestfval) {              // If this iteration improved
         bestfval = fval ;                // then update the best so far
         copy_weights ( bestnet , this ) ; // Keep the network
         if (bestfval <= fquit)           // If we reached the user's
            goto FINISH ;                 // limit, we can quit

      if ((user_quit = user_pressed_escape ()) != 0)
         goto FINISH ;

      } // Loop: for all initial iters

   avg_func /= niters ;          // Mean of all points around avgnet
   new_fac = 1.0 / niters ;      // Weight of each point

   sprintf ( msg , "  avg=%.6lf  best=%.6lf", avg_func, bestfval ) ;
   progress_message ( msg ) ;

   if (use_grad) {               // Also need gradient?
      gradlen = 0.0 ;            // Will cumulate grad length
      for (i=0 ; i<n_grad ; i++) {  // Find gradient mean and length
         avg_grad[i] /= niters ;
         gradlen += avg_grad[i] * avg_grad[i] ;
      gradlen = sqrt ( gradlen ) ;
      grad_weight = 0.5 ;

   This is the temperature reduction loop and the iteration within
   temperature loop.

   temp = starttemp ;
   tempmult = exp( log( stoptemp / starttemp ) / (ntemps-1)) ;
   user_quit = 0 ;                           // Flags user pressed ESCape

   for (itemp=0 ; itemp<ntemps ; itemp++) {  // Temp reduction loop

      n_good = n_bad = 0 ;                   // Counts better and worse

      sprintf ( msg , "Temp=%.3lf ", temp ) ;
      normal_message ( msg ) ;

      for (iter=0 ; iter<niters ; iter++) {  // Iters per temp loop

         if ((n_bad >= 10)  &&
             ((double) n_good / (double) (n_good+n_bad)  <  0.15))
            break ;

         perturb ( avgnet , this , temp ,
                   reg , density ) ;         // Randomly perturb about center

         if (use_grad)                       // Bias per gradient?
            weight_used = shift ( grad , this , grad_weight , reg ) ;

         if (reg) {                          // If using regression, estimate
            fval = regress ( tptr , sptr ) ; // out weights now
            if ((user_quit = user_pressed_escape ()) != 0)
               break ;
            if (fval >= avg_func) {          // If this would raise mean
               ++n_bad ;                     // Count this bad point for user
               continue ;                    // Skip it and try again

         if (use_grad)                       // Need gradient, fval redundant
            fval = gradient ( tptr , work1 , work2 , grad ) ;
         else if (! reg)                     // If reg we got fval from regress
            fval = trial_error ( tptr ) ;

         if ((user_quit = user_pressed_escape ()) != 0)
            break ;

         if (fval >= avg_func) {             // If this would raise mean
            ++n_bad ;                        // Count this bad point for user
            continue ;                       // Skip it and try again

         ++n_good ;

         if (fval < bestfval) {              // If this iteration improved
            bestfval = fval ;                // then update the best so far
            copy_weights ( bestnet , this ) ; // Keep the network

            if (bestfval <= fquit)           // If we reached the user's
               break ;                       // limit, we can quit

            iter -= setback ;                // It often pays to keep going
            if (iter < 0)                    // at this temperature if we
               iter = 0 ;                    // are still improving

         adjust ( avgnet , this , reg , new_fac ) ; // Move center slightly
         avg_func = new_fac * fval  +  (1.0 - new_fac) * avg_func ;
         if (use_grad) {
            grad_weight = new_fac * weight_used + (1.0 - new_fac) * grad_weight ;
            for (i=0 ; i<n_grad ; i++)          // Adjust mean gradient
               avg_grad[i] = new_fac * grad[i] + (1.0 - new_fac) * avg_grad[i] ;
         }                                   // Loop: for all iters at a temp

   Iters within temp loop now complete

      sprintf ( msg , " %.3lf%% improved  avg=%.5lf  best=%.5lf",
         100.0 * n_good / (double) (n_good+n_bad), avg_func, bestfval ) ;
      progress_message ( msg ) ;

      if (use_grad) {
         gradlen = 0.0 ;                        // Will cumulate grad length
         for (i=0 ; i<n_grad ; i++)             // Find gradient length
            gradlen += avg_grad[i] * avg_grad[i] ;
         gradlen = sqrt ( gradlen ) ;
         sprintf ( msg , "  grad=%.5lf", gradlen ) ;
         progress_message ( msg ) ;

      if (bestfval <= fquit)  // If we reached the user's
         break ;              // limit, we can quit

      if (user_quit)
         break ;

      temp *= tempmult ;      // Reduce temp for next pass
      }                       // through this temperature loop

   The trials left this weight set and neterr in random condition.
   Make them equal to the best, which will be the original
   if we never improved.

   copy_weights ( this , bestnet ) ; // Return best weights in this net
   neterr = bestfval ;               // Trials destroyed weights, err

   if (reg) {
      MEMTEXT ( "SSG: delete SingularValueDecomp" ) ;
      delete sptr ;

   if (user_quit)
      return 1 ;
      return 0 ;
Пример #4
double LayerNet::direcmin (
   TrainingSet *tptr , // Training set to use
   double start_err ,  // Error (function value) at starting coefficients
   int itmax ,         // Upper limit on number of iterations allowed
   double eps ,        // Small, but greater than machine precision
   double tol ,        // Brent's tolerance (>= sqrt machine precision)
   double *base ,      // Work area (stepping out point)
   double *direc )     // Work area (stepping out direction)
   int key, user_quit, iter ;
   double step, x1, x2, x3, t1, t2, numer, denom, max_step ;
   double xlow, xhigh, xbest, testdist ;
   double current_err, err, previous_err, step_err ;
   double prevdist, etemp, frecent, fthirdbest, fsecbest, fbest ;
   double tol1, tol2, xrecent, xthirdbest, xsecbest, xmid;
   double  first_step = 2.5 ; // Heuristically found best

   user_quit = 0 ;

   Take one step out in the gradient direction.  First preserve
   original weights for use as departure point parameterized by STEP.

   preserve ( base ) ;   // Establishes a base for stepping out
   step_out ( first_step , direc , base ) ;
   err = trial_error ( tptr ) ;

   If it increased, we had numerical problems computing the direction or
   the direction itself is too large a step.
   Negate the direction and use -1, 0 and 1.618 as first three steps.
   Otherwise use 0, 1 and 2.618 as first three steps.

   if (err > start_err) {
      negate_dir ( direc ) ;
      x1 = -first_step ;
      x2 = 0. ;
      previous_err = err ;
      current_err = start_err ;
   else {
      x1 = 0. ;
      x2 = first_step ;
      previous_err = start_err ;
      current_err = err ;

   At this point we have taken a single step and the function decreased.
   Take one more step in the golden ratio.
   Also keep errors lined up as 'previous_err', 'current_err' and 'err'.
   The corresponding abscissae will be x1, x2 and x3.

   if (kbhit()) {          // Was a key pressed?
      key = getch () ;     // Read it if so
      while (kbhit())      // Flush key buffer in case function key
         getch () ;        // or key was held down
      if (key == 27)       // ESCape
         return (- err) ;

   x3 = x2 + 1.618034 * first_step ;
   step_out ( x3 , direc , base ) ;
   err = trial_error ( tptr ) ;

   We now have three points x1, x2 and x3 with corresponding errors
   of 'previous_err', 'current_err' and 'err'.
   Endlessly loop until we bracket the minimum with the outer two.

   while (err < current_err) {   // As long as we are descending...

      if (kbhit()) {          // Was a key pressed?
         key = getch () ;     // Read it if so
         while (kbhit())      // Flush key buffer in case function key
            getch () ;        // or key was held down
         if (key == 27) {     // ESCape
            user_quit = 1 ;
            break ;


   Try a parabolic fit to estimate the location of the minimum.

      t1 = (x2 - x1) * (current_err - err) ;
      t2 = (x2 - x3) * (current_err - previous_err) ;
      denom = 2. * ( t2 - t1 ) ;
      if (fabs ( denom ) < eps) {
         if (denom > 0.)
            denom = eps ;
            denom = -eps ;
      step = x2 + ((x2 - x1) * t1  -  (x2 - x3) * t2) / denom ;//Here if perfect
      max_step = x2 + 200. * (x3 - x2) ; // Don't jump too far

      if ((x2 - step) * (step - x3)  >  0.) {         // It's between x2 and x3
         step_out ( step , direc , base ) ;
         step_err = trial_error ( tptr ) ;

         if (step_err < err) {   // It worked!  We found min between b and c.

            x1 = x2 ;
            x2 = step ;
            previous_err = current_err ;
            current_err = step_err ;
            goto BOUNDED ;
         else if (step_err > current_err) { // Slight miscalc.  Min at x2.
            x3 = step ;
            err = step_err ;
            goto BOUNDED ;
         else {             // Parabolic fit was total waste.  Use default.
            step = x3 + 1.618034 * (x3 - x2) ;
            step_out ( step , direc , base ) ;
            step_err = trial_error ( tptr ) ;

      else if ((x3 - step) * (step - max_step) > 0.0) { // Between x3 and lim
         step_out ( step , direc , base ) ;
         step_err = trial_error ( tptr ) ;
         if (step_err < err) {  // Decreased, so advance by golden ratio
            x2 = x3 ;
            x3 = step ;
            step = x3 + 1.618034 * (x3 - x2) ;
            current_err = err ;
            err = step_err ;
            step_out ( step , direc , base ) ;
            step_err = trial_error ( tptr ) ;

      else if ((step - max_step) * (max_step - x3)  >= 0.) {  // Beyond limit
         step = max_step ;
         step_out ( step , direc , base ) ;
         step_err = trial_error ( tptr ) ;
         if (step_err < err) {  // Decreased, so advance by golden ratio
            x2 = x3 ;
            x3 = step ;
            step = x3 + 1.618034 * (x3 - x2) ;
            current_err = err ;
            err = step_err ;
            step_out ( step , direc , base ) ;
            step_err = trial_error ( tptr ) ;

      else {  // Wild!  Reject parabolic and use golden ratio.
         step = x3 + 1.618034 * (x3 - x2) ;
         step_out ( step , direc , base ) ;
         step_err = trial_error ( tptr ) ;

   Shift three points and continue endless loop

      x1 = x2 ;
      x2 = x3 ;
      x3 = step ;
      previous_err = current_err ;
      current_err = err ;
      err = step_err ;
      } // Endless stepping out loop

   step_out ( x2 , direc , base);//Leave coefs at min

   if (x1 > x3) {  // We may have switched direction at start.
      t1 = x1 ;    // Brent's method which follows assumes ordered parameter.
      x1 = x3 ;
      x3 = t1 ;

   if (user_quit) {
      update_dir ( x2 , direc ) ;// Make it be the actual dist moved
      return -current_err ;


   At this point we have bounded the minimum between x1 and x3.

   Go to the refinement stage.  We use Brent's algorithm.


  Initialize prevdist, the distance moved on the previous step, to 0 so that
  the 'if (fabs ( prevdist )  >  tol1)' encountered on the first iteration
  below will fail, forcing a golden section the first time.  Also initialize
  step to 0 to avoid a zealous compiler from pointing out that it was
  referenced before being set.

   prevdist = step = 0.0 ;

   We always keep the minimum bracketed between xlow and xhigh.
   xbest has the min function so far (or latest if tie).
   xsecbest and xthirdbest are the second and third best.

   xbest = xsecbest = xthirdbest = x2 ;
   xlow = x1 ;
   xhigh = x3 ;

   fbest = fsecbest = fthirdbest = current_err ;

   Main loop.  For safety we impose a limit on iterations.

   for (iter=0 ; iter<itmax ; iter++) {

      xmid = 0.5 * (xlow + xhigh) ;
      tol1 = tol * (fabs ( xbest ) + eps) ;
      tol2 = 2. * tol1 ;

      if (kbhit()) {          // Was a key pressed?
         key = getch () ;     // Read it if so
         while (kbhit())      // Flush key buffer in case function key
            getch () ;        // or key was held down
         if (key == 27) {     // ESCape
            user_quit = 1 ;
            break ;

   The following convergence test simultaneously makes sure xhigh and
   xlow are close relative to tol2, and that xbest is near the midpoint.
      if (fabs ( xbest - xmid )  <=  (tol2 - 0.5 * (xhigh - xlow)))
         break ;

      if (fabs ( prevdist )  >  tol1) {  // If we moved far enough try parabolic fit
         t1 = (xbest - xsecbest) * (fbest - fthirdbest) ; // Temps for the
         t2 = (xbest - xthirdbest) * (fbest - fsecbest) ; // parabolic estimate
         numer = (xbest - xthirdbest) * t2  -  (xbest - xsecbest) * t1 ;
         denom = 2. * (t1 - t2) ;  // Estimate will be numer / denom
         testdist = prevdist ;     // Will soon verify interval is shrinking
         prevdist = step ;         // Save for next iteration
         if (denom != 0.0)         // Avoid dividing by zero
            step = numer / denom ; // This is the parabolic estimate to min
            step = 1.e30 ;         // Assures failure of next test

         if ((fabs ( step ) < fabs ( 0.5 * testdist ))// If shrinking
          && (step + xbest > xlow)             // and within known bounds
          && (step + xbest < xhigh)) {         // then we can use the
            xrecent = xbest + step ;           // parabolic estimate
            if ((xrecent - xlow  <  tol2)  ||  // If we are very close
                (xhigh - xrecent <  tol2)) {   // to known bounds
               if (xbest < xmid)               // then stabilize
                  step = tol1 ;
                  step = -tol1 ;
         else {  // Parabolic estimate poor, so use golden section
            prevdist = (xbest >= xmid)  ?  xlow - xbest  :  xhigh - xbest ;          // Poor so use    
            step = .3819660 * prevdist ;
      else { // prevdist did not exceed tol1: we did not move far enough
             // to justify a parabolic fit.  Use golden section.
         prevdist = (xbest >= xmid)  ?  xlow - xbest  :  xhigh - xbest ;
         step = .3819660 * prevdist ;

      if (fabs (step)  >=  tol1)     // In order to numerically justify
         xrecent = xbest + step ;    // another trial we must move a
      else {                         // decent distance.
         if (step > 0.)
            xrecent = xbest + tol1 ;
            xrecent = xbest - tol1 ;

   At long last we have a trial point 'xrecent'.  Evaluate the function.

      step_out ( xrecent , direc , base ) ;
      frecent = trial_error ( tptr ) ;

      if (frecent <= fbest) {    // If we improved...
         if (xrecent >= xbest)   // Shrink the (xlow,xhigh) interval by
            xlow = xbest ;       // replacing the appropriate endpoint
            xhigh = xbest ;
         xthirdbest = xsecbest ; // Update x and f values for best,
         xsecbest = xbest ;      // second and third best
         xbest = xrecent ;
         fthirdbest = fsecbest ;
         fsecbest = fbest ;
         fbest = frecent ;

      else {                  // We did not improve
         if (xrecent < xbest) // Shrink the (xlow,xhigh) interval by
            xlow = xrecent ;  // replacing the appropriate endpoint
            xhigh = xrecent ;

         if ((frecent <= fsecbest)   // If we at least beat the second best
          || (xsecbest == xbest)) {  // or we had a duplication
            xthirdbest = xsecbest ;  // we can update the second and third
            xsecbest = xrecent ;     // best, though not the best.
            fthirdbest = fsecbest ;  // Recall that we started iters with
            fsecbest = frecent ;     // best, sec and third all equal.
         else if ((frecent <= fthirdbest) // Oh well.  Maybe at least we can
           || (xthirdbest == xbest)       // beat the third best or rid
           || (xthirdbest == xsecbest)) { // ourselves of a duplication
            xthirdbest = xrecent ;        // (which is how we start the
            fthirdbest = frecent ;        // iterations)
   step_out ( xbest , direc , base );//Leave coefs at min
   update_dir ( xbest , direc ) ;// Make it be the actual distance moved

   if (user_quit)
      return -fbest ;
      return fbest ;