Пример #1
void iuse::marloss(game *g, player *p, item *it, bool t)
 if (p->is_npc())
// If we have the marloss in our veins, we are a "breeder" and will spread
// alien lifeforms.
 if (p->has_trait(PF_MARLOSS)) {
  g->add_msg("As you eat the berry, you have a near-religious experience, feeling at one with your surroundings...");
  p->add_morale(MORALE_MARLOSS, 250, 1000);
  p->hunger = -100;
  monster goo(g->mtypes[mon_blob]);
  goo.friendly = -1;
  int goo_spawned = 0;
  for (int x = p->posx - 4; x <= p->posx + 4; x++) {
   for (int y = p->posy - 4; y <= p->posy + 4; y++) {
    if (rng(0, 10) > trig_dist(x, y, p->posx, p->posy) &&
        rng(0, 10) > trig_dist(x, y, p->posx, p->posy)   )
     g->m.marlossify(x, y);
    if (one_in(10 + 5 * trig_dist(x, y, p->posx, p->posy)) &&
        (goo_spawned == 0 || one_in(goo_spawned * 2))) {
     goo.spawn(x, y);
/* If we're not already carriers of Marloss, roll for a random effect:
 * 1 - Mutate
 * 2 - Mutate
 * 3 - Mutate
 * 4 - Purify
 * 5 - Purify
 * 6 - Cleanse radiation + Purify
 * 7 - Fully satiate
 * 8 - Vomit
 * 9 - Give Marloss mutation
 int effect = rng(1, 9);
 if (effect <= 3) {
  g->add_msg("This berry tastes extremely strange!");
 } else if (effect <= 6) { // Radiation cleanse is below
  g->add_msg("This berry makes you feel better all over.");
  p->pkill += 30;
  this->purifier(g, p, it, t);
 } else if (effect == 7) {
  g->add_msg("This berry is delicious, and very filling!");
  p->hunger = -100;
 } else if (effect == 8) {
  g->add_msg("You take one bite, and immediately vomit!");
 } else if (!p->has_trait(PF_MARLOSS)) {
  g->add_msg("You feel a strange warmth spreading throughout your body...");
 if (effect == 6)
  p->radiation = 0;
Пример #2
 * Method to make monster movement speed consistent in the face of staggering behavior and
 * differing distance metrics.
 * It works by scaling the cost to take a step by
 * how much that step reduces the distance to your goal.
 * Since it incorporates the current distance metric,
 * it also scales for diagonal vs orthoganal movement.
static float get_stagger_adjust( const tripoint &source, const tripoint &destination,
                                 const tripoint &next_step )
    // TODO: push this down into rl_dist
    const float initial_dist =
        trigdist ? trig_dist( source, destination ) : rl_dist( source, destination );
    const float new_dist =
        trigdist ? trig_dist( next_step, destination ) : rl_dist( next_step, destination );
    // If we return 0, it wil cancel the action.
    return std::max( 0.01f, initial_dist - new_dist );
Пример #3
int rl_dist(const tripoint loc1, const tripoint loc2)
    if(trigdist) {
        return trig_dist(loc1, loc2);
    return square_dist(loc1, loc2);
Пример #4
int rl_dist(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
 if(trigdist) {
     return trig_dist( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
 return square_dist( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
Пример #5
void iuse::radio_on(game *g, player *p, item *it, bool t)
 if (t) {	// Normal use
  int best_signal = 0;
  std::string message = "Radio: Kssssssssssssh.";
  for (int k = 0; k < g->cur_om.radios.size(); k++) {
   int signal = g->cur_om.radios[k].strength -
                trig_dist(g->cur_om.radios[k].x, g->cur_om.radios[k].y,
                          g->levx, g->levy);
   if (signal > best_signal) {
    best_signal = signal;
    message = g->cur_om.radios[k].message;
  if (best_signal > 0) {
   for (int j = 0; j < message.length(); j++) {
    if (dice(10, 100) > dice(10, best_signal * 5)) {
     if (!one_in(10))
      message[j] = '#';
      message[j] = char(rng('a', 'z'));
   message = "radio: " + message;
  point p = g->find_item(it);
  g->sound(p.x, p.y, 6, message.c_str());
 } else {	// Turning it off
  g->add_msg("The radio dies.");
  it->active = false;
Пример #6
int rl_dist(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
 if(trigdist) {
     return trig_dist( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
 int dx = abs(x1 - x2), dy = abs(y1 - y2);
 if (dx > dy)
  return dx;
 return dy;
void draw_circle( std::function<void( const int, const int )>set, int x, int y, int rad )
    for( int i = x - rad; i <= x + rad; i++ ) {
        for( int j = y - rad; j <= y + rad; j++ ) {
            if( trig_dist( x, y, i, j ) <= rad ) {
                set( i, j );
Пример #8
void map::apply_light_ray(bool lit[LIGHTMAP_CACHE_X][LIGHTMAP_CACHE_Y],
                          int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey, float luminance, bool trig_brightcalc)
    int ax = abs(ex - sx) << 1;
    int ay = abs(ey - sy) << 1;
    int dx = (sx < ex) ? 1 : -1;
    int dy = (sy < ey) ? 1 : -1;
    int x = sx;
    int y = sy;

    if( sx == ex && sy == ey ) {

    float transparency = LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_CLEAR;
    float light = 0.0;
    int td = 0;
    // TODO: [lightmap] Pull out the common code here rather than duplication
    if (ax > ay) {
        int t = ay - (ax >> 1);
        do {
            if(t >= 0) {
                y += dy;
                t -= ax;

            x += dx;
            t += ay;

            if (INBOUNDS(x, y)) {
                if (!lit[x][y]) {
                    // Multiple rays will pass through the same squares so we need to record that
                    lit[x][y] = true;

                    // We know x is the longest angle here and squares can ignore the abs calculation
                    light = 0.0;
                    if ( trig_brightcalc ) {
                        td = trig_dist(sx, sy, x, y);
                        light = luminance / ( td * td );
                    } else {
                        light = luminance / ((sx - x) * (sx - x));
                    lm[x][y] += light * transparency;
                transparency *= light_transparency(x, y);

            if (transparency <= LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_SOLID) {

        } while(!(x == ex && y == ey));
    } else {
Пример #9
// returns the normalized dx, dy, dz for the current line vector.
// ret.second contains z and can be ignored if unused.
std::pair<std::pair<double, double>, double> slope_of(const std::vector<tripoint> &line)
    assert(!line.empty() && line.front() != line.back());
    const double len = trig_dist(line.front(), line.back());
    double normDx = (line.back().x - line.front().x) / len;
    double normDy = (line.back().y - line.front().y) / len;
    double normDz = (line.back().z - line.front().z) / len;
    std::pair<double, double> retXY = std::make_pair(normDx, normDy);
    // slope of <x, y> z
    std::pair<std::pair<double, double>, double> ret = std::make_pair(retXY, normDz);
    return ret;
Пример #10
void game::fire(player &p, int tarx, int tary, std::vector<point> &trajectory,
                bool burst)
 item ammotmp;
 item* gunmod = p.weapon.active_gunmod();
 it_ammo *curammo = NULL;
 item *weapon = NULL;

 if (p.weapon.has_flag(IF_CHARGE)) { // It's a charger gun, so make up a type
// Charges maxes out at 8.
  int charges = p.weapon.num_charges();
  it_ammo *tmpammo = dynamic_cast<it_ammo*>(itypes["charge_shot"]);

  tmpammo->damage = charges * charges;
  tmpammo->pierce = (charges >= 4 ? (charges - 3) * 2.5 : 0);
  tmpammo->range = 5 + charges * 5;
  if (charges <= 4)
   tmpammo->accuracy = 14 - charges * 2;
  else // 5, 12, 21, 32
   tmpammo->accuracy = charges * (charges - 4);
  tmpammo->recoil = tmpammo->accuracy * .8;
  tmpammo->ammo_effects = 0;
  if (charges == 8)
   tmpammo->ammo_effects |= mfb(AMMO_EXPLOSIVE_BIG);
  else if (charges >= 6)
   tmpammo->ammo_effects |= mfb(AMMO_EXPLOSIVE);
  if (charges >= 5)
   tmpammo->ammo_effects |= mfb(AMMO_FLAME);
  else if (charges >= 4)
   tmpammo->ammo_effects |= mfb(AMMO_INCENDIARY);

  if (gunmod != NULL) {
   weapon = gunmod;
  } else {
   weapon = &p.weapon;
  curammo = tmpammo;
  weapon->curammo = tmpammo;
  weapon->active = false;
  weapon->charges = 0;
 } else if (gunmod != NULL) {
  weapon = gunmod;
  curammo = weapon->curammo;
 } else {// Just a normal gun. If we're here, we know curammo is valid.
  curammo = p.weapon.curammo;
  weapon = &p.weapon;

 ammotmp = item(curammo, 0);
 ammotmp.charges = 1;

 if (!weapon->is_gun() && !weapon->is_gunmod()) {
  debugmsg("%s tried to fire a non-gun (%s).", p.name.c_str(),

 bool is_bolt = false;
 unsigned int effects = curammo->ammo_effects;
// Bolts and arrows are silent
 if (curammo->type == AT_BOLT || curammo->type == AT_ARROW)
  is_bolt = true;

 int x = p.posx, y = p.posy;
 // Have to use the gun, gunmods don't have a type
 it_gun* firing = dynamic_cast<it_gun*>(p.weapon.type);
 if (p.has_trait(PF_TRIGGERHAPPY) && one_in(30))
  burst = true;
 if (burst && weapon->burst_size() < 2)
  burst = false; // Can't burst fire a semi-auto

 bool u_see_shooter = u_see(p.posx, p.posy);
// Use different amounts of time depending on the type of gun and our skill
 p.moves -= time_to_fire(p, firing);
// Decide how many shots to fire
 int num_shots = 1;
 if (burst)
  num_shots = weapon->burst_size();
 if (num_shots > weapon->num_charges() && !weapon->has_flag(IF_CHARGE))
  num_shots = weapon->num_charges();

 if (num_shots == 0)
  debugmsg("game::fire() - num_shots = 0!");

// Set up a timespec for use in the nanosleep function below
 timespec ts;
 ts.tv_sec = 0;
 ts.tv_nsec = BULLET_SPEED;

 // Use up some ammunition
 int trange = trig_dist(p.posx, p.posy, tarx, tary);
 if (trange < int(firing->volume / 3) && firing->ammo != AT_SHOT)
  trange = int(firing->volume / 3);
 else if (p.has_bionic("bio_targeting")) {
  if (trange > LONG_RANGE)
   trange = int(trange * .65);
   trange = int(trange * .8);
 if (firing->skill_used == Skill::skill("rifle") && trange > LONG_RANGE)
  trange = LONG_RANGE + .6 * (trange - LONG_RANGE);
 std::string message = "";

 bool missed = false;
 int tart;
 for (int curshot = 0; curshot < num_shots; curshot++) {
// Burst-fire weapons allow us to pick a new target after killing the first
  if (curshot > 0 &&
      (mon_at(tarx, tary) == -1 || z[mon_at(tarx, tary)].hp <= 0)) {
   std::vector<point> new_targets;
   int mondex;
   for (int radius = 1; radius <= 2 + p.skillLevel("gun") && new_targets.empty();
        radius++) {
    for (int diff = 0 - radius; diff <= radius; diff++) {
     mondex = mon_at(tarx + diff, tary - radius);
     if (mondex != -1 && z[mondex].hp > 0 && z[mondex].friendly == 0)
      new_targets.push_back( point(tarx + diff, tary - radius) );

     mondex = mon_at(tarx + diff, tary + radius);
     if (mondex != -1 && z[mondex].hp > 0 && z[mondex].friendly == 0)
      new_targets.push_back( point(tarx + diff, tary + radius) );

     if (diff != 0 - radius && diff != radius) { // Corners were already checked
      mondex = mon_at(tarx - radius, tary + diff);
      if (mondex != -1 && z[mondex].hp > 0 && z[mondex].friendly == 0)
       new_targets.push_back( point(tarx - radius, tary + diff) );

      mondex = mon_at(tarx + radius, tary + diff);
      if (mondex != -1 && z[mondex].hp > 0 && z[mondex].friendly == 0)
       new_targets.push_back( point(tarx + radius, tary + diff) );
   if (!new_targets.empty()) {
    int target_picked = rng(0, new_targets.size() - 1);
    tarx = new_targets[target_picked].x;
    tary = new_targets[target_picked].y;
    if (m.sees(p.posx, p.posy, tarx, tary, 0, tart))
     trajectory = line_to(p.posx, p.posy, tarx, tary, tart);
     trajectory = line_to(p.posx, p.posy, tarx, tary, 0);
   } else if ((!p.has_trait(PF_TRIGGERHAPPY) || one_in(3)) &&
              (p.skillLevel("gun") >= 7 || one_in(7 - p.skillLevel("gun"))))
    return; // No targets, so return

  // Drop a shell casing if appropriate.
  itype_id casing_type = "null";
  switch(curammo->type) {
  case AT_SHOT: casing_type = "shot_hull"; break;
  case AT_9MM: casing_type = "9mm_casing"; break;
  case AT_22: casing_type = "22_casing"; break;
  case AT_38: casing_type = "38_casing"; break;
  case AT_40: casing_type = "40_casing"; break;
  case AT_44: casing_type = "44_casing"; break;
  case AT_45: casing_type = "45_casing"; break;
  case AT_57: casing_type = "57mm_casing"; break;
  case AT_46: casing_type = "46mm_casing"; break;
  case AT_762: casing_type = "762_casing"; break;
  case AT_223: casing_type = "223_casing"; break;
  case AT_3006: casing_type = "3006_casing"; break;
  case AT_308: casing_type = "308_casing"; break;
  case AT_40MM: casing_type = "40mm_casing"; break;
  default: /*No casing for other ammo types.*/ break;
  if (casing_type != "null") {
   int x = p.posx - 1 + rng(0, 2);
   int y = p.posy - 1 + rng(0, 2);
   std::vector<item>& items = m.i_at(x, y);
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < items.size(); i++)
    if (items[i].typeId() == casing_type &&
        items[i].charges < (dynamic_cast<it_ammo*>(items[i].type))->count) {
   if (i == items.size()) {
    item casing;
    // Casing needs a charges of 1 to stack properly with other casings.
    casing.charges = 1;
    m.add_item(x, y, casing);

  // Use up a round (or 100)
  if (weapon->has_flag(IF_FIRE_100))
   weapon->charges -= 100;

  // Current guns have a durability between 5 and 9.
  // Misfire chance is between 1/64 and 1/1024.
  if (one_in(2 << firing->durability)) {
   add_msg("Your weapon misfired!");

  make_gun_sound_effect(this, p, burst, weapon);
  int trange = calculate_range(p, tarx, tary);
  double missed_by = calculate_missed_by(p, trange, weapon);
// Calculate a penalty based on the monster's speed
  double monster_speed_penalty = 1.;
  int target_index = mon_at(tarx, tary);
  if (target_index != -1) {
   monster_speed_penalty = double(z[target_index].speed) / 80.;
   if (monster_speed_penalty < 1.)
    monster_speed_penalty = 1.;

  if (curshot > 0) {
   if (recoil_add(p) % 2 == 1)
   p.recoil += recoil_add(p) / 2;
  } else
   p.recoil += recoil_add(p);

  if (missed_by >= 1.) {
// We missed D:
// Shoot a random nearby space?
   tarx += rng(0 - int(sqrt(double(missed_by))), int(sqrt(double(missed_by))));
   tary += rng(0 - int(sqrt(double(missed_by))), int(sqrt(double(missed_by))));
   if (m.sees(p.posx, p.posy, x, y, -1, tart))
    trajectory = line_to(p.posx, p.posy, tarx, tary, tart);
    trajectory = line_to(p.posx, p.posy, tarx, tary, 0);
   missed = true;
   if (!burst) {
    if (&p == &u)
     add_msg("You miss!");
    else if (u_see_shooter)
     add_msg("%s misses!", p.name.c_str());
  } else if (missed_by >= .7 / monster_speed_penalty) {
// Hit the space, but not necessarily the monster there
   missed = true;
   if (!burst) {
    if (&p == &u)
     add_msg("You barely miss!");
    else if (u_see_shooter)
     add_msg("%s barely misses!", p.name.c_str());

  int dam = weapon->gun_damage();
  for (int i = 0; i < trajectory.size() &&
       (dam > 0 || (effects & AMMO_FLAME)); i++) {
   if (i > 0)
    m.drawsq(w_terrain, u, trajectory[i-1].x, trajectory[i-1].y, false, true);
// Drawing the bullet uses player u, and not player p, because it's drawn
// relative to YOUR position, which may not be the gunman's position.
   if (u_see(trajectory[i].x, trajectory[i].y)) {
    char bullet = '*';
    if (effects & mfb(AMMO_FLAME))
     bullet = '#';
    mvwputch(w_terrain, trajectory[i].y + VIEWY - u.posy,
                        trajectory[i].x + VIEWX - u.posx, c_red, bullet);
    if (&p == &u)
     nanosleep(&ts, NULL);

   if (dam <= 0) { // Ran out of momentum.
    ammo_effects(this, trajectory[i].x, trajectory[i].y, effects);
    if (is_bolt &&
        ((curammo->m1 == WOOD && !one_in(4)) ||
         (curammo->m1 != WOOD && !one_in(15))))
     m.add_item(trajectory[i].x, trajectory[i].y, ammotmp);
    if (weapon->num_charges() == 0)
     weapon->curammo = NULL;

   int tx = trajectory[i].x, ty = trajectory[i].y;
// If there's a monster in the path of our bullet, and either our aim was true,
//  OR it's not the monster we were aiming at and we were lucky enough to hit it
   int mondex = mon_at(tx, ty);
// If we shot us a monster...
   if (mondex != -1 && (!z[mondex].has_flag(MF_DIGS) ||
       rl_dist(p.posx, p.posy, z[mondex].posx, z[mondex].posy) <= 1) &&
       ((!missed && i == trajectory.size() - 1) ||
        one_in((5 - int(z[mondex].type->size))))) {

    double goodhit = missed_by;
    if (i < trajectory.size() - 1) // Unintentional hit
     goodhit = double(rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)) / 2;

// Penalize for the monster's speed
    if (z[mondex].speed > 80)
     goodhit *= double( double(z[mondex].speed) / 80.);

    std::vector<point> blood_traj = trajectory;
    blood_traj.insert(blood_traj.begin(), point(p.posx, p.posy));
    splatter(this, blood_traj, dam, &z[mondex]);
    shoot_monster(this, p, z[mondex], dam, goodhit, weapon);

   } else if ((!missed || one_in(3)) &&
              (npc_at(tx, ty) != -1 || (u.posx == tx && u.posy == ty)))  {
    double goodhit = missed_by;
    if (i < trajectory.size() - 1) // Unintentional hit
     goodhit = double(rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)) / 2;
    player *h;
    if (u.posx == tx && u.posy == ty)
     h = &u;
     h = active_npc[npc_at(tx, ty)];

    std::vector<point> blood_traj = trajectory;
    blood_traj.insert(blood_traj.begin(), point(p.posx, p.posy));
    splatter(this, blood_traj, dam);
    shoot_player(this, p, h, dam, goodhit);

   } else
    m.shoot(this, tx, ty, dam, i == trajectory.size() - 1, effects);
  } // Done with the trajectory!

  int lastx = trajectory[trajectory.size() - 1].x;
  int lasty = trajectory[trajectory.size() - 1].y;
  ammo_effects(this, lastx, lasty, effects);

  if (m.move_cost(lastx, lasty) == 0) {
   lastx = trajectory[trajectory.size() - 2].x;
   lasty = trajectory[trajectory.size() - 2].y;
  if (is_bolt &&
      ((curammo->m1 == WOOD && !one_in(5)) ||
       (curammo->m1 != WOOD && !one_in(15))  ))
    m.add_item(lastx, lasty, ammotmp);

 if (weapon->num_charges() == 0)
  weapon->curammo = NULL;
Пример #11
int trig_dist(const int x1, const int y1, const int x2, const int y2)
    return trig_dist(tripoint(x1, y1, 0),tripoint(x2, y2, 0));
Пример #12
std::vector<point> game::target(int &x, int &y, int lowx, int lowy, int hix,
                                int hiy, std::vector <monster> t, int &target,
                                item *relevent)
 std::vector<point> ret;
 int tarx, tary, junk, tart;
 int range=(hix-u.posx);
// First, decide on a target among the monsters, if there are any in range
 if (t.size() > 0) {
// Check for previous target
  if (target == -1) {
// If no previous target, target the closest there is
   double closest = -1;
   double dist;
   for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) {
    dist = rl_dist(t[i].posx, t[i].posy, u.posx, u.posy);
    if (closest < 0 || dist < closest) {
     closest = dist;
     target = i;
  x = t[target].posx;
  y = t[target].posy;
 } else
  target = -1;	// No monsters in range, don't use target, reset to -1

 int sideStyle = (OPTIONS["SIDEBAR_STYLE"] == "Narrow");
 int height = 13;
 int width  = getmaxx(w_messages);
 int top    = sideStyle ? getbegy(w_messages) : (getbegy(w_minimap) + getmaxy(w_minimap));
 int left   = getbegx(w_messages);
 WINDOW* w_target = newwin(height, width, top, left);
 mvwprintz(w_target, 0, 2, c_white, "< ");
 if (!relevent) { // currently targetting vehicle to refill with fuel
   wprintz(w_target, c_red, _("Select a vehicle"));
 } else {
   if (relevent == &u.weapon && relevent->is_gun()) {
     wprintz(w_target, c_red, _("Firing %s (%d)"), // - %s (%d)",
            u.weapon.tname().c_str(),// u.weapon.curammo->name.c_str(),
   } else {
     wprintz(w_target, c_red, _("Throwing %s"), relevent->tname().c_str());
 wprintz(w_target, c_white, " >");
/* Annoying clutter @ 2 3 4. */
 mvwprintz(w_target, getmaxy(w_target) - 4, 1, c_white,
           _("Move cursor to target with directional keys"));
 if (relevent) {
  mvwprintz(w_target, getmaxy(w_target) - 3, 1, c_white,
            _("'<' '>' Cycle targets; 'f' or '.' to fire"));
  mvwprintz(w_target, getmaxy(w_target) - 2, 1, c_white,
            _("'0' target self; '*' toggle snap-to-target"));

 char ch;
 bool snap_to_target = OPTIONS["SNAP_TO_TARGET"];
 do {
  if (m.sees(u.posx, u.posy, x, y, -1, tart))
    ret = line_to(u.posx, u.posy, x, y, tart);
    ret = line_to(u.posx, u.posy, x, y, 0);

  if(trigdist && trig_dist(u.posx,u.posy, x,y) > range) {
    bool cont=true;
    int cx=x;
    int cy=y;
    for (int i = 0; i < ret.size() && cont; i++) {
      if(trig_dist(u.posx,u.posy, ret[i].x, ret[i].y) > range) {
      } else {
        cx=0+ret[i].x; cy=0+ret[i].y;
  point center;
  if (snap_to_target)
   center = point(x, y);
   center = point(u.posx + u.view_offset_x, u.posy + u.view_offset_y);
  // Clear the target window.
  for (int i = 1; i < getmaxy(w_target) - 5; i++) {
   for (int j = 1; j < getmaxx(w_target) - 2; j++)
    mvwputch(w_target, i, j, c_white, ' ');
  m.draw(this, w_terrain, center);
  // Draw the Monsters
  for (int i = 0; i < z.size(); i++) {
   if (u_see(&(z[i]))) {
    z[i].draw(w_terrain, center.x, center.y, false);
  // Draw the NPCs
  for (int i = 0; i < active_npc.size(); i++) {
   if (u_see(active_npc[i]->posx, active_npc[i]->posy))
    active_npc[i]->draw(w_terrain, center.x, center.y, false);
  if (x != u.posx || y != u.posy) {

   // Draw the player
   int atx = VIEWX + u.posx - center.x, aty = VIEWY + u.posy - center.y;
   if (atx >= 0 && atx < TERRAIN_WINDOW_WIDTH && aty >= 0 && aty < TERRAIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT)
    mvwputch(w_terrain, aty, atx, u.color(), '@');

   // Only draw a highlighted trajectory if we can see the endpoint.
   // Provides feedback to the player, and avoids leaking information about tiles they can't see.
   if (u_see( x, y)) {
    for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) {
      int mondex = mon_at(ret[i].x, ret[i].y),
          npcdex = npc_at(ret[i].x, ret[i].y);
      // NPCs and monsters get drawn with inverted colors
      if (mondex != -1 && u_see(&(z[mondex])))
       z[mondex].draw(w_terrain, center.x, center.y, true);
      else if (npcdex != -1)
       active_npc[npcdex]->draw(w_terrain, center.x, center.y, true);
       m.drawsq(w_terrain, u, ret[i].x, ret[i].y, true,true,center.x, center.y);

   if (!relevent) { // currently targetting vehicle to refill with fuel
    vehicle *veh = m.veh_at(x, y);
    if (veh)
     mvwprintw(w_target, 1, 1, _("There is a %s"), veh->name.c_str());
   } else
    mvwprintw(w_target, 1, 1, _("Range: %d"), rl_dist(u.posx, u.posy, x, y));

   if (mon_at(x, y) == -1) {
    if (snap_to_target)
     mvwputch(w_terrain, VIEWY, VIEWX, c_red, '*');
     mvwputch(w_terrain, VIEWY + y - center.y, VIEWX + x - center.x, c_red, '*');
   } else if (u_see(&(z[mon_at(x, y)]))) {
    z[mon_at(x, y)].print_info(this, w_target,2);
  ch = input();
  get_direction(this, tarx, tary, ch);
  if (tarx != -2 && tary != -2 && ch != '.') {	// Direction character pressed
   int mondex = mon_at(x, y), npcdex = npc_at(x, y);
   if (mondex != -1 && u_see(&(z[mondex])))
    z[mondex].draw(w_terrain, center.x, center.y, false);
   else if (npcdex != -1)
    active_npc[npcdex]->draw(w_terrain, center.x, center.y, false);
   else if (m.sees(u.posx, u.posy, x, y, -1, junk))
    m.drawsq(w_terrain, u, x, y, false, true, center.x, center.y);
    mvwputch(w_terrain, VIEWY, VIEWX, c_black, 'X');
   x += tarx;
   y += tary;
   if (x < lowx)
    x = lowx;
   else if (x > hix)
    x = hix;
   if (y < lowy)
    y = lowy;
   else if (y > hiy)
    y = hiy;
  } else if ((ch == '<') && (target != -1)) {
   if (target == -1) target = t.size() - 1;
   x = t[target].posx;
   y = t[target].posy;
  } else if ((ch == '>') && (target != -1)) {
   if (target == t.size()) target = 0;
   x = t[target].posx;
   y = t[target].posy;
  } else if (ch == '.' || ch == 'f' || ch == 'F' || ch == '\n') {
   for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) {
    if (t[i].posx == x && t[i].posy == y)
     target = i;
   if (u.posx == x && u.posy == y)
  } else if (ch == '0') {
   x = u.posx;
   y = u.posy;
  } else if (ch == '*')
   snap_to_target = !snap_to_target;
  else if (ch == KEY_ESCAPE || ch == 'q') { // return empty vector (cancel)
 } while (true);

 return ret;
Пример #13
// TODO: Shunt redundant drawing code elsewhere
std::vector<point> game::target(int &x, int &y, int lowx, int lowy, int hix,
                                int hiy, std::vector <monster> t, int &target,
                                item *relevent)
 std::vector<point> ret;
 int tarx, tary, junk, tart;
 int range=(hix-u.posx);
// First, decide on a target among the monsters, if there are any in range
 if (!t.empty()) {
// Check for previous target
  if (target == -1) {
// If no previous target, target the closest there is
   double closest = -1;
   double dist;
   for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) {
    dist = rl_dist(t[i].posx(), t[i].posy(), u.posx, u.posy);
    if (closest < 0 || dist < closest) {
     closest = dist;
     target = i;
  x = t[target].posx();
  y = t[target].posy();
 } else
  target = -1; // No monsters in range, don't use target, reset to -1

 bool sideStyle = use_narrow_sidebar();
 int height = 13;
 int width  = getmaxx(w_messages);
 int top    = sideStyle ? getbegy(w_messages) : (getbegy(w_minimap) + getmaxy(w_minimap));
 int left   = getbegx(w_messages);
 WINDOW* w_target = newwin(height, width, top, left);
 mvwprintz(w_target, 0, 2, c_white, "< ");
 if (!relevent) { // currently targetting vehicle to refill with fuel
   wprintz(w_target, c_red, _("Select a vehicle"));
 } else {
   if (relevent == &u.weapon && relevent->is_gun()) {
     wprintz(w_target, c_red, _("Firing %s (%d)"), // - %s (%d)",
            u.weapon.tname().c_str(),// u.weapon.curammo->name.c_str(),
   } else {
     wprintz(w_target, c_red, _("Throwing %s"), relevent->tname().c_str());
 wprintz(w_target, c_white, " >");
/* Annoying clutter @ 2 3 4. */
 int text_y = getmaxy(w_target) - 4;
 if (is_mouse_enabled()) {
 mvwprintz(w_target, text_y++, 1, c_white,
           _("Move cursor to target with directional keys"));
 if (relevent) {
  mvwprintz(w_target, text_y++, 1, c_white,
            _("'<' '>' Cycle targets; 'f' or '.' to fire"));
  mvwprintz(w_target, text_y++, 1, c_white,
            _("'0' target self; '*' toggle snap-to-target"));

 if (is_mouse_enabled()) {
     mvwprintz(w_target, text_y++, 1, c_white,
         _("Mouse: LMB: Target, Wheel: Cycle, RMB: Fire"));

 bool snap_to_target = OPTIONS["SNAP_TO_TARGET"];
 do {
  if (m.sees(u.posx, u.posy, x, y, -1, tart))
    ret = line_to(u.posx, u.posy, x, y, tart);
    ret = line_to(u.posx, u.posy, x, y, 0);

  if(trigdist && trig_dist(u.posx,u.posy, x,y) > range) {
    bool cont=true;
    int cx=x;
    int cy=y;
    for (int i = 0; i < ret.size() && cont; i++) {
      if(trig_dist(u.posx,u.posy, ret[i].x, ret[i].y) > range) {
      } else {
        cx=0+ret[i].x; cy=0+ret[i].y;
  point center;
  if (snap_to_target)
   center = point(x, y);
   center = point(u.posx + u.view_offset_x, u.posy + u.view_offset_y);
  // Clear the target window.
  for (int i = 1; i < getmaxy(w_target) - 5; i++) {
   for (int j = 1; j < getmaxx(w_target) - 2; j++)
    mvwputch(w_target, i, j, c_white, ' ');
  /* Start drawing w_terrain things -- possibly move out to centralized draw_terrain_window function as they all should be roughly similar*/
  m.build_map_cache(); // part of the SDLTILES drawing code
  m.draw(w_terrain, center); // embedded in SDL drawing code
  // Draw the Monsters
  for (int i = 0; i < num_zombies(); i++) {
   if (u_see(&(zombie(i)))) {
    zombie(i).draw(w_terrain, center.x, center.y, false);
  // Draw the NPCs
  for (int i = 0; i < active_npc.size(); i++) {
   if (u_see(active_npc[i]->posx, active_npc[i]->posy))
    active_npc[i]->draw(w_terrain, center.x, center.y, false);
  if (x != u.posx || y != u.posy) {

   // Draw the player
   int atx = POSX + u.posx - center.x, aty = POSY + u.posy - center.y;
   if (atx >= 0 && atx < TERRAIN_WINDOW_WIDTH && aty >= 0 && aty < TERRAIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT)
    mvwputch(w_terrain, aty, atx, u.color(), '@');

   // Only draw a highlighted trajectory if we can see the endpoint.
   // Provides feedback to the player, and avoids leaking information about tiles they can't see.
   draw_line(x, y, center, ret);
   if (u_see( x, y)) {
    for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) {
      int mondex = mon_at(ret[i].x, ret[i].y),
          npcdex = npc_at(ret[i].x, ret[i].y);
      // NPCs and monsters get drawn with inverted colors
      if (mondex != -1 && u_see(&(zombie(mondex))))
       zombie(mondex).draw(w_terrain, center.x, center.y, true);
      else if (npcdex != -1)
       active_npc[npcdex]->draw(w_terrain, center.x, center.y, true);
       m.drawsq(w_terrain, u, ret[i].x, ret[i].y, true,true,center.x, center.y);
            // Print to target window
            if (!relevent) {
                // currently targetting vehicle to refill with fuel
                vehicle *veh = m.veh_at(x, y);
                if (veh) {
                    mvwprintw(w_target, 1, 1, _("There is a %s"),
            } else if (relevent == &u.weapon && relevent->is_gun()) {
                // firing a gun
                mvwprintw(w_target, 1, 1, _("Range: %d"),
                          rl_dist(u.posx, u.posy, x, y));
                // get the current weapon mode or mods
                std::string mode = "";
                if (u.weapon.mode == "MODE_BURST") {
                    mode = _("Burst");
                } else {
                    item* gunmod = u.weapon.active_gunmod();
                    if (gunmod != NULL) {
                        mode = gunmod->type->name;
                if (mode != "") {
                    mvwprintw(w_target, 1, 14, _("Firing mode: %s"),
            } else {
                // throwing something
                mvwprintw(w_target, 1, 1, _("Range: %d"),
                          rl_dist(u.posx, u.posy, x, y));

   const int zid = mon_at(x, y);
   if (zid == -1) {
    if (snap_to_target)
     mvwputch(w_terrain, POSY, POSX, c_red, '*');
     mvwputch(w_terrain, POSY + y - center.y, POSX + x - center.x, c_red, '*');
   } else {
    if (u_see(&(zombie(zid)))) {

  input_context ctxt("TARGET");
  // "ANY_INPUT" should be added before any real help strings
  // Or strings will be writen on window border.

  const std::string& action = ctxt.handle_input();

  tarx = 0; tary = 0;
  // Our coordinates will either be determined by coordinate input(mouse),
  // by a direction key, or by the previous value.
  if (action == "SELECT" && ctxt.get_coordinates(g->w_terrain, tarx, tary)) {
      if (!OPTIONS["USE_TILES"] && snap_to_target) {
          // Snap to target doesn't currently work with tiles.
          tarx += x - u.posx;
          tary += y - u.posy;
      tarx -= x;
      tary -= y;

  } else {
    ctxt.get_direction(tarx, tary, action);
    if(tarx == -2) {
        tarx = 0;
        tary = 0;

  /* More drawing to terrain */
  if (tarx != 0 || tary != 0) {
   int mondex = mon_at(x, y), npcdex = npc_at(x, y);
   if (mondex != -1 && u_see(&(zombie(mondex))))
    zombie(mondex).draw(w_terrain, center.x, center.y, false);
   else if (npcdex != -1)
    active_npc[npcdex]->draw(w_terrain, center.x, center.y, false);
   else if (m.sees(u.posx, u.posy, x, y, -1, junk))
    m.drawsq(w_terrain, u, x, y, false, true, center.x, center.y);
    mvwputch(w_terrain, POSY, POSX, c_black, 'X');
   x += tarx;
   y += tary;
   if (x < lowx)
    x = lowx;
   else if (x > hix)
    x = hix;
   if (y < lowy)
    y = lowy;
   else if (y > hiy)
    y = hiy;
  } else if ((action == "PREV_TARGET") && (target != -1)) {
   if (target == -1) target = t.size() - 1;
   x = t[target].posx();
   y = t[target].posy();
  } else if ((action == "NEXT_TARGET") && (target != -1)) {
   if (target == t.size()) target = 0;
   x = t[target].posx();
   y = t[target].posy();
  } else if (action == "WAIT" || action == "FIRE") {
   for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) {
    if (t[i].posx() == x && t[i].posy() == y)
     target = i;
   if (u.posx == x && u.posy == y)
  } else if (action == "CENTER") {
   x = u.posx;
   y = u.posy;
  } else if (action == "TOGGLE_SNAP_TO_TARGET")
   snap_to_target = !snap_to_target;
  else if (action == "QUIT") { // return empty vector (cancel)
 } while (true);

 return ret;
Пример #14
void iuse::two_way_radio(game *g, player *p, item *it, bool t)
 WINDOW* w = newwin(6, 36, 9, 5);
// TODO: More options here.  Thoughts...
//       > Respond to the SOS of an NPC
//       > Report something to a faction
//       > Call another player
 mvwprintz(w, 1, 1, c_white, "1: Radio a faction for help...");
 mvwprintz(w, 2, 1, c_white, "2: Call Acquaitance...");
 mvwprintz(w, 3, 1, c_white, "3: General S.O.S.");
 mvwprintz(w, 4, 1, c_white, "0: Cancel");
 char ch = getch();
 if (ch == '1') {
  p->moves -= 300;
  faction* fac = g->list_factions("Call for help...");
  if (fac == NULL) {
  int bonus = 0;
  if (fac->goal == FACGOAL_CIVILIZATION)
   bonus += 2;
  if (fac->has_job(FACJOB_MERCENARIES))
   bonus += 4;
  if (fac->has_job(FACJOB_DOCTORS))
   bonus += 2;
  if (fac->has_value(FACVAL_CHARITABLE))
   bonus += 3;
  if (fac->has_value(FACVAL_LONERS))
   bonus -= 3;
  if (fac->has_value(FACVAL_TREACHERY))
   bonus -= rng(0, 8);
  bonus += fac->respects_u + 3 * fac->likes_u;
  if (bonus >= 25) {
   popup("They reply, \"Help is on the way!\"");
   g->add_event(EVENT_HELP, g->turn + fac->response_time(g), fac->id, -1, -1);
   fac->respects_u -= rng(0, 8);
   fac->likes_u -= rng(3, 5);
  } else if (bonus >= -5) {
   popup("They reply, \"Sorry, you're on your own!\"");
   fac->respects_u -= rng(0, 5);
  } else {
   popup("They reply, \"Hah!  We hope you die!\"");
   fac->respects_u -= rng(1, 8);

 } else if (ch == '2') {	// Call Acquaitance
// TODO: Implement me!
 } else if (ch == '3') {	// General S.O.S.
  p->moves -= 150;
  std::vector<npc*> in_range;
  for (int i = 0; i < g->cur_om.npcs.size(); i++) {
   if (g->cur_om.npcs[i].op_of_u.value >= 4 &&
       trig_dist(g->levx, g->levy, g->cur_om.npcs[i].mapx,
                                   g->cur_om.npcs[i].mapy) <= 30)
  if (in_range.size() > 0) {
   npc* coming = in_range[rng(0, in_range.size() - 1)];
   popup("A reply!  %s says, \"I'm on my way; give me %d minutes!\"",
         coming->name.c_str(), coming->minutes_to_u(g));
   coming->mission = NPC_MISSION_RESCUE_U;
  } else
   popup("No-one seems to reply...");
 } else
  it->charges++;	// Canceled the call, get our charge back
Пример #15
// General movement.
// Currently, priority goes:
// 1) Special Attack
// 2) Sight-based tracking
// 3) Scent-based tracking
// 4) Sound-based tracking
void monster::move()
    // We decrement wandf no matter what.  We'll save our wander_to plans until
    // after we finish out set_dest plans, UNLESS they time out first.
    if( wandf > 0 ) {

    //Hallucinations have a chance of disappearing each turn
    if( is_hallucination() && one_in( 25 ) ) {
        die( nullptr );

    //The monster can consume objects it stands on. Check if there are any.
    //If there are. Consume them.
    if( !is_hallucination() && has_flag( MF_ABSORBS ) && !g->m.has_flag( TFLAG_SEALED, pos() ) ) {
        if( !g->m.i_at( pos3() ).empty() ) {
            add_msg( _( "The %s flows around the objects on the floor and they are quickly dissolved!" ),
                     name().c_str() );
            for( auto &elem : g->m.i_at( pos3() ) ) {
                hp += elem.volume(); // Yeah this means it can get more HP than normal.
            g->m.i_clear( pos3() );

    static const std::string pacified_string = "pacified";
    const bool pacified = has_effect( pacified_string );

    // First, use the special attack, if we can!
    for( size_t i = 0; i < sp_timeout.size(); ++i ) {
        if( sp_timeout[i] > 0 ) {

        if( sp_timeout[i] == 0 && !pacified && !is_hallucination() ) {
            type->sp_attack[i]( this, i );

    // The monster can sometimes hang in air due to last fall being blocked
    const bool can_fly = has_flag( MF_FLIES );
    if( !can_fly && g->m.has_flag( TFLAG_NO_FLOOR, pos() ) ) {
        g->m.creature_on_trap( *this, false );

    if( moves < 0 ) {

    // TODO: Move this to attack_at/move_to/etc. functions
    bool attacking = false;
    if( !move_effects(attacking) ) {
        moves = 0;
    if( has_flag( MF_IMMOBILE ) ) {
        moves = 0;
    static const std::string stun_string = "stunned";
    if( has_effect( stun_string ) ) {
        moves = 0;
    if( friendly > 0 ) {

    // Set attitude to attitude to our current target
    monster_attitude current_attitude = attitude( nullptr );
    if( !wander() ) {
        if( goal == g->u.pos3() ) {
            current_attitude = attitude( &( g->u ) );
        } else {
            for( auto &i : g->active_npc ) {
                if( goal == i->pos3() ) {
                    current_attitude = attitude( i );

    if( current_attitude == MATT_IGNORE ||
        ( current_attitude == MATT_FOLLOW && rl_dist(pos(), goal) <= MONSTER_FOLLOW_DIST ) ) {
        moves -= 100;

    bool moved = false;
    tripoint destination;

    // CONCRETE PLANS - Most likely based on sight
    if( !wander() ) {
        destination = goal;
        moved = true;
    if( !moved && has_flag( MF_SMELLS ) ) {
        // No sight... or our plans are invalid (e.g. moving through a transparent, but
        //  solid, square of terrain).  Fall back to smell if we have it.
        tripoint tmp = scent_move();
        if( tmp.x != -1 ) {
            destination = tmp;
            moved = true;
    if( wandf > 0 && !moved ) { // No LOS, no scent, so as a fall-back follow sound
        tripoint tmp = wander_next();
        if( tmp != pos() ) {
            destination = tmp;
            moved = true;

    tripoint next_step;
    if( moved ) {
        // Implement both avoiding obstacles and staggering.
        moved = false;
        float switch_chance = 0.0;
        const bool can_bash = has_flag( MF_BASHES ) || has_flag( MF_BORES );
        // This is a float and using trig_dist() because that Does the Right Thing(tm)
        // in both circular and roguelike distance modes.
        const float distance_to_target = trig_dist( pos(), destination );
        for( const tripoint &candidate : squares_closer_to( pos(), destination ) ) {
            const Creature *target = g->critter_at( candidate, is_hallucination() );
            // When attacking an adjacent enemy, we're direct.
            if( target != nullptr && attitude_to( *target ) == A_HOSTILE ) {
                moved = true;
                next_step = candidate;
            // Bail out if we can't move there and we can't bash.
            if( !can_move_to( candidate ) &&
                !(can_bash && g->m.bash_rating( bash_estimate(), candidate ) >= 0 ) ) {
            // Bail out if there's a non-hostile monster in the way and we're not pushy.
            if( target != nullptr && attitude_to( *target ) != A_HOSTILE &&
                !has_flag( MF_ATTACKMON ) && !has_flag( MF_PUSH_MON ) ) {
            float progress = distance_to_target - trig_dist( candidate, destination );
            switch_chance += progress;
            // Randomly pick one of the viable squares to move to weighted by distance.
            if( x_in_y( progress, switch_chance ) ) {
                moved = true;
                next_step = candidate;
                // If we stumble, pick a random square, otherwise take the first one,
                // which is the most direct path.
                if( !has_flag( MF_STUMBLES ) ) {
    // Finished logic section.  By this point, we should have chosen a square to
    //  move to (moved = true).
    if( moved ) { // Actual effects of moving to the square we've chosen
        // move_to() uses the slope to determine some move speed scaling.
        const float slope = (destination.x > destination.y) ?
            (float)destination.y / (float)destination.x :
            (float)destination.x / (float)destination.y;
        const bool did_something =
            ( !pacified && attack_at( next_step ) ) ||
            ( !pacified && bash_at( next_step ) ) ||
            ( !pacified && push_to( next_step, 0, 0 ) ) ||
            move_to( next_step, false, slope );
        if( !did_something ) {
            moves -= 100; // If we don't do this, we'll get infinite loops.
    } else {
        moves -= 100;
Пример #16
bool leap_actor::call( monster &z ) const
    if( !z.can_act() ) {
        return false;

    std::vector<tripoint> options;
    tripoint target = z.move_target();
    float best_float = trig_dist( z.pos(), target );
    if( best_float < min_consider_range || best_float > max_consider_range ) {
        return false;

    // We wanted the float for range check
    // int here will make the jumps more random
    int best = ( int )best_float;
    if( !allow_no_target && z.attack_target() == nullptr ) {
        return false;

    for( const tripoint &dest : g->m.points_in_radius( z.pos(), max_range ) ) {
        if( dest == z.pos() ) {
        if( !z.sees( dest ) ) {
        if( !g->is_empty( dest ) ) {
        int cur_dist = rl_dist( target, dest );
        if( cur_dist > best ) {
        if( trig_dist( z.pos(), dest ) < min_range ) {
        bool blocked_path = false;
        // check if monster has a clear path to the proposed point
        std::vector<tripoint> line = g->m.find_clear_path( z.pos(), dest );
        for( auto &i : line ) {
            if( g->m.impassable( i ) ) {
                blocked_path = true;
        if( blocked_path ) {

        if( cur_dist < best ) {
            // Better than any earlier one

        options.push_back( dest );
        best = cur_dist;

    if( options.empty() ) {
        return false;    // Nowhere to leap!

    z.moves -= move_cost;
    const tripoint chosen = random_entry( options );
    bool seen = g->u.sees( z ); // We can see them jump...
    z.setpos( chosen );
    seen |= g->u.sees( z ); // ... or we can see them land
    if( seen ) {
        add_msg( _( "The %s leaps!" ), z.name().c_str() );

    return true;
Пример #17
// General movement.
// Currently, priority goes:
// 1) Special Attack
// 2) Sight-based tracking
// 3) Scent-based tracking
// 4) Sound-based tracking
void monster::move()
    // We decrement wandf no matter what.  We'll save our wander_to plans until
    // after we finish out set_dest plans, UNLESS they time out first.
    if( wandf > 0 ) {

    //Hallucinations have a chance of disappearing each turn
    if( is_hallucination() && one_in( 25 ) ) {
        die( nullptr );

    //The monster can consume objects it stands on. Check if there are any.
    //If there are. Consume them.
    if( !is_hallucination() && has_flag( MF_ABSORBS ) && !g->m.has_flag( TFLAG_SEALED, pos() ) &&
        g->m.has_items( pos() ) ) {
        if( g->u.sees( *this ) ) {
            add_msg( _( "The %s flows around the objects on the floor and they are quickly dissolved!" ),
                     name().c_str() );
        static const auto volume_per_hp = units::from_milliliter( 250 );
        for( auto &elem : g->m.i_at( pos() ) ) {
            hp += elem.volume() / volume_per_hp; // Yeah this means it can get more HP than normal.
        g->m.i_clear( pos() );

    const bool pacified = has_effect( effect_pacified );

    // First, use the special attack, if we can!
    // The attack may change `monster::special_attacks` (e.g. by transforming
    // this into another monster type). Therefor we can not iterate over it
    // directly and instead iterate over the map from the monster type
    // (properties of monster types should never change).
    for( const auto &sp_type : type->special_attacks ) {
        const std::string &special_name = sp_type.first;
        const auto local_iter = special_attacks.find( special_name );
        if( local_iter == special_attacks.end() ) {
        mon_special_attack &local_attack_data = local_iter->second;
        if( !local_attack_data.enabled ) {

        if( local_attack_data.cooldown > 0 ) {

        if( local_attack_data.cooldown == 0 && !pacified && !is_hallucination() ) {
            if( !sp_type.second->call( *this ) ) {

            // `special_attacks` might have changed at this point. Sadly `reset_special`
            // doesn't check the attack name, so we need to do it here.
            if( special_attacks.count( special_name ) == 0 ) {
            reset_special( special_name );

    // The monster can sometimes hang in air due to last fall being blocked
    const bool can_fly = has_flag( MF_FLIES );
    if( !can_fly && g->m.has_flag( TFLAG_NO_FLOOR, pos() ) ) {
        g->m.creature_on_trap( *this, false );

    if( moves < 0 ) {

    // TODO: Move this to attack_at/move_to/etc. functions
    bool attacking = false;
    if( !move_effects( attacking ) ) {
        moves = 0;
    if( has_flag( MF_IMMOBILE ) ) {
        moves = 0;
    if( has_effect( effect_stunned ) ) {
        moves = 0;
    if( friendly > 0 ) {

    // Set attitude to attitude to our current target
    monster_attitude current_attitude = attitude( nullptr );
    if( !wander() ) {
        if( goal == g->u.pos() ) {
            current_attitude = attitude( &( g->u ) );
        } else {
            for( auto &i : g->active_npc ) {
                if( goal == i->pos() ) {
                    current_attitude = attitude( i );

    if( current_attitude == MATT_IGNORE ||
        ( current_attitude == MATT_FOLLOW && rl_dist( pos(), goal ) <= MONSTER_FOLLOW_DIST ) ) {
        moves -= 100;

    bool moved = false;
    tripoint destination;

    // If true, don't try to greedily avoid locally bad paths
    bool pathed = false;
    if( !wander() ) {
        while( !path.empty() && path.front() == pos() ) {
            path.erase( path.begin() );

        const auto &pf_settings = get_pathfinding_settings();
        if( pf_settings.max_dist >= rl_dist( pos(), goal ) &&
            ( path.empty() || rl_dist( pos(), path.front() ) >= 2 || path.back() != goal ) ) {
            // We need a new path
            path = g->m.route( pos(), goal, pf_settings, get_path_avoid() );

        // Try to respect old paths, even if we can't pathfind at the moment
        if( !path.empty() && path.back() == goal ) {
            destination = path.front();
            moved = true;
            pathed = true;
        } else {
            // Straight line forward, probably because we can't pathfind (well enough)
            destination = goal;
            moved = true;
    if( !moved && has_flag( MF_SMELLS ) ) {
        // No sight... or our plans are invalid (e.g. moving through a transparent, but
        //  solid, square of terrain).  Fall back to smell if we have it.
        tripoint tmp = scent_move();
        if( tmp.x != -1 ) {
            destination = tmp;
            moved = true;
    if( wandf > 0 && !moved ) { // No LOS, no scent, so as a fall-back follow sound
        if( wander_pos != pos() ) {
            destination = wander_pos;
            moved = true;

    if( !g->m.has_zlevels() ) {
        // Otherwise weird things happen
        destination.z = posz();

    tripoint next_step;
    const bool staggers = has_flag( MF_STUMBLES );
    if( moved ) {
        // Implement both avoiding obstacles and staggering.
        moved = false;
        float switch_chance = 0.0;
        const bool can_bash = bash_skill() > 0;
        // This is a float and using trig_dist() because that Does the Right Thing(tm)
        // in both circular and roguelike distance modes.
        const float distance_to_target = trig_dist( pos(), destination );
        for( const tripoint &candidate : squares_closer_to( pos(), destination ) ) {
            if( candidate.z != posz() ) {
                bool can_z_move = true;
                if( !g->m.valid_move( pos(), candidate, false, true ) ) {
                    // Can't phase through floor
                    can_z_move = false;

                if( can_z_move && !can_fly && candidate.z > posz() && !g->m.has_floor_or_support( candidate ) ) {
                    // Can't "jump" up a whole z-level
                    can_z_move = false;

                // Last chance - we can still do the z-level stair teleport bullshit that isn't removed yet
                // @todo Remove z-level stair bullshit teleport after aligning all stairs
                if( !can_z_move &&
                    posx() / ( SEEX * 2 ) == candidate.x / ( SEEX * 2 ) &&
                    posy() / ( SEEY * 2 ) == candidate.y / ( SEEY * 2 ) ) {
                    const tripoint &upper = candidate.z > posz() ? candidate : pos();
                    const tripoint &lower = candidate.z > posz() ? pos() : candidate;
                    if( g->m.has_flag( TFLAG_GOES_DOWN, upper ) && g->m.has_flag( TFLAG_GOES_UP, lower ) ) {
                        can_z_move = true;

                if( !can_z_move ) {

            // A flag to allow non-stumbling critters to stumble when the most direct choice is bad.
            bool bad_choice = false;

            const Creature *target = g->critter_at( candidate, is_hallucination() );
            if( target != nullptr ) {
                const Creature::Attitude att = attitude_to( *target );
                if( att == A_HOSTILE ) {
                    // When attacking an adjacent enemy, we're direct.
                    moved = true;
                    next_step = candidate;
                } else if( att == A_FRIENDLY && ( target->is_player() || target->is_npc() ) ) {
                    continue; // Friendly firing the player or an NPC is illegal for gameplay reasons
                } else if( !has_flag( MF_ATTACKMON ) && !has_flag( MF_PUSH_MON ) ) {
                    // Bail out if there's a non-hostile monster in the way and we're not pushy.
                // Friendly fire and pushing are always bad choices - they take a lot of time
                bad_choice = true;

            // Bail out if we can't move there and we can't bash.
            if( !pathed && !can_move_to( candidate ) ) {
                if( !can_bash ) {

                const int estimate = g->m.bash_rating( bash_estimate(), candidate );
                if( estimate <= 0 ) {

                if( estimate < 5 ) {
                    bad_choice = true;

            const float progress = distance_to_target - trig_dist( candidate, destination );
            // The x2 makes the first (and most direct) path twice as likely,
            // since the chance of switching is 1/1, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8
            switch_chance += progress * 2;
            // Randomly pick one of the viable squares to move to weighted by distance.
            if( moved == false || x_in_y( progress, switch_chance ) ) {
                moved = true;
                next_step = candidate;
                // If we stumble, pick a random square, otherwise take the first one,
                // which is the most direct path.
                // Except if the direct path is bad, then check others
                // Or if the path is given by pathfinder
                if( !staggers && ( !bad_choice || pathed ) ) {
    // Finished logic section.  By this point, we should have chosen a square to
    //  move to (moved = true).
    if( moved ) { // Actual effects of moving to the square we've chosen
        const bool did_something =
            ( !pacified && attack_at( next_step ) ) ||
            ( !pacified && bash_at( next_step ) ) ||
            ( !pacified && push_to( next_step, 0, 0 ) ) ||
            move_to( next_step, false, get_stagger_adjust( pos(), destination, next_step ) );

        if( !did_something ) {
            moves -= 100; // If we don't do this, we'll get infinite loops.
    } else {
        moves -= 100;