Пример #1
  Finds a free slot in the future which has at least the same size as
  the initial slot.
bool KOEditorFreeBusy::findFreeSlot( QDateTime &dtFrom, QDateTime &dtTo )
  if( tryDate( dtFrom, dtTo ) )
    // Current time is acceptable
    return true;

  QDateTime tryFrom = dtFrom;
  QDateTime tryTo = dtTo;

  // Make sure that we never suggest a date in the past, even if the
  // user originally scheduled the meeting to be in the past.
  if( tryFrom < QDateTime::currentDateTime() ) {
    // The slot to look for is at least partially in the past.
    int secs = tryFrom.secsTo( tryTo );
    tryFrom = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
    tryTo = tryFrom.addSecs( secs );

  bool found = false;
  while( !found ) {
    found = tryDate( tryFrom, tryTo );
    // PENDING(kalle) Make the interval configurable
    if( !found && dtFrom.daysTo( tryFrom ) > 365 )
      break; // don't look more than one year in the future

  dtFrom = tryFrom;
  dtTo = tryTo;

  return found;
Пример #2
  Checks whether the slot specified by (tryFrom, tryTo) is available
  for the participant specified with attendee. If yes, return true. If
  not, return false and change (tryFrom, tryTo) to contain the next
  possible slot for this participant (not necessarily a slot that is
  available for all participants).
bool KOEditorFreeBusy::tryDate( FreeBusyItem *attendee,
                                QDateTime &tryFrom, QDateTime &tryTo )
  // If we don't have any free/busy information, assume the
  // participant is free. Otherwise a participant without available
  // information would block the whole allocation.
  KCal::FreeBusy *fb = attendee->freeBusy();
  if( !fb )
    return true;

  QValueList<KCal::Period> busyPeriods = fb->busyPeriods();
  for( QValueList<KCal::Period>::Iterator it = busyPeriods.begin();
       it != busyPeriods.end(); ++it ) {
    if( (*it).end() <= tryFrom || // busy period ends before try period
	(*it).start() >= tryTo )  // busy period starts after try period
    else {
      // the current busy period blocks the try period, try
      // after the end of the current busy period
      int secsDuration = tryFrom.secsTo( tryTo );
      tryFrom = (*it).end();
      tryTo = tryFrom.addSecs( secsDuration );
      // try again with the new try period
      tryDate( attendee, tryFrom, tryTo );
      // we had to change the date at least once
      return false;

  return true;
Пример #3
void IntlTestDateFormat::testFormat(/* char* par */)
    if (fFormat == 0)
        dataerrln("FAIL: DateFormat creation failed");


    UDate now = Calendar::getNow();
    tryDate(5264498352317.0);   // Sunday, October 28, 2136 8:39:12 AM PST
    tryDate(9516987689250.0);   // In the year 2271
    // Shift 6 months into the future, AT THE SAME TIME OF DAY.
    // This will test the DST handling.
    tryDate(now + 6.0*30*ONEDAY);

    UDate limit = now * 10; // Arbitrary limit
    for (int32_t i=0; i<3; ++i)
        tryDate(uprv_floor(randDouble() * limit));

    delete fFormat;
Пример #4
  Checks whether the slot specified by (tryFrom, tryTo) is free
  for all participants. If yes, return true. If at least one
  participant is found for which this slot is occupied, this method
  returns false, and (tryFrom, tryTo) contain the next free slot for
  that participant. In other words, the returned slot does not have to
  be free for everybody else.
bool KOEditorFreeBusy::tryDate( QDateTime& tryFrom, QDateTime& tryTo )
  FreeBusyItem* currentItem = static_cast<FreeBusyItem*>( mGanttView->firstChild() );
  while( currentItem ) {
    if( !tryDate( currentItem, tryFrom, tryTo ) ) {
      // kdDebug(5850) << "++++date is not OK, new suggestion: " << tryFrom.toString() << " to " << tryTo.toString() << endl;
      return false;

    currentItem = static_cast<FreeBusyItem*>( currentItem->nextSibling() );

  return true;