Пример #1
void Eventing::NotifySubscriber( SubscriberInfo *pInfo )
    if (pInfo == NULL)

    QByteArray   aBody;
    QTextStream  tsBody( &aBody, QIODevice::WriteOnly );


    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build Body... Only send if there are changes
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    uint nCount = BuildNotifyBody(tsBody, pInfo->ttLastNotified);
    if (nCount)

        // -=>TODO: Need to add support for more than one CallBack URL.

        QByteArray  *pBuffer = new QByteArray();    // UPnpEventTask will delete this pointer.
        QTextStream  tsMsg( pBuffer, QIODevice::WriteOnly );


        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Build Message Header 
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        int     nPort = (pInfo->qURL.port()>=0) ? pInfo->qURL.port() : 80;
        QString sHost = QString( "%1:%2" ).arg( pInfo->qURL.host() )
                                          .arg( nPort );

        tsMsg << "NOTIFY " << pInfo->qURL.path() << " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
        tsMsg << "HOST: " << sHost << "\r\n";
        tsMsg << "CONTENT-TYPE: \"text/xml\"\r\n";
        tsMsg << "Content-Length: " << QString::number( aBody.size() ) << "\r\n";
        tsMsg << "NT: upnp:event\r\n";
        tsMsg << "NTS: upnp:propchange\r\n";
        tsMsg << "SID: uuid:" << pInfo->sUUID << "\r\n";
        tsMsg << "SEQ: " << QString::number( pInfo->nKey ) << "\r\n";
        tsMsg << "\r\n";
        tsMsg << aBody;
        tsMsg << flush;

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Add new EventTask to the TaskQueue to do the actual sending.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------

            QString("UPnp::Eventing::NotifySubscriber( %1 ) : %2 Variables")
                .arg( sHost ).arg(nCount));

        UPnpEventTask *pEventTask = 
            new UPnpEventTask(QHostAddress( pInfo->qURL.host() ),
                              nPort, pBuffer );

        TaskQueue::Instance()->AddTask( 250, pEventTask );

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Update the subscribers Key & last Notified fields
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------


        gettimeofday( (&pInfo->ttLastNotified), NULL );
Пример #2
void Eventing::NotifySubscriber( SubscriberInfo *pInfo )
    if (pInfo == NULL)

    int          nCount  = 0;
    QByteArray   aBody;
    QTextStream  tsBody( aBody, IO_WriteOnly );

    tsBody.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build Body... Only send if there are changes
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (( nCount = BuildNotifyBody( tsBody, pInfo->ttLastNotified )) > 0)

        // -=>TODO: Need to add support for more than one CallBack URL.

        QByteArray  *pBuffer = new QByteArray();    // UPnpEventTask will delete this pointer.
        QTextStream  tsMsg( *pBuffer, IO_WriteOnly );

        tsMsg.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Build Message Header 
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        short   nPort = pInfo->qURL.hasPort() ? pInfo->qURL.port() : 80;
        QString sHost = QString( "%1:%2" ).arg( pInfo->qURL.host() )
                                          .arg( nPort );

        tsMsg << "NOTIFY " << pInfo->qURL.path() << " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
        tsMsg << "HOST: " << sHost << "\r\n";
        tsMsg << "CONTENT-TYPE: \"text/xml\"\r\n";
        tsMsg << "Content-Length: " << QString::number( aBody.size() ) << "\r\n";
        tsMsg << "NT: upnp:event\r\n";
        tsMsg << "NTS: upnp:propchange\r\n";
        tsMsg << "SID: uuid:" << pInfo->sUUID << "\r\n";
        tsMsg << "SEQ: " << QString::number( pInfo->nKey ) << "\r\n";
        tsMsg << "\r\n";
        tsMsg.writeRawBytes( aBody.data(), aBody.size() );

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Add new EventTask to the TaskQueue to do the actual sending.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------

        VERBOSE(VB_UPNP, QString("UPnp::Eventing::NotifySubscriber( %1 ) : %2 Variables").arg( sHost ).arg(nCount));

        UPnpEventTask    *pEventTask      = new UPnpEventTask( pInfo->qURL.host(), nPort, pBuffer ); 

        UPnp::g_pTaskQueue->AddTask( 250, pEventTask );

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Update the subscribers Key & last Notified fields
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------


        gettimeofday( &pInfo->ttLastNotified, NULL );
