Пример #1
void tsig_from_string (DnsRR*& tsig_rr, stl_string& sign_key, const char* keystring) {
  stl_string keyname, key;
  const char *ptr;
  ptr = strchr (keystring, ':');
  if (!ptr) throw PException (true, "%s is not a valid key string (should be keyname:key)", keystring);
  keyname.append (keystring, (int)(ptr - keystring));
  keystring = ptr + 1;
  ptr = strchr (keystring, ':');
  key.append (keystring, ptr ? (int)(ptr - keystring) : strlen (keystring));
  if (tsig_rr) {
    delete tsig_rr;
    tsig_rr = NULL;
  if (ptr) {
    int fudge = txt_to_int (ptr + 1);
    tsig_rr = tsig_record (keyname.c_str (), fudge);
  } else {
    tsig_rr = tsig_record (keyname.c_str ());
  sign_key = base64_decode (key.c_str ());
Пример #2
int getserviceportbyname(const char *name) {
  struct servent *service;
  try {
    int t = txt_to_int(name);
    return t;
  } catch (PException p) { }
  if ((service = getservbyname(name, NULL)) == NULL) throw PException(true, "Unknown service %s", name);
  return ntohs(service->s_port);
Пример #3
int getprotocolbyname(const char *name) {
  struct protoent *protocol;
  try {
    int t = txt_to_int(name);
    return t;
  } catch (PException p) { }
  if ((protocol = getprotobyname(name)) == NULL) throw PException(true, "Unknown protocol %s", name);
  return protocol->p_proto;
Пример #4
 * insert a new-AAAA entry in message
void DNSUpdate::addinMsg_newAAAA(){
    DnsRR rr;
    rr.NAME = domainname(_hostname, *zoneroot);
    rr.TYPE = qtype_getcode("AAAA", false);
    rr.TTL = txt_to_int(ttl);
    string data = rr_fromstring(rr.TYPE, hostip, *zoneroot);
    rr.RDLENGTH = data.size();
    rr.RDATA = (unsigned char*)memdup(data.c_str(), rr.RDLENGTH);
    Log(Debug) << "DDNS: AAAA record created:" << rr.NAME.tostring() << " -> " << hostip << LogEnd;
Пример #5
 * insert a new-PTR entry in message
void DNSUpdate::addinMsg_newPTR(){
  DnsRR rr;
  const int bufSize = 128;
  char destination[16];
  char result[bufSize];
  memset(result, 0, bufSize);
  inet_pton6(hostip, destination);
  rr.NAME = result;
  rr.TYPE = qtype_getcode("PTR", false);
  rr.TTL = txt_to_int(ttl);
  string tmp  = string(_hostname);
  string data = rr_fromstring(rr.TYPE, tmp.c_str()); 
  rr.RDLENGTH = data.size();
  rr.RDATA = (unsigned char*)memdup(data.c_str(), rr.RDLENGTH);

  Log(Debug) << "DDNS: PTR record created: " << result << " -> " << tmp << LogEnd;
Пример #6
uint16_t qtype_getcode(const char *name, bool allow_qtype) {
  try {
    uint16_t ret = txt_to_int(name);
    if (!is_common_rr(ret)) throw PException();
    return ret;
  } catch (PException p) {
    if (allow_qtype) {
      if (strcmpi(name, "maila") == 0) return QTYPE_MAILA;
      if (strcmpi(name, "mailb") == 0) return QTYPE_MAILB;
      if (strcmpi(name, "ixfr") == 0) return QTYPE_IXFR;
      if (strcmpi(name, "axfr") == 0) return QTYPE_AXFR;
      if (strcmpi(name, "any") == 0) return QTYPE_ANY;
      if (strcmpi(name, "all") == 0) return QTYPE_ANY;
    rr_type *t = rrtype_getinfo(name);
    if (!t) throw PException(true, "Qtype %s not supported", name);
    return t->type;
Пример #7
void DNSUpdate::addDHCID(const char* duid, int duidlen) {
    DnsRR rr;
    rr.NAME = domainname(_hostname, *zoneroot);
    rr.TYPE = qtype_getcode("DHCID", false);
    rr.TTL = txt_to_int(ttl);

    char input_buf[512];
    char output_buf[35]; // identifier-type code (2) + digest type code (1) + digest (SHA-256 = 32 bytes)

    memcpy(input_buf, duid, duidlen); // 
    memcpy(input_buf+duidlen, rr.NAME.c_str(), strlen((const char*)rr.NAME.c_str()) );

    sha256_buffer(input_buf, duidlen + strlen((const char*)rr.NAME.c_str() ),
    output_buf[0] = 0;
    output_buf[1] = 2; // identifier-type code: 0x0002 - DUID used as client identifier
    output_buf[2] = 1; // digest type = 1 (SHA-256)


Пример #8
void read_master_file(const char *file, domainname &znroot, void *userdat,
                      error_callback err, rr_callback rr_cb, rr_literal_callback rrl_cb,
                      comment_callback comm_cb, int flags) {
  bool has_znroot = !(flags&POSLIB_MF_AUTOPROBE), has_soa = false;
  char buff[1024];
  char *ptr, *p2;
  int c;
  bool ttl_given = false; stl_string ttl = "3600";
  domainname origin, nam;
  int linenum = 1, linenum2;
  stl_string str, tmp, t2, t3, nm;
  DnsRR rr;
  rr_type *type = NULL;
  FILE *f = try_fopen_r(file);
  if (!f) throw PException(true, "Could not open %s", file);
  c = fgetc(f);
  if (c != EOF) ungetc(c, f);
	if (has_znroot) origin = znroot;

  try {
    while (!feof(f)) {
      /* since the poslib functions will filter out comments, let's do them ourselves */
      if (comm_cb) {
        c = fgetc(f);
        if (c == ';') {
            fgets(buff, 1024, f);
	    ptr = buff + strlen(buff) - 1;
	    while (ptr >= buff && (*ptr == '\n' || *ptr == '\r')) *ptr = '\0';
	    comm_cb(userdat, buff);
        ungetc(c, f);

      try {
        read_line(buff, f, &linenum, &linenum2);
      } catch (PException p) {

      if (buff[0] == 0) goto begin;
      ptr = buff;
      while (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t') ptr++;
      if (*ptr == '\0') continue;

      if (buff[0] == '$') {
        if (strncmpi(buff, "$ttl ", 4) == 0) {
          ttl = buff + 5;
          ttl_given = true;
        } else if (strncmpi(buff, "$origin ", 8) == 0) {
          /* origin */
          origin = domainname(buff + 8, znroot);
          if (!has_znroot) {
            /* first entry. this is the zone root */
            znroot = origin;
            has_znroot = true;
        } else err(userdat, file, linenum2,
                   PException(true, "Unknown directive %s", buff).message);

      if (!has_znroot) {
        znroot = guess_zone_name(file);
        origin =  znroot;
        has_znroot = true;

      if (buff[0] != ' ' && buff[0] != '\t') {
        nam = domainname(read_entry(ptr).c_str(), origin);
      } else if (!has_soa) {
        err(userdat, file, linenum2, "First record in zone should have a domain name! Using origin instead.");
        nam = origin;

      /* can be class or ttl or rrtype */
      while (1) {
        str = read_entry(ptr);
        if (str == "IN" || str == "HS" || str == "CH" || str == "HS" ||
            str == "in" || str == "hs" || str == "ch" || str == "hs") {
          /* class */
        } else if ((type = rrtype_getinfo(str.c_str())) != NULL) {
        } else {
          try {
            ttl_given = true;
          } catch (PException p) {
            err(userdat, file, linenum2, PException(true, "Invalid TTL/RR type %s!", str.c_str()).message);
            goto begin;
          ttl = str.c_str();

      if (!has_soa) {
        if (type->type != DNS_TYPE_SOA) {
          if (!(flags & POSLIB_MF_NOSOA)) {
            err(userdat, file, linenum2, "First record was no SOA record; using default SOA record instead.");
            if (rr_cb) {
              rr.NAME = znroot;
              rr.TYPE = DNS_TYPE_SOA;
              rr.TTL = 3600;
              tmp = rr_fromstring(DNS_TYPE_SOA, "ns1 hostmaster 1 2h 1h 1d 2h", znroot);
              rr.RDLENGTH = tmp.size();
              rr.RDATA = (unsigned char *)memdup(tmp.c_str(), tmp.size());
              rr_cb(userdat, &rr);
            if (rrl_cb)
              rrl_cb(userdat, "@", "1h", "SOA", "ns1 hostmaster 1 2h 1h 1d 2h", znroot);
          } else if (!ttl_given) {
            err(userdat, file, linenum2, "First record should have TTL value; using 1h for now.");
            ttl = "3600";
            ttl_given = true;
        } else {
          if (!ttl_given) {
            p2 = ptr;
            read_entry(p2); read_entry(p2); read_entry(p2);
            read_entry(p2); read_entry(p2); read_entry(p2);
            t3 = read_entry(p2);
            if (strlen(t3.c_str()) < 32) ttl = t3;
        has_soa = true;
      } else if (type->type == DNS_TYPE_SOA && !(flags & POSLIB_MF_NOSOA)) {
        err(userdat, file, linenum2, "Non-initial SOA record ignored");

      if (!(nam >= znroot)) {
        err(userdat, file, linenum2, PException(true, "Ignoring domain name %s outside of zone %s!", nam.tocstr(), znroot.tocstr()).message);

      if (rr_cb) {
        try {
          rr.NAME = nam;
          rr.TYPE = type->type;
          rr.TTL = txt_to_int(ttl.c_str());
          tmp = rr_fromstring(type->type, ptr, origin);
          rr.RDLENGTH = tmp.size();
          rr.RDATA = (unsigned char *)memdup(tmp.c_str(), tmp.size());
          rr_cb(userdat, &rr);
        } catch (PException p) {
          err(userdat, file, linenum2, p.message);

      if (rrl_cb) {
        try {
          t2 = ptr;
          nm = nam.torelstring(znroot);
          tmp = rr_fromstring(type->type, ptr, origin);
          if (origin != znroot) t2 = rrdata_convertdoms(type, znroot, origin, ptr);
        } catch (PException p) {
          err(userdat, file, linenum2, p.message);
        rrl_cb(userdat, nm.c_str(), ttl.c_str(), type->name, t2.c_str(), znroot);
  } catch (PException p) {
    throw p;