Пример #1
void Link::setVariance(double rotVariance, double transVariance) {
	UASSERT(uIsFinite(rotVariance) && rotVariance>0);
	UASSERT(uIsFinite(transVariance) && transVariance>0);
	infMatrix_ = cv::Mat::eye(6,6,CV_64FC1);
	infMatrix_.at<double>(0,0) = 1.0/transVariance;
	infMatrix_.at<double>(1,1) = 1.0/transVariance;
	infMatrix_.at<double>(2,2) = 1.0/transVariance;
	infMatrix_.at<double>(3,3) = 1.0/rotVariance;
	infMatrix_.at<double>(4,4) = 1.0/rotVariance;
	infMatrix_.at<double>(5,5) = 1.0/rotVariance;
Пример #2
	// Metric constructor + 2d depth
SensorData::SensorData(const cv::Mat & laserScan,
		  int laserScanMaxPts,
		  const cv::Mat & image,
		  const cv::Mat & depthOrRightImage,
		  float fx,
		  float fyOrBaseline,
		  float cx,
		  float cy,
		  const Transform & localTransform,
		  const Transform & pose,
		  float poseRotVariance,
		  float poseTransVariance,
		  int id,
		  double stamp,
		  const std::vector<unsigned char> & userData) :
	UASSERT(_laserScan.empty() || _laserScan.type() == CV_32FC2);
	UASSERT(image.empty() ||
			image.type() == CV_8UC1 || // Mono
			image.type() == CV_8UC3);  // RGB
	UASSERT(depthOrRightImage.empty() ||
			depthOrRightImage.type() == CV_32FC1 || // Depth in meter
			depthOrRightImage.type() == CV_16UC1 || // Depth in millimetre
			depthOrRightImage.type() == CV_8U);     // Right stereo image
	UASSERT_MSG(uIsFinite(_poseRotVariance) && _poseRotVariance>0 && uIsFinite(_poseTransVariance) && _poseTransVariance>0, "Rotational and transitional variances should not be null! (set to 1 if unknown)");
Пример #3
void Link::setInfMatrix(const cv::Mat & infMatrix) {
	UASSERT(infMatrix.cols == 6 && infMatrix.rows == 6 && infMatrix.type() == CV_64FC1);
	UASSERT_MSG(uIsFinite(infMatrix.at<double>(0,0)) && infMatrix.at<double>(0,0)>0, "Transitional information should not be null! (set to 1 if unknown)");
	UASSERT_MSG(uIsFinite(infMatrix.at<double>(1,1)) && infMatrix.at<double>(1,1)>0, "Transitional information should not be null! (set to 1 if unknown)");
	UASSERT_MSG(uIsFinite(infMatrix.at<double>(2,2)) && infMatrix.at<double>(2,2)>0, "Transitional information should not be null! (set to 1 if unknown)");
	UASSERT_MSG(uIsFinite(infMatrix.at<double>(3,3)) && infMatrix.at<double>(3,3)>0, "Rotational information should not be null! (set to 1 if unknown)");
	UASSERT_MSG(uIsFinite(infMatrix.at<double>(4,4)) && infMatrix.at<double>(4,4)>0, "Rotational information should not be null! (set to 1 if unknown)");
	UASSERT_MSG(uIsFinite(infMatrix.at<double>(5,5)) && infMatrix.at<double>(5,5)>0, "Rotational information should not be null! (set to 1 if unknown)");
	infMatrix_ = infMatrix;