Пример #1
//static jint Character_getNumericValueImpl(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint codePoint){
Java_java_lang_Character_getNumericValueImpl(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint codePoint){
    // The letters A-Z in their uppercase ('\u0041' through '\u005A'),
    //                          lowercase ('\u0061' through '\u007A'),
    //             and full width variant ('\uFF21' through '\uFF3A'
    //                                 and '\uFF41' through '\uFF5A') forms
    // have numeric values from 10 through 35. This is independent of the
    // Unicode specification, which does not assign numeric values to these
    // char values.
    if (codePoint >= 0x41 && codePoint <= 0x5A) {
        return codePoint - 0x37;
    if (codePoint >= 0x61 && codePoint <= 0x7A) {
        return codePoint - 0x57;
    if (codePoint >= 0xFF21 && codePoint <= 0xFF3A) {
        return codePoint - 0xFF17;
    if (codePoint >= 0xFF41 && codePoint <= 0xFF5A) {
        return codePoint - 0xFF37;

    double result = u_getNumericValue(codePoint);

    if (result == U_NO_NUMERIC_VALUE) {
        return -1;
    } else if (result < 0 || floor(result + 0.5) != result) {
        return -2;

    return result;
static jint Character_getNumericValueImpl(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint codePoint) {
    double result = u_getNumericValue(codePoint);
    if (result == U_NO_NUMERIC_VALUE) {
        return -1;
    } else if (result < 0 || floor(result + 0.5) != result) {
        return -2;
    return static_cast<jint>(result);
Пример #3
// Computes the set of numerics for a string, according to UTS 39 section 5.3.
void SpoofImpl::getNumerics(const UnicodeString& input, UnicodeSet& result, UErrorCode& /*status*/) const {

    UChar32 codePoint;
    for (int32_t i = 0; i < input.length(); i += U16_LENGTH(codePoint)) {
        codePoint = input.char32At(i);

        // Store a representative character for each kind of decimal digit
        if (u_charType(codePoint) == U_DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER) {
            // Store the zero character as a representative for comparison.
            // Unicode guarantees it is codePoint - value
            result.add(codePoint - (UChar32)u_getNumericValue(codePoint));
Пример #4
      symbol_type operator()(const symbol_type& symbol) const
	const std::string& word = static_cast<const std::string&>(symbol);
	icu::UnicodeString uword = icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8(icu::StringPiece(word.data(), word.size()));
	Unicode& impl = const_cast<Unicode&>(*this);
	bool dg = false;
	uint32_t gc = 0;
	uscript_type sc(script_.size(), false);
	icu::StringCharacterIterator iter(uword);
	for (iter.setToStart(); iter.hasNext(); /**/) {
	  const UChar32 ch = iter.next32PostInc();

	  dg |= (u_getNumericValue(ch) != U_NO_NUMERIC_VALUE);
	  gc |= u_getIntPropertyValue(ch, UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK);
	  sc[u_getIntPropertyValue(ch, UCHAR_SCRIPT)] = true;
	std::string signature = "<unk";

	for (int i = 1; i < U_CHAR_CATEGORY_COUNT; ++ i)
	  if (gc & U_MASK(i)) {
	    signature += "-";
	    signature += general_category_[i];
	for (int i = 1; i < USCRIPT_CODE_LIMIT; ++ i)
	  if (sc[i]) {
	    signature += "-";
	    signature += script_[i];
	if (dg)
	  signature += "-NUM";
	signature += '>';
	return signature;
Пример #5
Variant HHVM_STATIC_METHOD(IntlChar, getNumericValue, const Variant& arg) {
  GETCP(arg, cp);
  return u_getNumericValue(cp);
Пример #6
IdentifierInfo &IdentifierInfo::setIdentifier(const UnicodeString &identifier, UErrorCode &status) {
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        return *this;
    *fIdentifier = identifier;
    ScriptSet scriptsForCP;
    UChar32 cp;
    for (int32_t i = 0; i < identifier.length(); i += U16_LENGTH(cp)) {
        cp = identifier.char32At(i);
        // Store a representative character for each kind of decimal digit
        if (u_charType(cp) == U_DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER) {
            // Just store the zero character as a representative for comparison. Unicode guarantees it is cp - value
            fNumerics->add(cp - (UChar32)u_getNumericValue(cp));
        UScriptCode extensions[500];
        int32_t extensionsCount = uscript_getScriptExtensions(cp, extensions, UPRV_LENGTHOF(extensions), &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            return *this;
        for (int32_t j=0; j<extensionsCount; j++) {
            scriptsForCP.set(extensions[j], status);
        scriptsForCP.reset(USCRIPT_COMMON, status);
        scriptsForCP.reset(USCRIPT_INHERITED, status);
        switch (scriptsForCP.countMembers()) {
          case 0: break;
          case 1:
            // Single script, record it.
            if (!fRequiredScripts->intersects(scriptsForCP) 
                    && !uhash_geti(fScriptSetSet, &scriptsForCP)) {
                // If the set hasn't been added already, add it
                //    (Add a copy, fScriptSetSet takes ownership of the copy.)
                uhash_puti(fScriptSetSet, new ScriptSet(scriptsForCP), 1, &status);
    // Now make a final pass through ScriptSetSet to remove alternates that came before singles.
    // [Kana], [Kana Hira] => [Kana]
    // This is relatively infrequent, so doesn't have to be optimized.
    // We also compute any commonalities among the alternates.
    if (uhash_count(fScriptSetSet) > 0) {
        for (int32_t it = UHASH_FIRST;;) {
            const UHashElement *nextHashEl = uhash_nextElement(fScriptSetSet, &it);
            if (nextHashEl == NULL) {
            ScriptSet *next = static_cast<ScriptSet *>(nextHashEl->key.pointer);
            // [Kana], [Kana Hira] => [Kana]
            if (fRequiredScripts->intersects(*next)) {
                uhash_removeElement(fScriptSetSet, nextHashEl);
            } else {
                // [[Arab Syrc Thaa]; [Arab Syrc]] => [[Arab Syrc]]
                for (int32_t otherIt = UHASH_FIRST;;) {
                    const UHashElement *otherHashEl = uhash_nextElement(fScriptSetSet, &otherIt);
                    if (otherHashEl == NULL) {
                    ScriptSet *other = static_cast<ScriptSet *>(otherHashEl->key.pointer);
                    if (next != other && next->contains(*other)) {
                        uhash_removeElement(fScriptSetSet, nextHashEl);
    if (uhash_count(fScriptSetSet) == 0) {
    return *this;
Пример #7
      symbol_type operator()(const symbol_type& symbol) const
	const std::string& word = static_cast<const std::string&>(symbol);
	icu::UnicodeString uword = icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8(icu::StringPiece(word.data(), word.size()));
	std::string signature = "<unk";
	// signature for English, taken from Stanford parser's getSignature5
	int num_caps = 0;
	bool has_digit  = false;
	bool has_dash   = false;
	bool has_lower  = false;
	bool has_punct  = false;
	bool has_symbol = false;
	size_t length = 0;
	UChar32 ch0 = 0;
	UChar32 ch_1 = 0;
	UChar32 ch_2 = 0;
	icu::StringCharacterIterator iter(uword);
	for (iter.setToStart(); iter.hasNext(); ++ length) {
	  const UChar32 ch = iter.next32PostInc();
	  // keep initial char...
	  if (ch0 == 0)
	    ch0 = ch;
	  ch_2 = ch_1;
	  ch_1 = ch;
	  const int32_t gc = u_getIntPropertyValue(ch, UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK);
	  has_dash   |= ((gc & U_GC_PD_MASK) != 0);
	  has_punct  |= ((gc & U_GC_P_MASK) != 0);
	  has_symbol |= ((gc & U_GC_S_MASK) != 0);
	  has_digit  |= (u_getNumericValue(ch) != U_NO_NUMERIC_VALUE);
	  if (u_isUAlphabetic(ch)) {
	    if (u_isULowercase(ch))
	      has_lower = true;
	    else if (u_istitle(ch)) {
	      has_lower = true;
	      ++ num_caps;
	    } else
	      ++ num_caps;
	// transform into lower...
	ch_2 = (ch_2 ? u_tolower(ch_2) : ch_2);
	ch_1 = (ch_1 ? u_tolower(ch_1) : ch_1);
	// we do not check loc...
	if (u_isUUppercase(ch0) || u_istitle(ch0))
	  signature += "-caps";
	else if (! u_isUAlphabetic(ch0) && num_caps)
	  signature += "-caps";
	else if (has_lower)
	  signature += "-lc";
	if (has_digit)
	  signature += "-num";
	if (has_dash)
	  signature += "-dash";
	if (has_punct)
	  signature += "-punct";
	if (has_symbol)
	  signature += "-sym";
	if (length >= 3 && ch_1 == 's') {
	  if (ch_2 != 's' && ch_2 != 'i' && ch_2 != 'u')
	    signature += "-s";
	} else if (length >= 5 && ! has_dash && ! (has_digit && num_caps > 0)) {
	  if (uword.endsWith("ed"))
	    signature += "-ed";
	  else if (uword.endsWith("ing"))
	    signature += "-ing";
	  else if (uword.endsWith("ion"))
	    signature += "-ion";
	  else if (uword.endsWith("er"))
	    signature += "-er";
	  else if (uword.endsWith("est"))
	    signature += "-est";
	  else if (uword.endsWith("ly"))
	    signature += "-ly";
	  else if (uword.endsWith("ity"))
	    signature += "-ity";
	  else if (uword.endsWith("y"))
	    signature += "-y";
	  else if (uword.endsWith("al"))
	    signature += "-al";
	signature += '>';
	return signature;
Пример #8
static UBool numericValueFilter(UChar32 ch, void* context) {
    return u_getNumericValue(ch) == *(double*)context;
Пример #9
double __hs_u_getNumericValue(UChar32 c)
    return u_getNumericValue(c);