void BiDiConformanceTest::TestBidiTest() { if(isICUVersionBefore(52, 1)) { // TODO: Update the ICU BiDi code to implement the additions in the Unicode 6.3 BiDi Algorithm, // and reenable the BiDi conformance test. return; } IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestBidiTest"); const char *sourceTestDataPath=getSourceTestData(errorCode); if(errorCode.logIfFailureAndReset("unable to find the source/test/testdata " "folder (getSourceTestData())")) { return; } char bidiTestPath[400]; strcpy(bidiTestPath, sourceTestDataPath); strcat(bidiTestPath, "BidiTest.txt"); LocalStdioFilePointer bidiTestFile(fopen(bidiTestPath, "r")); if(bidiTestFile.isNull()) { errln("unable to open %s", bidiTestPath); return; } LocalUBiDiPointer ubidi(ubidi_open()); ubidi_setClassCallback(ubidi.getAlias(), biDiConfUBiDiClassCallback, NULL, NULL, NULL, errorCode); if(errorCode.logIfFailureAndReset("ubidi_setClassCallback()")) { return; } lineNumber=0; levelsCount=0; orderingCount=0; errorCount=0; while(errorCount<10 && fgets(line, (int)sizeof(line), bidiTestFile.getAlias())!=NULL) { ++lineNumber; // Remove trailing comments and whitespace. char *commentStart=strchr(line, '#'); if(commentStart!=NULL) { *commentStart=0; } u_rtrim(line); const char *start=u_skipWhitespace(line); if(*start==0) { continue; // Skip empty and comment-only lines. } if(*start=='@') { ++start; if(0==strncmp(start, "Levels:", 7)) { if(!parseLevels(start+7)) { return; } } else if(0==strncmp(start, "Reorder:", 8)) { if(!parseOrdering(start+8)) { return; } } // Skip unknown @Xyz: ... } else { if(!parseInputStringFromBiDiClasses(start)) { return; } start=u_skipWhitespace(start); if(*start!=';') { errln("missing ; separator on input line %s", line); return; } start=u_skipWhitespace(start+1); char *end; uint32_t bitset=(uint32_t)strtoul(start, &end, 16); if(end<=start || (!U_IS_INV_WHITESPACE(*end) && *end!=';' && *end!=0)) { errln("input bitset parse error at %s", start); return; } // Loop over the bitset. static const UBiDiLevel paraLevels[]={ UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR, 0, 1, UBIDI_DEFAULT_RTL }; static const char *const paraLevelNames[]={ "auto/LTR", "LTR", "RTL", "auto/RTL" }; for(int i=0; i<=3; ++i) { if(bitset&(1<<i)) { ubidi_setPara(ubidi.getAlias(), inputString.getBuffer(), inputString.length(), paraLevels[i], NULL, errorCode); const UBiDiLevel *actualLevels=ubidi_getLevels(ubidi.getAlias(), errorCode); if(errorCode.logIfFailureAndReset("ubidi_setPara() or ubidi_getLevels()")) { errln("Input line %d: %s", (int)lineNumber, line); return; } if(!checkLevels(actualLevels, ubidi_getProcessedLength(ubidi.getAlias()), paraLevelNames[i])) { // continue outerLoop; does not exist in C++ // so just break out of the inner loop. break; } if(!checkOrdering(ubidi.getAlias(), paraLevelNames[i])) { // continue outerLoop; does not exist in C++ // so just break out of the inner loop. break; } } } } } }
/* ******************************************************************************* * * created on: 2013jul01 * created by: Matitiahu Allouche This function performs a conformance test for implementations of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm, specified in UAX #9: Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm, at http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr9/ Each test case is represented in a single line which is read from a file named BidiCharacter.txt. Empty, blank and comment lines may also appear in this file. The format of the test data is specified below. Note that each test case constitutes a single line of text; reordering is applied within a single line and independently of a rendering engine, and rules L3 and L4 are out of scope. The number sign '#' is the comment character: everything is ignored from the occurrence of '#' until the end of the line, Empty lines and lines containing only spaces and/or comments are ignored. Lines which represent test cases consist of 4 or 5 fields separated by a semicolon. Each field consists of tokens separated by whitespace (space or Tab). Whitespace before and after semicolons is optional. Field 0: A sequence of hexadecimal code point values separated by space Field 1: A value representing the paragraph direction, as follows: - 0 represents left-to-right - 1 represents right-to-left - 2 represents auto-LTR according to rules P2 and P3 of the algorithm - 3 represents auto-RTL according to rules P2 and P3 of the algorithm - a negative number whose absolute value is taken as paragraph level; this may be useful to test cases where the embedding level approaches or exceeds the maximum embedding level. Field 2: The resolved paragraph embedding level. If the input (field 0) includes more than one paragraph, this field represents the resolved level of the first paragraph. Field 3: An ordered list of resulting levels for each token in field 0 (each token represents one source character). The UBA does not assign levels to certain characters (e.g. LRO); characters removed in rule X9 are indicated with an 'x'. Field 4: An ordered list of indices showing the resulting visual ordering from left to right; characters with a resolved level of 'x' are skipped. The number are zero-based. Each index corresponds to a character in the reordered (visual) string. It represents the index of the source character in the input (field 0). This field is optional. When it is absent, the visual ordering is not verified. Examples: # This is a comment line. L L ON R ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 0 0 1 ; 0 1 2 3 L L ON R;0;0;0 0 0 1;0 1 2 3 # Note: in the next line, 'B' represents a block separator, not the letter 'B'. LRE A B C PDF;2;0;x 2 0 0 x;1 2 3 # Note: in the next line, 'b' represents the letter 'b', not a block separator. a b c 05d0 05d1 x ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 0 0 1 1 0 ; 0 1 2 4 3 5 a R R x ; 1 ; 1 ; 2 1 1 2 L L R R R B R R L L L B ON ON ; 3 ; 0 ; 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 * ******************************************************************************* */ void BiDiConformanceTest::TestBidiCharacterTest() { IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestBidiCharacterTest"); const char *sourceTestDataPath=getSourceTestData(errorCode); if(errorCode.logIfFailureAndReset("unable to find the source/test/testdata " "folder (getSourceTestData())")) { return; } char bidiTestPath[400]; strcpy(bidiTestPath, sourceTestDataPath); strcat(bidiTestPath, "BidiCharacterTest.txt"); LocalStdioFilePointer bidiTestFile(fopen(bidiTestPath, "r")); if(bidiTestFile.isNull()) { errln("unable to open %s", bidiTestPath); return; } LocalUBiDiPointer ubidi(ubidi_open()); lineNumber=0; levelsCount=0; orderingCount=0; errorCount=0; while(errorCount<20 && fgets(line, (int)sizeof(line), bidiTestFile.getAlias())!=NULL) { ++lineNumber; paraLevelName="N/A"; inputString="N/A"; // Remove trailing comments and whitespace. char *commentStart=strchr(line, '#'); if(commentStart!=NULL) { *commentStart=0; } u_rtrim(line); const char *start=u_skipWhitespace(line); if(*start==0) { continue; // Skip empty and comment-only lines. } // Parse the code point string in field 0. UChar *buffer=inputString.getBuffer(200); int32_t length=u_parseString(start, buffer, inputString.getCapacity(), NULL, errorCode); if(errorCode.logIfFailureAndReset("Invalid string in field 0")) { errln("Input line %d: %s", (int)lineNumber, line); inputString.remove(); continue; } inputString.releaseBuffer(length); start=strchr(start, ';'); if(start==NULL) { errorCount++; errln("\nError on line %d: Missing ; separator on line: %s", (int)lineNumber, line); continue; } start=u_skipWhitespace(start+1); char *end; int32_t paraDirection=(int32_t)strtol(start, &end, 10); UBiDiLevel paraLevel=UBIDI_MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL+2; if(paraDirection==0) { paraLevel=0; paraLevelName="LTR"; } else if(paraDirection==1) { paraLevel=1; paraLevelName="RTL"; } else if(paraDirection==2) { paraLevel=UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR; paraLevelName="Auto/LTR"; } else if(paraDirection==3) { paraLevel=UBIDI_DEFAULT_RTL; paraLevelName="Auto/RTL"; } else if(paraDirection<0 && -paraDirection<=(UBIDI_MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL+1)) { paraLevel=(UBiDiLevel)(-paraDirection); sprintf(levelNameString, "%d", (int)paraLevel); paraLevelName=levelNameString; } if(end<=start || (!U_IS_INV_WHITESPACE(*end) && *end!=';' && *end!=0) || paraLevel==(UBIDI_MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL+2)) { errln("\nError on line %d: Input paragraph direction incorrect at %s", (int)lineNumber, start); printErrorLine(); continue; } start=u_skipWhitespace(end); if(*start!=';') { errorCount++; errln("\nError on line %d: Missing ; separator on line: %s", (int)lineNumber, line); continue; } start++; uint32_t resolvedParaLevel=(uint32_t)strtoul(start, &end, 10); if(end<=start || (!U_IS_INV_WHITESPACE(*end) && *end!=';' && *end!=0) || resolvedParaLevel>1) { errln("\nError on line %d: Resolved paragraph level incorrect at %s", (int)lineNumber, start); printErrorLine(); continue; } start=u_skipWhitespace(end); if(*start!=';') { errorCount++; errln("\nError on line %d: Missing ; separator on line: %s", (int)lineNumber, line); return; } start++; if(!parseLevels(start)) { continue; } start=u_skipWhitespace(start); if(*start==';') { if(!parseOrdering(start+1)) { continue; } } else orderingCount=-1; ubidi_setPara(ubidi.getAlias(), inputString.getBuffer(), inputString.length(), paraLevel, NULL, errorCode); const UBiDiLevel *actualLevels=ubidi_getLevels(ubidi.getAlias(), errorCode); if(errorCode.logIfFailureAndReset("ubidi_setPara() or ubidi_getLevels()")) { errln("Input line %d: %s", (int)lineNumber, line); continue; } UBiDiLevel actualLevel; if((actualLevel=ubidi_getParaLevel(ubidi.getAlias()))!=resolvedParaLevel) { printErrorLine(); errln("\nError on line %d: Wrong resolved paragraph level; expected %d actual %d", (int)lineNumber, resolvedParaLevel, actualLevel); continue; } if(!checkLevels(actualLevels, ubidi_getProcessedLength(ubidi.getAlias()))) { continue; } if(orderingCount>=0 && !checkOrdering(ubidi.getAlias())) { continue; } } }