Пример #1
	UConverter* ICUUnicodeSupport::_openConverter<2>(ConstStringHolder<2> _encoding)
		UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
		UConverter* cnv = ucnv_openU( char_cast<const UChar*>( _encoding.c_str() ), &errorCode);
		return cnv;
Пример #2
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  ICUTransService: The protected virtual transcoding service API
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
XMLTranscoder* ICUTransService::
makeNewXMLTranscoder(const  XMLCh* const            encodingName
                    ,       XMLTransService::Codes& resValue
                    , const unsigned int            blockSize
                    ,       MemoryManager* const    manager)
    //  For encodings that end with "s390" we need to strip off the "s390" 
    //  from the encoding name and add ",swaplfnl" to the encoding name	
    //  that we pass into ICU on the ucnv_openU.  
    XMLCh* encodingNameToUse = (XMLCh*) encodingName;
    XMLCh* workBuffer = 0;

    if ( (XMLString::endsWith(encodingNameToUse, gs390Id)) ||
         (XMLString::endsWith(encodingNameToUse, gS390Id)) )
       int workBufferSize = (XMLString::stringLen(encodingNameToUse) + XMLString::stringLen(gswaplfnlId) - XMLString::stringLen(gS390Id) + 1);
       workBuffer = (XMLCh*) manager->allocate(workBufferSize * sizeof(XMLCh));
       int moveSize = XMLString::stringLen(encodingNameToUse) - XMLString::stringLen(gS390Id);
       XMLString::moveChars(workBuffer, encodingNameToUse, moveSize);
       XMLString::moveChars((workBuffer + moveSize), gswaplfnlId, XMLString::stringLen(gswaplfnlId));
       encodingNameToUse = workBuffer;

    //  If UChar and XMLCh are not the same size, then we have premassage the
    //  encoding name into a UChar type string.
    const UChar* actualName;
    UChar* tmpName = 0;
    if (sizeof(UChar) == sizeof(XMLCh))
        actualName = (const UChar*)encodingNameToUse;
        tmpName = convertToUChar(encodingNameToUse, 0, manager);
        actualName = tmpName;

    ArrayJanitor<UChar> janTmp(tmpName, manager);
    ArrayJanitor<XMLCh> janTmp1(workBuffer, manager);

    UErrorCode uerr = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UConverter* converter = ucnv_openU(actualName, &uerr);
    if (!converter)
        resValue = XMLTransService::UnsupportedEncoding;
        return 0;

    return new (manager) ICUTranscoder(encodingName, converter, blockSize, manager);