Пример #1
void WDbgArkUdis::Init(const unsigned __int8 mode) {
    std::memset(&m_udis_obj, 0, sizeof(m_udis_obj));
    ud_set_mode(&m_udis_obj, mode);
    ud_set_syntax(&m_udis_obj, UD_SYN_INTEL);

    HRESULT result = g_Ext->m_Data->ReadProcessorSystemData(0,
                     static_cast<unsigned __int32>(sizeof(processor_info)),

    unsigned __int32 vendor = UD_VENDOR_ANY;

    if (SUCCEEDED(result) &&
            (g_Ext->m_ActualMachine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 || g_Ext->m_ActualMachine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64) ) {
        std::string vendor_string;

        if ( g_Ext->m_ActualMachine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 )
            vendor_string = processor_info.X86.VendorString;
            vendor_string = processor_info.Amd64.VendorString;

        if ( vendor_string == "GenuineIntel" )
            vendor = UD_VENDOR_INTEL;
            vendor = UD_VENDOR_AMD;

    ud_set_vendor(&m_udis_obj, vendor);
Пример #2
DisassemblerX8664::Init(target_addr_t address, const void* code, size_t codeSize)
	// unset old data
	delete fUdisData;
	fUdisData = NULL;

	// set new data
	fUdisData = new(std::nothrow) UdisData;
	if (fUdisData == NULL)
		return B_NO_MEMORY;

	fAddress = address;
	fCode = (const uint8*)code;
	fCodeSize = codeSize;

	// init udis
	ud_set_input_buffer(fUdisData, (unsigned char*)fCode, fCodeSize);
	ud_set_mode(fUdisData, 64);
	ud_set_pc(fUdisData, (uint64_t)fAddress);
	ud_set_syntax(fUdisData, UD_SYN_ATT);
	ud_set_vendor(fUdisData, UD_VENDOR_INTEL);
		// TODO: Set the correct vendor!

	return B_OK;
Пример #3
int ludis86_ud_set_vendor (lua_State * L)
    ud_t * ud_obj;
    const char * vendor;
    ud_obj = ludis86_check_ud_t(L, 1);
    vendor = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
    lua_pop(L, 2);
    if (strcmp(vendor, "UD_VENDOR_INTEL") == 0)
        ud_set_vendor(ud_obj, UD_VENDOR_INTEL);
    else if (strcmp(vendor, "UD_VENDOR_ATT") == 0)
        ud_set_vendor(ud_obj, UD_VENDOR_AMD);
        luaL_error(L, "invalid vendor for ludis86");
    return 0;

        Obtain the minimum number of instruction bytes that need to be copied
        from the target function, in order to accomodate our jump instruction
    static DWORD HookEngine_Disassemble(DWORD cbRequired, LPVOID pTargetFunctionAddress, DISASSEMBLY_DATA& DisassemblyData )
        CONST SIZE_T Page = 4096;

        ud_t ud_obj = { 0 };
#if defined(_M_IX86)
        ud_set_mode(&ud_obj, 32);
#elif defined(_M_X64)
        ud_set_mode(&ud_obj, 64);
#error Unsuported platform 
        ud_set_pc(&ud_obj, uint64_t(pTargetFunctionAddress));
        ud_set_vendor(&ud_obj, UD_VENDOR_INTEL);
        ud_set_input_buffer(&ud_obj, (unsigned char*)pTargetFunctionAddress, Page);

        DWORD instrlen = 0;

        DisassemblyData.Count = 0;
        DisassemblyData.Length = 0;

        HookEngine_Memset(DisassemblyData.Instructions, 0, sizeof(DisassemblyData.Instructions));
        HookEngine_Memset(DisassemblyData.InstuctionBuffer, 0, sizeof(DisassemblyData.InstuctionBuffer));
        HookEngine_Memset(DisassemblyData.InstructionLengths, 0, sizeof(DisassemblyData.InstructionLengths));

            instrlen = ud_disassemble(&ud_obj);
            if (instrlen)
                if ((DisassemblyData.Length + instrlen) < MAX_INSTRUCTION_BUFFER)
                    DisassemblyData.Instructions[DisassemblyData.Count] = ud_obj;
                    DisassemblyData.InstructionLengths[DisassemblyData.Count] = instrlen;
                    HookEngine_Memcpy(&DisassemblyData.InstuctionBuffer[DisassemblyData.Length], ((BYTE*)pTargetFunctionAddress) + DisassemblyData.Length, instrlen);
                    DisassemblyData.Length += instrlen;

        } while (DisassemblyData.Length < cbRequired &&
                 DisassemblyData.Count < MAX_INSTRUCTIONS &&
                 instrlen != 0);

        return DisassemblyData.Length;
Пример #5
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    ud_t ud_obj;


    FILE* f = fopen(argv[1], "r");
    ud_set_input_file(&ud_obj, f);
    ud_set_vendor(&ud_obj, UD_VENDOR_INTEL);
    ud_set_syntax(&ud_obj, UD_SYN_INTEL);
    ud_set_mode(&ud_obj, 32);

    while (ud_disassemble(&ud_obj)) {
        printf("\t%s\n", ud_insn_asm(&ud_obj));

    return 0;
Пример #6
PVOID Hook(PVOID Function, PVOID Handler, PULONG pBytesPatched)
#ifdef _X86_

#define SIZEOFJUMP 6

#elif _AMD64_

#define SIZEOFJUMP 14


    ULONG Size = 0, CollectedSpace = 0;
    PUCHAR pInst = (PUCHAR)Function;

    if (pBytesPatched)
        *pBytesPatched = NULL;

    // initialize disassembler engine
    ud_t ud_obj;

    // set mode, syntax and vendor
    ud_set_mode(&ud_obj, UD_MODE);
    ud_set_syntax(&ud_obj, UD_SYN_INTEL);
    ud_set_vendor(&ud_obj, UD_VENDOR_INTEL);

    while (CollectedSpace < SIZEOFJUMP)
        ud_set_input_buffer(&ud_obj, pInst, MAX_INST_LEN);

        // get length of instruction
        ULONG dwInstLen = ud_disassemble(&ud_obj);
        if (dwInstLen == 0)
            // error while disassembling instruction
            DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__"() ERROR: Can't disassemble instruction at "IFMT"\n", pInst);
            return NULL;

        if (ud_obj.mnemonic == UD_Ijmp ||
            ud_obj.mnemonic == UD_Icall)
            // call/jmp with relative address
            DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__"() call/jmp/jxx instruction at "IFMT"\n", pInst);
            return NULL;

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            if (ud_obj.operand[i].type == UD_OP_JIMM)
                // jxx with relative address
                DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__"() jxx instruction at "IFMT"\n", pInst);
                return NULL;

        pInst += dwInstLen;
        CollectedSpace += dwInstLen;

        if (ud_obj.mnemonic == UD_Iret  ||
            ud_obj.mnemonic == UD_Iretf ||
            ud_obj.mnemonic == UD_Iiretw   ||
            ud_obj.mnemonic == UD_Iiretq   ||
            ud_obj.mnemonic == UD_Iiretd)
            // end of the function thunk?
            DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__"() ret/retn/iret instruction at "IFMT"\n", pInst);

    if (SIZEOFJUMP > CollectedSpace)
        DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__"() ERROR: not enough memory for jump\n");
        return NULL;

    ULONG CallGateSize = CollectedSpace + SIZEOFJUMP;

    // allocate memory for callgate
    PVOID CallGate = M_ALLOC(CallGateSize);
    if (CallGate)
        // generate callgate
        memset(CallGate, 0x90, CallGateSize);    

        // save begining of the function
        memcpy(CallGate, Function, CollectedSpace);        
#ifdef _X86_

        // jump from callgate to function body
        // push imm32
        *(PUCHAR)((PUCHAR)CallGate + CollectedSpace) = 0x68;
        *(PUCHAR *)((PUCHAR)CallGate + CollectedSpace + 1) = (PUCHAR)Function + SIZEOFJUMP;
        // ret
        *(PUCHAR)((PUCHAR)CallGate + CollectedSpace + 5) = 0xC3;                            

#elif _AMD64_

        // jmp qword [addr]
        *(PUSHORT)((PUCHAR)CallGate + CollectedSpace) = 0x25FF;
        *(PULONG)((PUCHAR)CallGate + CollectedSpace + 2) = 0;
        // addr dq XXXh
        *(PULONGLONG)((PUCHAR)CallGate + CollectedSpace + 6) = (ULONGLONG)Function + SIZEOFJUMP;

        // jump from the function to callgate
        memset(Function, 0x90, CollectedSpace);        

#ifdef _X86_

        // push imm32
        *(PUCHAR)Function = 0x68;
        *(PUCHAR *)((PUCHAR)Function + 1) = (PUCHAR)Handler;
        // ret
        *(PUCHAR)((PUCHAR)Function + 5) = 0xC3;                            

#elif _AMD64_

        // jmp qword [addr]
        *(PUSHORT)Function = 0x25FF;
        *(PULONG)((PUCHAR)Function + 2) = 0;
        // addr dq XXXh
        *(PULONGLONG)((PUCHAR)Function + 6) = (ULONGLONG)Handler;

        *pBytesPatched = CollectedSpace;

        return CallGate;
        DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, "M_ALLOC() fails\n");

    return NULL;