Пример #1
void RacomClient::onUdpSocketReadyRead()
	if(status() != Status::Running)
	QUdpSocket *sock = udpSocket();
	QNetworkDatagram dg = sock->receiveDatagram();
	QByteArray data = dg.data();
	qfInfo() << data.toHex();
	// remove possible initial garbage
	int i = 0;
	for(i=0; i<data.size(); i++)
		if(data.at(i) == 0x02)
	data = data.mid(i);
	// remove possible multiple 0x02
	for(i=1; i<data.size(); i++)
		if(data.at(i) != 0x02)
	data = data.mid(i-1);
	qfInfo() << "stripped data:" << data.toHex();
	if(!m_siDriver) {
		m_siDriver = new siut::DeviceDriver(this);
		CardReader::CardReaderPlugin *plugin = cardReaderPlugin();
		if(plugin) {
			connect(m_siDriver, &siut::DeviceDriver::messageReady, plugin, &CardReader::CardReaderPlugin::emitSiMessagereceived);
Пример #2
 * Add an output channel to <logger> that sends messages to a UDP socket on port
 * <port> on host <host>. If the host could not be found, -1 is returned and the
 * channel is not created.
int logToUDP(Logger *logger, const char *host, int port)
    int fd;

    if ((fd = udpSocket()) < 0 || netConnect(fd, host, port) != 0)
        return -1;
    else {

        LOG_Output *out = log_create_output(logger, LOG_OT_UDP);
        out->u.fd = fd;


        return 0;
Пример #3
void* procPerMessage::seeUdp(void* arg)
    procPerMessage* perMessage = (procPerMessage*) arg;
    char* udpPortNumber = perMessage->mutRecvPort;
    int udpSock = udpSocket(udpPortNumber);

    struct sockaddr_in clientAddress;
    socklen_t len;
    int mess;

    while (1) {
        char* msg_buf = new char[1024];
        memset(msg_buf, 0, 1024);

        len = sizeof(clientAddress);
        mess = recvfrom(udpSock, msg_buf, 1024, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&clientAddress, &len);
        Message* msg = new Message(msg_buf, mess);
        perMessage->threadPool->dispatch_thread(procPerMessage::ethernetIn, (void*) msg);
        // delete[] msg_buf;
Пример #4
    // Local variables used to hold user-inputted components of a XPCTransactionClass
    // instance.
    char sUser[50];    // User name
    char sTicker[10];    // Ticker symbol
    char cBS;        // Buy/Sell indicator
    long int iAmount;    // Number of shares bought or sold

    // Before using sockets on the Windows-NT operating system, the Winsock library
    // must be initialized.
    WSADATA wsaData;

    if (WSAStartup(0x101, &wsaData) != 0)
        cout << "Error initializing WinSock library: " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
        return 0;

    // The name of the user is retrieved from the console and is stored in the local 
    // sUser variable.
    cout << "Enter your User Name: " << flush;
    cin >> sUser;

        // An instance of the XPCUdpSocket is created.  At this point a UDP 
        // socket has been created and a port has been defined.
        XPCUdpSocket udpSocket(WINDOWS_NT_PORT_NUM);

        // Loop forever prompting the user for transaction record data.
            cout << "Enter Ticker Symbol: " << flush;
            cin >> sTicker;

            // If the user enters "QUIT", exit the loop.
            if (strcmp(sTicker, "QUIT") == 0)

            cout << "Enter Buy(B) or Sell(S): " << flush;
            cin >> cBS;
            cout << "Enter Quantity: " << flush;
            cin >> iAmount;

            // Create a transaction record class instance
            XPCTransaction newTransaction(sUser, sTicker, cBS, iAmount);

            // Send the transaction record to the UNIX server
            udpSocket.iSendMessage((void *)&newTransaction, sizeof(newTransaction), UNIX_SERVER, UNIX_PORT_NUM);

            // Suspend process execution until the UNIX server replies with the
            // updated position.
            udpSocket.iReceiveMessage((void *)&newTransaction, sizeof(newTransaction));

            // Display the newly updated position
            cout << "Ticker: " << newTransaction.sGetTicker() << " New Position: " << newTransaction.iGetAmount() << endl;
    catch(XPCException &exceptObject)
        cout << exceptObject.sGetException() << endl;

    // Disconnect from the Windows NT socket library.  The socket is already closed
    // since the CUdpSocket instance got destructed after it left the 
    // try-catch block.
Пример #5
void RacomClient::run()
Пример #6
	void onReceivedDatagram(const void *data, int size, const struct sockaddr_in *sin) {
		printf("onReadFrom emitted.. %d from %s:%d\n", size, inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr), ntohs(sin->sin_port));
		udpSocket()->writeTo(data, size, sin);