Пример #1
/* Fill in stick/arc font boilerplate. */
static void
hpgl_fill_in_stick_arc_font(gs_font_base *pfont, long unique_id)
{	/* The way the code is written requires FontMatrix = identity. */
	pfont->FontType = ft_user_defined;
	pfont->PaintType = 1;		/* stroked fonts */
	pfont->BitmapWidths = false;
	pfont->ExactSize = fbit_use_outlines;
	pfont->InBetweenSize = fbit_use_outlines;
	pfont->TransformedChar = fbit_use_outlines;
	pfont->procs.encode_char = hpgl_stick_arc_encode_char; /* FIX ME (void *) */
	/* p.y of the FontBBox is a guess, because of descenders. */
	/* Because of descenders, we have no real idea what the */
	/* FontBBox should be. */
	pfont->FontBBox.p.x = 0;
	pfont->FontBBox.p.y = -0.333;
	pfont->FontBBox.q.x = 0.667;
	pfont->FontBBox.q.y = 0.667;
	uid_set_UniqueID(&pfont->UID, unique_id);
	pfont->encoding_index = 1;	/****** WRONG ******/
	pfont->nearest_encoding_index = 1;	/****** WRONG ******/
Пример #2
xps_init_truetype_font(xps_context_t *ctx, xps_font_t *font)
    font->font = (void*) gs_alloc_struct(ctx->memory, gs_font_type42, &st_gs_font_type42, "xps_font type42");
    if (!font->font)
        return gs_throw(gs_error_VMerror, "out of memory");

    /* no shortage of things to initialize */
        gs_font_type42 *p42 = (gs_font_type42*) font->font;

        /* Common to all fonts: */

        p42->next = 0;
        p42->prev = 0;
        p42->memory = ctx->memory;

        p42->dir = ctx->fontdir; /* NB also set by gs_definefont later */
        p42->base = font->font; /* NB also set by gs_definefont later */
        p42->is_resource = false;
        gs_notify_init(&p42->notify_list, gs_memory_stable(ctx->memory));
        p42->id = gs_next_ids(ctx->memory, 1);

        p42->client_data = font; /* that's us */

        /* this is overwritten in grid_fit() */
        gs_make_identity(&p42->orig_FontMatrix); /* NB ... original or zeroes? */

        p42->FontType = ft_TrueType;
        p42->BitmapWidths = false;
        p42->ExactSize = fbit_use_outlines;
        p42->InBetweenSize = fbit_use_outlines;
        p42->TransformedChar = fbit_use_outlines;
        p42->WMode = 0;
        p42->PaintType = 0;
        p42->StrokeWidth = 0;
        p42->is_cached = 0;

        p42->procs.define_font = gs_no_define_font;
        p42->procs.make_font = gs_no_make_font;
        p42->procs.font_info = gs_type42_font_info;
        p42->procs.same_font = gs_default_same_font;
        p42->procs.encode_char = xps_true_callback_encode_char;
        p42->procs.decode_glyph = xps_true_callback_decode_glyph;
        p42->procs.enumerate_glyph = gs_type42_enumerate_glyph;
        p42->procs.glyph_info = gs_type42_glyph_info;
        p42->procs.glyph_outline = gs_type42_glyph_outline;
        p42->procs.glyph_name = xps_true_callback_glyph_name;
        p42->procs.init_fstack = gs_default_init_fstack;
        p42->procs.next_char_glyph = gs_default_next_char_glyph;
        p42->procs.build_char = xps_true_callback_build_char;

        memset(p42->font_name.chars, 0, sizeof(p42->font_name.chars));
        xps_load_sfnt_name(font, (char*)p42->font_name.chars);
        p42->font_name.size = strlen((char*)p42->font_name.chars);

        memset(p42->key_name.chars, 0, sizeof(p42->key_name.chars));
        strcpy((char*)p42->key_name.chars, (char*)p42->font_name.chars);
        p42->key_name.size = strlen((char*)p42->key_name.chars);

        /* Base font specific: */

        p42->FontBBox.p.x = 0;
        p42->FontBBox.p.y = 0;
        p42->FontBBox.q.x = 0;
        p42->FontBBox.q.y = 0;

        uid_set_UniqueID(&p42->UID, p42->id);

        p42->encoding_index = ENCODING_INDEX_UNKNOWN;
        p42->nearest_encoding_index = ENCODING_INDEX_ISOLATIN1;

        p42->FAPI = 0;
        p42->FAPI_font_data = 0;

        /* Type 42 specific: */

        p42->data.string_proc = xps_true_callback_string_proc;
        p42->data.proc_data = font;

        gs_type42_font_init(p42, font->subfontid);
        p42->data.get_glyph_index = xps_true_get_glyph_index;

    gs_definefont(ctx->fontdir, font->font);

    return 0;
Пример #3
/* If there is no uid, return default. */
dict_uid_param(const ref * pdict, gs_uid * puid, int defaultval,
               gs_memory_t * mem, const i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
    ref *puniqueid;

    if (pdict == 0) {
        return defaultval;
    /* In a Level 2 environment, check for XUID first. */
    if (level2_enabled &&
        dict_find_string(pdict, "XUID", &puniqueid) > 0
        ) {
        long *xvalues;
        uint size, i;

        if (!r_has_type(puniqueid, t_array))
        size = r_size(puniqueid);
        if (size == 0)
        xvalues = (long *)gs_alloc_byte_array(mem, size, sizeof(long),
                                              "get XUID");

        if (xvalues == 0)
        /* Get the values from the XUID array. */
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            const ref *pvalue = puniqueid->value.const_refs + i;

            if (!r_has_type(pvalue, t_integer)) {
                gs_free_object(mem, xvalues, "get XUID");
            xvalues[i] = pvalue->value.intval;
        uid_set_XUID(puid, xvalues, size);
        return 1;
    /* If no UniqueID entry, set the UID to invalid, */
    /* because UniqueID need not be present in all fonts, */
    /* and if it is, the legal range is 0 to 2^24-1. */
    if (dict_find_string(pdict, "UniqueID", &puniqueid) <= 0) {
        return defaultval;
    } else {
        if (!r_has_type(puniqueid, t_integer))
        if (puniqueid->value.intval < 0 || puniqueid->value.intval > 0xffffff)
        /* Apparently fonts created by Fontographer often have */
        /* a UniqueID of 0, contrary to Adobe's specifications. */
        /* Treat 0 as equivalent to -1 (no UniqueID). */
        if (puniqueid->value.intval == 0) {
            return defaultval;
        } else
            uid_set_UniqueID(puid, puniqueid->value.intval);
    return 0;
Пример #4
xps_parse_tiling_brush(xps_context_t *ctx, char *base_uri, xps_resource_t *dict, xps_item_t *root,
    int (*func)(xps_context_t*, char*, xps_resource_t*, xps_item_t*, void*), void *user)
    xps_item_t *node;
    int code;

    char *opacity_att;
    char *transform_att;
    char *viewbox_att;
    char *viewport_att;
    char *tile_mode_att;
    /*char *viewbox_units_att;*/
    /*char *viewport_units_att;*/

    xps_item_t *transform_tag = NULL;

    gs_matrix transform;
    gs_rect viewbox;
    gs_rect viewport;
    float scalex, scaley;
    int tile_mode;

    opacity_att = xps_att(root, "Opacity");
    transform_att = xps_att(root, "Transform");
    viewbox_att = xps_att(root, "Viewbox");
    viewport_att = xps_att(root, "Viewport");
    tile_mode_att = xps_att(root, "TileMode");
    /*viewbox_units_att = xps_att(root, "ViewboxUnits");*/
    /*viewport_units_att = xps_att(root, "ViewportUnits");*/

    for (node = xps_down(root); node; node = xps_next(node))
        if (!strcmp(xps_tag(node), "ImageBrush.Transform"))
            transform_tag = xps_down(node);
        if (!strcmp(xps_tag(node), "VisualBrush.Transform"))
            transform_tag = xps_down(node);

    xps_resolve_resource_reference(ctx, dict, &transform_att, &transform_tag, NULL);

    if (transform_att)
        xps_parse_render_transform(ctx, transform_att, &transform);
    if (transform_tag)
        xps_parse_matrix_transform(ctx, transform_tag, &transform);

    viewbox.p.x = 0.0; viewbox.p.y = 0.0;
    viewbox.q.x = 1.0; viewbox.q.y = 1.0;
    if (viewbox_att)
        xps_parse_rectangle(ctx, viewbox_att, &viewbox);

    viewport.p.x = 0.0; viewport.p.y = 0.0;
    viewport.q.x = 1.0; viewport.q.y = 1.0;
    if (viewport_att)
        xps_parse_rectangle(ctx, viewport_att, &viewport);

    /* some sanity checks on the viewport/viewbox size */
    if (fabs(viewport.q.x - viewport.p.x) < 0.01) { gs_warn("skipping tile with zero width view port"); return 0; }
    if (fabs(viewport.q.y - viewport.p.y) < 0.01) { gs_warn("skipping tile with zero height view port"); return 0; }
    if (fabs(viewbox.q.x - viewbox.p.x) < 0.01) { gs_warn("skipping tile with zero width view box"); return 0; }
    if (fabs(viewbox.q.y - viewbox.p.y) < 0.01) { gs_warn("skipping tile with zero height view box"); return 0; }

    scalex = (viewport.q.x - viewport.p.x) / (viewbox.q.x - viewbox.p.x);
    scaley = (viewport.q.y - viewport.p.y) / (viewbox.q.y - viewbox.p.y);

    tile_mode = TILE_NONE;
    if (tile_mode_att)
        if (!strcmp(tile_mode_att, "None"))
            tile_mode = TILE_NONE;
        if (!strcmp(tile_mode_att, "Tile"))
            tile_mode = TILE_TILE;
        if (!strcmp(tile_mode_att, "FlipX"))
            tile_mode = TILE_FLIP_X;
        if (!strcmp(tile_mode_att, "FlipY"))
            tile_mode = TILE_FLIP_Y;
        if (!strcmp(tile_mode_att, "FlipXY"))
            tile_mode = TILE_FLIP_X_Y;


    code = xps_begin_opacity(ctx, base_uri, dict, opacity_att, NULL, false, false);
    if (code)
        return gs_rethrow(code, "cannot create transparency group");

    /* TODO(tor): check viewport and tiling to see if we can set it to TILE_NONE */

    if (tile_mode != TILE_NONE)
        struct tile_closure_s closure;

        gs_client_pattern gspat;
        gs_client_color gscolor;
        gs_color_space *cs;
        bool sa;

        closure.ctx = ctx;
        closure.base_uri = base_uri;
        closure.dict = dict;
        closure.tag = root;
        closure.tile_mode = tile_mode;
        closure.user = user;
        closure.func = func;

        closure.viewbox.p.x = viewbox.p.x;
        closure.viewbox.p.y = viewbox.p.y;
        closure.viewbox.q.x = viewbox.q.x;
        closure.viewbox.q.y = viewbox.q.y;

        uid_set_UniqueID(&gspat.uid, gs_next_ids(ctx->memory, 1));
        gspat.PaintType = 1;
        gspat.TilingType = 2;
        gspat.PaintProc = xps_remap_pattern;
        gspat.client_data = &closure;

        /* We need to know if this tiling brush includes transparency.
           We could do a proper scan, but for now we'll be lazy and just look
           at the flag from scanning the page. */
        gspat.uses_transparency = ctx->has_transparency;

        gspat.XStep = viewbox.q.x - viewbox.p.x;
        gspat.YStep = viewbox.q.y - viewbox.p.y;
        gspat.BBox.p.x = viewbox.p.x;
        gspat.BBox.p.y = viewbox.p.y;
        gspat.BBox.q.x = viewbox.q.x;
        gspat.BBox.q.y = viewbox.q.y;

        if (tile_mode == TILE_FLIP_X || tile_mode == TILE_FLIP_X_Y)
            gspat.BBox.q.x += gspat.XStep;
            gspat.XStep *= 2;

        if (tile_mode == TILE_FLIP_Y || tile_mode == TILE_FLIP_X_Y)
            gspat.BBox.q.y += gspat.YStep;
            gspat.YStep *= 2;

        gs_matrix_translate(&transform, viewport.p.x, viewport.p.y, &transform);
        gs_matrix_scale(&transform, scalex, scaley, &transform);
        gs_matrix_translate(&transform, -viewbox.p.x, -viewbox.p.y, &transform);

        cs = ctx->srgb;
        gs_setcolorspace(ctx->pgs, cs);
        gsicc_profile_reference(cs->cmm_icc_profile_data, 1);

        sa = gs_currentstrokeadjust(ctx->pgs);
        gs_setstrokeadjust(ctx->pgs, false);
        gs_makepattern(&gscolor, &gspat, &transform, ctx->pgs, NULL);
        gs_setpattern(ctx->pgs, &gscolor);
        gs_setstrokeadjust(ctx->pgs, sa);
        gsicc_profile_reference(cs->cmm_icc_profile_data, -1);

        /* gs_makepattern increments the pattern count stored in the color
         * structure. We will discard the color struct (its on the stack)
         * so we need to decrement the reference before we throw away
         * the structure.
        gs_pattern_reference(&gscolor, -1);

        gs_concat(ctx->pgs, &transform);

        gs_translate(ctx->pgs, viewport.p.x, viewport.p.y);
        gs_scale(ctx->pgs, scalex, scaley);
        gs_translate(ctx->pgs, -viewbox.p.x, -viewbox.p.y);

        gs_moveto(ctx->pgs, viewbox.p.x, viewbox.p.y);
        gs_lineto(ctx->pgs, viewbox.p.x, viewbox.q.y);
        gs_lineto(ctx->pgs, viewbox.q.x, viewbox.q.y);
        gs_lineto(ctx->pgs, viewbox.q.x, viewbox.p.y);

        code = func(ctx, base_uri, dict, root, user);
        if (code < 0)
            xps_end_opacity(ctx, base_uri, dict, opacity_att, NULL);
            return gs_rethrow(code, "cannot draw tile");

    xps_end_opacity(ctx, base_uri, dict, opacity_att, NULL);


    return 0;