Пример #1
void WorldSession::SendPetitionQueryOpcode(uint64 petitionguid)
    uint64 ownerguid = 0;
    uint32 type;
    std::string name = "NO_NAME_FOR_GUID";
    uint8 signs = 0;

    QueryResult_AutoPtr result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery(
        "SELECT ownerguid, name, "
        "  (SELECT COUNT(playerguid) FROM petition_sign WHERE petition_sign.petitionguid = '%u') AS signs, "
        "  type "
        "FROM petition WHERE petitionguid = '%u'", GUID_LOPART(petitionguid), GUID_LOPART(petitionguid));

    if (result)
        Field* fields = result->Fetch();
        ownerguid = MAKE_NEW_GUID(fields[0].GetUInt32(), 0, HIGHGUID_PLAYER);
        name      = fields[1].GetCppString();
        signs     = fields[2].GetUInt8();
        type      = fields[3].GetUInt32();
        sLog->outDebug("CMSG_PETITION_QUERY failed for petition (GUID: %u)", GUID_LOPART(petitionguid));

    WorldPacket data(SMSG_PETITION_QUERY_RESPONSE, (4+8+name.size()+1+1+4*13));
    data << GUID_LOPART(petitionguid);                      // guild/team guid (in Trinity always same as GUID_LOPART(petition guid)
    data << ownerguid;                                      // charter owner guid
    data << name;                                           // name (guild/arena team)
    data << uint8(0);                                       // 1
    if (type == 9)
        data << uint32(9);
        data << uint32(9);
        data << uint32(0);                                  // bypass client - side limitation, a different value is needed here for each petition
        data << type-1;
        data << type-1;
        data << type;                                       // bypass client - side limitation, a different value is needed here for each petition
    data << uint32(0);                                      // 5
    data << uint32(0);                                      // 6
    data << uint32(0);                                      // 7
    data << uint32(0);                                      // 8
    data << uint16(0);                                      // 9 2 bytes field
    data << uint32(0);                                      // 10
    data << uint32(0);                                      // 11
    data << uint32(0);                                      // 13 count of next strings?
    data << uint32(0);                                      // 14

    if (type == 9)
        data << uint32(0);                                  // 15 0 - guild, 1 - arena team
        data << uint32(1);

void WorldSession::SendPetitionQueryOpcode(uint64 petitionguid)
    uint64 ownerguid = 0;
    uint32 type;
    std::string name = "NO_NAME_FOR_GUID";

    PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_SEL_PETITION);

    stmt->setUInt32(0, GUID_LOPART(petitionguid));

    PreparedQueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt);

    if (result)
        Field* fields = result->Fetch();
        ownerguid = MAKE_NEW_GUID(fields[0].GetUInt32(), 0, HIGHGUID_PLAYER);
        name      = fields[1].GetString();
        type      = fields[2].GetUInt8();
        TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "CMSG_PETITION_QUERY failed for petition (GUID: %u)", GUID_LOPART(petitionguid));

    WorldPacket data(SMSG_PETITION_QUERY_RESPONSE, (4+8+name.size()+1+1+4*12+2+10));
    data << uint32(GUID_LOPART(petitionguid));              // guild/team guid (in Trinity always same as GUID_LOPART(petition guid)
    data << uint64(ownerguid);                              // charter owner guid
    data << name;                                           // name (guild/arena team)
    data << uint8(0);                                       // some string
    if (type == GUILD_CHARTER_TYPE)
        uint32 needed = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_MIN_PETITION_SIGNS);
        data << uint32(needed);
        data << uint32(needed);
        data << uint32(0);                                  // bypass client - side limitation, a different value is needed here for each petition
        data << uint32(type-1);
        data << uint32(type-1);
        data << uint32(type);                               // bypass client - side limitation, a different value is needed here for each petition
    data << uint32(0);                                      // 5
    data << uint32(0);                                      // 6
    data << uint32(0);                                      // 7
    data << uint32(0);                                      // 8
    data << uint16(0);                                      // 9 2 bytes field
    data << uint32(0);                                      // 10
    data << uint32(0);                                      // 11
    data << uint32(0);                                      // 13 count of next strings?

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
        data << uint8(0);                                   // some string

    data << uint32(0);                                      // 14

    data << uint32(type != GUILD_CHARTER_TYPE);             // 15 0 - guild, 1 - arena team

Пример #3
/*this procedure handles clients CMSG_REQUEST_PARTY_MEMBER_STATS request*/
void WorldSession::HandleRequestPartyMemberStatsOpcode(WorldPacket& recvData)
    uint64 guid;
    recvData >> guid;

    Player* player = HashMapHolder<Player>::Find(guid);
    if (!player)
        WorldPacket data(SMSG_PARTY_MEMBER_STATS_FULL, 3+4+2);
        data << uint8(0);                                   // only for SMSG_PARTY_MEMBER_STATS_FULL, probably arena/bg related
        data << (uint32) GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_STATUS;
        data << (uint16) MEMBER_STATUS_OFFLINE;

    Pet* pet = player->GetPet();

    WorldPacket data(SMSG_PARTY_MEMBER_STATS_FULL, 4+2+2+2+1+2*6+8+1+8); // Needs checked for 406a
    data << uint8(0);                                       // only for SMSG_PARTY_MEMBER_STATS_FULL, probably arena/bg related

     * uint32 mask1 = 0x00040BFF;                              // common mask, real flags used 0x000040BFF
     * if (pet)
     *     mask1 = 0x7FFFFFFF;                                 // for hunters and other classes with pets
    uint32 mask1 = GROUP_UPDATE_FULL;

    if (!pet)
        mask1 &= ~GROUP_UPDATE_PET;

    Powers powerType = player->getPowerType();
    data << uint32(mask1);                                // group update mask
    data << uint16(MEMBER_STATUS_ONLINE);                 // member's online status, GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_STATUS
    data << uint32(player->GetHealth());                  // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_CUR_HP
    data << uint32(player->GetMaxHealth());               // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_MAX_HP
    data << uint8 (powerType);                            // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_POWER_TYPE
    data << uint16(player->GetPower(powerType));          // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_CUR_POWER
    data << uint16(player->GetMaxPower(powerType));       // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_MAX_POWER
    data << uint16(player->getLevel());                   // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_LEVEL
    data << uint16(player->GetZoneId());                  // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_ZONE
    data << uint16(player->GetPositionX());               // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_POSITION
    data << uint16(player->GetPositionY());               // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_POSITION
    data << uint16(player->GetPositionZ());               // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_POSITION

        // if true client clears auras that are not covered by auramask
        // TODO: looks like now client requires all active auras to be in the beginning of the auramask
        //       e.g. if you have holes in the aura mask the values after are ignored.    
    data << uint8(1);
    uint64 auramask = 0;
    size_t maskPos = data.wpos();
    data << uint64(auramask);               // placeholder
    data << uint32(MAX_AURAS);              // if true client clears auras that are not covered by auramask
    for (uint8 i = 0; i < MAX_AURAS; ++i)
        if (AuraApplication const* aurApp = player->GetVisibleAura(i))
            auramask |= (uint64(1) << i);

            data << uint32(aurApp->GetBase()->GetId());
            data << uint16(aurApp->GetFlags());

            if (aurApp->GetFlags() & AFLAG_ANY_EFFECT_AMOUNT_SENT)
                for (uint32 i = 0; i < MAX_SPELL_EFFECTS; ++i)
                    if (AuraEffect const* eff = aurApp->GetBase()->GetEffect(i))
                        data << int32(eff->GetAmount());
                        data << int32(0);
    data.put<uint64>(maskPos, auramask);                    // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_AURAS

    if (pet)
        Powers petpowertype = pet->getPowerType();
        data << uint64(pet->GetGUID());                     // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_GUID
        data << pet->GetName();                             // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_NAME
        data << uint16(pet->GetDisplayId());                // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_MODEL_ID
        data << uint32(pet->GetHealth());                   // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_CUR_HP
        data << uint32(pet->GetMaxHealth());                // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_MAX_HP
        data << uint8 (petpowertype);                       // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_POWER_TYPE
        data << uint16(pet->GetPower(petpowertype));        // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_CUR_POWER
        data << uint16(pet->GetMaxPower(petpowertype));     // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_MAX_POWER

        // if true client clears auras that are not covered by auramask
        // TODO: looks like now client requires all active auras to be in the beginning of the auramask
        //       e.g. if you have holes in the aura mask the values after are ignored.        
        data << uint8(1);
        uint64 petauramask = 0;
        size_t petMaskPos = data.wpos();
        data << uint64(petauramask);                       // placeholder
        data << uint32(MAX_AURAS);                         // client reads (64) Bits from auramask
        for (uint8 i = 0; i < MAX_AURAS; ++i)
            if (AuraApplication const* aurApp = pet->GetVisibleAura(i))
                petauramask |= (uint64(1) << i);

                data << uint32(aurApp->GetBase()->GetId());
                data << uint16(aurApp->GetFlags());

                if (aurApp->GetFlags() & AFLAG_ANY_EFFECT_AMOUNT_SENT)
                    for (uint32 i = 0; i < MAX_SPELL_EFFECTS; ++i)
                        if (AuraEffect const* eff = aurApp->GetBase()->GetEffect(i))
                            data << int32(eff->GetAmount());
                            data << int32(0);

        data.put<uint64>(petMaskPos, petauramask);           // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_AURAS
    // else not needed, flags do not include any PET_ update

    data << uint32(8); // either 0 or 8, same unk found in SMSG_PHASESHIFT
    data << uint32(0); // count
    // for (count) *data << uint16(phaseId)

Пример #4
void LoadDBCStores(const std::string& dataPath)
    std::string dbcPath = dataPath+"dbc/";

    const uint32 DBCFilesCount = 60;

    StoreProblemList bad_dbc_files;
    uint32 availableDbcLocales = 0xFFFFFFFF;

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sAreaStore,                dbcPath, "AreaTable.dbc");

    // must be after sAreaStore loading
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < sAreaStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)           // areaflag numbered from 0
        if (AreaTableEntry const* area = sAreaStore.LookupEntry(i))
            // fill AreaId->DBC records
            sAreaFlagByAreaID.insert(AreaFlagByAreaID::value_type(uint16(area->ID), area->exploreFlag));

            // fill MapId->DBC records ( skip sub zones and continents)
            if (area->zone == 0 && area->mapid != 0 && area->mapid != 1 && area->mapid != 530)
                sAreaFlagByMapID.insert(AreaFlagByMapID::value_type(area->mapid, area->exploreFlag));

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sAreaTriggerStore,         dbcPath, "AreaTrigger.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sAuctionHouseStore,        dbcPath, "AuctionHouse.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sBankBagSlotPricesStore,   dbcPath, "BankBagSlotPrices.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sBattlemasterListStore,    dbcPath, "BattlemasterList.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sCharStartOutfitStore,     dbcPath, "CharStartOutfit.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sCharTitlesStore,          dbcPath, "CharTitles.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sChatChannelsStore,        dbcPath, "ChatChannels.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sChrClassesStore,          dbcPath, "ChrClasses.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sChrRacesStore,            dbcPath, "ChrRaces.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sCinematicSequencesStore,  dbcPath, "CinematicSequences.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sCreatureDisplayInfoStore, dbcPath, "CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sCreatureFamilyStore,      dbcPath, "CreatureFamily.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sCreatureSpellDataStore,   dbcPath, "CreatureSpellData.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sDurabilityCostsStore,     dbcPath, "DurabilityCosts.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sDurabilityQualityStore,   dbcPath, "DurabilityQuality.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sEmotesStore,              dbcPath, "Emotes.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sEmotesTextStore,          dbcPath, "EmotesText.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sFactionStore,             dbcPath, "Faction.dbc");
    for (uint32 i = 0;i < sFactionStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        FactionEntry const * faction = sFactionStore.LookupEntry(i);
        if (faction && faction->team)
            SimpleFactionsList &flist = sFactionTeamMap[faction->team];

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sFactionTemplateStore,     dbcPath, "FactionTemplate.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGemPropertiesStore,       dbcPath, "GemProperties.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtCombatRatingsStore,     dbcPath, "gtCombatRatings.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtChanceToMeleeCritBaseStore, dbcPath, "gtChanceToMeleeCritBase.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtChanceToMeleeCritStore, dbcPath, "gtChanceToMeleeCrit.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtChanceToSpellCritBaseStore, dbcPath, "gtChanceToSpellCritBase.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtChanceToSpellCritStore, dbcPath, "gtChanceToSpellCrit.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtOCTRegenHPStore,        dbcPath, "gtOCTRegenHP.dbc");
    //LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtOCTRegenMPStore,        dbcPath, "gtOCTRegenMP.dbc");       -- not used currently
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtRegenHPPerSptStore,     dbcPath, "gtRegenHPPerSpt.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtRegenMPPerSptStore,     dbcPath, "gtRegenMPPerSpt.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sItemStore,                dbcPath, "Item.dbc");
    //LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sItemDisplayInfoStore,     dbcPath, "ItemDisplayInfo.dbc");     -- not used currently
    //LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sItemCondExtCostsStore,    dbcPath, "ItemCondExtCosts.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sItemExtendedCostStore,    dbcPath, "ItemExtendedCost.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sItemRandomPropertiesStore, dbcPath, "ItemRandomProperties.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sItemRandomSuffixStore,    dbcPath, "ItemRandomSuffix.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sItemSetStore,             dbcPath, "ItemSet.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sLockStore,                dbcPath, "Lock.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sMailTemplateStore,        dbcPath, "MailTemplate.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sMapStore,                 dbcPath, "Map.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sQuestSortStore,           dbcPath, "QuestSort.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sRandomPropertiesPointsStore, dbcPath, "RandPropPoints.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSkillLineStore,           dbcPath, "SkillLine.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSkillLineAbilityStore,    dbcPath, "SkillLineAbility.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSoundEntriesStore,        dbcPath, "SoundEntries.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellStore,               dbcPath, "Spell.dbc");
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sSpellStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        SpellEntry const * spell = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(i);
        if (spell && spell->Category)

        // DBC not support uint64 fields but SpellEntry have SpellFamilyFlags mapped at 2 uint32 fields
        // uint32 field already converted to bigendian if need, but must be swapped for correct uint64 bigendian view
        std::swap(*((uint32*)(&spell->SpellFamilyFlags)), *(((uint32*)(&spell->SpellFamilyFlags))+1));

    for (uint32 j = 0; j < sSkillLineAbilityStore.GetNumRows(); ++j)
        SkillLineAbilityEntry const *skillLine = sSkillLineAbilityStore.LookupEntry(j);

        if (!skillLine)

        SpellEntry const* spellInfo = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(skillLine->spellId);

            for (unsigned int i = 1; i < sCreatureFamilyStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
                CreatureFamilyEntry const* cFamily = sCreatureFamilyStore.LookupEntry(i);
                if (!cFamily)

                if (skillLine->skillId != cFamily->skillLine[0] && skillLine->skillId != cFamily->skillLine[1])


    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellCastTimesStore,      dbcPath, "SpellCastTimes.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellDurationStore,       dbcPath, "SpellDuration.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellFocusObjectStore,    dbcPath, "SpellFocusObject.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellItemEnchantmentStore, dbcPath, "SpellItemEnchantment.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellItemEnchantmentConditionStore, dbcPath, "SpellItemEnchantmentCondition.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellRadiusStore,         dbcPath, "SpellRadius.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellRangeStore,          dbcPath, "SpellRange.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellShapeshiftStore,     dbcPath, "SpellShapeshiftForm.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sStableSlotPricesStore,    dbcPath, "StableSlotPrices.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSummonPropertiesStore,    dbcPath, "SummonProperties.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sTalentStore,              dbcPath, "Talent.dbc");

    // create talent spells set
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sTalentStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        TalentEntry const *talentInfo = sTalentStore.LookupEntry(i);
        if (!talentInfo) continue;
        for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
            if (talentInfo->RankID[j])
                sTalentSpellPosMap[talentInfo->RankID[j]] = TalentSpellPos(i, j);

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sTalentTabStore,           dbcPath, "TalentTab.dbc");

    // prepare fast data access to bit pos of talent ranks for use at inspecting
        // fill table by amount of talent ranks and fill sTalentTabBitSizeInInspect
        // store in with (row, col, talent)->size key for correct sorting by (row, col)
        typedef std::map<uint32, uint32> TalentBitSize;
        TalentBitSize sTalentBitSize;
        for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTalentStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
            TalentEntry const *talentInfo = sTalentStore.LookupEntry(i);
            if (!talentInfo) continue;

            TalentTabEntry const *talentTabInfo = sTalentTabStore.LookupEntry( talentInfo->TalentTab);
            if (!talentTabInfo)

            // find talent rank
            uint32 curtalent_maxrank = 0;
            for (uint32 k = 5; k > 0; --k)
                if (talentInfo->RankID[k-1])
                    curtalent_maxrank = k;

            sTalentBitSize[(talentInfo->Row<<24) + (talentInfo->Col<<16)+talentInfo->TalentID] = curtalent_maxrank;
            sTalentTabSizeInInspect[talentInfo->TalentTab] += curtalent_maxrank;

        // now have all max ranks (and then bit amount used for store talent ranks in inspect)
        for (uint32 talentTabId = 1; talentTabId < sTalentTabStore.GetNumRows(); ++talentTabId)
            TalentTabEntry const *talentTabInfo = sTalentTabStore.LookupEntry(talentTabId);
            if (!talentTabInfo)

            // prevent memory corruption; otherwise cls will become 12 below
            if ((talentTabInfo->ClassMask & CLASSMASK_ALL_PLAYABLE) == 0)

            // store class talent tab pages
            uint32 cls = 1;
            for (uint32 m=1; !(m & talentTabInfo->ClassMask) && cls < MAX_CLASSES; m <<= 1, ++cls) {}


            // add total amount bits for first rank starting from talent tab first talent rank pos.
            uint32 pos = 0;
            for (TalentBitSize::iterator itr = sTalentBitSize.begin(); itr != sTalentBitSize.end(); ++itr)
                uint32 talentId = itr->first & 0xFFFF;
                TalentEntry const *talentInfo = sTalentStore.LookupEntry( talentId);
                if (!talentInfo)

                if (talentInfo->TalentTab != talentTabId)

                sTalentPosInInspect[talentId] = pos;
                pos+= itr->second;

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sTaxiNodesStore,           dbcPath, "TaxiNodes.dbc");

    // Initialize global taxinodes mask
    memset(sTaxiNodesMask, 0, sizeof(sTaxiNodesMask));
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiNodesStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (sTaxiNodesStore.LookupEntry(i))
            uint8  field   = (uint8)((i - 1) / 32);
            uint32 submask = 1<<((i-1)%32);
            sTaxiNodesMask[field] |= submask;

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sTaxiPathStore,            dbcPath, "TaxiPath.dbc");
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (TaxiPathEntry const* entry = sTaxiPathStore.LookupEntry(i))
            sTaxiPathSetBySource[entry->from][entry->to] = TaxiPathBySourceAndDestination(entry->ID, entry->price);
    uint32 pathCount = sTaxiPathStore.GetNumRows();

    //## TaxiPathNode.dbc ## Loaded only for initialization different structures
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sTaxiPathNodeStore,        dbcPath, "TaxiPathNode.dbc");
    // Calculate path nodes count
    std::vector<uint32> pathLength;
    pathLength.resize(pathCount);                           // 0 and some other indexes not used
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathNodeStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (TaxiPathNodeEntry const* entry = sTaxiPathNodeStore.LookupEntry(i))
    // Set path length
    sTaxiPathNodesByPath.resize(pathCount);                 // 0 and some other indexes not used
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathNodesByPath.size(); ++i)
    // fill data
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathNodeStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (TaxiPathNodeEntry const* entry = sTaxiPathNodeStore.LookupEntry(i))
            sTaxiPathNodesByPath[entry->path][entry->index] = TaxiPathNode(entry->mapid, entry->x, entry->y, entry->z, entry->actionFlag, entry->delay);

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sTotemCategoryStore,       dbcPath, "TotemCategory.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sWMOAreaTableStore,        dbcPath, "WMOAreaTable.dbc");
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < sWMOAreaTableStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (WMOAreaTableEntry const* entry = sWMOAreaTableStore.LookupEntry(i))
            sWMOAreaInfoByTripple.insert(WMOAreaInfoByTripple::value_type(WMOAreaTableTripple(entry->rootId, entry->adtId, entry->groupId), entry));
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sWorldMapAreaStore,        dbcPath, "WorldMapArea.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sWorldSafeLocsStore,       dbcPath, "WorldSafeLocs.dbc");

    // error checks
    if (bad_dbc_files.size() >= DBCFilesCount)
        sLog->outError("\nIncorrect DataDir value in Trinityd.conf or ALL required *.dbc files (%d) not found by path: %sdbc", DBCFilesCount, dataPath.c_str());
    else if (!bad_dbc_files.empty())
        std::string str;
        for (std::list<std::string>::iterator i = bad_dbc_files.begin(); i != bad_dbc_files.end(); ++i)
            str += *i + "\n";

        sLog->outError("\nSome required *.dbc files (%u from %d) not found or not compatible:\n%s", bad_dbc_files.size(), DBCFilesCount, str.c_str());

    // check at up-to-date DBC files (53085 is last added spell in 2.4.3)
    // check at up-to-date DBC files (17514 is last ID in SkillLineAbilities in 2.4.3)
    // check at up-to-date DBC files (598 is last map added in 2.4.3)
    // check at up-to-date DBC files (1127 is last gem property added in 2.4.3)
    // check at up-to-date DBC files (2425 is last item extended cost added in 2.4.3)
    // check at up-to-date DBC files (71 is last char title added in 2.4.3)
    // check at up-to-date DBC files (1768 is last area added in 2.4.3)
    if ( !sSpellStore.LookupEntry(53085)           ||
        !sSkillLineAbilityStore.LookupEntry(17514) ||
        !sMapStore.LookupEntry(598)                ||
        !sGemPropertiesStore.LookupEntry(1127)     ||
        !sItemExtendedCostStore.LookupEntry(2425)  ||
        !sCharTitlesStore.LookupEntry(71)          ||
        sLog->outError("\nYou have _outdated_ DBC files. Please extract correct versions from 2.4.3 client.");

    sLog->outString(">> Initialized %d data stores", DBCFilesCount);
Пример #5
/*this procedure handles clients CMSG_REQUEST_PARTY_MEMBER_STATS request*/
void WorldSession::HandleRequestPartyMemberStatsOpcode( WorldPacket &recv_data )
    ObjectGuid guid;
    recv_data >> guid;

    Player *player = sObjectMgr.GetPlayer(guid);
        WorldPacket data(SMSG_PARTY_MEMBER_STATS_FULL, 3+4+2);
        data << uint8(0);                                   // only for SMSG_PARTY_MEMBER_STATS_FULL, probably arena/bg related
        data << guid.WriteAsPacked();
        data << uint32(GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_STATUS);
        data << uint16(MEMBER_STATUS_OFFLINE);

    Pet *pet = player->GetPet();

    WorldPacket data(SMSG_PARTY_MEMBER_STATS_FULL, 4+2+2+2+1+2*6+8+1+8);
    data << uint8(0);                                       // only for SMSG_PARTY_MEMBER_STATS_FULL, probably arena/bg related
    data << player->GetPackGUID();

    uint32 mask1 = 0x00040BFF;                              // common mask, real flags used 0x000040BFF
        mask1 = 0x7FFFFFFF;                                 // for hunters and other classes with pets

    Powers powerType = player->getPowerType();
    data << uint32(mask1);                                  // group update mask
    data << uint16(MEMBER_STATUS_ONLINE);                   // member's online status
    data << uint32(player->GetHealth());                    // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_CUR_HP
    data << uint32(player->GetMaxHealth());                 // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_MAX_HP
    data << uint8(powerType);                               // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_POWER_TYPE
    data << uint16(player->GetPower(powerType));            // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_CUR_POWER
    data << uint16(player->GetMaxPower(powerType));         // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_MAX_POWER
    data << uint16(player->getLevel());                     // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_LEVEL
    data << uint16(player->GetZoneId());                    // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_ZONE
    data << uint16(player->GetPositionX());                 // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_POSITION
    data << uint16(player->GetPositionY());                 // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_POSITION

    uint64 auramask = 0;
    size_t maskPos = data.wpos();
    data << uint64(auramask);                               // placeholder
    for(uint8 i = 0; i < MAX_AURAS; ++i)
        if(uint32 aura = player->GetVisibleAura(i))
            auramask |= (uint64(1) << i);
            data << uint32(aura);
            data << uint8(1);
    data.put<uint64>(maskPos, auramask);                    // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_AURAS

        Powers petpowertype = pet->getPowerType();
        data << pet->GetObjectGuid();                       // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_GUID
        data << pet->GetName();                             // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_NAME
        data << uint16(pet->GetDisplayId());                // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_MODEL_ID
        data << uint32(pet->GetHealth());                   // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_CUR_HP
        data << uint32(pet->GetMaxHealth());                // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_MAX_HP
        data << uint8(petpowertype);                        // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_POWER_TYPE
        data << uint16(pet->GetPower(petpowertype));        // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_CUR_POWER
        data << uint16(pet->GetMaxPower(petpowertype));     // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_MAX_POWER

        uint64 petauramask = 0;
        size_t petMaskPos = data.wpos();
        data << uint64(petauramask);                        // placeholder
        for(uint8 i = 0; i < MAX_AURAS; ++i)
            if(uint32 petaura = pet->GetVisibleAura(i))
                petauramask |= (uint64(1) << i);
                data << uint32(petaura);
                data << uint8(1);
        data.put<uint64>(petMaskPos, petauramask);          // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_AURAS
        data << uint8(0);                                   // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_NAME
        data << uint64(0);                                  // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_AURAS

Пример #6
bool ConvertADT(char *filename, char *filename2, int cell_y, int cell_x, uint32 build)
    ADT_file adt;

    if (!adt.loadFile(WorldMpq, filename))
        return false;

    memset(liquid_show, 0, sizeof(liquid_show));
    memset(liquid_type, 0, sizeof(liquid_type));

    // Prepare map header
    map_fileheader map;
    map.mapMagic = *(uint32 const*)MAP_MAGIC;
    map.versionMagic = *(uint32 const*)MAP_VERSION_MAGIC;
    map.buildMagic = build;

    // Get area flags data
    for (int i = 0; i < ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID; ++j)
            adt_MCNK* cell = adt.cells[i][j];
            uint32 areaid = cell->areaid;
            if (areaid && areaid <= maxAreaId)
                if (areas[areaid] != 0xFFFF)
                    area_flags[i][j] = areas[areaid];

                printf("File: %s\nCan't find area flag for areaid %u [%d, %d].\n", filename, areaid, cell->ix, cell->iy);

            area_flags[i][j] = 0xffff;

    // Try pack area data
    bool fullAreaData = false;
    uint32 areaflag = area_flags[0][0];
    for (int y=0;y<ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID;y++)
        for(int x=0;x<ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID;x++)
                fullAreaData = true;

    map.areaMapOffset = sizeof(map);
    map.areaMapSize   = sizeof(map_areaHeader);

    map_areaHeader areaHeader;
    areaHeader.fourcc = *(uint32 const*)MAP_AREA_MAGIC;
    areaHeader.flags = 0;
    if (fullAreaData)
        areaHeader.gridArea = 0;
        areaHeader.flags |= MAP_AREA_NO_AREA;
        areaHeader.gridArea = (uint16)areaflag;

    // Get Height map from grid
    for (int i=0;i<ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID;i++)
        for(int j=0;j<ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID;j++)
            adt_MCNK * cell = adt.cells[i][j];
            if (!cell)
            // Height values for triangles stored in order:
            // 1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
            //    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17
            // 18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26
            //    27    28    29    30    31    32    33    34
            // . . . . . . . .
            // For better get height values merge it to V9 and V8 map
            // V9 height map:
            // 1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
            // 18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26
            // . . . . . . . .
            // V8 height map:
            //    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17
            //    27    28    29    30    31    32    33    34
            // . . . . . . . .

            // Set map height as grid height
            for (int y=0; y <= ADT_CELL_SIZE; y++)
                int cy = i*ADT_CELL_SIZE + y;
                for (int x=0; x <= ADT_CELL_SIZE; x++)
                    int cx = j*ADT_CELL_SIZE + x;
            for (int y=0; y < ADT_CELL_SIZE; y++)
                int cy = i*ADT_CELL_SIZE + y;
                for (int x=0; x < ADT_CELL_SIZE; x++)
                    int cx = j*ADT_CELL_SIZE + x;
            // Get custom height
            adt_MCVT *v = cell->getMCVT();
            if (!v)
            // get V9 height map
            for (int y=0; y <= ADT_CELL_SIZE; y++)
                int cy = i*ADT_CELL_SIZE + y;
                for (int x=0; x <= ADT_CELL_SIZE; x++)
                    int cx = j*ADT_CELL_SIZE + x;
            // get V8 height map
            for (int y=0; y < ADT_CELL_SIZE; y++)
                int cy = i*ADT_CELL_SIZE + y;
                for (int x=0; x < ADT_CELL_SIZE; x++)
                    int cx = j*ADT_CELL_SIZE + x;
    // Try pack height data
    float maxHeight = -20000;
    float minHeight =  20000;
    for (int y=0; y<ADT_GRID_SIZE; y++)
        for(int x=0;x<ADT_GRID_SIZE;x++)
            float h = V8[y][x];
            if (maxHeight < h) maxHeight = h;
            if (minHeight > h) minHeight = h;
    for (int y=0; y<=ADT_GRID_SIZE; y++)
        for(int x=0;x<=ADT_GRID_SIZE;x++)
            float h = V9[y][x];
            if (maxHeight < h) maxHeight = h;
            if (minHeight > h) minHeight = h;

    // Check for allow limit minimum height (not store height in deep ochean - allow save some memory)
    if (CONF_allow_height_limit && minHeight < CONF_use_minHeight)
        for (int y=0; y<ADT_GRID_SIZE; y++)
            for(int x=0;x<ADT_GRID_SIZE;x++)
                if (V8[y][x] < CONF_use_minHeight)
                    V8[y][x] = CONF_use_minHeight;
        for (int y=0; y<=ADT_GRID_SIZE; y++)
            for(int x=0;x<=ADT_GRID_SIZE;x++)
                if (V9[y][x] < CONF_use_minHeight)
                    V9[y][x] = CONF_use_minHeight;
        if (minHeight < CONF_use_minHeight)
            minHeight = CONF_use_minHeight;
        if (maxHeight < CONF_use_minHeight)
            maxHeight = CONF_use_minHeight;

    map.heightMapOffset = map.areaMapOffset + map.areaMapSize;
    map.heightMapSize = sizeof(map_heightHeader);

    map_heightHeader heightHeader;
    heightHeader.fourcc = *(uint32 const*)MAP_HEIGHT_MAGIC;
    heightHeader.flags = 0;
    heightHeader.gridHeight    = minHeight;
    heightHeader.gridMaxHeight = maxHeight;

    if (maxHeight == minHeight)
        heightHeader.flags |= MAP_HEIGHT_NO_HEIGHT;

    // Not need store if flat surface
    if (CONF_allow_float_to_int && (maxHeight - minHeight) < CONF_flat_height_delta_limit)
        heightHeader.flags |= MAP_HEIGHT_NO_HEIGHT;

    // Try store as packed in uint16 or uint8 values
    if (!(heightHeader.flags & MAP_HEIGHT_NO_HEIGHT))
        float step;
        // Try Store as uint values
        if (CONF_allow_float_to_int)
            float diff = maxHeight - minHeight;
            if (diff < CONF_float_to_int8_limit)      // As uint8 (max accuracy = CONF_float_to_int8_limit/256)
                step = selectUInt8StepStore(diff);
            else if (diff<CONF_float_to_int16_limit)  // As uint16 (max accuracy = CONF_float_to_int16_limit/65536)
                step = selectUInt16StepStore(diff);

        // Pack it to int values if need
        if (heightHeader.flags&MAP_HEIGHT_AS_INT8)
            for (int y=0; y<ADT_GRID_SIZE; y++)
                for(int x=0;x<ADT_GRID_SIZE;x++)
                    uint8_V8[y][x] = uint8((V8[y][x] - minHeight) * step + 0.5f);
            for (int y=0; y<=ADT_GRID_SIZE; y++)
                for(int x=0;x<=ADT_GRID_SIZE;x++)
                    uint8_V9[y][x] = uint8((V9[y][x] - minHeight) * step + 0.5f);
            map.heightMapSize+= sizeof(uint8_V9) + sizeof(uint8_V8);
        else if (heightHeader.flags&MAP_HEIGHT_AS_INT16)
            for (int y=0; y<ADT_GRID_SIZE; y++)
                for(int x=0;x<ADT_GRID_SIZE;x++)
                    uint16_V8[y][x] = uint16((V8[y][x] - minHeight) * step + 0.5f);
            for (int y=0; y<=ADT_GRID_SIZE; y++)
                for(int x=0;x<=ADT_GRID_SIZE;x++)
                    uint16_V9[y][x] = uint16((V9[y][x] - minHeight) * step + 0.5f);
            map.heightMapSize+= sizeof(uint16_V9) + sizeof(uint16_V8);
            map.heightMapSize+= sizeof(V9) + sizeof(V8);

    // Get liquid map for grid (in WOTLK used MH2O chunk)
    adt_MH2O * h2o = adt.a_grid->getMH2O();
    if (h2o)
        for (int i=0;i<ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID;i++)
            for(int j=0;j<ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID;j++)
                adt_liquid_header *h = h2o->getLiquidData(i,j);
                if (!h)

                int count = 0;
                uint64 show = h2o->getLiquidShowMap(h);
                for (int y=0; y < h->height;y++)
                    int cy = i*ADT_CELL_SIZE + y + h->yOffset;
                    for (int x=0; x < h->width; x++)
                        int cx = j*ADT_CELL_SIZE + x + h->xOffset;
                        if (show & 1)
                            liquid_show[cy][cx] = true;

                uint32 type = LiqType[h->liquidType];
                switch (type)
                    case LIQUID_TYPE_WATER: liquid_type[i][j] |= MAP_LIQUID_TYPE_WATER; break;
                    case LIQUID_TYPE_OCEAN: liquid_type[i][j] |= MAP_LIQUID_TYPE_OCEAN; break;
                    case LIQUID_TYPE_MAGMA: liquid_type[i][j] |= MAP_LIQUID_TYPE_MAGMA; break;
                    case LIQUID_TYPE_SLIME: liquid_type[i][j] |= MAP_LIQUID_TYPE_SLIME; break;
                        printf("\nCan't find Liquid type %u for map %s\nchunk %d,%d\n", h->liquidType, filename, i, j);
                // Dark water detect
                if (type == LIQUID_TYPE_OCEAN)
                    uint8 *lm = h2o->getLiquidLightMap(h);
                    if (!lm)

                if (!count && liquid_type[i][j])
                    printf("Wrong liquid detect in MH2O chunk");

                float *height = h2o->getLiquidHeightMap(h);
                int pos = 0;
                for (int y=0; y<=h->height;y++)
                    int cy = i*ADT_CELL_SIZE + y + h->yOffset;
                    for (int x=0; x<= h->width; x++)
                        int cx = j*ADT_CELL_SIZE + x + h->xOffset;
                        if (height)
                            liquid_height[cy][cx] = height[pos];
                            liquid_height[cy][cx] = h->heightLevel1;
        // Get from MCLQ chunk (old)
        for (int i=0;i<ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID;i++)
Пример #7
void AuthSocket::LoadRealmlist(ByteBuffer &pkt, uint32 acctid)
        case 5875:                                          // 1.12.1
        case 6005:                                          // 1.12.2
            pkt << uint32(0);                               // unused value
            pkt << uint8(sRealmList.size());

            for(RealmList::RealmMap::const_iterator  i = sRealmList.begin(); i != sRealmList.end(); ++i)
                uint8 AmountOfCharacters;

                // No SQL injection. id of realm is controlled by the database.
                QueryResult *result = LoginDatabase.PQuery( "SELECT numchars FROM realmcharacters WHERE realmid = '%d' AND acctid='%u'", i->second.m_ID, acctid);
                if( result )
                    Field *fields = result->Fetch();
                    AmountOfCharacters = fields[0].GetUInt8();
                    delete result;
                    AmountOfCharacters = 0;

                bool ok_build = std::find(i->second.realmbuilds.begin(), i->second.realmbuilds.end(), _build) != i->second.realmbuilds.end();

                RealmBuildInfo const* buildInfo = ok_build ? FindBuildInfo(_build) : NULL;
                if (!buildInfo)
                    buildInfo = &i->second.realmBuildInfo;

                RealmFlags realmflags = i->second.realmflags;

                // 1.x clients not support explicitly REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD, so manually form similar name as show in more recent clients
                std::string name = i->first;
                if (realmflags & REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD)
                    char buf[20];
                    snprintf(buf, 20," (%u,%u,%u)", buildInfo->major_version, buildInfo->minor_version, buildInfo->bugfix_version);
                    name += buf;

                // Show offline state for unsupported client builds and locked realms (1.x clients not support locked state show)
                if (!ok_build || (i->second.allowedSecurityLevel > _accountSecurityLevel))
                    realmflags = RealmFlags(realmflags | REALM_FLAG_OFFLINE);

                pkt << uint32(i->second.icon);              // realm type
                pkt << uint8(realmflags);                   // realmflags
                pkt << name;                                // name
                pkt << i->second.address;                   // address
                pkt << float(i->second.populationLevel);
                pkt << uint8(AmountOfCharacters);
                pkt << uint8(i->second.timezone);           // realm category
                pkt << uint8(0x00);                         // unk, may be realm number/id?

            pkt << uint16(0x0002);                          // unused value (why 2?)

        case 8606:                                          // 2.4.3
        case 10505:                                         // 3.2.2a
        case 11159:                                         // 3.3.0a
        case 11403:                                         // 3.3.2
        case 11723:                                         // 3.3.3a
        case 12340:                                         // 3.3.5a
        default:                                            // and later
            pkt << uint32(0);                               // unused value
            pkt << uint16(sRealmList.size());

            for(RealmList::RealmMap::const_iterator  i = sRealmList.begin(); i != sRealmList.end(); ++i)
                uint8 AmountOfCharacters;

                // No SQL injection. id of realm is controlled by the database.
                QueryResult *result = LoginDatabase.PQuery( "SELECT numchars FROM realmcharacters WHERE realmid = '%d' AND acctid='%u'", i->second.m_ID, acctid);
                if( result )
                    Field *fields = result->Fetch();
                    AmountOfCharacters = fields[0].GetUInt8();
                    delete result;
                    AmountOfCharacters = 0;

                bool ok_build = std::find(i->second.realmbuilds.begin(), i->second.realmbuilds.end(), _build) != i->second.realmbuilds.end();

                RealmBuildInfo const* buildInfo = ok_build ? FindBuildInfo(_build) : NULL;
                if (!buildInfo)
                    buildInfo = &i->second.realmBuildInfo;

                uint8 lock = (i->second.allowedSecurityLevel > _accountSecurityLevel) ? 1 : 0;

                RealmFlags realmFlags = i->second.realmflags;

                // Show offline state for unsupported client builds
                if (!ok_build)
                    realmFlags = RealmFlags(realmFlags | REALM_FLAG_OFFLINE);

                if (!buildInfo)
                    realmFlags = RealmFlags(realmFlags & ~REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD);

                pkt << uint8(i->second.icon);               // realm type (this is second column in Cfg_Configs.dbc)
                pkt << uint8(lock);                         // flags, if 0x01, then realm locked
                pkt << uint8(realmFlags);                   // see enum RealmFlags
                pkt << i->first;                            // name
                pkt << i->second.address;                   // address
                pkt << float(i->second.populationLevel);
                pkt << uint8(AmountOfCharacters);
                pkt << uint8(i->second.timezone);           // realm category (Cfg_Categories.dbc)
                pkt << uint8(0x2C);                         // unk, may be realm number/id?

                if (realmFlags & REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD)
                    pkt << uint8(buildInfo->major_version);
                    pkt << uint8(buildInfo->minor_version);
                    pkt << uint8(buildInfo->bugfix_version);
                    pkt << uint16(_build);

            pkt << uint16(0x0010);                          // unused value (why 10?)
Пример #8
/*this procedure handles clients CMSG_REQUEST_PARTY_MEMBER_STATS request*/
void WorldSession::HandleRequestPartyMemberStatsOpcode( WorldPacket &recv_data )
    ObjectGuid guid;
    recv_data >> guid;

    Player * player = HashMapHolder<Player>::Find(guid);
        WorldPacket data(SMSG_PARTY_MEMBER_STATS_FULL, 3+4+2);
        data << uint8(0);                                   // only for SMSG_PARTY_MEMBER_STATS_FULL, probably arena/bg related
        data << guid.WriteAsPacked();
        data << uint32(GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_STATUS);
        data << uint16(MEMBER_STATUS_OFFLINE);

    Pet *pet = player->GetPet();

    WorldPacket data(SMSG_PARTY_MEMBER_STATS_FULL, 4+2+2+2+1+2*6+8+1+8);
    data << uint8(0);                                       // only for SMSG_PARTY_MEMBER_STATS_FULL, probably arena/bg related
    data << player->GetPackGUID();

    uint32 mask1 = 0x00040BFF;                              // common mask, real flags used 0x000040BFF
        mask1 = 0x7FFFFFFF;                                 // for hunters and other classes with pets

    uint16 online_status = GetPlayer()->IsReferAFriendLinked(player) ?  (MEMBER_STATUS_ONLINE | MEMBER_STATUS_RAF) : MEMBER_STATUS_ONLINE;

    Powers powerType = player->getPowerType();
    data << uint32(mask1);                                  // group update mask
    data << uint16(online_status);                          // member's online status
    data << uint32(player->GetHealth());                    // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_CUR_HP
    data << uint32(player->GetMaxHealth());                 // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_MAX_HP
    data << uint8(powerType);                               // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_POWER_TYPE
    data << uint16(player->GetPower(powerType));            // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_CUR_POWER
    data << uint16(player->GetMaxPower(powerType));         // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_MAX_POWER
    data << uint16(player->getLevel());                     // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_LEVEL

    //verify player coordinates and zoneid to send to teammates
    uint16 iZoneId = 0;
    uint16 iCoordX = 0;
    uint16 iCoordY = 0;

    if (player->IsInWorld())
        iZoneId = player->GetZoneId();
        iCoordX = player->GetPositionX();
        iCoordY = player->GetPositionY();
    else if (player->IsBeingTeleported())               // Player is in teleportation
        WorldLocation& loc = player->GetTeleportDest(); // So take teleportation destination
        iZoneId = sTerrainMgr.GetZoneId(loc.mapid, loc.coord_x, loc.coord_y, loc.coord_z);
        iCoordX = loc.coord_x;
        iCoordY = loc.coord_y;
        //unknown player status.

    data << uint16(iZoneId);                              // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_ZONE
    data << uint16(iCoordX);                              // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_POSITION
    data << uint16(iCoordY);                              // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_POSITION

    uint64 auramask = 0;
    size_t maskPos = data.wpos();
    data << uint64(auramask);                               // placeholder
    for(uint8 i = 0; i < MAX_AURAS; ++i)
        if(uint32 aura = player->GetVisibleAura(i))
            auramask |= (uint64(1) << i);
            data << uint32(aura);
            data << uint8(1);
    data.put<uint64>(maskPos, auramask);                    // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_AURAS

        Powers petpowertype = pet->getPowerType();
        data << pet->GetObjectGuid();                       // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_GUID
        data << pet->GetName();                             // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_NAME
        data << uint16(pet->GetDisplayId());                // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_MODEL_ID
        data << uint32(pet->GetHealth());                   // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_CUR_HP
        data << uint32(pet->GetMaxHealth());                // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_MAX_HP
        data << uint8(petpowertype);                        // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_POWER_TYPE
        data << uint16(pet->GetPower(petpowertype));        // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_CUR_POWER
        data << uint16(pet->GetMaxPower(petpowertype));     // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_MAX_POWER

        uint64 petauramask = 0;
        size_t petMaskPos = data.wpos();
        data << uint64(petauramask);                        // placeholder
        for(uint8 i = 0; i < MAX_AURAS; ++i)
            if(uint32 petaura = pet->GetVisibleAura(i))
                petauramask |= (uint64(1) << i);
                data << uint32(petaura);
                data << uint8(1);
        data.put<uint64>(petMaskPos, petauramask);          // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_AURAS
        data << uint8(0);                                   // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_NAME
        data << uint64(0);                                  // GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_AURAS

Пример #9
void CUser::WarehouseProcess(Packet & pkt)
	Packet result(WIZ_WAREHOUSE);
	uint32 itemid, count;
	uint16 npcid, reference_pos;
	uint8 page, srcpos, destpos;
	_ITEM_TABLE* pTable = NULL;
	uint8 command = pkt.read<uint8>();
	bool bResult = false;

	if (isDead())
		TRACE("### WarehouseProcess Fail : name=%s(%d), m_bResHpType=%d, hp=%d, x=%d, z=%d ###\n", GetName(), GetSocketID(), m_bResHpType, m_sHp, (int)m_curx, (int)m_curz);
	if (isTrading())
		goto fail_return;

	if (command == WAREHOUSE_OPEN)
		result << uint8(WAREHOUSE_OPEN) << uint8(WAREHOUSE_OPEN) << GetInnCoins();
		for (int i = 0; i < WAREHOUSE_MAX; i++)
			_ITEM_DATA *pItem = &m_sWarehouseArray[i];
			result	<< pItem->nNum << pItem->sDuration << pItem->sCount
					<< uint8(0) << uint16(0) << uint16(0) << uint16(0) << uint16(0);

	pkt >> npcid >> itemid >> page >> srcpos >> destpos;
	CNpc * pNpc = g_pMain->m_arNpcArray.GetData(npcid);
	if (pNpc == NULL
		|| pNpc->GetType() != NPC_WAREHOUSE
		|| !isInRange(pNpc, MAX_NPC_RANGE))
		goto fail_return;

	pTable = g_pMain->GetItemPtr( itemid );
	if( !pTable ) goto fail_return;
	reference_pos = 24 * page;

	// TO-DO: Clean up this entire method. It's horrendous!
	switch (command)
	/* stuff going into the inn */
		pkt >> count;

		// Handle coin input.
		if (itemid == ITEM_GOLD)
			if (!hasCoins(count)
				|| GetInnCoins() + count > COIN_MAX)
				goto fail_return;

			m_iBank += count;
			m_iGold -= count;

		if (srcpos > HAVE_MAX
			|| reference_pos + destpos > WAREHOUSE_MAX
			|| itemid >= ITEM_NO_TRADE) // Cannot be traded, sold or stored (note: don't check the race, as these items CAN be stored).
			goto fail_return;

		if (m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].isSealed()
			|| m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].isRented())
			goto fail_return;

		if( m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nNum != itemid ) goto fail_return;
		if( m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].nNum && !pTable->m_bCountable ) goto fail_return;
		if( m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sCount < count ) goto fail_return;
		m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].nNum = itemid;
		m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].sDuration = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sDuration;
		m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].nSerialNum = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nSerialNum;
		if( pTable->m_bCountable == 0 && m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].nSerialNum == 0 )
			m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].nSerialNum = g_pMain->GenerateItemSerial();

		if( pTable->m_bCountable ) {
			m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].sCount += (unsigned short)count;
		else {
			m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].sCount = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sCount;

		if( !pTable->m_bCountable ) {
			m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nNum = 0;
			m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sDuration = 0;
			m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sCount = 0;
			m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nSerialNum = 0;
		else {
			m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sCount -= (unsigned short)count;
			if( m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sCount <= 0 ) {
				m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nNum = 0;
				m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sDuration = 0;
				m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sCount = 0;
				m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nSerialNum = 0;


	/* stuff being taken out of the inn */
		pkt >> count;

		if (itemid == ITEM_GOLD)
			if (!hasInnCoins(count)
				|| GetCoins() + count > COIN_MAX)
				goto fail_return;

			m_iGold += count;
			m_iBank -= count;

		if (reference_pos + srcpos > WAREHOUSE_MAX
			|| destpos > HAVE_MAX)
			goto fail_return;

		if (pTable->m_bCountable) {	// Check weight of countable item.
			if (((pTable->m_sWeight * count)   + m_sItemWeight) > m_sMaxWeight) {			
				goto fail_return;
		else {	// Check weight of non-countable item.
			if ((pTable->m_sWeight + m_sItemWeight) > m_sMaxWeight) {
				goto fail_return;

		if( m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nNum != itemid ) goto fail_return;
		if( m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].nNum && !pTable->m_bCountable ) goto fail_return;
		if( m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sCount < count ) goto fail_return;
		m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].nNum = itemid;
		m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].sDuration = m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sDuration;
		m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].nSerialNum = m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nSerialNum;
		if( pTable->m_bCountable )
			m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].sCount += (unsigned short)count;
		else {
			if( m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].nSerialNum == 0 )
				m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].nSerialNum = g_pMain->GenerateItemSerial();
			m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].sCount = m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sCount;
		if( !pTable->m_bCountable ) {
			m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nNum = 0;
			m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sDuration = 0;
			m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sCount = 0;
			m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nSerialNum = 0;
		else {
			m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sCount -= (unsigned short)count;
			if( m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sCount <= 0 ) {
				m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nNum = 0;
				m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sDuration = 0;
				m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sCount = 0;
				m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nSerialNum = 0;

		//TRACE("WARE OUTPUT : %s %s %d %d %d %d %d", m_id, m_Accountid, ITEM_WAREHOUSE_GET, 0, itemid, count, m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].sDuration );
		if( reference_pos+srcpos > WAREHOUSE_MAX ) goto fail_return;
		if( m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nNum != itemid ) goto fail_return;
		if( m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].nNum ) goto fail_return;
		m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].nNum = itemid;
		m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].sDuration = m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sDuration;
		m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].sCount = m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sCount;
		m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].nSerialNum = m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nSerialNum;

		m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nNum = 0;
		m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sDuration = 0;
		m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sCount = 0;
		m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nSerialNum = 0;
		if( itemid != m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nNum )
			goto fail_return;
			short duration = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sDuration;
			short itemcount = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sCount;
			__int64 serial = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nSerialNum;
			m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nNum = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].nNum;
			m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sDuration = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].sDuration;
			m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sCount = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].sCount;
			m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nSerialNum = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].nSerialNum;

			m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].nNum = itemid;
			m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].sDuration = duration;
			m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].sCount = itemcount;
			m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].nSerialNum = serial;

	bResult = true;

fail_return: // hmm...
	result << uint8(command) << bResult;
Пример #10
void CPUcore::disassemble_opcode(char *output, uint32 addr) {
  static reg24_t pc;
  char t[256];
  char *s = output;

  if(false /* in_opcode() == true */) {
    strcpy(s, "?????? <CPU within opcode>");

  pc.d = addr;
  sprintf(s, "%.6x:  ", (uint32)pc.d);

  uint8 op  = dreadb(pc.d); pc.w++;
  uint8 op0 = dreadb(pc.d); pc.w++;
  uint8 op1 = dreadb(pc.d); pc.w++;
  uint8 op2 = dreadb(pc.d);

  #define op8  ((op0))
  #define op16 ((op0) | (op1 << 8))
  #define op24 ((op0) | (op1 << 8) | (op2 << 16))
  #define a8   (regs.e || regs.p.m)
  #define x8   (regs.e || regs.p.x)

  switch(op) {
    case 0x00: sprintf(t, "brk  #$%.2x              ", op8); break;
    case 0x01: sprintf(t, "ora  ($%.2x,x)   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDPX, op8)); break;
    case 0x02: sprintf(t, "cop  #$%.2x              ", op8); break;
    case 0x03: sprintf(t, "ora  $%.2x,s     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_SR, op8)); break;
    case 0x04: sprintf(t, "tsb  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0x05: sprintf(t, "ora  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0x06: sprintf(t, "asl  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0x07: sprintf(t, "ora  [$%.2x]     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ILDP, op8)); break;
    case 0x08: sprintf(t, "php                    "); break;
    case 0x09:
		 if(a8)sprintf(t, "ora  #$%.2x              ", op8);
         else  sprintf(t, "ora  #$%.4x            ", op16); break;
    case 0x0a: sprintf(t, "asl  a                 "); break;
    case 0x0b: sprintf(t, "phd                    "); break;
    case 0x0c: sprintf(t, "tsb  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0x0d: sprintf(t, "ora  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0x0e: sprintf(t, "asl  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0x0f: sprintf(t, "ora  $%.6x   [%.6x]", op24, decode(OPTYPE_LONG, op24)); break;
    case 0x10: sprintf(t, "bpl  $%.4x     [%.6x]", uint16(decode(OPTYPE_RELB, op8)), decode(OPTYPE_RELB, op8)); break;
    case 0x11: sprintf(t, "ora  ($%.2x),y   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDPY, op8)); break;
    case 0x12: sprintf(t, "ora  ($%.2x)     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDP, op8)); break;
    case 0x13: sprintf(t, "ora  ($%.2x,s),y [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ISRY, op8)); break;
    case 0x14: sprintf(t, "trb  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0x15: sprintf(t, "ora  $%.2x,x     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPX, op8)); break;
    case 0x16: sprintf(t, "asl  $%.2x,x     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPX, op8)); break;
    case 0x17: sprintf(t, "ora  [$%.2x],y   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ILDPY, op8)); break;
    case 0x18: sprintf(t, "clc                    "); break;
    case 0x19: sprintf(t, "ora  $%.4x,y   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRY, op16)); break;
    case 0x1a: sprintf(t, "inc                    "); break;
    case 0x1b: sprintf(t, "tcs                    "); break;
    case 0x1c: sprintf(t, "trb  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0x1d: sprintf(t, "ora  $%.4x,x   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRX, op16)); break;
    case 0x1e: sprintf(t, "asl  $%.4x,x   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRX, op16)); break;
    case 0x1f: sprintf(t, "ora  $%.6x,x [%.6x]", op24, decode(OPTYPE_LONGX, op24)); break;
    case 0x20: sprintf(t, "jsr  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR_PC, op16)); break;
    case 0x21: sprintf(t, "and  ($%.2x,x)   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDPX, op8)); break;
    case 0x22: sprintf(t, "jsl  $%.6x   [%.6x]", op24, decode(OPTYPE_LONG, op24)); break;
    case 0x23: sprintf(t, "and  $%.2x,s     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_SR, op8)); break;
    case 0x24: sprintf(t, "bit  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0x25: sprintf(t, "and  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0x26: sprintf(t, "rol  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0x27: sprintf(t, "and  [$%.2x]     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ILDP, op8)); break;
    case 0x28: sprintf(t, "plp                    "); break;
    case 0x29:
		 if(a8)sprintf(t, "and  #$%.2x              ", op8);
         else  sprintf(t, "and  #$%.4x            ", op16); break;
    case 0x2a: sprintf(t, "rol  a                 "); break;
    case 0x2b: sprintf(t, "pld                    "); break;
    case 0x2c: sprintf(t, "bit  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0x2d: sprintf(t, "and  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0x2e: sprintf(t, "rol  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0x2f: sprintf(t, "and  $%.6x   [%.6x]", op24, decode(OPTYPE_LONG, op24)); break;
    case 0x30: sprintf(t, "bmi  $%.4x     [%.6x]", uint16(decode(OPTYPE_RELB, op8)), decode(OPTYPE_RELB, op8)); break;
    case 0x31: sprintf(t, "and  ($%.2x),y   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDPY, op8)); break;
    case 0x32: sprintf(t, "and  ($%.2x)     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDP, op8)); break;
    case 0x33: sprintf(t, "and  ($%.2x,s),y [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ISRY, op8)); break;
    case 0x34: sprintf(t, "bit  $%.2x,x     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPX, op8)); break;
    case 0x35: sprintf(t, "and  $%.2x,x     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPX, op8)); break;
    case 0x36: sprintf(t, "rol  $%.2x,x     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPX, op8)); break;
    case 0x37: sprintf(t, "and  [$%.2x],y   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ILDPY, op8)); break;
    case 0x38: sprintf(t, "sec                    "); break;
    case 0x39: sprintf(t, "and  $%.4x,y   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRY, op16)); break;
    case 0x3a: sprintf(t, "dec                    "); break;
    case 0x3b: sprintf(t, "tsc                    "); break;
    case 0x3c: sprintf(t, "bit  $%.4x,x   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRX, op16)); break;
    case 0x3d: sprintf(t, "and  $%.4x,x   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRX, op16)); break;
    case 0x3e: sprintf(t, "rol  $%.4x,x   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRX, op16)); break;
    case 0x3f: sprintf(t, "and  $%.6x,x [%.6x]", op24, decode(OPTYPE_LONGX, op24)); break;
    case 0x40: sprintf(t, "rti                    "); break;
    case 0x41: sprintf(t, "eor  ($%.2x,x)   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDPX, op8)); break;
    case 0x42: sprintf(t, "wdm                    "); break;
    case 0x43: sprintf(t, "eor  $%.2x,s     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_SR, op8)); break;
    case 0x44: sprintf(t, "mvp  $%.2x,$%.2x           ", op1, op8); break;
    case 0x45: sprintf(t, "eor  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0x46: sprintf(t, "lsr  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0x47: sprintf(t, "eor  [$%.2x]     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ILDP, op8)); break;
    case 0x48: sprintf(t, "pha                    "); break;
    case 0x49:
		 if(a8)sprintf(t, "eor  #$%.2x              ", op8);
         else  sprintf(t, "eor  #$%.4x            ", op16); break;
    case 0x4a: sprintf(t, "lsr  a                 "); break;
    case 0x4b: sprintf(t, "phk                    "); break;
    case 0x4c: sprintf(t, "jmp  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR_PC, op16)); break;
    case 0x4d: sprintf(t, "eor  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0x4e: sprintf(t, "lsr  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0x4f: sprintf(t, "eor  $%.6x   [%.6x]", op24, decode(OPTYPE_LONG, op24)); break;
    case 0x50: sprintf(t, "bvc  $%.4x     [%.6x]", uint16(decode(OPTYPE_RELB, op8)), decode(OPTYPE_RELB, op8)); break;
    case 0x51: sprintf(t, "eor  ($%.2x),y   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDPY, op8)); break;
    case 0x52: sprintf(t, "eor  ($%.2x)     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDP, op8)); break;
    case 0x53: sprintf(t, "eor  ($%.2x,s),y [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ISRY, op8)); break;
    case 0x54: sprintf(t, "mvn  $%.2x,$%.2x           ", op1, op8); break;
    case 0x55: sprintf(t, "eor  $%.2x,x     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPX, op8)); break;
    case 0x56: sprintf(t, "lsr  $%.2x,x     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPX, op8)); break;
    case 0x57: sprintf(t, "eor  [$%.2x],y   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ILDPY, op8)); break;
    case 0x58: sprintf(t, "cli                    "); break;
    case 0x59: sprintf(t, "eor  $%.4x,y   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRY, op16)); break;
    case 0x5a: sprintf(t, "phy                    "); break;
    case 0x5b: sprintf(t, "tcd                    "); break;
    case 0x5c: sprintf(t, "jml  $%.6x   [%.6x]", op24, decode(OPTYPE_LONG, op24)); break;
    case 0x5d: sprintf(t, "eor  $%.4x,x   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRX, op16)); break;
    case 0x5e: sprintf(t, "lsr  $%.4x,x   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRX, op16)); break;
    case 0x5f: sprintf(t, "eor  $%.6x,x [%.6x]", op24, decode(OPTYPE_LONGX, op24)); break;
    case 0x60: sprintf(t, "rts                    "); break;
    case 0x61: sprintf(t, "adc  ($%.2x,x)   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDPX, op8)); break;
    case 0x62: sprintf(t, "per  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0x63: sprintf(t, "adc  $%.2x,s     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_SR, op8)); break;
    case 0x64: sprintf(t, "stz  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0x65: sprintf(t, "adc  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0x66: sprintf(t, "ror  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0x67: sprintf(t, "adc  [$%.2x]     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ILDP, op8)); break;
    case 0x68: sprintf(t, "pla                    "); break;
    case 0x69:
		 if(a8)sprintf(t, "adc  #$%.2x              ", op8);
         else  sprintf(t, "adc  #$%.4x            ", op16); break;
    case 0x6a: sprintf(t, "ror  a                 "); break;
    case 0x6b: sprintf(t, "rtl                    "); break;
    case 0x6c: sprintf(t, "jmp  ($%.4x)   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_IADDR_PC, op16)); break;
    case 0x6d: sprintf(t, "adc  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0x6e: sprintf(t, "ror  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0x6f: sprintf(t, "adc  $%.6x   [%.6x]", op24, decode(OPTYPE_LONG, op24)); break;
    case 0x70: sprintf(t, "bvs  $%.4x     [%.6x]", uint16(decode(OPTYPE_RELB, op8)), decode(OPTYPE_RELB, op8)); break;
    case 0x71: sprintf(t, "adc  ($%.2x),y   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDPY, op8)); break;
    case 0x72: sprintf(t, "adc  ($%.2x)     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDP, op8)); break;
    case 0x73: sprintf(t, "adc  ($%.2x,s),y [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ISRY, op8)); break;
    case 0x74: sprintf(t, "stz  $%.2x,x     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPX, op8)); break;
    case 0x75: sprintf(t, "adc  $%.2x,x     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPX, op8)); break;
    case 0x76: sprintf(t, "ror  $%.2x,x     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPX, op8)); break;
    case 0x77: sprintf(t, "adc  [$%.2x],y   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ILDPY, op8)); break;
    case 0x78: sprintf(t, "sei                    "); break;
    case 0x79: sprintf(t, "adc  $%.4x,y   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRY, op16)); break;
    case 0x7a: sprintf(t, "ply                    "); break;
    case 0x7b: sprintf(t, "tdc                    "); break;
    case 0x7c: sprintf(t, "jmp  ($%.4x,x) [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_IADDRX, op16)); break;
    case 0x7d: sprintf(t, "adc  $%.4x,x   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRX, op16)); break;
    case 0x7e: sprintf(t, "ror  $%.4x,x   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRX, op16)); break;
    case 0x7f: sprintf(t, "adc  $%.6x,x [%.6x]", op24, decode(OPTYPE_LONGX, op24)); break;
    case 0x80: sprintf(t, "bra  $%.4x     [%.6x]", uint16(decode(OPTYPE_RELB, op8)), decode(OPTYPE_RELB, op8)); break;
    case 0x81: sprintf(t, "sta  ($%.2x,x)   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDPX, op8)); break;
    case 0x82: sprintf(t, "brl  $%.4x     [%.6x]", uint16(decode(OPTYPE_RELW, op16)), decode(OPTYPE_RELW, op16)); break;
    case 0x83: sprintf(t, "sta  $%.2x,s     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_SR, op8)); break;
    case 0x84: sprintf(t, "sty  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0x85: sprintf(t, "sta  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0x86: sprintf(t, "stx  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0x87: sprintf(t, "sta  [$%.2x]     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ILDP, op8)); break;
    case 0x88: sprintf(t, "dey                    "); break;
    case 0x89:
		 if(a8)sprintf(t, "bit  #$%.2x              ", op8);
         else  sprintf(t, "bit  #$%.4x            ", op16); break;
    case 0x8a: sprintf(t, "txa                    "); break;
    case 0x8b: sprintf(t, "phb                    "); break;
    case 0x8c: sprintf(t, "sty  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0x8d: sprintf(t, "sta  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0x8e: sprintf(t, "stx  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0x8f: sprintf(t, "sta  $%.6x   [%.6x]", op24, decode(OPTYPE_LONG, op24)); break;
    case 0x90: sprintf(t, "bcc  $%.4x     [%.6x]", uint16(decode(OPTYPE_RELB, op8)), decode(OPTYPE_RELB, op8)); break;
    case 0x91: sprintf(t, "sta  ($%.2x),y   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDPY, op8)); break;
    case 0x92: sprintf(t, "sta  ($%.2x)     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDP, op8)); break;
    case 0x93: sprintf(t, "sta  ($%.2x,s),y [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ISRY, op8)); break;
    case 0x94: sprintf(t, "sty  $%.2x,x     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPX, op8)); break;
    case 0x95: sprintf(t, "sta  $%.2x,x     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPX, op8)); break;
    case 0x96: sprintf(t, "stx  $%.2x,y     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPY, op8)); break;
    case 0x97: sprintf(t, "sta  [$%.2x],y   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ILDPY, op8)); break;
    case 0x98: sprintf(t, "tya                    "); break;
    case 0x99: sprintf(t, "sta  $%.4x,y   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRY, op16)); break;
    case 0x9a: sprintf(t, "txs                    "); break;
    case 0x9b: sprintf(t, "txy                    "); break;
    case 0x9c: sprintf(t, "stz  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0x9d: sprintf(t, "sta  $%.4x,x   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRX, op16)); break;
    case 0x9e: sprintf(t, "stz  $%.4x,x   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRX, op16)); break;
    case 0x9f: sprintf(t, "sta  $%.6x,x [%.6x]", op24, decode(OPTYPE_LONGX, op24)); break;
    case 0xa0:
		 if(x8)sprintf(t, "ldy  #$%.2x              ", op8);
         else  sprintf(t, "ldy  #$%.4x            ", op16); break;
    case 0xa1: sprintf(t, "lda  ($%.2x,x)   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDPX, op8)); break;
    case 0xa2:
		 if(x8)sprintf(t, "ldx  #$%.2x              ", op8);
         else  sprintf(t, "ldx  #$%.4x            ", op16); break;
    case 0xa3: sprintf(t, "lda  $%.2x,s     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_SR, op8)); break;
    case 0xa4: sprintf(t, "ldy  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0xa5: sprintf(t, "lda  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0xa6: sprintf(t, "ldx  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0xa7: sprintf(t, "lda  [$%.2x]     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ILDP, op8)); break;
    case 0xa8: sprintf(t, "tay                    "); break;
    case 0xa9:
		 if(a8)sprintf(t, "lda  #$%.2x              ", op8);
         else  sprintf(t, "lda  #$%.4x            ", op16); break;
    case 0xaa: sprintf(t, "tax                    "); break;
    case 0xab: sprintf(t, "plb                    "); break;
    case 0xac: sprintf(t, "ldy  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0xad: sprintf(t, "lda  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0xae: sprintf(t, "ldx  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0xaf: sprintf(t, "lda  $%.6x   [%.6x]", op24, decode(OPTYPE_LONG, op24)); break;
    case 0xb0: sprintf(t, "bcs  $%.4x     [%.6x]", uint16(decode(OPTYPE_RELB, op8)), decode(OPTYPE_RELB, op8)); break;
    case 0xb1: sprintf(t, "lda  ($%.2x),y   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDPY, op8)); break;
    case 0xb2: sprintf(t, "lda  ($%.2x)     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDP, op8)); break;
    case 0xb3: sprintf(t, "lda  ($%.2x,s),y [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ISRY, op8)); break;
    case 0xb4: sprintf(t, "ldy  $%.2x,x     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPX, op8)); break;
    case 0xb5: sprintf(t, "lda  $%.2x,x     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPX, op8)); break;
    case 0xb6: sprintf(t, "ldx  $%.2x,y     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPY, op8)); break;
    case 0xb7: sprintf(t, "lda  [$%.2x],y   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ILDPY, op8)); break;
    case 0xb8: sprintf(t, "clv                    "); break;
    case 0xb9: sprintf(t, "lda  $%.4x,y   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRY, op16)); break;
    case 0xba: sprintf(t, "tsx                    "); break;
    case 0xbb: sprintf(t, "tyx                    "); break;
    case 0xbc: sprintf(t, "ldy  $%.4x,x   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRX, op16)); break;
    case 0xbd: sprintf(t, "lda  $%.4x,x   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRX, op16)); break;
    case 0xbe: sprintf(t, "ldx  $%.4x,y   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRY, op16)); break;
    case 0xbf: sprintf(t, "lda  $%.6x,x [%.6x]", op24, decode(OPTYPE_LONGX, op24)); break;
    case 0xc0:
		 if(x8)sprintf(t, "cpy  #$%.2x              ", op8);
         else  sprintf(t, "cpy  #$%.4x            ", op16); break;
    case 0xc1: sprintf(t, "cmp  ($%.2x,x)   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDPX, op8)); break;
    case 0xc2: sprintf(t, "rep  #$%.2x              ", op8); break;
    case 0xc3: sprintf(t, "cmp  $%.2x,s     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_SR, op8)); break;
    case 0xc4: sprintf(t, "cpy  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0xc5: sprintf(t, "cmp  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0xc6: sprintf(t, "dec  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0xc7: sprintf(t, "cmp  [$%.2x]     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ILDP, op8)); break;
    case 0xc8: sprintf(t, "iny                    "); break;
    case 0xc9:
		 if(a8)sprintf(t, "cmp  #$%.2x              ", op8);
         else  sprintf(t, "cmp  #$%.4x            ", op16); break;
    case 0xca: sprintf(t, "dex                    "); break;
    case 0xcb: sprintf(t, "wai                    "); break;
    case 0xcc: sprintf(t, "cpy  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0xcd: sprintf(t, "cmp  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0xce: sprintf(t, "dec  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0xcf: sprintf(t, "cmp  $%.6x   [%.6x]", op24, decode(OPTYPE_LONG, op24)); break;
    case 0xd0: sprintf(t, "bne  $%.4x     [%.6x]", uint16(decode(OPTYPE_RELB, op8)), decode(OPTYPE_RELB, op8)); break;
    case 0xd1: sprintf(t, "cmp  ($%.2x),y   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDPY, op8)); break;
    case 0xd2: sprintf(t, "cmp  ($%.2x)     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDP, op8)); break;
    case 0xd3: sprintf(t, "cmp  ($%.2x,s),y [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ISRY, op8)); break;
    case 0xd4: sprintf(t, "pei  ($%.2x)     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDP, op8)); break;
    case 0xd5: sprintf(t, "cmp  $%.2x,x     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPX, op8)); break;
    case 0xd6: sprintf(t, "dec  $%.2x,x     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPX, op8)); break;
    case 0xd7: sprintf(t, "cmp  [$%.2x],y   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ILDPY, op8)); break;
    case 0xd8: sprintf(t, "cld                    "); break;
    case 0xd9: sprintf(t, "cmp  $%.4x,y   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRY, op16)); break;
    case 0xda: sprintf(t, "phx                    "); break;
    case 0xdb: sprintf(t, "stp                    "); break;
    case 0xdc: sprintf(t, "jmp  [$%.4x]   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ILADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0xdd: sprintf(t, "cmp  $%.4x,x   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRX, op16)); break;
    case 0xde: sprintf(t, "dec  $%.4x,x   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRX, op16)); break;
    case 0xdf: sprintf(t, "cmp  $%.6x,x [%.6x]", op24, decode(OPTYPE_LONGX, op24)); break;
    case 0xe0:
		 if(x8)sprintf(t, "cpx  #$%.2x              ", op8);
         else  sprintf(t, "cpx  #$%.4x            ", op16); break;
    case 0xe1: sprintf(t, "sbc  ($%.2x,x)   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDPX, op8)); break;
    case 0xe2: sprintf(t, "sep  #$%.2x              ", op8); break;
    case 0xe3: sprintf(t, "sbc  $%.2x,s     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_SR, op8)); break;
    case 0xe4: sprintf(t, "cpx  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0xe5: sprintf(t, "sbc  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0xe6: sprintf(t, "inc  $%.2x       [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DP, op8)); break;
    case 0xe7: sprintf(t, "sbc  [$%.2x]     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ILDP, op8)); break;
    case 0xe8: sprintf(t, "inx                    "); break;
    case 0xe9:
		 if(a8)sprintf(t, "sbc  #$%.2x              ", op8);
         else  sprintf(t, "sbc  #$%.4x            ", op16); break;
    case 0xea: sprintf(t, "nop                    "); break;
    case 0xeb: sprintf(t, "xba                    "); break;
    case 0xec: sprintf(t, "cpx  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0xed: sprintf(t, "sbc  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0xee: sprintf(t, "inc  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0xef: sprintf(t, "sbc  $%.6x   [%.6x]", op24, decode(OPTYPE_LONG, op24)); break;
    case 0xf0: sprintf(t, "beq  $%.4x     [%.6x]", uint16(decode(OPTYPE_RELB, op8)), decode(OPTYPE_RELB, op8)); break;
    case 0xf1: sprintf(t, "sbc  ($%.2x),y   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDPY, op8)); break;
    case 0xf2: sprintf(t, "sbc  ($%.2x)     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_IDP, op8)); break;
    case 0xf3: sprintf(t, "sbc  ($%.2x,s),y [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ISRY, op8)); break;
    case 0xf4: sprintf(t, "pea  $%.4x     [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDR, op16)); break;
    case 0xf5: sprintf(t, "sbc  $%.2x,x     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPX, op8)); break;
    case 0xf6: sprintf(t, "inc  $%.2x,x     [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_DPX, op8)); break;
    case 0xf7: sprintf(t, "sbc  [$%.2x],y   [%.6x]", op8, decode(OPTYPE_ILDPY, op8)); break;
    case 0xf8: sprintf(t, "sed                    "); break;
    case 0xf9: sprintf(t, "sbc  $%.4x,y   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRY, op16)); break;
    case 0xfa: sprintf(t, "plx                    "); break;
    case 0xfb: sprintf(t, "xce                    "); break;
    case 0xfc: sprintf(t, "jsr  ($%.4x,x) [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_IADDRX, op16)); break;
    case 0xfd: sprintf(t, "sbc  $%.4x,x   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRX, op16)); break;
    case 0xfe: sprintf(t, "inc  $%.4x,x   [%.6x]", op16, decode(OPTYPE_ADDRX, op16)); break;
    case 0xff: sprintf(t, "sbc  $%.6x,x [%.6x]", op24, decode(OPTYPE_LONGX, op24)); break;

  #undef op8
  #undef op16
  #undef op24
  #undef a8
  #undef x8

  strcat(s, t);
  strcat(s, " ");

  sprintf(t, "A:%.4x X:%.4x Y:%.4x S:%.4x D:%.4x DB:%.2x ",
    regs.a.w, regs.x.w, regs.y.w, regs.s.w, regs.d.w, regs.db);
  strcat(s, t);

  if(regs.e) {
    sprintf(t, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c",
      regs.p.n ? 'N' : 'n', regs.p.v ? 'V' : 'v',
      regs.p.m ? '1' : '0', regs.p.x ? 'B' : 'b',
      regs.p.d ? 'D' : 'd', regs.p.i ? 'I' : 'i',
      regs.p.z ? 'Z' : 'z', regs.p.c ? 'C' : 'c');
  } else {
    sprintf(t, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c",
      regs.p.n ? 'N' : 'n', regs.p.v ? 'V' : 'v',
      regs.p.m ? 'M' : 'm', regs.p.x ? 'X' : 'x',
      regs.p.d ? 'D' : 'd', regs.p.i ? 'I' : 'i',
      regs.p.z ? 'Z' : 'z', regs.p.c ? 'C' : 'c');

  strcat(s, t);
  strcat(s, " ");

  sprintf(t, "V:%3d H:%4d", cpu.vcounter(), cpu.hcounter());
  strcat(s, t);
Пример #11
 * @brief
 * @param filename
 * @param filename2
 * @param cell_y
 * @param cell_x
 * @return bool
bool ConvertADT(char* filename, char* filename2)
    ADT_file adt;

    if (!adt.loadFile(filename))
        { return false; }

    adt_MCIN* cells = adt.a_grid->getMCIN();
    if (!cells)
        printf("Can not find cells in '%s'\n", filename);
        return false;

    memset(liquid_show, 0, sizeof(liquid_show));
    memset(liquid_flags, 0, sizeof(liquid_flags));
    memset(liquid_entry, 0, sizeof(liquid_entry));

    // Prepare map header
    map_fileheader map;
    map.mapMagic = *(uint32 const*)MAP_MAGIC;
    map.versionMagic = *(uint32 const*)MAP_VERSION_MAGIC;

    // Get area flags data
    for (int i = 0; i < ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID; j++)
            adt_MCNK* cell = cells->getMCNK(i, j);
            uint32 areaid = cell->areaid;
            if (areaid && areaid <= maxAreaId)
                if (areas[areaid] != 0xffff)
                    area_flags[i][j] = areas[areaid];
                printf("File: %s\nCan not find area flag for area %u [%d, %d].\n", filename, areaid, cell->ix, cell->iy);
            area_flags[i][j] = 0xffff;
    // Try pack area data
    bool fullAreaData = false;
    uint32 areaflag = area_flags[0][0];
    for (int y = 0; y < ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID; x++)
            if (area_flags[y][x] != areaflag)
                fullAreaData = true;

    map.areaMapOffset = sizeof(map);
    map.areaMapSize   = sizeof(map_areaHeader);

    map_areaHeader areaHeader;
    areaHeader.fourcc = *(uint32 const*)MAP_AREA_MAGIC;
    areaHeader.flags = 0;
    if (fullAreaData)
        areaHeader.gridArea = 0;
        map.areaMapSize += sizeof(area_flags);
        areaHeader.flags |= MAP_AREA_NO_AREA;
        areaHeader.gridArea = (uint16)areaflag;

    // Get Height map from grid
    for (int i = 0; i < ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID; j++)
            adt_MCNK* cell = cells->getMCNK(i, j);
            if (!cell)
                { continue; }
            // Height values for triangles stored in order:
            // 1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
            //    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17
            // 18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26
            //    27    28    29    30    31    32    33    34
            // . . . . . . . .
            // For better get height values merge it to V9 and V8 map
            // V9 height map:
            // 1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
            // 18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26
            // . . . . . . . .
            // V8 height map:
            //    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17
            //    27    28    29    30    31    32    33    34
            // . . . . . . . .

            // Set map height as grid height
            for (int y = 0; y <= ADT_CELL_SIZE; y++)
                int cy = i * ADT_CELL_SIZE + y;
                for (int x = 0; x <= ADT_CELL_SIZE; x++)
                    int cx = j * ADT_CELL_SIZE + x;
                    V9[cy][cx] = cell->ypos;
            for (int y = 0; y < ADT_CELL_SIZE; y++)
                int cy = i * ADT_CELL_SIZE + y;
                for (int x = 0; x < ADT_CELL_SIZE; x++)
                    int cx = j * ADT_CELL_SIZE + x;
                    V8[cy][cx] = cell->ypos;
            // Get custom height
            adt_MCVT* v = cell->getMCVT();
            if (!v)
                { continue; }
            // get V9 height map
            for (int y = 0; y <= ADT_CELL_SIZE; y++)
                int cy = i * ADT_CELL_SIZE + y;
                for (int x = 0; x <= ADT_CELL_SIZE; x++)
                    int cx = j * ADT_CELL_SIZE + x;
                    V9[cy][cx] += v->height_map[y * (ADT_CELL_SIZE * 2 + 1) + x];
            // get V8 height map
            for (int y = 0; y < ADT_CELL_SIZE; y++)
                int cy = i * ADT_CELL_SIZE + y;
                for (int x = 0; x < ADT_CELL_SIZE; x++)
                    int cx = j * ADT_CELL_SIZE + x;
                    V8[cy][cx] += v->height_map[y * (ADT_CELL_SIZE * 2 + 1) + ADT_CELL_SIZE + 1 + x];
    // Try pack height data
    float maxHeight = -20000;
    float minHeight =  20000;
    for (int y = 0; y < ADT_GRID_SIZE; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < ADT_GRID_SIZE; x++)
            float h = V8[y][x];
            if (maxHeight < h) { maxHeight = h; }
            if (minHeight > h) { minHeight = h; }
    for (int y = 0; y <= ADT_GRID_SIZE; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x <= ADT_GRID_SIZE; x++)
            float h = V9[y][x];
            if (maxHeight < h) { maxHeight = h; }
            if (minHeight > h) { minHeight = h; }

    // Check for allow limit minimum height (not store height in deep ochean - allow save some memory)
    if (CONF_allow_height_limit && minHeight < CONF_use_minHeight)
        for (int y = 0; y < ADT_GRID_SIZE; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < ADT_GRID_SIZE; x++)
                if (V8[y][x] < CONF_use_minHeight)
                    { V8[y][x] = CONF_use_minHeight; }
        for (int y = 0; y <= ADT_GRID_SIZE; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x <= ADT_GRID_SIZE; x++)
                if (V9[y][x] < CONF_use_minHeight)
                    { V9[y][x] = CONF_use_minHeight; }
        if (minHeight < CONF_use_minHeight)
            { minHeight = CONF_use_minHeight; }
        if (maxHeight < CONF_use_minHeight)
            { maxHeight = CONF_use_minHeight; }

    map.heightMapOffset = map.areaMapOffset + map.areaMapSize;
    map.heightMapSize = sizeof(map_heightHeader);

    map_heightHeader heightHeader;
    heightHeader.fourcc = *(uint32 const*)MAP_HEIGHT_MAGIC;
    heightHeader.flags = 0;
    heightHeader.gridHeight    = minHeight;
    heightHeader.gridMaxHeight = maxHeight;

    if (maxHeight == minHeight)
        { heightHeader.flags |= MAP_HEIGHT_NO_HEIGHT; }

    // Not need store if flat surface
    if (CONF_allow_float_to_int && (maxHeight - minHeight) < CONF_flat_height_delta_limit)
        { heightHeader.flags |= MAP_HEIGHT_NO_HEIGHT; }

    // Try store as packed in uint16 or uint8 values
    if (!(heightHeader.flags & MAP_HEIGHT_NO_HEIGHT))
        float step = 0.0f;
        // Try Store as uint values
        if (CONF_allow_float_to_int)
            float diff = maxHeight - minHeight;
            if (diff < CONF_float_to_int8_limit)      // As uint8 (max accuracy = CONF_float_to_int8_limit/256)
                heightHeader.flags |= MAP_HEIGHT_AS_INT8;
                step = selectUInt8StepStore(diff);
            else if (diff < CONF_float_to_int16_limit) // As uint16 (max accuracy = CONF_float_to_int16_limit/65536)
                heightHeader.flags |= MAP_HEIGHT_AS_INT16;
                step = selectUInt16StepStore(diff);

        // Pack it to int values if need
        if (heightHeader.flags & MAP_HEIGHT_AS_INT8)
            for (int y = 0; y < ADT_GRID_SIZE; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < ADT_GRID_SIZE; x++)
                    { uint8_V8[y][x] = uint8((V8[y][x] - minHeight) * step + 0.5f); }
            for (int y = 0; y <= ADT_GRID_SIZE; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x <= ADT_GRID_SIZE; x++)
                    { uint8_V9[y][x] = uint8((V9[y][x] - minHeight) * step + 0.5f); }
            map.heightMapSize += sizeof(uint8_V9) + sizeof(uint8_V8);
        else if (heightHeader.flags & MAP_HEIGHT_AS_INT16)
            for (int y = 0; y < ADT_GRID_SIZE; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < ADT_GRID_SIZE; x++)
                    { uint16_V8[y][x] = uint16((V8[y][x] - minHeight) * step + 0.5f); }
            for (int y = 0; y <= ADT_GRID_SIZE; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x <= ADT_GRID_SIZE; x++)
                    { uint16_V9[y][x] = uint16((V9[y][x] - minHeight) * step + 0.5f); }
            map.heightMapSize += sizeof(uint16_V9) + sizeof(uint16_V8);
            { map.heightMapSize += sizeof(V9) + sizeof(V8); }

    // Get from MCLQ chunk (old)
    for (int i = 0; i < ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID; j++)
            adt_MCNK* cell = cells->getMCNK(i, j);
            if (!cell)
                { continue; }

            adt_MCLQ* liquid = cell->getMCLQ();
            int count = 0;
            if (!liquid || cell->sizeMCLQ <= 8)
                { continue; }

            for (int y = 0; y < ADT_CELL_SIZE; y++)
                int cy = i * ADT_CELL_SIZE + y;
                for (int x = 0; x < ADT_CELL_SIZE; x++)
                    int cx = j * ADT_CELL_SIZE + x;
                    if (liquid->flags[y][x] != 0x0F)
                        liquid_show[cy][cx] = true;
                        if (liquid->flags[y][x] & (1 << 7))
                            { liquid_flags[i][j] |= MAP_LIQUID_TYPE_DARK_WATER; }

            uint32 c_flag = cell->flags;
            if (c_flag & (1 << 2))
                liquid_entry[i][j] = 1;
                liquid_flags[i][j] |= MAP_LIQUID_TYPE_WATER;            // water
            if (c_flag & (1 << 3))
                liquid_entry[i][j] = 2;
                liquid_flags[i][j] |= MAP_LIQUID_TYPE_OCEAN;            // ocean
            if (c_flag & (1 << 4))
                liquid_entry[i][j] = 3;
                liquid_flags[i][j] |= MAP_LIQUID_TYPE_MAGMA;            // magma/slime

            if (!count && liquid_flags[i][j])
                { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong liquid type detected in MCLQ chunk"); }

            for (int y = 0; y <= ADT_CELL_SIZE; y++)
                int cy = i * ADT_CELL_SIZE + y;
                for (int x = 0; x <= ADT_CELL_SIZE; x++)
                    int cx = j * ADT_CELL_SIZE + x;
                    liquid_height[cy][cx] = liquid->liquid[y][x].height;

    // Get liquid map for grid (in WOTLK used MH2O chunk)
    adt_MH2O* h2o = adt.a_grid->getMH2O();
    if (h2o)
        for (int i = 0; i < ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID; j++)
                adt_liquid_header* h = h2o->getLiquidData(i, j);
                if (!h)
                    { continue; }

                int count = 0;
                uint64 show = h2o->getLiquidShowMap(h);
                for (int y = 0; y < h->height; y++)
                    int cy = i * ADT_CELL_SIZE + y + h->yOffset;
                    for (int x = 0; x < h->width; x++)
                        int cx = j * ADT_CELL_SIZE + x + h->xOffset;
                        if (show & 1)
                            liquid_show[cy][cx] = true;
                        show >>= 1;

                liquid_entry[i][j] = h->liquidType;
                switch (LiqType[h->liquidType])
                    case LIQUID_TYPE_WATER: liquid_flags[i][j] |= MAP_LIQUID_TYPE_WATER; break;
                    case LIQUID_TYPE_OCEAN: liquid_flags[i][j] |= MAP_LIQUID_TYPE_OCEAN; break;
                    case LIQUID_TYPE_MAGMA: liquid_flags[i][j] |= MAP_LIQUID_TYPE_MAGMA; break;
                    case LIQUID_TYPE_SLIME: liquid_flags[i][j] |= MAP_LIQUID_TYPE_SLIME; break;
                        printf("\nCan not find liquid type %u for map %s\nchunk %d,%d\n", h->liquidType, filename, i, j);
                // Dark water detect
                if (LiqType[h->liquidType] == LIQUID_TYPE_OCEAN)
                    uint8* lm = h2o->getLiquidLightMap(h);
                    if (!lm)
                        { liquid_flags[i][j] |= MAP_LIQUID_TYPE_DARK_WATER; }

                if (!count && liquid_flags[i][j])
                    { printf("Wrong liquid type detected in MH2O chunk"); }

                float* height = h2o->getLiquidHeightMap(h);
                int pos = 0;
                for (int y = 0; y <= h->height; y++)
                    int cy = i * ADT_CELL_SIZE + y + h->yOffset;
                    for (int x = 0; x <= h->width; x++)
                        int cx = j * ADT_CELL_SIZE + x + h->xOffset;
                        if (height)
                            { liquid_height[cy][cx] = height[pos]; }
                            { liquid_height[cy][cx] = h->heightLevel1; }
    // Pack liquid data
    uint8 type = liquid_flags[0][0];
    bool fullType = false;
    for (int y = 0; y < ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID; x++)
            if (liquid_flags[y][x] != type)
                fullType = true;
                y = ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID;

    map_liquidHeader liquidHeader;

    // no water data (if all grid have 0 liquid type)
    if (type == 0 && !fullType)
        // No liquid data
        map.liquidMapOffset = 0;
        map.liquidMapSize   = 0;
        int minX = 255, minY = 255;
        int maxX = 0, maxY = 0;
        maxHeight = -20000;
        minHeight = 20000;
        for (int y = 0; y < ADT_GRID_SIZE; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < ADT_GRID_SIZE; x++)
                if (liquid_show[y][x])
                    if (minX > x) { minX = x; }
                    if (maxX < x) { maxX = x; }
                    if (minY > y) { minY = y; }
                    if (maxY < y) { maxY = y; }
                    float h = liquid_height[y][x];
                    if (maxHeight < h) { maxHeight = h; }
                    if (minHeight > h) { minHeight = h; }
                    { liquid_height[y][x] = CONF_use_minHeight; }
        map.liquidMapOffset = map.heightMapOffset + map.heightMapSize;
        map.liquidMapSize = sizeof(map_liquidHeader);
        liquidHeader.fourcc = *(uint32 const*)MAP_LIQUID_MAGIC;
        liquidHeader.flags = 0;
        liquidHeader.liquidType = 0;
        liquidHeader.offsetX = minX;
        liquidHeader.offsetY = minY;
        liquidHeader.width   = maxX - minX + 1 + 1;
        liquidHeader.height  = maxY - minY + 1 + 1;
        liquidHeader.liquidLevel = minHeight;

        if (maxHeight == minHeight)
            { liquidHeader.flags |= MAP_LIQUID_NO_HEIGHT; }

        // Not need store if flat surface
        if (CONF_allow_float_to_int && (maxHeight - minHeight) < CONF_flat_liquid_delta_limit)
            { liquidHeader.flags |= MAP_LIQUID_NO_HEIGHT; }

        if (!fullType)
            { liquidHeader.flags |= MAP_LIQUID_NO_TYPE; }

        if (liquidHeader.flags & MAP_LIQUID_NO_TYPE)
            { liquidHeader.liquidType = type; }
            { map.liquidMapSize += sizeof(liquid_entry) + sizeof(liquid_flags); }

        if (!(liquidHeader.flags & MAP_LIQUID_NO_HEIGHT))
            { map.liquidMapSize += sizeof(float) * liquidHeader.width * liquidHeader.height; }

    // map hole info

    if (map.liquidMapOffset)
        { map.holesOffset = map.liquidMapOffset + map.liquidMapSize; }
        { map.holesOffset = map.heightMapOffset + map.heightMapSize; }

    map.holesSize = sizeof(holes);
    memset(holes, 0, map.holesSize);

    for (int i = 0; i < ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < ADT_CELLS_PER_GRID; ++j)
            adt_MCNK* cell = cells->getMCNK(i, j);
            if (!cell)
                { continue; }
            holes[i][j] = cell->holes;

    // Ok all data prepared - store it
    FILE* output = fopen(filename2, "wb");
    if (!output)
        printf("Can not create the output file '%s'\n", filename2);
        return false;
    fwrite(&map, sizeof(map), 1, output);
    // Store area data
    fwrite(&areaHeader, sizeof(areaHeader), 1, output);
    if (!(areaHeader.flags & MAP_AREA_NO_AREA))
        { fwrite(area_flags, sizeof(area_flags), 1, output); }

    // Store height data
    fwrite(&heightHeader, sizeof(heightHeader), 1, output);
    if (!(heightHeader.flags & MAP_HEIGHT_NO_HEIGHT))
        if (heightHeader.flags & MAP_HEIGHT_AS_INT16)
            fwrite(uint16_V9, sizeof(uint16_V9), 1, output);
            fwrite(uint16_V8, sizeof(uint16_V8), 1, output);
        else if (heightHeader.flags & MAP_HEIGHT_AS_INT8)
            fwrite(uint8_V9, sizeof(uint8_V9), 1, output);
            fwrite(uint8_V8, sizeof(uint8_V8), 1, output);
            fwrite(V9, sizeof(V9), 1, output);
            fwrite(V8, sizeof(V8), 1, output);

    // Store liquid data if need
    if (map.liquidMapOffset)
        fwrite(&liquidHeader, sizeof(liquidHeader), 1, output);
        if (!(liquidHeader.flags & MAP_LIQUID_NO_TYPE))
            fwrite(liquid_entry, sizeof(liquid_entry), 1, output);
            fwrite(liquid_flags, sizeof(liquid_flags), 1, output);
        if (!(liquidHeader.flags & MAP_LIQUID_NO_HEIGHT))
            for (int y = 0; y < liquidHeader.height; y++)
                { fwrite(&liquid_height[y + liquidHeader.offsetY][liquidHeader.offsetX], sizeof(float), liquidHeader.width, output); }

    // store hole data
    fwrite(holes, map.holesSize, 1, output);


    return true;
Пример #12
void LoadDBCStores(const std::string& dataPath)
    std::string dbcPath = dataPath+"dbc/";

    const uint32 DBCFilesCount = 90;

    barGoLink bar(DBCFilesCount);

    StoreProblemList bad_dbc_files;
    uint32 availableDbcLocales = 0xFFFFFFFF;

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sAreaStore, dbcPath, "AreaTable.dbc");

    // must be after sAreaStore loading
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < sAreaStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)           // areaflag numbered from 0
        if (AreaTableEntry const* area = sAreaStore.LookupEntry(i))
            // fill AreaId->DBC records

            // fill MapId->DBC records (skip sub zones and continents)
            if (area->zone == 0 && area->mapid != 0 && area->mapid != 1 && area->mapid != 530 && area->mapid != 571)

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sAchievementStore,         dbcPath,"Achievement.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sAchievementCriteriaStore, dbcPath,"Achievement_Criteria.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sAreaTriggerStore,         dbcPath,"AreaTrigger.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sAreaGroupStore,           dbcPath,"AreaGroup.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sAreaPOIStore,             dbcPath,"AreaPOI.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sAuctionHouseStore,        dbcPath,"AuctionHouse.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sBankBagSlotPricesStore,   dbcPath,"BankBagSlotPrices.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sBattlemasterListStore,    dbcPath,"BattlemasterList.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sBarberShopStyleStore,     dbcPath,"BarberShopStyle.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sCharStartOutfitStore,     dbcPath,"CharStartOutfit.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sCharTitlesStore,          dbcPath,"CharTitles.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sChatChannelsStore,        dbcPath,"ChatChannels.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sChrClassesStore,          dbcPath,"ChrClasses.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sChrRacesStore,            dbcPath,"ChrRaces.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sCinematicSequencesStore,  dbcPath,"CinematicSequences.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sCreatureDisplayInfoStore, dbcPath,"CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sCreatureFamilyStore,      dbcPath,"CreatureFamily.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sCreatureSpellDataStore,   dbcPath,"CreatureSpellData.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sCreatureTypeStore,        dbcPath,"CreatureType.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sCurrencyTypesStore,       dbcPath,"CurrencyTypes.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sDurabilityCostsStore,     dbcPath,"DurabilityCosts.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sDurabilityQualityStore,   dbcPath,"DurabilityQuality.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sEmotesStore,              dbcPath,"Emotes.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sEmotesTextStore,          dbcPath,"EmotesText.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sFactionStore,             dbcPath,"Faction.dbc");
    for (uint32 i=0; i<sFactionStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        FactionEntry const * faction = sFactionStore.LookupEntry(i);
        if (faction && faction->team)
            SimpleFactionsList &flist = sFactionTeamMap[faction->team];

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sFactionTemplateStore,     dbcPath,"FactionTemplate.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sGameObjectDisplayInfoStore, dbcPath,"GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc");
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < sGameObjectDisplayInfoStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (GameObjectDisplayInfoEntry const * info = sGameObjectDisplayInfoStore.LookupEntry(i))
            if (info->maxX < info->minX)
                std::swap(*(float*)(&info->maxX), *(float*)(&info->minX));
            if (info->maxY < info->minY)
                std::swap(*(float*)(&info->maxY), *(float*)(&info->minY));
            if (info->maxZ < info->minZ)
                std::swap(*(float*)(&info->maxZ), *(float*)(&info->minZ));

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sGemPropertiesStore,       dbcPath,"GemProperties.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sGlyphPropertiesStore,     dbcPath,"GlyphProperties.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sGlyphSlotStore,           dbcPath,"GlyphSlot.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sGtCombatRatingsStore,     dbcPath,"gtCombatRatings.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sGtChanceToMeleeCritBaseStore, dbcPath,"gtChanceToMeleeCritBase.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sGtChanceToMeleeCritStore, dbcPath,"gtChanceToMeleeCrit.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sGtChanceToSpellCritBaseStore, dbcPath,"gtChanceToSpellCritBase.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sGtChanceToSpellCritStore, dbcPath,"gtChanceToSpellCrit.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sGtOCTRegenHPStore,        dbcPath,"gtOCTRegenHP.dbc");
    //LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sGtOCTRegenMPStore,        dbcPath,"gtOCTRegenMP.dbc");       -- not used currently
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sGtRegenHPPerSptStore,     dbcPath,"gtRegenHPPerSpt.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sGtRegenMPPerSptStore,     dbcPath,"gtRegenMPPerSpt.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sHolidaysStore,            dbcPath,"Holidays.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sItemStore,                dbcPath,"Item.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sItemBagFamilyStore,       dbcPath,"ItemBagFamily.dbc");
    //LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sItemDisplayInfoStore,     dbcPath,"ItemDisplayInfo.dbc");     -- not used currently
    //LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sItemCondExtCostsStore,    dbcPath,"ItemCondExtCosts.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sItemExtendedCostStore,    dbcPath,"ItemExtendedCost.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sItemLimitCategoryStore,   dbcPath,"ItemLimitCategory.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sItemRandomSuffixStore,    dbcPath,"ItemRandomSuffix.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sItemSetStore,             dbcPath,"ItemSet.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sLFGDungeonStore,          dbcPath,"LFGDungeons.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sLockStore,                dbcPath,"Lock.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sMailTemplateStore,        dbcPath,"MailTemplate.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sMapStore,                 dbcPath,"Map.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sMapDifficultyStore,       dbcPath,"MapDifficulty.dbc");
    // fill data
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sMapDifficultyStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (MapDifficultyEntry const* entry = sMapDifficultyStore.LookupEntry(i))
            sMapDifficultyMap[MAKE_PAIR32(entry->MapId,entry->Difficulty)] = MapDifficulty(entry->resetTime,entry->maxPlayers,strlen(entry->areaTriggerText)>0);

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sMovieStore,               dbcPath,"Movie.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sOverrideSpellDataStore,   dbcPath,"OverrideSpellData.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sQuestSortStore,           dbcPath,"QuestSort.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sPvPDifficultyStore,       dbcPath,"PvpDifficulty.dbc");
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < sPvPDifficultyStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (PvPDifficultyEntry const* entry = sPvPDifficultyStore.LookupEntry(i))
            if (entry->bracketId > MAX_BATTLEGROUND_BRACKETS)
                ASSERT(false && "Need update MAX_BATTLEGROUND_BRACKETS by DBC data");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sQuestXPStore,             dbcPath,"QuestXP.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sQuestFactionRewardStore,  dbcPath,"QuestFactionReward.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sRandomPropertiesPointsStore, dbcPath,"RandPropPoints.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sScalingStatDistributionStore, dbcPath,"ScalingStatDistribution.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sScalingStatValuesStore,   dbcPath,"ScalingStatValues.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sSkillLineStore,           dbcPath,"SkillLine.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sSkillLineAbilityStore,    dbcPath,"SkillLineAbility.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sSoundEntriesStore,        dbcPath,"SoundEntries.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sSpellStore,               dbcPath,"Spell.dbc", &CustomSpellEntryfmt, &CustomSpellEntryIndex);
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sSpellStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        SpellEntry const * spell = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(i);
        if (spell && spell->Category)

    for (uint32 j = 0; j < sSkillLineAbilityStore.GetNumRows(); ++j)
        SkillLineAbilityEntry const *skillLine = sSkillLineAbilityStore.LookupEntry(j);

        if (!skillLine)

        SpellEntry const* spellInfo = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(skillLine->spellId);

        if (spellInfo && IsPassiveSpell(spellInfo->Id))
            for (uint32 i = 1; i < sCreatureFamilyStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
                CreatureFamilyEntry const* cFamily = sCreatureFamilyStore.LookupEntry(i);
                if (!cFamily)

                if (skillLine->skillId != cFamily->skillLine[0] && skillLine->skillId != cFamily->skillLine[1])
                if (spellInfo->spellLevel)

                if (skillLine->learnOnGetSkill != ABILITY_LEARNED_ON_GET_RACE_OR_CLASS_SKILL)


    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sSpellCastTimesStore,      dbcPath,"SpellCastTimes.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sSpellDifficultyStore,     dbcPath,"SpellDifficulty.dbc", &CustomSpellDifficultyfmt, &CustomSpellDifficultyIndex);
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sSpellDurationStore,       dbcPath,"SpellDuration.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sSpellFocusObjectStore,    dbcPath,"SpellFocusObject.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sSpellRadiusStore,         dbcPath,"SpellRadius.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sSpellRangeStore,          dbcPath,"SpellRange.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sSpellRuneCostStore,       dbcPath,"SpellRuneCost.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sSpellShapeshiftStore,     dbcPath,"SpellShapeshiftForm.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sStableSlotPricesStore,    dbcPath,"StableSlotPrices.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sSummonPropertiesStore,    dbcPath,"SummonProperties.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sTalentStore,              dbcPath,"Talent.dbc");

    // Create Spelldifficulty searcher
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < sSpellDifficultyStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        SpellDifficultyEntry const *spellDiff = sSpellDifficultyStore.LookupEntry(i);
        if (!spellDiff)

        SpellDifficultyEntry newEntry;
        for (int x = 0; x < MAX_DIFFICULTY; ++x)
            if (spellDiff->SpellID[x] <= 0 || !sSpellStore.LookupEntry(spellDiff->SpellID[x]))
                if (spellDiff->SpellID[x] > 0)//don't show error if spell is <= 0, not all modes have spells and there are unknown negative values
                    sLog.outErrorDb("spelldifficulty_dbc: spell %i at field id:%u at spellid%i does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0", spellDiff->SpellID[x], spellDiff->ID, x);
                newEntry.SpellID[x] = 0;//spell was <= 0 or invalid, set to 0
            } else newEntry.SpellID[x] = spellDiff->SpellID[x];
        if (newEntry.SpellID[0] <= 0 || newEntry.SpellID[1] <= 0)//id0-1 must be always set!

        for (int x = 0; x < MAX_DIFFICULTY; ++x)
            sSpellMgr.SetSpellDifficultyId(uint32(newEntry.SpellID[x]), spellDiff->ID);

    // create talent spells set
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sTalentStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        TalentEntry const *talentInfo = sTalentStore.LookupEntry(i);
        if (!talentInfo) continue;
        for (int j = 0; j < MAX_TALENT_RANK; j++)
            if (talentInfo->RankID[j])
                sTalentSpellPosMap[talentInfo->RankID[j]] = TalentSpellPos(i,j);

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sTalentTabStore,           dbcPath,"TalentTab.dbc");

    // prepare fast data access to bit pos of talent ranks for use at inspecting
        // now have all max ranks (and then bit amount used for store talent ranks in inspect)
        for (uint32 talentTabId = 1; talentTabId < sTalentTabStore.GetNumRows(); ++talentTabId)
            TalentTabEntry const *talentTabInfo = sTalentTabStore.LookupEntry(talentTabId);
            if (!talentTabInfo)

            // prevent memory corruption; otherwise cls will become 12 below
            if ((talentTabInfo->ClassMask & CLASSMASK_ALL_PLAYABLE) == 0)

            // store class talent tab pages
            uint32 cls = 1;
            for (uint32 m=1; !(m & talentTabInfo->ClassMask) && cls < MAX_CLASSES; m <<= 1, ++cls) {}


    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sTaxiNodesStore,           dbcPath,"TaxiNodes.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sTaxiPathStore,            dbcPath,"TaxiPath.dbc");
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (TaxiPathEntry const* entry = sTaxiPathStore.LookupEntry(i))
            sTaxiPathSetBySource[entry->from][entry->to] = TaxiPathBySourceAndDestination(entry->ID,entry->price);
    uint32 pathCount = sTaxiPathStore.GetNumRows();

    //## TaxiPathNode.dbc ## Loaded only for initialization different structures
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sTaxiPathNodeStore,        dbcPath,"TaxiPathNode.dbc");
    // Calculate path nodes count
    std::vector<uint32> pathLength;
    pathLength.resize(pathCount);                           // 0 and some other indexes not used
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathNodeStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (TaxiPathNodeEntry const* entry = sTaxiPathNodeStore.LookupEntry(i))
            if (pathLength[entry->path] < entry->index + 1)
                pathLength[entry->path] = entry->index + 1;
    // Set path length
    sTaxiPathNodesByPath.resize(pathCount);                 // 0 and some other indexes not used
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathNodesByPath.size(); ++i)
    // fill data
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathNodeStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (TaxiPathNodeEntry const* entry = sTaxiPathNodeStore.LookupEntry(i))
            sTaxiPathNodesByPath[entry->path].set(entry->index, entry);

    // Initialize global taxinodes mask
    // include existed nodes that have at least single not spell base (scripted) path
        std::set<uint32> spellPaths;
        for (uint32 i = 1; i < sSpellStore.GetNumRows (); ++i)
            if (SpellEntry const* sInfo = sSpellStore.LookupEntry (i))
                for (int j = 0; j < MAX_SPELL_EFFECTS; ++j)
                    if (sInfo->Effect[j] == SPELL_EFFECT_SEND_TAXI)

        for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiNodesStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
            TaxiNodesEntry const* node = sTaxiNodesStore.LookupEntry(i);
            if (!node)

            TaxiPathSetBySource::const_iterator src_i = sTaxiPathSetBySource.find(i);
            if (src_i != sTaxiPathSetBySource.end() && !src_i->second.empty())
                bool ok = false;
                for (TaxiPathSetForSource::const_iterator dest_i = src_i->second.begin(); dest_i != src_i->second.end(); ++dest_i)
                    // not spell path
                    if (spellPaths.find(dest_i->second.ID) == spellPaths.end())
                        ok = true;

                if (!ok)

            // valid taxi network node
            uint8  field   = (uint8)((i - 1) / 32);
            uint32 submask = 1<<((i-1)%32);
            sTaxiNodesMask[field] |= submask;

            if (node->MountCreatureID[0] && node->MountCreatureID[0] != 32981)
                sHordeTaxiNodesMask[field] |= submask;
            if (node->MountCreatureID[1] && node->MountCreatureID[1] != 32981)
                sAllianceTaxiNodesMask[field] |= submask;
            if (node->MountCreatureID[0] == 32981 || node->MountCreatureID[1] == 32981)
                sDeathKnightTaxiNodesMask[field] |= submask;

            // old continent node (+ nodes virtually at old continents, check explicitly to avoid loading map files for zone info)
            if (node->map_id < 2 || i == 82 || i == 83 || i == 93 || i == 94)
                sOldContinentsNodesMask[field] |= submask;

            // fix DK node at Ebon Hold
            if (i == 315) {
                ((TaxiNodesEntry*)node)->MountCreatureID[1] = 32981;

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sTotemCategoryStore,       dbcPath,"TotemCategory.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sVehicleStore,             dbcPath,"Vehicle.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sVehicleSeatStore,         dbcPath,"VehicleSeat.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sWMOAreaTableStore,        dbcPath,"WMOAreaTable.dbc");
    for(uint32 i = 0; i < sWMOAreaTableStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if(WMOAreaTableEntry const* entry = sWMOAreaTableStore.LookupEntry(i))
            sWMOAreaInfoByTripple.insert(WMOAreaInfoByTripple::value_type(WMOAreaTableTripple(entry->rootId, entry->adtId, entry->groupId), entry));
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sWorldMapAreaStore,        dbcPath,"WorldMapArea.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sWorldMapOverlayStore,     dbcPath,"WorldMapOverlay.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sWorldSafeLocsStore,       dbcPath,"WorldSafeLocs.dbc");

    // error checks
    if (bad_dbc_files.size() >= DBCFilesCount)
        sLog.outError("\nIncorrect DataDir value in worldserver.conf or ALL required *.dbc files (%d) not found by path: %sdbc",DBCFilesCount,dataPath.c_str());
    else if (!bad_dbc_files.empty())
        std::string str;
        for (std::list<std::string>::iterator i = bad_dbc_files.begin(); i != bad_dbc_files.end(); ++i)
            str += *i + "\n";

        sLog.outError("\nSome required *.dbc files (%u from %d) not found or not compatible:\n%s",(uint32)bad_dbc_files.size(),DBCFilesCount,str.c_str());

    // Check loaded DBC files proper version
    if (!sAreaStore.LookupEntry(3617)              ||       // last area (areaflag) added in 3.3.5a
        !sCharTitlesStore.LookupEntry(177)         ||       // last char title added in 3.3.5a
        !sGemPropertiesStore.LookupEntry(1629)     ||       // last added spell in 3.3.5a
        !sItemStore.LookupEntry(56806)             ||       // last gem property added in 3.3.5a
        !sItemExtendedCostStore.LookupEntry(2997)  ||       // last item extended cost added in 3.3.5a
        !sMapStore.LookupEntry(724)                ||       // last map added in 3.3.5a
        !sSpellStore.LookupEntry(80864)            )        // last client known item added in 3.3.5a
        sLog.outError("\nYou have _outdated_ DBC files. Please extract correct versions from current using client.");
    sLog.outString(">> Initialized %d data stores", DBCFilesCount);
Пример #13
void InstanceSaveManager::_ResetOrWarnAll(uint32 mapid, Difficulty difficulty, bool warn, time_t resetTime)
    // global reset for all instances of the given map
    MapEntry const* mapEntry = sMapStore.LookupEntry(mapid);
    if (!mapEntry->Instanceable())

    time_t now = time(NULL);

    if (!warn)
        MapDifficulty const* mapDiff = GetMapDifficultyData(mapid, difficulty);
        if (!mapDiff || !mapDiff->resetTime)
            sLog->outError("InstanceSaveManager::ResetOrWarnAll: not valid difficulty or no reset delay for map %d", mapid);

        // remove all binds to instances of the given map
        for (InstanceSaveHashMap::iterator itr = m_instanceSaveById.begin(); itr != m_instanceSaveById.end();)
            if (itr->second->GetMapId() == mapid && itr->second->GetDifficulty() == difficulty)

        // delete them from the DB, even if not loaded
        SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction();
        trans->PAppend("DELETE FROM character_instance USING character_instance LEFT JOIN instance ON character_instance.instance = id WHERE map = '%u' and difficulty='%u'", mapid, difficulty);
        trans->PAppend("DELETE FROM group_instance USING group_instance LEFT JOIN instance ON group_instance.instance = id WHERE map = '%u' and difficulty='%u'", mapid, difficulty);
        trans->PAppend("DELETE FROM instance WHERE map = '%u' and difficulty='%u'", mapid, difficulty);

        // calculate the next reset time
        uint32 diff = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_INSTANCE_RESET_TIME_HOUR) * HOUR;

        uint32 period = uint32(((mapDiff->resetTime * sWorld->getRate(RATE_INSTANCE_RESET_TIME))/DAY) * DAY);
        if (period < DAY)
            period = DAY;

        uint32 next_reset = ((resetTime + MINUTE) / DAY * DAY) + period + diff;

        SetResetTimeFor(mapid, difficulty, next_reset);
        ScheduleReset(true, time_t(next_reset-3600), InstResetEvent(1, mapid, difficulty, 0));

        // Update it in the DB
        PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_UPDATE_GLOBAL_INSTANCE_RESETTIME);

        stmt->setUInt32(0, next_reset);
        stmt->setUInt16(1, uint16(mapid));
        stmt->setUInt8(2, uint8(difficulty));


    // note: this isn't fast but it's meant to be executed very rarely
    Map const* map = sMapMgr->CreateBaseMap(mapid);          // _not_ include difficulty
    MapInstanced::InstancedMaps &instMaps = ((MapInstanced*)map)->GetInstancedMaps();
    MapInstanced::InstancedMaps::iterator mitr;
    uint32 timeLeft;

    for (mitr = instMaps.begin(); mitr != instMaps.end(); ++mitr)
        Map* map2 = mitr->second;
        if (!map2->IsDungeon())

        if (warn)
            if (now <= resetTime)
                timeLeft = 0;
                timeLeft = uint32(now - resetTime);


    // TODO: delete creature/gameobject respawn times even if the maps are not loaded
Пример #14
int ana(void) {

    cmd.Op1.dtyp = dt_byte;
    code = ua_next_byte();
    cmd.itype = (is_cmos ? cmos : nmos)[code];
    if ( cmd.itype == M65_null ) return 0;

    switch ( code & 0x1F )
// +08  PHP     PLP     PHA     PLA     DEY     TAY     INY     INX     Implied
// +18  CLC     SEC     CLI     SEI     TYA     CLV     CLD     SED     Implied
// +1a  NOP*    NOP*    NOP*    NOP*    TXS     TSX     NOP*    NOP*    Implied
// +1a  inc     dec     phy     ply     txs     tsx     phx     ply
    case 0x1A:
    case 0x08:
    case 0x18:
        switch ( cmd.itype )
        case M65_inc:
        case M65_dec:
            cmd.Op1.type = o_reg;
            cmd.Op1.reg = rA;
// +0a  ASL     ROL     LSR     ROR     TXA     TAX     DEX     NOP     Accu/impl
    case 0x0A:
        switch ( cmd.itype )
        case M65_asl:
        case M65_rol:
        case M65_lsr:
        case M65_ror:
            cmd.Op1.type = o_reg;
            cmd.Op1.reg = rA;
// +00  BRK     JSR     RTI     RTS     NOP*/bra LDY     CPY     CPX     Impl/immed
// +02   t       t       t       t      NOP*t    LDX     NOP*t   NOP*t     ? /immed
// +09  ORA     AND     EOR     ADC     NOP*     LDA     CMP     SBC     Immediate
// +0b  ANC**   ANC**   ASR**   ARR**   ANE**    LXA**   SBX**   SBC*    Immediate
    case 0x00:
    case 0x02:
    case 0x09:
    case 0x0B:
        switch ( cmd.itype ) {
        case M65_jsr:
            cmd.Op1.dtyp = dt_code;
            cmd.Op1.type = o_near;
            cmd.Op1.addr = ua_next_word();
        case M65_brk:
        case M65_rti:
        case M65_rts:
        case M65_bra:
            goto M65_RELATIVE;
            cmd.Op1.type = o_imm;
            cmd.Op1.value = ua_next_byte();
// +0c NOP*/tsb BIT     JMP     JMP  () STY     LDY     CPY     CPX     Absolute
// +0d  ORA     AND     EOR     ADC     STA     LDA     CMP     SBC     Absolute
// +0e  ASL     ROL     LSR     ROR     STX     LDX     DEC     INC     Absolute
// +0f  SLO*    RLA*    SRE*    RRA*    SAX*    LAX*    DCP*    ISB*    Absolute
// +0f  bbr0    bbr2    bbr4    bbr6    bbs0    bbs2    bbs4    bbs6    Zero page relative
    case 0x0F:
        if ( is_cmos ) goto ZP_RELATIVE;
    case 0x0C:
    case 0x0D:
    case 0x0E:
        switch ( cmd.itype )
        case M65_jmp:
            cmd.Op1.dtyp = dt_code;
            cmd.Op1.type = o_near;
        case M65_jmpi:
            cmd.Op1.dtyp = dt_word;
            cmd.indirect = 1;
        /* no break */
            cmd.Op1.type = o_mem;
        cmd.Op1.addr = ua_next_word();
// +1c NOP*/trb NOP*/bit NOP*   NOP*/jmp SHY**/stz LDY     NOP*    NOP*    Absolute,x
// +1d  ORA      AND     EOR     ADC     STA       LDA     CMP     SBC     Absolute,x
// +1e  ASL      ROL     LSR     ROR     SHX**y)   LDX  y) DEC     INC     Absolute,x
// +1f  SLO*     RLA*    SRE*    RRA*    SHA**y)   LAX* y) DCP     ISB     Absolute,x
// +0f  bbr1     bbr3    bbr5    bbr7    bbs1      bbs3    bbs5    bbs7    Zero page relative
    case 0x1F:
        if ( is_cmos )
            cmd.Op1.type = o_mem;
            cmd.Op1.addr = ua_next_byte();
            cmd.Op2.dtyp = dt_code;
            cmd.Op2.type = o_near;
            char x = ua_next_byte();
            cmd.Op2.addr = cmd.ip + cmd.size + x;
    /* fall thru */
    case 0x1C:
    case 0x1D:
    case 0x1E:
        cmd.Op1.type = o_displ;
        cmd.Op1.phrase = rX;
        switch ( cmd.itype )
        case M65_stz:
            if ( code == 0x9E ) break;
        case M65_trb:
            goto M65_ABSOLUTE;
        case M65_shx:
        case M65_sha:
        case M65_ldx:
        case M65_lax:
            cmd.Op1.phrase = rY;
        case M65_jmpi:
            cmd.Op1.phrase = riX;
        cmd.Op1.addr = ua_next_word();
// +19  ORA     AND     EOR     ADC     STA     LDA     CMP     SBC     Absolute,y
// +1b  SLO*    RLA*    SRE*    RRA*    SHS**   LAS**   DCP*    ISB*    Absolute,y
    case 0x19:
    case 0x1B:
        cmd.Op1.type = o_displ;
        cmd.Op1.phrase = rY;
        cmd.Op1.addr = ua_next_word();
// +10  BPL     BMI     BVC     BVS     BCC     BCS     BNE     BEQ     Relative
    case 0x10:
        cmd.Op1.dtyp = dt_code;
        cmd.Op1.type = o_near;
            char x = ua_next_byte();
            cmd.Op1.addr = cmd.ip + cmd.size + x;
// +01  ORA     AND     EOR     ADC     STA     LDA     CMP     SBC     (indir,x)
// +03  SLO*    RLA*    SRE*    RRA*    SAX*    LAX* y) DCP*    ISB*    (indir,x)
    case 0x01:
    case 0x03:
        cmd.Op1.type = o_displ;
        cmd.Op1.phrase = uint16((cmd.itype == M65_lax) ? riY : riX);
        cmd.Op1.addr = ua_next_byte();    // а для LAX?
// +11  ORA     AND     EOR     ADC     STA     LDA     CMP     SBC     (indir),y
// +13  SLO*    RLA*    SRE*    RRA*    SHA**   LAX*    DCP*    ISB*    (indir),y
    case 0x11:
    case 0x13:
        cmd.Op1.type = o_displ;
        cmd.Op1.phrase = riY;
        cmd.Op1.addr = ua_next_byte();
// +04 NOP*/tsb BIT     NOP*   NOP*/stz STY     LDY     CPY     CPX     Zeropage
// +05  ORA     AND     EOR     ADC     STA     LDA     CMP     SBC     Zeropage
// +06  ASL     ROL     LSR     ROR     STX     LDX     DEC     INC     Zeropage
// +07  SLO*    RLA*    SRE*    RRA*    SAX*    LAX*    DCP*    ISB*    Zeropage
// +07  rmb0    rmb2    rmb4    rmb6    smb0    smb2    smb4    smb6    Zeropage
    case 0x04:
    case 0x05:
    case 0x06:
    case 0x07:
        cmd.Op1.type = o_mem;
        cmd.Op1.addr = ua_next_byte();
// +14 NOP*/trb NOP*/bit NOP*   NOP*/stz STY     LDY     NOP*    NOP*    Zeropage,x
// +15  ORA     AND      EOR     ADC     STA     LDA     CMP     SBC     Zeropage,x
// +16  ASL     ROL      LSR     ROR     STX  y) LDX  y) DEC     INC     Zeropage,x
// +17  SLO*    RLA*     SRE*    RRA*    SAX* y) LAX* y) DCP     ISB     Zeropage,x
// +17  rmb1    rmb3     rmb5    rmb7    smb1    smb3    smb5    smb7    Zeropage
    case 0x17:
        if ( is_cmos ) goto ZEROPAGE;
    /* fall thru */
    case 0x14:
    case 0x15:
    case 0x16:
        cmd.Op1.type = o_displ;
        cmd.Op1.phrase = zX;
        switch ( cmd.itype ) {
        case M65_trb:
            goto ZEROPAGE;
        case M65_stx:
        case M65_sax:
        case M65_ldx:
        case M65_lax:
            cmd.Op1.phrase = zY;
        cmd.Op1.addr = ua_next_byte();
// +12  ora     and     eor     adc     sta     lda     cmp     sbc     Zeropage, indirect
    case 0x12:
        cmd.indirect = 1;
        cmd.Op1.type = o_mem;
        cmd.Op1.addr = ua_next_byte();
        error("ana: bad code %x",code);
    if ( cmd.itype == M65_nop ) cmd.Op1.type = o_void;
    return cmd.size;
Пример #15
void LoadDBCStores(const std::string& dataPath)
    std::string dbcPath = dataPath + "dbc/";

    uint32 build = ReadDBCBuild(dbcPath);

    // Check the expected DBC version
    if (!IsAcceptableClientBuild(build))
        if (build)
            sLog.outError("Found DBC files for build %u but mangosd expected DBC for one from builds: %s Please extract correct DBC files.", build, AcceptableClientBuildsListStr().c_str());
            sLog.outError("Incorrect DataDir value in mangosd.conf or not found build info (outdated DBC files). Required one from builds: %s Please extract correct DBC files.", AcceptableClientBuildsListStr().c_str());

    const uint32 DBCFilesCount = 94;

    BarGoLink bar(DBCFilesCount);

    StoreProblemList bad_dbc_files;

    LocalData availableDbcLocales(build);

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sAreaStore,                dbcPath, "AreaTable.dbc");

    // must be after sAreaStore loading
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < sAreaStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)    // areaflag numbered from 0
        if (AreaTableEntry const* area = sAreaStore.LookupEntry(i))
            // fill AreaId->DBC records
            sAreaFlagByAreaID.insert(AreaFlagByAreaID::value_type(uint16(area->ID), area->exploreFlag));

            // fill MapId->DBC records ( skip sub zones and continents )
            if (area->zone == 0 && area->mapid != 0 && area->mapid != 1 && area->mapid != 530 && area->mapid != 571)
                sAreaFlagByMapID.insert(AreaFlagByMapID::value_type(area->mapid, area->exploreFlag));

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sAchievementStore,         dbcPath, "Achievement.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sAchievementCriteriaStore, dbcPath, "Achievement_Criteria.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sAreaTriggerStore,         dbcPath, "AreaTrigger.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sAreaGroupStore,           dbcPath, "AreaGroup.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sAuctionHouseStore,        dbcPath, "AuctionHouse.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sBankBagSlotPricesStore,   dbcPath, "BankBagSlotPrices.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sBattlemasterListStore,    dbcPath, "BattlemasterList.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sBarberShopStyleStore,     dbcPath, "BarberShopStyle.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sCharStartOutfitStore,     dbcPath, "CharStartOutfit.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sCharTitlesStore,          dbcPath, "CharTitles.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sChatChannelsStore,        dbcPath, "ChatChannels.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sChrClassesStore,          dbcPath, "ChrClasses.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sChrRacesStore,            dbcPath, "ChrRaces.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sCinematicSequencesStore,  dbcPath, "CinematicSequences.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sCreatureDisplayInfoStore, dbcPath, "CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sCreatureDisplayInfoExtraStore, dbcPath, "CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sCreatureFamilyStore,      dbcPath, "CreatureFamily.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sCreatureSpellDataStore,   dbcPath, "CreatureSpellData.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sCreatureTypeStore,        dbcPath, "CreatureType.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sCurrencyTypesStore,       dbcPath, "CurrencyTypes.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sDestructibleModelDataStore, dbcPath, "DestructibleModelData.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sDungeonEncounterStore,    dbcPath, "DungeonEncounter.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sDurabilityCostsStore,     dbcPath, "DurabilityCosts.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sDurabilityQualityStore,   dbcPath, "DurabilityQuality.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sEmotesStore,              dbcPath, "Emotes.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sEmotesTextStore,          dbcPath, "EmotesText.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sFactionStore,             dbcPath, "Faction.dbc");
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < sFactionStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        FactionEntry const* faction = sFactionStore.LookupEntry(i);
        if (faction && faction->team)
            SimpleFactionsList& flist = sFactionTeamMap[faction->team];

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sFactionTemplateStore,     dbcPath, "FactionTemplate.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sGameObjectDisplayInfoStore, dbcPath, "GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sGemPropertiesStore,       dbcPath, "GemProperties.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sGlyphPropertiesStore,     dbcPath, "GlyphProperties.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sGlyphSlotStore,           dbcPath, "GlyphSlot.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sGtBarberShopCostBaseStore, dbcPath, "gtBarberShopCostBase.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sGtCombatRatingsStore,     dbcPath, "gtCombatRatings.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sGtChanceToMeleeCritBaseStore, dbcPath, "gtChanceToMeleeCritBase.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sGtChanceToMeleeCritStore, dbcPath, "gtChanceToMeleeCrit.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sGtChanceToSpellCritBaseStore, dbcPath, "gtChanceToSpellCritBase.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sGtChanceToSpellCritStore, dbcPath, "gtChanceToSpellCrit.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sGtOCTClassCombatRatingScalarStore, dbcPath, "gtOCTClassCombatRatingScalar.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sGtOCTRegenHPStore,        dbcPath, "gtOCTRegenHP.dbc");
    // LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sGtOCTRegenMPStore,        dbcPath,"gtOCTRegenMP.dbc");       -- not used currently
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sGtRegenHPPerSptStore,     dbcPath, "gtRegenHPPerSpt.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sGtRegenMPPerSptStore,     dbcPath, "gtRegenMPPerSpt.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sHolidaysStore,            dbcPath, "Holidays.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sItemStore,                dbcPath, "Item.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sItemBagFamilyStore,       dbcPath, "ItemBagFamily.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sItemClassStore,           dbcPath, "ItemClass.dbc");
	//LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sItemDisplayInfoStore,     dbcPath,"ItemDisplayInfo.dbc"); // Transmogrification
    // LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sItemCondExtCostsStore,    dbcPath,"ItemCondExtCosts.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sItemExtendedCostStore,    dbcPath, "ItemExtendedCost.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sItemLimitCategoryStore,   dbcPath, "ItemLimitCategory.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sItemRandomPropertiesStore, dbcPath, "ItemRandomProperties.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sItemRandomSuffixStore,    dbcPath, "ItemRandomSuffix.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sItemSetStore,             dbcPath, "ItemSet.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sLiquidTypeStore,          dbcPath, "LiquidType.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sLockStore,                dbcPath, "Lock.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sMailTemplateStore,        dbcPath, "MailTemplate.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sMapStore,                 dbcPath, "Map.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sMapDifficultyStore,       dbcPath, "MapDifficulty.dbc");
    // fill data
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sMapDifficultyStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (MapDifficultyEntry const* entry = sMapDifficultyStore.LookupEntry(i))
            sMapDifficultyMap[MAKE_PAIR32(entry->MapId, entry->Difficulty)] = entry;

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sMovieStore,               dbcPath, "Movie.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sOverrideSpellDataStore,   dbcPath, "OverrideSpellData.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sQuestFactionRewardStore,  dbcPath, "QuestFactionReward.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sQuestSortStore,           dbcPath, "QuestSort.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sQuestXPLevelStore,        dbcPath, "QuestXP.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sPvPDifficultyStore,       dbcPath, "PvpDifficulty.dbc");
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < sPvPDifficultyStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (PvPDifficultyEntry const* entry = sPvPDifficultyStore.LookupEntry(i))
            if (entry->bracketId > MAX_BATTLEGROUND_BRACKETS)
                MANGOS_ASSERT(false && "Need update MAX_BATTLEGROUND_BRACKETS by DBC data");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sRandomPropertiesPointsStore, dbcPath, "RandPropPoints.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sScalingStatDistributionStore, dbcPath, "ScalingStatDistribution.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sScalingStatValuesStore,   dbcPath, "ScalingStatValues.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSkillLineStore,           dbcPath, "SkillLine.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSkillLineAbilityStore,    dbcPath, "SkillLineAbility.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSkillRaceClassInfoStore,  dbcPath, "SkillRaceClassInfo.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSoundEntriesStore,        dbcPath, "SoundEntries.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSpellStore,               dbcPath, "Spell.dbc");
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sSpellStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        SpellEntry const* spell = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(i);
        if (spell && spell->Category)

        // DBC not support uint64 fields but SpellEntry have SpellFamilyFlags mapped at 2 uint32 fields
        // uint32 field already converted to bigendian if need, but must be swapped for correct uint64 bigendian view
        std::swap(*((uint32*)(&spell->SpellFamilyFlags)), *(((uint32*)(&spell->SpellFamilyFlags)) + 1));

    for (uint32 j = 0; j < sSkillLineAbilityStore.GetNumRows(); ++j)
        SkillLineAbilityEntry const* skillLine = sSkillLineAbilityStore.LookupEntry(j);

        if (!skillLine)

        SpellEntry const* spellInfo = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(skillLine->spellId);
            for (unsigned int i = 1; i < sCreatureFamilyStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
                CreatureFamilyEntry const* cFamily = sCreatureFamilyStore.LookupEntry(i);
                if (!cFamily)

                if (skillLine->skillId != cFamily->skillLine[0] && skillLine->skillId != cFamily->skillLine[1])


    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSpellCastTimesStore,      dbcPath, "SpellCastTimes.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSpellDurationStore,       dbcPath, "SpellDuration.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSpellDifficultyStore,     dbcPath, "SpellDifficulty.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSpellFocusObjectStore,    dbcPath, "SpellFocusObject.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSpellItemEnchantmentStore, dbcPath, "SpellItemEnchantment.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSpellItemEnchantmentConditionStore, dbcPath, "SpellItemEnchantmentCondition.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSpellRadiusStore,         dbcPath, "SpellRadius.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSpellRangeStore,          dbcPath, "SpellRange.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSpellRuneCostStore,       dbcPath, "SpellRuneCost.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSpellShapeshiftFormStore, dbcPath, "SpellShapeshiftForm.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sStableSlotPricesStore,    dbcPath, "StableSlotPrices.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSummonPropertiesStore,    dbcPath, "SummonProperties.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sTalentStore,              dbcPath, "Talent.dbc");

    // create talent spells set
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sTalentStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        TalentEntry const* talentInfo = sTalentStore.LookupEntry(i);
        if (!talentInfo) continue;
        for (int j = 0; j < MAX_TALENT_RANK; ++j)
            if (talentInfo->RankID[j])
                sTalentSpellPosMap[talentInfo->RankID[j]] = TalentSpellPos(i, j);

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sTalentTabStore,           dbcPath, "TalentTab.dbc");

    // prepare fast data access to bit pos of talent ranks for use at inspecting
        // now have all max ranks (and then bit amount used for store talent ranks in inspect)
        for (uint32 talentTabId = 1; talentTabId < sTalentTabStore.GetNumRows(); ++talentTabId)
            TalentTabEntry const* talentTabInfo = sTalentTabStore.LookupEntry(talentTabId);
            if (!talentTabInfo)

            // prevent memory corruption; otherwise cls will become 12 below
            if ((talentTabInfo->ClassMask & CLASSMASK_ALL_PLAYABLE) == 0)

            // store class talent tab pages
            uint32 cls = 1;
            for (uint32 m = 1; !(m & talentTabInfo->ClassMask) && cls < MAX_CLASSES; m <<= 1, ++cls) {}

            sTalentTabPages[cls][talentTabInfo->tabpage] = talentTabId;

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sTaxiNodesStore,           dbcPath, "TaxiNodes.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sTaxiPathStore,            dbcPath, "TaxiPath.dbc");
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (TaxiPathEntry const* entry = sTaxiPathStore.LookupEntry(i))
            sTaxiPathSetBySource[entry->from][entry->to] = TaxiPathBySourceAndDestination(entry->ID, entry->price);
    uint32 pathCount = sTaxiPathStore.GetNumRows();

    //## TaxiPathNode.dbc ## Loaded only for initialization different structures
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sTaxiPathNodeStore,        dbcPath, "TaxiPathNode.dbc");
    // Calculate path nodes count
    std::vector<uint32> pathLength;
    pathLength.resize(pathCount);                           // 0 and some other indexes not used
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathNodeStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (TaxiPathNodeEntry const* entry = sTaxiPathNodeStore.LookupEntry(i))
            if (pathLength[entry->path] < entry->index + 1)
                pathLength[entry->path] = entry->index + 1;
    // Set path length
    sTaxiPathNodesByPath.resize(pathCount);                 // 0 and some other indexes not used
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathNodesByPath.size(); ++i)
    // fill data (pointers to sTaxiPathNodeStore elements
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathNodeStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (TaxiPathNodeEntry const* entry = sTaxiPathNodeStore.LookupEntry(i))
            sTaxiPathNodesByPath[entry->path].set(entry->index, entry);

    // Initialize global taxinodes mask
    // include existing nodes that have at least single not spell base (scripted) path
        std::set<uint32> spellPaths;
        for (uint32 i = 1; i < sSpellStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
            if (SpellEntry const* sInfo = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(i))
                for (int j = 0; j < MAX_EFFECT_INDEX; ++j)
                    if (sInfo->Effect[j] == 123 /*SPELL_EFFECT_SEND_TAXI*/)

        memset(sTaxiNodesMask, 0, sizeof(sTaxiNodesMask));
        memset(sOldContinentsNodesMask, 0, sizeof(sTaxiNodesMask));
        for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiNodesStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
            TaxiNodesEntry const* node = sTaxiNodesStore.LookupEntry(i);
            if (!node)

            TaxiPathSetBySource::const_iterator src_i = sTaxiPathSetBySource.find(i);
            if (src_i != sTaxiPathSetBySource.end() && !src_i->second.empty())
                bool ok = false;
                for (TaxiPathSetForSource::const_iterator dest_i = src_i->second.begin(); dest_i != src_i->second.end(); ++dest_i)
                    // not spell path
                    if (spellPaths.find(dest_i->second.ID) == spellPaths.end())
                        ok = true;

                if (!ok)

            // valid taxi network node
            uint8  field   = (uint8)((i - 1) / 32);
            uint32 submask = 1 << ((i - 1) % 32);
            sTaxiNodesMask[field] |= submask;

            // old continent node (+ nodes virtually at old continents, check explicitly to avoid loading map files for zone info)
            if (node->map_id < 2 || i == 82 || i == 83 || i == 93 || i == 94)
                sOldContinentsNodesMask[field] |= submask;

            // Hack DK node at Ebon Hold (unclear if bad dbc data or we need to revisit our checks in ObjectMgr::GetNearestTaxiNode )
            if (i == 315)
                (const_cast<TaxiNodesEntry*>(node))->MountCreatureID[1] = node->MountCreatureID[0];

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sTeamContributionPoints,   dbcPath, "TeamContributionPoints.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sTotemCategoryStore,       dbcPath, "TotemCategory.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sVehicleStore,             dbcPath, "Vehicle.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sVehicleSeatStore,         dbcPath, "VehicleSeat.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sWorldMapAreaStore,        dbcPath, "WorldMapArea.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sWMOAreaTableStore,        dbcPath, "WMOAreaTable.dbc");
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < sWMOAreaTableStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (WMOAreaTableEntry const* entry = sWMOAreaTableStore.LookupEntry(i))
            sWMOAreaInfoByTripple.insert(WMOAreaInfoByTripple::value_type(WMOAreaTableTripple(entry->rootId, entry->adtId, entry->groupId), entry));
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sWorldMapOverlayStore,     dbcPath, "WorldMapOverlay.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sWorldSafeLocsStore,       dbcPath, "WorldSafeLocs.dbc");

    // error checks
    if (bad_dbc_files.size() >= DBCFilesCount)
        sLog.outError("\nIncorrect DataDir value in mangosd.conf or ALL required *.dbc files (%d) not found by path: %sdbc", DBCFilesCount, dataPath.c_str());
    else if (!bad_dbc_files.empty())
        std::string str;
        for (std::list<std::string>::iterator i = bad_dbc_files.begin(); i != bad_dbc_files.end(); ++i)
            str += *i + "\n";

        sLog.outError("\nSome required *.dbc files (%u from %d) not found or not compatible:\n%s", (uint32)bad_dbc_files.size(), DBCFilesCount, str.c_str());

    // Check loaded DBC files proper version
    if (!sAreaStore.LookupEntry(3617)              ||       // last area (areaflag) added in 3.3.5a
            !sCharTitlesStore.LookupEntry(177)         ||   // last char title added in 3.3.5a
            !sGemPropertiesStore.LookupEntry(1629)     ||   // last gem property added in 3.3.5a
            !sItemStore.LookupEntry(56806)             ||   // last client known item added in 3.3.5a
            !sItemExtendedCostStore.LookupEntry(2997)  ||   // last item extended cost added in 3.3.5a
            !sMapStore.LookupEntry(724)                ||   // last map added in 3.3.5a
            !sSpellStore.LookupEntry(80864))                // last added spell in 3.3.5a
        sLog.outError("\nYou have mixed version DBC files. Please re-extract DBC files for one from client build: %s", AcceptableClientBuildsListStr().c_str());

    sLog.outString(">> Initialized %d data stores", DBCFilesCount);
Пример #16
void LoadDBCStores(const std::string& dataPath)
    std::string dbcPath = dataPath + "dbc/";

    const uint32 DBCFilesCount = 50;

    BarGoLink bar(DBCFilesCount);

    StoreProblemList bad_dbc_files;

    // bitmask for index of fullLocaleNameList
    uint32 availableDbcLocales = 0xFFFFFFFF;

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sAreaStore,                dbcPath, "AreaTable.dbc");

    // must be after sAreaStore loading
    for (uint32 i = 1; i <= sAreaStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)   // areaid numbered from 1
        if (AreaTableEntry const* area = sAreaStore.LookupEntry(i))
            // fill AreaId->DBC records
            sAreaIDByAreaFlag.insert(AreaIDByAreaFlag::value_type(uint16(area->exploreFlag), area->ID));

            // fill MapId->DBC records ( skip sub zones and continents )
            if (area->zone == 0 && area->mapid != 0 && area->mapid != 1)
                sAreaFlagByMapID.insert(AreaFlagByMapID::value_type(area->mapid, area->exploreFlag));

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sAreaTriggerStore,         dbcPath, "AreaTrigger.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sAuctionHouseStore,        dbcPath, "AuctionHouse.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sBankBagSlotPricesStore,   dbcPath, "BankBagSlotPrices.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sCharStartOutfitStore,     dbcPath, "CharStartOutfit.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sChatChannelsStore,        dbcPath, "ChatChannels.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sChrClassesStore,          dbcPath, "ChrClasses.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sChrRacesStore,            dbcPath, "ChrRaces.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sCinematicCameraStore,     dbcPath, "CinematicCamera.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sCinematicSequencesStore,  dbcPath, "CinematicSequences.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sCreatureDisplayInfoStore, dbcPath, "CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sCreatureDisplayInfoExtraStore, dbcPath, "CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sCreatureFamilyStore,      dbcPath, "CreatureFamily.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sCreatureSpellDataStore,   dbcPath, "CreatureSpellData.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sCreatureTypeStore,        dbcPath, "CreatureType.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sDurabilityCostsStore,     dbcPath, "DurabilityCosts.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sDurabilityQualityStore,   dbcPath, "DurabilityQuality.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sEmotesStore,              dbcPath, "Emotes.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sEmotesTextStore,          dbcPath, "EmotesText.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sFactionStore,             dbcPath, "Faction.dbc");
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < sFactionStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        FactionEntry const* faction = sFactionStore.LookupEntry(i);
        if (faction && faction->team)
            SimpleFactionsList& flist = sFactionTeamMap[faction->team];

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sFactionTemplateStore,     dbcPath, "FactionTemplate.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sGameObjectDisplayInfoStore, dbcPath, "GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sItemBagFamilyStore,       dbcPath, "ItemBagFamily.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sItemClassStore,           dbcPath, "ItemClass.dbc");
    // LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sItemDisplayInfoStore,     dbcPath,"ItemDisplayInfo.dbc");     -- not used currently
    // LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sItemCondExtCostsStore,    dbcPath,"ItemCondExtCosts.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sItemRandomPropertiesStore, dbcPath, "ItemRandomProperties.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sItemSetStore,             dbcPath, "ItemSet.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sLiquidTypeStore,          dbcPath, "LiquidType.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sLockStore,                dbcPath, "Lock.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sMailTemplateStore,        dbcPath, "MailTemplate.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sMapStore,                 dbcPath, "Map.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sQuestSortStore,           dbcPath, "QuestSort.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSkillLineStore,           dbcPath, "SkillLine.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSkillLineAbilityStore,    dbcPath, "SkillLineAbility.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSkillRaceClassInfoStore,  dbcPath, "SkillRaceClassInfo.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSoundEntriesStore,        dbcPath, "SoundEntries.dbc");

    for (uint32 j = 0; j < sSkillLineAbilityStore.GetNumRows(); ++j)
        SkillLineAbilityEntry const* skillLine = sSkillLineAbilityStore.LookupEntry(j);

        if (!skillLine)

        SpellEntry const* spellInfo = sSpellTemplate.LookupEntry<SpellEntry>(skillLine->spellId);
            for (unsigned int i = 1; i < sCreatureFamilyStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
                CreatureFamilyEntry const* cFamily = sCreatureFamilyStore.LookupEntry(i);
                if (!cFamily)

                if (skillLine->skillId != cFamily->skillLine[0] && skillLine->skillId != cFamily->skillLine[1])


    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSpellCastTimesStore,      dbcPath, "SpellCastTimes.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSpellDurationStore,       dbcPath, "SpellDuration.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSpellFocusObjectStore,    dbcPath, "SpellFocusObject.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSpellItemEnchantmentStore, dbcPath, "SpellItemEnchantment.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSpellRadiusStore,         dbcPath, "SpellRadius.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSpellRangeStore,          dbcPath, "SpellRange.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sSpellShapeshiftFormStore, dbcPath, "SpellShapeshiftForm.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sStableSlotPricesStore,    dbcPath, "StableSlotPrices.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sTalentStore,              dbcPath, "Talent.dbc");

    // create talent spells set
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sTalentStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        TalentEntry const* talentInfo = sTalentStore.LookupEntry(i);
        if (!talentInfo) continue;
        for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
            if (talentInfo->RankID[j])
                sTalentSpellPosMap[talentInfo->RankID[j]] = TalentSpellPos(i, j);

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sTalentTabStore,           dbcPath, "TalentTab.dbc");

    // prepare fast data access to bit pos of talent ranks for use at inspecting
        // fill table by amount of talent ranks and fill sTalentTabBitSizeInInspect
        // store in with (row,col,talent)->size key for correct sorting by (row,col)
        typedef std::map<uint32, uint32> TalentBitSize;
        TalentBitSize sTalentBitSize;
        for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTalentStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
            TalentEntry const* talentInfo = sTalentStore.LookupEntry(i);
            if (!talentInfo) continue;

            TalentTabEntry const* talentTabInfo = sTalentTabStore.LookupEntry(talentInfo->TalentTab);
            if (!talentTabInfo)

            // find talent rank
            uint32 curtalent_maxrank = 0;
            for (uint32 k = 5; k > 0; --k)
                if (talentInfo->RankID[k - 1])
                    curtalent_maxrank = k;

            sTalentBitSize[(talentInfo->Row << 24) + (talentInfo->Col << 16) + talentInfo->TalentID] = curtalent_maxrank;
            sTalentTabSizeInInspect[talentInfo->TalentTab] += curtalent_maxrank;

        // now have all max ranks (and then bit amount used for store talent ranks in inspect)
        for (uint32 talentTabId = 1; talentTabId < sTalentTabStore.GetNumRows(); ++talentTabId)
            TalentTabEntry const* talentTabInfo = sTalentTabStore.LookupEntry(talentTabId);
            if (!talentTabInfo)

            // prevent memory corruption; otherwise cls will become 12 below
            if ((talentTabInfo->ClassMask & CLASSMASK_ALL_PLAYABLE) == 0)

            // store class talent tab pages
            uint32 cls = 1;
            for (uint32 m = 1; !(m & talentTabInfo->ClassMask) && cls < MAX_CLASSES; m <<= 1, ++cls) {}

            sTalentTabPages[cls][talentTabInfo->tabpage] = talentTabId;

            // add total amount bits for first rank starting from talent tab first talent rank pos.
            uint32 pos = 0;
            for (TalentBitSize::iterator itr = sTalentBitSize.begin(); itr != sTalentBitSize.end(); ++itr)
                uint32 talentId = itr->first & 0xFFFF;
                TalentEntry const* talentInfo = sTalentStore.LookupEntry(talentId);
                if (!talentInfo)

                if (talentInfo->TalentTab != talentTabId)

                sTalentPosInInspect[talentId] = pos;
                pos += itr->second;

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sTaxiNodesStore,           dbcPath, "TaxiNodes.dbc");

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sTaxiPathStore,            dbcPath, "TaxiPath.dbc");
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (TaxiPathEntry const* entry = sTaxiPathStore.LookupEntry(i))
            sTaxiPathSetBySource[entry->from][entry->to] = TaxiPathBySourceAndDestination(entry->ID, entry->price);
    uint32 pathCount = sTaxiPathStore.GetNumRows();

    //## TaxiPathNode.dbc ## Loaded only for initialization different structures
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sTaxiPathNodeStore,        dbcPath, "TaxiPathNode.dbc");
    // Calculate path nodes count
    std::vector<uint32> pathLength;
    pathLength.resize(pathCount);                           // 0 and some other indexes not used
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathNodeStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (TaxiPathNodeEntry const* entry = sTaxiPathNodeStore.LookupEntry(i))
            if (pathLength[entry->path] < entry->index + 1)
                pathLength[entry->path] = entry->index + 1;
    // Set path length
    sTaxiPathNodesByPath.resize(pathCount);                 // 0 and some other indexes not used
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathNodesByPath.size(); ++i)
    // fill data (pointers to sTaxiPathNodeStore elements
    for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathNodeStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (TaxiPathNodeEntry const* entry = sTaxiPathNodeStore.LookupEntry(i))
            sTaxiPathNodesByPath[entry->path][entry->index] = entry;

    // Initialize global taxinodes mask
    // include existing nodes that have at least single not spell base (scripted) path
        std::set<uint32> spellPaths;
        for (uint32 i = 1; i < sSpellTemplate.GetMaxEntry(); ++i)
            if (SpellEntry const* sInfo = sSpellTemplate.LookupEntry<SpellEntry>(i))
                for (int j = 0; j < MAX_EFFECT_INDEX; ++j)
                    if (sInfo->Effect[j] == 123 /*SPELL_EFFECT_SEND_TAXI*/)

        memset(sTaxiNodesMask, 0, sizeof(sTaxiNodesMask));
        for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiNodesStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
            TaxiNodesEntry const* node = sTaxiNodesStore.LookupEntry(i);
            if (!node)

            TaxiPathSetBySource::const_iterator src_i = sTaxiPathSetBySource.find(i);
            if (src_i != sTaxiPathSetBySource.end() && !src_i->second.empty())
                bool ok = false;
                for (const auto& dest_i : src_i->second)
                    // not spell path
                    if (spellPaths.find(dest_i.second.ID) == spellPaths.end())
                        ok = true;

                if (!ok)

            // valid taxi network node
            uint8  field   = (uint8)((i - 1) / 32);
            uint32 submask = 1 << ((i - 1) % 32);
            sTaxiNodesMask[field] |= submask;

    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sWorldMapAreaStore,        dbcPath, "WorldMapArea.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sWMOAreaTableStore,        dbcPath, "WMOAreaTable.dbc");
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < sWMOAreaTableStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (WMOAreaTableEntry const* entry = sWMOAreaTableStore.LookupEntry(i))
            sWMOAreaInfoByTripple.insert(WMOAreaInfoByTripple::value_type(WMOAreaTableTripple(entry->rootId, entry->adtId, entry->groupId), entry));
    // LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales,bar,bad_dbc_files,sWorldMapOverlayStore,     dbcPath,"WorldMapOverlay.dbc");
    LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bar, bad_dbc_files, sWorldSafeLocsStore,       dbcPath, "WorldSafeLocs.dbc");

    // error checks
    if (bad_dbc_files.size() >= DBCFilesCount)
        sLog.outError("\nIncorrect DataDir value in mangosd.conf or ALL required *.dbc files (%d) not found by path: %sdbc", DBCFilesCount, dataPath.c_str());
    if (!bad_dbc_files.empty())
        std::string str;
        for (auto& bad_dbc_file : bad_dbc_files)
            str += bad_dbc_file + "\n";

        sLog.outError("\nSome required *.dbc files (%u from %d) not found or not compatible:\n%s", (uint32)bad_dbc_files.size(), DBCFilesCount, str.c_str());

    // Check loaded DBC files proper version
    if (!sSkillLineAbilityStore.LookupEntry(15030) ||
            !sMapStore.LookupEntry(533)                ||
        sLog.outError("\nYou have _outdated_ DBC files. Please re-extract DBC files for one from client build: %s", AcceptableClientBuildsListStr().c_str());

    sLog.outString(">> Initialized %d data stores", DBCFilesCount);
Пример #17
void HCIPDU::set_uint32(uint16 offset,uint32 data) 
    set_uint16(offset,uint16(data & 0xffff)) ;
    set_uint16(offset+2,uint16(data >> 16)) ;
Пример #18
void WorldSession::BuildPartyMemberStatsChangedPacket(Player *player, WorldPacket *data)
    uint32 mask = player->GetGroupUpdateFlag();

    if (mask & GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_POWER_TYPE)                // if update power type, update current/max power also

    if (mask & GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_POWER_TYPE)            // same for pets

    uint32 byteCount = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < GROUP_UPDATE_FLAGS_COUNT; ++i)
        if (mask & (1 << i))
            byteCount += GroupUpdateLength[i];

    data->Initialize(SMSG_PARTY_MEMBER_STATS, 8 + 4 + byteCount);
    *data << player->GetPackGUID();
    *data << uint32(mask);

        if (player)
            if (player->IsPvP())
                *data << uint16(MEMBER_STATUS_ONLINE | MEMBER_STATUS_PVP);
                *data << uint16(MEMBER_STATUS_ONLINE);
            *data << uint16(MEMBER_STATUS_OFFLINE);

    if (mask & GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_CUR_HP)
        *data << uint32(player->GetHealth());

    if (mask & GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_MAX_HP)
        *data << uint32(player->GetMaxHealth());

    Powers powerType = player->getPowerType();
        *data << uint8(powerType);

        *data << uint16(player->GetPower(powerType));

        *data << uint16(player->GetMaxPower(powerType));

        *data << uint16(player->getLevel());

    if (mask & GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_ZONE)
        *data << uint16(player->GetZoneId());

        *data << uint16(player->GetPositionX()) << uint16(player->GetPositionY());

        const uint64& auramask = player->GetAuraUpdateMask();
        *data << uint64(auramask);
        for(uint32 i = 0; i < MAX_AURAS; ++i)
            if(auramask & (uint64(1) << i))
                *data << uint32(player->GetVisibleAura(i));
                *data << uint8(1);

    Pet *pet = player->GetPet();
        *data << (pet ? pet->GetObjectGuid() : ObjectGuid());

            *data << pet->GetName();
            *data << uint8(0);

            *data << uint16(pet->GetDisplayId());
            *data << uint16(0);

            *data << uint32(pet->GetHealth());
            *data << uint32(0);

            *data << uint32(pet->GetMaxHealth());
            *data << uint32(0);

            *data << uint8(pet->getPowerType());
            *data << uint8(0);

            *data << uint16(pet->GetPower(pet->getPowerType()));
            *data << uint16(0);

            *data << uint16(pet->GetMaxPower(pet->getPowerType()));
            *data << uint16(0);

            const uint64& auramask = pet->GetAuraUpdateMask();
            *data << uint64(auramask);
            for(uint32 i = 0; i < MAX_AURAS; ++i)
                if(auramask & (uint64(1) << i))
                    *data << uint32(pet->GetVisibleAura(i));
                    *data << uint8(1);
            *data << uint64(0);

        *data << uint32(player->m_movementInfo.GetTransportDBCSeat());
Пример #19
void HCIPDU::set_uint24(uint16 offset,uint24 data)
    set_uint16(offset,uint16(data & 0xffff)) ;
    set_uint8(offset+2,uint8(data >> 16)) ;
Пример #20
// Realm List command handler
bool AuthSocket::_HandleRealmList()
    sLog->outStaticDebug("Entering _HandleRealmList");
    if (socket().recv_len() < 5)
        return false;


    // Get the user id (else close the connection)
    // No SQL injection (prepared statement)
    PreparedStatement* stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_SEL_ACCOUNT_ID_BY_NAME);
    stmt->setString(0, _login);
    PreparedQueryResult result = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt);
    if (!result)
        sLog->outError("'%s:%d' [ERROR] user %s tried to login but we cannot find him in the database.", socket().getRemoteAddress().c_str(), socket().getRemotePort(), _login.c_str());
        return false;

    Field* fields = result->Fetch();
    uint32 id = fields[0].GetUInt32();

    // Update realm list if need

    // Circle through realms in the RealmList and construct the return packet (including # of user characters in each realm)
    ByteBuffer pkt;

    size_t RealmListSize = 0;
    for (RealmList::RealmMap::const_iterator i = sRealmList->begin(); i != sRealmList->end(); ++i)
        // don't work with realms which not compatible with the client
        if ((_expversion & POST_BC_EXP_FLAG) && i->second.gamebuild != _build)
        else if ((_expversion & PRE_BC_EXP_FLAG) && !AuthHelper::IsPreBCAcceptedClientBuild(i->second.gamebuild))

        uint8 AmountOfCharacters;

        // No SQL injection. id of realm is controlled by the database.
        stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_SEL_NUM_CHARS_ON_REALM);
        stmt->setUInt32(0, i->second.m_ID);
        stmt->setUInt32(1, id);
        result = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt);
        if (result)
            AmountOfCharacters = (*result)[0].GetUInt8();
            AmountOfCharacters = 0;

        uint8 lock = (i->second.allowedSecurityLevel > _accountSecurityLevel) ? 1 : 0;

        pkt << i->second.icon;                              // realm type
        if ( _expversion & POST_BC_EXP_FLAG )               // only 2.x and 3.x clients
            pkt << lock;                                    // if 1, then realm locked
        pkt << uint8(i->second.flag);                       // RealmFlags
        pkt << i->first;
        pkt << i->second.address;
        pkt << i->second.populationLevel;
        pkt << AmountOfCharacters;
        pkt << i->second.timezone;                          // realm category
        if (_expversion & POST_BC_EXP_FLAG)                 // 2.x and 3.x clients
            pkt << (uint8)0x2C;                             // unk, may be realm number/id?
            pkt << (uint8)0x0;                              // 1.12.1 and 1.12.2 clients

        if (i->second.flag & REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD)
            // TODO: Make this customizable
            pkt << uint8(3);
            pkt << uint8(3);
            pkt << uint8(5);
            pkt << uint16(12340);


    if ( _expversion & POST_BC_EXP_FLAG )                   // 2.x and 3.x clients
        pkt << (uint8)0x10;
        pkt << (uint8)0x00;
    else                                                    // 1.12.1 and 1.12.2 clients
        pkt << (uint8)0x00;
        pkt << (uint8)0x02;

    // make a ByteBuffer which stores the RealmList's size
    ByteBuffer RealmListSizeBuffer;
    RealmListSizeBuffer << (uint32)0;
    if (_expversion & POST_BC_EXP_FLAG)                     // only 2.x and 3.x clients
        RealmListSizeBuffer << (uint16)RealmListSize;
        RealmListSizeBuffer << (uint32)RealmListSize;

    ByteBuffer hdr;
    hdr << (uint8) REALM_LIST;
    hdr << (uint16)(pkt.size() + RealmListSizeBuffer.size());
    hdr.append(RealmListSizeBuffer);                        // append RealmList's size buffer
    hdr.append(pkt);                                        // append realms in the realmlist

    socket().send((char const*)hdr.contents(), hdr.size());

    return true;
Пример #21
	void CEnlargetMapData::CreateTransformTerrainMesh( string strTitle, DWORD dwWidth, DWORD dwDepth )
		string strMapName("");
		size_t npos = strTitle.rfind("\\");
		if( npos != -1 )
			strMapName = strTitle.substr(npos+1, strTitle.length());
		npos = strMapName.rfind(".");
		if( npos != -1 )
			strMapName = strMapName.substr(0, npos);

		if( strMapName.empty() )

		// rgn mask
		int   newGridCnt = 0, SceneLightCount = 0;
		DWORD newVertexCnt = 0;

		DWORD dwMapWidth = dwWidth * REGION_SPACE;
		DWORD dwMapDepth = dwDepth * REGION_SPACE;
		newGridCnt		 = dwMapWidth * dwMapDepth;
		newVertexCnt     = (dwMapWidth + 1) * (dwMapDepth + 1);


		CMapEditApp::GetInst()->GetDataScene()->SetWidth( uint16(dwWidth) );
		CMapEditApp::GetInst()->GetDataScene()->SetHeight( uint16(dwDepth) );


		CTerrainMesh *pTerrainNew = NULL;
		pTerrainNew = new CTerrainMesh; 
		if( pTerrainNew == NULL )
		CTerrainMesh * pWaterNew = new CTerrainMesh; 
		pTerrainNew->m_strMapName = strMapName;

		Ast(newVertexCnt == pTerrainNew->GetVertexCount());
		int nNewVertexIndex = 0, nOldVertexIndex = 0;
		DWORD dwNewGridIndex = 0, dwOldGridIndex = 0;

		uint8 uReSizeMapType = terrain->GetResizeMapType();
		for ( DWORD n = 0; n < newVertexCnt; ++n )
			DWORD dwVertexIndexOld = 0, oColor = VERTEX_COLOR, sColor = VERTEX_COLOR;
			float fPositionY = 0.0f;
			CVector3f vNormal(0.0, 1.0f, 0.0f);
			short sLogicHeight = 0;

			if ( terrain->IsOverlappingByVertexIndex(dwWidth, dwDepth, n, dwVertexIndexOld, uReSizeMapType) )
				SVertex &VertexOld = terrain->GetVertex(dwVertexIndexOld);
				SVertex &VertexNew = pTerrainNew->GetVertex(n);

				VertexNew.oColor	   = VertexOld.oColor;
				VertexNew.sColor	   = VertexOld.sColor;
				VertexNew.vPosition.y  = VertexOld.vPosition.y;
				VertexNew.vNormal	   = VertexOld.vNormal;
				VertexNew.fLogicHeight = short(VertexOld.fLogicHeight);

				pWaterNew->GetVertex(n).vPosition.y = VertexNew.vPosition.y + WATER_LAYER_BASE;

		// grids
		string strName = "";
		SGrid * pGridOld = NULL;
		float delta = 0.001f;
		float U[2][4] =
			{delta, 0.5f, 0.5f, delta},
			{0.5f, 1.0f - delta, 1.0f - delta, 0.5f}
		float V[2][4] =
			{1.0f - delta, 1.0f - delta, 0.5f, 0.5f},
			{0.5f, 0.5f, delta, delta}

		map<int, int>::iterator iiter;
		bool   bOldMapStart = true;
		int	   nOldSatrtGridInNewIndex = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < newGridCnt; ++i )
			int x = i % dwMapWidth;
			int z = i / dwMapWidth;
			int nX = x % 2;
			int nZ = z % 2;

			DWORD dwGridIndexOld = 0;
			int   nOldDivideRegionIndex = 0, nNewDivideRegionIndex = 0;

			SGrid * pGridNew = &pTerrainNew->GetGrid(i);

			pGridNew->dwGridIndex = i;
			if ( terrain->IsOverlappingByGridIndex(dwWidth, dwDepth, i, dwGridIndexOld, uReSizeMapType) )
				if( bOldMapStart )
					nOldSatrtGridInNewIndex = i;
					bOldMapStart = false;

				pGridOld = &terrain->GetGrid(dwGridIndexOld);
				nOldDivideRegionIndex = pGridOld->m_nDivideRegionIndex;

				pGridNew->bGridHide = pGridOld->bGridHide;
				pGridNew->nBlockType = pGridOld->nBlockType;

				pGridNew->nodeInfo.strTextureNames[0] = pGridOld->nodeInfo.strTextureNames[0];
				pGridNew->nodeInfo.strTextureNames[1] = pGridOld->nodeInfo.strTextureNames[1];

				pGridNew->bCliffLayerOne = pGridOld->bCliffLayerOne;
				pGridNew->nMaterialIndex		  = pGridOld->nMaterialIndex;
				pGridNew->bMatNotEffectByTileSets = pGridOld->bMatNotEffectByTileSets;///强行设置该格子不受图素包设置影响,默认为受影响

				for (int m = 0; m < 4; ++m)
					pGridNew->uv[0][m]		  = pGridOld->uv[0][m];
					pGridNew->uv[1][m]		  = pGridOld->uv[1][m];
					pGridNew->subGridTypes[m] = pGridOld->subGridTypes[m];

				pGridNew->vCenter.y				= pGridOld->vCenter.y;
				pGridNew->vecCenterObjects		= pGridOld->vecCenterObjects;
				pGridNew->bEffectByVertexColor	= pGridOld->bEffectByVertexColor;

				this->mapRevertSplitMapGridIndex[dwGridIndexOld] = i;
				this->m_OldMapRegionIndexMap[nOldDivideRegionIndex] = pGridNew->m_nDivideRegionIndex;

				pGridNew->bSide					= pGridOld->bSide;

				for ( vector< CTObjectPtr >::iterator iter = pGridNew->vecCenterObjects.begin(); iter != pGridNew->vecCenterObjects.end(); ++iter)
					CTObjectPtr p = (*iter);

					CEditModelGroup *pModelGroup = p->GetModelGroup();
					CMapEditObject *pMapEditObject = NULL;
					pMapEditObject = pModelGroup->GetSelfPresentation(0);

					int nOldModelCenterGridIndex = pMapEditObject->sModelSavePro.nCenterGridIndex;
					iiter = this->mapRevertSplitMapGridIndex.find(nOldModelCenterGridIndex);
					if( iiter != this->mapRevertSplitMapGridIndex.end() )
						pMapEditObject->sModelSavePro.nCenterGridIndex = iiter->second;
				pGridNew->nodeInfo.strTextureNames[0] = m_strDefaultTerrainTexName;
				pGridNew->nodeInfo.strTextureNames[1] = m_strDefaultTerrainTexName;

				for (int m = 0; m < 4; ++m)
					pGridNew->uv[0][m].x = U[nX][m];
					pGridNew->uv[0][m].y = V[nZ][m];

		vector<int> vecGridIndicesRiver = this->CreateRiverInfo(pWaterNew);

		size_t size = vecGridIndicesRiver.size();
		for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i )

Пример #22
//Note: target_guid used only in CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM mode (in this case channelName ignored)
void ChatHandler::FillMessageData(WorldPacket* data, WorldSession* session, uint8 type, uint32 language, const char *channelName, uint64 target_guid, const char *message, Unit* speaker, const char* addonPrefix /*= NULL*/)
    uint32 messageLength = (message ? strlen(message) : 0) + 1;

    data->Initialize(SMSG_MESSAGECHAT, 100);                // guess size
    *data << uint8(type);
    if ((type != CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL && type != CHAT_MSG_WHISPER) || language == LANG_ADDON)
        *data << uint32(language);
        *data << uint32(LANG_UNIVERSAL);

    switch (type)
        case CHAT_MSG_SAY:
        case CHAT_MSG_PARTY:
        case CHAT_MSG_RAID:
        case CHAT_MSG_GUILD:
        case CHAT_MSG_OFFICER:
        case CHAT_MSG_YELL:
        case CHAT_MSG_WHISPER:
        case CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL:
        case CHAT_MSG_RAID_LEADER:
            target_guid = session ? session->GetPlayer()->GetGUID() : 0;
        case CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_SAY:
        case CHAT_MSG_BATTLENET:
            *data << uint64(speaker->GetGUID());
            *data << uint32(0);                             // 2.1.0
			*data << uint32(strlen(speaker->GetName().c_str()) + 1);
            *data << speaker->GetName();
			uint64 listener_guid = 0;
            *data << uint64(listener_guid);
            if (listener_guid && !IS_PLAYER_GUID(listener_guid))
                *data << uint32(1);                         // string listener_name_length
                *data << uint8(0);                          // string listener_name
            *data << uint32(messageLength);
            *data << message;
            *data << uint16(0);

                *data << float(0.0f);                       // Added in 4.2.0, unk
                *data << uint8(0);                          // Added in 4.2.0, unk

            if (type != CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM && type != CHAT_MSG_IGNORED && type != CHAT_MSG_DND && type != CHAT_MSG_AFK)
                target_guid = 0;                            // only for CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM used original value target_guid

    *data << uint64(target_guid);                           // there 0 for BG messages
    *data << uint32(0);                                     // can be chat msg group or something

    if (type == CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL)
        *data << channelName;
        *data << uint64(target_guid);
    else if (type == uint8(CHAT_MSG_ADDON))
        *data << addonPrefix;
        *data << uint64(target_guid);

    switch (type) {
    case CHAT_MSG_PARTY:
    case CHAT_MSG_RAID:
        *data << uint64(0);

    *data << uint32(messageLength);
    *data << message;
    if (session != 0 && type != CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM && type != CHAT_MSG_DND && type != CHAT_MSG_AFK)
        *data << uint16(session->GetPlayer()->GetChatTag());
        *data << uint16(0);
Пример #23
void WorldSession::BuildPartyMemberStatsChangedPacket(Player* player, WorldPacket* data)
    uint32 mask = player->GetGroupUpdateFlag();

    if (mask == GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_NONE)

    if (mask & GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_POWER_TYPE)                // if update power type, update current/max power also

    if (mask & GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PET_POWER_TYPE)            // same for pets

    data->Initialize(SMSG_PARTY_MEMBER_STATS, 80);          // average value
    *data << uint32(mask);

        if (player)
            if (player->IsPvP())
                *data << uint16(MEMBER_STATUS_ONLINE | MEMBER_STATUS_PVP);
                *data << uint16(MEMBER_STATUS_ONLINE);
            *data << uint16(MEMBER_STATUS_OFFLINE);

    if (mask & GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_CUR_HP)
        *data << uint32(player->GetHealth());

    if (mask & GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_MAX_HP)
        *data << uint32(player->GetMaxHealth());

    Powers powerType = player->getPowerType();
        *data << uint8(powerType);

        *data << uint16(player->GetPower(powerType));

        *data << uint16(player->GetMaxPower(powerType));

        *data << uint16(player->getLevel());

    if (mask & GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_ZONE)
        *data << uint16(player->GetZoneId());

        *data << uint16(player->GetPositionX()) << uint16(player->GetPositionY()) << uint16(player->GetPositionZ());

        // if true client clears auras that are not covered by auramask
        // TODO: looks like now client requires all active auras to be in the beginning of the auramask
        //       e.g. if you have holes in the aura mask the values after are ignored.
        *data << uint8(0);	

        uint64 auramask = player->GetAuraUpdateMaskForRaid();
        *data << uint64(auramask);
        *data << uint32(MAX_AURAS);    // client reads (64) Bits from auramask
        for (uint32 i = 0; i < MAX_AURAS; ++i)
            if (auramask & (uint64(1) << i))
                AuraApplication const* aurApp = player->GetVisibleAura(i);
                if (!aurApp)
                    *data << uint32(0);
                    *data << uint16(0);

                *data << uint32(aurApp->GetBase()->GetId());
                *data << uint16(aurApp->GetFlags());

                if (aurApp->GetFlags() & AFLAG_ANY_EFFECT_AMOUNT_SENT)
                    for (uint32 i = 0; i < MAX_SPELL_EFFECTS; ++i)
                        if (AuraEffect const* eff = aurApp->GetBase()->GetEffect(i))
                            *data << int32(eff->GetAmount());
                            *data << int32(0);

    Pet* pet = player->GetPet();
        if (pet)
            *data << uint64(pet->GetGUID());
            *data << uint64(0);

        if (pet)
            *data << pet->GetName();
            *data << uint8(0);

        if (pet)
            *data << uint16(pet->GetDisplayId());
            *data << uint16(0);

        if (pet)
            *data << uint32(pet->GetHealth());
            *data << uint32(0);

        if (pet)
            *data << uint32(pet->GetMaxHealth());
            *data << uint32(0);

        if (pet)
            *data << uint8(pet->getPowerType());
            *data << uint8(0);

        if (pet)
            *data << uint16(pet->GetPower(pet->getPowerType()));
            *data << uint16(0);

        if (pet)
            *data << uint16(pet->GetMaxPower(pet->getPowerType()));
            *data << uint16(0);

        if (Vehicle* veh = player->GetVehicle())
            *data << uint32(veh->GetVehicleInfo()->m_seatID[player->_movementInfo.t_seat]);
            *data << uint32(0);

        if (pet)
            *data << uint8(0);             // if true client clears auras that are not covered by auramask
            uint64 auramask = pet->GetAuraUpdateMaskForRaid();
            *data << uint64(auramask);
            *data << uint32(MAX_AURAS);    // client reads (64) Bits from auramask
            for (uint32 i = 0; i < MAX_AURAS; ++i)
                if (auramask & (uint64(1) << i))
                    AuraApplication const* aurApp = pet->GetVisibleAura(i);
                    if (!aurApp)
                        *data << uint32(0);
                        *data << uint16(0);

                    *data << uint32(aurApp->GetBase()->GetId());
                    *data << uint16(aurApp->GetFlags());

                    if (aurApp->GetFlags() & AFLAG_ANY_EFFECT_AMOUNT_SENT)
                        for (uint32 i = 0; i < MAX_SPELL_EFFECTS; ++i)
                            if (AuraEffect const* eff = aurApp->GetBase()->GetEffect(i))
                                *data << int32(eff->GetAmount());
                                *data << int32(0);
            *data << uint8(0);
            *data << uint64(0);

    if (mask & GROUP_UPDATE_FLAG_PHASE)   // 4.0.6 unk
        *data << uint32(8); // either 0 or 8, same unk found in SMSG_PHASESHIFT
        *data << uint32(0); // count
        // for (count) *data << uint16(phaseId)