Пример #1
static inline uint32_t cp_float_is_nan( uint32_t a )
    uint32_t em          = uint32_sll( a, 1 );
    uint32_t is_nan_msb  = uint32_sub( 0xff000000, em );
    uint32_t is_nan_pred = uint32_srl( is_nan_msb, 31 );

    return (is_nan_pred);
Пример #2
	BX_CONST_FUNC float ldexp(float _a, int32_t _b)
		const uint32_t ftob     = floatToBits(_a);
		const uint32_t masked   = uint32_and(ftob, UINT32_C(0xff800000) );
		const uint32_t expsign0 = uint32_sra(masked, 23);
		const uint32_t tmp      = uint32_iadd(expsign0, _b);
		const uint32_t expsign1 = uint32_sll(tmp, 23);
		const uint32_t mantissa = uint32_and(ftob, UINT32_C(0x007fffff) );
		const uint32_t bits     = uint32_or(mantissa, expsign1);
		const float    result   = bitsToFloat(bits);

		return result;
Пример #3

| Normalizes the subnormal single-precision floating-point value represented
| by the denormalized significand `a_m'.  The normalized exponent and
| significand are stored at the locations pointed to by `z_ePtr' and
| `z_mPtr', respectively.

// a_m > 0
static void
normalizeFloat32Subnormal( uint32_t a_m, uint32_t* restrict const out_e, uint32_t* restrict const out_m)
    uint32_t m_clz        = __builtin_clz( a_m );
    uint32_t m_sa         = uint32_sub( m_clz, 8 );
    uint32_t m_normalized = uint32_sll( a_m, m_sa );
    uint32_t e_normalized = uint32_sub( 1, m_sa );

    *out_m = m_normalized;
    *out_e = e_normalized;

| Packs the sign `z_s', exponent `z_e', and significand `z_m' into a
| single-precision floating-point value, returning the result.  After being
| shifted into the proper positions, the three fields are simply added
| together to form the result.  This means that any integer portion of `z_m'
| will be added into the exponent.  Since a properly normalized significand
| will have an integer portion equal to 1, the `z_e' input should be 1 less
| than the desired result exponent whenever `z_m' is a complete, normalized