Пример #1
int cook_prompt_if_necessary () {
  char *pre_cooked, *filtered, *uncoloured;
  filtered = NULL;
  if (saved_rl_state.cooked_prompt)
    return FALSE;  /* cooked already */
  pre_cooked = mysavestring(saved_rl_state.raw_prompt);
  if ( (prompt_regexp && ! match_regexp(pre_cooked, prompt_regexp, FALSE)) ||  /* raw prompt doesn't match '--only-cook' regexp */
       (strcmp((filtered =  pass_through_filter(TAG_PROMPT, pre_cooked)), "_THIS_CANNOT_BE_A_PROMPT_")== 0)) { /* filter has "refused" the prompt */
    saved_rl_state.cooked_prompt =  (impatient_prompt ? mysavestring(pre_cooked) : mysavestring("")); /* don't cook, eat raw (and eat nothing if patient) */
    free(filtered); /* free(NULL) is not an error */
    return FALSE;
  if(substitute_prompt) {
    uncoloured = mysavestring(substitute_prompt); 
  } else {
    uncoloured = filtered;
  if (colour_the_prompt) { 
    saved_rl_state.cooked_prompt =  colourise(uncoloured);
  } else {
    saved_rl_state.cooked_prompt = uncoloured;
  return TRUE;
Пример #2
void test_unbackspace (const char *input, const char *expected_result) {
  char *scrap = mysavestring(input);
  if (strcmp(scrap, expected_result) != 0)
      myerror("unbackspace %s yielded %s, expected %s",
Пример #3
int cook_prompt_if_necessary () {
  char *pre_cooked, *rubbish_from_alternate_screen,  *filtered, *uncoloured, *cooked, *p, *non_rubbish = NULL;
  static char **term_ctrl_seqs[] 
    = {&term_rmcup, &term_rmkx, NULL}; /* (NULL-terminated) list of (pointers to) term control sequences that may be
                                       used by clients to return from an 'alternate screen'. If we spot one of those,
                                       assume that it, and anything before it, is rubbish and better left untouched */

  char ***tcptr;
  filtered = NULL;

  DPRINTF2(DEBUG_READLINE, "Prompt <%s>: %s", saved_rl_state.raw_prompt, prompt_is_still_uncooked ? "still raw" : "cooked already");

  if (saved_rl_state.cooked_prompt)    /* if (!prompt_is_still_uncooked) bombs with multi-line paste. Apparently
                                        prompt_is_still_uncooked can be FALSE while saved_rl_state.cooked_prompt = NULL. Ouch!@@@! */
    return FALSE;  /* cooked already */
  pre_cooked = mysavestring(saved_rl_state.raw_prompt);

  for (tcptr = term_ctrl_seqs; *tcptr; tcptr++) { 
    /* find last occurence of one of term_ctrl_seq */
    if (**tcptr && (p = mystrstr(pre_cooked, **tcptr))) {
      p += strlen(**tcptr);  /* p now points 1 char past term control sequence */ 
      if (p > non_rubbish) 
        non_rubbish = p; 
  /* non_rubbish now points 1 past the last 'alternate screen terminating' control char in prompt */
  if (non_rubbish) { 
    rubbish_from_alternate_screen = pre_cooked;
    pre_cooked = mysavestring(non_rubbish);
    *non_rubbish = '\0'; /* 0-terminate rubbish_from_alternate_screen */ 
  } else { 
    rubbish_from_alternate_screen = mysavestring("");

  unbackspace(pre_cooked); /* programs that display a running counter would otherwise make rlwrap keep prompts
                              like " 1%\r 2%\r 3%\ ......" */

  if ( /* raw prompt doesn't match '--only-cook' regexp */
      (prompt_regexp && ! match_regexp(pre_cooked, prompt_regexp, FALSE)) ||
       /* now filter it, but filter may "refuse" the prompt */
      (strcmp((filtered =  pass_through_filter(TAG_PROMPT, pre_cooked)), "_THIS_CANNOT_BE_A_PROMPT_")== 0)) { 
    /* don't cook, eat raw (and eat nothing if patient) */       
    saved_rl_state.cooked_prompt =  (impatient_prompt ? mysavestring(pre_cooked) : mysavestring("")); 
    /* NB: if impatient, the rubbish_from_alternate_screen has been output already, no need to send it again */  
    free(filtered); /* free(NULL) is never an error */
    return FALSE;
  if(substitute_prompt) {
    uncoloured = mysavestring(substitute_prompt); 
  } else {
    uncoloured = filtered;
  if (colour_the_prompt) { 
    cooked =  colourise(uncoloured);
  } else {
    cooked = uncoloured;
  if (! impatient_prompt)  /* in this case our rubbish hasn't been output yet. Output it now, but don't store
                              it in the prompt, as this may be re-printed e.g. after resuming a suspended rlwrap */
    write_patiently(STDOUT_FILENO,rubbish_from_alternate_screen, strlen(rubbish_from_alternate_screen), "to stdout");
  saved_rl_state.cooked_prompt = cooked;
  return TRUE;