Пример #1
void GeneSelectorDialog::updateGeneTable()
	//clear details

	//convert input to gene list
	QStringList genes = NGSHelper::textToGenes(ui->genes->toPlainText());
	if (genes.isEmpty()) return;

	//set cursor
	ui->details->blockSignals(true); //otherwise itemChanged is emitted

	//check for CNA results
	QString folder = QFileInfo(bam_file_).absolutePath();
	QStringList files = Helper::findFiles(folder, "*_cnvs.seg", false);
	bool cna_result_present = (files.count()==1);

	//load CNA results
	BedFile cna_results;
	if (cna_result_present)
		auto f = Helper::openFileForReading(files[0]);
			QString line = f->readLine();

			//skip headers
			if (line.isEmpty() || line[0]!='\t')

			//parse content
			QStringList parts = line.split('\t');
			if (parts.count()<6) THROW(FileParseException, "SEG file line invalid: " + line);
			Chromosome chr(parts[1]);
			int start = Helper::toInt(parts[2], "SEG start position", line);
			int end = Helper::toInt(parts[3], "SEG end position", line);
			cna_results.append(BedLine(chr, start, end, QStringList() << parts[5]));

	//load low-coverage file for processing system
	files = Helper::findFiles(folder, "*_lowcov.bed", false);
		updateError("Gene selection error", "Low-coverage BED file not found in " + folder);
	BedFile sys_gaps;

	//load processing system target region
	NGSD db;
	QString sys_file = db.getProcessingSystem(bam_file_, NGSD::FILE);
	if (sys_file=="")

		updateError("Gene selection error", "Processing system target region BED file not found in " + folder);
	BedFile sys_roi;

	//display genes
	for (int r=0; r<genes.count(); ++r)
		//convert gene to approved symbol
		QString gene = genes[r];
		int gene_id = db.geneToApprovedID(gene);
			updateError("Gene selection error", "Gene symbol '" + gene + "' is not an approved symbol!");
		gene = db.geneSymbol(gene_id);
		setGeneTableItem(r, 0, gene, Qt::AlignLeft, Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable|Qt::ItemIsEnabled);

		Transcript transcript = db.longestCodingTranscript(gene_id, Transcript::CCDS);
		if (!transcript.isValid()) //fallback to UCSC when no CCDS transcript is defined for the gene
			transcript = db.longestCodingTranscript(gene_id, Transcript::UCSC);
		BedFile region = transcript.regions();
		setGeneTableItem(r, 1, transcript.name() + " (" + QString::number(region.count()) + " exons)");

		long long bases = region.baseCount();
		setGeneTableItem(r, 2, QString::number(bases), Qt::AlignRight);

		//calculate gaps inside target region
		BedFile gaps = sys_gaps;
		//add target region bases not covered by processing system target file
		BedFile uncovered(region);
		//output (absolute and percentage)
		long long gap_bases = gaps.baseCount();
		setGeneTableItem(r, 3, QString::number(gap_bases), Qt::AlignRight);
		setGeneTableItem(r, 4, QString::number(100.0 * gap_bases / bases, 'f', 2), Qt::AlignRight);

		//cnvs + cnv gaps
		if (!cna_result_present)
			setGeneTableItem(r, 5, "n/a", Qt::AlignRight);
			setGeneTableItem(r, 6, "n/a", Qt::AlignRight);
			BedFile cnv_data = cna_results;
			int cnv_del = 0;
			int cnv_dup = 0;
			int cnv_bad_qc = 0;
			for(int i=0; i<cnv_data.count(); ++i)
				QString cn = cnv_data[i].annotations()[0];

				bool ok = false;
				int cn_num = cn.toInt(&ok);
				if (!ok)
				else if(cn_num<2)
				else if(cn_num>2)
			QStringList parts;
			if (cnv_del) parts << QString::number(cnv_del) + " del";
			if (cnv_dup) parts << QString::number(cnv_dup) + " dup";
			setGeneTableItem(r, 5, parts.join(", "), Qt::AlignRight, Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable|Qt::ItemIsEnabled);

			BedFile region_covered = region;
			int cnv_gaps = region.count() - region_covered.count();
			if (cnv_bad_qc) parts << QString::number(cnv_bad_qc) + " bad qc";
			if (cnv_gaps) parts << QString::number(cnv_gaps) + " not covered";

			setGeneTableItem(r, 6, parts.join(", "), Qt::AlignRight);


	//reset cursor
int main( int argc, char **argv )


  Random number guessing game in a couple of lines. "Not pretty, but fairly short" version.


#ifdef NBR_GAME
#define P printf
 int r, a=4, i=0, A=1, Z=10; srand(time(0));

 for( P("%d..%d\n",A,Z),r=(rand()%(Z-A+1))+A; r^i&&(a--?P("(try %d/4)?:",4-a): !P("Comp wins! (was:%d)",r)); )
    scanf("%d",&i); P("%s\n",r>i?"Mine's >":r<i?"Mine's <":"Got it.\nYou win!");


    A version of Mastermind, but based on numbers, not colors


#ifdef MM_GAME

#define DIGITS 3

 char inp[10] = {0}, nr[DIGITS+1] = {0};
 int i, guess = 0, rplace = 0, wplace = 0;


 for( i = 0; i < DIGITS; i++ ) nr[i] = '0' + rand() % 10;

 while( rplace != DIGITS )
     printf("\n Enter number (%d digits): ", DIGITS);
     scanf("%s3", &inp);

     rplace = wplace = 0;

     for( i = 0; i < DIGITS; i++ )
        if (inp[i] == nr[i]) rplace++; else if (strchr(nr,inp[i])) wplace++;

      printf("\n Right place: %d, Wrong place: %d, attempts: %d", rplace, wplace, guess );

 puts("\n Got it!");



  Minimal passwort / token generator, based on a formated input string.
  Example: 5000x0xxx

           first digit (in HEX): generate 5 results
           each '0': replace with random number
           each 'x': replace with random character


#ifdef PWDGEN
#define MAXLEN 20
 int i, r;
 char inp[MAXLEN] = {0}, outp[MAXLEN] = {0};

 scanf("%s20", &inp);

 if ( *inp >='a' && *inp <='f' ) r = *inp-'a'+10; else
 if ( *inp >='0' && *inp <='9' ) r = *inp-'0';

 srand( time(NULL) );

     for(i = 1; i < strlen(inp); i++)
         outp[i-1] = (inp[i]=='0') ? outp[i-1]='0' + rand() % 10:
                     (inp[i]=='x') ? outp[i-1]='a' + rand() % 26: inp[i];

     printf("\n (%2.d) pwd: %s", r + 1, outp);


  Minimal ANSI art viewer. Work in progress.


#ifdef ANSIART

#define ESC 0x1B
#define LEFTBRACKET '['

 char * filename = "ab-onion.ans";
 char * out[100][80];
 char inp, c, a, b;
 int i, count = 0;
 int x, y, sx, sy;

 for( y = 0; y < 100;  y++ )
 for( x = 0; x <  80;  x++ )
     out[y][x] = 0x20;

 FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r");

 if(f == NULL)
    printf("\nError opening file <%s>\n", filename);
    return -1;
     printf("\nReading file <%s>", filename);

     /* cache file first */
     char in[200*80] = {'\0'};

     i = 0;
     while( (in[i++] = fgetc(f)) != EOF && i < 100*80 );


     printf("\nDone reading file (%d bytes).\n", i);

     x = y = sx = sy = 0;
     i = -1;

     while( in[++i] )

        if (in[i] != ESC)
            //printf("\nline: %d, x: %d -> %c", y,x,in[i]);
            out[y][x] = in[i];
            if (in[i] == '\n') y++;
        if ( in[i] == ESC && in[i+1] == LEFTBRACKET )
            /* interpret sequence */
            /* crs up        -> CSI n A */
            /* crs down      -> CSI n B */
            /* crs forw      -> CSI n C */
            /* crs back      -> CSI n D */
            /* crs next line -> CSI n E */
            /* crs prev line -> CSI n F */
            /* crs horz absol-> CSI n G */

            /* save    position -> CSI s */
            /* restore position -> CSI r */

            char cmds[] = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 's', 'r' };

            /* TODO: look for trailing command first */

            i += 2;
            char param   = in[i];
            char command = in[i+1];

            if(param == 's') { sx =  x;  sy =  y; }
            if(param == 'r') { x  = sx;  y  = sy; }

                case 'A': y -= param; break;
                case 'B': y += param; break;
                case 'C': x += param; break;
                case 'D': x -= param; break;
                case 'E': x  = 0; y += param; break;
                case 'F': x  = 0; y -= param; break;
                case 'G': x  = param; break;
                case ';': a = in[i+2];
                          b = in[i+3];
                          if (b =='f' || b == 'H') { x = a; y = param; }

            /* ... */


    printf("\n Buffer contents: \n");

     for( y = 0; y <  80;  y++ )
     for( x = 0; x < 100;  x++ )
         printf( "%c", out[y][x] );




  Tiny memory editor / viewer / file dumper utility.
  Enough features to have its own little help screen. :)


#ifdef MEDT

 #define KEY_ADR   'i'
 #define KEY_ASCII 'a'
 #define KEY_HEX   'h'
 #define KEY_DUMP  'd'
 #define KEY_FILL  'f'
 #define KEY_REPL  'r'
 #define KEY_HELP  '?'
 #define KEY_QUIT  'q'

 #define CHAR_DUMMY '.'

 char *adr;
 char inp[40] = {0};
 char *mstart = (char*)inp;
 char *mend   = mstart + 0xFF;

 int cont = 1;

 printf("\nMEDT - 1.0a; %c = help", KEY_HELP);

 while (cont)
    printf("\n\n[adr: %X-%X]>:", mstart, mend);

    scanf("%s40", inp);

    if (*inp == KEY_HELP)
        printf("\n %c - This help screen", KEY_HELP);
        printf("\n %c - Input memory adress range", KEY_ADR);
        printf("\n %c - Display range as ASCII chars", KEY_ASCII);
        printf("\n %c - Display range as HEX values", KEY_HEX);
        printf("\n %c - Save range as a file", KEY_DUMP);
        printf("\n %c - Fill range with byte", KEY_FILL);
        printf("\n %c - Search and replace byte in range with byte", KEY_REPL);
        printf("\n %c - Quit\n", KEY_QUIT);
    else if (*inp == KEY_ADR)
        int adr1, adr2;

        printf("\nAdresses (HEX) [start, end]:");
        scanf("%X, %X", &adr1, &adr2);

        mstart = (char*)adr1;
        mend   = (char*)adr2;
    else if (*inp == KEY_FILL)
        int val;

        printf("\nFill with byte (HEX) [value]: ");
        scanf("%X", val);

        for( adr = mstart; adr < mend; adr++ ) *adr = val & 0xFF;
    else if (*inp == KEY_REPL)
        int val1, val2;
        int count = 0;

        printf("\nSearch and replace byte x with value y (HEX) [x, y]: ");
        scanf("%X,%X", &val1, &val2 );

        for( adr = mstart; adr < mend; adr++ )
            if (*adr == (val1 & 0xFF)) { *adr = val2 & 0xFF; count++; }

        printf("\n%d bytes found and replaced.\n", count);
    else if (*inp == KEY_ASCII)
        printf("\nMemory at (ASCII display mode): %X - %X\n\n", mstart, mend);

        /* printable 7Bit ASCII chars only, DUMMY_CHAR for the rest, 60 chars each line */
        for( adr = mstart; adr < mend; adr++ )
            printf("%c%s", (*adr >= 0x20 && *adr <= 0x7E) ? *adr : CHAR_DUMMY, !((adr - mstart + 1) % 60) ? "\n" : "" );
    else if (*inp == KEY_HEX)
        printf("\nMemory at (HEX display mode): %X - %X\n\n", mstart, mend);

        /* separated hex values, 20 per line. leading 0, if needed */
        for( adr = mstart; adr < mend; adr++ )
            char val = *adr & 0x0F;
            printf("-%s%X%s", (val < 0x10) ? "0" : "", val, !((adr - mstart + 1) % 20) ? "\n" : "" );
    else if (*inp == KEY_DUMP)
        char filename[80] = "";

        printf("\nPath/filename: ");
        scanf("%s80", filename);

        printf("\nWriting file to disk... ");

        FILE *f = fopen(filename,"wb");

        if (f != NULL)
            for( adr = mstart; adr < mend; adr++ ) fputc(*adr & 0xFF, f);
        else printf("Error!\n");

    if ( !strcmp(inp,"exit") || *inp == KEY_QUIT ) cont = 0;



    A version of Picross.

    A Logic / Picture Puzzle Game. Unfinished.



 #define F_SIZE      10
 #define PIC_COUNT    2
 #define BASE_CHAR 0x22
 #define CODE_CHAR   97

 int i,i2, x,y, cx,cy,cn;

 char f[F_SIZE*F_SIZE] = {0};
 char n[F_SIZE]        = {0};

 char nh[F_SIZE][F_SIZE]; /* hor: line, row */
 char nv[F_SIZE][F_SIZE]; /* ver: line, row */

 memset( nh, 0, sizeof(nh) );
 memset( nv, 0, sizeof(nv) );

 char pics[PIC_COUNT][F_SIZE*F_SIZE];

 strcpy( pics[0], "-------------oooo-----o-o--o---o---o--o-o-----oooo-o---o--o---o-o--o-----oooo-----------------------" );
 strcpy( pics[1], "-------------ooo------o--o-----o---oooooo--------oo--------o-o---ooooo--o--o-------ooo--------------" );
 strcpy( pics[2], "" );
/* => 110, 101, 102, 98, 98, 98, 99, ..

 - 97 + 13
 o 97 +  4
 - 97 +  5
 o 97 +  1
 - 97 +  1
 o 97 +  1
 - 97 +  2

/* lv1                      lv2                     lv3
  - - - - - - - - - -       - - - - - - - - - -     o o o o o o o o - o
  - - - o o o o - - -       - - - o o o - - - -     - - - o - - - o - o
  - - o - o - - o - -       - - o - - o - - - -     o - o o - o o o - -
  - o - - - o - - o -       - o - - - o o o o o     o - - - - - - o - o
  o - - - - - o o o o       o - - - - - - - - o     o o o - - - - o - o
  - o - - - o - - o -       o - - - - - - - - o     - o - - o o o o - o
  - - o - o - - o - -       - o - - - o o o o o     - o - - - - o - - -
  - - - o o o o - - -       - - o - - o - - - -     o o o o o - o o - o
  - - - - - - - - - -       - - - o o o - - - -     o - - - - - - - - o
  - - - - - - - - - -       - - - - - - - - - -     o o o o o o o o o o


 /* select random pic, or a randomly generated pic */
 if ( rand()%(PIC_COUNT+1) < PIC_COUNT )
    int cell = 0;
    char set = 0;

     /* decode pic data, if needed */
     for(i  = 0; i < strlen(pics[lv]); i++ )
        int inrow = pics[lv][i] - CODE_CHAR;
        for(i2 = 0; i2 < inrow; i2++ ) f[cell++] = set;
        set = !set;

     /* no decoding */
    for(i = 0; i < sizeof(f); i++)
        f[i] = (pic[lv][i] == 'o') ? 1 : 0;
    srand( time(NULL) );

    for(i = 0; i < sizeof(f); i++)
        f[i] = rand() % 5 ? 0 : 1;


 int inpx = 0, inpy = 0, cont = 1, turns = 0;

 /* main input loop; */
 while( cont )

    /* scan field -> horizontal [TODO: vertical; outter: x, inner: y] */
    for(y = 0, cy = 0; y < F_SIZE; y++)
        /* start with no row results */
        memset(n, 0, F_SIZE);

        for( x = 0, cx = 0, cn = 0; x < F_SIZE; x++ )
            /* count stones in a row */
            if ( f[x + F_SIZE*y] ) cx++;
            /* gap or corner stone? -> add results to n[] */
            if (cx && (!f[x+F_SIZE*y] || x == F_SIZE-1) ) { n[cn++] = cx + '0'; cx = 0; }
        /* nh = string together all horizontal results, line breaks after each line */
        strcat(n, strlen(n) ? "": "none");
        strcat(nh[y], n);

    /* show field + right hints per line */
    for( i = 1; i <= sizeof(f); i++ )
        printf( "%c", f[i-1] + BASE_CHAR );
        if ( !(i % F_SIZE) ) printf(" %s\n", nh[(i-1)/F_SIZE] );

    /* bottom hints; test with HOR. hint numbers; TODO for vert. numbers */
    for( i = 0; i < F_SIZE; i++ )
        int validln = 0;
        char row[F_SIZE+1] = {0};

        for(i2 = 0; i2 < F_SIZE; i2++)
            if ((row[i2] = nh[i2][i] ? nh[i2][i] : ' ') != ' ') validln = 1;

        if (validln) printf("%s\n", row);


    printf("\nTurn: %d, Enter x,y (0..9, 0..9, diff. coords to quit):", ++turns);
    scanf("%i,%i", &inpx, &inpy);

    /* check for exit */
    cont = ( (inpx*inpy) >= 0) && ((inpx*inpy) < sizeof(f) );

    if (cont)
      printf("%d, %d -> %s", inpx, inpy, f[F_SIZE * inpy + inpx] ? "Hit!" : "Miss!" );
      f[F_SIZE*inpy + inpx] = 0;

      /* no stones left to uncover? level complete */
      char fclear = 1;
      for( i = 0; i < F_SIZE && (fclear = !f[i]); i++ )

          printf("\Pic uncovered (in %d turns)! Congratulation", turns);
          cont = 0;






    Estimation Game
    Guess what number is the most common in a random number field.


#ifdef EST_GAME

#define F_SIZE 14
#define DIFFICULTY 5

 int  i, a, nr, higher = 0, ce[DIFFICULTY] = {0};
 char f[ F_SIZE * F_SIZE ] = {0};
 time_t t = time(NULL);

 srand(t); puts("");

 for(i = 0; i < F_SIZE * F_SIZE; i++)
     printf(" %d%s", nr = rand() % DIFFICULTY, ! ((i+1)%F_SIZE) ? "\n" : "" );

 printf("\n Most common? :");
 scanf("%10d", &a);

 for(i = 0; i < DIFFICULTY; i++)
   if (a != i && ce[i] > ce[a]) higher++;

 if ( !higher ) printf(" Correct! (in: %d seconds)", time(NULL)-t); else
                printf(" Wrong! (%d other number(s) are more common)", higher);

 printf("\n Counts: ");
 for(i = 0; i < DIFFICULTY; i++)
     printf("%d = %d%s ", i, ce[i], (i != DIFFICULTY-1) ? "," : "." );




    (Text-)file appending / copy / filter tool

    - can add EOF text markers
    - filter out extended ASCII
    - convert Umlauts and Esszett
    - apply 1990s style l33t sp34k ;)


#ifdef FMERGE

#define MAX_FILE_COUNT 99

/* TODO: currently only works with markers + one add. flag */

  char HELP_TEXT[] =
    "\nUsage: fmerge [parameters]\n"
    "\nFirst parameter not recognized as an option  = output filename."
    "\nAll other unrecognized parameters following  = input filename(s)."
    "\n --m  : Insert EOF markers."
    "\n --d  : Convert Umlaut and Esszett characters."
    "\n --7  : 7 Bit ASCII only. Extented ASCII chars will be replaced with a dash."
    "\n --l  : L33t Sp43k filter.\n"
    "\nNote that --d, --7 and --l cannot be mixed.";

 char infilenames[ MAX_FILE_COUNT ][250];
 char outfilename[250];

 FILE *infile, *outfile;

 char norm_chars[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
 char leet_chars[] = "4bcd3fgh1jklmn0pqr5+uvwxyz" "48CD3FGH1JK7MNOPQR$+UVWXYZ";

 char de_chars[] = "הצ�ִײ��";

 char flag_markers = 0,
      flag_deconv  = 0,
      flag_7bit    = 0,
      flag_leet    = 0;

 char fcount = 0, c;
 int i, pos;

 /* cmd line checking ..
    - first unrecognized option/parameter      = output filename
    - all other unrecognized parameters after  = input filenames
 if (argc > 2)
     for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
         if      (!strcmp(argv[i], "--m")) flag_markers = 1;
         else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--d")) flag_deconv  = 1;
         else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--7")) flag_7bit    = 1;
         else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--l")) flag_leet    = 1;
            if (fcount > 0)
                strncpy( infilenames[fcount-1], argv[i], 250 );
                strncpy( outfilename, argv[i], 250 );


 if (fcount < 2)
     puts("Error: At least one input and one output file required.");
     return -1;

 if ( (flag_deconv + flag_7bit + flag_leet) > 1)
    puts("Error: Too many parameters."
         "Only one of the following parameters permitted per run: --f, --7, --l");

    return -1;

 outfile = fopen( outfilename, "wb" );

 printf("\Appending %d file(s) and save as <%s>\n", fcount-1, outfilename);
 printf( "\nFlags Overview:"
         "\n - 7bit only    : %s"
         "\n - DE-Char Conv : %s"
         "\n - L33T sp34k   : %s"
         "\n - EOF-Markers  : %s\n",
         flag_7bit    ? "yes" : "no",
         flag_deconv  ? "yes" : "no",
         flag_leet    ? "yes" : "no",
         flag_markers ? "yes" : "no" );

 for( i = 0; i < fcount-1; i++ )
    infile = fopen(infilenames[i], "rb");

    if (infile)
        if (flag_leet)
            while ( (c = fgetc(infile)) != EOF)
              if ( (pos = (strchr(norm_chars, c) - norm_chars)) >= 0 )
                fputc( leet_chars[pos], outfile);
                fputc(c, outfile);
        else if (flag_7bit)
            while ( (c = fgetc(infile)) != EOF)
               if (c >= 0) fputc(c, outfile); else fputc('-', outfile);
        else if (flag_deconv)
            char oldc;

            while ( (c   = fgetc(infile)) != EOF )
               if ( (pos = (strchr(de_chars, c) - de_chars)) >= 0  )
                    if (pos == 0) fputs("ae", outfile);
                    if (pos == 1) fputs("oe", outfile);
                    if (pos == 2) fputs("ue", outfile);
                    if (pos == 3) fputs("AE", outfile);
                    if (pos == 4) fputs("OE", outfile);
                    if (pos == 5) fputs("UE", outfile);

                    /* since there's no capital Esszett, we need some context for conversion */
                    if (pos == 6) { fputs( (oldc >= 0x61) ? "ss" : "SS", outfile); }
               else fputc(oldc = c, outfile);

        if (flag_markers)
            char marker[200] = "\r\n---- end of file < ";

            strncat( marker, infilenames[i], 160 );
            strcat(  marker, " > ----\r\n" );

            fputs( marker, outfile );

        printf( "\n<%s> Ok.", infilenames[i] );
        printf( "\n<%s> Error opening file", infilenames[i] );

    fclose( infile );


 fclose( outfile );



    Fisher-Yates / Durstenfeld-Shuffle with presets
    (useful for searching for anagrams or just trying to come up with project names ;)


#ifdef PERM
#define LOOPS 20

 int i, j, r;
 char inp[40], tmp;


 printf("String to shuffle, [shortcuts: a-z, 0-9, dice]: ");
 scanf("%s40", &inp);

 if ( !strcmp(inp, "a-z" ) ) strcpy(inp, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
 if ( !strcmp(inp, "0-9" ) ) strcpy(inp, "0123456789");
 if ( !strcmp(inp, "dice") ) strcpy(inp, "123456");

 for( j = LOOPS; j-- > 0; )
     for( i = strlen(inp); i-- > 1; )
        r = rand() % i;

        tmp    = inp[i];
        inp[i] = inp[r];
        inp[r] = tmp;

     printf("<%s>\n", inp);




 SBFED = Super Bad File Encoding & Decoding

 (shortest and possibly worst mini file encrypter/decrypter possible. Don't use this
  for your billion dollar trade secrets. ;)

#ifdef SBFED

 if (argc != 3) { puts("Error: 2 params for in/out files needed."); return -1; };

 FILE *sf = fopen( argv[1], "rb");
 FILE *df = fopen( argv[2], "wb");

 char c;
 while( (c = fgetc(sf)) != EOF ) fputc( (((c^-1) & 0xF0) >> 4) | (((c^-1) & 0x0F) << 4), df );




    Prime Number Evaluation. Short, simple & fast enough. AKS this is not, though.

#ifdef PRIME

 /* Beware: C99 stuff. ANSI/C89-only compilant compilers might argue this. */
 long long int i, p, isprime = 1;

 scanf("%lld", &p);

 if (p == 2) isprime = 1;
 if (p < 2 || !(p % 2)) isprime = 0;
 for(i = 3; ( i <= sqrt(p)) && (isprime = p % i); i += 2);

 printf("\nPrime: %s\n", isprime ? "Yes" : "No");



    "Why did the charming bulldozer run over the research facility?"
    "Because the bulldozer could not love a(n) upset aroma therapist!"

#ifdef AJOKE


 char *a[] = { "chicken", "astronaut", "bulldozer", "aroma therapist", "pole dancer" };
 char *b[] = { "cross", "run over", "walk over", "talk to", "love" };
 char *c[] = { "street", "bridge", "chicken farm", "rumba instructor meeting hall", "research facility" };
 char *d[] = { "bossy", "charming", "single", "blushing", "upset" };

 printf("\nWhy did the %s %s %s the %s?", d[rand()%5], a[rand()%5], b[rand()%5], c[rand()%5] );
 printf("\nBecause the %s could not %s a(n) %s %s!\n", a[rand()%5], b[rand()%5], d[rand()%5], a[rand()%5] );


 return 0;
