Пример #1
/* given a value in radians, returns a string parsed into either
   hh:mm:ss.sss or (-)dd:mm:ss.sss format, as determined by setting
   scale equal to either 24 or 360, respectively */
int xms2str (char* xms_str, unsigned xms_strlen, char sign,
             double radians, double scale, unsigned places) 
  unsigned field_width[3] = {2, 2, 2};
  unsigned field_precision[3] = {0, 0, 0};
  double field_scale[3] = {0.0, 60.0, 60.0};

  field_precision[2] = places;
  field_scale[0] = scale;

  radians /= 2.0 * M_PI;
  return unit2str (xms_str, xms_strlen, sign,
                   3, field_width, field_precision,
		   field_scale, ':', radians);
Пример #2
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    if (argc > 3) {
        std::cout << "Only the path of a SVO or a InitParams file can be passed in arg." << std::endl;
        return -1;

    // Quick check input arguments
    bool readSVO = false;
    std::string SVOName;
    bool loadParams = false;
    std::string ParamsName;
    if (argc > 1) {
        std::string _arg;
        for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
            _arg = argv[i];
            if (_arg.find(".svo") != std::string::npos) {
                // If a SVO is given we save its name
                readSVO = true;
                SVOName = _arg;
            if (_arg.find(".ZEDinitParam") != std::string::npos) {
                // If a parameter file is given we save its name
                loadParams = true;
                ParamsName = _arg;

    sl::zed::Camera* zed;

    if (!readSVO) // Live Mode
        zed = new sl::zed::Camera(sl::zed::HD720);
    else // SVO playback mode
        zed = new sl::zed::Camera(SVOName);

    // Define a struct of parameters for the initialization
    sl::zed::InitParams params;

    if (loadParams) // A parameters file was given in argument, we load it

    // Enables verbosity in the console
    params.verbose = true;

    sl::zed::ERRCODE err = zed->init(params);
    std::cout << "Error code : " << sl::zed::errcode2str(err) << std::endl;
    if (err != sl::zed::SUCCESS) {
        // Exit if an error occurred
        delete zed;
        return 1;

    // Save the initialization parameters
    // The file can be used later in any zed based application

    char key = ' ';
    int viewID = 0;
    int confidenceThres = 100;

    bool displayDisp = true;
    bool displayConfidenceMap = false;

    int width = zed->getImageSize().width;
    int height = zed->getImageSize().height;

    cv::Mat disp(height, width, CV_8UC4);
    cv::Mat anaglyph(height, width, CV_8UC4);
    cv::Mat confidencemap(height, width, CV_8UC4);

    cv::Size displaySize(720, 404);
    cv::Mat dispDisplay(displaySize, CV_8UC4);
    cv::Mat anaglyphDisplay(displaySize, CV_8UC4);
    cv::Mat confidencemapDisplay(displaySize, CV_8UC4);

    sl::zed::SENSING_MODE dm_type = sl::zed::STANDARD;

    // Mouse callback initialization
    sl::zed::Mat depth;
    depth = zed->retrieveMeasure(sl::zed::MEASURE::DEPTH); // Get the pointer
    // Set the structure
    mouseStruct._image = cv::Size(width, height);
    mouseStruct._resize = displaySize;
    mouseStruct.data = (float*) depth.data;
    mouseStruct.step = depth.step;
    mouseStruct.name = "DEPTH";
    mouseStruct.unit = unit2str(params.unit);

    // The depth is limited to 20 METERS, as defined in zed::init()

    // Create OpenCV Windows
    // NOTE: You may encounter an issue with OpenGL support, to solve it either
    // 	use the default rendering by removing ' | cv::WINDOW_OPENGL' from the flags
    //	or recompile OpenCV with OpenGL support (you may also need the gtk OpenGL Extension
    //	on Linux, provided by the packages libgtkglext1 libgtkglext1-dev)
    cv::namedWindow(mouseStruct.name, cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE | cv::WINDOW_OPENGL);
    cv::setMouseCallback(mouseStruct.name, onMouseCallback, (void*) &mouseStruct);
    cv::namedWindow("VIEW", cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE | cv::WINDOW_OPENGL);

    std::cout << "Press 'q' to exit" << std::endl;

    // Jetson only. Execute the calling thread on core 2

    sl::zed::ZED_SELF_CALIBRATION_STATUS old_self_calibration_status = sl::zed::SELF_CALIBRATION_NOT_CALLED;

    // Loop until 'q' is pressed
    while (key != 'q') {
        // Disparity Map filtering

        // Get frames and launch the computation
        bool res = zed->grab(dm_type);

        if (!res) {
            if (old_self_calibration_status != zed->getSelfCalibrationStatus()) {
                std::cout << "Self Calibration Status : " << sl::zed::statuscode2str(zed->getSelfCalibrationStatus()) << std::endl;
                old_self_calibration_status = zed->getSelfCalibrationStatus();

            depth = zed->retrieveMeasure(sl::zed::MEASURE::DEPTH); // Get the pointer

            // The following is the best way to retrieve a disparity map / image / confidence map in OpenCV Mat.
            // If the buffer is not duplicated, it will be replaced by a next retrieve (retrieveImage, normalizeMeasure, getView...)
            // Disparity, depth, confidence are 32F buffer by default and 8UC4 buffer in normalized format (displayable grayscale)

            // -- The next part is about displaying the data --

            // Normalize the disparity / depth map in order to use the full color range of gray level image
            if (displayDisp)

            // To get the depth at a given position, click on the disparity / depth map image
            cv::resize(disp, dispDisplay, displaySize);
            imshow(mouseStruct.name, dispDisplay);

            if (displayConfidenceMap) {
                cv::resize(confidencemap, confidencemapDisplay, displaySize);
                imshow("confidence", confidencemapDisplay);

            // 'viewID' can be 'SIDE mode' or 'VIEW mode'
            if (viewID >= sl::zed::LEFT && viewID < sl::zed::LAST_SIDE)
                slMat2cvMat(zed->retrieveImage(static_cast<sl::zed::SIDE> (viewID))).copyTo(anaglyph);
                slMat2cvMat(zed->getView(static_cast<sl::zed::VIEW_MODE> (viewID - (int) sl::zed::LAST_SIDE))).copyTo(anaglyph);

            cv::resize(anaglyph, anaglyphDisplay, displaySize);
            imshow("VIEW", anaglyphDisplay);

            key = cv::waitKey(5);

            // Keyboard shortcuts
            switch (key) {
                case 'b':
                    if (confidenceThres >= 10)
                        confidenceThres -= 10;
                case 'n':
                    if (confidenceThres <= 90)
                        confidenceThres += 10;
                    // From 'SIDE' enum
                case '0': // Left
                    viewID = 0;
                    std::cout << "Current View switched to Left (rectified/aligned)" << std::endl;
                case '1': // Right
                    viewID = 1;
                    std::cout << "Current View switched to Right (rectified/aligned)" << std::endl;
                    // From 'VIEW' enum
                case '2': // Side by Side
                    viewID = 10;
                    std::cout << "Current View switched to Side by Side mode" << std::endl;
                case '3': // Overlay
                    viewID = 11;
                    std::cout << "Current View switched to Overlay mode" << std::endl;
                case '4': // Difference
                    viewID = 9;
                    std::cout << "Current View switched to Difference mode" << std::endl;
                case '5': // Anaglyph
                    viewID = 8;
                    std::cout << "Current View switched to Anaglyph mode" << std::endl;
                case 'c':
                    displayConfidenceMap = !displayConfidenceMap;
                case 's':
                    dm_type = (dm_type == sl::zed::SENSING_MODE::STANDARD) ? sl::zed::SENSING_MODE::FILL : sl::zed::SENSING_MODE::STANDARD;
                    std::cout << "SENSING_MODE " << sensing_mode2str(dm_type) << std::endl;
                case 'd':
                    displayDisp = !displayDisp;
        } else key = cv::waitKey(5);

    delete zed;
    return 0;