int main(){ const char* rows[5] = {"SUM", "SUMSTR", "SUMCONSTSTR", "COPY", "COPYCONSTSTR"}; const char* cols[1] = {"n=1e9 doubles"}; const int n = 1000*1000*1000; double *a, *b; init_mem(a, b, n); double bw[5]; bw[0] = time(a, b, n, SUM); bw[1] = time(a, b, n, SUMSTR); bw[2] = time(a, b, n, SUMCONSTSTR); bw[3] = time(a, b, n, COPY); bw[4] = time(a, b, n, COPYCONSTSTR); verify_dir("DBG/"); char fname[200]; sprintf(fname, "DBG/time_sc_stride_%d.txt", STR); link_cout(fname); Table tbl; tbl.dim(5, 1); tbl.rows(rows); tbl.cols(cols);; char banner[200]; sprintf(banner, "memory bw in bytes/cycle, stride = %d\n", STR); tbl.print(banner); unlink_cout(); release_mem(a, b); }
int main(){ enum leib_enum flag[7] = {LEIB, PLL, PLLX, FOR, FORCHUNK, PLLFOR, SCTN}; const char* rows[7] = {"serial", "parallel", "parallelx", "for", "forchunk", "parallelfor", "section"}; const char* cols[2] = {"pi", "cycles/term"}; const int nthreads = atoi(getenv("OMP_NUM_THREADS")); std::cout<<"num of threads = "<<nthreads<<std::endl; const long n = 1l*1000*1000*1000*10; double data[14]; struct leib_struct ans; for(int i=0; i < 7; i++){ ans = time_leibniz(n, nthreads, flag[i]); data[i] = ans.pi; data[i+7] = ans.cycles/n; } Table tbl; tbl.dim(7, 2); tbl.rows(rows); tbl.cols(cols);; verify_dir("DBG"); link_cout("DBG/time_leibniz.txt"); char banner[200]; sprintf(banner, "sum of %ld terms of Leibniz", n); tbl.print(banner); unlink_cout(); }
int main(){ int rank, nprocs; mpi_initialize(rank, nprocs); mpi_print_name(rank); const char *rows[6] = {"1e3", "1e4", "1e5", "1e6", "1e7", "1e8"}; int nlist[6] = {1000, 1000*10, 1000*100, 1000*1000, 1000*1000*10, 1000*1000*100}; const char* cols[2] = {"cycles", "b/w"}; double data[12]; for(int i=0; i < 6; i++){ data[i] = time(rank, nprocs, nlist[i]); data[i+6] = 32.0*nlist[i]/data[i]; } if(rank == 0){//output table char fname[200]; verify_dir("DBG"); sprintf(fname, "DBG/time_cycle_NP%d.txt", nprocs); link_cout(fname); Table tbl; tbl.dim(6, 2); tbl.rows(rows); tbl.cols(cols);; tbl.print(); unlink_cout(); } mpi_finalize(); }
int main(){ int dim[4] = {100, 1000, 2000, 6000}; int count[4] = {4000, 40, 10, 1}; verify_dir("DBG/"); const char* fname = "DBG/cpp-mult.txt"; link_cout(fname); for(int i=0; i < 4; i++){ timecppmult(dim[i], count[i]); } unlink_cout(); }
int main(){ const int nrows = 12; int nlist[nrows] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 60, 1000, 10*1000, 100*1000}; const char *rows[nrows] = {"1", "2", "4", "8", "16", "24", "32", "40", "60", "1000", "10*1000", "100*1000"}; const int ncols = 3; const char *cols[ncols] = {"min", "median", "max"}; double cyc2dram[nrows*ncols]; StatVector stats(NTRIALS); for(int i=0; i < nrows; i++){ measure_latency(nlist[i], stats); cyc2dram[i+0*nrows] = stats.min(); cyc2dram[i+1*nrows] = stats.median(); cyc2dram[i+2*nrows] = stats.max(); } verify_dir("DBG"); #ifdef MEMWALK const char* fname = "DBG/latency_memwalk.txt"; #else const char* fname = "DBG/latency_clflush.txt"; #endif link_cout(fname); Table tbl; tbl.dim(nrows, ncols); tbl.rows(rows); tbl.cols(cols);; char banner[200]; sprintf(banner, "cycles to dram, ntrials = %d, when N pages accessed", NTRIALS); tbl.print(banner); unlink_cout(); }