//============================================================================== void FileListComponent::changeListenerCallback (ChangeBroadcaster*) { updateContent(); if (lastDirectory != fileList.getDirectory()) { lastDirectory = fileList.getDirectory(); deselectAllRows(); } }
void Label::setColor(const Color3B& color) { _fontDefinition._fontFillColor = color; if (_textSprite) { updateContent(); } _reusedLetter->setColor(color); SpriteBatchNode::setColor(color); }
void Label::visit(Renderer *renderer, const Mat4 &parentTransform, uint32_t parentFlags) { if (! _visible || _originalUTF8String.empty()) { return; } if (_systemFontDirty) { updateFont(); } if (_contentDirty) { updateContent(); } uint32_t flags = processParentFlags(parentTransform, parentFlags); if (_shadowEnabled && _shadowBlurRadius <= 0 && (_shadowDirty || (flags & FLAGS_DIRTY_MASK))) { _position.x += _shadowOffset.width; _position.y += _shadowOffset.height; _transformDirty = _inverseDirty = true; _shadowTransform = transform(parentTransform); _position.x -= _shadowOffset.width; _position.y -= _shadowOffset.height; _transformDirty = _inverseDirty = true; _shadowDirty = false; } // IMPORTANT: // To ease the migration to v3.0, we still support the Mat4 stack, // but it is deprecated and your code should not rely on it Director* director = Director::getInstance(); CCASSERT(nullptr != director, "Director is null when seting matrix stack"); director->pushMatrix(MATRIX_STACK_TYPE::MATRIX_STACK_MODELVIEW); director->loadMatrix(MATRIX_STACK_TYPE::MATRIX_STACK_MODELVIEW, _modelViewTransform); if (_textSprite) { drawTextSprite(renderer, flags); } else { draw(renderer, _modelViewTransform, flags); } director->popMatrix(MATRIX_STACK_TYPE::MATRIX_STACK_MODELVIEW); setOrderOfArrival(0); }
void TimeLine::updateLayerView() { int pageStep = ( height() - mTracks->getOffsetY() - mHScrollbar->height() ) / mTracks->getLayerHeight() - 2; mVScrollbar->setPageStep( pageStep ); mVScrollbar->setMinimum( 0 ); mVScrollbar->setMaximum( qMax(0, mNumLayers - mVScrollbar->pageStep()) ); update(); updateContent(); }
//============================================================================== void syncSelectedItemsWithDeviceList (const ReferenceCountedArray<MidiDeviceListEntry>& midiDevices) { SparseSet<int> selectedRows; for (int i = 0; i < midiDevices.size(); ++i) if (midiDevices[i]->inDevice != nullptr || midiDevices[i]->outDevice != nullptr) selectedRows.addRange (Range<int> (i, i+1)); lastSelectedItems = selectedRows; updateContent(); setSelectedRows (selectedRows, dontSendNotification); }
//============================================================================== void disconnectedDeviceClicked (int row) { stopTimer(); AndroidBluetoothMidiDevice& device = devices.getReference (row); device.connectionStatus = AndroidBluetoothMidiDevice::connecting; updateContent(); repaint(); new PairDeviceThread (device.bluetoothAddress, *this); }
void JavaClassDeclarationBlock::init (JavaClassifierCodeDocument *parentDoc, const QString &comment) { setComment(new JavaCodeDocumentation(parentDoc)); getComment()->setText(comment); setEndText("}"); updateContent(); }
void XMLElementCodeBlock::init (CodeDocument *parentDoc, const QString &nodeName, const QString &comment) { setComment(new XMLCodeComment(parentDoc)); getComment()->setText(comment); m_nodeName = nodeName; updateContent(); }
AudioLayerTimeline::AudioLayerTimeline(AudioLayer * layer) : SequenceLayerTimeline(layer), audioLayer(layer) { bgColor = AUDIO_COLOR.withSaturation(.2f).darker(1); cmMUI = new AudioLayerClipManagerUI(this,&layer->clipManager); addAndMakeVisible(cmMUI); updateContent(); }
void URLNavigator::goBack() { updateHistoryElem(); const int count = m_history.count(); if (m_historyIndex < count - 1) { ++m_historyIndex; updateContent(); emit urlChanged(url()); emit historyChanged(); } }
bool FunctionHintProposalWidget::updateAndCheck(const QString &prefix) { const int activeArgument = d->m_model->activeArgument(prefix); if (activeArgument == -1) { abort(); return false; } else if (activeArgument != d->m_currentArgument) { d->m_currentArgument = activeArgument; updateContent(); } return true; }
void TimeLine::forceUpdateLength(QString newLength) { bool ok; int dec = newLength.toInt(&ok, 10); if ( dec > getFrameLength()) { updateLength(dec); updateContent(); QSettings settings("Pencil","Pencil"); settings.setValue("length", dec); } }
void DockItem::removeClient(Client* client) { m_clients.remove(m_clients.indexOf(client)); if(m_clients.isEmpty()) { // TODO: Stub. Item may be a launcher. delete this; } else { updateContent(); } }
void RoutingStatsScene::reloadContent(bool force) { if(m_nodeIdProxyWidgets.empty()) { return; } m_lastX = 0; m_lastY = 0; m_bottomY = 0; qreal currentTime = StatsMode::getInstance()->getCurrentTime(); qreal currentMaxHeight = 0; for(NodeIdProxyWidgetMap_t::const_iterator i = m_nodeIdProxyWidgets.begin(); i != m_nodeIdProxyWidgets.end(); ++i) { QGraphicsProxyWidget * pw = i->second; if((force) || (!m_lastTime) || (m_lastTime != currentTime)) { updateContent(i->first, pw); } bool nodeIsActive = StatsMode::getInstance()->isNodeActive(i->first); pw->setVisible(nodeIsActive); if(nodeIsActive) { qreal newX = m_lastX + pw->size().width(); currentMaxHeight = qMax(currentMaxHeight, pw->size().height()); if(newX >= sceneRect().right()) { m_lastX = 0; m_lastY += currentMaxHeight + INTERSTATS_SPACE; currentMaxHeight = 0; } pw->setPos(m_lastX, m_lastY); m_lastX = pw->pos().x() + pw->size().width() + INTERSTATS_SPACE; m_lastY = pw->pos().y(); m_bottomY = m_lastY + currentMaxHeight; adjustRect(); } } m_lastTime = currentTime; }
RubyCodeOperation::RubyCodeOperation ( RubyClassifierCodeDocument * doc, UMLOperation *parent, const QString & body, const QString & comment ) : CodeOperation (doc, parent, body, comment) { // lets not go with the default comment and instead use // full-blown ruby documentation object instead setComment(new RubyCodeDocumentation(doc)); // these things never change.. setOverallIndentationLevel(1); updateMethodDeclaration(); updateContent(); }
void Bubble::setEntity(NotificationEntity *entity) { if (!entity) return; m_entity = entity; m_outTimer->stop(); updateContent(); show(); m_outTimer->start(); }
void MyTextField::deleteBackward(){ TextFieldTTF::deleteBackward(); if(m_orientation == TextFieldOrientation::VERTICAL){ //删非\n的字符 if(_inputText.length() > 0 && _inputText.at(_inputText.length() - 1) != '\n'){ TextFieldTTF::deleteBackward(); } } if(_charCount == 0){ updateContent(); } }
void MainWindow::addProxy(Communication **pport, const char *device, BaudRateType bandrate, quint16 offset, const char *desc) { *pport = new Communication(device, bandrate, 20000+offset); (*pport)->start(); addRow(); updateContent(*pport, offset); deviceDescription->item(offset, 0)->setText((*pport)->portName()); deviceDescription->item(offset, 1)->setText(desc); (*pport)->setPrivData(offset); connect(*pport, SIGNAL(statisticsUpdate(Communication *, int)), this, SLOT(updateContent(Communication *, int))); connect(resetButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), *pport, SLOT(restart())); }
int Label::getStringNumLines() { if (_contentDirty) { updateContent(); } if (_currentLabelType == LabelType::STRING_TEXTURE) { computeStringNumLines(); } return _numberOfLines; }
//============================================================================== void FileListComponent::changeListenerCallback (ChangeBroadcaster*) { updateContent(); if (lastDirectory != directoryContentsList.getDirectory()) { fileWaitingToBeSelected = File(); lastDirectory = directoryContentsList.getDirectory(); deselectAllRows(); } if (fileWaitingToBeSelected != File()) setSelectedFile (fileWaitingToBeSelected); }
void WdmChMapComponent::handleAsyncUpdate() { if (m_update & updt_unmount) { // bus is no longer available, disable gui components m_update = 0; setEnabled(false); } else if (m_bus) { // this object has just been attached, enable and populate component values if (m_update & updt_mount) { setEnabled(true); updateContent(); m_update &= ~updt_mount; } // the speaker setup has changed if (m_update & updt_speaker) { updateContent(); m_update &= ~updt_speaker; } // the speaker map has changed if (m_update & updt_speaker_map) { updateContent(); m_update &= ~updt_speaker_map; } } }
void FileContentTracker::setFile(const QUrl &file) { if (m_watcher) { delete m_watcher; m_watcher = 0; killTimer(m_timer); m_timer = 0; } m_fileName = file.toLocalFile(); QFileInfo info(m_fileName); if (!info.exists()) { qDebug() << "FileContentTracker: file does not exist:" << m_fileName; return; } if (!info.isFile()) { qDebug() << "FileContentTracker: not a file:" << m_fileName; return; } m_watcher = new QFileSystemWatcher(this); if (!m_watcher->addPath(m_fileName)) { qDebug() << "FileContentTracker: failed to track file" << m_fileName; delete m_watcher; m_watcher = 0; return; } qDebug() << "FileContentTracker: now tracking" << m_fileName; connect(m_watcher, SIGNAL(fileChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(updateContent(QString))); updateContent(m_fileName); m_timer = startTimer(1000); // Need this because it doesn't seem to track on Mac OS X. }
bool UrlNavigator::setHistoryIndex(int index) { if (index < 0 || index > m_history.size() - 1) { return false; } if (index == m_historyIndex) { return true; } m_historyIndex = index; updateContent(); emit historyChanged(); return true; }
void GlobalRouterStatisticsWidget::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e) { if(e->x() < mMinWheelZoneX || e->x() > mMaxWheelZoneX || e->y() < mMinWheelZoneY || e->y() > mMaxWheelZoneY) { QWidget::wheelEvent(e) ; return ; } if(e->delta() > 0 && mCurrentN+PARTIAL_VIEW_SIZE/2+1 < mNumberOfKnownKeys) mCurrentN++ ; if(e->delta() < 0 && mCurrentN > PARTIAL_VIEW_SIZE/2+1) mCurrentN-- ; updateContent(); update(); }
void VAttachmentList::init() { if (m_initialized) { return; } m_initialized = true; setupUI(); QShortcut *infoShortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(c_infoShortcutSequence), this); infoShortcut->setContext(Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut); connect(infoShortcut, &QShortcut::activated, this, &VAttachmentList::attachmentInfo); updateContent(); }
void Label::visit(Renderer *renderer, const kmMat4 &parentTransform, bool parentTransformUpdated) { if (! _visible || _originalUTF8String.empty()) { return; } if (_contentDirty) { updateContent(); } if (! _textSprite && _currLabelEffect == LabelEffect::SHADOW && _shadowBlurRadius <= 0) { _parentTransform = parentTransform; draw(renderer, _modelViewTransform, true); } else { bool dirty = parentTransformUpdated || _transformUpdated; if(dirty) _modelViewTransform = transform(parentTransform); _transformUpdated = false; // IMPORTANT: // To ease the migration to v3.0, we still support the kmGL stack, // but it is deprecated and your code should not rely on it kmGLPushMatrix(); kmGLLoadMatrix(&_modelViewTransform); if (_textSprite) { _textSprite->visit(); } else { draw(renderer, _modelViewTransform, dirty); } kmGLPopMatrix(); } setOrderOfArrival(0); }
///// PROTOCOL STUFF Sprite * Label::getLetter(int letterIndex) { if (_fontDirty) { updateFont(); return nullptr; } if (_contentDirty) { updateContent(); } if (! _textSprite && letterIndex < _limitShowCount) { const auto &letter = _lettersInfo[letterIndex]; if(! letter.def.validDefinition) return nullptr; Sprite* sp = static_cast<Sprite*>(this->getChildByTag(letterIndex)); if (!sp) { Rect uvRect; uvRect.size.height = letter.def.height; uvRect.size.width = letter.def.width; uvRect.origin.x = letter.def.U; uvRect.origin.y = letter.def.V; sp = Sprite::createWithTexture(_fontAtlas->getTexture(letter.def.textureID),uvRect); sp->setBatchNode(_batchNodes[letter.def.textureID]); sp->setPosition(Point(letter.position.x + uvRect.size.width / 2, letter.position.y - uvRect.size.height / 2)); sp->setOpacity(_realOpacity); _batchNodes[letter.def.textureID]->addSpriteWithoutQuad(sp, letter.atlasIndex, letterIndex); } return sp; } return nullptr; }
URLNavigator::URLNavigator(const KURL& url, DolphinView* dolphinView) : QHBox(dolphinView), m_historyIndex(0), m_dolphinView(dolphinView) { m_history.prepend(HistoryElem(url)); QFontMetrics fontMetrics(font()); setMinimumHeight(fontMetrics.height() + 8); m_toggleButton = new QPushButton(SmallIcon("editurl"), 0, this); m_toggleButton->setFlat(true); m_toggleButton->setToggleButton(true); m_toggleButton->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::NoFocus); m_toggleButton->setMinimumHeight(minimumHeight()); connect(m_toggleButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotClicked())); if (DolphinSettings::instance().isURLEditable()) { m_toggleButton->toggle(); } m_bookmarkSelector = new BookmarkSelector(this); connect(m_bookmarkSelector, SIGNAL(bookmarkActivated(int)), this, SLOT(slotBookmarkActivated(int))); m_pathBox = new KURLComboBox(KURLComboBox::Directories, true, this); KURLCompletion* kurlCompletion = new KURLCompletion(KURLCompletion::DirCompletion); m_pathBox->setCompletionObject(kurlCompletion); m_pathBox->setAutoDeleteCompletionObject(true); connect(m_pathBox, SIGNAL(returnPressed(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotReturnPressed(const QString&))); connect(m_pathBox, SIGNAL(urlActivated(const KURL&)), this, SLOT(slotURLActivated(const KURL&))); connect(dolphinView, SIGNAL(contentsMoved(int, int)), this, SLOT(slotContentsMoved(int, int))); updateContent(); }
//============================================================================== void updateDeviceList() { StringArray bluetoothAddresses = AndroidBluetoothMidiInterface::getBluetoothMidiDevicesNearby(); Array<AndroidBluetoothMidiDevice> newDevices; for (String* address = bluetoothAddresses.begin(); address != bluetoothAddresses.end(); ++address) { String name = AndroidBluetoothMidiInterface::getHumanReadableStringForBluetoothAddress (*address); DeviceStatus status = AndroidBluetoothMidiInterface::isBluetoothDevicePaired (*address) ? AndroidBluetoothMidiDevice::connected : AndroidBluetoothMidiDevice::disconnected; newDevices.add (AndroidBluetoothMidiDevice (name, *address, status)); } devices.swapWith (newDevices); updateContent(); repaint(); }
void LayoutListMarker::computePreferredLogicalWidths() { ASSERT(preferredLogicalWidthsDirty()); updateContent(); if (isImage()) { LayoutSize imageSize(imageBulletSize()); m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = style()->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? imageSize.width() : imageSize.height(); clearPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(); updateMargins(); return; } const Font& font = style()->font(); const SimpleFontData* fontData = font.primaryFont(); DCHECK(fontData); if (!fontData) return; LayoutUnit logicalWidth; switch (getListStyleCategory()) { case ListStyleCategory::None: break; case ListStyleCategory::Symbol: logicalWidth = LayoutUnit((fontData->getFontMetrics().ascent() * 2 / 3 + 1) / 2 + 2); break; case ListStyleCategory::Language: logicalWidth = getWidthOfTextWithSuffix(); break; } m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = logicalWidth; m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = logicalWidth; clearPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(); updateMargins(); }