Пример #1
void ProjectModel::updateTotalsChanged()
    bool done = m_dirsWaitingForMetadata.isEmpty();
    if (done)
        done = updateDone(m_poModel.indexForUrl(m_poUrl), m_poModel) &&
               updateDone(m_potModel.indexForUrl(m_potUrl), m_potModel);
        if (m_rootNode.fuzzyAsPerRole() + m_rootNode.translatedAsPerRole() + m_rootNode.untranslated > 0 && !done)
    emit totalsChanged(m_rootNode.fuzzyAsPerRole(), m_rootNode.translatedAsPerRole(), m_rootNode.untranslated, done);
Пример #2
 *  Constructs a Mainwindow as a child of 'parent', with the
 *  name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'.
Mainwindow::Mainwindow(QWidget* parent, const char* name, Qt::WindowFlags fl)
    : QMainWindow(parent, fl)
   _progress = 0;
   _label = 0;
   _welcome_shown = false;
   _desktop = _main->getDesktop ();
   QSettings qs;

   setWindowState(windowState() ^ Qt::WindowFullScreen);
   setWindowState(windowState() ^ Qt::WindowMaximized);


   // to stop the status bar rising all the time, set its maximum size
   QSize size = QSize (5000, 20);
   statusBar ()->setMaximumSize (size);
   connect (_main->getDesktop (), SIGNAL (updateDone ()),
         this, SLOT (welcome ()));
   connect (_main->getDesktop (), SIGNAL (undoChanged ()),
         this, SLOT (undoChanged ()));
   undoChanged ();

Пример #3
    : QObject(), _initialized(false), _autoExposure(true),
      _updateCounter(0), _updatePeriod(1), _lumaData(0),
      _exposure(1.0f), _adjustSpeed(0.05f)
    connect(&_thread, SIGNAL(updateDone()), this, SLOT(updateExposureData()));
Пример #4
bool ProjectModel::updateDone(const QModelIndex& index, const KDirModel& model)
    if (model.canFetchMore(index))
        return false;

    int row=model.rowCount(index);
    while (--row>=0)
        if (!updateDone(model.index(row, 0, index), model))
            return false;
    return true;
Пример #5
void Desktopwidget::slotUpdateDone ()
   QString str;

   emit updateDone ();

//   printf ("update done\n");
   // start a pending search if there is one
   _updating = false;
   if (_pendingMatch.length ())
      str = _pendingMatch;
      _pendingMatch = QString::null;
      matchUpdate (str, false);
Пример #6
void TarArch::updateArch()
  if (compressed)
      updateInProgress = true;
      int f_desc = KDE_open(QFile::encodeName(m_filename), O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0666);
      if (f_desc != -1)
          fd = fdopen( f_desc, "w" );
          fd = NULL;

      KProcess *kp = m_currentProcess = new KProcess;
      KProcess::Communication flag = KProcess::AllOutput;
      if ( getCompressor() == "lzop" )
        kp->setUsePty( KProcess::Stdin, false );
        flag = KProcess::Stdout;
      if ( !getCompressor().isNull() )
          *kp << getCompressor() << "-c" << tmpfile;
          *kp << "cat" << tmpfile;

      connect(kp, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess*, char*, int)),
              this, SLOT(updateProgress( KProcess *, char *, int )));
      connect( kp, SIGNAL(receivedStderr(KProcess*, char*, int)),
               (Arch *)this, SLOT(slotReceivedOutput(KProcess*, char*, int)));

      connect(kp, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess *)),
               this, SLOT(updateFinished(KProcess *)) );

      if ( !fd || kp->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit, flag) == false)
          KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Trouble writing to the archive..."));
          emit updateDone();
Пример #7
Desktopwidget::Desktopwidget (QWidget *parent)
      : QSplitter (parent)
   _model = new Dirmodel ();
//    _model->setLazyChildCount (true);
   _dir = new Dirview (this);
   _dir->setModel (_model);

   _contents = new Desktopmodel (this);

   QWidget *group = createToolbar();

   _view = new Desktopview (group);
   QVBoxLayout *lay = new QVBoxLayout (group);
   lay->setContentsMargins (0, 0, 0, 0);
   lay->setSpacing (2);
   lay->addWidget (_toolbar);
   lay->addWidget (_view);

   connect (_view, SIGNAL (itemPreview (const QModelIndex &, int, bool)),
         this, SLOT (slotItemPreview (const QModelIndex &, int, bool)));

#ifdef USE_PROXY
   _proxy = new Desktopproxy (this);
   _proxy->setSourceModel (_contents);
   _view->setModel (_proxy);
//    printf ("contents=%p, proxy=%p\n", _contents, _proxy);

   // set up the model converter
   _modelconv = new Desktopmodelconv (_contents, _proxy);

   // setup another one for Desktopmodel, which only allows assertions
   _modelconv_assert = new Desktopmodelconv (_contents, _proxy, false);
   _proxy = 0;
   _view->setModel (_contents);
   _modelconv = new Desktopmodelconv (_contents);

   // setup another one for Desktopmodel, which only allows assertions
   _modelconv_assert = new Desktopmodelconv (_contents, false);

   _view->setModelConv (_modelconv);

   _contents->setModelConv (_modelconv_assert);

   _delegate = new Desktopdelegate (_modelconv, this);
   _view->setItemDelegate (_delegate);
   connect (_delegate, SIGNAL (itemClicked (const QModelIndex &, int)),
         this, SLOT (slotItemClicked (const QModelIndex &, int)));
   connect (_delegate, SIGNAL (itemPreview (const QModelIndex &, int, bool)),
         this, SLOT (slotItemPreview (const QModelIndex &, int, bool)));
   connect (_delegate, SIGNAL (itemDoubleClicked (const QModelIndex &)),
      this, SLOT (openStack (const QModelIndex &)));

   connect (_contents, SIGNAL (undoChanged ()),
      this, SIGNAL (undoChanged ()));
   connect (_contents, SIGNAL (dirChanged (QString&, QModelIndex&)),
      this, SLOT (slotDirChanged (QString&, QModelIndex&)));
   connect (_contents, SIGNAL (beginningScan (const QModelIndex &)),
      this, SLOT (slotBeginningScan (const QModelIndex &)));
   connect (_contents, SIGNAL (endingScan (bool)),
      this, SLOT (slotEndingScan (bool)));
   connect (_contents, SIGNAL(updateRepositoryList (QString &, bool)),
            this, SLOT(slotUpdateRepositoryList (QString &, bool)));

    // position the items when the model is reset, otherwise things
    // move and look ugly for a while
    connect (_contents, SIGNAL (modelReset ()), _view, SLOT (setPositions ()));


   // and when there are no selected items
   connect (_view, SIGNAL (pageLost()), _page, SLOT (slotReset ()));

   _parent = parent;
   _pendingMatch = QString::null;
   _updating = false;

   // setup the preview timer
   _timer = new QTimer ();
   _timer->setSingleShot (true);
   connect (_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updatePreview()));

   connect (_dir, SIGNAL (clicked (const QModelIndex&)),
            this, SLOT (dirSelected (const QModelIndex&)));
   connect (_dir, SIGNAL (activated (const QModelIndex&)),
            this, SLOT (dirSelected (const QModelIndex&)));
   connect (_model, SIGNAL(droppedOnFolder(const QMimeData *, QString &)),
            this, SLOT(slotDroppedOnFolder(const QMimeData *, QString &)));

   /* notice when the current directory is fully displayed so we can handle
      any pending action */
   connect (_contents, SIGNAL (updateDone()), this, SLOT (slotUpdateDone()));

   // connect signals from the directory tree
   connect (_dir->_new, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (newDir ()));
   connect (_dir->_rename, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (renameDir ()));
   connect (_dir->_delete, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (deleteDir ()));
   connect (_dir->_refresh, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (refreshDir ()));
   connect (_dir->_add_recent, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this,
            SLOT (addToRecent ()));
   connect (_dir->_add_repository, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this,
            SLOT (slotAddRepository ()));
   connect (_dir->_remove_repository, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this,
            SLOT (slotRemoveRepository ()));

   setStretchFactor(indexOf(_dir), 0);

   QList<int> size;

   if (!getSettingsSizes ("desktopwidget/", size))
      size.append (200);
      size.append (1000);
      size.append (400);
   setSizes (size);

   connect (_view, SIGNAL (popupMenu (QModelIndex &)),
         this, SLOT (slotPopupMenu (QModelIndex &)));

   // allow top level to see our view messages
   connect (_view, SIGNAL (newContents (QString)), this, SIGNAL (newContents (QString)));


   /* unfortunately when we first run maxview it starts with the main window
      un-maximised. This means that scrollToLast() doesn't quite scroll far
      enough for the maximised view which appears soon afterwards. As a hack
      for the moment, we do another scroll 1 second after starting up */
   QTimer::singleShot(1000, _view, SLOT (scrollToLast()));