void LLPanelTopInfoBar::draw() { updateParcelInfoText(); updateHealth(); LLPanel::draw(); }
void Stats::updateFinalStats() { updateHealth(); updateMana(); updateAttack(); updateMagicAttack(); updateDefense(); updateMagicDefense(); updateDodge(); updateHit(); }
// virtual void LLStatusBar::draw() { refresh(); //MK updateParcelInfoText(); updateHealth(); //mk LLPanel::draw(); }
void LLPanelTopInfoBar::draw() { //MK if (gRRenabled && gAgent.mRRInterface.mContainsShowloc) { toggle_show_mini_location_panel(LLSD(false)); gSavedSettings.setBOOL ("ShowMiniLocationPanel", FALSE); } //mk updateParcelInfoText(); updateHealth(); LLPanel::draw(); }
void CreatureStats::levelUp() { const MWWorld::Store<ESM::GameSetting> &gmst = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>(); const int endurance = getAttribute(ESM::Attribute::Endurance).getBase(); // "When you gain a level, in addition to increasing three primary attributes, your Health // will automatically increase by 10% of your Endurance attribute. If you increased Endurance this level, // the Health increase is calculated from the increased Endurance" mLevelHealthBonus += endurance * gmst.find("fLevelUpHealthEndMult")->getFloat(); updateHealth(); mLevel++; }
void MainWindow::on_rangeButton_clicked() { if(enemy.takeDamage(player.rangeAttack(desc))){ QString temp; desc += "\n\nThe " + enemy.getName() + " is still alive\n\n" + "It " + enemy.atkDes() + " for " + temp.setNum(enemy.attack()) + " damage"; if(!player.takedamage(enemy.attack())){ GameOver(); } updateHealth(); } else{ desc += "\n\nYou have killed the " + enemy.getName() + "\n\n" + rollReward(); player.kill(); exitCombat(); } ui->description->setText(desc); }
void GameScene::updateProjectiles(float dt) { if (m_bullets->count() > 0) { CCObject* ob = NULL; CCARRAY_FOREACH(m_bullets, ob) { Projectile* proj = dynamic_cast<Projectile*>(ob); proj->update(dt); if (proj->getPositionX() < 0.f - proj->getContentSize().width || proj->getPositionX() > m_visibleSize.width + proj->getContentSize().width) m_removableBullets->addObject(proj); else if (checkCollisions(m_hero, proj) && proj->getType() == Projectile::Bullet) { m_removableBullets->addObject(proj); updateHealth(10); // dmg value here } else { for (uint i = 0; i < m_enemies->count(); ++i) { Enemy* en = dynamic_cast<Enemy*>(m_enemies->objectAtIndex(i)); if (checkCollisions(en, proj) && proj->getType() == Projectile::Rocket) { m_removableBullets->addObject(proj); m_removables->addObject(m_enemies->objectAtIndex(i)); CCParticleSystemQuad * smokeParticle = CCParticleSystemQuad::create("textures/smoke.plist"); smokeParticle->setPosition(en->getPosition()); this->addChild(smokeParticle); smokeParticle->setAutoRemoveOnFinish(true); CCParticleSystemQuad * dustParticle = CCParticleSystemQuad::create("textures/dusts.plist"); dustParticle->setPosition(en->getPosition()); this->addChild(dustParticle); dustParticle->setAutoRemoveOnFinish(true); CocosDenshion::SimpleAudioEngine::sharedEngine()->playEffect("audio/rocketExplode.wav", false); CocosDenshion::SimpleAudioEngine::sharedEngine()->playEffect("audio/enemyKill.wav", false); updateScore(); //score value here } } } }
void MWMechanics::NpcStats::levelUp() { mLevelProgress -= 10; for (int i=0; i<ESM::Attribute::Length; ++i) mSkillIncreases[i] = 0; const MWWorld::Store<ESM::GameSetting> &gmst = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>(); const int endurance = getAttribute(ESM::Attribute::Endurance).getBase(); // "When you gain a level, in addition to increasing three primary attributes, your Health // will automatically increase by 10% of your Endurance attribute. If you increased Endurance this level, // the Health increase is calculated from the increased Endurance" mLevelHealthBonus += endurance * gmst.find("fLevelUpHealthEndMult")->getFloat(); updateHealth(); setLevel(getLevel()+1); }
void MainWindow::on_bitchout_clicked() { int roll = qrand() % 3; if(roll == 0){ ui->description->setText("You try to run away...\n\nYou get away!"); exitCombat(); } else{ QString temp; desc = "You try to run away...\n\nCan't Escape!\n\nThe " + enemy.getName() + " " + enemy.atkDes() + " for " + temp.setNum(enemy.attack()) + " damage"; ui->description->setText(desc); if(!player.takedamage(enemy.attack())){ GameOver(); } updateHealth(); } }
void MainWindow::exitCombat(){ //enable movement ui->UpArrow->setEnabled(true); ui->UpLabel->setEnabled(true); ui->RightArrow->setEnabled(true); ui->RightLabel->setEnabled(true); ui->LeftArrow->setEnabled(true); ui->LeftLabel->setEnabled(true); //disable actions ui->rangeButton->setEnabled(false); ui->bitchout->setEnabled(false); ui->meleeButton->setEnabled(false); ui->noactions->setHidden(false); //clear pic ui->PDisplay->clear(); player.hpUp(); updateHealth(); }
void ShipStats::update(float timestep) { // If this ship is the player ship and it is within proximity of the passenger ship // if its health, energy or fuel are low, begin replenishing and let the player know // they are being replenished if (getParent()->getName() == "player1") { if (Utility::getDistance(m_passengerShip->getPosition(), *getTransform()->getPosition()) <= 500.0f) { m_dialogueBox->sendMessage("Message From [colour='FFFFFF00']Terra 1 :\n[colour='FFFFFFFF']Stay close,\n we'll replenish your reserves.", Importance::LOW, false); if (m_playRechargeSound) { m_rechargeSound->play(); m_playRechargeSound = false; } if (m_health < 1.0f) { updateHealth(0.0005f); if (!m_healing) { m_healing = true; if (m_health > m_dangerlevel) { m_healthWarnOnce = false; } } } else { m_healing = false; } if (m_energy < 1.0f) { updateEnergy(0.0005f); if (!m_energizing) { m_energizing = true; if (m_energy > m_dangerlevel) { m_energyWarnOnce = false; } } } else { m_energizing = false; } if (m_fuel < 1.0f) { updateFuel(0.0005f); if (!m_fueling) { m_fueling = true; if (m_fuel > m_dangerlevel) { m_fuelWarnOnce = false; } } } else { m_fueling = false; } } else { m_playRechargeSound = true; m_playMessageReceived = true; } if (m_fuel <= 0.0f) { getParent()->getGameComponent<PlayerShipMovementController>()->setVelocity(0.0f); } } if (m_health <= 0.0f) { if (getParent()->getName() != "player1" && getParent()->getName() != "passengerShip1") { //Remove gameobject from the minimap MiniMap * map; map = getGameObjectByName("MiniMap")->getGameComponent<MiniMap>(); map->deleteMapMarker(getParent()->getName()); //Remove the homing missile target of this gameobject std::vector<GameObject*> missiles = getGameObjectsByName("Missile"); //MissileAI* missileAIComponent; for (size_t i = 0; i < missiles.size(); i++) { /*for (size_t j = 0; j < missiles[i]->getAllGameComponents().size(); j++) { missileAIComponent = dynamic_cast<MissileAI*>(missiles[j]->getAllGameComponents()[j]); if (missileAIComponent != nullptr) { missileAIComponent->removeTarget(getParent()->getName()); break; } }*/ //MissileAI* missileAI = missiles[i]->getGameComponent<MissileAI>(); //missileAI->removeTarget(getParent()->getName()); missiles[i]->getGameComponent<MissileAI>()->removeTarget(getParent()->getName()); } destroy(getParent()); } else { getParent()->setEnabled(false); //Game Over scene getCoreEngine()->getSceneManager()->push(new GameOverScene(), Modality::Popup); } } }