void TrayApplet::onWindowClosed(WId window) { for(QList<CWindowIcon*>::iterator pos = m_icons.begin(); pos != m_icons.end(); pos++) { if(**pos == window) { layout()->removeWidget(*pos); delete *pos; m_icons.erase(pos); updateLayout(); break; } } }
void MusicBar::setInsertSymbolFromCursor() { /*! @todo There has to be something to get all Embellishments, or else * this code has to be modified for every new Embellishmet */ int t_insSymType = 0; if(m_insertSymbol != 0){ t_insSymType = m_insertSymbol->type(); } if(m_cursor != 0){ int type = m_cursor->type(); switch(type){ case MelodyNoteType: { const MelodyNote *note = qgraphicsitem_cast<const MelodyNote *>(m_cursor); m_insertSymbol = new MelodyNote(note->pitchList(), note->pen(), note->pitch(), note->length()->length()); m_insertSymbol->setVisible(true); break; } case DoublingType: { const Doubling *dbl = qgraphicsitem_cast<const Doubling *>(m_cursor); m_insertSymbol = new Doubling(dbl->pitchList(), dbl->pen()); break; } case SingleGraceType: { const SingleGrace *grace = qgraphicsitem_cast<const SingleGrace *>(m_cursor); m_insertSymbol = new SingleGrace(grace->pitchList(), grace->pen()); break; } case GripType: { const Grip *grip = qgraphicsitem_cast<const Grip *>(m_cursor); m_insertSymbol = new Grip(grip->pitchList(), grip->pen()); } } m_insertSymbol->setHovermode(true); m_insertSymbol->setFlags(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable); m_insertSymbol->setFocus(Qt::MouseFocusReason); } else { if(m_cursorIdx != -1){ removeSymbol(m_cursorIdx); updateLayout(); m_cursorIdx = -1; m_stemDrawer->update(m_stemDrawer->boundingRect()); } if(m_insertSymbol != 0){ delete m_insertSymbol; m_insertSymbol = 0; } } }
/*! \brief Adds handling of layout requests \param event Event \return See QFrame::event() */ bool QwtPlot::event( QEvent *event ) { bool ok = QFrame::event( event ); switch ( event->type() ) { case QEvent::LayoutRequest: updateLayout(); break; case QEvent::PolishRequest: replot(); break; default:; } return ok; }
void LLAccordionCtrlTab::onScrollPosChangeCallback(S32, LLScrollbar*) { LLRect child_rect; S32 width = getRect().getWidth(); S32 height = getRect().getHeight(); child_rect.setLeftTopAndSize( getPaddingLeft(), height - getHeaderHeight() - getPaddingTop(), width - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight(), height - getHeaderHeight() - getPaddingTop() - getPaddingBottom() ); updateLayout(child_rect); }
void UIView::setPosition(float x, float y) { // Offset children vec2 offset = vec2(x,y) - getPosition(); // -- update the top-left position of this control mRect.left = x; mRect.top = y; updateLayout(); offsetChildrenPosition(offset); onPositionChanged(); }
void KPager::slotNumberOfDesktopsChanged(int ndesktops) { unsigned int nDesktops=static_cast<unsigned int>(ndesktops); if (nDesktops<m_desktops.count()) { QValueList <Desktop *>::Iterator it; for ( int i=m_desktops.count()-nDesktops; i > 0; i--) { it = m_desktops.fromLast(); delete (*it); m_desktops.remove(it); } emit updateLayout(); } else if (nDesktops>m_desktops.count()) { int i,j; i=j=m_desktops.count(); switch (m_layoutType) { case (Classical) : i%=2;j/=2; break; case (Horizontal) : i=0; break; case (Vertical) : j=0; break; } for (unsigned int d=m_desktops.count()+1;d<=nDesktops; d++) { Desktop *dsk=new Desktop(d,kwin()->desktopName(d-1),this); m_desktops.append(dsk); dsk->show(); } emit updateLayout(); } }
//__________________________________________________________________ bool StyleConfig::eventFilter( QObject* object, QEvent* event ) { switch( event->type() ) { case QEvent::ShowToParent: object->event( event ); updateLayout(); return true; default: return false; } }
Component* AlertWindow::removeCustomComponent (const int index) { Component* const c = getCustomComponent (index); if (c != nullptr) { customComps.removeFirstMatchingValue (c); allComps.removeFirstMatchingValue (c); removeChildComponent (c); updateLayout (false); } return c; }
GenericCodeEditor::GenericCodeEditor( Document *doc, QWidget *parent ): QPlainTextEdit( parent ), mDoc(doc) { Q_ASSERT(mDoc != 0); setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame ); mLineIndicator = new LineIndicator(this); mLineIndicator->move( contentsRect().topLeft() ); mOverlay = new QGraphicsScene(this); QGraphicsView *overlayView = new QGraphicsView(mOverlay, this); overlayView->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame ); overlayView->setBackgroundBrush( Qt::NoBrush ); overlayView->setStyleSheet("background: transparent"); overlayView->setFocusPolicy( Qt::NoFocus ); overlayView->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents, true); overlayView->setSceneRect(QRectF(0,0,1,1)); overlayView->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop); mOverlayWidget = overlayView; connect( mDoc, SIGNAL(defaultFontChanged()), this, SLOT(onDocumentFontChanged()) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(blockCountChanged(int)), mLineIndicator, SLOT(setLineCount(int)) ); connect( mLineIndicator, SIGNAL( widthChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateLayout() ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(updateRequest(QRect,int)), this, SLOT(updateLineIndicator(QRect,int)) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), mLineIndicator, SLOT(update()) ); connect( Main::instance(), SIGNAL(applySettingsRequest(Settings::Manager*)), this, SLOT(applySettings(Settings::Manager*)) ); QTextDocument *tdoc = doc->textDocument(); QPlainTextEdit::setDocument(tdoc); onDocumentFontChanged(); mLineIndicator->setLineCount(blockCount()); applySettings( Main::settings() ); }
void EditCommand::apply() { ASSERT(m_document); ASSERT(m_document->frame()); Frame* frame = m_document->frame(); if (isTopLevelCommand()) { if (!endingSelection().isContentRichlyEditable()) { switch (editingAction()) { case EditActionTyping: case EditActionPaste: case EditActionDrag: case EditActionSetWritingDirection: case EditActionCut: case EditActionUnspecified: break; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return; } } } // Changes to the document may have been made since the last editing operation that // require a layout, as in <rdar://problem/5658603>. Low level operations, like // RemoveNodeCommand, don't require a layout because the high level operations that // use them perform one if one is necessary (like for the creation of VisiblePositions). if (isTopLevelCommand()) updateLayout(); { EventQueueScope scope; DeleteButtonController* deleteButtonController = frame->editor()->deleteButtonController(); deleteButtonController->disable(); doApply(); deleteButtonController->enable(); } if (isTopLevelCommand()) { // Only need to call appliedEditing for top-level commands, and TypingCommands do it on their // own (see TypingCommand::typingAddedToOpenCommand). if (!isTypingCommand()) frame->editor()->appliedEditing(this); } setShouldRetainAutocorrectionIndicator(false); }
/*! \brief Event filter The plot handles the following events for the canvas: - QEvent::Resize The canvas margins might depend on its size - QEvent::ContentsRectChange The layout needs to be recalculated \param object Object to be filtered \param event Event \return See QFrame::eventFilter() \sa updateCanvasMargins(), updateLayout() */ bool QwtPlot::eventFilter( QObject *object, QEvent *event ) { if ( object == d_data->canvas ) { if ( event->type() == QEvent::Resize ) { updateCanvasMargins(); } else if ( event->type() == QEvent::ContentsRectChange ) { updateLayout(); } } return QFrame::eventFilter( object, event ); }
void LLAccordionCtrlTab::adjustContainerPanel(const LLRect& child_rect) { if(!mContainerPanel) return; if(!mFitPanel) { show_hide_scrollbar(child_rect); updateLayout(child_rect); } else { mContainerPanel->reshape(child_rect.getWidth(),child_rect.getHeight()); mContainerPanel->setRect(child_rect); } }
void SinglePhotoPreviewLayout::updateZoomAndSize() { // Set zoom for fit-in-window as minimum, but don't scale up images // that are smaller than the available space, only scale down. double fitZoom = d->zoomSettings()->fitToSizeZoomFactor(d->frameSize(), ImageZoomSettings::OnlyScaleDown); setMinZoomFactor(fitZoom); setMaxZoomFactor(12.0); // Is currently the zoom factor set to fit to window? Then set it again to fit the new size. if (zoomFactor() <= fitZoom || d->isFitToWindow) { fitToWindow(); } updateLayout(); }
void CQSplitterArea:: setDockArea(Qt::DockWidgetArea dockArea) { dockArea_ = dockArea; if (isVerticalDockArea()) splitter()->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); else splitter()->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); handle_->updateState(); if (isVisible()) updateLayout(); }
CQSplitterArea:: CQSplitterArea(CQPaletteArea *palette) : QWidget(0), palette_(palette), dockArea_(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea), resizable_(true), floating_(false) { splitter_ = new QSplitter(this); splitter_->setObjectName("splitter"); handle_ = new CQSplitterHandle(this); handle_->setObjectName(QString("%1_handle").arg(palette_->objectName())); if (isVisible()) updateLayout(); }
void MusicBar::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { //qDebug() << "MusicBar Key press event"; if(event->key() == Qt::Key_Delete){ for(int i=0; i<m_symbols.size(); i++){ Symbol *t_sym = m_symbols.at(i); if(t_sym->hasFocus()){ removeSymbol(i); delete t_sym; } } updateLayout(); } else { event->ignore(); } }
/*! \brief Adds handling of QEvent::LayoutHint */ bool QwtPlot::event(QEvent *e) { bool ok = QFrame::event(e); switch(e->type()) { #if 0 case QEvent::ChildInserted: case QEvent::ChildRemoved: #endif case QEvent::LayoutHint: updateLayout(); break; default:; } return ok; }
//============================================================================== void AlertWindow::addComboBox (const String& name, const StringArray& items, const String& onScreenLabel) { ComboBox* const cb = new ComboBox (name); comboBoxes.add (cb); allComps.add (cb); cb->addItemList (items, 1); addAndMakeVisible (cb); cb->setSelectedItemIndex (0); comboBoxNames.add (onScreenLabel); updateLayout (false); }
/* SToolBar::addGroup * Adds [group] to the toolbar *******************************************************************/ void SToolBar::addGroup(SToolBarGroup* group) { // Set the group's parent group->SetParent(this); // Set background colour group->SetBackgroundColour(GetBackgroundColour()); // Add it to the list of groups groups.push_back(group); // Update layout updateLayout(true); Bind(wxEVT_STOOLBAR_BUTTON_CLICKED, &SToolBar::onButtonClick, this, group->GetId()); }
LLComboBox::LLComboBox( const std::string& name, const LLRect &rect, const std::string& label, void (*commit_callback)(LLUICtrl*,void*), void *callback_userdata ) : LLUICtrl(name, rect, TRUE, commit_callback, callback_userdata, FOLLOWS_LEFT | FOLLOWS_TOP), mTextEntry(NULL), mArrowImage(NULL), mAllowTextEntry(FALSE), mMaxChars(20), mTextEntryTentative(TRUE), mListPosition(BELOW), mPrearrangeCallback( NULL ), mTextEntryCallback( NULL ) { // Always use text box // Text label button mButton = new LLButton(label, LLRect(), LLStringUtil::null, NULL, this); mButton->setImageUnselected(std::string("square_btn_32x128.tga")); mButton->setImageSelected(std::string("square_btn_selected_32x128.tga")); mButton->setImageDisabled(std::string("square_btn_32x128.tga")); mButton->setImageDisabledSelected(std::string("square_btn_selected_32x128.tga")); mButton->setScaleImage(TRUE); mButton->setMouseDownCallback(onButtonDown); mButton->setFont(LLFontGL::sSansSerifSmall); mButton->setFollows(FOLLOWS_LEFT | FOLLOWS_BOTTOM | FOLLOWS_RIGHT); mButton->setHAlign( LLFontGL::LEFT ); mButton->setRightHPad(2); addChild(mButton); // disallow multiple selection mList = new LLScrollListCtrl(std::string("ComboBox"), LLRect(), &LLComboBox::onItemSelected, this, FALSE); mList->setVisible(FALSE); mList->setBgWriteableColor( LLColor4(1,1,1,1) ); mList->setCommitOnKeyboardMovement(FALSE); addChild(mList); mArrowImage = LLUI::sImageProvider->getUIImage("combobox_arrow.tga"); mButton->setImageOverlay("combobox_arrow.tga", LLFontGL::RIGHT); updateLayout(); }
//============================================================================== void AlertWindow::addComboBox (const String& name, const StringArray& items, const String& onScreenLabel) { ComboBox* const cb = new ComboBox (name); comboBoxes.add (cb); allComps.add (cb); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) cb->addItem (items[i], i + 1); addAndMakeVisible (cb); cb->setSelectedItemIndex (0); comboBoxNames.add (onScreenLabel); updateLayout (false); }
void FoldablePanel::addSection (const String& sectionTitle, Component* const newPanel, const Colour sectionColour, const int sectionHeight, ParamStepped<eSectionState>* sectionState, const int indexToInsertAt) { jassert (sectionTitle.isNotEmpty()); if (isEmpty()) { repaint(); } panelHolderComponent->insertSection (indexToInsertAt, new SectionComponent (sectionTitle, newPanel, sectionColour, sectionHeight, sectionState)); resized(); updateLayout(); }
void OverlayUserGroup::wheelEvent(QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent *event) { event->accept(); qreal scale = 0.875f; if (event->delta() > 0) scale = 1.0f / 0.875f; if ((scale < 1.0f) && (os->fZoom <= (1.0f / 4.0f))) return; else if ((scale > 1.0f) && (os->fZoom >= 4.0f)) return; os->fZoom *= scale; updateLayout(); }
void SToolBar::addActionGroup(string name, wxArrayString actions) { // Do nothing if no actions were given if (actions.size() == 0) return; // Create new toolbar group SToolBarGroup* group = new SToolBarGroup(this, name); groups.push_back(group); // Add actions to the group for (unsigned a = 0; a < actions.size(); a++) group->addActionButton(actions[a]); // Update layout updateLayout(true); }
QWidget* TKAction::createLayout(QWidget* parent, QWidget* children) { QWidget* base = new QWidget(parent,"KTToolBarLayout"); QLabel* textLabel = new QLabel(base,"text"); textLabel->setMinimumHeight(1); QLabel* pixLabel = new QLabel(base,"pixmap"); children->reparent(base,QPoint(0,0)); children->setName("widget"); QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout(base,0,3); layout->setResizeMode(QLayout::Minimum); layout->addWidget(textLabel); layout->addWidget(pixLabel); layout->addWidget(children,1); updateLayout(base); return base; }
void OsuPauseMenu::setVisible(bool visible) { m_bVisible = visible; // reset m_selectedButton = NULL; m_bInitialWarningArrowFlyIn = true; m_fWarningArrowsAnimAlpha = 0.0f; if (m_bVisible) { updateButtons(); updateLayout(); } m_osu->updateConfineCursor(); }
TDEAboutContributor::TDEAboutContributor( TQWidget *_parent, const char *wname, const TQString &_name,const TQString &_email, const TQString &_url, const TQString &_work, bool showHeader, bool showFrame, bool showBold ) : TQFrame( _parent, wname ), mShowHeader(showHeader), mShowBold(showBold), d(0) { if( showFrame ) { setFrameStyle(TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Raised); } mLabel[0] = new TQLabel( this ); mLabel[1] = new TQLabel( this ); mLabel[2] = new TQLabel( this ); mLabel[3] = new TQLabel( this ); mText[0] = new TQLabel( this ); mText[1] = new KURLLabel( this ); mText[2] = new KURLLabel( this ); mText[3] = new TQLabel( this ); setName( _name, i18n("Author"), false ); setEmail( _email, i18n("Email"), false ); setURL( _url, i18n("Homepage"), false ); setWork( _work, i18n("Task"), false ); KURLLabel *kurl = static_cast<KURLLabel *>(mText[1]); kurl->setFloat(true); kurl->setUnderline(true); kurl->setMargin(0); connect(kurl, TQT_SIGNAL(leftClickedURL(const TQString &)), TQT_SLOT(emailClickedSlot(const TQString &))); kurl = static_cast<KURLLabel *>(mText[2]); kurl->setFloat(true); kurl->setUnderline(true); kurl->setMargin(0); connect(kurl, TQT_SIGNAL(leftClickedURL(const TQString &)), TQT_SLOT(urlClickedSlot(const TQString &))); mLabel[3]->setAlignment( AlignTop ); fontChange( font() ); updateLayout(); }
//============================================================================== void AlertWindow::addTextEditor (const String& name, const String& initialContents, const String& onScreenLabel, const bool isPasswordBox) { AlertWindowTextEditor* const tc = new AlertWindowTextEditor (name, isPasswordBox); textBoxes.add (tc); allComps.add (tc); tc->setColour (TextEditor::outlineColourId, findColour (ComboBox::outlineColourId)); tc->setFont (getLookAndFeel().getAlertWindowMessageFont()); tc->setText (initialContents); tc->setCaretPosition (initialContents.length()); addAndMakeVisible (tc); textboxNames.add (onScreenLabel); updateLayout (false); }
void TagFilterWidget::onTagAdded(const QString& name, TagFilter::Action action) { TagWidget* widget = new TagWidget(name, action, this); widget->show(); widgets_.append(widget); connect(widget, SIGNAL(changed(QString,TagFilter::Action)), filter_, SLOT(setTag(QString,TagFilter::Action))); connect(widget, SIGNAL(removed(QString)), filter_, SLOT(removeTag(QString))); updateLayout(); }
void MainWindow::on_renderingCheckBox_stateChanged(int state ) { iTimer->stop(); if( state == Qt::Unchecked ) { ui->rendererName->setEnabled( false ); ui->rendererUid->setEnabled( false ); ui->comboBox->setEnabled( true ); updateLayout(); } else if ( state == Qt::Checked) { ui->rendererName->setEnabled( true ); ui->rendererUid->setEnabled( true); ui->comboBox->setEnabled( false ); } }