Пример #1
updateNeighbors(HWND hwnd)
	// get selected screen name or empty string if no selection
	CString screen;
	HWND child    = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_SCREENS_LIST);
	LRESULT index = SendMessage(child, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
	if (index != LB_ERR) {
		screen = ARG->m_screens[index];

	// set neighbor combo boxes
	child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_LEFT_COMBO);
	updateNeighbor(child, screen, kLeft);
	child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_RIGHT_COMBO);
	updateNeighbor(child, screen, kRight);
	child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_TOP_COMBO);
	updateNeighbor(child, screen, kTop);
	child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_MAIN_SERVER_BOTTOM_COMBO);
	updateNeighbor(child, screen, kBottom);
Пример #2
/** colors the positive weighted nodes of a given set of nodes V with the lowest possible number of colors and 
 *  finds a clique in the graph induced by V, an upper bound and an apriori bound for further branching steps
TCLIQUE_WEIGHT tcliqueColoring( 
   TCLIQUE_GETNNODES((*getnnodes)),     /**< user function to get the number of nodes */
   TCLIQUE_GETWEIGHTS((*getweights)),   /**< user function to get the node weights */
   TCLIQUE_SELECTADJNODES((*selectadjnodes)), /**< user function to select adjacent edges */
   TCLIQUE_GRAPH*   tcliquegraph,       /**< pointer to graph data structure */
   BMS_CHKMEM*      mem,                /**< block memory */
   int*             buffer,             /**< buffer of size nnodes */
   int*             V,                  /**< non-zero weighted nodes for branching */
   int              nV,                 /**< number of non-zero weighted nodes for branching */
   NBC*             gsd,                /**< neighbor color information of all nodes */
   TCLIQUE_Bool*    iscolored,          /**< coloring status of all nodes */
   TCLIQUE_WEIGHT*  apbound,            /**< pointer to store apriori bound of nodes for branching */ 
   int*             clique,             /**< buffer for storing the clique */
   int*             nclique,            /**< pointer to store number of nodes in the clique */
   TCLIQUE_WEIGHT*  weightclique        /**< pointer to store the weight of the clique */
   const TCLIQUE_WEIGHT* weights;
   TCLIQUE_WEIGHT maxsatdegree; 
   TCLIQUE_Bool growclique; 
   int node; 
   int nodeVindex;
   int i;     
   int j;
   LIST_ITV* colorinterval;
   LIST_ITV nwcitv;
   LIST_ITV* pnc;
   LIST_ITV* lcitv;
   LIST_ITV* item;
   LIST_ITV* tmpitem;
   int* workclique;
   int* currentclique;
   int ncurrentclique;
   int weightcurrentclique;
   int* Vadj;
   int nVadj;
   int adjidx;

   assert(getnnodes != NULL);
   assert(getweights != NULL);
   assert(selectadjnodes != NULL);
   assert(buffer != NULL);
   assert(V != NULL);
   assert(nV > 0);
   assert(clique != NULL);
   assert(nclique != NULL);
   assert(weightclique != NULL);
   assert(gsd != NULL);
   assert(iscolored != NULL);

   weights = getweights(tcliquegraph);
   assert(weights != NULL);

   /* initialize maximum weight clique found so far */
   growclique = TRUE;
   *nclique = 0;
   *weightclique = 0;

   /* get node of V with maximum weight */
   nodeVindex = getMaxWeightIndex(getnnodes, getweights, tcliquegraph, V, nV);
   node = V[nodeVindex];
   assert(0 <= node && node < getnnodes(tcliquegraph));
   range = weights[node];
   assert(range > 0);

   /* set up data structures for coloring */
   BMSclearMemoryArray(iscolored, nV); /* new-memory */
   BMSclearMemoryArray(gsd, nV); /* new-memory */
   iscolored[nodeVindex] = TRUE;

   /* color the first node */
   debugMessage("1. node choosen: vindex=%d, vertex=%d, satdeg=%d, range=%d)\n",
      nodeVindex, node, gsd[nodeVindex].satdeg, range);

   /* set apriori bound: apbound(v_i) = satdeg(v_i) + weight(v_i) */
   apbound[nodeVindex] = range;
   assert(apbound[nodeVindex] > 0);

   /* update maximum saturation degree: maxsatdeg = max { satdeg(v_i) + weight(v_i) | v_i in V } */
   maxsatdegree = range;

   debugMessage("-> updated neighbors:\n");

   /* set neighbor color of the adjacent nodes of node */
   Vadj = buffer;
   nVadj = selectadjnodes(tcliquegraph, node, V, nV, Vadj);
   for( i = 0, adjidx = 0; i < nV && adjidx < nVadj; ++i )
      assert(V[i] <= Vadj[adjidx]); /* Vadj is a subset of V */
      if( V[i] == Vadj[adjidx] )
         /* node is adjacent to itself, but we do not need to color it again */
         if( i == nodeVindex )
            /* go to the next node in Vadj */

         debugMessage("     nodeVindex=%d, node=%d, weight=%d, satdegold=%d  ->  ", 
            i, V[i], weights[V[i]], gsd[i].satdeg); 
         /* sets satdeg for adjacent node */
         gsd[i].satdeg = range;
         /* creates new color interval [1,range] */
         ALLOC_ABORT( BMSallocChunkMemory(mem, &colorinterval) );
         colorinterval->next = NULL;
         colorinterval->itv.inf = 1;
         colorinterval->itv.sup = range;
         /* colorinterval is the first added element of the list of neighborcolors of the adjacent node  */ 
         gsd[i].lcitv = colorinterval;

         /* go to the next node in Vadj */

         debugPrintf("satdegnew=%d, nbc=[%d,%d]\n", gsd[i].satdeg, gsd[i].lcitv->itv.inf, gsd[i].lcitv->itv.sup);

   /* set up data structures for the current clique */
   ALLOC_ABORT( BMSallocMemoryArray(&currentclique, nV) );
   workclique = clique;

   /* add node to the current clique */ 
   currentclique[0] = node; 
   ncurrentclique = 1; 
   weightcurrentclique = range; 
   /* color all other nodes of V */
   for( i = 0 ; i < nV-1; i++ )
      assert((workclique == clique) != (currentclique == clique));

      /* selects the next uncolored node to color */
      nodeVindex = getMaxSatdegIndex(V, nV, gsd, iscolored, weights);
      if( nodeVindex == -1 ) /* no uncolored nodes left */

      node = V[nodeVindex];
      assert(0 <= node && node < getnnodes(tcliquegraph));
      range = weights[node];
      assert(range > 0);
      iscolored[nodeVindex] = TRUE;	

      debugMessage("%d. node choosen: vindex=%d, vertex=%d, satdeg=%d, range=%d, growclique=%u, weight=%d)\n",
         i+2, nodeVindex, node, gsd[nodeVindex].satdeg, range, growclique, weightcurrentclique);

      /* set apriori bound: apbound(v_i) = satdeg(v_i) + weight(v_i) */
      apbound[nodeVindex] = gsd[nodeVindex].satdeg + range;
      assert(apbound[nodeVindex] > 0);

      /* update maximum saturation degree: maxsatdeg = max { satdeg(v_i) + weight(v_i) | v_i in V } */
      if( maxsatdegree < apbound[nodeVindex] )
         maxsatdegree = apbound[nodeVindex];
      /* update clique */
      if( gsd[nodeVindex].satdeg == 0 )
         /* current node is not adjacent to nodes of current clique, 
          * i.e. current clique can not be increased
         debugMessage("current node not adjacend to current clique (weight:%d) -> starting new clique\n", 

         /* check, if weight of current clique is larger than weight of maximum weight clique found so far */ 
         if( weightcurrentclique > *weightclique )
            int* tmp;

            /* update maximum weight clique found so far */
            assert((workclique == clique) != (currentclique == clique));
            tmp = workclique;
            *weightclique = weightcurrentclique;
            *nclique = ncurrentclique;
            workclique = currentclique;
            currentclique = tmp;
            assert((workclique == clique) != (currentclique == clique));
         weightcurrentclique = 0;
         ncurrentclique = 0;
         growclique = TRUE;
      if( growclique )
         /* check, if the current node is still adjacent to all nodes in the clique */
         if( gsd[nodeVindex].satdeg == weightcurrentclique )
            assert(ncurrentclique < nV);
            currentclique[ncurrentclique] = node;
            weightcurrentclique += range;
               int k;
               debugMessage("current clique (size:%d, weight:%d):", ncurrentclique, weightcurrentclique);
               for( k = 0; k < ncurrentclique; ++k )
                  debugPrintf(" %d", currentclique[k]);
            debugMessage("node satdeg: %d, clique weight: %d -> stop growing clique\n", 
               gsd[nodeVindex].satdeg, weightcurrentclique);
            growclique = FALSE;

      /* search for fitting color intervals for current node */
      pnc = &nwcitv;
      if( gsd[nodeVindex].lcitv == NULL )
         /* current node has no colored neighbors yet: create new color interval [1,range] */
         ALLOC_ABORT( BMSallocChunkMemory(mem, &colorinterval) );
         colorinterval->next = NULL;
         colorinterval->itv.inf = 1;
         colorinterval->itv.sup = range;
         /* add the new colorinterval [1, range] to the list of chosen colorintervals for node */
         pnc->next = colorinterval;
         pnc = colorinterval;
         int tocolor;
         int dif;
         /* current node has colored neighbors */
         tocolor = range;
         lcitv = gsd[nodeVindex].lcitv;
         /* check, if first neighbor color interval [inf, sup] has inf > 1 */
         if( lcitv->itv.inf != 1 )
            /* create new interval [1, min{range, inf}] */ 
            dif =  lcitv->itv.inf - 1 ;
            if( dif > tocolor )
               dif = tocolor;
            ALLOC_ABORT( BMSallocChunkMemory(mem, &colorinterval) );
            colorinterval->next = NULL;
            colorinterval->itv.inf = 1;
            colorinterval->itv.sup = dif;

            tocolor -= dif;
            pnc->next = colorinterval;
            pnc = colorinterval;

         /* as long as node is not colored with all colors, create new color interval by filling 
          * the gaps in the existing neighbor color intervals of the neighbors of node
         while( tocolor > 0 )
            dif = tocolor;	
            ALLOC_ABORT( BMSallocChunkMemory(mem, &colorinterval) );
            colorinterval->next = NULL;
            colorinterval->itv.inf = lcitv->itv.sup+1;			
            if( lcitv->next != NULL )
               int min;

               min = lcitv->next->itv.inf - lcitv->itv.sup - 1;
               if( dif > min )  
                  dif = min;	
               lcitv = lcitv->next;
            colorinterval->itv.sup = colorinterval->itv.inf + dif - 1;
            tocolor -= dif;
            pnc->next = colorinterval;
            pnc = colorinterval;
      debugMessage("-> updated neighbors:\n"); 

      /* update saturation degree and neighbor colorintervals of all neighbors of node */
      Vadj = buffer;
      nVadj = selectadjnodes(tcliquegraph, node, V, nV, Vadj);
      for( j = 0, adjidx = 0; j < nV && adjidx < nVadj; ++j )
         assert(V[j] <= Vadj[adjidx]); /* Vadj is a subset of V */
         if( V[j] == Vadj[adjidx] )
            if( !iscolored[j] )
               debugMessage("     nodeVindex=%d, node=%d, weight=%d, satdegold=%d  ->  ", 
                  j, V[j], weights[V[j]], gsd[j].satdeg); 
               updateNeighbor(mem, &gsd[j], nwcitv.next);
               debugPrintf("satdegnew=%d, nbc=[%d,%d]\n", gsd[j].satdeg, gsd[j].lcitv->itv.inf, gsd[j].lcitv->itv.sup);

            /* go to the next node in Vadj */

      /* free data structure of created colorintervals */
      item = nwcitv.next;
      while( item != NULL )
         tmpitem = item->next;                  
         BMSfreeChunkMemory(mem, &item);       
         item = tmpitem;                        

      /* free data structure of neighbor colorinterval of node just colored */
      item = gsd[nodeVindex].lcitv;
      while( item != NULL )
         tmpitem = item->next;                  
         BMSfreeChunkMemory(mem, &item);       
         item = tmpitem;                        
   assert((workclique == clique) != (currentclique == clique));

   /* update maximum weight clique found so far */
   if( weightcurrentclique > *weightclique )
      int* tmp;
      tmp = workclique;
      *weightclique = weightcurrentclique;
      *nclique = ncurrentclique;
      workclique = currentclique;
      currentclique = tmp;
   assert((workclique == clique) != (currentclique == clique));

   /* move the found clique to the provided clique pointer, if it is not the memory array */
   if( workclique != clique )
      assert(clique == currentclique);
      assert(*nclique <= nV);
      BMScopyMemoryArray(clique, workclique, *nclique);
      currentclique = workclique;

   /* free data structures */

   /* clear chunk memory */


   return maxsatdegree;